How witty to respond to an insult. How to say in smart words that a person is stupid? How to send off, send a guy, a man with clever words

The law of physics echoes this - action is equal to reaction. As well as possible, these laws operate in a conflict situation.

It's hard to avoid them in life. For some people, a sideways glance thrown in public transport can be considered a conflict. About other people it is said in folk wisdom: "spit in his eyes, everything is God's dew to him."

People provocateurs

A person who is happy once again to enter into a skirmish can be met quite often, and the conflict does not depend on social status and position. The difference between such a person and everyone else is that he enjoys conflict, and by hook or by crook, he is ready to insist on his own, not neglecting outright rudeness and insults.

A wise person in such a situation will simply step aside, not stooping to a response. But depending on the psychotype, the internal state can be the most unpredictable.

Defense Lessons

Even a sanguine person can survive an insult for a long time, not to mention melancholic and choleric people. What to do if the interlocutor turned out to be an “energy vampire” and deliberately evokes emotions? A common exercise that can be conditionally called "I'm in the bank." You need to imagine yourself, fenced off from the vampire by a glass wall. from all sides. Negative energy will push off the barrier without affecting the psyche, and the vampire, not feeling nourished, will calm down the ardor.

Outright rudeness can be avoided if you choose the right people to communicate with. Once in a society of people who are theoretically capable of insulting, firstly, you don’t need to provoke them with a look or gesture, and secondly, remember that all people are worthy of respect. If the attack nevertheless sounded, and there is no opportunity to leave, then you should sympathetically ask about his well-being, problems, that is show kindness and respect.

Insult can be inflicted without the use of outright rudeness. As a rule, an educated person who is not burdened with moral principles can offend in a veiled way. A highly intellectual insult is difficult to notice, sometimes it is only by the reaction of others that one can understand that it has taken place. If there is not enough knowledge to parry with dignity, you can simply admit that the fact of insult is understood, there will be no answer, the interlocutor can triumph. Self-control and irony in this case compensates for the lack of knowledge.

You can get insulted when communicating on social networks and on forums when discussing any topic. The so-called trolls sometimes deliberately provoke the interlocutor to emotions, while resorting to direct insults. Here it is necessary to distinguish between intent and reaction to the next post. In the first case, the easiest way is to send the boor to the black list and, if possible, notify the moderators about him. In the second case, you can try to find out the cause of irritation and try to smooth out the tension. If it didn’t work out, then don’t respond to his posts anymore or follow the troll - to “ignore”.

Sometimes, when patience bursts, there is an acute desire to respond, finally, in the same way, to relieve irritation. You should not give in to such a desire. A delicate person, after a splash, will suffer, and he will be disturbed by the state of the opponent whom he tried to offend, especially if it worked out. There is a little childish secret: to imagine that you took revenge on the offender. Anger will be removed as if by hand, and you will even feel sorry for a stupid and unhappy person.

There are a lot of people in the world who are different from each other. The differences lie in their character, manner of walking, talking, eating, dressing, in the rules of culture, development as a person. All these moments have a very strong influence on a person. It often happens that there are people who have no idea about the culture and rules of communication.


Most people can often be rude, present the other in a bad light. Such situations can occur with people of different ages, from early childhood to quite mature years. Not all people can insult and be rude. There are those who simply do not know how to act in such situations. What to do if you are offended? This question worries everyone who has been insulted at least once in their life. He makes you think about your actions and actions in relation to other people.

Why are people rude? What are the reasons for their behavior?

In order to understand how to act in such situations, it is important to understand the reasons for the occurrence of such behavior of another person. After all, knowing the reason, you can not take the words of a person seriously. An insult can be immediately answered beautifully and without the development of further conflict. People can be rude and humiliate another person for the following reasons:

  1. A person is unhappy and cannot fully enjoy himself. In this situation, he may insult others for the reason that he considers himself unhappy. That is, he has nothing to rejoice in life. At the same time, shouting at another helps him feel happy.
  2. There is no reason to be offended. There are people who simply feed on negative energy, and their screams are a common condition that does not allow you to live in a normal way. He wastes his nerves, his emotions, because he has pain inside.
  3. By downgrading another person, many people raise their ego. As you know, the ego is a state of mind that helps a person feel a personality in himself. But this feeling should know the measure. Because otherwise it will simply rise above another person, catching him for petty misconduct. It is important to remember here that everyone has their own shortcomings.

What should you do if you are offended?

What to do if you are offended? In such a situation, it is important to behave as required by behavior and communication norms. It is not always necessary to stoop to the same level and offend him with your words and actions. After all, a weak and insecure person offends. There are a lot of such people in life, it is impossible to get rid of them. Therefore, do not take it seriously and do not pay attention to it.

But what if you have been greatly offended? What to do in such a situation? There are a large number of cases when you can get nasty. A conflict situation may occur, and insults will emerge during it. This is perhaps the most common occurrence in life, and it can happen to just about anyone.

If you are an offender...

It happens that a person did not want to do this. But, alas, it happened in a fit of strong emotions. Then it becomes interesting for many to know how to behave if they offended a person? What to do in such a situation? It's easier here. After all, it’s enough just to stop talking nonsense and just ask for an apology, explaining your impulse that these are just emotions.

School. What to do if peers bully your child in an educational institution?

Insult is always unpleasant words. They may be directed at another person. What to do if you are offended? You can act in such a situation in different ways. Depending on the person who is rude, and on the moment at which the incident occurred.

There are different areas of human life, which will also distinguish cases of conflicts and insults. For example, school. This is a place where children of all ages come to learn. They spend a lot of time in it, gaining knowledge on subjects, and sometimes life experience.

If at school, what should parents and children do? First of all, it is important to remember that if a child is offended, then only parents should monitor and intercede for the child. Each person understands the word "offend" differently. Its essence is also conveyed to children in various ways.

Boys are prone to frequent insults, who at the time of the game can say offensive words, commit some act. Your child does not need to be taught that it is necessary to repeat the same movement and pronounce the same words. After all, it often happens with children that after half an hour they are already playing again. And when adults teach people to respond to bad actions with bad deeds, then these scandals will only grow.

So what do you do if your child is bullied at school? Now let's figure it out. It is important for parents to solve the problems of children from their earliest age, or rather, to help them cope in difficult situations. Children come from different families, with different abilities and behavior. Therefore, it is worth focusing on their education. If a child often begins to hear bad words addressed to him, then he will simply become isolated over time and stop developing as a person, because he will have fear. Unfortunately, this can happen once and for all. Therefore, from a very early age, it is important to teach the child to the possibility of aggression from other people, words of insult.

Parents should clearly separate the words and actions of classmates. If these are just verbal insults, then it is important for the child to be taught how to respond and respond to them correctly. But it also happens that things take a different turn, namely, a child can be hit. In this case, parents are simply obliged to intercede for him.

What to do if your spouse offended you?

Unfortunately, abuse can happen even within the walls of one's own home. This is the feeling that can be caused in the process of a quarrel, a scandal. Most often, such aggressive acts can be between a husband and wife. Spouses often swear and allow themselves to utter bad words.

If the husband offends, what to do in this case? Of course, it is important to understand that if insults come to you, then each person in the pair is to blame. Rarely, a spouse can utter words of humiliation to a soulmate just like that. Most often, this is an incident that provokes the manifestation of such emotions. Adults should calm down, find a compromise in resolving a conflict dispute. There are some varieties of cases when a husband offends seriously, and ordinary conversations in this case are not enough. Here it is worth looking for the cause of the occurrence of this and rather solve the problem.

What to do if you offended a man?

It also happens that a man. What to do in such a situation? It's a little easier here. The reason is that a woman can offend and immediately be able to easily and simply make amends. After all, she is full of charm and attractiveness, which she can use. really simple, especially when you know the weak points and just cling to them. In the modern world, men are no longer those knights on horseback who can stand up for themselves and for the interests of their woman.

Now you know what to do if you are offended. And here it is important to make key points. First of all, you should be smarter than the one who offends. And this means that sometimes you need to remain silent and ignore a person. Of course, one should not always give up and be silent. Because there are situations that do not allow repetition. Then it is worth responding nicely and clearly to the insult.

You need to remember that it is the one who offends who is the loser. Such people should be pitied. After all, they are unhappy in life, they do not have their own happiness and deeds that would simply distract from negative thoughts. You can respond to an insult with the same actions and words. The person will realize that they are wrong and may apologize for their actions. At the moment of insult, it is necessary to turn off emotions. Indeed, sometimes they will simply spoil the whole picture and lead only to a negative result. It is important to perceive yourself as a person, behave like a person and understand that there are the same people around who want to live, enjoy every day, raise children and be happy. But they have their own character and behavior. Therefore, it is important to treat them the same way as they are.

A small conclusion

One has only to imagine for a moment what will happen if every person responds in this way to an insult and tough behavior - this is the end of peace and goodness on earth. Every psychologist claims that it is necessary to change yourself initially. Once the habits of insulting a person are gone, everything will fall into place. Then children will not hear this, and then repeat after adults.

Faced with rudeness, many are lost, some answer “adequately”, the smartest do not react in any way. And what to do if a colleague, boss, loved one offends? Quick response tactics depend on the type of rudeness and the situation.

Many had and still have to deal with outright rudeness. A painful experience, to say the least. How to behave in such situations? Whether to rebuff the offender, and if so, in what form. Let's consider the problem in more detail.

A bit of theory

What is an insult? This is a deliberate infliction of insult, humiliation of the honor and dignity of a person, and in a rude form, with the violation of all the rules of conduct and morality accepted in society. Insult can be inflicted orally, in writing, and even actions.

And you can sue

Yes, the offender can be put in his place in this way. In Russia, insult is an administrative offense, liability for which is provided for in Article 5.61 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. But the court, as you understand, is better to save as a last resort, and now let's see how to stand up for ourselves on our own.

How do we react

Usually the reaction to rudeness, rudeness is twofold.

The first option: at first we are perplexed (how can this be in a civilized society?!), then the blood rushes to the face, the heartbeat quickens (because adrenaline is released!) and finally we are overcome by anger, we are ready for a verbal or physical fight.

The second option: all the same bewilderment, then the blood drains from the face, because the manifestation of someone else's rudeness frightens us, and it is impossible to adequately answer.

According to experts, both options are unproductive. And that's why.

Who is he, the offender?

It turns out that the abuser is the victim. A victim of a difficult childhood, or an intolerable temper, or bad manners. That is the most unfortunate person. Also, weak. Or stupid or jealous. Or maybe someone humiliated. Here he is at the first opportunity and pours out his negative emotions on you.

Now tell me, is it worth it to be offended? Not to mention letting in the negative expression generated by it.

If the abuser is a stranger

The words of a stranger that hurt you, just ignore. Pretend that you do not notice him, that he is an empty place for you. Turn away if the scene happened in a vehicle, or step aside. Such a reaction would be ... insulting to the offender himself, especially if he is a demonstrative psychopath.

If the offender is a colleague or boss

In a work environment, deliberately ignoring offensive attacks against you is also a reasonable decision, especially if the source of the negative is an employee of equal rank with you. But if he still doesn’t calm down in response to your silence, try to respond with a barb or reduce the incident to a joke.

But you shouldn't joke with your boss. Try to keep a serene expression on your face, not to show that you are unpleasant, hurt, offended. And so that everything does not begin to bubble inside, psychologists advise presenting the offender in some funny position: for example, on all fours. They say it helps a lot. The main thing is not to laugh in his face. But the presumptuous boss will certainly feel the confidence and strength emanating from you.

If the offender is a loved one

No one, as you know, can hurt us as painfully as our loved ones. If one of them allows himself taunts, hints, or even direct speech that offend you, do not tolerate and do not suffer in silence. Immediately say what topic in your communication you consider taboo, what remarks you do not want to hear, what opinion you are not interested in.

You don't need to make a loud showdown. What is said in a quiet voice is much more effective than any tantrums. And if a person really values ​​you, he will understand how not to behave with you. If he envies you, or even simply does not like you, consider whether it is worth maintaining a relationship with him.

Peace, only peace...

So, train a calm reaction to the unwanted words and actions of others. Calmness, the absence of sharp emotions in response is a kind of shield that does not allow someone else's aggression to destroy your psyche, and hence your health in general.

In any critical situation, it is important to maintain self-esteem, self-confidence and peace of mind. And it doesn’t matter whether you answer the offender or ignore him, he will be disarmed and will think about whether it is worth behaving like this with you.

Don't be like a boor

You can not respond to verbal aggression in the same way. Sometimes it is difficult not to succumb to the temptation to humiliate, trample, shout down the boor, but it’s better not to. Because, firstly, as a result, you will feel inner devastation and resentment will not go anywhere. Secondly, from the outside you will look at best ridiculous, and at worst ... just as rude as your offender. And thirdly, according to psychologists, this will indicate that he is simply manipulating you.

Don't make excuses

Sometimes, in response to unfair criticism, you want to explain your actions and, thus, justify yourself. You shouldn't do it. First, by trying to prove something to "criticism", you will put yourself in a humiliating position. And secondly, no one will listen to your arguments. Because the main goal of a critic is to emotionally hurt you and thereby assert yourself.

If you can’t ignore unfair attacks, just say: I have a different opinion on this matter, and in general I don’t need comments and advice. But remember to keep your cool. Excessive passion can lead you to an argument in which you get bogged down to the great joy of the offender.

Keep a sense of humor

Humor is known to be a sharp weapon. Some attacks should be answered with a witty joke. Thanks to this reaction, defuse the situation and disarm the offender. He thought that he struck you, but it turned out that you are invulnerable, you don't care, mockery does not reach the goal. And the offender, like an energy vampire, will quickly lose interest in you and go looking for another victim.

think fast

How often, when faced with a boor and heard unpleasant words addressed to us, we literally go dumb, unable to quickly and witty answer in order to put the presumptuous type in their place. But then great answers come to mind. How to develop the ability to quickly adequate reaction?

Experts suggest honing your wits in a friendly circle. That is, you meet with friends and start comic duels. A very useful exercise for the mind. And the more often training, the more experience and skill.

When you can not be silent or laugh it off

If the offender is trying to offend your honor and dignity, then you should not remain silent or get off with a joke. Especially if offensive remarks are heard in the presence of witnesses. Collect your thoughts and give a decent answer: calmly, coolly, in a low voice. So that everyone understands that you cannot be rude with impunity.

How not to become a victim

Some people seem to be made to be bullied. By the way, in psychology there is even such a thing as the psychology of the victim. The human victim looks and behaves in a way that literally provokes insults from all kinds of boors.

Fearfulness, self-doubt, low self-esteem, painful shyness, fearfulness - these are the main character traits of this unfortunate. Hearing swearing addressed to him, he is frightened, numb and cannot bring himself to utter a single sound. In this case, a psychologist or independent work on oneself will help.

Rudeness, vulgarity, swearing, insults and other impartial things are a widespread and depressing phenomenon, an ineradicable evil in the modern world.

While most people strive to be polite, tactful, and courteous to each other, there are times in life when when you just can't get away from rudeness. The correct response to aggression from the outside can help not only to curb the rude person, but also to maintain one's own self-esteem. Let's try to answer the question - how to respond to an insult funny and sarcastic?

Rudeness and rudeness are common for a number of different reasons, ranging from the banal bad mood and ending with a whole list of personality traits. Basically, people are impudent and rude to others because:

  • Do not experience satisfaction from life;
  • They have an inferiority complex, groundless arrogance and egocentrism;
  • Have a low level of culture and education;
  • They want to provoke someone to exchange insults due to their aggressive nature.

Unhappy, embittered, squeezed, but at the same time ambitious and conceited people are the main generators of rudeness in society. Deliberate neglect of others, the conflicting nature of character, primitive consciousness - all this can seriously ruin the life of balanced and well-mannered people.
How to respond to insults?

Let's say the rude still does not let up and continues to bring his "opponent" out of balance. It is by no means possible to stoop to his level and start a response tirade full of sophisticated insults. How, then, to besiege the lover of insults?

Important! Rude - always weak and insecure person who is very afraid of being worse than others. This is an axiom that should always be kept in mind in the event of a verbal conflict.


Silence is not only gold, but also the most popular way to deal with rudeness.

Defiantly ignoring various impudent "cattle" can be effective only in the case of absolute equanimity.

No touchy looks, tired sighs and similar reactions! For successfully ignoring insults it is necessary to show the rude that he is an empty place.


If the previous tactics did not have the desired effect, and the flow of insults continues to spoil the mood of others, then during the “conversation” with rude people, you should try to maintain self-control and not show your confusion.

A frank and firm position expressed calm and confident tone, often acts on the "bazaar boor" like cold water. Being energy vampires at their core, brawlers draw inspiration from weak, pliable and nervous people. Icy calm drives the rude into a stupor, because he expects the opposite reaction.

You to me, I to you

You can use the method of transferring the negativity of the interlocutor to him. Whatever he says, full agreement with his remarks and gratitude for identifying “flaws” will put the rude out of action. After all, he is waiting for a sharp disagreement with his attacks, how can this be ?!

However, calm phrases like "thanks for the valuable advice", "I'll take note" and other similar options can silence the source of insults. This method works best in public, because a rude person is unlikely to receive any support from outside, and may even be ridiculed.


If ignoring did not help, and the boor continues to pour insulting remarks, you can let him do this until he believes that he is right.

And then sneeze, pause, and say, "Sorry, I'm allergic to that kind of nonsense."

Similar replica will cause confusion, and can reduce the flow of insults to nothing.

What to do if a loved one or colleague is being rude?

A stranger who decides to assert himself with the help of insults at someone else's expense does not deserve attention and is worthy only of being ignored. But in the case of people who make up a permanent social circle, this method will not work. Therefore, with rudeness coming from relatives and friends, it is necessary to immediately deal with and clarify all uncomfortable topics.

Another thing is people who, by the will of fate, are colleagues (classmates, fellow students, regular visitors to any institutions).

Important! Gently avoiding the exchange of insults is the first step that almost every sane person takes.

If silent ignorance only provokes a rude person, then you can imagine him as a capricious little child, attracting attention to himself with various boorish phrases. After all, no one will take seriously, albeit rude, but not aware of his behavior, the baby?

Thus, ignoring will help not only to gain protection from all kinds of insults, but also to improve your own mood. Moreover, the rude one way or another will notice the displayed stamina, which in the future may have a positive effect on his behavior.

And yet silent ignoring does not always lead to successful settlement of the conflict. sometimes worth it pluck up courage and fend off the brute. For this, the phrases “Who allowed you to talk to people like that?”, And also “You will talk in such a tone with your wife / husband” will do quite well. Most often, such remarks are enough to indicate to the rude man who is who.

When is the best time to ignore insults?

Rendering resistance to rude people is sometimes a deliberately meaningless exercise.

Provocations on the streets, in shops and other public places are best simply ignored.

In principle, a person cannot be liked by everyone, therefore the most advantageous move in such a situation is demonstrative ignoring.

In addition, there is a risk of meeting unstable and inadequate rude people. When they exhaust their meager vocabulary, they can easily go from simple insults to physical violence. In order not to suffer in a fight, it is best not to enter into any conversations with such rude people and to retire with dignity from the “battlefield”.
How to respond to insults?

Respond nicely to insults

Polite communication discourages rude people, because they do not expect such an unusual reaction. For example, the phrase "Dear, I'm not going to talk to you in that tone" or "Dear, you probably confused me with someone else" can cool the boorish ardor.

Other similar remarks demonstrating good manners and education: "Rudeness does not paint you", "Thank you for showing interest in me", "Don't be upset, you will still succeed."

If this does not work, it is best to say goodbye to the "interlocutor" and leave.

Smart responses to insults

You can ask leading questions that a rude person probably won't be able to answer. Best variants of similar phrases: “Why do you want to hurt me?”, “What do you really want from me?”, “Which answer will suit you, polite or truthful?” etc.

witty answers

The owners of a sharp mind can build a good line of conduct with ill-mannered people.

Responding to criticism with various funny remarks, you can not only beautifully put a person in his place, but also cause general laughter under certain circumstances.

They do this job well following remarks: “Didn’t you scare Babayka as a child?”, “I’m not interested in what you think of me, but I’m glad that you know how to think”, “Go, vacuum the desert!”, “My main drawback is the inability to communicate with rude people "," Do I look like a dentist? Then please shut your mouth."

Shyness and shyness are real food for quarrelsome and scandalous personalities, and ignoring them cannot always improve the situation. It is worth remembering this and at the right moments to overcome yourself, giving a worthy rebuff to various manifestations of human meanness.

The ability to adequately and beautifully respond to rudeness addressed to you is very important and necessary for full communication. If you are rude and insult a person in response, you can only aggravate the situation, if you bow your head and swallow unpleasant words, the development of complexes, suffering and a number of psychosomatic diseases is guaranteed. Both the first and second variants of reactions do not help either the one to whom the insults are addressed to survive the insult, nor the aggressor to realize the damage that he causes to others.

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What do you need to know about offenders?

Before responding to an insult, it would be useful to understand the psychology of the offender in order to behave with dignity and stop his attempts to speak nasty things in the bud. Common traits of a person who tends to be rude and rude to others:

Characteristic Explanation Examples
Low self-esteem due to the mass of complexesWhen a person is unsure of himself, his strengths and capabilities, has very meager achievements in his picture of the world, he often tries to rise in his own eyes at the expense of humiliating others. When he is able to control the emotions of loved ones, often defenseless and dependent on him, it becomes easier for him. The one to whom these words are addressed must always remember that they are not the truth and an objective assessment, but only reflect the internal state of the offender. The old proverb "No matter what a person says about others, he will never say more than who he is" fits perfectly to describe this mental disorder.
  • A husband says nasty things to his wife on maternity leave or a housewife, knowing that she has limited opportunities, while he himself is not a standard of success.
  • Parents who take their anger out on a child because they know he won't fight back is their only way to feel strong.
  • A friend who criticizes some qualities in an evil way, because she is jealous of success in her personal life, career, etc.
Dislike and inability to speak kind words as its consequenceThis is the problem of all people who grew up in incomplete or problem families. When they did not receive enough attention, love, affectionate words, they did not learn how to give them away. If they were treated rudely, they themselves will give aggression to others. And the whole problem is that they do this not out of evil considerations, but because they don’t know how to do otherwise.A husband or wife completely adopts the manner of communication adopted in their family
Energy vampirismThere is a theory according to which people are energetically divided into vampires and donors. The first feed on the energy of the second, and by any means: they manipulate, cause pity, express negativity. Feedback is their goal, so they will try until they get it.
  • A boss who criticizes until he sees desperation.
  • People, even strangers, who want to dump their negativity on others and quarrel in lines, in public transport - offending others, they alleviate their condition
Bad EducationIt is important to know in what conditions the interlocutor was brought up, who constantly makes insulting with his actions, words and deeds. It is quite possible that he was simply not informed of the simplest moral principles and rules of etiquette. Therefore, he does not know how to behave, is rude, rude, offends, because in his usual life this is considered normal. Such people may not even wish for evil, the negative flies out of them automatically.Representatives of the marginalized strata of society: criminals, homeless people, drug addicts, alcoholics right and left say nasty things that may not be addressed to anyone
Accident due to momentary weaknessIt often happens in men. They are reluctant to show their weaknesses, but, like all living people, they have them. But the guy, who is used to considering himself strong and courageous, does not share his experiences with anyone and does not admit that it is hard for him. Anxiety and negative feelings build up and he explodes. Hastily brings down nasty things on a loved one that are not his objective point of viewA husband who has difficulties at work, daily criticizes his wife for the way she looks, runs the household, manages the family budget
The man is drunkIn a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, people are able to say and do terrible things. A popular proverb says, "What is on the mind of a sober man is on the tongue of a drunk", but this statement is not true in all cases.Any drunk person says hurtful things to others

In all cases, the aggressors are characterized by a common feature - their own weakness and dependence on the opponent's reaction: if he answers as they expect, at that moment they have moral satisfaction and an opinion is formed that they control the interlocutor. If you react outside the box, the offender instantly finds himself in a state of stress and will continue to think carefully about whether to repeat the act.

How can you originally answer the question "how are you?"

How to behave?

If a person humiliates, offends and tries to offend with insults for no reason, you need to learn how to behave correctly:

  • do not stoop to the level of an aggressor and do not respond negatively - this will save your own strength and put the interlocutor in his place;
  • any reaction should show the offender that they disagree with his words and do not consider them true;
  • not to be offended, because evil words have nothing to do with the truth, and resentment is a feeling that causes the greatest number of psychosomatic diseases;
  • no matter how a person addresses, one’s own remarks, when answering him, must be formulated without a mat - this helps to look dignified and educated both in one’s own eyes and in others;
  • the answer should demonstrate the richness of the inner world and intellectual development - be original, interesting and instructive.

How to answer the question "how do you feel" in an original and funny way?

Reply with humor

An ideal way to show that the words of the aggressor do not offend, which means that with their help he did not achieve his goal - to treat them with humor. Moreover, it should not be good-natured friendly humor, but sarcastic or at least ironic - so the opponent will understand that his anger is ridiculed and perceived as weakness. And for a limited and notorious person, once again creating a situation where he is considered weak and ridiculous will only aggravate his mental disorders.

Examples of cool and cool phrases in response to the most common insults:

Insult Answer examples
  • Well, you must! Honestly, it's completely unexpected to hear unflattering comments about my ears from a man with a nose the size of a large banana.
  • Admit it, you are so angry today because you got a bad haircut? And the swollen eyes because they mourned it?
  • I know, I know that you are crazy about this feature of mine, therefore you criticize it out loud in front of strangers in order to convince them of my imperfection and start hitting on me.
  • Oh well, I’m very glad / glad that you think so, most of all I didn’t want to like you - I would have to offend with refusals
  • But why am I doing this - I look at authoritative people from my environment, at you, for example, and repeat.
  • I would gladly continue to listen to your opinion if you had at least a little understanding of these issues, otherwise I don’t even want to waste time.
  • The last time you said the same thing about..., it seemed to me that you were being eaten by envy.
  • It’s good that I’ll still learn everything, and most importantly, with the help of your example, I’ll learn to be a tactful person.
  • I beg you, do not envy so much, it will not help, better get your ass up and show what you are capable of.
  • But how can one develop and succeed here if there are only theorists and critics around, but no professionals!

It is important to remember that no job is worth enduring unfair scourging and regular humiliation from both superiors and colleagues.

Personal qualities
  • I will also add one of my negative qualities to your words - I am not at all interested in the opinions of people like you (it is important to say this with a dismissive intonation and gestures that would demonstrate the negative connotation of the words).
  • Oh, and I think, to whom would I pour out my soul here, a psychologist, you, chtol?
  • So they said that if I had not known who and what you were before, I would really have thought about it.
  • The most important thing is that I do not have the qualities characteristic of your personality.
  • By the way, I don’t quite understand your desire to understand others when there is chaos in yourself
life achievements
  • I have a great idea - I'm signing up for your personal training "How to Succeed in Life", don't worry, I'll pay for this valuable knowledge from my modest salary of a loser.
  • Wow, a historical moment, you need to write down - people are taught life and success by a man in torn shoes.
  • Well, yes, I’m quite a loser, in comparison with you, everyone is like that.
  • It's hard to believe that a successful and respected person cares about the achievements of a nonentity like me.
Personal position, opinion, life philosophy
  • In general, it would be wonderful if someone else was interested in your opinion and asked about it.
  • Oh, I see you are doing very badly if you have taken on the lives of others. Maybe a psychotherapist?
  • It's very funny to hear this from you, because...
Choice (friends, loved one)
  • Oh, fortunately you were not there when I met my wife, I could have heard enough and missed my happiness.
  • Let's send your résumé to "Let's Get Married" so you can replace the hosts - you're so smart about who suits whom.
  • I look at your choice and am insanely happy and proud of myself that you don’t like mine

Replying funny and witty is ineffective if the person is drunk or aggressive due to a difficult period. With humor, it is recommended to answer people who are not very close or close, but at the right time.

How to put in place?

In order for the offender to once and for all understand for himself that it is impossible to act and talk like this with the interlocutor, it is necessary to react like this:

  1. 1. Ignore the negative, completely ignore it and continue to behave in the usual way. The fact that a person's attack is not worthy of the slightest attention and is completely devalued by those to whom it is addressed will show that this method does not work with this person.
  2. 2. Answer boldly and firmly. This method is suitable if they are trying to offend in front of witnesses. A sharp piercing look and a phrase like "well, if your opinion was still of interest to someone", "it is difficult to think of a greater inconsistency with reality", "in response, I advise you to first study the issue, then be clever." You need to protect yourself, especially if the insult is unfounded.
  3. 3. Demand justification: “Now explain, please, what kind of trash just flew out of your mouth”, “I’m trying to understand this stupid phrase, but without your explanation, I feel I can’t figure it out”, “What are you talking about now? I understand correctly , about myself? no? then I want a detailed explanation."
  4. 4. Devalue the insult with phrases like "well, this is just your opinion, I must admit - very primitive", "unfortunately, no one is interested in your priceless thoughts", "if you continue, they will laugh at you, honestly", "who is this so said? oh well? is this really your opinion, such a mediocre person?"

If a dispute or skirmish takes place on the Internet, it is strongly recommended not to waste precious time figuring out who is cooler. This may go on indefinitely, but a compromise is unlikely to be found. Progressive research by psychologists claims that only very notorious and deeply unhappy people are rude online.

How to make the offender feel guilty?

It is very difficult to do the right thing if the offender is a close or loved one for several reasons:

  • in a state of resentment, it is difficult to understand the motive or try to figure it out - and you need to know it in order to determine the correct strategy of behavior;
  • no matter how bitter it is, but you don’t want to offend a dear person in return, no matter how much he deserves it;
  • It is very important to remain sincere and maintain a trusting relationship.

An approximate algorithm of actions that can be used to respond to insults from a loved one:

  1. 1. Show emotion and comment on it without analyzing the offender, only describing your feelings: "it hurts me now to hear such words from you", "it's very insulting to hear from your loved one, honestly."
  2. 2. Find out the reason. The easiest and most effective way is to ask directly "why are you doing this to me?", "Why are you saying this?", "Does something bother you? Why have you changed so much? Are you worried about something?" angry not the first day already, is it because of work?"
  3. 3. If a person is "on the beat" and does not want to name the reason, continues to offend, it is better to return to this issue later.
  4. 4. After finding out the reason, say something like "I know you are a kind, smart, fair person, you didn't want evil, I'm not offended and I'm ready to help you at any moment."

After such attention to your person with attempts to get to the bottom of problems and warm confessions, 90% of people will become ashamed.

Responding to insults in a cool and beautiful way is a skill that will be useful to people of all genders and ages. A young child is unlikely to cope with such witty formulations, but at school, in circles and in other social institutions, such a skill will be very useful. It is important not to get personal and not to stoop to the categorical characteristics of a person.