How to help your child study well. Passing off laziness for a nervous breakdown

How can you help your child study well? Everyone wants successful fulfillment of their children, but only a few think about how to help the child do well in school. For many, promoting school success looks like sponsoring textbooks, tutors, ergonomic pencil cases, and a bunch of beautiful additions that, in theory, should increase motivation and emotional background from classes. In the worst case, parents resort to punishments and reproaches, comparisons and manipulation, which does not improve academic performance, but can significantly harm personal development.

Parents are the figures that form the cognitive interest of the child, which makes up the craving and ability to learn. Not perseverance, and discipline, namely interest is able to increase or finally reduce academic performance. The development of a basic interest in the world around is brought up in the family, and if it is not customary for you to be interested in the new, no one in the family is engaged in the development of horizons and is not interested in what is happening around, then the child will lack such cognitive skills.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the decline in academic performance may be due to psychological factors. If there are frequent scandals at home or there is not enough parental attention and care, then some children choose to get sick, and some begin to study worse. This does not mean intentionality, just the emotional sphere is experiencing overload, and attention is directed to family relationships that are more important than school. So, before hiring another tutor, think about it, maybe the kid wants you to explain this topic to him, thus having at least a little contact with your family.

In addition to problems in one's own family, an unfavorable atmosphere in the school itself can contribute to poor learning of the material: tyrannical and uncreative teachers, bullying in the classroom or incompatibility with a desk mate, as well as ordinary visual impairment can be the causes of poor academic performance. When choosing a method for correcting a child’s progress, first of all decide on the reasons so as not to do something useless.

Knowing the main and typical parental mistakes in trying to improve the performance in the magazine will help a child to study well at school and not harm his own actions. . Observing how hard the subject is given to the child, many cannot stand it and rush to help, explaining as many times as necessary, helping to complete homework and doing it for the child. Such tactics do not help, but only develop irresponsibility, since it develops the habit of what will be good, no matter how much time is left, and no matter how difficult the task is. For parents, this practice takes a lot of time and nerves, often such joint exercises turn into torture for both.

The best option would be to leave only the verification and control of the task for the lower grades, and complete independence for the older ones. You can explain the material if the child himself asked for help, but this situation has not become familiar. If the subject is difficult, it is worth hiring a professional tutor. Know how to distinguish between your own capabilities and not take on more than you can.

In additional classes, be careful, consult with the leading teacher, as your vision of academic performance and his assessment of the norm may diverge. The sin of many parents is the desire to raise a genius who understands all scientific fields by the age of ten. Such parents recruit teachers and additional circles, painting the child's day every minute, but there is no result. Perhaps there is no result that you came up with for yourself, and the teacher will report on your child's sufficiently high performance. And the onset of the opposite effect is possible, when the overloaded psyche turns on the processes of inhibition and is no longer able to perceive information, while various emotional disorders are observed.

To help improve your studies, you should start with the normalization of the whole day, which involves the controlled use of tablets and computers, maintaining the daily routine. Many problems go away if you improve sleep, excluding night wakefulness, then strength and activity appear on information during the day. Another basic thing that parents can take care of is a diet that contains all the necessary elements, as well as arranging an appropriate corner for learning at home (a kitchen table or a sofa in front of the TV turned on are not satisfactory options).

The main support and help from parents is communication, not learning. The development of independent interest is born with open interaction and the presence of a number of people who are interested in discussing various topics, vividly sharing their experience. The more you talk, the larger the child's horizons are formed, which allows him not to memorize the material stubbornly, but to understand it, and also to build relationships between objects. Substitute interest, even if it's the 100th question in an hour and you don't know the answer, it's better to offer to look for the answer together or ask the child's opinion than to brush it off and yell in annoyance. In general, use more motivating words, praise and pay more attention to the child. This strategy will help both academic performance, and prevent, and contribute to the speedy formation of a holistic and mature personality.

Work on developing the desire for knowledge in general in your family, because no matter how much the most talented teachers struggle, the love of reading will not come to those who have not seen their parents reading a book. Start traditions in joint visits to museums and exhibitions of various directions, master classes and performances, meetings with masters of their craft, watch popular science films and programs, and after artistic ones, arrange small discussions. All this together forms an interest in the world, gives knowledge automatically and through interest, in addition, it forms a basic culture at an automatic level and develops verbal intelligence. Ask your child about what is happening at school, not limited to a list of grades and homework. Find out about relationships in the classroom and with teachers, what interesting things happened at recess and in the cafeteria. Praise and support, show sincere interest and memory of past events - this will allow the child to open up to you more and then, if some kind of critical situation is brewing, you can prevent it or at least you will not press with a new tutor when your baby had a fight with the best friend and now his grades are not important.

In order for the child to be guided in what is happening, a clear understanding of the schedule of lessons, tasks, additional sections is necessary. This schedule should be compiled by you together with the child, where he acts as a creator, and you only correct it into a feasible form. Hang this schedule in a prominent place, which will allow the child to plan time more efficiently and understand what the delay in completing one of the points will lead to. And let the design of the schedule be cool and cheerful, and not strict and sad, like in the office of fire safety equipment. The same applies to items necessary for study, because bright paper clips, colored pens, special folders with images of your favorite locations help to maintain an emotional background. Everything about the office - let the child choose on their own, because its main goal is not to write and draw, but to arouse a desire to use it. Keep this rule in mind when trying to save money and bringing gray, impersonal supplies for the child from work (decorate them, and if this is a joint work, then it’s generally fine).

If you notice that one item is more interesting than others, then it makes sense to support these hobbies with additional sets, which are plentiful in children's stores or trips to the relevant institutions. Do not try to achieve equally high scores, because everyone has different predispositions, and trimming the scores can miss the chance of development.

How to help a distracted child study well

Absent-mindedness manifests itself in impaired attention and, there are many reasons for such a state, and if you often hear about your child that he is disorganized and inattentive, and you agree with these characteristics, then you first need to establish the cause. It is the reason, because the violation of attention is not a conscious act and this is not a manifestation of stubbornness or a difficult character, which can be dealt with by methods of education. Any deviations in the sphere of attention indicate physiological disorders and health problems.

The inability to concentrate on a subject for a long time, which is precisely what is called absent-mindedness, can be caused by a number of physiological reasons, the simplest of which is fatigue. Fatigue is common to all people, and if your child's attention falls by the end of the day, then you need to competently review the daily routine, monitor the quality of night rest, and possibly increase the breaks between school and homework. Severe forms of asthenic spectrum disorders, which also include absent-mindedness, as the impossibility of prolonged concentration, are not removed by simply adjusting the regimen, and if, in addition to attention, you notice a decrease in several more functions (memory, reaction speed, mood, etc.), then It is worth contacting a specialist for advice and choosing the right corrective treatment.

If teachers complain about absent-mindedness, then follow the requirements and the course of the learning process - if everything is built on a system of punishments and the child is intimidated, then attention will go to tracking the teacher’s reactions, and not to tasks, but if the inadmissibility of mistakes fits into inattention, then it is necessary raise this topic with the teacher, since mistakes in educational activities are the norm.

Your task, as a parent, is to be as sensitive as possible and put the interests and needs of your own child in the forefront, and if he now needs longer breaks, loyalty and other indulgences, then you can agree on this with the teacher or change the educational institution. In the same way, it is important to notice physiological disorders in time, which are sometimes due to congenital characteristics, but appear only at school when confronted with a new level of complexity and immediately seek the help of a specialist.

Adaptation to learning usually takes a few months for children. The task of parents is to shorten this period so that the student begins to learn new knowledge faster, his attention is not scattered, and the rest regime is smoothly replaced by a work schedule. Of course, it is better to do all this not through drill and lectures, but by gradually adjusting your summer lifestyle. Start right now.

Time to go home

At first, schoolchildren are forced to drastically reduce the time spent on walks. The day before, they could walk for hours and choose what to do for themselves. On September 1, they sit down at a desk and should immediately join the training.

This does not mean that you will have to stop walking in August, but it is worth already now devote more time to activities for attention - reading, drawing, needlework- whatever you like best. You can invite your child to prepare crafts and gifts for classmates and teachers for the beginning of the school year.

Work mode

Getting a child back to school is a very difficult task, so it is hardly worth starting to put him to bed much earlier than usual, before the summer is over. But there are other ways to make this process easier.

Remember everything

Start reviewing what you have learned with tasks for the summer. A free retelling of an interesting book will help you “swing”, later you can look at more complex materials and pay attention to what is difficult (repeat the multiplication table, spelling, do several tasks in different disciplines).

Classes are best done in the morning, especially if studying is difficult for the child. In time, they can take no more than an hour a day - this is enough to refresh knowledge in memory in a free mode, but not overwork.

goodbye summer

The return to the regimen also includes a meal schedule that is close to the school routine. These are meals at the same time, mandatory breakfast and dinner a few hours before bedtime.

Not the last role is played by the positive and friendly atmosphere in the student's home. It is good if, together with the student, you choose school supplies, collect a portfolio and prepare elegant clothes. A few days on the eve of September 1 can be devoted to special family holidays - to get out together into nature, to the park, ride the rides, spend the summer and dream about success in the next academic year.

If you want your child to finish school with excellent marks, help him with this! But help with software should not be reduced to paying for tutors, buying homework that has already been completed, and searching the Internet for a finished report.

Talk more with your child

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Our speech is the basis of everything. The ability to correctly formulate one’s thoughts, express one’s point of view and defend it, attract attention to oneself with the logic of presenting the material - all these are important skills that, if developed from an early age, will be useful in any sphere of life.

It is necessary to accustom the child to the use of libraries from an early age. This is especially important at the present stage, when almost everyone in the house has a computer connected to the Internet. The World Wide Web makes it easy to find what you need. And we need the child to delve into reference books and books, draw up his report or story based on them, highlighting the main ones. When he learns to look for answers to his questions in encyclopedias, dictionaries and textbooks, he will not only develop his horizons, but will also read more, enrich his vocabulary. And this is a direct way to improve academic performance!

Read along with your child and fiction, poems, sing songs, even if he is over seven years old. Only literature can show the true beauty and richness of the Russian language. Only parents can teach a child to see this beauty. Discuss what you read with him. Let him retell you the plot, draw an illustration for the episode he liked the most, memorize and recite the poems of his favorite poet.

Buy more newspapers and magazines. If your child is still in elementary school, read news articles together and explain to him the essence of what is written. He may not understand many things. However, interest in the events taking place in the world is an important factor in successful learning, and it is necessary to teach the child to follow the news.

Find out more about school affairs

The more you know about what is happening at school, what students are doing in a particular subject, how your child is doing in the program, whether the teacher is good in this class, the more opportunities you will have to improve his level of knowledge. Learn homework, check the correctness and timeliness of their performance by the child.

But don't be a warden and a tyrant! Be with the child in a trusting, warm relationship. Help with solving a difficult problem or preparing an essay. If you support him, and not reproach him with bad grades, he will strive to increase his level of knowledge.

Do not scold for "deuces"! A quarrel will not lead to anything good. It is better to talk with your child, find out why he got a bad mark, analyze the situation with him and find ways to solve the problem. It is important to explain that an unpleasant mark can easily rise and turn into an "excellent", you just have to make an effort.

Photo: Depositphotos

Correctly distribute the workspace of the student

Pay attention to whether the table is well lit, whether there is enough space on it to do homework, whether the room is often ventilated, whether the TV in the living room is turned on loudly ... Correctly allocate time for lessons, for relaxation, active games, walks.

If you see that the child is tired, let him rest, do not load things. A tired head is not able to remember information, and no matter how you swear, no matter how you follow your homework, a tired child will still bring a “two” or “three” the next day. Remember that any person needs to rest, and even more so for a child!

Proper nutrition is the key to successful learning

Modern research has shown that the brain is one of the organs that suffers from malnutrition in the first place. Therefore, if your child has become irritable, gets tired quickly, does not remember educational material well, has begun to get lower grades in school, look at what he eats.

In most cases, these symptoms occur due to malnutrition. A significant place in our diet is occupied by fats and carbohydrates, and today's children and teenagers are crazy about fast food - and all this is unhealthy. Limit your child's consumption of sodas, chips, hamburgers, and other similar foods.
Photo: Depositphotos

The most important group of vitamins for the brain is the group of vitamins B. The vitamins of this group are responsible for memory, attention and learning ability. To improve memory, it is necessary that foods such as nuts, milk, fish, chicken, meat, liver, buckwheat, fresh vegetables and fruits are present in the child's diet. If something from the products seems tasteless to the child, do not force them to eat. Try to approach this issue creatively: decorate the dish beautifully, look for new recipes where this product can be presented in a favorable and tasty light. Develop yourself, and your child will develop with you!

And remember: loving, caring and wise parents are a guarantee that the child will not only study well, but also grow up as a thinking, educated person, a real Personality! Therefore, take your time, do not push the child away if he comes up to you with a question or wants to talk heart to heart. Monitor his health and encourage his success. Be friendly with your child. You will succeed, you just have to want!

The closer the first call, the more parents begin to worry about whether their child will be able to become a successful student. This problem is of particular concern to parents of first-graders.

How to force a child to study if, before starting school, many children no longer want to go to school? How to motivate a child to study if many students represent the beginning of a new school year with some kind of overwhelming burden or the beginning of a difficult period in their lives?

Start over

How often parents, wanting to see their baby successful from the very beginning of school life, send him a year before the start of first grade to various early development schools, take him to a tutor, with whom the preschooler goes through almost the entire first grade program.

Here, a six-year-old kid is often treated like in a real school:

  • he sits in class for 3-4 hours;
  • the preschooler is given lessons, he does a full-fledged homework, although his possibilities are still very limited;
  • the tutor does not take into account that at this age the leading activity is play, and teaches the baby using methods suitable only for school.
As a result, instead of going to first grade with pleasure, children are afraid and hate school before they have been there. The race in knowledge that can be achieved in this way disappears by the middle of the first academic year.

A carefully prepared first grader is far from being the first in school, especially if the following components of psychological readiness for learning are poorly developed:

  • the ability to show willpower;
  • the ability to apply voluntary attention;
  • the ability to reason and think logically;
  • the ability to analyze your work.

First grade with mom

In the early stages of schooling, many parents do not know how to help their child study well. Unfortunately, numerous education reforms have led to the complication of the school curriculum. If before the end of the second quarter, first-graders learned to write sticks and hooks in notebooks, now at this time they must learn to read fluently and write quite tolerably.

In addition, there are additional disciplines, tasks for which often require the use of artistic and literary talents of the whole family. The inevitable period of school adaptation cannot be discounted, during which you can get advice from the school psychologist to be especially attentive to first-graders, to make getting used to a new life painless.

It is necessary to choose the golden mean - by all means to help the child get comfortable in a new environment for him, and not to patronize excessively. If you immediately discourage the desire to gain knowledge, then not everyone will be able to restore it.

Do not scold the baby for every mistake, celebrate his successes more often. Do not do homework for him, but diligently supervise their implementation. Let the child, with your help, be drawn into a new rhythm of life, try to explain to him the rules of life in a new team.

Go beyond the pages of the textbook, find additional information about what children learn in the lessons on familiarization with the environment, try to interest them in the knowledge that broadens their horizons.

Find and read in addition the works of writers and poets that children get acquainted with in the lessons of reading and literature. It is necessary that children feel the pleasure of gaining new knowledge, then the problem of how to instill in a child a desire to learn will simply not arise.

How to teach homework

It is better to inoculate responsibility, to cultivate the habit of doing homework in the first grade, when children aged 6.5-7 years begin the transition from involuntary memory to voluntary attention.

Right now, it is not enough to have outstanding abilities; in elementary school, diligence is also needed. And it is now that the origins of problems arise that lead to the fact that children subsequently lose interest in learning. It should be noted that the approach to children 6-7 years old and 8-10 years old is fundamentally different from each other.

Primary school teachers can give useful advice on how not to deprive first graders of interest in learning at the start of school life. Techniques to help children 7-10 years old do their homework:
  • Allocate a certain time in the mode for doing homework, never deviate from it.
  • Give your child after school not only to have lunch, but also to relax.
  • When it's time to sit down for lessons, ask what was asked at school today.
  • If mistakes are frequent, play “to school”, let the children “teach” you how to write, mold numbers and letters from plasticine, lay them out of the mosaic, from the details of the designer.
  • Children 8 - 10 years old teach how to use reference books, dictionaries. Performing such tasks, they will learn how to do the lessons thoughtfully, independently find the necessary information.
If in the 2nd - 3rd grade your efforts were unsuccessful, and the children still do not want to do their homework, then you need to look for the reason for the unwillingness to learn.

It is possible that negative relationships with peers have developed in the class, or your student has insufficiently developed logical thinking, a sense of responsibility for his actions. In the latter case, it will not be superfluous to deprive children of some pleasures, especially those they value.

Do you like to study yourself?

Often, parents ask a psychologist to give them actionable advice on how to talk to their children so that they learn. Meanwhile, in many cases, the reason for the chronic reluctance to learn lies in the fact that children imitate their family members in this regard.

A child will never “grab stars from the sky” if his parents do not like to read, if there are no books in the house, except for school textbooks.

How to force a child to learn if every day he sees that his family members are not interested in anything but TV and computer games? If in this way it is impossible to convince a younger student, then such hypocrisy will not become an example for a teenager.

No one forces the parents of a student to do homework and go through the school curriculum again. It's just that in the family there should be a cult of obtaining knowledge, when family members happy to share information with each other.

You need to understand yourself and explain to a teenager that in our dynamic time you can’t stop, you need to constantly develop and not stand still.

It is advisable to read high-quality literature, avoiding easy "pulp" and discuss what you have read with each other. The reverent attitude to the book will certainly be passed on to children, they will perceive it as a source of pleasure and gaining new knowledge.

It is impossible to interest a younger student or teenager in studies if his family often has disparaging talk about school and teachers.

How to instill in a child a desire to learn if the most significant people for him do not like school, and do not respect teachers? This dilemma cannot be solved by a student of any age, so you need to make it a rule: even if you have a special attitude to the learning process in this school, do not voice your opinion in front of children.

Who has the hardest time learning well?

No need to think about how to make a child learn, put more effort into how to teach a child to learn.

There are many reasons that prevent children from becoming diligent students:

  • A teenager has congenital features of memory, attention, nervous system. The help of a psychoneurologist, consultation of an experienced psychologist is required.
  • In addition to classes at school, the child attends additional classes, sections, circles, and this burden is unbearable for him.
  • The teacher is not able to maintain interest in his subject (the notorious human factor!), he cannot explain the topic in an interesting way, to interest children.
  • A teacher at school may not perceive a teenager of 12-16 years old as a good student because of his demonstrative behavior (here both require the advice of a qualified psychologist).
  • In the family, children have problems in relationships with their parents, there is no close contact with them, there are no trusting relationships.

Thinking about the future

If the upcoming adult life for a younger student is still an amorphous concept, then a teenager of 16-17 years old already has to stand on its threshold. How to talk to children so they learn? Quite often, parenting advice for a teenager breaks down over the realities of adulthood.

Why study well at school, do your homework diligently, if in a small town, even after getting an education, it is impossible to find a decent job, and parents can barely make ends meet?

We must try to tell our children that, if desired, a person can achieve what he wants, to convince an older student that you will help him on the path to vocational training. You can enlist the support of an authoritative adult who will give an example of those people who were able to achieve everything on their own.

In addition, in the era of the Internet, you can even work remotely, but for this you need to have a certain amount of knowledge, get a special education, and be an intellectually developed person. If you convince a teenager that now it is important to be educated, that professionals are valued in any business, perhaps in high school he will make up for lost time.

Methods of scientific organization of mental labor

In order to study with pleasure, one must master the simplest methods of organizing mental work. How to teach a child to learn if he is overcome by despair at the sight of the amount of knowledge that has to be learned?

Teach your primary school student or teenager how to best process information, how to highlight the main thing, determine the theses and main ideas.

A lot of information is received by those who have mastered speed reading tricks. You can even take such courses remotely, and then reading organized in a special way will help you learn more in the same period of time.

Try to use audio tutorials- maybe this will help a teenager with a developed auditory memory to better memorize educational material.

The development of memory and attention of younger students is facilitated by various tasks for ingenuity, puzzles, riddles, fun tasks, setting accessible and effective experiments.

Tells Katerina Murashova, famous psychologist and writer:

- I want to assure you: not everyone's relationship deteriorates. Although they very often come to my appointment with a school theme, moreover, when the situation has already escalated to the limit and reached a dead end. Unraveling the tangle of problems at this stage can be difficult. It's much easier not to get confused from the start.

Even before the child goes to school, it makes sense for parents to evaluate their own ambitions and the ambition of the child (there are such children, but parents do not always notice this). With their ambitions and ambition of the children, it is worth correlating the capabilities of the family. For example, mom and dad are doing their best to prepare a child for admission to a super-prestigious school, they take them to all kinds of “developmental programs”. And their efforts will be crowned with success. And there, from the very beginning, the child is doomed to feel like a “second-class” person - for example, because he cannot spend all his holidays in Europe, or dress expensively, or simply does not pull the program, and the family has no money for tutors. What for? He could go to a regular school close to home and feel completely complete. In such situations, I give the same advice all the time - do not lie. Don't lie to yourself and your child. Sit down calmly and think: “Am I ready to beat my forehead to send my child to study in England?” Or: “I will demand a good grade from him, because I have a fear that without this his life will not work out?” But this is nonsense! Do you understand this yourself and are you still ready to continue?

Recently, one mother complained to me: her child goes to the pool, but is engaged in laziness, does not work, and if he does not learn to work, then ... I asked her: “What do you want - for your child to become a professional athlete or for him, came to the beach, gladly swam along the shore? And why swimming and not athletics? Or is there such an interesting sport when they rub mops on ice? Maybe he would have succeeded there more, since swimming is not very good? But mothers do not ask themselves these questions for some reason. Parents very often fall into the trap of their own ambitions and drive the child into this trap.

Yulia Borta, PRO.Zdorovye: Don't endless ratings and comparisons, competition at school and at home have a stressful effect on a child?

Katerina Murashova: So it's up to you to decide: is it important to you that your child is first in swimming, not 28th out of 30? If important, why? Are you ready for him not to do what he likes, but to swim all the time to raise his rating and become, for example, 15th? What are you, as a parent, willing to do? Make a decision, and then honestly tell the child: “Bunny, you will live like this.” Well, and so he lives until adolescence, until he begins to crawl out of parental control.

- If the parents, for example, were excellent students at school, but the child is exactly the opposite? How can they accept his "commonness"?

- You see, what's the matter ... If the parents were excellent students just like that, that is, nothing so outstanding happened to them in life - they did not become people's artists, talented engineers, etc., then what was the point of climbing out of their skin earning your fives? And if one has become a great surgeon, and the second is an enthusiastic drama theater artist, then they absolutely do not care what their child has in his diary. I assure you! People in their place. And the child will find himself. Parents need to understand when they are interacting with their child and when they are interacting with their projections. Basically, people interact with their projections.

- That is, something did not work out in life - should you try it on a child?

- Not necessary. We project some part of our personality onto the child. And not always unsuccessful. For example: I understand this, which means that he must also understand. I did this at his age, so he can do it too. However, there are not always coincidences.

- They say that modern youth has become infantile, it takes too long to grow up. Some narcologists even say: if children had not been kissed in childhood, they would not have become drug addicts. This is true?

- Nonsense! There are no common children. No matter what you do with him, someone will never become a drug addict. He has no addictive tendencies. In another, alcohol dehydrogenase (an enzyme that processes ethanol. - Ed.) does not work innately, and therefore he is the first candidate for alcoholics. Accordingly, he needs to make some efforts so that his relationship with alcohol does not develop into a disease ... What is important here is, again, the awareness of the teenager.

- What to do if the child refuses to go to school, constantly scandals and behaves aggressively?

- A child cannot decide for the "great monkeys" what to do and what not to do. And when he is allowed to, up to whether or not to go to school, parents will surely have serious problems later. You can't have a kid in first grade refuse to go to school unless something terrible is going on. He has the illusion that you can go to school, but you can not go. And this is not so! Unless, of course, you plan to take him home schooling now, and then, indeed, you can not attend classes. By such behavior, the child, most likely, checks the boundaries of what is permitted - how much he can "bend over" his parents, control them. It's not the child's fault. Boundary setting is a biological program set at birth in all animals, including humans. For example, a male in a year and a half begins to try to bite the owner. If you do not immediately put him in his place, but perceive such behavior as a game, this is fraught with big problems. It is impossible for a child to lead his parents, this depletes his nervous system. The cub cannot decide how it will be. Boundaries must be clearly defined.

- Now many psychologists say that it is necessary to negotiate with the child.

- No, this is nonsense. I repeat once again: children do not have the resources, psychomotor energy for this. No experience, nothing ... Look how the duck walks: it is in front, followed by ducklings. The duckling cannot decide where to go. The duck knows, she leads. That's when the child is stronger, becomes a teenager, he will come and say: "That's it, dear parents, let's revise the system, I have already grown up." And you can't do that with a little one. His parents tell him how everything works. He adapts. If you are ready to give your child a choice, then this choice is up to you. For example: “I allow you to quit piano lessons and other circles. But you have to go to school." The main thing is that the child knows how to do it.