Holidays after the session. Student holidays - when and how long

    By and large, rest (holidays), or rather its duration, for students completely depends only on themselves.

    Vacations for students always and, in particular, in the winter of 2016, will begin immediately after the successful completion of the session (all tests and exams). This usually happens with successful students before January 20-22. Accordingly, after this date, students can be free and devoted to their rest.

    This is very individual for each university.

    After the New Year, the session begins, which usually lasts the entire month of January.

    The duration of the winter holidays is two weeks.

    Accordingly, whoever left to rest earlier will start classes earlier in the second semester. Approximately by February 10, students from various universities will begin their studies.

    First you need to pass the session - and only then think about the winter holidays

    Of course, it all depends on the institution - the university sets the vacation time

    Some give more rest, others less - as the university wants, it will be so.

    First, of course, there is the New Year holidays, then the session and then the official holidays

    In 2016, students usually start from the end of January, it depends on whether the student successfully passed the exam. Vacations last until the seventh of February inclusive. On the eighth of February, students are already going to study.

    Only twice a year students have the opportunity to take a break (officially) from their studies after the sessions. They will have long holidays after the summer session, and short ones in winter. They will last only 14 days from January 25 to February 8. Students still had breaks between exams and New Year holidays.

    Each institute has an individual approach to the issue of holidays, depending on the timing of the session. Usually, it is held in January after the New Year holidays and lasts until the number 25-26. Then the holidays come until the beginning of February.

    Those who passed the session ahead of schedule in December will walk all January.

    In each higher educational institution, vacation periods are set by its management. You should also take into account the fact that exams can be taken ahead of schedule - in this matter, teachers are quite willing to meet students halfway. The session usually starts in early January (we once had an exam on January 2nd), and ends towards the end of the month, on the 24th-25th, after which a two-week vacation begins.

  • Winter holidays for students.

    Each university has the right to set its own vacation dates. Usually students have Winter holidays in the second half of January, immediately after passing tests and exams. Those. For most universities, immediately after the New Year holidays, the winter session begins, the dates of which can vary significantly for different universities. And after the session, vacations begin, which last about a week (for different universities in different ways).

  • Student holidays are different from school holidays. At least in their multiplicity - they are only twice a year. And also by the fact that each higher educational institution has its own schedules for passing tests and sessions. Therefore, there are some nuances. So we can speak about fixed dates and terms of winter student holidays purely conditionally.

    But it is absolutely certain that student holidays in winter are divided into two parts. The first part will coincide completely with the winter holidays in the country. This means that in 2016, students will have a rest from the first to the tenth of January - this is ten days.

    Then they will return to their universities again and will take the winter session until about January 22nd.

    Thus, the winter holidays will be 24 days in 2016.

    Students do not have vacations at the same time as at schools, and for frequent student vacation schedules, it depends on the particular university.

    Even in the same university, different groups may have different vacation times.

    As for the winter holidays, the only thing that unites all universities is the time of the New Year holidays, which take place from January 1 to 10.

    The next holidays for students should be at the end of January, at the beginning of February, lasting 14 days.

    The exact date of the beginning of the holidays must be found out in a particular university.

The academic year begins on September 1, unless it falls on a public holiday, and ends at the end of June. The university has a five-day academic week, every day you will spend about 6 hours here. Classes start at 8:00 or 8:30, go in pairs, between pairs there are breaks from 10-15 minutes to an hour. Starting from the 3rd year, classes go in cycles (when you study only one subject for several days).

What are the student's main documents?

This is a student card, library card and grade book. With a student card, you are allowed to enter the university, this is your main document. For reading, you get textbooks and additional literature in the library. Your grades are displayed in the record book, you need to come to tests and exams with it. You will receive a student's record book and a student's card at the solemn part on September 1, and you will receive a reader's card in the library along with textbooks.

When and where to get textbooks?

Each faculty receives textbooks on its day in the library at Gagarina, 18A (next to the main building), the schedule is usually posted on the university website in the news. You need to have a passport, pens and large bags (2-3 pieces) with you.

When and how are they divided into groups?

At the end of August, the deans distribute the applicants into groups of 9-11 people and appoint elders. Usually, applicants who studied together at the Medical or Medico-Technical Lyceum, applicants from the same city, etc., fall into one group, but this is not necessary. To get into the same group with a friend, you need to go to the dean together on the twentieth of August and write an application.

Where will the classes take place? How to get there?

Classes are held in different buildings (section "Educational buildings"), so you have to move from place to place, sometimes several times a day. There will be enough time between pairs to get to the other building. Before the start of the school year, we recommend driving with relatives or friends through the main buildings in order to remember their location. Most are located along buses 24, 34 and 41 routes.

What will be required for classes?

First of all, this is a white medical gown and a cap that will need to be worn in most classes. Gowns are sold in special stores or medical clothing departments, there are a lot of them around the city, so you can easily pick up something to your liking. A bathrobe with the emblem of Samara State Medical University looks more beautiful, it can be purchased in the university buildings. You will also need second shoes and stationery - pens, general notebooks (10-15 pieces), colored pencils, an album for drawing. Starting from the 3rd year, medical students will need a medical suit (jacket and trousers) and a phonendoscope.

Where can you dine?

In all main buildings there are canteens and buffets, during breaks you can dine there.

How many sessions per year and when are they?

The year consists of 2 semesters, each of which ends with a session of several exams. The winter session for most students begins in mid-January and ends in the last days. The summer session starts in mid-June and ends in the last days.

Can everyone take a session? What is a permit?

The session can be taken by all students who have received admission to it. To get admission, you need to pass tests in all subjects studied in the current semester (usually 10-11 pieces). The admission is put in the record book by the dean of the faculty.

What if I don't pass the exam?

Do not panic, it is better to prepare, come to retake at the end of the holidays.

When holidays?

Winter - after the winter session, usually 2-3 weeks. Summer - after the summer, but practice takes one month.

Who will receive the scholarship?

In the first semester, all students of the budgetary form of education receive a scholarship, and then it is awarded according to the results of the session to good students and excellent students. The scholarship is transferred to plastic cards that you will be issued in the first semester. Students of the extrabudgetary form of education do not receive a scholarship.

Why are they expelled from the university and how to avoid it?

The main reason is failure. Unlike school, you are now entirely responsible for yourself. A missed subject, a failed exam is your problem and no one else's, so you shouldn't relax too much. Believe me, there is nothing too complicated in the training courses, the teachers treat students well and are real professionals, and students have been successfully mastering the medical profession for almost 100 years.

This will be one of the best periods of your life that you will remember forever. A few years at the university will fly by unnoticed, but it is here that you will make new good friends, find yourself in life and profession, and maybe meet your love. Believe me, it's worth it!

Schoolchildren and students have been waiting for holidays since September 1. For the second, this expectation is fraught with excitement: before they go to rest, they have to pass the session. And there are vacations for students only twice a year. Whether business schoolboys - four holidays in a year!

The dates of the school holidays are of interest not only to children, but also to their parents. Many already in September are thinking about what to do with the child for the rest period. The earlier you buy a ticket to the camp, the cheaper it will cost. In addition, having taken care of finding a vacation option for their offspring in April-May, parents run the risk of not finding it at all - everything will already be sold out.

This problem is relevant for other vacation periods as well. Especially if the family plans to go somewhere. Buying airline tickets and hotel reservations made in advance can cost half as much as usual. In general, whatever one may say, it is better to find out about the dates of the holidays early.

When do students rest?

Just note that the vacation schedule is accepted before the start of the school year. Each school has the right to independently determine when to send children on vacation. The deadlines announced by the Ministry of Education are in the nature of recommendations. However, the established practice shows that vacations are arranged on these dates.

In total, middle and senior classes will rest for a month a year, except for summer holidays

This approach allows students from different schools to spend holidays together, and the city can hold recreational activities that will get more children. For example, during the holidays, tourist and excursion agencies often conduct excursions for children, museums and theaters invite them to exhibitions and performances that will be of interest to the young viewer.

School holidays usually take place at this time.

  • Autumn: a week in late October - early November.
  • New Year's: two weeks in late December - early January.
  • Spring: week at the end of March.
  • Summer: three summer months.

First graders get more. Since the third quarter lasts longer than the rest, the kids are allowed to rest longer, and in February they have another vacation - an extra week at the end of February.

Thus, in the 2015-2016 academic year, Russian schoolchildren and their parents can count on rest at such a time.

  • Autumn: 9 days; October 31st to November 8th.
  • Winter: 16 days; from December 26 to January 10.
  • In winter (first graders): 9 days; from 20 to 28 February.
  • Spring: 10 days; from March 25 to April 3.
  • Summer: 3 months; from May 25 (the day of the last call) to September 1 (the beginning of the next academic year).

Again, these are only preliminary dates. The final ones will be announced only before the start of the 2015-2016 school season, and each school will determine them individually.

When do students rest?

For university students, things are a bit different. It is not possible to name specific vacation dates. It depends on the schedule of lectures, tests, exams, practical training, etc. Rest time can vary significantly for different groups of students in the same university course. Therefore, the dates of student holidays can only be determined approximately.

New Year holidays for students will be the same length as the national holidays, then they will have a session and another two-week vacation after it

The winter session will last until January 22nd. This means that already on the 25th, students who have successfully passed tests and exams will be able to rest. You will need to return to the classroom on February 8 - the day the second academic semester begins. Thus, the winter holidays will last two weeks.

The timing of the summer holidays will depend entirely on the schedule of the session, the time for defending scientific papers and the presence or absence of practice. The law defines only the minimum duration of summer vacation for students of higher educational institutions. According to him, every student in the summer must rest for at least 35 days.

The introductory campaign has been completed and now recent graduates are interested in an important question - when will university students have winter holidays in the upcoming 2018-2019 academic year, and what will be the schedule of the educational process in general.

academic calendar

A document that details the schedule of modules and sessions, as well as vacation time for students in higher education, is called the academic calendar. Each university has its own. Moreover, within the same educational institution, several work schedules can be developed (for example, for different faculties or different groups of students). Such a calendar is compiled taking into account many parameters and largely depends on the characteristics of the curriculum. That is why with the question of when the holidays are planned for the students of your university in the 2018-2019 academic year, it is most reasonable to contact the department at the dean's office.

Today, almost all higher educational institutions in Russia operate on a modular system, which includes:

  • two training modules (1 and 2) in 2018;
  • two training modules (3 and 4) in 2019;
  • winter and summer holidays.

There are no autumn and spring breaks that schoolchildren are so used to at universities, and only those students who successfully pass the session and do not earn academic debts will be able to go on vacation in time in 2018 and 2019.

The approximate schedule of modules in the 2018-2019 academic year will look like this:

Number of weeks

from 09/01/18 to 10/21/18

from 10/22/18 to 10/28/18

from 10/29/18 to 12/19/18

from 12/20/18 to 12/31/18

The winter vacation

from 01.01.19 to 01.08.19

from 01/09/19 to 03/24/19

from 03/25/19 to 03/31/19

from 01/01/19 to 06/16/19

from 06/17/19 to 06/30/19

Summer vacation

from 07/01/19 to 08/08/19

*At the same time, many students will receive a week off for the May holidays from 05/01/19 to 05/10/19. These days are not taken into account when calculating the number of weeks in Module 4.

Attention! This schedule is indicative for undergraduate and graduate full-time students. The dates of the sessions and the start of vacations in different universities of the Russian Federation may differ.

Academic debt

“Tails” or academic debt is the most famous way for students to thoroughly spoil their winter or summer holidays in 2019.

If for any reason a university student receives an unsatisfactory grade in the subject, he will have to thoroughly prepare again and come to retake. As a rule, the liquidation of debts occurs on days strictly established by the university management. Most often this is the first school week of January and the first two weeks of September.

Holidays in foreign universities

While waiting for the winter holidays, students of domestic universities often ask themselves the question - what about the balance of study and leisure in the 2018-2019 academic year and their foreign colleagues.


Students of French universities begin their studies from mid-September to November. Although all universities have a semester system, vacation start dates can vary significantly. At the same time, French students during the academic year receive 4 vacation periods in addition to summer holidays:

  • in the end of November;
  • between Catholic Christmas and New Year;
  • at the end of February;
  • in April.


Known for rigor and tradition, the English education system consists of three trimesters, between which students receive well-deserved rest periods.

In English universities there are such holidays:

  • Christmas (at the end of December);
  • Easter or "Easter break" (can last almost a month);
  • summer (July and August).


In contrast to the clear and understandable structure of the year in the universities of England, German universities generally abandoned the concept of "holiday". For students, this is an amorphous concept. But, there are still periods of rest - these are the so-called "weeks without lectures." Students also have time to relax on numerous official holidays.

Before the start of each semester (October 1 and April 1) there are acclimatization periods. There are no lectures this week. Instead of classroom studies, students are offered a variety of trips and exciting meetings.


Here, each university is a separate world with its own rules and work schedules. There are universities that work on a semester, trimester and quarter system, and there are those in which the academic year is divided in a ratio of 4:1:4.

But, American students are worried about the university work schedule, not because they want more periods for rest, but because the number of credit hours (study load) that allows them to receive a scholarship depends on it. So, with the semester system, this parameter is 120 hours, and with the trimester - 180.

Also, at US universities, each student himself has the opportunity to draw up his own study schedule, based on the recommended minimum and maximum workload. The cost of education depends on how many subjects are in the student's curriculum and what disciplines he wants to study.

When the autumn, winter, spring and summer holidays at school begin in the 2018/2019 academic year is a question that interests many parents due to the fact that in Russia there are no fixed dates and dates for the start and end of vacations.

Not all Russian schools work according to the traditional quarter system, some institutions study in modules, trimesters, and even bimestres. Therefore, the holidays for each such school begin at different times and also last in different ways.

In addition, holidays shift from year to year and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation draws up a recommended vacation schedule for each academic year, and regional officials and school administrations edit it every year in accordance with the situation on the ground.

Ultimately, the schedule with the terms of quarters, modules or trimesters is approved by the school itself. This decision is made at a meeting of the governing council, which includes not only teachers and administration, but also representatives of parents and the students themselves.

In our material, we provide the recommended vacation schedule for different education systems for the 2018/2019 academic year, published by the Ministry of Education (formerly the Ministry of Education and Science). But we emphasize once again that a particular school can adjust this schedule to suit its needs.

Therefore, it is better to look for the final schedule of holidays and holidays adopted by the school on its official website - it must be published no later than September.

How and how much students will study in the 2018/2019 academic year

The educational process in the 2018-2019 academic year will stretch for 38 calendar weeks, but not all of them will be devoted to study. Some of them will traditionally take vacation segments.


Those students who are according to the standard scheme, will study for 4 quarters (2 semesters) and will have autumn, winter and spring holidays:

  • First quarter. It starts on September 2 and ends on October 25 (8 weeks).
  • The second quarter will again call schoolchildren to their desks on November 5 and will continue almost until the New Year holidays - until December 26 (8 weeks).
  • The third quarter is the longest. It will start on January 9 and end on March 22 (11 weeks).
  • The fourth quarter will start on April 1 and end with the last bell, which will ring in all classical schools on May 27. In total, this quarter will take 8 weeks ...


The entire period of study will be divided into 6 trimesters, between which at least 7 days will be allocated for children to relax. On average, one trimester is 5 or 6 weeks. The educational process will be structured as follows:

  • First trimester. Students and teachers start work from September 2 and do not stop classes for 5 weeks. Since not a single holiday falls at this stage, children will have to study without additional rest. The last school day of this trimester will be Friday, October 4, and from the 6th, the first holidays will begin, which will end on October 13 on Sunday.
  • Second trimester. The second stage will begin almost from the middle of October, namely from the 14th (Monday). Its duration will be the same as the first one. But during this period, a holiday will be celebrated - National Unity Day (November 4). Thus, this will give schoolchildren a long weekend from November 2 to 4. This trimester will end on November 17th.
  • Third trimester. A new segment of study starts on November 25 and will take 5 weeks. This period will be the finish line before the onset of the New Year holidays and extended holidays, during which the whole country rests. The last day of school will be December 27th.
  • Fourth trimester. The next segment of training will begin on Wednesday, January 9, 2019, and its duration will be almost 6 weeks, until February 15.
  • Fifth trimester. From February 25 to April 5, the educational process will again take place actively. During it, schoolchildren will celebrate Women's Day, resting for 3 days off.
  • Sixth trimester. The final trimester will be long, but it has a record number of holidays. Therefore, starting on April 15, it will last until May 24 and will take 6 weeks. During the May holidays, Wednesday 1 May will be a day off, as well as Thursday and Friday 9 and 10 May. The school year 2018-2019 will end with the last call, and schoolchildren will rest all summer.

The total number of rest days is the same for all systems. This is 30 days during the school year (for first graders - 35 days) and three months in the summer.

Approximate vacation schedule in schools and gymnasiums for the 2018/2019 academic year

Dates, start and end dates of school holidays on Thursdays

Traditionally, schoolchildren who study in quarters rest for 7 days in autumn and spring, and two weeks in winter. In addition, taking into account the New Year and autumn holidays, the school administration may add two more additional days to the autumn or winter holidays.

  • Autumn vacation- from October 29 to November 4, 2018
  • The winter vacation- from December 26, 2018 to January 8, 2019
  • spring Break- from 25 to 31 March 2019.
  • Summer vacation The holidays will last 92 days from June 1 to August 31, 2019. For students who have completed grade 9 - 80 days from June 13 to August 31, 2019 inclusive.

There are additional holidays for first-graders- they will be held from February 25 to March 3. This is necessary in order to dose the load and not to overwhelm the baby with studies from head to toe. Such additional vacations will help those who are lagging behind catch up with the rest, and those who are already doing well with their studies will simply take a breath.

Terms, start and end dates of school holidays by semesters or modules

The vacation schedule for those who study in semesters or modules is almost the same - but each school can make its own adjustments to it.

Holidays with a modular system are calculated according to the following scheme: training - 5-6 weeks, then rest - 7 days. Children take the following breaks in their studies.

The schedule of modular or semester holidays will be something like this:

  • Autumn vacation will be held twice - from 8 to 14 October and from 19 to 25 November 2018.
  • The winter vacation will also be held twice - from December 29, 2018 to January 8, 2019, and also from February 18 to 24, 2019.
  • spring Break one - from 8 to 14 April.
  • Summer vacation The holidays will last 92 days from June 1 to August 31, 2019.

Where to find information about holidays

The vacation schedule in schools in various Russian regions during the academic period may undergo minor changes related to the postponement of holidays and the decisions of the local school administration. Only in Moscow, the Department of Education establishes a unified study schedule for students in the traditional and modular system.

The exact calendar of school holidays for the 2018-2019 academic year can be found in the most appropriate way:

  1. Go to the official information portal of the educational institution, where there is a calendar schedule for the academic year.
  2. The child's electronic diary should also contain information about rest periods in the information section for parents or in the news and announcements section.
  3. The class teacher is obliged to provide such information to parents, since the curriculum is drawn up in the summer and the vacation schedule is approved in advance.
  4. Information about rest periods during the school year can be obtained from the secretary by calling the reception of the educational institution.

Having all the necessary information, parents can plan the upcoming joint vacation with their child in advance.

Holidays for students of universities, institutes and colleges in 2018/2019: schedule

Student vacations are much less than those of schoolchildren. Usually there are only two of them: winter and summer. They depend on the end of the session and in each higher education institution at different times.

Therefore, it is difficult to present a graph here. But as practice shows, in winter they begin in January, and in summer at the end of June or beginning of July.

Most importantly, the holidays should last at least 6 weeks.

All start and end dates for the holidays for 2018-2019 are approximate and will definitely be further adjusted. They may also differ in different schools, cities, regions.