Kazan Academy of Veterinary Medicine lists of applicants. Veterinary Academy of Kazan: faculties, admission committee, passing score

State and non-state universities, academies and institutes. Due to such a huge number of educational institutions, it is very difficult for many applicants to make a choice. Which university to choose? To find the answer to this question, you need to pay attention to your hobbies and interests. If you feel a desire to help animals, then Kazan Veterinary Academy would be the best option.

Description of the university

At one time, the Bauman Veterinary Institute, which was established in the 19th century, worked in the city. This institution functioned for more than 100 years, until its status was raised in 1986 - this is how the academy appeared, in which students study to this day.

The modern name of the university is Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N. E. Bauman. It consists of three faculties and offers four undergraduate courses. An interesting fact is that the zoological museum has been operating at the veterinary academy for over 100 years, in which a huge collection of exhibits is offered to the attention of visitors - it is periodically replenished with new specimens.

Main structural divisions

The Kazan Veterinary Academy trains qualified specialists thanks to the work of the faculties:

  • veterinary medicine;
  • standardization and biotechnology;
  • correspondence education.

The first of them has 11 departments. Several laboratories have been created for students, in which students conduct research, study clinical disciplines, and receive their first practical skills in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various diseases and pathologies.

At the second faculty, specialists are trained to work with livestock products and agricultural products. The correspondence faculty offers educational services for those who are ready to study on the job.

Specialty and areas of training

The veterinary university of Kazan has only one specialty. It is one of the noblest and most sought-after professions among other professions, since we are talking about veterinary medicine. Future students study here and get acquainted with diseases and pathologies of various animals, ranging from bees and small animals to cattle and representatives of exotic species.

Kazan Veterinary Academy also has a bachelor's degree. 4 are distinguished on it:

  • "Veterinary and sanitary examination" (the tasks of specialists include conducting various examinations, disinfections and disinsections, carrying out veterinary and sanitary control of various products and raw materials of animal husbandry).
  • "Zootechny" (activity of students in the future will be connected with the technology of production of livestock products).
  • "Standardization and Metrology" (graduates of this area of ​​training will be involved in certification and standardization in the food industry).
  • "Technology of processing and production of agricultural products" (this area of ​​training will allow in the future to deal with the processing and storage of agricultural products).

Kazan: admission committee

In the veterinary academy, admission of applicants begins every summer. This procedure is carried out by the selection committee, which works during a certain period, approved by the rules for admission to the university. During the admission campaign, you can:

  • find out the features of admission to the academy in 2017;
  • get answers to your questions;
  • submit documents.

To talk to members of the admission committee, you can come to the university on your own. Some information can be clarified by phone.

Passing score for admission

The veterinary every year approves the minimum passing scores. 2017 is no exception. To participate in the competition, you must have at least the following results in subjects (for the USE and entrance exams):

  • Russian language - 36;
  • mathematics - 28;
  • physics - 37;
  • biology - 37.

According to the results of the admission campaign, the veterinary academy (Kazan) determines the passing score. It reflects the minimum result that allowed the applicant to be on the list of enrolled people for the first year of study.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that many applicants ask about budget places. The Veterinary Academy is an educational institution where you can get a free education. In addition, it is considered a modern educational institution. It has specially equipped classrooms for practicing skills in machine milking, treatment of animal diseases, and feed preparation. Students receive not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills. Also on the basis of the academy there are educational museums. This is anatomical, and pathoanatomical, and pharmacological, and obstetric, etc. Reviews indicate that the level of teaching and training of specialists here is very good.

FGOU HPE "Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N.E. Bauman" (formerly Kazan Veterinary Institute named after N.E. Bauman, Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N.E. Bauman) has more than 130 years of history .

Being one of the oldest veterinary universities in the country, the academy has made a great contribution to the training of veterinarians and zootechnical scientists, as well as to the development of veterinary, biological and agricultural sciences, to providing the country's veterinary universities with scientific and pedagogical staff.

The Academy is headed by Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Galimzyan KABIROV.

The education provided by the Academy is voluminous and multifaceted, including both general biological and specific biological, medical and engineering, ethological and environmental, as well as psychological disciplines.

To date, all specialties, which are taught at the academy, are in demand. This is due to the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation as a whole, improving the quality of food for the population and raw materials for industry.
The need for veterinary and zooengineering personnel will grow in the next decade. Improving the well-being of society is associated with an increase in the use of quality food products, with an increase in their production. All this leads to an increase in the need for specialists related to the production sector.

The Academy is dynamically developing in a unified system of Russian and world veterinary education. In the new conditions of the development of Russian society, the improvement of higher education, including veterinary education, is required. Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine takes into account the following global development trends:

Accelerating the pace of development of society, which makes it necessary to increase the level of readiness of veterinarians, zooengineers and engineers for standardization and certification in the food industry to work in new conditions;

The transition to the information society and the expansion of international cooperation, which necessitates communication skills and tolerance of graduates of the academy;

The emergence of global problems that can only be solved as a result of cooperation within the international veterinary community, which requires modern thinking from graduates;

The dynamic development of the economy, the growth of competition, the reduction in the scope of low-skilled labor, the deep structural changes in the field of employment, which determine the constant need for professional development and retraining of livestock specialists, in the growth of their professional mobility.

The university provides employment for graduates by creating and conducting a distribution commission at the request of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan and enterprises.

As of October 1, 2004, 2672 students studied at the university. The average number of graduates who annually receive an honors degree is 30 people. The competition for admission to a university ranges from 2.5 to 3.5 people per place, depending on the specialty.

The Academy has a large number of outstanding graduates who glorified the university with their labor successes, including the chief doctors of districts, republics, directors of dairies, meat processing plants, heads of farms, rectors of agricultural universities, head. departments and university professors, heads of districts, the Minister of Agriculture and Food of our republic, directors of research institutes, academicians and others working in almost all regions of the country.