Book Club: Experts recommend the best books on HR and HR. It's not about the coffee

Casey Stengel, famed manager of the New York Yankees baseball team, once said, “Getting good people isn't that hard. It's a lot harder to get them to play together." David Meister, the world's leading authority on people management, shares how to lead a team of confident, talented, and ambitious people who can be seen as more of an equal than a subordinate.

2. Jeffrey Liker andDavid Mayer“Talented staff. Raising and educating people in the spirit of the Tao of Toyota»

Toyota has developed a unique people management system. Firm leaders do not rely on a lucky break to find innate talent—such finds are rare. Based on a well-thought-out, standardized training process, TWI technology allows you to achieve unsurpassed results with ordinary people. It is faster and cheaper than all known methods. Toyota proves this in practice.

  • Non-material motivation of personnel - system, methods, examples

3. Marcus Buckingham“Damn the flaws! How to use your strengths

Think about how Richard Branson, the head of Virgin, uses his appearance for the purposes of his business. Here is an example of how a leader presents his characteristics in a favorable light. A book about how to find your strengths and the strengths of your employees and make the most of them. Learn to capitalize on the individuality of your people.

4. Edward Michaels"War for Talent"

The leader will lose if he does not attract and retain talented people. Edward Michaels, director of McKinsey & Company , tells how the leaders of 77 corporations do it. For example, Jack Welch led the talent assessment process at GE for 30 days a year (the famous C session). Welch greatly appreciated his "stars", but at the same time he was sure that the work should be organized in such a way that a replacement for any "star" could be found within eight hours.

5. Claudio Fernandez Araos“The choice of the strongest. How does a leader make major decisions about people?

How to find and place "the right people in the right positions"? This is rarely taught, and trial and error is expensive. Therefore, top managers often entrust the selection of personnel to experts. But this is not the way out. The manager must choose the main employees himself. This skill can be trained. No other investment in your development will give such a high return. Claudio Fernandez Araos, partner and member of the steering committee of Egon Zehnder International, a specialist in the selection of senior executives, explains how to do it.

More inspiring HR ideas are waiting for you at.

Since HR managers manage human resources, these professionals need information about how companies work with personnel. Special literature, in the form of printed publications and digital books, helps professionals in this. They are written by experienced authors, many of whom are former or current HR managers.

“HR strategy. Development and Implementation Tools"

The publication shows the best world and Russian approaches to the development of methods for the integrated management of company employees. It also presents a wide variety of recommendations for the correct modeling of corporate culture, because this is a strategic task for the management of any company. The book is full of helpful tips.

Ruslan Mansurov. "HR branding"

The book describes methods for improving the efficiency of company employees. The publication presents approaches that are successfully used in practice, giving the desired results. An ideal guide for managers of organizations and specialists involved in the personnel of firms. Particularly attractive is the beautiful style and easy reading.

The book “HR-branding. How to increase the efficiency of personnel» R. E. Mansurov — buy on a book with fast delivery | 978-5-9775-0695-3

Harvard Review. "Management. Strategies. HR: Best of 2017

It describes the real strategies of personnel management of any enterprise. This one collection of articles contains more information about employee loyalty than several specialized publications. The book tells how to competently build relationships with employees of the organization and motivate staff for a friendly attitude.

The book "Management. Strategies. HR: The Best of 2017 978-5-9614-6478-8

Wayne Brockbank and Dave Ulrich. HR in the fight for competitive advantage

According to the authors of the book, the main thing in the work of HR managers is the result that provides additional value to the company. The approaches proposed in the publication are successfully implemented in practice. The book is useful not only for managers, but also for company leaders. It offers readers a perspective vision of the problems that arise among competitors.

Book "HR in the struggle for competitive advantage" by Ulrich Dave, Brockbank Wayne - buy on book with fast shipping | 978-5-98995-112-3

"HR Quest"

The book describes the methods of attracting the best specialists to the company. They will become true patriots of the organization, and will fulfill their duties with full dedication of strength. Here are effective recipes for strengthening the employer brand with the internal resources of the company. This will require modeling an effective corporate culture. Many years of experience of the authors is collected in a universal system that allows any company to turn into a competitive organization.

Osovitskaya and Brukovskaya. "HR Brand"

The book describes five steps that will lead the company to success. The publication allows readers to get acquainted with the best HR branding strategies, as well as new trends in the field of building a company's image. The results of research in the field of creating and consolidating the image of the organization are published on the pages of the book. In addition to theory, the book contains valuable practical information about the planning and subsequent implementation of unique projects.

HR branding. ON THE. Osovitskaya

From this publication, entrepreneurs can gain knowledge on how to become the best employer in Russia. Having become acquainted with the materials of this publication, the company's management will make sure that the employees of the organization begin to work more efficiently and with full dedication of their efforts. They don't even think about changing jobs. How to interest the staff of the company in this is clearly shown in the book.

The book “HR-branding. Focus on efficiency" Nina Osovitskaya - buy on a book with fast delivery | 978-5-4461-0348-5

Yuri Lunev. "HR engineering"

The publication tells how to bring together human resources, information technology and corporate architecture. The book introduces readers to the methods of designing organizational culture. The materials contain up-to-date information from a professional. The purpose of the publication is to orient the reader in the relevant sectors of the information field.

Alexander Krymov. "Human Resource Management 100%"

The book will interest anyone who dreams of becoming an effective HR director. The publication can be used as a manual and get acquainted with it selectively. There are a lot of productive working ideas here, for example, on how to create an effective wage system. All business ideas are ideal for HR management companies. The publication will help in training employees of organizations, as well as provide answers to many questions.

Natalia Samoukina. "Office battles in Russian"

The book gives instructions on how to survive, gain a foothold and win. Everyone understands that the professional competence of an employee is more important than internal corporate strife. The book is addressed to managers and owners of companies. The publication contains examples from the personal life of the author, so everything is reliable. The writer himself can be a tutor and a consultant in one person. He shares his impressions about the clients of his company, drawing certain conclusions. The book is interesting and should be read.

The book “Office battles in Russian. Survive. Get a foothold. Win by N. V. Samoukina - buy a book on with fast delivery | 978-5-4252-0500-1

It's no secret that not everyone is capable of becoming a successful competent manager. The leaders of large organizations are the strongest individuals with a huge store of knowledge and acquired skills in diplomatic communication.

Management is an art that will take many years to learn. A leader cannot stop in personal development. His authority is built by daily efforts aimed at working on himself, on the desire to learn and train his team.

Books for the manager. Where can I find publications with a clear presentation of the material?

Books written in dry formal language are not interesting for anyone to read. If a manager wants to improve his professional level, you need to read those authors who have already put their thoughts and advice into practice and can give specific examples. How did they solve their emergency situations, how did they motivate employees? Many interesting successful authors praise and promote their product. But which one to believe?

Now you can order any book you need online. But which one to choose? Here is a list of interesting and important books for personnel management. Authors present the same truth in different ways. The manager is the father of his firm. He is in charge of the entire team. So what does he need to learn?

Books for the personal growth of a manager

You need to understand that it is life itself in society that is the main school of a manager. The best books on personnel management are not those that give theoretical knowledge, but those that are written with the goal of inspiring the development of leadership qualities in oneself.

Here is a list of especially interesting books for becoming a strong, capable of leadership personality.

  • "Say YES to life!" - the famous story of psychologist Viktor Frankl, a man who experienced all the hardships of a concentration camp and did not harden.
  • "Think and Grow Rich" - Napoleon Hill.
  • "Moral letters to Lucilius" - Seneca.
  • "Dialogues" - Plato.

First of all, you need to start developing your own will, raising your authority. After all, a leader is someone who sets an example. Therefore, the manager must not only be savvy in the field of management, but must also know the origins of leadership. The best books on personnel management will help you with this. Rating is important for publishers-sellers. For readers, it is more interesting how honest the author is with him.

Essential List of Tutorials for the Novice Manager

What books to choose from the whole variety of literature for the manager? There is too much information provided now. And the manager especially has no time to sort through the literature and select "grains from the chaff." Busy people often need a ready-made list for their manager.

What are the must-read books?

  • "My Life, My Achievements" by Henry Ford - Explore the experience of founding the greatest company of the 20th century.
  • "Good Growth, Bad Growth" by Robert Sutton - The book outlines the main development problems that any manager faces when building his business.
  • Itzhak Adizes "Corporate Life Cycle Management".
  • "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey.
  • “Involve and dominate. Game Thinking at the Service of Business by Kevin Werbach.
  • "Work rules" - by Laszlo Bock.

This is just a rough list of worthy books. It is impossible to read all the books in a lifetime. But this is the minimum that you just need to master in order to feel confident when building your team.

The best books on personnel management

What distinguishes a leader from a subordinate? The fact that the first one knows how to set goals for himself and his team members. To learn this, it is important to be on the lookout all the time. Do not stop there, but move forward more and more decisively.

If you manage yourself, personnel management is also easy. Popular management books are flooding the book market. How not to drown in this flow of information? We will highlight the top 8 books for the manager's library:

  • First place - "The Tao of Toyota: 14 Management Principles of the World's Leading Company". The book is about how to take a leadership position in your market due to the quality of the goods. The author of the publication is Jeffrey K. Liker.
  • The second position is occupied by “Hard management. Make people work for the result ”- the work of Dan Kennedy.
  • In third place is Peter Drucker - "The Practice of Management". This is a classic of executive literature. Every leader should start his career after reading this book.
  • The fourth place in the ranking was given to the book Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go. Development of employees in practice.
  • The fifth position is occupied by the book "From good to great" - an analysis of the activities of well-known companies that have come to amazing success. Companies Gillette, Philip Morris, Pitney Bowes are considered.
  • Sixth place - “Dream job. How to Build a Company You Love by Sheridan Richard.
  • On the seventh step "Delegation and Management" is a book by Brian Tracy.
  • Eighth place in the list (but not in content) is occupied by the book "The Ideal Leader". It was written by one of the best lecturers in management - I. Adizes.

It should be mentioned that Yitzhak Adizes is one of the top 30 management authors in the world. He has already written more than 20 books and delivers his lectures to numerous audiences. After reading several books by this author, the manager will already be head and shoulders above his competitors.

Not always the best books on personnel management are those that belong to the most famous authors. But the books written by the hand of the Macedonian I. Adizes are really in the top of the best all the time. It is especially important for a manager to study the issue of enterprise development cycles, which Yitzhak Adizes also raises in his lectures.

List of good books on personnel management

What other books will be of interest to a creative, but inexperienced leader?

  1. "Decisive Man". Author Dennis Bakke is the president and founder of the energy company AES. This is a publication that will help make your company strong and reliable for partners.
  2. "The Big Game and Business" - explains how to unite employees around a specific goal.
  3. "Great by choice." Authors and Morten Hansen.
  4. “Speed ​​of trust. The Thing That Changes Everything by Stephen Covey Jr. and Rebecca Merrill.

These are the best books on personnel. Book reviews abound in compliments to authors and predict success for all those who have read the literature.

But is it really necessary to read everything that is recommended? Of course, it is desirable to find for yourself one or two favorite authors whose style of presentation you like, and follow their system. It is absolutely pointless to grab onto all known ideas at once.

The best managers of our time. What are they reading?

To raise your own motivation, it is useful to read what the greats of the world read. What do the most famous executives of the most famous brands like to read?

So what books are these management monsters reading? It is known that Mark Zuckerberg recommends reading The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley, as well as the book Why Some Countries Are Rich and Others Poor by D. Acemoglu and D. Robinson.

Jeff Bezos believes that Elia Goldratt's book "The Purpose: The Process of Continuous Improvement" should be on the shelf of the leader.

Eric Schmidt, together with Jared Cohen, recently released their bestseller, The New Digital World.

Choice of control strategy

To create a strategy and form a brilliant team - these are the main tasks of a manager. How to achieve this? Those people who have already gone their own way and from the height of their success can advise can suggest the company's development strategy.

  • I. Ansoff - "Strategic Management".
  • Brandon Webb - "Business management according to the methods of special forces."
  • “How is a development strategy developed in practice?” - R. E. Mansurov.
  • "Strategic Cost Management" - J. Shank and V. Govindarajan.

The manager is always responsible for the personnel he selects and for the results achieved by his subordinates. It is important to immediately develop a personal style of command, your own development strategy. The list of useful books for the leader is the one that he chose for himself.

One of the most upbeat books on management is the brilliant 2010 bestseller Delivering Happiness. From Zero to a Billion,” written by Tony Shay. The author describes his personal experience, how he started a business at the age of 9, trying to sell worms. Then Tony grew up and created Zappos. For his offspring, he received 1.2 billion from the giant Amazon.

The book reads great. It is about the case, but it is written very accessible and lively. It can be read on vacation, sitting by the pool. The author gives many useful tips for those who dream of a major breakthrough, gives inspiration and shares his life situations and lessons.

Quotes from books

The main idea of ​​management was formulated by Dennis Bakke in his book The Decisive Man. He said the following about his leadership:

It's like in basketball: the coach does not play for everyone. .... He only trains the team and forms the squad, but he does not play.

We can find quite useful quotes from Stephen Covey Sr.:

We must not stop in our search. And at the end of them we will arrive at the same place from which we started, and we will see it as if for the first time.

This is a phrase from the world-famous book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

When you're at a crossroads...

The enterprise suffers losses, and the manager is in terrible confusion and loses motivation. This often happens. Is it possible to find a way out of the situation? What to read to take important steps to restore performance?

You need to believe in yourself again and do everything possible to survive. Brian Tracy, the most famous specialist in the world of motivational literature, will help with this. And here are his best books:

  1. Get out of your personal comfort zone.
  2. "Kiss the frog."
  3. "Full involvement".
  4. "Negotiation".

The book Get Out of Your Personal Comfort Zone was the most paid-for book in the field of personal management. The publishing house has sold more than 1.2 million copies, which speaks of the true professionalism of the author.

Here are a couple of well-known and worthy publications:

  • "David and Goliath. How underdogs beat favorites.
  • “Built to last. The success of companies with vision.

All the powers that be know that there are no hopeless situations, so you need to take the best books on personnel management, find the best team and try your hand over and over again.


From the great variety of literature about business, a good manager needs to find something that will lift his team. Books on organizational personnel management are better to choose those that are written by authors who have personal experience in management.

Those books that are given in the article are the most popular and publicly available. They are produced in large quantities and are easy to find in online stores. But each leader of the organization, with age, chooses his personal list of the best books on personnel management.

The editors of Neo HR constantly receive literature on personnel from publishers. This section contains reviews of books on personnel management, specialized business literature, books on management.

Assessment of the level of professionalism of employees is a procedure that any company inevitably faces. At the same time, an HR specialist has several different methods in his arsenal, which differ in the implementation algorithm, budget, and the necessary basic training of evaluators. But in any case, personnel assessment helps HRs in performing a very important part of their work - determining the degree of preparation of an employee to perform a specific range of duties that are assigned to him. This allows you to identify potential opportunities for professional growth and identify shortcomings.

The book "Managers are not born" is a joint work of two outstanding leaders at once. Frank Svaitek, a consultant who has worked with many Fortune 500 companies for many years, and Danny Strigl, the former director of Verizon Communications, the largest American telecommunications company, managed to create a step-by-step guide for a manager, in which most of the advice relates specifically to working with personnel .

In 1970, at the age of 20, Richard Branson founded Virgin. Since then, never looking back, he has gradually built a huge number of profitable companies operating in various business areas. This is a unique example in the business world. How he managed to achieve such success, he tells in his book "My Rules".

The Enneagram is a system for identifying differences between people, which divides people into nine personality types, located on the nine anchor points of the pie chart. Each of us has traits of all nine types to varying degrees, but one tends to predominate. The type, the features of which are most characteristic of a person's personality, is his enneatype. Determine your enneatype.

In its 35 years of existence, the Pixar film studio has had to overcome many obstacles and difficulties. But those principles of personnel management, which were applied by its founders at the very beginning of their journey, made it possible to develop and preserve a unique corporate culture. Pixar President Ed Catmull talks about them in detail in his book Genius Inc.

Svetlana Ivanova's book teaches how to notice "signals" in a conversation and interpret them correctly. The author is known in Russia, first of all, as a specialist in personnel management. During her professional career, Svetlana Ivanova has conducted over 12,000 interviews with candidates.

“We know for sure that we cannot motivate other people, but we can remove the obstacles that prevent them from motivating themselves,” writes Brian Tracy in his book. “All motivation is self-motivation.” If this is true, then what is needed to maintain self-motivation? Tracy is sure - it all depends on the leader. If conditions are created, then self-motivation will appear naturally, without coercion.

A simple tool to avoid stupid mistakes. "Checklist" is a strategy useful for everyone.

Brian Tracy Delegation and Management. A book by a well-known expert in the field of sales management, leadership and motivation about the mechanisms that turn delegation into a learning process.

Dan Kennedy, the author of this book, is a living legend in the world of copywriting. His many years of professional experience are enough to increase the profits of both huge transnational corporations and small enterprises. The Sales Letter is a book that has become a classic. A must read for anyone who wants to comprehend the magic of the word and attract more customers.

The American IT company 37signals (renamed Basecamp since 2014) has always stood out from the rest. First of all, its vibrant corporate culture. Founded in 1999, today it employs just over 30 people, continuing to carry the charge and spirit of a start-up. On the official website, 37signals executives regularly maintain a blog that young entrepreneurs read. The activities of 37signals, or rather its good tradition of tirelessly breaking stereotypes in doing business, has become a kind of role model for everyone involved in the IT industry.

Vasily Podkopaev, Recruitment Specialist, BDO Unicon Outsourcing:

In my opinion, a recruiter should definitely read books Svetlana Ivanova . Here you will find methods for conducting interviews on competencies, interesting cases. In addition to literature on the Internet, you can find her master classes, where everything is really useful and understandable.

"The Big Book of the HR Director" by Rudavina and Ekomasov , in my opinion, will be useful to all HR-specialists. Here, practitioners (which is especially valuable) analyze various HR processes and situations in detail.

From foreign literature worth reading Armstrong "The Practice of Human Resource Management" . But, oddly enough, the biggest influence on my work was not publications about personnel management, but about the psychology of influence and business in general: Itzhak Adizes, Cialdini, Collections of Harvard Business Review Papers . They make it clear that the HR department alone cannot create or change a significant part of the personnel management system, this requires a common vision and understanding of the direction in which the company is moving, requires joint work with all management.

Business publications make us remember that although we care about people, the competitiveness of the company is equally important to us. HR works for the company's business as a whole, but is not a "nanny" or "trade union committee".

Ksenia Poplavskaya, head of the department for training and staff development of the international network of fitness clubs World Gym in Russia:

“For me personally, the following Books have become system-forming and, indeed, transformational (I write deliberately with a capital letter):

The first source that I want to talk about - Jack Mitchell, "Hug Your Employees" . This book instilled in me the philosophy of communication and work with employees. 5 principles that run, and I try very hard, as a common thread through all my communication: mindfulness, trust, participation, pride, recognition and mindfulness.

The second strong and instrumental Book on my list is the work Svetlana Ivanova "100% motivation: where is his button?" . In this Book, the author gave a very systematic, clear and practical technology for working with personnel. For me, the value of this Book is its 100% practicality and applicability in life.

Third place. Two Books that I do not separate, because for me they are paired and inseparable. Lee Lefever, "The Art of Explaining" and Julie Dirksen, The Art of Teaching . For those whose tasks are communication and learning, these Books can become a source of understanding how people think, how they think, and, most importantly, how we can conduct a productive dialogue with them.

The next invaluable discovery for me was the book "Types of roles in management teams" R. Meredith Belbin . Needless to say, how important it is for us to know the characteristics and individuality of each of our employees. This book is about how to create an effective team capable of solving business problems with inspiration.”

Natalya Bazhina, HR manager of Svoya Kompaniya restaurant chain:

Stephen Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
I am often asked to recommend a book. Most often, I start with Stephen Covey. This book will help in everything: to become a strong personality, find answers to questions, understand yourself, improve relationships with people. It is very simply written and easy to read, but it touches on very important moments of our lives. I want to say right away - this is a pure classic.

George Kaufman, "My Own MBA"

The book will not give you answers - it will teach you how to ask the right questions. One of the main advantages of the book is that it can be read from any page or chapter. Each part of the book is independent and helps the reader learn something new about working and building a business.

David Caruso, Peter Salovey, Leadership Emotional Intelligence. How to develop and apply

Now they have become more interested in this topic, it is important in management and not only. It will help you manage emotions, understand them, recognize them, and this is especially important if you work with people. It will help create an emotional climate in the organization.

Brian Tracy, How the Best Manage

The book is useful not only for the heads of companies, but also for the heads of departments. If you have people under your supervision, be sure to read. The book will help you solve some problems, retain employees, build a team, learn to set clear goals and define your style.

Albert Mitsevich, head of the HR department of the online service microcredit "Honest word":
Ken Blanchard, "One Minute Manager and Situational Leadership"

The book shows the importance of daily communication with subordinates, colleagues and management, the importance of brief but constant communication with team members for the success of any company.

The One Minute Manager also helps you manage current work tasks using the Situational Leadership or Situational Leadership tool. The essence of this approach lies in different models of managing specialists that a manager can use to successfully implement the company's tasks.

The book discusses four basic management styles:
- directive (goals are set rigidly, specific tasks are given and their implementation is monitored);
- mentoring (the manager also clearly sets goals, but explains the decisions made to the employee and invites him to express his ideas);
- supportive (the manager only supports employees, he participates in decision-making and helps, but to a greater extent, decisions are made by the employees themselves);
- delegating style (employees are given the right to make decisions and take responsibility for the results of their work).

Any leader needs to understand what style of personnel management will allow him to effectively and quickly achieve the goals of his unit.

Rail Khismatullin
, group president« Tentorium»:

Maxim Batyrev, "45 tattoos manager. Rules of the Russian leader»

This is a fairly recent book for those who work with people. Ignore the full name - it is for anyone who will someday become a leader. The book is relevant, designed for the Russian reader and more than useful. Most management books talk about purpose and dreams, success and the feeling of success. Maxim Batyrev clearly shows how to use these feelings and qualities, gives practical examples and draws original conclusions. This book will be useful to anyone who is ready to work towards achieving their dreams, but will not become a desktop book for those who are waiting for the weather by the sea, and mountains of gold on a silver platter from heaven.