Foxford competitions in Russian. Foxford personal account (Foxford)

Foxford is an online school founded in 2009, it was originally intended to prepare students for the USE, olympiads and exams. Later, a convenient personal account for teachers appeared in the system, which contains many courses for advanced training and other useful materials.

To start learning and taking courses, you need to create an account in the system. Thanks to him, you can enter your Foxford personal account and use the available services, receive fresh notifications, and interact with other users.

The process of its creation consists of just a few simple steps:

You will automatically find yourself in the LC. To log in next time, use the secret code from the letter that came to the email address.

"Foxford" - Entrance to the Teacher's Personal Office

The authorization process is the entry into a special window of the login and password, that is, the data invented during registration. After logging in, the user has access to all the benefits of a teacher's personal account at the Foxford online school.

To log in to your personal account, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Open the site.
  2. Enter the email or phone number, as well as the password that came to the mailbox.
  3. Click the Login button.

As you can see, this is a simple process that does not require much effort, just open the page, fill in all the fields, receive an email and complete the registration.

Login to the teacher's personal account using social networks

Almost all sites have a function of authorization through social networks. Its essence is that it takes data from a person's profile and copies it into its system. It remains only to come up with a password and log in, sometimes you don’t even need to come up with a password.

Logging in through social networks simplifies the process of registration and authorization on the Foxford school website, just click on one button and get access to the teacher's personal account, often you don't even need to come up with a password and login.

Password recovery from Foxford's Personal Account

If the secret code for logging in is lost, it's not a problem, because it is restored:

After these manipulations, the old secret code will be reset and a new one set by you will be installed.

Foxford - customer support

If you encounter problems while using your personal account for teachers or it does not work as it should, there are two ways to contact Foxford support.

  • Online chat. In the lower right corner is a yellow icon, you need to click on it and select the yellow icon. An online chat will open. If there are no consultants online, leave a message and enter an email address, the answer will come there later.

  • Group in social networks. The list of social networks in which there are Foxford communities can be found by clicking on the yellow icon in the lower right corner and selecting the icon of the desired social network. After that, a chat will open where you can chat with technical support representatives. Group in VK:, chat in a telegram:.

"Foxford" - Possibilities of the Personal Office of the Teacher

To understand all the possibilities of a personal account for a teacher in Foxford, you need to consider each tab of its interface:

  • Courses. This tab is for students, here they can find the course that suits them using convenient filters and get trained.

  • Tutors. Here, students choose themselves as an individual tutor, for this there are convenient filters. Near each tutor is the price per hour of the lesson.

  • Camp. In this case, we mean educational camps for students, where they can study face-to-face with the best teachers in the country. There you can choose a camp and read more detailed information.

  • home school- an additional service designed for students in grades 5-11, it includes online classes, an individual program and a personal curator.

  • teacher. This is a separate section for teachers. Here you can choose the appropriate course for your specialization and take it online.

  • More. This tab contains additional tabs and services. For example, career guidance, thanks to this service, you can take a test to choose your profession. It also contains data on events for teachers and useful materials.

Now it is clear that the personal account provides the opportunity to:

  • take different courses
  • use useful services;
  • read special articles;
  • take part in events and more.

Personal Area

There are several tabs here. One of them is "My Courses", which contains all the courses for which the user is enrolled. There you can also choose the appropriate course and sign up for it using the "Choose course" and "Add course" buttons.

The "My students" tab is designed to track the progress of your students, as well as to invite them to various events. To invite a student, click on the "Invite student" button.

In the "Tests" tab, you can take tests in various subjects. To find the right test, use the handy filter.

My achievements

This section contains all the achievements of the user: diplomas, certificates, and letters of thanks. This is necessary so that other users can rate the teacher.


The "Account" section contains all user data, such as full name, contact information, and so on. There is also a link "Mailing list settings", it is needed to choose which notifications to send to the user's mail.

There is also a "Change Password" tab so that users can reset the old secret code and set a new one.

affiliate program

The affiliate program involves paying rewards to users for attracting new people to the Foxford website. She has a separate personal account.

To participate, you need to register in one of the advertising networks - Admitad or Actionpay. The conditions for participation are indicated there, advertising materials are attached, statistics are present, and the withdrawal of earned funds is also available, it occurs through the advertising network.

Foxford - Should You Take Teacher Training Courses?

Foxford Personal Account is a convenient system for teachers, students and their parents. There are many useful materials, teachers of various categories, events are often held and much more. For example, you can prepare for a test in a certain subject by hiring a tutor and studying with him online.

There is an affiliate program in your personal account, thanks to which you can earn some extra money by attracting new users. To get access to all the benefits of the LC, you must register and log in to the system.

There are a lot of educational resources on the Internet, and finding the right course among such a variety is not easy. All online services perform different tasks, but I would especially like to note the one that will help the student achieve any educational goal.

How the courses were created

The history of Foxford begins in 2009, when MIPT teachers organized 8 courses for schoolchildren, in which they studied after school. In 2010, the website was launched with an online platform that monitors progress, and students got the opportunity to study at home. In 2011, the functionality for conducting classes in the form of webinars was added, and in 2012, 40 courses were created, which involved hundreds of schoolchildren. In 2013, the project received the status of a Skolkovo resident.

For whom

Foxford online courses are designed for students in grades 5-11 who intend to improve their knowledge in the main subjects of the school course. To start classes, you need to make a payment, have access to the Internet and connect to the lesson on time.

Foxford programs are designed for the different needs of schoolchildren. Depending on the goals, courses are divided into several levels:

  • base;
  • examination;
  • in-depth;
  • olympic.

Each consists of approximately 30 lessons, which take place once a week for 2 or 3 academic hours, it depends on the class.

Foxford has an external program for high school students with online training based on an individual program under the guidance of a personal tutor.

The center provides a large number of free materials, such as open classes in basic school subjects that take place throughout the year. Foxford also has its own YouTube channel, where useful videos are posted.

Preparation for the exam

There are now a huge number of courses to prepare for the exam. Foxford is worth choosing from this variety because in this online school:

  • taught by teachers from the best universities in the country;
  • classes are held in real time with support for instant feedback;
  • notes and video recordings of the lesson are provided for repeating and consolidating the material;
  • there are electronic textbooks in all subjects;
  • homework is constantly monitored by the teacher or automatically (with prompts);
  • the cost of courses is cheaper than the services of tutors;
  • Free first lessons for any course.

The Foxford Online Learning Center prepares applicants in all subjects. Classes are held on the school website in real time in one of two formats:

  • with a personal tutor;
  • in a course group.

Individual lessons are held via Skype, group lessons in the form of online broadcasts with a fixed schedule. During the lesson, you can communicate with the teacher via text chat and clarify incomprehensible points.

When the lecture ends, users are given tasks, they must be completed in a personal account. All lessons are recorded, they can be viewed later if for some reason it was not possible to attend the lesson in person or if you need to refresh the material in your memory.

After registering on the site, you will have access to the full list of courses, free viewing of videos from previous years - this will help you get an idea of ​​the order of the classes, the quality of training.

To make students feel like participants in a real learning process, they can always ask questions to the teacher in voice or text chat mode, and the lesson remains with the student. And homework is given after each lesson, interactive notes and tips will help to do it.

Preparation at Foxford is not boring video lessons or dry reading of theory, but the opportunity to communicate with the teacher, complete his assignments with subsequent verification and comments. Plus, the constant updating of information, which is important for effective preparation for final exams.

During the existence of the school, more than 5,000 students have been trained in it. Their results at the final exams testify to the quality of preparation for the Unified State Examination - they are 30 points higher than the national average. In 2013, every fifth MIPT student and every tenth freshman from the most prestigious faculties of Moscow State University studied at Foxford. They talk about their impressions, training experience and achievements in the feedback section on the school portal.

Preparation for the Olympics

Preparation at Foxford for participation in the Olympiads makes it possible to:

  • learn from teachers who are members of the jury of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, write textbooks and compose USE assignments;
  • start preparing with any initial knowledge base - the high qualification of teachers will help each student reach the desired level;
  • compete with peers to assess your chances of winning;
  • to develop an individual program of preparation for the Olympiads of any direction;
  • win and receive valuable prizes from Foxford;
  • raise self-esteem.

The use of the most modern educational technologies makes studying at Foxford not only effective, but also exciting.

You can read more about preparing for the Olympiads on the official website.

Learning principles

Preparation for the Unified State Examination and Olympiads at Foxford is distinguished by:

  1. visibility- the educational material is presented as brightly, conveniently as possible and is accompanied by a large number of pictures, graphs, charts, tables and videos.
  2. Availability- the language of presentation of the material corresponds to the age and level of development of schoolchildren.
  3. Mobility- students have the opportunity to study at a convenient time and in any place where there is Internet access.
  4. multi-level- the student has the opportunity to learn regardless of the degree of preparedness.
  5. Relevance- all information provided by the service complies with the latest educational requirements.
  6. Reliability- educational material is always taken from trusted sources.
  7. phasing- the online service builds a clear plan for working on the student's problems.
  8. Creativity- the educational process is carried out using modern educational technologies.

What are the alternatives

An interesting option for preparing for the Unified State Examination or the Olympiad is the educational resource It will also help to eliminate knowledge gaps in any school subject.

Comparison table of online courses

Which center would you like to use? Compare and choose.

Criterias of choice


Course cost per month 8700 rub. 2350 rub.
  • maths;
  • physics;
  • social science;
  • story;
  • Russian language;
  • English language;
  • Informatics;
  • chemistry
  • maths;
  • social science;
  • Russian language;
  • story;
  • English language;
  • biology;
  • chemistry;
  • physics
Duration of training year -
Type of occupation online classes theoretical material, testing
Teaching methods each lesson in the format of a webinar, free introductory classes, a record of all completed lessons tests, presentation of theoretical information in blocks
Official site

Having made a choice, do not forget that success is 70% dependent on effort. No teacher can unlock the potential of a student if he himself does not want it.


Online education at Foxford allows not only to receive a quality education in the main subjects of the school curriculum, but also makes it possible to fruitfully prepare via the Internet for the Unified State Examination, Olympiads and other educational tests.

Foxford School can help everyone get closer to what they dream of. Go to the official website and choose the program.

Go to the official site

Dear teachers do not deal with this company!

Grade: 1

Terrible company!!! She took courses for teachers. Training. I needed to get certified. I contacted the hotline (where Daria answered). One manager for all questions contact the hotline. 3 weeks promised to solve this issue, to help. The result is zero. Incompetent employee. A company in which it is impossible to get a certificate for your money. I wrote to the mail, in VK. Everywhere only Daria!

Individual approach

Grade: 5

Now everyone promises an individual approach, the expression itself sounds somehow advertising even. Therefore, we did not come to Foxford because of this. They just knew that there were excellent teachers and a loyal schedule. But a curator was immediately attached to us, who became sincerely interested in the world of my child, taught him to take notes during the lesson and listened (!) via Skype every week. Then we passed a career guidance test and phoned a psychologist. She helped us decipher the results. I thought that my child was a pure humanist, but it turned out that he was interested in physics, there are just gaps and misunderstandings. This is how astronomy appeared in our individual educational route, which the child watches without stopping. During the first certification, we fell ill and could not pass the control on time - the administration went to meet us halfway and delayed sending the statements for a couple of days ... Thanks to Foxford, I realized what an individual approach is! This is when every child is valued! Thanks Foxford!

Training in a convenient format

Grade: 5

Took courses in Mathematics to prepare for the exam. My son knows this subject well, but some of the difficult tasks from section C were not given to him. Foxford pulled him up nicely. He says that teachers communicate directly via chat, which is convenient and even interesting.
The lesson lasts 45 minutes, sometimes an hour. In general, until they pass the desired topic.
In Foxford, everything is like at school - they give notes, as well as homework. Videos of past lessons are saved, which you can view and even save to your computer.
The site is made conveniently, nothing slows down. Intuitive to use.
The tutors are competent, they explain in a language that is accessible to the graduate. But it was clear that they were holding their son with a tight rein, he never missed doing homework and additional tests, control. He did not have to be forced to "go" to an online lesson, he remembered everything himself.
The cost of studying at Foxford is not cheap, but still neither I nor my son regret the time and money spent. I passed the exam very well, with 88 points, although we did not expect more than 75.
Learning via the Internet is convenient, affordable and even interesting. Foxford online school is one of the strongest and most successful. We liked everything!

Replacement tutor

Grade: 5

In the process of preparing for the exam, Foxford turned out to be the best way out. The training course there was cheaper than hiring a tutor, and an additional plus was that I could control the process. On the site you can see information about the teachers who will work with the child, it is in the public domain, you can choose the most suitable courses. There are many options, not just teaching a subject, there are author's programs. The training course is very similar to the school course, there are lessons that are taught via Skype, there are test papers and homework assignments, there are control tests that you need to prepare for. Everything is serious. Unlike classes with a tutor, which I do not attend and do not know anything about them, the whole process takes place in front of me. My child is not diligent, it was a great help for him that online classes can be recorded and reviewed incomprehensible moments as many times as needed.
Thanks to Foxford and Irina Pavlovna's courses at the Unified State Examination, we got a good score, not the highest, but much higher than we could have expected. Yes, and general knowledge of subjects was tightened up, it will definitely come in handy at the university. If such portals become widespread, then tutors will eventually become unnecessary.

Expensive but high quality

Grade: 5

My son was preparing for the exam in mathematics at Foxford. Only the B part was needed to be trained. Before that, I went to local tutors for about 3 months, there was little sense, I did not solve samplers at school very well. In terms of money, it turned out a little more expensive than with a tutor: a course for 30 lessons cost about 17,000. That is, on average, it comes out to more than 500 rubles per lesson. Tutors took about 400, classes were 2 times a week, so in 3 months I wasted much more money than here. Here, it is precisely here that they are trained to understand the principle of solving problems, they provide the necessary base, since the variations of tasks are different so that the student can navigate, and not solve according to given scripts, and they are simply trained according to standard tasks. That is, the program is relatively simple, but they explain it really intelligibly, at the level of understanding of a 11th grade student. The main classes are online, but if there is a gap, you can always watch the recording and learn. In general, it really helped, as a result, I passed the base level by 4, which is very pleasing, although before that even 3 was a stretch. Well, I looked at the rest, there are programs not only for graduates, you can train a student of any age in certain subjects.

A find for those living in the outback

Grade: 5

Courses are a great find for those living in remote areas of the country. It is convenient that all classes can be watched in the recording at a convenient time, especially when there is a big time difference with the capital. At Foxford, the son took a course of preparation for the Olympiad in biology with A.P. Korbut, as a result, he was able to win the regional stage.
Technically, the site is made competently, everything is optimized, the learning process is easy and enjoyable. Sometimes you can find promotional codes with discounts on courses online, but this is a separate big job. You can win coupons with discounts on the site itself, but we never succeeded.
The cost of an academic hour is very reasonable, it starts from 250 rubles. It all depends on the uniqueness, complexity and duration of the course, on the teacher. But in any case, it turns out much more profitable than doing with ordinary tutors. The level of teaching and the program itself are much better than what we could expect in our small town. And, most importantly, you do not need to waste time on the road.
In the event of technical problems (there were failures in the calculation of points for correctly completed tasks), everything was resolved quickly, appeals are considered promptly.

Great service for both teachers and students

Grade: 5

An excellent service for advanced training without, as they used to say, a break from production. The cost of the courses is acceptable compared to most competitors. The material is presented in excellent condition. You can work at a convenient time. A lot of materials are freely available for free, I can view at any time and from any device. Upon graduation, I received the necessary documents and state certificates. Many of my students of different ages also study at Foxford in different disciplines. Both children and parents are satisfied. Some have abandoned classical tutoring in favor of online learning. In terms of time, it is more convenient, and in terms of finances, it is more profitable.

Great option for homeschooling

Grade: 5

Very good online learning. My children are 10 and 16 years old at the school. The learning process is organized no worse than in a regular school, it turned out to be a kind of Oxford for children at home. There is a very interesting career guidance test. We downloaded a special application for Android "Foxford textbook", it contains a huge array of reference information on basic school subjects. A big plus is that you can study at any convenient time, courses are available on any device. And you don’t need to go anywhere, a lot of time is saved, the children don’t get tired. Everything is presented clearly and intelligibly, in a normal language.
The eldest son went from Foxford to a summer camp in Bulgaria, he was satisfied. In addition to recreation, children studied with teachers from leading universities in the capital. It is not entirely clear why there are no such subjects as literature and astronomy in the course library, and the section of developing courses is completely empty so far. And from foreign languages ​​only English is available, at least I would like to see German, French or Spanish.
I like the quality of teaching, the children like the English tutor Olga Zueva the most. Some of the classes at the school are free, and some require reasonable payment.

Convenient portal for schoolchildren

Grade: 5

Classes on the Foxford online portal are undoubtedly cheaper than any real tutor. We took an English course 60 hours for only 5900 rubles, before that we studied other subjects.
Most of the training follows the same pattern. Each subject can be studied online or recorded, access to paid lessons can be obtained in real time, theoretical materials are also issued after paying for the course. Classes are held according to a pre-arranged schedule, you must register an hour before the start, after the lesson, students are given homework. If something remains unclear at the end of the lesson, you can return to the notes at any time and view individual moments or the entire lesson, you can also do this if you missed the lesson or joined the group later.
We really liked the lessons, the teachers explain everything intelligibly, a lot of visual aids and the ability to review the necessary lesson at any time made it much easier for us to learn and consolidate the material. After graduation they give a certificate. We will take more courses.

Available to everyone

Grade: 5

Such study for my child was cheaper than hiring a private teacher with his own rules and requirements. It is beneficial that you do not call anyone home. You can adjust the education schedule for yourself, but the "online" lesson mode is turned on only for a clear time. After that, you watch the recording. The attitude of teachers is respectful, moderately strict. They tell the material in a popular, easily accessible way, using examples. Teachers work in well-known universities of the country, therefore they keep the appropriate level. Since there are homework assignments in the courses, you immediately get in the mood to take notes and think in order to delve into what you hear.
You can also save a lot if you buy recordings of training lessons for the program of the next school year in advance, in the summer. Then just at a convenient time, you can review or review again. 9 popular subjects are available for study, which will be useful for school and almost any higher education.
The site is designed for a wide audience. First I found this site for a child to catch up with the school curriculum. Then the niece prepared physics before entering the technical school. Now I have agreed on lessons for myself, since the work required a deeper knowledge of the Russian language. Looking forward to working with this school in the future.

The project is excellent, light and high quality

Grade: 5

Foxford educational online project. Very successful and good quality. At school, sometimes there is not enough time for a deeper study of the subject. What the teacher thinks is simple, sometimes the student can not understand. We have just this option, that is, there is a desire to learn. The child has a humanitarian mindset, mathematics is difficult. A good tutor is worth its weight in gold. Perhaps they are all in the project.
For us, everything is simple, register - choose a subject, pay and start learning. It is easy for parents to control the lessons and attendance, and the time spent at the computer is now well spent. Children, in addition to the main thing, receive knowledge that there is a lot of useful things, not only games and communication in social networks. networks.
Specialists - tutors of high qualification. My child initially simply did not understand mathematics, but now, having understood the basics, he went further. I really like getting good grades at school now. And in the eyes of his classmates, his status has risen. The price for such training is not too high, another pleasant moment.

Foxford is an opportunity for everyone to remotely prepare for exams, tests and tests. The official website offers Russian students in grades 3-11 classes with classified tutors without leaving home. Classes in all subjects are conducted in real time. A trial lesson in any direction is free. In order to start training, you need to register a Foxford personal account and make payment in a convenient way for you. The platform is updated annually, new options appear. The program is conducted in two directions: additional education and school course. The first is designed for gifted and motivated students, and the second is able to completely replace attending a regular high school. The online educational center employs experts in various fields: teachers with a Ph.D., university professors, honored teachers. The learning process is aimed at schoolchildren, but the company's website is primarily designed to meet the needs of parents, mainly mothers. Thus, a balance has been achieved between an interesting and useful education and the ease of use of the web site.

Foxford Personal Account Features

On the personal page, the student and his parents can follow the results of training, receive new materials, answers to all questions of interest, recommendations according to the level of knowledge and the chosen specialty or university. It also receives information on updates in the education system, homework, study life hacks. In the student profile, a choice of the type of education is available: interactive lessons, olympiads, online tutor services, free projects. For each format, information about the date, content, and other details is provided. Through a personal page, you can book a place to participate in lessons (courses, olympiads), even without money in your account. Parents using their personal account can not only monitor the progress of the child, but also participate in webinars and improve their skills. With, the educational process becomes easy, accessible and entertaining.

The efforts of the child, the efforts of the school teacher and the help of parents may not be enough for good grades and a high score on the exam. And here additional education comes to the aid of the student: special courses or classes with a tutor. But finding the right teacher or courses is not easy. If the child does not find a common language with the teacher or does not cope with the proposed workload, you can lose time and money. At the Foxford online school, experts first determine what exactly you need, and then offer you a tutor or select specialized courses.

Online courses are suitable for a motivated student who is doing well in the school curriculum, but wants to gain in-depth knowledge of the subject, win the Olympiad or pass the OGE and the Unified State Examination with 85+ points. So that your talented child does not get bored in the classroom and gets additional food for the mind, send him to an in-depth or olympiad course from the teachers of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology or the Higher School of Economics. This will help develop his abilities, improve his skills and enter a prestigious university in his chosen specialty.

Who is a tutor for?

The tutor is suitable for a child who needs individual training. If a child has poor grades, there are gaps in knowledge, if he “does not pull” the program, a tutor will help. Foxford offers a free trial lesson. After registration, the consultant will select a convenient date and time for the introductory lesson. The lesson itself takes place via Skype, as well as subsequent work with a tutor. After assessing the level of your child and his individual needs in a free lesson, the methodologist will select a suitable tutor for him. The next day, the child can start classes. If you want to change a tutor, this is not a problem: the specialists will offer you another one.

Each Foxford course is a series of weekly webinars on a chosen subject. At a certain time, students are connected to the broadcast. During the webinar, you can ask the teacher a question via chat, and after the lesson, students will have homework in their personal account. Assignments are checked automatically. If necessary, you can view the recording of the lesson. Individual lessons with a tutor via Skype are held tete-a-tete at a convenient time for the student. The child and the tutor hear and see each other and are in constant contact. The number of lessons depends on the abilities of the child and the goal to be achieved.

Some facts about Foxford.

  • Foxford is the largest online school in Russia. More than 1,000,000 students are already studying there.
  • Teachers - experts of the Unified State Examination and the OGE, compilers of Olympiads and teachers of the best universities in the country.
  • Foxford graduates score 25 points higher on the USE than the national average.
  • Foxford graduates enter the Moscow State University, the Higher School of Economics, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and the Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman.
  • You can study at school from any device: computer, tablet or smartphone.

Watch a video about how classes are held in Foxford, but rather try it yourself. The first lesson is free.