Who Timokhin is war and peace. True heroes and patriots in the novel "War and Peace" L

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The idea of ​​an incredible feat is the basic idea of ​​the Russian military epic. This idea comes to the fore in all the decisive episodes of Tolstoy's epic. Tolstoy shows who accomplished this feat - in the attack of the sixth chasseur regiment, in the attack of Timokhin, on the Tushin battery, and introduces the reader to ordinary people - the heroes of this feat.

In the course of the development of the Shengraben episode, one of Tolstoy's main thoughts gradually becomes clearer: the real hero is the simplest, most modest person. This is a man, of which there are many, who does not even suspect in what great work he is called to take part.

This motif expands and grows in the further course of the story. On the eve of the battle, when Napoleon, furious at the untimely truce that Murat hastened to conclude with Kutuzov, ordered the resumption of hostilities, "Bagration's four thousandth detachment, merrily laying fires, dried, heated, cooked porridge for the first time after three days, and none of the detachment's people knew and did not think about what lay ahead of him.

The soldiers of the detachment are shown in the atmosphere of everyday field work. Here they are building fortifications "blushing with fresh, newly dug up clay". "Several" battalions of soldiers in the same shirts, despite the cold wind, like white ants, swarm on these fortifications; shovels of red clay were constantly thrown out from behind the rampart by invisibly by someone.

Tolstoy notes that, as they approached the enemy, "the appearance of the troops became more cheerful" ... "scattered throughout the space, the soldiers dragged firewood and brushwood and built booths, laughing merrily and talking to each other."

This feature of the Russian soldiers was also noted in the Borodino episode. A military feat is accomplished by people who are cheerful in spirit, in friendly unity going into battle. Tolstoy shows the efficiency of camp life, gives a number of pictures depicting a soldier's life - mending clothes near the fires, dinner, getting the prescribed portion of vodka. This peaceful principle, inherent in the people, the mass of soldiers, indestructible even in the face of an enemy chain, is especially emphasized by Tolstoy.

When a cannon shot rang out, indicating that the battle had begun, new features - determination and courage - appeared in the quick movements of the soldiers. Those companies that a quarter of an hour ago were eating porridge and drinking vodka were now lining up and dismantling their guns, and there was a feeling of animation on all faces: "It has begun! Here it is! Terrible and fun!" said the face of every soldier and officer"

The feat of the Bagrationov detachment is shown in the actions of many people - Tushin, Timokhin, Bagration himself, Andrei Bolkonsky and others. They drew strength from the unity of the entire army, from the calm, business-like unity of people who felt their connection with the people and realized their invincibility. Tolstoy, with incredible persuasiveness, revealed this moral cohesion of the entire detachment, the mutual support that everyone provided to each other, from a soldier to Bagration. Tushin, the head of the battery, began shelling the Shengraben on the advice of his sergeant major. Bagration approved both this and a number of other actions taken on the initiative of junior commanders, and when the decisive moment came, he himself led the Jaeger regiment to attack.

In the description of the battle, it is easy to notice two main parts. In the first of them, the central figure is Bagration. Going around the position, he falls on Tushin's battery. The tension of the battle grows continuously. With every minute, the danger in which the detachment was located became more and more obvious. Bagration was calm, but concentrated. He knew that his warriors were doing their duty with honor, and he gave junior commanders the initiative to act. And "his presence did extremely much. The chiefs, who approached Prince Bagration with upset faces, became calm, the soldiers and officers cheerfully greeted him and became livelier in his presence and, apparently, flaunted their courage in front of him." In this mutual confidence - the commander in his soldiers and the soldier in his commander - was the key to the success of the Shengraben operation, incredible in terms of the strength of the military daring.

Going around the positions, Bagration headed for "the real battlefield." Although the regimental commander reported to him that the French cavalry attack had been repulsed, it became clear to Bagration that the situation on the front line was critical. His face expressed a concentrated and happy determination, which struck Prince Andrei. In full view of the French, Bagration called in two battalions of the Chasseurs Regiment and himself led them into the attack: "Hurrah!" - a drawn-out cry resounded along our line, and, overtaking Prince Bagration and each other, our discordant, but cheerful and lively crowd ran downhill after the upset French.

In the second half of the Shengraben episode, the main characters are Timokhin and Tushin. There was a moment when the infantry regiments of the left flank, forgotten by the bettors of the commanders, were taken by surprise by the French. The situation was desperate, it seemed impossible to restore order among the troops. But at that moment, something happened that no one expected. Timokhin, with his company, which kept itself in order, attacked the French with such "crazy" determination that the French dropped their weapons and ran.

Timokhin is one of the many participants in the hostilities, and the meaning of his speech is to show the true heroism of a simple warrior, of whom there are many in the Russian army, and whose valor and selfless devotion to military duty the Russian army is invincible.

Tushin, with all the brightness of his individual character, comprehensively disclosed in a number of episodes, is also given in War and Peace as one of the many military officers of the Russian army. The story does not show Tushin's past life, the plot of his personal fate - everything that distinguishes this hero from those around him. Tolstoy deliberately emphasizes in him what he has in common with many other soldiers of the Russian army. Tushin acts as one of many: we know nothing about him outside of his service, and therefore his name has the same generalizing meaning in the novel as the name of Timokhin. The feat of these ordinary Russian soldiers, living a single life with the people of their regiment, their battery, ends the story of the battle of Shengraben. In the words of Andrei Bolkonsky at the military council - "we owe the success of the day most of all to the action of this battery and the heroic steadfastness of Captain Tushin with his company" - the voice of Tolstoy himself sounds.

The writer argued that the feat of the Russian army is the feat of ordinary people, modest, valiant warriors, unknown to anyone, not noticed by anyone. But that it is precisely these genuine representatives of the Russian army, combat soldiers and officers, who are the real, real heroes of the epic.

see also: The main characters and themes of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

War of 1805 The situation in the theater of operations was as follows: the thirty-five thousandth Russian army was retreating, pursued by the hundred thousandth French army under the command of Napoleon. Kutuzov sent Bagration's 4,000th vanguard to intercept the enemies, who, ahead of the French, had to delay them as much as he could. The task was not an easy one ... At night, Bagration, having traveled forty-five miles with hungry, barefoot soldiers through the mountains, without a road, losing a third of the stragglers, arrived at the appointed place a few hours ahead of the French. But then the unexpected happened ... Murat, meeting Bagration's detachment, thought that this was the whole army of Kutuzov and proposed a truce for three days. For the Russians, this was the only opportunity to gain time, to give Bagration's exhausted detachment a rest. Unlike Murat, Napoleon immediately figured out the deception. While Bagration's detachment was resting, Bonaparte's adjutant galloped to Murat with a formidable message. The Russians had time to rest a bit, to eat soldier's porridge, and then ... suddenly a whistle is heard, a shot falls, then the next, and the next ... Tushin, the battery commander, ordered to fire on Shengraben.
In the meantime, the infantry regiments, taken by surprise by the French in the forest, chaotically, in a panic, ran out of the forest, shouting: "Go around! Cut off! Disappeared!". The regimental commander ran after his soldiers, trying to stop them, but they did not listen to him and continued to run. He stopped in despair, it seemed to him that everything was over. But then he saw that the French, who had just been advancing, suddenly ran back. Russian arrows appeared in the forest - this was Timokhin's company, the only one left in order, sitting in a ditch, waiting for the enemy, and then suddenly attacked. Timokhin was as if imbued with vigor and determination at that moment, he, holding one sword in his hand, filled with a great sense of duty and fighting spirit, ran to the French, and they, without having time to come to their senses, threw down their weapons and ran. At that moment, Dolokhov ran alongside Timokhin, killed one Frenchman point-blank and "the first took the surrendered officer by the collar." The fleeing soldiers returned to their battalions. The regimental commander stood with Major Ekonomov and gave him an order, at that time one pale soldier ran up to him, it was Dolokhov. He showed the commander a French sword and a bag, said that he had captured an officer and stopped the company. And he also asked the commander to remember him. And then, continuing to interfere with the conversation, Dolokhov showed his wound, inherited from the French bayonet.
If we compare Timokhin and Dolokhov, we can say that Timokhin is brave, decisive, purposeful, desperate, with great willpower, because when all the soldiers of other companies began to panic somewhere, picking up the rest, Timokhin did not succumb to this and remained sit in the forest, in ambush, waiting for a convenient moment to attack. Indeed, in order to win a battle, it is important not only to have a large army, although not without it, it is important to be able to correctly set up this army, these soldiers, to give them a good fighting spirit, faith in their own strength and a desire to protect people from death at all costs. . And if everyone began to lose heart, lose heart, think that everything is over, then gradually they join others, and thus it is very easy to succumb to this and run away with everyone ...
And when the right moment came, Timokhin ordered the offensive, then he ran ahead of everyone and killed the French who came across his path. At that moment, he had such a huge charge of energy needed in battle that he infected his company with it, and they, following his example, also fled to the enemy. Among them was Dolokhov.
Usually, when two people are compared, one is positive and the other is negative. Timokhin turned out to be positive, but it cannot be said that Dolokhov is directly completely negative.

IMAGE OF THE WAR 1805-1807

The narrative is transferred to the battlefields in Austria, many new heroes appear: Alexander I, the Austrian emperor Franz, Napoleon, army commanders Kutuzov and Mack, commanders Bagration, Weyrother, ordinary commanders, staff officers ... and the bulk are soldiers: Russian, French, Austrian , Denisov's hussars, infantry (Timokhin's company), artillerymen (Tushin's battery), guards. Such versatility is one of the features of Tolstoy's style.

- What were the goals of the war and how did its direct participants look at the war?

The Russian government entered the war out of fear of the spread of revolutionary ideas and the desire to prevent Napoleon's aggressive policy. Tolstoy successfully chose the scene of the review in Braunau for the initial chapters of the war. There is a review of people and equipment.

What will he show? Is the Russian army ready for war? Do the soldiers consider the aims of the war just, do they understand them? (ch.2)

This mass scene conveys the general mood of the soldiers. The image of Kutuzov stands out close-up. Starting the review in the presence of the Austrian generals, Kutuzov wanted to convince the latter that the Russian army was not ready for the campaign and should not join the army of General Mack. For Kutuzov, this war was not a sacred and necessary matter, so his goal was to keep the army from fighting.

CONCLUSION: misunderstanding by the soldiers of the goals of the war, Kutuzov's negative attitude towards it, mistrust between the allies, mediocrity of the Austrian command, lack of provisions, general state of confusion - this is what the scene of the review in Branau gives. The main feature of the depiction of war in the novel is that the author deliberately shows the war not in a heroic way, but focuses on "blood, suffering, death."

What way out can be found for the Russian army?

The battle of Shengraben, undertaken on the initiative of Kutuzov, gave the Russian army the opportunity to join forces with its units marching from Russia. The history of this battle once again confirms the experience and strategic talent of Kutuzov, the commander. His attitude to the war, as when reviewing the troops in Branau, remained the same: Kutuzov considers the war unnecessary; but here it was a question of saving the army, and the author shows how the general acts in this case.


- A brief description of Kutuzov's plan.

This "great feat", as Kutuzov called it, was needed to save the entire army, and therefore Kutuzov, who took care of people so much, went for it. Tolstoy once again emphasizes the experience and wisdom of Kutuzov, his ability to find a way out in a difficult historical situation.

What is cowardice and heroism, feat and military duty - these moral qualities are clear to everyone. Let us trace the contrast between the behavior of Dolokhov and the staff, on the one hand, and Tushin, Timokhin with the soldiers, on the other (Ch. 20-21).

Company Timokhin

The whole company of Timokhin showed heroism. In conditions of confusion, when the troops taken by surprise fled, Timokhin's company "alone in the forest stayed in order and, sitting in a ditch near the forest, unexpectedly attacked the French." Tolstoy sees the company's heroism in their courage and discipline. Quiet, before the battle seemed awkward, the company commander Timokhin managed to keep the company in order. The company rescued the rest, took prisoners and trophies.

Dolokhov's behavior

After the battle, one Dolokhov boasted of his merits and injury. His courage is ostentatious, he is characterized by self-confidence and protruding himself to the fore. True heroism is accomplished without calculation and protrusion of one's exploits.

Tushin battery.

In the hottest area, in the center of the battle, Tushin's battery was without cover. No one had a more difficult situation in the battle of Shengraben, while the results of the battery firing were the greatest. In this difficult battle, Captain Tushin did not experience the slightest fear. Tell about the battery and Tushin. In Tushin Tolstoy discovers a wonderful person. Modesty, selflessness, on the one hand, determination, courage, on the other, based on a sense of duty, this is Tolstoy's norm of human behavior in battle, which determines true heroism.

THE BATTLE OF AUSTERLITZ (part 3, ch.11-19)

This is a compositional center, all the threads of an inglorious and unnecessary war go to it.

The lack of a moral incentive for waging war, the incomprehensibility and alienness of its goals to soldiers, distrust between the allies, confusion in the troops - all this was the reason for the defeat of the Russians. According to Tolstoy, it is in Austerlitz that the true end of the war of 1805-1807 is, since Austerlitz expresses the essence of the campaign. “The era of our failures and shame” - this is how Tolstoy himself defined this war.

Austerlitz became an era of disgrace and disappointment not only for all of Russia, but also for individual heroes. Not at all the way he would like, N. Rostov behaved. Even a meeting on the battlefield with the sovereign, whom Rostov adored, did not bring him joy. With a feeling of the greatest disappointment in Napoleon, who used to be his hero, Prince Andrei also lies on the Pratsensky Hill. Napoleon introduced himself to him as a small, insignificant man. Feeling disappointed in life as a result of realizing the mistakes made by the characters. In this regard, it is noteworthy that next to the Austerlitz battle scenes there are chapters that tell about the marriage of Pierre to Helene. For Pierre, this is his Austerlitz, the era of his shame and disappointment.

CONCLUSION: Universal Austerlitz - this is the result of volume 1. Terrible, like any war, by the destruction of human life, this war, according to Tolstoy, did not have at least an explanation for its inevitability. Started for the sake of glory, for the sake of the ambitious interests of the Russian court circles, it was incomprehensible and not needed by the people, and therefore ended with Austerlitz. Such an outcome was all the more shameful because the Russian army could be courageous and heroic when it had at least some understanding of the objectives of the battle, as was the case under Shangreben.


French crossing the Neman (part 1, ch. 1-2)

French camp. Why, then, “millions of people, having renounced their human feelings and their minds, had to go to the East from the West and kill their own kind”

There is unity in the French army - both among the soldiers and between them and the emperor. BUT this unity was mercenary, the unity of the invaders. But this unity is fragile. Then the author will show how it falls apart at the decisive moment. This unity is expressed in the soldiers' blind love for Napoleon and taking it for granted by Napoleon (the death of the uhlans during the crossing! They were proud that they were dying in front of their emperor! But he did not even look at them!).

Abandonment by Russians of their lands. Smolensk (part 2, ch. 4), Bogucharovo (part 2 ch. 8), Moscow (part 1 ch. 23)

The unity of the Russian people is based on something else - on hatred for the invaders, on love and affection for their native land and the people living on it.

BATTLE OF BORODINO (vol. 3, part 2, ch. 19-39)

This is the culmination of the whole action, as firstly, the battle of Borodino was a turning point, after which the French offensive bogged down; secondly, it is the point of intersection of the destinies of all heroes. Wanting to prove that the battle of Borodino was only a moral victory for the Russian army, Tolstoy introduces a battle plan into the novel. Most of the scenes before and during the battle are shown through the eyes of Pierre, since Pierre, who understands nothing in military affairs, perceives the war from a psychological point of view and can observe the mood of the participants, and, according to Tolstoy, this is the reason for victory. Everyone talks about the need for victory at Borodino, about confidence in it: “One word - Moscow”, “Tomorrow, no matter what, we will win the battle.” Prince Andrei expresses the main idea for understanding the war: we are not talking about an abstract living space, but about the land in which our ancestors lie, soldiers go to battle for this land.

And under these conditions, one can neither "pity oneself" nor "be generous" with the enemy. Tolstoy recognizes and justifies the defensive and liberation war, the war for the life of fathers and children. War is "the most disgusting thing in life." This is Andrei Bolkonsky. But when they want to kill you, deprive you of your freedom, you and your land, then take a club and smash the enemy.

"War and Peace" - a novel by Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy - a national epic dedicated to the heroism of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812, a feat accomplished by the people.

While describing the Battle of Shengraben, one of the main episodes of the 1805 campaign, Tolstoy showed the feat of Captain Tushin and the soldiers of his battery. Captain Tushin is an ordinary officer, a person who embodies folk wisdom and simplicity. During the battle, he fearlessly leads the bombardment, showing an example of courage to the soldiers, sacredly fulfilling his military duty.

Captain Timokhin also performs a feat, and the attack of his company at a critical moment changed the course of the battle. Like Tushin, he is ... duty, courage and diligence.

According to Tolstoy, war is “an event contrary to human reason in its human nature,” but the war of 1812 is a terrible necessity. To execute the enemy, to expel him from his native land is the duty of every Russian person.

If in the highest aristocratic circles they only uttered pompous phrases about love for the fatherland, but in fact they only “followed ... the weather vane of royal mercy”, then the best people from the nobles acted differently: Nikolai Rostov returned to the army, young Petya went to war, Pierre Bezukhov gives a million to the militia, commanding a regiment, striving to be closer to the people, Prince Andrei, give all the carts to the soldiers wounded near the village of Borodin, Rostov, dooming themselves to ruin.

The feeling of hatred for the enemies of the motherland makes the inhabitants of Smolensk and Moscow burn their property so that the French do not get it, and the act of the merchant Ferapontov and the “man in a frieze overcoat” is an example of true patriotism.

Russian peasants, "Karps and Vlass", as Tolstoy calls them, did not want to sell hay to the French even for a lot of money, they burned it. Every Russian person fought the enemy in his own way.

The Battle of Borodino is the greatest manifestation of the patriotism of the Russian people. Ordinary people understood the importance of this moment. “They want to pile on all the people,” says one of the soldiers; in preparation for possible death in the coming battle, the militia men put on white shirts. The same mood prevails in the regiment of Andrei Bolkonsky.

During the battle, the gunners on the Raevsky battery behave calmly and courageously, ready to die, but to do their duty.

Kutuzov is the spokesman for the patriotic folk spirit in the novel. He is confident in the courage and stamina of the soldiers, he knows that the enemy will be defeated. This “wonderful, incomparable people” is understandable and close to Kutuzov.

The partisan movement played a huge role in the Patriotic War of 1812. The writer also talks about the detachment of the elder Vasilisa, who beat hundreds of Frenchmen, and about the deacon who commanded the detachment, and about Denisov's partisans, and about Dolokhov's detachment. Tolstoy tells about the partisan Tikhon Shcherbat, the bravest and most needed person in the Denisov detachment, who was distinguished by his special prowess. Shcherbaty is one of those heroes who quietly and imperceptibly do their job, everything that prompted them to feel love for the Motherland.

The patriotism of Russian people of all classes, the courage and heroism of officers and ordinary soldiers - this is the key to the invincibility of the Russian people.


Based on the factual material of the novel "War and Peace", the essay shows the laconic "true courage" of the true heroes and patriots of the war of 1812; shows the true patriotism and heroism of the Russian people, which "is proved not by word, but by deed", imperceptibly, everyday manifests itself as a feeling of love for Russia. The essay reveals the author's position. The material of the essay is arranged logically, sequentially. The composition is complete. Written in good literary language.

Leo Tolstoy appreciated the heroism of lower-ranking soldiers and officers, who rarely received glory and awards. People were in the forefront of the battle, risked their lives, died en masse, remaining unnoticed by the generals.

The image and characterization of Timokhin in the novel "War and Peace" reflect the general portrait of a modest warrior who is alien to careerism.


Prokhor Ignatievich was an experienced elderly shooter, somewhat clumsy due to his age and the specifics of military affairs. Timokhin honored subordination, therefore he behaved timidly before the general, behaved like a schoolboy in front of a teacher. The face expressed sincere childish anxiety about the fact that now they will definitely scold for something.

Prokhor's flushed cheeks blushed at the minute of the report, became scarlet. This could seem like a sign of shyness, although in fact it was reflected in the man's excessive consumption of wine. The nose was especially distinguished by its bright redness, by which the authorities recognized the captain from afar.

The soldier's bearing adorned the officer with a taut belly. Two teeth were missing in the mouth, which the enemy knocked out with a butt near Ishmael. Timokhin liked to smile, he often did it, without hesitation, showed his shortcoming.


Prokhor Ilyich commanded a rifle company. Kutuzov drew attention to the order in the company, noted the captain that he was a brave officer even before the start of the significant Shengraben battle. The commander remembered the shooter from 1790, when Izmail was stormed. Timokhin fought with enemies desperately and boldly. Like a real soldier, he was ready at any moment to give his life for victory in battle.

Comrades consider Prokhor good-natured, his superiors praise him. When Pierre Bezukhov was present at the Borodino field, he considered it more convenient to ask questions to the benevolent Ilyich than to Bolkonsky, preoccupied with military affairs.

The feat of Timokhin's company

Retreating in 1805 on the territory of Austria, Kutuzov ordered Bagration to detain the enemy. It was decided to give battle near the village of Shengraben. The left wing of the line of Russian soldiers was the weakest. The French attack turned out to be somewhat unexpected due to the intrigues that take place among the generals.

The shots rang out when most of the soldiers were doing chores. There was a panic, people ran in different directions, no one heard the order. Bolkonsky from the right wing could see how quickly the French filled the edge of the forest. It seemed that the enemy effortlessly captured the left wing.

Suddenly the French, it seemed, for no apparent reason, turned around and ran in their direction. Captain Timokhin's company appeared from the forest. Only this handful of soldiers did not remain scattered under the control of their commander, the order of the row was maintained, and the example of the captain supported the company.

\"Timokhin with such a desperate cry rushed to the French and with such insane and drunken determination, with one skewer, ran into the enemy that the French, not having time to come to their senses, threw down their weapons and ran \".

This was the moment that saved the retreat of the army. The fleeing soldiers, not hearing behind them the shots chasing them and the victorious cry of the enemy, stopped, came to their senses, heard the command of the commanders and again closed the line of defense.

The heroism of Timokhin and the careerism of Dolokhov

Next to the captain in the battle of Shengraben, Dolokhov, demoted to the rank and file for hooliganism, fled. Fyodor was the first to grab a French officer by the collar, which gave him the right to take trophies. At the end of the battle, Dolokhov ran up to the regiment commander, grabbed the stirrup of his horse, pressed himself with his whole body and shouted:

“Your Excellency, here are two trophies,” said Dolokhov, pointing to the French sword and bag. - I have captured an officer. I stopped the company. - Dolokhov was breathing heavily from fatigue; he spoke with stops. - The whole company can testify. Please remember, Your Excellency!”

battle of Borodino

Prokom Ilyich defended Moscow, commanding a battalion of riflemen under the leadership of Prince Bolkonsky. The old officer was embarrassed by the reasoning of Andrei, who criticized Kutuzov for the retreat near Smolensk, his opinion was not asked and he was silent, blushing and sniffling.

Timokhin left the battlefield with a wounded leg, so he could not leave Moscow on his own. But the brave warrior was received with the rest of the officers in the Rostovs' house. In the morning, Count Ilya Andreevich ordered the property to be unloaded from the wagons in order to take the wounded onto them.

Timokhin was loaded onto the same cart with Andrei Bolkonsky, saving the life of the valiant captain. Leo Tolstoy draws the attention of posterity to the fact that the battle is won not by the general, but by the mass of soldiers, who are led into battle by low-ranking, unknown officers. To honor the memory of the defenders of the Motherland is the duty of every citizen.