Lines in 1988 started. State of emergency declared in Nagorno-Karabakh

On February 17-18, 1988, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU was held. Yu.D. Maslyukov and G.P. Razumovsky, O.D. was elected Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Baklanov, relieved of his duties as a candidate member of the Politburo B.N. Yeltsin.

On March 13, 1998, the newspaper Sovetskaya Rossiya published an article by Nina Andreeva “I can’t compromise my principles.”

On March 21, 1988, A. Sakharova wrote a letter to M. Gorbachev with a call to solve the problems of the NKAO and the Crimean Tatars in a democratic way.

On June 28, 1998, the XIX All-Union Conference of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union began and ended on July 1, 1998.

On September 30, 1988, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU was held. Commissions of the Central Committee of the CPSU were formed and the apparatus of the Central Committee of the CPSU was reorganized. The commission on party building and personnel policy was headed by G.P. Razumovsky, the ideological commission - V.A. Medvedev, commission on socio-economic policy - N.N. Slyunkov, the commission on agrarian policy - E.K. Ligachev, the Commission on International Policy A.N., Yakovlev, the Commission on Legal Policy V.M. Chebrikov. A.A. Gromyko wrote a letter of resignation.

V.A. Medvedev, V.M., Chebrikov. A.V. Vlasov was elected as a candidate member of the Politburo. A.P. Biryukov and A.I. Lukyanov were elected as candidates for members of the Politburo and relieved of their duties as secretaries of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

In connection with his retirement from the duties of chairman of the Party Control Committee and a member of the Politburo, M.S. Solomentsev. B.K. Pugo was approved as the Chairman of the Committee.

He was released from the duties of a candidate member of the Politburo and secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU in connection with the retirement of V.I. Dolgikh, from the duties of a candidate member of the Politburo in connection with the retirement of P.N. Demichev, from the duties of Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU A.F. Dobrynin.

On December 7, 1988, a catastrophic earthquake occurred in the northern regions of Armenia, which caused significant damage and loss of life. The strength of the shocks at the epicenter of the earthquake reached 10.5 points on a 12-point scale. The natural disaster covered an area with a population of over 1 million people. Particularly affected were Leninakan, Kirovakan, Stepanavan, as well as Stepanavan, Amassia, Gugar regions. Almost completely destroyed the city of Spitak, where 20 thousand people lived, and most of the villages of the Spitak region. Over 500 thousand people lost their blood. The death toll was over 24 thousand people. To coordinate work on an all-Union scale aimed at eliminating the consequences of the earthquake, to provide assistance to the victims, a commission of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU headed by a member of the Politburo, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR N.I. Ryzhkov.

From the book Dialogues with Joseph Brodsky author Volkov Solomon Moiseevich

Chapter 12. St. Petersburg. Memory of the future: autumn 1988 - winter 1992 SV: Let's talk about Gennady Shmakov. I would like to do this for several reasons. Firstly, you were friends with him for many years - both in St. Petersburg during your youth, and here in New York. Second, fate

From the book My soul was made. Alena's diary author Polyushkina Elena Viktorovna

1988 13.08. For some reason I'm always worried about trains. How? It's probably impossible to explain. Sadness comes over me, deep sadness, deep sadness. It feels like now, at this moment, you need to run somewhere, do something, urgently, quickly. Now,

From the book Gymnasium. Poems. Album entries... author Chekhov Anton Pavlovich

1988. USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of World Literature named after A.M. Gorky. Circulation 400,000 copies. Published by decision of the Editorial and Publishing Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. A.S. Myasnikov, L.D. Opulskaya (Deputy

From the book Letters 1891-1897 author Chekhov Anton Pavlovich

1988. TO N. I. ZABAVIN April 25, 1897 Melikhovo. Dear Nikolai Ivanovich, the performance in Serpukhov is canceled. Lime will be brought on Tuesday at 2-4 pm.

From the book Betrayers of the USSR author Strigin Evgeny Mikhailovich

1988 On February 17-18, 1988, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU was held. Yu.D. Maslyukov and G.P. Razumovsky, O.D. was elected Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Baklanov, relieved of his duties as a candidate member of the Politburo B.N. Yeltsin. March 13, 1998 in the newspaper "Soviet Russia"

From the book Golgotha ​​of Russia. Power struggle author Kozenkov Yury Evgenievich

(1982 - 1988) Chapter I THE MESSENGER OF SATAN 1. Deceived Hopes

From the book Through the eyes of a marshal and a diplomat. A critical look at the foreign policy of the USSR before and after 1985 author Kornienko Georgy Markovich

(1988-1991) Chapter 1. ZIONOMASONRY IN ACTION 1. Fifth

From the book The Assembly author Shvarts Elena Andreevna

Part 4. The way to Calvary (1988 - 1991) Chapter 1. Zionomasonry in action 1. Fifth column 2. Mobilization of enemies of the people 3. Creation of CHAOS 4. Strategy

From the book Pharmaceutical and Food Mafia by Brower Louis

Chapter V. 1988 - Difficult Progress The most significant and encouraging event of 1988 was, of course, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, which began in May. For readers, I think, it will be of interest to tell about some details related to this event - how

From the book Who Sold Socialism: The Shadow Economy in the USSR by Kieran Roger

COSMIC PHYSIOLOGY SV Petrov (1911–1988) The Perseid Stream Night cries in August like God, dark, dark. The burning star rolled down in mournful darkness. From my house to the very threshing floor Earthly silence and dead dogs. The porch floats like a raft, and the shadow sticks out like a pole, And the yard is like a small

From the book Private Life author Kirshin Vladimir Alexandrovich

From the book To know! Favorites (compilation) author Armalinsky Mikhail

From the book Literaturnaya Gazeta 6491 (No. 50 2014) author Literary Newspaper

1988. SAUSAGE CULT AND TRUTH The paradox of the eighties: the standard of living is rapidly falling, and the level of consciousness is rapidly rising. In 1988 - the golden balance: we have not yet eaten everything and have already understood something in life. More precisely, they sensed it, because understanding presupposes reason, and where

From the book The Eternal Tribunal: The Murder of the Soviet Union author Kofanov Alexey Nikolaevich

From the book "On Both Sides of Orgasm" 1988 "We came to an agreement spontaneously ..." We came to an agreement spontaneously, without information about the place of work and patronymic, and threw a pontoon bridge across the river of loneliness. I ended up like a donkey between sheaves of breasts, dying of hunger, I didn’t know what

From the author's book

December 7, 1988… 11.41 am… Photo: Nare MKRTCHYAN "Earthquake" in memory of the earthquake In 2008, as part of the events dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the devastating Spitak earthquake in Armenia, Avet Terteryan's opera "Earthquake" was staged for the first time. Opera

From the author's book

Speech by Yu. V. Bondarev at the 19th Party Conference on June 29, 1988 Operative document No. 6 Dear comrades! We do not need to destroy the past to finish off our future. We are opposed to our society becoming a crowd of lonely people, a voluntary prisoner of commercial

The year of birth 1988 gave the world extraordinary, bright and noticeable people. However, as they say, "not all that glitters is gold." It is pleasant to communicate with these people, I want to get to know them. They are the soul of any company, cheerful and carefree.

1988 - what year according to the horoscope?

Those born this year go through life under the sign of the Dragon. They are extremely active, full of vitality and health. They are honest, love the truth, and try to avoid slander and hypocrisy. They are incapable of diplomacy and cannot restrain their feelings to please someone. These people prefer to speak out bluntly and - come what may. The consequences are the least of their worries. The Dragon is trusting, although not as naive as the Pig. He is easily deceived and all his senses are heightened. Very often, the Dragon worries about trifles. He always strives for perfection. This person is very demanding. He finds fault with himself sometimes more than necessary. He makes the same demands to those around him. However, as a rule, he still gives more than he asks for.


1988 - the year of which animal and how does this affect the character? Dragons are unrestrained and irritable. Often their words are ahead of their thoughts. They do not consider it necessary to think long before they say something. Often this quality serves a poor service. However, others should not neglect the opinion of the Dragon. Natural intuition and an extraordinary mind make him an excellent adviser. These people can help out and give good advice in a difficult situation. The dragon is unstable. He is easily carried away and enthusiastically takes on a new business, but only on condition that he likes it. This is a versatile person, generous, strong-willed and hardy. Many succumb to his charm and follow the indicated path with pleasure. Due to his qualities, he easily gains power.


The Dragon is not directly interested in money, but will never need anything. So says the 1988 horoscope. The year of what animal can still bring so many great people like this one? The dragon can handle any profession. He will perfectly prove himself as a doctor, warrior, priest, artist, politician. Either way, it will shine. For this person, the main thing is to choose a goal in life. He will go to her in all conceivable and inconceivable ways and as a result will achieve his goal. The only negative is that he can equally choose both a good deed and a bad one. Either way, he will succeed.


1988 - the year of which animal and how does it threaten his companion? In love, the Dragon knows no equal. He loves the opposite sex. However, he himself rarely gives in to this feeling. Because of this, he rarely has disappointments in love. The dragon often becomes the cause of despair and great grief for those who love him. It gets carried away easily and cools down just as quickly. It is very difficult to tie him to something. Many values ​​are alien to him, which for some play a huge role.


It is very rare to see a young Dragon married. As a rule, they pull with it and often remain bachelors. They like the lonely life. Freedom of action, thoughts and feelings makes them happy. The dragon does not like to be dependent on someone. Here is the answer to the question: “1988 is the year of which animal?”


The relationship between the Dragon and the Rat will be happy. The latter is very patient and for the sake of love is capable of many sacrifices. She will gladly use everything that the Dragon will give her. In turn, the Rat will be able to help him succeed. Her critical mind and great love for money will push the Dragon to great things. A good relationship will develop with the Snake. Her mind and intuition will serve both well. With the Rooster it will be a little more difficult. He will contribute to the success of the Dragon and vegetate in the shadow of his glory. But as soon as something goes wrong, the Rooster will immediately disappear from view. The cunning Monkey should also think about 1988 - the year of which animal. Together they will make a good team both in business and in love. These two complement each other perfectly. The Monkey can easily make fun of the Dragon. But she doesn't do it out of malice. The dragon should understand this and in no case be offended. Relations with the Tiger will be filled with passion and fire. It's an explosive mixture. If they want to be together, then they will have to pacify their character. The Dragon should avoid the Dog. She looks at things sensibly and can bring her pessimism to a frenzy.

How will life turn out

The first phase of his life will be difficult, filled with emotions. He will demand a lot from relatives and friends and will not always be able to get it. Stormy temperament many times will play against him. It will cause many problems in the second phase of life. Those who know that 1988 is the year of which animal can say that these are people of great luck.

Often the Dragon is surrounded by people who do not get tired of admiring him. It is very flattering and relaxing. People of this sign rarely know real grief, and if they encounter troubles, they prefer to quickly forget them. A complex character and a constant feeling of dissatisfaction can interfere with the Dragon. But all his aspirations and dreams are not in vain. They will come true, though not immediately. In the last phase, the Dragon will gain everything he deserves. He will be rich, loved and healthy. But do not think that the representatives of this sign have an easy fate. The impression of idleness and fun that they produce can be deceiving. The dragon is a bright personality. He wants to shine and dominate. However, many use it as a carnival figure. He should be wary of being deceived and take less faith in the word of new acquaintances.

1988 who? 1988 is the year of what animal? is the year of the Yellow Earth Dragon. Who are they, people born under the sign of the Yellow Earth Dragon of 1988? This is what we will talk about now. In ancient China, only the emperor could be given the title of dragon, so the Dragon sign carries the title of power that a person born under this sign most often possesses.

The main feature of the Earth Dragon is balance, which is unusual for other people born under the sign of the Dragon. We are ready to deal with any problem at the click of a finger, without particularly straining. But on the other hand, they are distinguished by a low active life position compared to their brothers.

But at the same time, they are not afraid of physical labor, so they always occupy one of the first places in sports competitions. Those born under the sign of the Yellow Dragon of 1988 put material stability and security first in their lives. They cannot live without excessive attention to their own person, which they are trying to attract in every possible way.

The presence of the Earth element in the sign helps the Yellow Dragon of 1988 to adequately evaluate each decision, helping to reach the highest step in his career. Due to their creativity, they prefer to build a career of a creative orientation, they make excellent artists, actresses, sculptors.

Yellow Earth Dragon prefers a cozy homely atmosphere instead of nightclubs and festivities until the morning. Another feature of the Yellow Dragon directly associated with the elements of the Earth is their excellent logical thinking, as well as a good memory, thanks to which it is easy for this sign to build a career in business and finance.

In friendship, the Yellow Earth Dragon of 1988 is responsive, he is always happy to help, so he has many real friends. In communication, the Dragons are open, thanks to which they find a language with absolutely any stranger. They are incredibly generous and noble, so they easily attract people to them.

Since the Yellow Dragons of 1988 are sincere and open, because everything they think, they say straight to the eye and in others they appreciate the same qualities, not enduring hypocrisy and resourcefulness.

The Yellow Earth Dragon of 1988 is very pedantic himself, which is what he requires from others, which is the main difficulty in communicating with him. Dragons are independent, so they always stand their ground to the end, regardless of the opinions of others, and it is unlikely that the Yellow Dragon will apologize for his words or take someone else's position.

He never regrets the committed actions and the words hurriedly thrown to a loved one. This is the whole Dragon. It is better not to bring the Yellow Dragon to anger, otherwise it will turn out to be a bad lesson for you. The Dragon's revenge will be served cold, as befits a real imperial title, but it will be impossible to forget it.

November 28, 2012, 02:04

We continue to run through the main events of different years. Today we have 1988. Year of my birth. This post was made a few days ago. But since Gossip is buggy, the post has not survived. I had to redo it. January 5 - The use of punitive psychiatry is officially discontinued in the USSR. January 6 - in the USSR, the name of Naberezhnye Chelny was returned to the city of Brezhnev. January 26 - The 200th anniversary of the arrival of the first settlers from Europe to Australia is solemnly celebrated in Sydney. February 12 - Soviet-American naval clash off the coast of Crimea. One of the last incidents of the Cold War.
February 13-28 - The XV Winter Olympic Games took place in Calgary (Canada).
February 20 - the first concert and the official date of the founding of the Soviet rock band Agatha Christie.
March 8 - the capture of the aircraft by the Ovechkin family in the USSR.
March 16 - In Halabja, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraqi forces used chemical weapons against civilians. Approximately 5,000 died and approx. 20,000 people. March 17 – Avianca Flight 410 crashes. A Colombian Boeing 727 crashed into a mountainside near the border with Venezuela, killing 143 people.
April 11 - Oscars ceremony. Bernardo Bertolucci's The Last Emperor won 9 Oscars. Apr 22 - Tobacco Control: The U.S. bans smoking on domestic flights of less than 2 hours.
April 30 - Canadian singer (representing Switzerland) Celine Dion won the Eurovision Song Contest with the song Ne partez pas sans moi. May 8 - The ultra-liberal political party Democratic Union, headed by Valeria Novodvorskaya, is founded in the USSR.
May 15 - Afghan war: the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan began. May 29 - US President Ronald Reagan's official visit to the USSR (until June 2).
May - Boris Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago" was first published in the USSR June 5 - in the Epiphany Patriarchal Cathedral in Moscow, leading representatives of Christian churches celebrated the thousandth anniversary of the baptism of Russia. June 11 - in the final of the European Football Championship, the USSR team lost to the Netherlands team with a score of 2: 0.
June 12 - final of the first beauty contest in the USSR "Moscow Beauty".
June 30 - In Econ, Switzerland, the Catholic Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre consecrated 4 bishops, without the consent of the Pope, which led to his excommunication. July 3 - The US Navy's Vincennes missile cruiser shoots down an Iranian passenger plane, Iran Air Flight 655, killing 290 people.
August 12 - premiere of the film "The Last Temptation of Christ".
August 17 - The All-Union Society of the Disabled is created in the USSR.
August 28 - disaster during an air show at the Ramstein military base, Germany. Three Italian planes collided in the air, and one of them fell into the crowd of spectators. 75 people died and 346 were injured.
August 31 - A severe flood in Bangladesh leaves 25 million people homeless.
September 17 - October 2 - XXIV Summer Olympic Games took place in Seoul, South Korea.

Updated on 28/11/12 02:04: October 3 - a special police detachment (OMON) was formed in the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, designed to suppress riots.
October 5 - In Chile, President Augusto Pinochet is defeated in a referendum on the renewal of his term. Oct 11 - Magdalen College, Cambridge, UK allows women to study. On this occasion, the students put on black armbands, and the duty officer raised a black flag.
October 13 - In the US during presidential days, a television host asked Democratic candidate Michael Dukakis if he would support the death penalty if the perpetrators raped and killed his wife. In response, Dukakis stated that he had always fought the death penalty. He later called this moment one of the main reasons for the defeat in subsequent elections. October 16 - The Latin American series "Slave Izaura" was shown for the first time on Soviet television. October 23 – Super Mario Bros. video game is released in Japan. 3. October 27 - US President Ronald Reagan decided to demolish the building of the new American embassy in Moscow, due to the discovery of listening devices in the structure of the building. November 2 - The American Internet was paralyzed by the first network worm, the Morris worm.

Updated on 28/11/12 02:18: November 8 - US presidential election. The victory was won by the candidate from the Republican Party, George W. Bush. December 1 - In Ordzhonikidze, North Ossetia, terrorists seized a school bus with 30 children and a teacher. On December 2, in exchange for hostages, the terrorists were given a plane to fly to Israel. On December 3, the terrorists were detained in Israel and extradited to the USSR. December 21 - Pan American Boeing 747 blows up over Lockerbie, UK. 270 people died. Libya claimed responsibility for the 2003 explosion. No exact date: Al-Qaeda international terrorist organization created Born: Rihanna Nicky Reed

Updated on 28/11/12 02:19 A: I just don't believe this post got published. Albeit partially and not completely. But still. For a whole week I could not post it because of bugs on the site.

On November 15, 1988, the Buran reusable orbital vehicle was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome using the Energia universal rocket and transport system, the flight of which turned out to be the first and last.
Energia-Buran system

I know for sure what we will definitely NOT do - we will not copy the American Shuttle! (Academician V.P. Glushko, May 1974)

The beginning of the development of the Energia-Buran project - 1974. It was planned to use it as a vehicle as part of the Mir and Mir-2 orbital complexes.

At first, this system was planned as a Soviet "repetition" of a similar American reusable Space Shuttle system. The project was called OS-120.

As a result of subsequent work, a variant with the OS-92 orbital ship appeared, which then “outgrew” into the world-famous Buran.

Having studied the shortcomings of the Shuttle system, our country's leaders finally heeded Glushko's calls and did not repeat their system. And to repeat for our space industry, other people's achievements were somehow very against tradition. Therefore, they created a new one - a heavy-class launch vehicle with partially reusable elements and a ship with the advantages of the Shuttle, but without its shortcomings.

The system turned out to be such that the launch vehicle could deliver not only a space plane, but also other cargoes up to 100 tons into orbit. In addition, boosters for Energia were made directly for this system, and with the prospect of turning them into reusable ones (those strange influxes on boosters, which you can see in the photo of Energia-Buran, there are nothing more than fairings for the stage rescue system). That is, it turned out not just a new, but a universal system, far superior to the American one in technical terms. For example, Buran could automatically land on the airfield and was much safer than the Shuttle.

Seeing the technical advantages of Buran, the Americans immediately began to copy Soviet technical solutions - NASA created a launch vehicle project in which the orbiter was replaced by a disposable unit. But our engineers went far ahead of their American counterparts: for Energia, a variant with a much higher carrying capacity was provided - the Volcano variant. When attached to the central unit, not four, as for Energia, but eight boosters, a launch vehicle with a carrying capacity of 200 tons was obtained!

So far, for the Americans, this is only an area of ​​\u200b\u200bdreams, and we already have a completely normal pH.

Start of flight tests - 1988. November 15, 1988 "Buran" was launched into orbit in an unmanned version. Having made 2 incomplete orbits around the Earth and having performed the necessary maneuvers, the orbital plane landed on a special landing strip at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. This was his only space flight.

The main characteristics of "Buran":
Length - 36.4m
Total height - 16.45m
Wingspan - 23.9m
Fuselage diameter - 5.6m
Payload compartment dimensions - 4.7x18.3m
Maximum starting weight - 105t
Landing weight - 82t
Max. mass of cargo delivered into orbit - 30t
Max. mass of cargo returned from orbit - 20t
Flight duration - from 7 to 30 days
Crew - from 2 to 7 people.

In the early 1990s, the Buran program was closed. Another brilliant Soviet project was killed by the country's traitors.
In total, five flight copies of the Buran spacecraft were built.

1) Ship 1.01 "Buran" - made the only flight. It was stored in the assembly and test building at Baikonur. In May 2002, it was destroyed in a roof collapse.
2) Ship 1.02 - was supposed to make a second flight and dock with the Mir orbital station. Now an exhibit of the Baikonur Cosmodrome Museum.
3) Ship 2.01 - was 30 - 50% ready. He was at the Tushino Machine-Building Plant, then at the pier of the Khimki Reservoir. In 2011, it was transported for restoration to the LII in Zhukovsky.
4) Ship 2.02 - was ready for 10 - 20%. Dismantled on the stocks of the plant.
5) Ship 2.03 - the backlog was destroyed and taken to a landfill.