brainstorming method. Brainstorming method, or brainstorming: essence, rules and stages of implementation

The essence of the brainstorming method is that a group of qualified experts is selected, but assessments and conclusions are made during the meeting. All experts are divided into two groups: the first generates ideas (gives marks), and the second analyzes them. At the same time, it is forbidden to criticize this or that idea. The idea with which the majority of experts will agree is considered correct.

Brainstorming method:
  • quite efficient and reliable;
  • this is the maximum of ideas in a short period of time;
  • it is the absence of any criticism;
  • it is the development, combination and modification of both one's own and others' ideas.

This method is specially designed to get the maximum number of offers. Its effectiveness is amazing: 6 people can come up with 150 ideas in half an hour. A design team working by conventional methods would never have come to the conclusion that the problem they are considering has such a variety of aspects.

Brainstorming technique

This is the brainstorming technique. A group of individuals is assembled, selected to generate alternatives. The main selection principle is diversity, qualifications, experience (this principle allows you to expand the fund of a priori information that the group has). It is reported that all ideas that have arisen both individually and by association when listening to the proposals of other participants are welcome, including those that only partially improve other people's ideas (it is recommended to write each idea on a separate card). Any criticism is strictly forbidden - this is the most important condition for brainstorming: the very possibility of criticism inhibits the imagination. Each in turn reads out his idea, the rest listen and write down on the cards new thoughts that arose under the influence of what they heard. All cards are then collected, sorted and analyzed, usually by another group of experts.

The number of alternatives can subsequently be significantly increased by combining the generated ideas. Among the ideas received as a result of brainstorming, there may be many stupid and unworkable ideas, but stupid ideas are then easily excluded by subsequent criticism.

Conditions and techniques for brainstorming

Categories of participants

  • There are no strict restrictions, but it is better to include workers with relatively little work experience in the group - they do not yet have developed stereotypes.
  • When solving specific problems, it is necessary to invite specialists (but they will be invited, not participants).
  • It is recommended to form mixed groups (of men and women). As a rule, the presence of representatives of different sex enlivens the atmosphere of work.
  • When conducting a brainstorming session, it is desirable that the number of active and moderate members of the group be approximately equal.
  • It is necessary that the difference in age, official position between members of the group be minimal. The presence of superiors also constrains and limits the flow of brainstorming.
  • It is not recommended to invite a skeptical leader to a brainstorming session, even if he participates in the role of an observer.
  • It is advisable from time to time to introduce new people into the group, new people bring in new views, ideas that stimulate thinking.

Number of participants:

  • The optimal composition of the group is from 6 to 12 people. The optimal number of participants is 7.
  • It is not recommended to split the group members into smaller ones (2 or more).
  • The number of people in a group also depends on the number of active and moderate members in it. If there are more active, then the number of people in the group should be less, more than moderate - on the contrary.

Setting, venue

  • For brainstorming, it is advisable to use an auditorium or a separate room away from extraneous noise. It is recommended to hang a poster on the wall with the basic rules for brainstorming.
  • It is desirable to have a board that participants can use to display their ideas. Tables and chairs are recommended to be arranged in the form of the letter P, O, a circle or a semi-ellipse. This facilitates the contact of participants and increases sociability. If the group is small (5-6 people), a round table is most convenient.
  • It is advisable to have a tape recorder: a person may not have time to delve into the idea and miss it.
  • Don't forget that humor is essential during the meeting. This contributes to the creation of a relaxed atmosphere and a creative atmosphere.

Duration and time

  • As a rule, the duration of the brainstorming session and the time ranges from 40 to 60 minutes. This is the most efficient time frame.
  • When solving simple problems or under time constraints, the most appropriate length of discussion is 10-15 minutes.
  • The best time to brainstorm is in the morning (10 am to 12 pm), but it can also be done in the afternoon (2 pm to 6 pm).

Types of Problems Solved by Brainstorming

  • The brainstorming method allows you to solve any problem that can be solved by a method that has several possible solutions. Brainstorming problems that have only one answer or a limited number of possible solutions are not suitable for this method.
  • It is also necessary to avoid solving too general, abstract problems.
  • It is recommended to avoid completely solving the problem in one session. If the initial formulation is too broad and general, it should be subdivided into a number of subproblems.
  • Brainstorming can be successfully used to collect information, not ideas, i.e., to find out sources or form questionnaire questions.
  • Problems for discussion are recommended to be formulated simply and clearly.

Voice the problem

  • The brainstorming topic is revealed to the participants in advance, a few days before the discussion. In this case, the facilitator (chairman) presents a summary of the topic or problem (up to 5 minutes, half a sheet), distributes it to the participants in advance.
  • Familiarization of brainstorming participants with a topic or problem directly during the brainstorming session.
  • There is also a mixed way of presenting a topic or problem for brainstorming. That is, partial rather than complete information on the problem is reported in advance.
  • Show or illustrate the way a problem or situation develops. If possible, it is better graphically.
  • Give recommendations on choosing the main points of contact. Use charts, models, and whatever is best suited for this purpose. It is desirable to show and explain all this simply and clearly.
  • Summarize the available points of view, show their advantages and disadvantages. Re-emphasize the need for a solution.

The role of the manager (leader)

  • The main functions of the leader are to inform all participants about the rules of brainstorming, to (leader) control over their observance, as well as to generally control the discussion so that it remains within or within the boundaries of the topic or problem being discussed.
  • It is important that the leader himself participate in the generation of ideas. It should simultaneously act as a stimulator or catalyst in case of a slowdown in the rate of generating ideas. A good leader, as a rule, should have a list of possible solutions to a problem in advance.
  • The role of the leader is also to select participants for the brainstorming session at least 2 days before it takes place.
  • An effective leader is constantly throwing out "wild" and reckless ideas and suggestions to demonstrate that they are encouraged.
  • Sometimes it happens that it is difficult for a group of participants to get rid of traditional approaches, stereotypes in solving a problem. In this case, we recommend using a little trick: the leader stops the brainstorming and introduces restrictions: for 2-3 minutes, offer only impractical, most unusual ideas.
  • It often happens that participants continue to generate interesting ideas after the meeting. In this case, the task of the leader is to gather the group in a few days and fix these ideas.

Evaluation of ideas

  • To evaluate ideas, you need to select criteria. Evaluation criteria can be relevance, practical implementation, solvability on their own, novelty, etc.
  • Evaluation of ideas can be done by the same or different compositional group. If the evaluation is carried out by the same group of participants, then, as a rule, it is carried out after a few days.

Rules for Brainstorming

Rule 1: Any criticism of the ideas expressed during the brainstorming is prohibited.

The principle of brainstorming is to prioritize the quantity of ideas expressed over their quality. The ideas expressed by the participants, even the most crazy, can serve as a starting point for the development of the thought process of other participants. This is the advantage of collective thinking over individual. Any, even the smallest, assessment of the idea expressed can affect the entire process of brainstorming. It will be successful if each participant directs their efforts in a constructive direction.

Rule 2: Free flight of thoughts and encouragement of the most "crazy" ideas

The purpose of brainstorming as a collective creative process is to search for non-standard, non-traditional ideas. Otherwise, this process can turn into a regular meeting, where most often it is standard ideas and solutions that are proposed and discussed that are not always effective and efficient.

For the emergence of creative ideas, a certain mood is required, when thoughts freely rush through our head. This state is characterized by the inclusion in the work of our subconscious. For the appearance of such a mood, the brainstorming participants should

conduct a special warm-up with tasks for analysis and synthesis, associative links, etc.

When expressing their ideas, participants need to remember that it does not matter at all whether they are applicable in practice or not, one way or another, many of them may help to find an effective solution.

Rule 3: Put forward as many ideas as possible

As already mentioned, for brainstorming, the number of ideas expressed is more important than their quality. While participants must (and can) generate ideas for a small limited time, they must learn to use ideas already expressed by other participants to think quickly and propose new ones.

In the practice of such groups, it can be noted that the purpose of brainstorming is to put forward more than 100 ideas in 20 minutes. The most productive (successful) brainstorming session is one in which 200-250 ideas are proposed in 20 minutes.

Rule 4: Mandatory fixation of all ideas

When conducting a brainstorming session, every idea should be recorded, even if it is repeated. All group members should see all captured ideas, so you should prepare for this in advance.

Usually ideas are written with markers on large sheets of paper. It is better to hang them up in advance, before the start of the brainstorming session, and place them on the walls so that they are clearly visible to each participant.

Rule 5: Idea incubation

After all the ideas are expressed and recorded, it takes time to think about and evaluate them. Why is this stage needed? The fact is that the incubation period allows a person to recover from the fatigue associated with solving a problem. A break in a difficult problem also makes it possible to forget inappropriate approaches to it.

Functional fixation may interfere with the solution of the problem, and it is possible that during the incubation period a person forgets the old and unsuccessful ways of solving it. Experience shows that during the period of incubation, a person continues to work on the task unconsciously. In addition, during a break in the process of solving a problem, material may be reorganized.

Stages of Brainstorming

Having learned the rules of brainstorming, you can now pay attention to the individual stages of successfully brainstorming and evaluating ideas after they have been “incubated”.

Stage 1

The leader should familiarize the group members with the rules for brainstorming. It is best to write these rules on a poster and hang it on the wall at every group meeting so that it is clearly visible to all participants.

Stage 2

For successful brainstorming, participants need to tune in to a creative way. The leader conducts a warm-up with the participants, solving various tasks for associative thinking, analysis and synthesis, etc. It is best for employees who are members of a permanent team to constantly develop their creative abilities.

Then it is recommended to conduct a brainstorming rehearsal. The group needs to choose a problem (preferably of a domestic nature), in which each of the participants is somewhat competent, and conduct a brief brainstorming (warm-up) in order to restructure thinking for the creative process.

Always do this, because it only seems that everyone can easily get involved in the work, but in reality this does not happen!

Problem statements for the warm-up are given in Appendix 1.

Stage 3

Group members should prepare for the brainstorming by hanging large sheets of paper on the walls, on which incoming ideas will be recorded. At the same time, it must be remembered that with the rapid pace of putting forward ideas, it may be difficult to fix them on paper. In this case, 2-3 people can fix ideas in turn. You can also accept the following conditions: participants fix their ideas on a small sheet of paper and express them in turn at the request of the facilitator.

Stage 4
  1. The problem has already been formulated, but its definition is too general and needs to be clarified. In this case, the original wording should be placed as a heading on a large sheet of paper.
  2. The group does not know what problem it will be working on, but in this case it should try to formulate a general direction for the search. In this case, it is best to start a general heading like this: “How can we ...” and then finish the phrase (transform something, improve something, etc.). After the final choice of the topic, its definition in the form of a heading is also placed on a large sheet of paper.
Stage 5

The ideation process can take place in a variety of ways. There are many different techniques based on the principles of brainstorming, some of which are described later in this chapter. But with different options for brainstorming, two approaches to the process of putting forward ideas are usually used.

1 approach. Participants can express ideas in turn, in a certain order. Usually the leader invites the next member of the group to speak. If one of the participants does not know what to offer, then he says: "I skip" and the right to speak passes to the next participant. The leader (or a member of the group specially allocated for this) fixes the expressed ideas on large sheets of paper. Participants are encouraged to record their ideas on small pieces of paper so as not to forget them while he waits for his turn to speak. In this case, ideas come in order and are easy to fix. In addition, all members of the group are involved in the process.

2 approach. The second approach is unsystematic, since each member of the group can express their ideas at any time. In this case, ideas are expressed freely and naturally, but there is great difficulty in fixing ideas. In this case, you can increase the number of people who will capture ideas (usually 2-3 people). The disadvantage of this approach is that it does not stimulate the direction of thought and does not guarantee the involvement of all participants in the process of putting forward ideas.

Stage 6

After all the ideas are fixed, it takes time to think about and evaluate them. Group members are encouraged to leave for at least a week after brainstorming to reflect on all the ideas.

It is best to hang up the idea sheet in a prominent place where the group members can see it at all times. In addition, to the discussion of the ideas expressed during the brainstorming, other employees of the enterprise add their ideas to the hanging sheets (brainstorming on the board).

Then, after some time (more often than a week), the group members conduct a new brainstorming session on the list of ideas compiled at the previous meeting.

Stage 7

It initiates the evaluation process. This usually happens at the next group meeting. The best way to organize the evaluation of ideas from the list is to group them by topic before some of the proposals are rejected as unrealistic. After receiving a list of ideas grouped by topic, each one should be reviewed to identify the best ideas that can be quickly and easily implemented.

Further actions of the group depend on the subject of brainstorming. If its purpose was to identify the problem to be worked on, then the group should choose a main topic and then focus on the ideas related to it in order to identify the most suitable ones for consideration. On the other hand, if the group has brainstormed a set of possible solutions to a problem, then the next step is to analyze them using the Pareto method (see Chapter 8) to identify one or two of the most suitable options. The Pareto Principle can also be used to carefully examine ideas while making accurate decisions.

Methods based on the principle (technology) of brainstorming


This technique is based on the brainstorming technique, but the group members do not express their proposals out loud, but in writing. They write their ideas on pieces of paper and then exchange them with each other. The idea of ​​a neighbor becomes a stimulus for a new idea, which is included in the resulting sheet. The group again exchanges sheets, and this continues for a certain time (no more than 15 minutes).

The rules of brainstorming also apply to writing thoughts: strive for more ideas, do not criticize the proposals put forward until the end of the session, encourage "free association".

Consider an example.

Perfume company managers decided to use the method of writing thoughts in search of innovative ideas for business development. Each participant in the meeting wrote down his idea on a piece of paper and exchanged with a neighbor. One manager thought about producing a new brand of soap and laundry detergent, while another listed a proposal to develop a new line of shampoo and hair conditioner. Well, and the third, when this leaflet with these two ideas came to him, combined them and offered to create a unique product: soap, shampoo and conditioner in one bottle.

Brainstorming on chalkboard

In the working premises, you can hang a special board on the wall, attack on the board so that employees place sheets on it with notes of those creative ideas that come to them during the working day. Hang this board in a conspicuous place. In the center of it should be written - in large bright (multi-colored) letters - the problem that needs to be resolved. Anyone who has an interesting thought that can help solve this problem can pin a piece of paper with the idea fixed on it.

Brainstorming in Japanese

This technique, developed by the Japanese Kobayashi and Kawakita, is based on the awareness of the need for a common approach for all group members to identify and solve problems. This technique is sometimes called "Rice Hail".

1) Problem definition
  • The team leader lists all concepts related to the topic (eg sales, costs, distribution services, competition).
  • Each of the participants writes down on the cards the factors associated with the problem under consideration - one fact per card. Facts should be relevant and directly related to the topic under study.
  • The host collects and redistributes the cards so that no one gets the old ones.
  • Group members choose those cards that are associated with the statement offered to their attention. These cards form a set.
  • The facilitator reads out the contents of one of the cards.
  • The group gives the set a name that reflects, in the general opinion, the essence of all the facts presented in the set. The name must meet the following requirements: its meaning must be derived from a set of facts, it must not be too general, it must not be a simple enumeration of facts from a set. By giving a name to the set, the group summarizes all the facts at their disposal and then extracts the crux of the problem from them.
  • Group members combine the rest of the facts into sets - each under their own name. Then all sets are added into one, to which the group gives a name that reflects the essence of the final set.

This final complex set will be as close as possible to the essence of the problem and its definition. Perhaps the keywords should be rearranged so that a clear and precise definition of the problem arises.

When a common understanding of the task appears in the group, the positions of the participants converge; all present agree on the definition of the problem; in the process of joint discussion, group members begin to feel a “feeling of the elbow”.

2) Problem Solving
  • Each participant writes down their solutions to solve the problem on separate cards - one option on each card, the number of options is not limited.
  • The leader of the group collects and redistributes the cards so that no one gets the old ones.
  • Participants select cards associated with this solution. When all offers are selected, they are grouped.
  • The facilitator reads one of the options.
  • The set is given a name. In the course of further discussion, the remaining proposals are also combined into sets of solutions to the problem, and from them the final set is already compiled. This set should contain the essence of all proposed solutions.

The title of the final set should express the essence of all sentences. The facilitator asks the group a question: “What unites all the proposed ideas?” The search for an answer will generate many thoughts, and the facilitator will be able to select and group the most interesting ones.

Multistage (cascading) brainstorming

In this case, all participants in the meetings (meetings) are divided into two groups: the “idea generation group” and the “evaluation group”. It is desirable that the “idea generation group” consists of people of equal rank. This group includes widely erudite brainstorming employees who are prone to fantasy, but clearly represent the essence of the task before them. Of great importance is the approximate equality of the members of the group in terms of temperaments. The optimal number of members of the "idea generation group", aimed at solving a problem of medium complexity, is 10 people.

The "assessment group" includes people with a critical mindset. Here, the presence of superiors with certain powers is mandatory. This is necessary so that a positive assessment of an idea has a real basis for its implementation.

Both groups must have leaders whose role is unusually great. This is the conductor of the "synthetic brain". A lot depends on his erudition, tact, ability to "get" the members of the group. It should be noted that the problem of selecting both groups is very important and complex. Let us formulate the main stages of a multi-stage brain attack.

Stage 1 "Reconnaissance". The first brainstorming session is held, in which the first ideas are put forward by the “idea generation group”. This stage is considered as the idea generation stage.

Stage 2 "Contradictation". At this stage, the participants continue to put forward ideas, but one restriction is imposed on the statements about the problem: the same problem must be solved without resorting to the proposals already made. Ideas opposite to those previously expressed are approved and supported.

As a result of the implementation of this approach, two opposite lists of proposals for solving the problem are compiled. In sum, they contain a maximum of proposals and counterproposals. The greatest effect is obtained when the brainstorming participants in the first and second stages will be different people: emphasizing the need to “not touch” previously received proposals that are presented as dead ends, the facilitator does not prohibit their use.

Stage 3 "Synthesis". At this stage, the “assessment group” joins the discussion. It combines in one system the proposals made during the first and second discussions, and develops solutions.

Stage 4 "Forecast". On the basis of a "synthetic" list of ideas, it is proposed to predict the possibilities and difficulties arising from the solution.

Stage 5 "Generalization". The meaning of this stage is to generalize the received ideas, reducing their diversity to a small number of principles.

Stage 6 "Destruction". This stage is carried out in order to check the obtained results "for strength". Its task is to "smash" sentences from various positions: logical, factual, social. Criticism is allowed only in relation to the formulated ideas, but not to each other. To increase the efficiency of this stage, it is necessary to form a group of different qualities in intellectual and professional terms; ensure the administrative and legal independence of its members from the organizers of the development; do not name the authors of the ideas.

After all stages are completed, the final decision is made. However, it should be noted that the technique does not replace the talent, knowledge, or experience of people, it only increases their thoughts. The atmosphere of emotional elation, which is created during collective thinking, contributes to the discovery of the deep creative reserves of the human personality.

Brainstorming method

The concept of "brainstorming" has become widespread since the early 1950s as a "method of systematically training creative thinking" aimed at "discovering new ideas and reaching agreement among a group of people based on intuitive thinking." Methods of this type are also known as brainstorming, idea conferences, collective idea generation (CIG).

Usually, when conducting brainstorming, or OIG sessions, they try to follow certain rules, the essence of which is to ensure that the OIG participants have as much freedom as possible to think and express new ideas; for this, it is recommended that any ideas be welcomed, even if they seem doubtful or absurd at first (ideas are discussed and evaluated later), criticism is not allowed, an idea is not declared false, and discussion of any idea does not stop. It is required to express as many ideas as possible (preferably non-trivial ones), to try to create, as it were, a chain reaction of ideas.

Depending on the rules adopted and the rigidity of their implementation, there are direct brainstorming, the method of exchange of opinions, methods such as commissions, courts (when one group makes as many proposals as possible, and the second tries to criticize them as much as possible), etc. Recently, sometimes brainstorming is carried out in the form of a business game.

In practice, the similarity of the OIG sessions are various kinds of meetings - constructors, meetings of scientists and scientific councils, specially created temporary commissions.

In real conditions, it is quite difficult to ensure strict compliance with the required rules, to create an "atmosphere of brainstorming", the influence of the official structure of the organization interferes with designers and councils: it is difficult to gather specialists for interdepartmental commissions. Therefore, it is desirable to use methods of attracting competent specialists that do not require their mandatory presence in a specific place and at a specific time and verbal expression of their opinions.

During the meeting, the experts, "infecting" each other, express more and more extravagant considerations. Two hours later, the session recorded on a tape recorder or video camera ends, and the second stage of brainstorming begins - the analysis of the ideas expressed. Usually, out of 100 ideas, 30 deserve further elaboration, out of 5-6 they make it possible to formulate applied projects, and 2-3 ultimately turn out to bring a beneficial effect - profit, increased environmental safety, improvement of the natural environment, etc. At the same time, the interpretation of ideas is a creative process. For example, when discussing the possibilities of protecting ships from a torpedo attack, the idea was expressed: "Line up the sailors along the side and blow on the torpedo to change its course." After elaboration, this idea led to the creation of special devices that create waves that knock the torpedo off course.

During the "brainstorming" ideas can overshadow any participant and the desired solution will be found. The usual number of brainstorming participants is 11-12 people, but this number can vary from four to several dozen people.

There are several rules that must be observed when organizing the brainstorming process.

  • 1. You can not criticize or pull the speaker. Uncompromising conclusions are also unacceptable, because for one, the position is indisputable, and for the other, it is ambiguous.
  • 2. Never say that an idea is unrealistic or absurd.
  • 3. Collect the quantity of ideas, not paying attention to the quality. Brainstorming sets the stage for creative thinking, so the more suggestions the better.
  • 4. Welcome creativity. Each participant can develop the ideas proposed by the speaker earlier.

Usually the brainstorming time is limited. All proposed ideas are recorded, and the decision on them is made by a person who did not participate in the brainstorming process. Brainstorming is not a panacea, but only one of the ways to prepare a solution.

There are some principles that have been formed in the process of using the brainstorming method.

  • 1. Goals and limits must be clearly defined.
  • 2. All participants in the method should be given maximum freedom, expressed in:
    • * unlimited freedom of ideas;
    • * Mandatory expression of the opinion of each participant.
  • 3. The formation of the composition of participants must be thorough, it is necessary to remember:
    • * on limiting the number of groups;
    • * about definition of the names of the specialties necessary for accomplishment of a task in view;
    • * about creating an appropriate psychological atmosphere;
    • * on determining the level of qualification of participants;
    • * about the possibility of purposeful introduction of a dissident participant into the group.
  • 4. It is necessary to determine in advance how the brainstorming will proceed. For example, collecting all options at each level, then evaluating the viability of each option and choosing the best one, and then "expanding" each approved option.
  • 5. The role of the leader in the group includes the following:
    • * the ability to create the necessary atmosphere;
    • * Ability to manage a group.

In the process of using the brainstorming method in various situations in many areas of life, this method has been divided into nine types, which can be used in accordance with the requirements of the field of study.

Types of brainstorming:

  • - individual method;
  • - written method;
  • - direct method;
  • - mass method;
  • - double method;
  • - "brainstorming" with the evaluation of ideas;
  • - reverse method;
  • - "ship council";
  • - "conference of ideas".
  • - Individual method

When using this method, the number of participants can be reduced to a minimum, to one person. Its essence is that within ten minutes the employee must record his idea on a dictaphone or on paper, but without evaluation.

The positive effect of the individual method is the economy and efficiency of obtaining the result.

The written method

The written method is most often used when the group members are far away. All possible solutions, ideas are recorded in writing and transferred to the host of this event. The effectiveness of this method is that it is possible to attract the most highly qualified specialists from one or more countries.

The disadvantages of this method include the duration of the process itself.

direct method

The direct method is characterized by the fact that its implementation is reduced to a minimum of time and a maximum of communication. In other words, the facilitator can directly ask each participant, while limiting his time and scope of research. An informal atmosphere is created in the group, which should encourage the participants to communicate and create.

Bulk Method

The main characteristic feature of this method is that the entire global problem is divided into its component parts and a “brainstorming” is carried out for each part. Then a meeting of the leaders of all groups that took part in solving the problem is held, at which all the identified ideas and options for solving the problem are discussed.

When complex and massive problems arise, the “mass method” is often used as a kind of “brainstorming”.

Idea conference method

This type of brainstorming is different in that it allows positive criticism. Thus, the situation is less formalized, which means that communication flows more naturally.

Method of "ship advice"

The shipboard method is a variation of the brainstorming method. Its main and only difference is the strict sequence of expressing one's opinion. The disadvantages of the method include the fact that after passing his turn and having already expressed his opinion, the participant does not have the right to vote and cannot add his new thoughts and ideas. Thus, the losses when using this method can be very significant for the organization.

reverse method

When using this method - a kind of "brainstorming" - the whole process of searching for a new idea is divided into separate stages that must be performed correctly, otherwise the whole process will fail due to the incorrect execution of one stage. Most often, this method may contain the following steps:

  • * Making a list of all possible deficiencies that already exist, may or may not appear in the future.
  • * Their subsequent ranking according to the level of complexity or the amount of possible damage.

The method is called inverse because it is not used to create new ideas, but to analyze existing phenomena or plans for deficiencies.

Idea Evaluation Method

The “ideas-evaluated” method is essentially the sum of several methods: reverse, dual, and individual. This addition of the properties and qualities of the three methods allows us to solve urgent problems. The method “with the evaluation of ideas” can consist of several stages, which depend on the task set for the participants:

  • * idea generation;
  • * clarification by the participants of all sides of each idea, the collection of comments and independent evaluation scores for each idea;
  • * selection of the best options, while it is obligatory to indicate the positive and negative aspects of each option;
  • *discussions of each option using a "mini-brainstorm";
  • * selection from the best list of the most viable options;
  • * presentations of each option;
  • * collective ranking of all remaining options.

The use of this metope is possible only if it is possible to assemble a highly qualified team with experience, knowledge and skills in certain specialties, in other words, there are increased requirements for participants.

double method

The double method as a kind of brainstorming method differs from all other methods in that it contains an additional stage of mandatory criticism of each idea. Depending on the task, the list of stages may be different, for example:

  • * "brainstorm";
  • * discussion of each proposed option;
  • * generating new ideas based on the two stages studied above.
The study of control systems: lecture notes Shevchuk Denis Alexandrovich

Lecture 15

The manager is a hired manager, the boss!

If you do not have a single subordinate, you are not a manager, but a maximum specialist!

Shevchuk Denis

The method of "brainstorming" ("brainstorming") is a method that allows, with a minimum investment of time, to find a set of solutions put forward spontaneously by the participants for the problem posed. This method was developed by A. Osborne in 1953. It is also called the CGI method (collective idea generation) or the creative problem solving method.

This method is used when searching for solutions in an insufficiently explored area, when identifying new directions for solving a problem, and when eliminating shortcomings in an existing system.

There are 2 following forms of application of the "brainstorming" method:

Regular meeting: a meeting is held at which the head of the meeting interrogates the participants of the meeting in turn, who name the problems that negatively affect the efficiency of the enterprise or division. At the end of the meeting, a list of problems is compiled, which is then posted for public review. In the case of an inefficient ideation process, the meeting is rescheduled for another day;

Holding a meeting in a circular system: subgroups are formed, consisting of 3 - 4 people. Each representative of the group writes down 2-3 ideas on paper, which they then exchange with other participants within their group.

The ideas put forward are studied by other participants and supplemented by new ones. In each sub-group, ideas are exchanged three times, after which a consolidated list of ideas put forward is compiled. The completed lists of subgroups are then submitted to the group for consideration. This form of brainstorming has the following advantages:

Increases the activity of participants through the written form of presentation of ideas;

Eliminates waiting for one's turn in the process of putting forward ideas;

Allows you to improve the presented ideas and develop new ones based on them.

When conducting the brainstorming method, it is necessary to be guided by:

There is a ban on criticism of put forward ideas;

Suggested ideas are evaluated after brainstorming;

Among the ideas put forward, first of all, original and unusual and impromptu ideas are welcome;

The likelihood of valuable ideas coming up depends on the number of ideas put forward: the more, the better;

Preference is given to combined (combining several ideas into one) and improved ideas (development of an already expressed idea);

When putting forward new ideas, a chain reaction of ideas must be observed;

Brainstorming participants can speak several times, but each time no more than one idea should be expressed for better perception;

The organization of the method of "brainstorming" is carried out according to the following methodology. At the first stage, the task is formulated on the basis of 2 provisions:

What do we want to get as a result;

What prevents us from achieving our desires.

The internal structure of the problem to be solved should be simple and specifically formulated for the greatest efficiency of the generated ideas. A complex task needs to be broken down into its component parts.

To consider this task, a creative group is formed, consisting of 5 - 7 people (but not less than 3). The creative group consists of two subgroups:

A permanent core consisting of a team leader and employees who easily generate ideas. The duties of the leader include: defining the problem to be solved with the help of brainstorming, selecting and training participants in the necessary work methods, ensuring the activity of session participants, evaluating the ideas put forward, summing up the results of the assault. The leader must:

Be creatively active;

Be kind to the ideas expressed by other people;

Combine the positive qualities of a generator and an analyst;

Possess a speed of reaction, good analytical skills and a sober mind;

Temporary participants who are invited depending on the nature of the task being solved.

An invitation to a session is received 2-3 days in advance, together with information about the agenda items in written or oral form.

Basic information about the problem being solved can be provided to participants immediately before it starts.

The duration of the session is 25 - 30 minutes. The ideas put forward, the proposed solutions and their improvements are recorded in the minutes. All ideas are expressed in short sentences.

Preference is given to quantity over quality.

During the implementation of this method, the manager should pay attention to all the little things, even if they are insignificant: the creation of a friendly relaxed microclimate (jokes, tea, coffee). First of all, it is necessary to introduce all newcomers. A favorable friendly environment will contribute to a balanced psychological state of people.

The advantages of the brainstorming method are as follows:

Groupthink generates 70% more new valuable ideas than the sum of individual independent proposals;

Trains the mental abilities of the participants;

Provides an opportunity to get new unexpected visions of the problem under consideration;

Allows you to treat the ideas put forward with great confidence.

The method of "reverse brainstorming" is similar to the usual "brainstorming". The main feature of this method is the permission to express criticism. During the implementation of this method, the shortcomings of the proposed ideas are revealed (but discussions should take place correctly in relation to each participant) and ways to eliminate them are proposed.

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Appendix 4 "Brainstorming" and the "6x3x5" method "Brainstorming" (brainstorming - brainstorming) is a group work method in which the primary goal is to find options for solving a problem situation by developing a large number of proposals and their

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Lecture 13

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Lecture 16 This method is used when rational mathematical methods are ineffective in solving problems. Produced intuitively.

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Lecture 20. The method of "scenarios" The method of "scenarios" is one of the methods of expert assessments, with the help of which a picture of the object under study is given in the future based on the current situation. Using this method, the main goals of the development of the object of study are determined.

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Lecture 21 the external environment of the organization. This method consists of analyzing data on the external and internal environment and establishing links

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Lecture 23. Experiment as a private research method Experiment is a method of studying a control system under certain conditions of its functioning, which can be real or artificially created by the researcher, in order to obtain the necessary information.

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Lecture 28

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ATTACK PRINCIPLE LUCKY DOG DOESN'T BITE In the summer of 1975, I was visiting my grandmother in Long Beach, California. On a stuffy July afternoon, my friends wanted to get out of the hot city and swim in the Pacific Ocean. I also went, dying of horror. I was trembling like a frightened rabbit

Brainstorming (brainstorming, braine storming) is an operational method of solving a problem based on stimulating creative activity, in which the participants in the discussion are asked to express as many solutions as possible, including the most fantastic ones. Then, from the total number of ideas expressed, the most successful ones are selected that can be used in practice.

Brainstorming is one of the most popular methods for stimulating creativity. It is widely used in many organizations to find non-traditional solutions to a wide variety of problems.

Used in deadlock or problem situations.

The essence of the method lies in the fact that the process of putting forward, suggesting ideas is separated from the process of their critical evaluation and selection. In addition, a variety of techniques are used to "turn on" fantasy, to better use the "purely human" potential in finding solutions. For example, it is sometimes used to involve non-specialists who, due to ignorance, can make "crazy" suggestions, which in turn stimulate the imagination of "specialists".

The optimal composition of the group is from 6 to 12 people.

Brainstorming is:

  • Innovative problem solving method
  • maximum ideas in a short period of time;
  • relaxation, flight of fancy, self-satisfaction (the more unexpected the idea, the better, we need unusual, the most "wild" ideas);
  • absence of any criticism (any evaluation of the idea is postponed to a later period);
  • It is the development, combination and modification of both one's own and other people's ideas.

To activate the process of generating ideas during the "assault", it is recommended to use some tricks:

  • inversion (do the opposite)
  • analogy (do it the way it was done in another solution)
  • empathy (consider yourself part of the task, find out your feelings, sensations)
  • fantasy (do something fantastic)

Hypotheses are evaluated on a 10-point system, and the average score is displayed according to the estimates of all experts.

The goal of brainstorming is to generate new ideas, get a better idea or a better solution, and find the widest possible range of ways to solve a problem.

The main task of the brainstorming method is to develop (generate) as many ideas as possible and as diverse as possible in quality, suitable for solving the problem. In order to get a large number of ideas in a short period of time, a whole group of people is involved in the solution, which, like a single brain, storms the problem. They are usually collected in one room for one to two hours. Groups of 7-11 people are considered optimal.

The method includes the following steps:

  • 1) An object (topic) is selected;
  • 2) A list of the main characteristics or parts of the object is compiled;
  • 3) For each characteristic or part, its possible implementations are listed;
  • 4) The most interesting combinations of possible versions of all parts of the object are selected.
  • 1. Training lessons. It is necessary to form a group of idea generators (usually 5-10 people). These should be creative people, students with a mobile, active mind.

It is required to create an expert group, which will analyze all the ideas put forward and select the best ones. In practice, it is not uncommon for generators themselves to act as experts once they have completed their ideas.

A day or two before the assault, participants should be given a notice of the assault with a brief description of the topic and task. Perhaps someone will come with ready-made ideas.

You should prepare everything you need to write down ideas and show off the list. Options:

  • Board and chalk
  • Sheets of paper on tablets and felt-tip pens
  • Multi-colored stickers
  • laptop with projector
  • 2. Introduction. A brainstorming leader is required. In most cases, the facilitator is known initially, and he organizes the brainstorming.

It is advisable to choose one or two secretaries who will record all ideas.

Set the duration of the first stage.

Participants should be aware that time is limited and they need to come up with as many ideas as possible in a tight time frame. It activates, forces to give all the best.

You also need to set a task. What exactly do you need to get as a result of brainstorming? Write down the task so that it is always in sight.

Participants should clearly understand why they are here and what problem they are going to solve. Brainstorming welcomes the turmoil of ideas, but not the turmoil of tasks.

3. Main part. Using the brainstorming technique encourages a group of students to quickly generate as many answers to a question as possible.

On the first stage brainstorming, the group is given a specific problem to discuss, the participants express any proposals in turn in an accurate and concise form, the facilitator writes down all the proposals (on the board, poster) without criticizing their practical applicability.

On the second stage brainstorming, the proposals made are discussed. The group needs to find a way to apply any of the proposals made or outline a way to improve it. At this stage, it is possible to use various forms of discussion.

On the third stage brainstorming, the group presents a presentation of the results according to a predetermined principle:

  • The most optimal solution
  • Several of the most successful proposals;
  • the most unusual solution, etc.

For brainstorming, participants can be divided into several groups:

id generators...

The art of the brainstorming leader lies in the ability to liberate the thinking of the members of the creative group, inspire them to freely express themselves.

  • 1. Think through all aspects of the problem. The most important of these are often so complex that it takes the imagination to bring them to light.
  • 2. Select sub-problems to "attack". It is necessary to refer to the list of various aspects of the problem, carefully analyze them, highlight several goals.
  • 3. Think about what data might be useful. When a problem is formulated, well-defined information is required.
  • 4. Select the most preferred sources of information.
  • 5. Come up with all sorts of ideas - "keys" to the problem. This part of the thinking process certainly requires freedom of the imagination, unaccompanied or interrupted by critical thinking.
  • 6. Select ideas that are most likely to lead to a solution. This process is associated mainly with logical thinking. The emphasis here is on comparative analysis.
  • 7. Come up with all sorts of ways to test. It is often possible to discover completely new ways of checking.
  • 8. Select the most thorough verification methods. When deciding how best to check, be strict and consistent. Select the methods that seem the most convincing.
  • 9. Imagine all possible applications. Even if the final solution is confirmed experimentally, one must have an idea of ​​what can happen as a result of its use in various fields. For example, every military strategy is ultimately shaped by an idea of ​​what the enemy can do.
  • 10. Give a final answer.

Here one can clearly see the alternation of creative, synthesizing stages and analytical, rational ones. This alternation of expansions and narrowings of the search field is inherent in all developed search methods.

  • 4. findings (reflection). Brainstorming is effective:
    • · When solving problems that do not have an unambiguous solution, and problems where non-traditional solutions are required.
    • When you need to quickly find a way out of a critical situation.
    • · Wherever you need to get a lot of ideas in a short time. The brainstorming technique is universal.

What is the brainstorming method? When resolving any kind of problem situations, the question arises of finding and choosing the best option, since there are usually several ways out. The optimal option is considered to be the one that allows to ensure a high degree of achievement of the goal within the available limits.

In conditions when it is required to evaluate the possibilities of all alternative options in a limited period, the so-called operational decision-making methods are used. Such methods are especially effective when, due to lack of information for an accurate expert assessment, it is necessary to determine the best average probability of achieving the goal. The same methods are relevant for solving a number of interrelated problems, when the choice of an alternative must be joint for the entire group of situations.

In general, the algorithm for searching and making a decision comes down to assessing individual aspects of a situation or a group of situations, considered as a certain system, and analyzing the totality of the identified opportunities. Important stages of the operational system analysis are: the formulation of the problem, the synthesis of ideas and the elimination of ideas. An idea that generalizes the experience and attitude to the current situation of an individual is considered as an element of creativity in the analysis process.

One of the most widely used operational methods of solution in practice is the method of brainstorming, or, in other words, the method of destructive related evaluation. This happens because brainstorming, or brainstorming, is a unique technique available that allows you to take into account not only the opinions of narrow specialists, but also related or third-party considerations. In addition, this technique is structurally quite simple and applicable to any problems: individual and collective, creative and scientific, applied and theoretical, professional and everyday. This method itself, its derivatives and elements are often used for expert assessment of situations in order to find improved technical and managerial solutions, to build forecasts and scenarios for the development of events.

History and description of the method

The brainstorming method was developed in the 1930s by the American Alex F. Osborne, who was looking for new approaches to organizing the advertising business. The technique gained fame and recognition in 1953, thanks to the release of Osborne's book "Guided Imagination", in which the method was described in detail.

The starting point for Osborne's idea was the contradictory situation that prevailed in the company where he worked: an acute shortage of creative solutions with sufficient creative and intellectual potential. After studying the problem, he found that the main cause of the crisis lies in the closed nature of the development and decision-making. Indeed, only experienced experts with special knowledge and special terminology become included in the analysis process.

Their conclusions are often stereotyped, but they are unable to notice this on their own, in the absence of third-party critical analysis. The rest of the employees, even those with undoubted creative abilities, skills or experience in related fields, remain mere performers and observers, mainly because they cannot formulate their ideas and proposals in a form acceptable to an expert.

Based on such observations, Osborne comes to the conclusion that, firstly, it is necessary to include non-specialists in the discussion, and secondly, to divide the process of problem analysis into two stages:

  1. Suggestion of ideas.
  2. Criticism and selection of ideas.

At the same time, the creative activity of the participants in the discussion should not be limited by anything.

Subsequently, on this basis, the following rules for organizing and conducting brainstorming were developed.

Problem formulation (preliminary stage). To find a way to achieve the goal, this goal must be clearly defined, the aspects that hinder its achievement, and intermediate tasks must be identified. At the preliminary stage, the necessary information is collected.

Formation of a working group. The selection of participants in the discussion is carried out purposefully, taking into account aspects of the problem. It is important to take into account the psychological aspects that should contribute to the creation of a favorable microclimate and a creative atmosphere when working together. Participants, as a rule, are close in age and official position, but at the same time they differ in experience, specialization, views, and activity. If the group is constantly working, then its composition must be updated by inviting new people. Depending on abilities, participants are divided into roles:

  • idea generators (people with predominant creative imagination, non-specialists);
  • experts (people with predominantly analytical thinking and specialists).

The group should be led by a facilitator with relevant experience and abilities. He monitors compliance with the rules of the discussion, controls the time and thematic scope of the discussion.

At the stage of suggesting ideas, the quantity, not the quality, of the expressed considerations is important, therefore any criticism is prohibited. The proposals do not require proof or conformity to any standards; connection with the problem under discussion can be both direct and associative. All ideas need to be recorded, preferably with the help of technical means, so that nothing is missed. Experts do not participate in the first stage of the discussion.

At the stage of selection of ideas, the analysis and evaluation of the proposals put forward at the first stage take place. Both stages should be separated by a certain time interval (incubation period). In accordance with the task, it is necessary to determine in advance the evaluation criteria common to all participants. It is best to label them visually. Methods of analysis may be different, argumentation and criticism are welcome. In the process of discussion, ideas are grouped and considered solely from the standpoint of compliance with the criteria and possibilities for implementation.

Forward and reverse brainstorming

Both stages of the discussion do not necessarily apply in combination. Depending on the situation, they can be used separately.

If the discussion is limited solely to the first part, this method is called direct brainstorming, idea conference or collective idea generation. In general, direct brainstorming is carried out according to the above rules, with the exception that the subsequent examination of proposals takes place in a closed or limited mode.

The most effective is considered to be a working group of 5-8 people, conditionally divided into 2 quantitatively equal subgroups: regular participants (core) and invited participants (newcomers). Direct brainstorming is best suited for small professional and creative teams. An analogue of the conference of ideas are constructors - various kinds of meetings and meetings, for example: academic councils, interdepartmental commissions, planning meetings.

The reverse brainstorming method is also used in small teams, most often, if necessary, to identify the shortcomings of a particular project or technical object. The composition and size of the working group are the same as in direct brainstorming, with the difference that ideas are put forward, systematized and developed in a limited or closed mode, and the subsequent discussion is in the nature of collective expertise.

Reverse brainstorming is a process of destruction (destruction), with it there is no opportunity to make suggestions aimed at improving performance.

But sometimes, as a result of the discussion, a counteridea is born, bringing together all the possible shortcomings of the project and formulating a way to eliminate them. An example is the defense of dissertations, business plans and various scientific projects.

The brainstorming method, originally intended for collective work, can be used by individual experts for individual work. In this case, individual brainstorming becomes a conference stage, then it is a professional examination of the proposed ideas or, conversely, a preparatory collection of information for reverse brainstorming. But sometimes an individual brainstorming is a completely independent study based on the processing of information received from independent sources. Most often, the method is used to analyze trends, generate forecasts, and develop strategies.

The main input data for the formation of an individual forecast: interviews, mass surveys and expert assessments. Data collection is carried out by correspondence, personal conversations, telephone calls. Negotiations should be carried out using a specially designed program, according to which participants are offered several options for solving a problem or a certain number of questions about the object of study. The research technique is based on the assumption that its participants have the language and the necessary knowledge to answer the questions of the program, so research is usually conducted among a clearly defined social or age group.

When developing strategies, stability in the group is especially important, since interviews with its participants assume the immutability of their plans and position. The results of various stages of the study are drawn up in the form of a document, depending on their further purpose.


Individual expert analysis has its advantages, for example: it allows you to minimize the possibility of pressure on the performer, helps the expert to fully focus on a particular problem. But at the same time, independent work is quite long, laborious, requires full dedication and great responsibility. The main disadvantage of the method is its dependence on subjective assessments and perceptions, the limited knowledge of an individual, and also on the successful selection of respondents.

Delphi Method

One of the most famous expert methods based on the brainstorming technique was the Delphi forecasting method, developed at the end of the 20th century by the RAND Corporation. Delphi is a statistical study of individual expert opinions that allows you to assess the likelihood of an event with a high degree of objectivity. The method is successfully used to analyze trends and build scenarios for the development of the situation for periods of 1-3 years.

The technique combines individual and group methods of analysis through several stages of a written survey of independent experts according to a special program. Depending on the objectives of the study, up to 100 or more different specialists may be involved in it.

The research process is carried out in several stages:

  1. Formation of a working group conducting an expert survey.
  2. Formation of an expert group whose opinion will be processed.
  3. Drawing up a survey program.
  4. Conducting an examination and debriefing.

Based on the results of the survey, a graph is built, and the final opinion is considered to be the average in an ordered series of values.

Operational research methods based on brainstorming techniques are constantly being improved, and their number is steadily growing. The targeted use of expert analysis is becoming more and more in demand in modern conditions, and computer data processing and the emergence of new means of communication make it possible to expand its capabilities. From all this we can conclude that the Osborne method is the most promising method of system analysis of all currently existing.