International book exhibition fair at VVC. Corporation "Russian Textbook"

The Moscow International Book Fair (MIBF) - the largest international book forum in Russia - will be held on the territory of VDNKh, in pavilion No. 75.

The book industry is developing in accordance with the trends of world culture, economy, innovations in the field of high technologies and media content.

Book fairs, which are a reflection of the processes taking place in the industry, cannot remain the same.

The organizers of the MIBF are the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, as well as the state enterprise "General Directorate of International Book Exhibitions and Fairs".

  • 27th Moscow International Book Fair 2014 in the Mirror of Figures and Facts:
  • 63 participating countries
  • Central events - Forum of Slavic Cultures and Slavic Book Festival
  • 1027 participants
  • The program includes over 500 events
  • New books - more than 200 thousand editions in dozens of languages ​​of the world
  • More than 220,000 visitors, Muscovites and guests of the capital.

Over 5 days of the MIBF 2017 Festival, more than 60 participants from 23 regions of Russia spoke to the audience, representing more than 30 national languages. Over the entire period of the Festival, about 50 events took place, including creative meetings with writers, performances by national poets, presentations of unique publications, master classes in national languages, tours of the National Library of the Peoples of Russia, theatrical performances and musical performances. Every day the Festival received more than 2500 visitors.

More than 300 events at four thematic venues of Pavilion 75 of VDNKh took place at MIBF 2018. Over 300 participants from various regions of Russia and 30 countries of the world presented publications at the fair. For the first time in history, a separate hall for children and youth audiences worked at the MIBF. At the stands of the fair, visitors got acquainted with literature from China, India, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Serbia, Poland and other countries. This year the fair was visited by more than 100,000 guests.

In 2018, more than 30 countries took part in the fair. The full house was gathered by the French writer Bernard Werber with his new novel From the Other World. The "Book of the Year" in 2018 was the "Big Russian Encyclopedia" in 35 volumes. The winner of the "Book of the Year" received the "Grand Prix", which was made especially for the competition in the jewelry workshop of the Honored Art Worker of Russia Andrei Ananov.

MIBF will occupy 36,000 sq. m, more than 500 events are planned. More than 200 thousand publications and over 500 events will be presented by 1,500 participants from 45 countries.

An extended description of the event, a map with a mark of the venue, as well as a link to the official website of the event are available only


Moscow International Book Fair
About the exhibition

The Moscow International Book Fair (MIBF) is the largest book forum in Russia and an important social platform where educators, parents and their children meet with educational experts to discuss the most pressing and pressing issues.

We invite everyone who cares about the quality of domestic education and the future of the younger generation.

The MIBF-2017 program includes master classes for teachers, exciting quests for children and their parents, lectures from leading authors of educational literature and educational aids, presentations of films and books, consultations of famous child psychologists.

All events of the corporation "Russian Textbook" are free. We are waiting for you at VDNKh, pavilion No. 75. Our stands - No. A1-B2, No. D27-E34. Additionally, lectures for parents of children of primary school and preschool age will be held on the children's stage (F-49).

New Russian textbook to replace the old one

On September 9 and 10, from 14:00 to 16:00 at booth No. A1-B2, the action "New Russian textbook to replace the old one" is held. Any teacher or student can bring their old textbook from any publisher and exchange it for a new one from the Russian Textbook corporation. Each participant of the action will additionally be offered a free certificate for electronic forms of textbooks (ETS).

Program of events

Corporation "Russian Textbook"

Lanin Boris Alexandrovich

Glek Igor Vladimirovich


Snisarenko Elena Petrovna

How to talk to your child about school? How to make the transition to a new stage of life as comfortable as possible and survive the first difficulties with your studies? Parents are waiting for a consultation on the results of individual pedagogical diagnostics of the child's readiness for school, and children - an educational quest "I want to know everything!".

Terekhova Yulia Alexandrovna


Lomov Alexey Ivanovich

Kaluga Maria Vladimirovna

Pimenov Alexander Yurievich

Iseeva Nafisa Ravilievna

Let's talk about the typical problems of studying a mathematics course in elementary school and look for ways and tools to solve them.

Pichugin Sergey Sergeevich

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Leading Methodologist at the Center for Preschool and Primary Education of the Rossiyskiy Tekhnika Corporation, Associate Professor, Corresponding Member of the IANPE, Member of the Coordinating Council for the Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

How to develop a culture of reading in a child? Through the creation of an emotional background, which will be the basis for a positive attitude towards the book. Let's talk about reading as an emotional communication between parents and children, teachers and students.

Boytsov Oleg Nikolaevich

Candidate of Philology, Leading Methodologist for Russian Language and Literature of the Russian Textbook Corporation

The ideal school is a place where tradition and innovation successfully coexist. What tools will help prepare and conduct a lesson in a modern school? Will new digital services be in demand in daily school practice? We analyze the intricacies of digital technologies in the service of a modern teacher in a master class.

Kutuzov Sergey Anatolievich

Artem Simonovich Soloveichik

Gagkuev Ruslan Grigorievich

Repnikov Alexander Vitalievich

Nikulicheva Dina Borisovna

Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher at the Department of German Studies and Celtology at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as Professor at the Department of Scandinavian, Finnish and Dutch Languages, Faculty of Translation, Moscow State Linguistic University

An open conversation with a child psychologist about knowledge - and more. What should a future first grader really know and be able to do, and what would be nice to know? How to help him overcome the difficulties of the adaptation period? As well as individual pedagogical diagnostics of readiness for school, consultation of parents on the results of diagnostics and an educational quest for the child “I want to know everything!”

Komarova Olga Nikolaevna

child psychologist

Every parent wants to see their child happy and successful! But how can this be achieved? What is the secret to raising a happy child? How to understand what is interesting for a child, help him to reach his potential? Let's talk about the pros and cons of early learning, as well as games and toys for a happy child.

Kozhevnikova Victoria Vitalievna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, President of the Association of Froebel Teachers of Russia

Where to direct efforts so that the development of the baby is as effective as possible, and childhood is happy? Make a decision in favor of the quantity or quality of developmental activities? Is it worth it to choose speed reading and speed counting methods that allure with amazing success, or is there some other approach? Let's talk about ways to raise a gifted and happy child.

Pavlova Alena Anatolievna

director of DRC "Orange"

Denisenko Ilya Sergeevich

Lecture and autograph session from Maryana Bezrukikh, author, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Education.

Bezrukikh Mariana Mikhailovna

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education, Director of the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education

The film "Mother" is the story of a boy who is abandoned by his mother, literally throwing him out of life like an old thing. This is a story about forced loneliness, forgiveness, understanding, about the complex love of a mother for her chosen one, about the sick love of a son for his mother. Despite everything, there is no anger in the hero.

The purpose of the film is to draw public attention to the problem of orphanhood, to show that it is possible to help not only kids, but also teenage children. This is a large social project that encourages citizens to take adopted children of different ages into their families, take care of them, love them, and become their friend.

Mikhail Sergeevich Komlev

director, TV presenter

It will be about why parents need children, and why children need parents: after all, it depends on whether parents will be able to raise a happy adult out of their child. And the adult happiness of your child will depend on how you yourself think about life. And yet ... However, you can learn about the rest at the master class!

Tymoshenko Galina Valentinovna

psychologist, author of articles and books on psychology, host of the program “Understand. Forgive"

Leonenko Elena Anatolievna

child psychologist

Open consultation with a child psychologist. How to talk to your child about school? How to make the transition to a new stage of life as comfortable as possible and survive the first difficulties with your studies? And also - individual pedagogical diagnostics of a child's readiness for school, consultation of parents on the results of diagnostics and an educational quest "I want to know everything!".

Terekhova Yulia Alexandrovna


Listen to the sounds of nature, admire its beauty and reflections in music... We invite you on a journey through the magical world of sounds. Prizes await those who guessed the names of musical works about nature!

Baklanova Tatyana Ivanovna

Presentation of T. I. Baklanova's teaching kit for grades 1–4. As part of: textbooks, programs, workbooks, teaching aids for teachers. The author of the kit will personally talk about its features and answer all the questions of parents and teachers.

Baklanova Tatyana Ivanovna

Professor of the Institute of Culture and Arts of the Moscow City Pedagogical University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Musical and Ethnocultural Education, NOCHU DO "Institute for the Development of Educational Technologies"

We will talk about the International Chemistry Olympiad for schoolchildren, how to get into the Russian team, how to prepare for the Olympiad and achieve success in scientific competitions, and also about Russia's achievements in the world Olympiad movement.

Belov Alexander Sergeevich

senior researcher at the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, coach of the Russian team and senior coach of the Moscow team in chemistry

Eremin Vadim Vladimirovich

Professor of the Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow State University, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, author of school textbooks in chemistry, member of the methodological commission of the All-Russian Olympiad in Chemistry, head of the national team at the International Olympiad in Chemistry (2001−2012), laureate of the Presidential Prize in Education and the Lomonosov Prize for pedagogical activity

The author will give cases from practice and talk about the methods of fairy tale therapy using the example of his own stories. You will learn about the first social institutions, criteria for readiness for learning, family crises, the importance of interaction and attitude of parents.

Goncharova Anna Sergeevna

children's writer, teacher, psychologist

Let's talk about the disclosure of the creative abilities of students and the creation of conditions for the possibility of their self-realization. Not everyone will become a designer, but the passion can grow into a hobby for the rest of your life. At the technology lessons in one of the schools of the Zelenograd Administrative District of Moscow, students work on creating their own image using the skills of embroidery, beading, lace weaving, felting wool and other types of arts and crafts.

Shishkova Olga Evgenievna

teacher of technology of the highest qualification category of GBOU school No. 1151, head of the school fashion theater "Inspiration" and editor-in-chief of the technology editorial office of the corporation "Russian Textbook"

An open conversation with a child psychologist about knowledge - and more. What should a future first grader really know and be able to do, and what would be nice to know? How to help him overcome the difficulties of the adaptation period? As well as individual pedagogical diagnostics of readiness for school, consultation of parents on the results of diagnostics and an educational quest for the child “I want to know everything!”.

Komarova Olga Nikolaevna

child psychologist
Online broadcasts

watch MIBF-2017 live

Literature, television and cinema no longer compete, but help each other. Literature is a territory of personal taste, personal choice and personal freedom: it is unacceptable to impose a "mandatory" average taste and lists consisting of obsolete texts alien to modern children. At the same time, the textbook should become the key to literary secrets.

Lanin Boris Alexandrovich

Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education, author of teaching materials and textbooks on literature for and

Master class and presentation of teaching aids with recognized professionals. An educational and methodological complex on chess for middle and high schools will be presented. The authors will touch upon the relevance of chess lessons and talk about the introduction of chess into the educational process.

Glek Igor Vladimirovich

international grandmaster, honored coach of FIDE, winner of more than 100 international tournaments, Olympic champion in the USSR national team, president of the Moscow Chess Federation, multiple champion of the USSR, Russia, Belgium, Switzerland, member of the coaching commission of the international chess federation
author of interactive teaching materials, candidate master of sports

“The soul is a sail. Wind is life" (Marina Tsvetaeva). Traveling is always interesting! Let's start our journey through the textbook at the desk so that it becomes a reality in life. Workshop with LECTA platform.

Snisarenko Elena Petrovna

leading methodologist for EFU of the corporation "Russian Textbook"

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the level of qualification of employees must meet the requirements specified in the directories and (or) professional standards for the relevant position.

However, the requirements for the qualifications of pedagogical workers contained in the Federal State Educational Standards, in professional standards (qualification reference books) and the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" do not always coincide. How to resolve existing contradictions?

Who will be interested? Heads and deputy heads, teachers, employees of methodological services and education authorities.

Lomov Alexey Ivanovich

Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Journal "Practice of Administrative Work at School", Expert of the Information Portal "Implementation of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation""

We discuss and test possible schemes for legal parental participation in the development of the school, teaching and children's teams, stimulating promising areas of work, etc. corporate loyalty systems.

Kaluga Maria Vladimirovna

teacher, coach and blogger, creative director of the Corypheus gymnasium (Yekaterinburg)

“Lack of attention to the marks that students give to their teachers should be a matter of particular concern” (D. Hattie).

The introduction of new educational standards was supposed to change the lesson: to replace the traditional lesson with its "average" and "knowledge" approach to teaching, a lesson based on the principles of individualization and developmental learning was to come.

For this purpose, numerous advanced training courses, conferences, seminars, teachers' councils were held, in which hundreds of thousands of teachers were involved; a variety of experimental sites have been launched, and the state has allocated significant funds for the purchase of expensive equipment.

Could such significant intellectual and material efforts have changed the lesson? Partial answers to this question are given by the results of a study conducted by members of the "Commonwealth of Schools of Personally-Oriented Education of the Russian Federation."

Pimenov Alexander Yurievich

Deputy Director of GBOU School No. 2116 in Moscow

The basis of the new social and educational project from the magazine "Methodist" is a comparative analysis of geographical objects captured 100 years ago by the pioneer of Russian color photography, Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorsky, and the works of modern amateur photographers.

The project solves the problem of building a unified, consistent and acceptable for most social groups concept of the country's historical development over three historical periods, which will serve as the cornerstone for the further development of Russian society as a multinational and multi-confessional system.

Iseeva Nafisa Ravilievna

General Director of the publishing house "Methodist"

A master class on the intricacies of digital technologies in the service of a modern teacher. The ideal school is a place where tradition and innovation successfully coexist. What tools will help prepare and conduct a lesson in a modern school? Will new digital services be in demand in daily school practice?

Kutuzov Sergey Anatolievich

coordinator of the project for the development of digital educational technologies, teacher-organizer of the OCHU "Gazprom School"

Presentation of the book "Intangible Truths of Education" and an autograph session from the Vice President for Strategic Communications and Development of the Corporation "Russian Textbook" Artyom Simonovich Soloveichik.

Artem Simonovich Soloveichik

Vice President for Strategic Communications and Development of the Russian Textbook Corporation

The authors of the album deliberately tried to move away from value judgments of both historical figures and events, presenting on its pages, first of all, the opinions of contemporaries. Right, left and centrists, politicians, artists and ordinary people - all of them are represented in one way or another on the pages of this publication.

A wide range of published illustrations is a reflection of a difficult historical era, almost unfamiliar to the modern reader from this side.

Gagkuev Ruslan Grigorievich

Russian historian, doctor of historical sciences, editor-in-chief of the publishing house "Russian textbook"

Repnikov Alexander Vitalievich

Russian historian of modern Russian history, doctor of historical sciences, professor

Attention! The performance has been cancelled.

Nikulicheva Dina Borisovna

Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher at the Department of German Studies and Celtology at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor at the Department of Scandinavian, Finnish and Dutch Languages, Faculty of Translation, Moscow State Linguistic University

How to overcome the language barrier and start communicating fluently in English? Immerse yourself in the language environment! Is it possible to recreate the conditions of real language communication in the classroom, and if so, how? A communicative quest is one of the possible options for creating a situation where even someone who has never done this before will speak a foreign language.

Denisenko Ilya Sergeevich

Director of the Center for Foreign Languages ​​of the Humanities University of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the International Association for Authentic English Teaching

From 6 to 10 September 2017 The 30th Moscow International Book Fair will be held in the 75th pavilion of VDNKh. For kids the book forum is preparing a separate program with master classes and a children's stage, which will feature famous writers, including the storyteller from England, Holly Webb.

This year MIBF will host publishers from 39 countries of the world: from neighboring countries to distant sunny Cuba. More than 500 events will be held at 12 thematic venues over five days. Guests of MIBF-2017 are waiting for novelties of domestic and foreign book publishing and meetings with popular authors of modern literature: Dmitry Bykov, Roman Senchin, Olga Breininger, Narine Abgaryan, Andrey Rubanov, Victoria Tokareva, Lyudmila Ulitskaya and many others.

This year, the status of the guest of honor of the fair was received by the festival "National Literature of the Peoples of Russia". Representatives of small nationalities of our country will come to Moscow to acquaint the guests with their original culture and languages. The festival program includes: Udmurt rap, Even throat singing, Nanai dances with a tambourine, master classes in Khakass takhpakhs and tasting of national dishes.


This year there are several musical surprises for the guests of the fair. On the first day, the Bravo band will perform on the main stage, Evgeny Khavtan will present the first book-biography of the Russian rock band. Singer Leonid Agutin will present a new book from the beloved AnimalBooks series - “I am an elephant”. Music critic Vladimir Marochkin presents his book Legends of Russian Rock. People's Artist of Russia Yevgeny Knyazev and theater and film actor Mikhail Politseymako will read their favorite lines from the works of Samuil Marshak. And the famous songwriter Ilya Reznik will share funny stories from the collection “Tyapa doesn’t want to be a clown”, which he wrote with humor and love for his young readers.

Festival of National Literature of the Peoples of Russia delight guests with colorful theatrical performances. The theme of small nationalities will be supported by the project of the Russian State Children's Library "Hello neighbor!".

In addition, on the main stage of the fair as part of Forum "Knigabyte" sharp and exciting questions about modern transformations of the Russian language will be discussed.


Traditionally, the organizers of the fair have prepared a program for little bookworms that is in no way inferior in terms of the number of events to the "adult" spaces. Interactive contests, master classes, games and all sorts of surprises await young lovers of literature. Marina Druzhinina, Dmitry Emets, Marietta Chudakova, Anna Nikolskaya, Artur Givargizov, Anastasia Orlova, Vadim Levin, Anna Goncharova, Natalya Volkova, English storyteller Holly Webb and many others will meet with readers. In the meantime, the children will have fun, parents will be able to take part in discussions about the methods of fostering a love of literature and the importance of family reading.


Do you want to know hundreds of breakfast recipes from Olesya Kuprin, learn how to cook delicious truffles with Anastasia Zurabova, see how real ajvar is made from Nastya Ponedelnik, and also remember your favorite treats from childhood with Irina Chadeeva? All this and much more can be done at the Literary Kitchen site, where culinary master classes will be held for lovers of creativity and delicious food.



The sharpest, controversial and non-standard performances of the MIBF guests will be met at the First Microphone site. Politician and historian Vladimir Ryzhkov will present a non-political book about his long-term travels in Altai, Viktor Shenderovich will present the fictional prose Savelyev, and Marietta Chudakova, an expert on Mikhail Bulgakov's work, will hold a creative meeting with readers.


At the annual industry conference "Book market - 2017" the participants will meet to discuss the state and prospects for the development of the Russian book market, methods and technologies for promoting domestic literature to foreign readers.

One of the key topics of the business program will be digital technologies in the book business. In addition, there will be a number of meetings dedicated to bibliography, legislative initiatives in the field of the book business and book retail distribution.


In the space “KnigaByte. The Future of the Book” will host events dedicated to new technologies and industry trends. Representatives of various expert and professional communities will try to form their own hypothesis of the book future, present advanced products and solutions that determine the main vectors for the development of the book environment.


The platform will bring together events dedicated to education, advanced training and book market professions. There will be presentations and seminars on technological innovations and intricacies of book business marketing, a job fair for leading publishers and booksellers, and admissions committees of specialized colleges and the Moscow Poly will present their educational programs.


The digital book publishing platform, organized by the Ridero publishing platform, will present books by Russian independent authors and copyright imprints. MIBF visitors will be able to get acquainted with the capabilities of the platform and learn how to publish their own book or create their own publishing house without investing in circulation and distribution. In the lecture hall of the site, writers will be told how to attract readers to their book, about the safety of writing work, about trends in book illustration and cover design, and how to get into the literary community.

Working mode:
September 6 from 13:00 to 20:00
September 7–9 from 10:00 to 20:00
September 10 from 10:00 to 17:00

MOSCOW, 6 September. /TASS/. The jubilee 30th Moscow International Book Fair (MIBF) opened on Wednesday at VDNH, more than 600 publishing houses from forty countries take part in its work.

“For six months in 2017, about 60 thousand book titles were published in our country, with a total circulation of 254 million copies. This circulation is 20% more than it was in the same period in 2016,” said Mikhail Seslavinsky, head of Rospechat. - About 400 events will be held within the framework of this fair. This is a jubilee year - the centenary of the October Revolution, and each of you can read what was written in newspapers and magazines a hundred years ago.

"30 years for the modern history of Russia is the life of a whole generation. And for 30 years the favorite forum, the MIBF, has been operating," said Vladimir Tolstoy, adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on culture.

The Minister of Culture and Sports of Greece Lydia Koniordou took part in the opening of the MIBF. "The exhibition is distinguished by its quality, its level in the field of copyright exchange and ensured a strong interaction of the city with the book exhibition in Thessaloniki," the minister said. She also recalled that Athens was declared the International Book Capital of UNESCO in 2018.

Member of the Federation Council from Moscow Zinaida Dragunkina noted that humanity has not come up with a better gift than a book. "I'm convinced that no digital age can be better than the feeling we get when picking up a book," she said.

Representatives of the book industry about MIBF

Oleg Novikov, president of the Eksmo-AST publishing group, told TASS that "an important feature of MIBF-2017 is the combination of a rich professional and cultural and entertainment program." "The days of its holding coincide with the celebration of the Day of the City of Moscow. It is very important that the book is part of this holiday," he said.

Novikov also said that the publishing group has thoroughly approached the preparation of its own sites. "More than 200 events will be held at six venues, where about 100 leading Russian authors will present their novelties to the public. Dmitry Bykov, Roman Senchin, Denis Dragunsky, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Evgeny Vodolazkin, Evgeny Satanovsky, Nikolai Starikov, Andrey Dementiev, Larisa Rubalskaya - in their number," he said.

In turn, Marina Abramova, Chairman of the Regional Development Committee of the Russian Book Union, stressed to TASS the importance of this cultural event for the book industry.

"The MIBF is certainly the central autumn event for the book industry: every year the exhibition-fair holds hundreds of events for both readers and the professional community," she said. "The exhibition opens a new book season, for which all publishers prepare novelties and present the best of The work of the booth of the Russian Book Union at MIBF-2017 includes both major cultural and business events."

Abramova recalled that the industry conference "Book Market of Russia" will be held on Wednesday, where the largest publishers and book market players will sum up the preliminary results of 2017.

About the exhibition

The Moscow International Book Fair (MIBF) takes place in Moscow at VDNKh from 6 to 10 September. This year the MIBF is celebrating two anniversaries at once: the thirtieth anniversary of the exhibition and the fortieth anniversary of the first fair. The holding of the MIBF calendar coincides with the celebration of the Day of the City of Moscow (September 9).

The Moscow International Book Fair has been held since 1977 and is the largest book forum in Russia. Around 100,000 people visit the fair every year.