Population of Kramatorsk. Kramatorsk city, Donetsk region

Kramatorsk info, Kramatorsk
The average temperature in January is −8.2 °С, in July +30.2 °С. Precipitation per year 420 mm.

Official language Ukrainian Russian Population ▼ 162,811 people (2014) Density 1391 people/km² National composition 70% of the population are Ukrainians, 27% are Russians demonym Kramatorsk, Kramatorsk Timezone UTC+2, summer UTC+3 Telephone code +380-6264 Postal codes 84300-84390 car code AH, KN / 05 KOATUU 1412900000 Official site krm.gov.ua Awards
at Wikimedia Commons

Kramatorsk(ukr. Kramatorsk) - a city of regional significance in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. Since October 11, 2014 - the seat of the administration of the Donetsk region. It is located on the Kazyonny Torets River (a tributary of the Seversky Donets). Population 165,539 (2012).

  • 1 Geography
    • 1.1 Relief
    • 1.2 Climate
    • 1.3 Minerals
    • 1.4 Paleontology
    • 1.5 Flora
    • 1.6 Fauna
    • 1.7 Landscape park
  • 2 Population
    • 2.1 National composition
  • 3 History of Kramatorsk
  • 4 Economy
    • 4.1 Industry
    • 4.2 Power industry
    • 4.3 Agriculture
    • 4.4 Transport
    • 4.5 Communication
    • 4.6 Finance
    • 4.7 Hotels
  • 5 Urban economy
    • 5.1 Housing stock
    • 5.2 Landscaping
  • 6 Attractions
    • 6.1 Monuments
  • 7 Healthcare
  • 8 Education
  • 9 Culture
  • 10 Sports
  • 11 Parks
  • 12 Media
  • 13 Churches
  • 14 See also
  • 15 Notes
  • 16 Literature
  • 17 Links



Kramatorsk and the villages belonging to it are located in the valleys of the Kazenny Torets and its tributaries, surrounded by hills. The hills are cut by ravines and gullies. The lowest height above sea level - 60 m - the water's edge of the Tortsa in Yasnogorka. On the banks of the Kazyonny Tortsa and its tributary Belyanka, steep slopes are formed in two places - "chalk mountains". The boundaries of the city lie at the highest heights (meters): 199.1 in the village of Vasilyevskaya Pustosh; 177.3 at the airfield; 169.5 Chalk Mountain; 167.6 Karachun-mountain; 158.4 in the village of Oktyabrsky.

Human activity has produced new landforms, the most significant of which are the quarry at Melovaya Gora and the slag heaps at KMZ and NKMZ.

    Ravine in Yubileiny Park

    Beam Kutovaya

    Chalk mountains on Belenkaya


The climate of Kramatorsk is temperate continental with relatively cold winters and hot dry summers. The amount of precipitation is insignificant, distributed unevenly over the years and over the seasons. the year can fall from 250 to 650 mm, the average value is 420 mm. More than half of the precipitation occurs in summer, mainly in showers. Sometimes the daily level of precipitation can exceed the monthly average and reaches 120-125 mm.

The average annual relative humidity is 75%, in summer noon it can decrease to 30-35%. The most humid air in December and January is 90-98, and sometimes 100%, so fog and sleet are frequent in winter. The cloudiness of the winter sky reaches 80%, fogs persist over a large area for a long time even with a wind of 15 m/s, drizzle. Winter winds are mainly east and northeast, thaws are frequent.

The average temperature of the coldest month of January is -8.2°C, of ​​the warmest July - 30.2°C.

The average depth of soil freezing is 1.2 m, the greatest is 1.5 m.


Panorama from Chalk Mountain

There are 6 explored mineral deposits on the territory of Kramatorsk: Kramatorsk (chalk and clay), Novokramatorsk (refractory clay), Yasnopolyanskoye (ochre clay), Shabelkovskoye (moulding sand), Rossokhovatskoye (building sand), Kramatorsk (ceramic raw materials).

At present, seven types of mineral raw materials are mined: building, ocher, brick-tile and ceramic clays (total 107.2 thousand tons in 2008), chalk (576.2 thousand tons), molding and building sands.

Thanks to the discovered deposits at Kramatorska station in 1885, a building materials plant was built, which laid the foundation for other plants and the village.

From the late 1930s until the war, coal was mined north of Maryevka. The seam thickness was 40 cm. After the war, the entrance to the mine collapsed and was flooded.

    Clay mining

    Quarry in Chalk Mountain

    Yasnaya Polyana. Chalk mountain. Career. City view.


In 1991, fossilized remains of an araucaria tree were discovered near Pchelkino.


Forest plantation on the Belenkaya mountains

Forests occupy 1704 hectares of Kramatorsk area, including: Shabelkova - 289, Krasnogorka - 196, Beloe - 165, Vesyoliy - 71, Ivanovka - 64, Berestovoe - 27, Kamyshevakha - 622 (tracts Grako-Kamyshevakhskoye - 214, Malotaranovsky - 117, Troychatskoye - 94, Lipovoe - 91, Krutenkoe I - 29, Hare Big - 26, Flat - 10, Wolf - 20, Krutenkoe II - 10).

The forests are dominated by acacia, oak, ash, apricot, cherry plum, common linden and small-leaved linden, pine, birch, mulberry, Norway maple, walnut. The undergrowth consists of euonymus; closer to the edges - hawthorn, blackthorn, wild rose; in the glades - steppe cherry, shrub caragana. Cretaceous pine, which is found in the village of Bely, and Crimean pine are unique.

In forest park plantings, the species composition is diverse. These are forest and edge plants - white ash, forest chickweed, blueberry, May lily of the valley, violets, bluebells, goose cinquefoil, blackberries, strawberries.

The local flora is rich in medicinal plants, such as St. John's wort, oregano, thyme, chamomile, celandine, valerian, plantain, yarrow, chicory, hawthorn, wild rose, etc. Don, Cretaceous norichnik, Taliev's thin-legged, hairy feather grass, May lily of the valley.


Raccoons, foxes, wild boars, roe deer, hares, weasels, martens are found in the vicinity of Kramatorsk. In addition to them, there are wolves and badgers listed in the Red Book. Of the birds in the city live sedentary rooks, sparrows, ringed turtledoves, pigeons, thrushes, woodpeckers, tits, nightingales, owls, jays, pheasants, etc.

landscape park

Main article: Kramatorsk Landscape Park Ravines in the chalk mountains on Belenkaya

Within the boundaries of the city in 2004, a regional landscape park Kramatorsk with an area of ​​1738.82 hectares was formed. It consists of four sections.

Plot white(477.8 ha) is located on the slopes of a beam located on large-scale chalk deposits with rock outcrops and domed hills. Of particular value is the unique steppe relict vegetation on chalk outcrops.

Plot Pchelkinsky petrified trees(22.61 ha) has plantations of Crimean pine, among which there are outcrops of petrified trees of the Carboniferous period over 200 million years old.

Plot Kamyshevakh(865.23 ha) consists of forests of oak, ash, maple, elm, and linden. The undergrowth is rich in primroses: adonis, anemone, tulips. Dense tracts are located in deep branched beams. There are wild animals such as hares, badgers and foxes. On the territory there is a Swan Lake with swans. On a hill near the lake there is a dilapidated house of the landowner Bantyshev - one of the oldest buildings in the region.

Plot Belokuzminovka(373.9 ha) is a geological monument of nature with a rocky outcrop of the Upper Cretaceous in the middle of the untouched steppe.


The population as of May 1, 2013 was 197,271 people (city council).

National composition

There are 77 nationalities in total. 2001 census data

History of Kramatorsk

Main article: History of Kramatorsk

According to archeological data, people settled in the territory of modern Kramatorsk and its immediate suburbs in ancient times.

In the second half of the XVIII century. the territory currently occupied by the city is massively populated by the Cossacks of the Sloboda Host (SLKV).

On July 26, 1765, the Sloboda Cossack Army (SLKV) was abolished. In 1783, the territory of the future Kramatorsk passed from the Voronezh province to the Ekaterinoslav governorship of the Russian Empire. In 1799, the territory of the future Kramatorsk was included in the Izyum district of the Sloboda-Ukrainian (later renamed Kharkov) province.

The city of Kramatorsk developed from a settlement at a small railway station built in 1868. 1878 the station became a hub. Since 1926 - an urban-type settlement, in 1932 it received the status of a city of regional subordination.

On October 27, 1941, the Soviet authorities and troops left the city, occupied by German troops.

On February 5, 1943, he was liberated from the Nazi German troops by the Soviet troops of the Southwestern Front during the Voroshilovgrad operation.

On April 12, 2014, the executive committee and the city police department were occupied by armed members of the People's Militia of Donbass, and the city was declared part of the Donetsk People's Republic. during the period of stay under the rule of the DPR, the city and the mountain Karachun, on which the Armed Forces of Ukraine were located, were subjected to shelling.

On July 5, 2014, the DPR forces left the city, and the state flag of Ukraine was raised over the city council.

In October 2014, the Donetsk Regional State Administration moved to Kramatorsk.

On February 10, 2015, Kramatorsk was shelled by MLRS. According to the Donetsk Regional State Administration, 16 people died and 48 were injured, including five children.



In 2008, city enterprises sold products worth UAH 6.1 billion. NKMZ took 44.3% of the city's production volume; 14.2% - EMSS; 11.3% - KMZ im. Kuibyshev; 3.9% - SKMZ; 2.1% - KZTS; 1.4% - KZMK. In 2008, the growth in production compared to the previous year amounted to 13.7%. The share of Kramatorsk in the industrial production of the region was 4.5% in 2008.

Kramatorsk is the most important center of heavy engineering, jewelry production, and science in Ukraine.

  • Mechanical engineering, mainly heavy for the metallurgical, mining, and transport industries.
    • Novokramatorsk Machine-Building Plant (NKMZ);
    • Starokramatorsk Machine-Building Plant(SKMZ) - produces metallurgical equipment by order of metallurgical plants, equipment for railways - track machines for repair and restoration of roads, for cleaning tracks and turnouts;
    • Kramatorsk Heavy Machine Tool Plant;
    • Plant of autogenous equipment "DONMET";
    • Plant of technological and special equipment (TISO).
    • Kramatorsk plant "Conditioner".
    • Research and Production Enterprise "Test" (CJSC NPP "Test") - production of industrial scales and weighing equipment.
  • Metallurgical industry - production in 2008: steel - 262.2 thousand tons.
    • Kramatorsk metallurgical plant named after Kuibyshev. 2008 rolled steel 25 thousand tons, in 2005 ferromanganese production - 28.9 thousand tons.
    • Energomashspetsstal;.
  • Building materials industry.
    • Kramatorsk cement plant "Pushka". 2008 produced 531.2 thousand tons of cement.
    • Kramatorsk slate factory. In 2008, 71.5 million conventional corrugated slate boards were produced.
    • Kramatorsk plant of reinforced concrete structures (KZhB or KZZHBK).
    • Kramatorsk plant of metal structures (KZMK).
    • Kramatorsk enamel factory.
  • Light industry.
    • Sewing factory "Seamstress". 2008 sewn products for 7262.8 thousand UAH.
    • Alfa Electric Lamp Plant. also, in the village of Ivanovka, the Teplopribor plant operates
    • Jewelry industry. In 2008, products were produced for 263 million UAH. More than 2,000 people work at 20 jewelry enterprises in Kramatorsk, producing about 10% of all jewelry in Ukraine.
  • Food industry. 21.3 thousand tons of flour were milled in 2005, 6903 tons of bakery products were baked in 2008.
    • Kramatorsk Meat Processing Plant. 2008 produced 1379 tons of sausages, 2348 tons of meat with by-products of the 1st category.
    • Kramatorsk bakery.
    • Kramatorsk baby food factory
    • Kramatorsk plant of special fasteners KZSK
Dirty snow after smog from CHP emissions

The volume of industrial production is UAH 1,423 million (UAH 6,740 per 1 inhabitant). Industrial production index - 95.8% in 2003 to 1990.

Emissions of harmful substances in 2008 into the atmospheric air from pollution sources of the city - 9 thousand tons.


    machine tool factory

    Plant DONMET

    metallurgical plant

    Cement factory

    combined heat and power plant



    Refrigeration plant

    Jewelry factory "Yuvelirservis"

    Waste sorting plant (former Panel House Building Plant, 1972)

Power industry

  • Kramatorsk CHPP with a capacity of 70 MW. Part of the electricity comes from Slavyanskaya TPP.


In 2008, there were 29 agricultural enterprises in Kramatorsk, including 20 farm enterprises, 7 collective enterprises and 2 private ones. The land fund is 18 thousand hectares, including 14.8 - arable land. Production amounted to: total - 600 thousand UAH, grain - 19.5 thousand tons, sunflower - 4.7 thousand tons, potatoes - 900 tons, vegetables - 4.4 thousand tons, fodder crops - 1200 tons, berries and fruits - 300 tons, milk - 1906 tons, cattle - 112 thousand tons, pigs - 32 thousand tons, poultry - 296 thousand tons.


The total length of transport roads is 347.7 km (December 2007). The length of asphalted roads is 191.2 km, the area is 1362.3 km². Transportation is carried out on 42 bus routes, 3 tram (since May 12, 1937) and 4 trolleybus (since 1971).

Kramatorsk is a passenger and cargo railway station of the Donetsk railway, located in the Old Town. In addition to it, in Kramatorsk there is a cargo station Shpickino.

Kramatorsk bus station is located in Sotsgorod.

The city has an airport and a Class B military airstrip.

The national highway passes through the city H20(Ordzhonikidze and Tankistov streets).

See also the streets of Kramatorsk.

    Station (1952)

    Bus station (1967)

    Tram station

    Airport (1971)


Telephone penetration rate - 600 telephone numbers per 1000 families (1999).

In 1958-1959 SMU NKMZ erected a 76 m high television and radio tower on the street. Katerinich. In 1976-1979, on Mount Karachun between Slavyansk and Yasnogorka, from the side of the village of Andreevka, a television and radio transmission center was built with a mast 222 m high.

On the night of June 30 to July 1, 2014, during the battle between the National Guard and the fighters of the self-proclaimed DPR, due to a shell hitting a mountain, the TV tower was destroyed.

    Communication House (1971)

    ATS-6 (1988)

    Tower on st. Katerinich (1958)

    Mast on Karachun Mountain (1980)


In 2008, the budget of the city itself received UAH 396.1 million, transfers amounted to UAH 115.6 million. 150 million hryvnias for the salaries of officials.

In 2008, UAH 567.9 million was allocated to the city branch of the Pension Fund, but since the need amounted to UAH 656 million, the missing UAH 88 million were subsidized from the state budget.

In 2008, taxes, fees and payments were collected - UAH 590.2 million. Revenues of local budgets - UAH 266.1 million. Expenses of local budgets - UAH 162 million.

Financial result from the following types of activities in 2008, UAH million: industry - 586.7; trade and services - 14.8; transport and communication - 6.64; construction - 2.9; agriculture - 1.52; others - 3.66.

Foreign investments in 2008 amounted to 18.6 million Amer. dollars, that is, 91.7 dollars per inhabitant.

Export of goods in 2008 - 497.9 million US dollars, import - 135 million. The geography of exports is as follows: 41% - Europe, 24.5% - Asia, 14.4% - America, 11.5% - CIS, 7, 2% - Africa, 1.4% - other countries. 85% of exports are machinery, 13.6% are metals and metal products.

The average monthly salary in the city is 1784 hryvnias (1/VIII/2009), in the industrial sector 2081 hryvnias, in banks 2061 hryvnias, for civil servants - 2244; the average pension is 1015 UAH.

City budget revenues for 2009 are determined in the amount of UAH 403.1677 million.


The three-star Kramatorsk Hotel is located in the city center and has 69 rooms. Can take 200 people at the same time.

Hotel "Industry" of the Novokramatorsk Machine-Building Plant with 30 rooms.

Hotel "Edem" for 24 rooms.

Urban economy

Housing stock

Housing stock in 2008, thousand m²: total - 4990.6, including urban 4970.8 and rural 19.8. Private housing stock - 4090.5 thousand m², including privatized housing 2508.9, private sector 1581.6. The state housing fund is 98.1 thousand m², the fund of local councils is 2486.5. Dilapidated and dilapidated housing stock - 57 thousand m².

On average, there are 24.1 m² of living space per inhabitant.


82.3% of houses (100% of multi-apartment buildings) are provided with water supply and sewerage, central heating - 72.8 (99.9% of multi-apartment buildings), gas - 85.9% (99% of multi-apartment buildings), hot water - 65.7% ( 70% multi-apartment). The sewerage is 226.6 km long and covers 16.1 km².

    Boiler house of the microdistrict "Lazurny"

    Water treatment plant

There are 7467 lamps in the city (2009).

The city garbage dump (MSW landfill) has been filled since 1956 in a clay quarry between Krasnogorka and Druzhkovka. Annually it increases by 250-320 m³. In total, at the beginning of 2008, the size of the landfill was 14.7 million m³ in volume, 2.7 million tons in weight and an area of ​​15.77 hectares.


  • The first police station is the former mansion of the deputy director of the plant of the Kramatorsk Metallurgical Society E. Protze.
  • Private house with an observatory in Tichiy Lane (1926).
  • Club "Cementnik" (st. Maurice Thorez).
  • Former Palace of Culture (theater) them. Pushkin, 1930s, restored in 1946
  • Palace of Culture named after Lenin (Shkolnaya st.), the former plant named after. S. Ordzhonikidze (architects A. I. Dmitriev, V. A. Vesnin, L. A. Vesnin and A. A. Vesnin, I. I. Leonidov, 1925). 1928 - November 6, 1930, destroyed in 1941-1943, rebuilt in 1945-1946
  • Palace of Culture of Donmashstroy "Builder" (1954).
  • Palace of Culture and Technology of NKMZ on Sq. Lenin. Built in 1950-1965. according to the unique project of the architect D. M. Batalov.
  • Cafe "Castle" - a cafe building built in the form of a medieval castle (1983).

    First police station

    Private house with an observatory (1926)

    Palace of Culture. Pushkin

    Club "Cementnik"

    Palace of Culture. Lenin (1944)

    Palace of Culture "Builder" (1954)

    Palace of Culture and Technology of NKMZ (1950-1965)


Main article: Monuments of Kramatorsk

There are more than 40 monuments in the city.


There are 18 medical and preventive institutions in the city, which employ 634 doctors and 1,750 paramedical staff. The provision of hospital beds is 85.7 per 10,000 inhabitants, with a total of 1,730 beds at the disposal of hospitals. Employment of one bed 338.5 days (2007).

The main causes of death of the population: diseases of the circulatory organs (75.8 percent of the total number of deaths in the city), neoplasms (17.4 percent), diseases of the digestive system (2.9 percent). Among the causes of death among the able-bodied population, neoplasms are in the first place.

The mortality rate of children in the first year of life per 1000 births was: in 2005 - 11.6; 2006 - 12.7; 2007 - 10.7. (The indicator for the region is more than 13.9.)

From 1996 to November 2008, 836 HIV-positive people were identified in the city, 88 of them were children. AIDS was diagnosed in 179 infected people. During this time, 229 HIV-infected people died in the city, 136 of them due to AIDS. 91.6% of infected people are aged 18 to 49 years. Over the past year, the number of infections through the blood has decreased (from 49% to 45%) and infection through sexual contact has increased (from 41% to 45%).

    Hospital #2 (1957)

    Polyclinic No. 3

    Traumatology (front) and cardiotherapy (behind, 1972) departments of hospital No. 3

    Sanatorium-dispensary NKMZ, 1959.

    Children's polyclinic No. 3


In 2008, there were 34 schools in the city (including 3 boarding schools and the Kramatorsk (First) Ukrainian gymnasium) (15,717 students, 1,550 teachers), 34 kindergartens (5,038 children), 6 vocational schools (3,900 students), and also:

  • Higher education institutions:
    • Donbass State Machine-Building Academy (DSMA),
    • Donbass Institute of Technology and Management (DITM),
    • Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities (KEGI),
  • Secondary specialized educational institutions:
    • Mechanical Engineering College of the Donbass State Engineering Academy,
    • Technological College,
    • Kramatorsk College of Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky.
  • Vocational schools:
    • No. 14 - higher vocational school,
    • No. 28 - Interregional Higher Vocational Construction School,
    • No. 42 - professional culinary lyceum,
    • No. 47 - Kramatorsk Center for Professional and Technical Education,
    • No. 65 - specialized economic and engineering lyceum,
    • No. 123 - higher vocational engineering school.

    Mechanical Engineering Academy (1965-1978)

    Engineering College (1937)

    School No. 14 (1950)

  • Branch of school №6

    School No. 15 (1946)

    School No. 20 (1952)

    School No. 19 (1955), standard design


    Orphanage "Antoshka"

There were 5844 children in out-of-school institutions in 2008.


Kramatorsk has 3 art schools, 1 art school, a centralized system of public libraries (Central City Public Library named after M. Gorky, Children's Central Library named after A. Pushkin and 13 branch libraries), as well as 16 clubs and houses of culture:

  • DK and T NKMZ,
  • City (since 2000) Palace of Culture named after Lenin,
  • City (since 1998) Palace of Culture "Builder",
  • Club "Cementnik",
  • Donetsk Regional Chess Club named after A. V. Momot,
  • Kramatorsk Chess Club,
  • Center for extracurricular activities (House of Pioneers).
  • Museums: history of the city of Kramatorsk; Kramatorsk Art Museum; museums of enterprises: NKMZ, SKMZ, KTsZ "Pushka"; museum of history of DSMA.
  • Aeroclub named after Leonid Bykov.
  • Kramatorsk city photo club "YURIS"

    Palace of Culture and Technology of NKMZ (1950-1965)

    Palace of Culture "Builder" (1954)

    Club "Cementnik"

    City Museum (1967)

    House of Pioneers (1972)

    Central City Public Library. Maxim Gorky

City Day is celebrated on the 4th Sunday of September.



The first sports society appeared in 1912.

There are two stadiums in the city: Blooming (1937, 1956 owned by NKMZ) in Pushkin Park with stands for 5,000 people and Prapor (now the Avangard Stadium) in Lenin Park (1936, 1968, owned by SKMZ) for 4000 spectators.

At the Prapor stadium, the Avangard football team (former Avangard-CHP, in the 2012-2013 season for the first time begins to play in the first league of Ukraine) plays, and at Blooming - FC Kramatorsk (in the 2012 season it plays in championship of Donetsk region).

There are two swimming pools in Kramatorsk - in the NKMZ Palace of Culture (1963, the first in the Donetsk region) and in the sports complex of vocational school No. 28.

Every year in September, on City Day, motocross is held in Kutovaya Balka.


The city has three major parks:

  • Jubilee (in honor of the 50th anniversary of Soviet power), an area of ​​100 hectares;
  • Lenin, an area of ​​55 hectares, founded as a city garden in 1913, since 1932 - a park named after Lenin;
  • Pushkin, 1933-1934, 1970, area 25 hectares.

    Entrance to Yubileiny Park from Shkadinova and Parkovaya streets

    Entrance to Pushkin Park from blvd. Mashinostroiteley and st. Lenin

    Entrance to Pushkin Park from Shkadinova and Lenina streets

    Entrance to Pushkin Park from Shkadinov and Mayakovsky streets

    Prapor Stadium in Lenin Park

    Entrance to the Blooming Stadium in Pushkin Park

    Blooming Stadium

    Lenin park

Mass media

The first Kramatorsk newspaper was published at the Kramatorsk plant of the metallurgical society in 1923 and was called Kramatorsk blast furnace. The wall newspaper was printed on a typewriter in a single copy. She came out once a month.

In 1925, "Domna" began to be published in a circulation of 25 copies 2 times a month. Now it was printed on a shapirograph and hung in prominent places in the workshops of the plant. The first printed newspaper appeared after the launch of blast furnace No. 2 "bis" in 1927. The circulation of the first issue was 500 copies. It was printed in Artemovsk and delivered to the factory in Kramatorsk. The last issue of Domna was published on September 12, 1930, and on September 19 the first issue of Kramatorsk Pravda was published with a circulation of 6,000 copies.

About 70 periodicals are registered in the city, including newspapers (figures - circulation):

  • 18000 - "Eastern project";
  • 10750 - "News";
  • 9050 - "Search";
  • 7000 - "Technopolis";
  • 6000 - "SKET";
  • 5420 - "Dormitory";
  • 5200 - "Kramatorskaya Pravda";
  • 2500 - "School Bulletin";
  • 1500 - "Bulletin of NKMZ".


  • Orthodoxy:
    • Holy Trinity Cathedral, Yubileiny Park;
    • Holy Dormition Church, Belenkoye;
    • Church of St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, Belenky;
    • Holy Intercession Church, Old City, 1947-1948;
    • Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Novy Svet, 1942;
    • Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist, Sotsgorod;
    • St. Nicholas Church, Shabelkovka, 1788;
    • St. Alexander Nevsky Church, Krasnogorka, 2008;
    • St. George's Church, Yasnogorka;
    • Holy Pochaev Church, pos. October, 2006;
    • Prayer room in honor of the icon "The Tsaritsa" of the 2nd hospital;
    • Prayer room in honor of St. Luke of the Crimean 1st Hospital;
    • Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, pos. Ivanovka
  • Protestantism:
    • Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists "Golgotha", 1912;

    Church of Xenia of Petersburg

    Church of the Intercession

    Church of the Nativity of the Virgin

    Church of Alexander Nevsky

see also

  • Streets of Kramatorsk
  • Radiological incident in Kramatorsk
  • Diagram of the tallest buildings in the city


  1. History of Maryevka - "Technopolis" No. 30 (419) dated July 27, 2000
  2. Pchelka stone trees - "Technopolis" No. 9 (398) dated March 2, 2000
  3. 1st ed. ITU, vol. 8, column. 893
  4. 1st edition of the TSB, vol. XXXIV, art. 537
  5. April 1, 1956
  6. Population census. Archived from the original on November 27, 2012.
  7. 1 2 3 Handbook "Liberation of cities: A guide to the liberation of cities during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" / M. L. Dudarenko, Yu. G. Perechnev, V. T. Eliseev et al.
  8. Isaev A.V. From Dubno to Rostov. - M.: AST; Transitbook, 2004.
  9. The Ukrainian flag is hung over the Kramatorsk Executive Committee (photo, video, updated)
  10. Kramatorsk President introduced the new governor
  11. DonOGA moves to Kramatorsk
  12. Bociurkiv, Michael; Gudyma, Irina. Spotlight Report by the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine: Shelling in Kramatorsk, 10 February 2015 This report is made available to the media and the general public. OSCE (11 February 2015). Retrieved February 11, 2015. Archived from the original on February 11, 2015.
  13. There are more victims of the tragedy in Kramatorsk - DonOGA. Comments.UA (February 11, 2015). - “After the shelling, many shells remained on the streets of Kramatorsk that did not explode.” Retrieved February 11, 2015. Archived from the original on February 11, 2015.
  14. Bulletin of NKMZ, No. 9 (9474) dated 6/II/2009
  15. Starokramatorsk Machine-Building Plant
  16. Kramatorsk Heavy Machine Tool Plant
  17. Plant of autogenous equipment "DONMET"
  18. CJSC Research and Production Enterprise "Test"
  19. Energomashspetsstal
  20. Plant "Alpha"
  21. Photo album of Kramatorsk trams
  22. Photo album of Kramatorsk trolleybuses
  23. Hotel
  24. Three-star hotel "Business Club 21 Nirvana".
  25. DSMA website
  26. DITM website
  27. KEGI website
  28. Technical school page
  29. VPU website No. 14
  30. From the history of the Kramatorsk flying club
  31. FC Avangard website
  32. Professional Football League of Ukraine
  33. First League: Niva withdrew from the competition - football.ua
  34. Eastern project - Kramatorsk news, football championship of Donetsk region starts on Saturday
  35. Sports in Donbass
  36. Eastern Project: Lenin Park turns 95
  37. "The Pioneers of Kramatorsk, or How It Was"
  38. Kramatorsk // 062Donetsk
  39. "Eastern project"
  40. "Search"


  • Babkin V. Kramatorsk, scorched by the war. - Kramatorsk: AOZT, 2003. - 67 p.
  • Drevetnyak M. I., Likholobova Z. G. Kramatorsk - a place of regional subordination // History of the locality and forces of the Ukrainian RSR. - K.: Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the URSR, 1970. - T. 5. Donetsk region. - S. 439-462.


  • Museum of the history of the city of Kramatorsk
  • Passport of the city for 2006 рік (ukr.)
  • Passport of the city for 2008 рік (ukr.)
Donetsk region

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Kramatorsk Information About

Kramatorsk is a large city of regional significance in the Donetsk region. The territory of this area is located in the valley of the Kazyonny butt, the relief is predominantly hilly and significantly changed in the process of settlement. A large landscape park is laid out on the territory of the city, consisting of four sections and occupying a vast territory of 1738 hectares.

The city has a temperate continental climate - rather cold winters give way to hot and dry summers. Kramatorsk is known for its mineral deposits - chalk and clay, sand, raw materials for ceramics are mined here. Thanks to these rich deposits, a building materials plant has been operating in the city for many years, which laid the foundation for the activities of other plants. For some time coal was mined here, but the mine did not last long.

The population of Kramatorsk at the moment is more than 160 thousand people, taking into account the nearby settlements that are subordinate to the city council, this figure reaches almost two hundred thousand. Mostly Ukrainians live in the city, but there are also many Russians, Armenians, Jews. The population, for the most part, communicates in Russian.

The city has a high level of industrial development - there are many factories, plants of heavy and light industry. The most significant branch of production in Kramatorsk is mechanical engineering, which provides the metallurgical, mining and transport industries. The largest plants in this area are Novokramatorsk and Starokramatorsk machine-building plants. The metallurgical industry is represented by the activities of the Kramatorsk Metallurgical Plant named after Kuibyshev, the Energomashspetsstal plant.

The light industry of Kramatorsk is represented by a garment factory, a lamp factory, and the jewelry industry, which is especially developed in the city. About ten percent of Ukrainian jewelry products are produced at the city's jewelry factory. The food industry is also well developed - there are a meat processing plant, a bakery, a baby food plant.

Neighboring villages give the city great opportunities for the development of agriculture. There are several dozen agricultural enterprises in the city. Thanks to their work, the city provides the population with the necessary products, and also supports its economy.

The city is of great importance for the country's transport system - in addition to the railway station, there is also a bus station, an airport and a military airstrip. A national highway runs through the territory of Kramatorsk.

A large number of factories in the city require qualified maintenance of equipment, so the city pays great attention to science and education. Primary and secondary education is provided by three dozen schools, three boarding schools, and six technical schools. Higher education in the city can be obtained at the Donbass Engineering Academy, the Institute of Technology and Management, the Institute of Economics and Humanities. Not far from the city there is a private research observatory.

A worthy level of cultural development of the city is provided by the city library, art schools, museums, numerous clubs and palaces of culture.

Two well-equipped stadiums and two swimming pools support the health and good physical shape of the residents of Kramatorsk. Traditionally, motocross is held in the city, timed to coincide with the day of the city - as a rule, this happens in September.

The mass media have received significant development here - the first newspaper began to appear in 1923. Now about seventy periodicals are published in the city, the largest circulation is in the newspapers Vostochny Project, Novosti and Poisk.

The spiritual life of the city is connected with Orthodox churches of different years of construction - the Holy Trinity Cathedral, the Assumption Church, as well as many other churches and prayer rooms. In addition to Orthodox churches, there is one Protestant church in the city - the Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists "Golgotha".

Kramatorsk(ukr. Kramatorsk) - a city of regional significance in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. Since October 11, 2014 - the seat of the administration of the Donetsk region. It is located on the Kazyonny Torets River (a tributary of the Seversky Donets).


The name of the city comes from the local toponymy, derived from the name of the station Kramatorsk. V. A. Nikonov assumed that the toponym arose from the name Kramatorsk plant, which in turn was derived from the French word crématoire "large oven". According to E. S. Otin, this version is untenable, before the plant appeared, a settlement already existed Kramatorovka. According to him, the name of the city comes from a lost toponymic phrase except for Thorov or Krom Torskaya"border along the river Tor". Word chrome means "edge, frontier, border", and Thor- this is the old name of the river Kazyonny Torets.

In "Satellite on the Kursk-Kharkov-Sevastopol Railway", p. 172 indicates that Kramatorovka is an erroneous name for Krasnotorka, which in turn was named after the Krasny Torets River.

History of Kramatorsk

According to archeological data, people settled in the territory of modern Kramatorsk and its immediate suburbs in ancient times.

In the second half of the XVIII century. the territory currently occupied by the city is massively populated by the Cossacks of the Sloboda Host (SLKV).

In 1799, the territory of the future Kramatorsk was included in the Izyum district of the Sloboda-Ukrainian (later renamed Kharkov) province.

The city of Kramatorsk developed from a settlement at a small railway station built in 1868. In 1878 the station became a hub. Since 1925 - an urban-type settlement, in 1932 it received the status of a city of regional subordination.

On October 27, 1941, the Soviet authorities and troops left the city, occupied by German troops.

On February 5, 1943, he was liberated from the Nazi German troops by the Soviet troops of the Southwestern Front during the Voroshilovgrad operation.

On April 12, 2014, the executive committee and the city police department were captured by armed members of the "People's Militia of Donbass", and the city was declared part of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic. During the period of being under the rule of the DPR, the city and Mount Karachun, on which the Armed Forces were stationed, were subjected to shelling.

On July 5, 2014, the DPR forces left the city, and the state flag of Ukraine was raised over the city council.

In October 2014, the Donetsk Regional State Administration moved to Kramatorsk.

On February 10, 2015, Kramatorsk was shelled by MLRS. According to the Donetsk Regional State Administration, 16 people died and 48 were injured, including five children.


  • The first police station is the former mansion of the deputy director of the plant of the Kramatorsk Metallurgical Society E. Protze.
  • Private house with an observatory in Tichiy Lane (1926).
  • Club "Cementnik" (st. Maurice Thorez).
  • Former Palace of Culture (theatre) them. Pushkin, 1930s, restored in 1946
  • Palace of Culture named after Lenin (Shkolnaya st.), the former plant named after. S. Ordzhonikidze (architects A. I. Dmitriev, V. A. Vesnin, L. A. Vesnin and A. A. Vesnin, I. I. Leonidov, 1925). 1928 - November 6, 1930, destroyed in 1941-1943, rebuilt in 1945-1946
  • Palace of Culture of Donmashstroy "Builder" (1954).
  • Palace of Culture and Technology of NKMZ on Sq. Lenin. Built in 1950-1965. according to the unique project of the architect D. M. Batalov.
  • Cafe "Castle" - a cafe building built in the form of a medieval castle (1983).

    First police station

    Private house with an observatory (1926)

    Palace of Culture. Pushkin

    Engineering College (1937)

    Club "Cementnik"

    Palace of Culture. Lenin (1944)

    Palace of Culture and Technology of NKMZ (1950-1965)


There are more than 40 monuments in the city. City Day is celebrated on the 4th Sunday of September.


The city has three major parks:

  • Jubilee (in honor of the 50th anniversary of Soviet power), an area of ​​100 hectares;
  • Lenin, an area of ​​55 hectares, founded as a city garden in 1913, since 1932 - a park named after Lenin;
  • Pushkin, 1933-1934, 1970, area 25 hectares.


  • Orthodoxy:
    • Holy Trinity Cathedral, Yubileiny Park;
    • Holy Dormition Church, Belenkoye;
    • Church of St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, Belenky;
    • Holy Intercession Church, Old City, 1947-1948;
    • Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Novy Svet, 1942;
    • Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist, Sotsgorod;
    • St. Nicholas Church, Shabelkovka, 1788;
    • St. Alexander Nevsky Church, Krasnogorka, 2008;
    • St. George's Church, Yasnogorka;
    • Holy Pochaev Church, pos. October, 2006;
    • Prayer room in honor of the icon "The Tsaritsa" of the 2nd hospital;
    • Prayer room in honor of St. Luke of Crimea, 1st Hospital;
    • Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, pos. Ivanovka

City Museum

Mass grave of those killed in the Civil War

The city of regional subordination, is located in the northern part of the Donetsk region, on the right tributary of the Seversky Donets - the Kazenny Torets. Major railway junction. The distance to the regional center is 95 km.
Located: Ukraine, Donetsk region.

Archaeological finds testify to the ancient settlement of the territory where the city is located. In particular, quarries and workshops for processing flint of the Neolithic era were found on its northwestern outskirts, which continued to exist in the early copper period.

Near Kramatorsk, a barrow burial of a Bronze Age metallurgist-caster was also investigated. Mass settlement and development of this territory began only in the second half of the 17th - early 18th centuries. Peasants fled here from the Dnieper region and the central provinces of Russia, fleeing the oppression of Polish, Russian and Ukrainian landowners.

In 1707, the tsarist government granted Count F.P. Taranov 10 thousand acres of land, on which he founded the village of Petrovka. Later Taranov sold his lands to the nobles Abaza, Ivanov, Shabelsky, Shteigerov. This is how the new settlements Abazovka, Ivanovka, Shteigerovka arose. The intensification of feudal-feudal exploitation led to the ruin of the peasantry.

In the late 60s of the 19th century, with the construction of the Kursk-Kharkov-Azov railway near the Kazenny Torets River, the Kramatorsk station arose. The village of Kramatorsk is founded near the station. It expanded significantly in the 90s, after the connection of the Kursk-Kharkov-Azov railway with the Catherine railway. Until 1917, the village of Kramatorsk was part of the Belenkovskaya volost of the Izyum district of the Kharkov province.

Direct and relatively cheap transport links with the mines of the Donbass and the Krivoy Rog iron ore deposits created favorable conditions for the construction of industrial enterprises in this area. Already in 1887, the Belgian joint-stock company Sterzer and Sons built a refractory plant near the Kramatorsk station.

In the village there are also small iron-working enterprises Sirena and Podkova, which belonged to the merchants Bykovs. A steam mill, a grain mill and blacksmith workshops were built in the village. With the growth of industrial production, the freight turnover of the Kramatorsk station also increased.

In 1878, Kramatorsk turned into a cargo-and-passenger junction station. This became possible thanks to the construction of the Donetsk Coal Railway. The rebirth of a previously unknown half-station attracted the attention of industrialists, and already in 1885, Edgar Adelman's lime and alabaster plant grew up next to the station. It is generally accepted that the industrial development of Kramatorsk began precisely with this enterprise.

The basis of mechanical engineering in Kramatorsk was laid in 1896 with the appearance of a mechanical and foundry plant of the company "W. Fitzner and K. Gamper" near the Kramatorsk station. Its first products are equipment for metallurgical enterprises and coal mines. Over time, the Konrad Gamper plant gained a good reputation and supplied equipment to all industrial regions of Tsarist Russia. Subsequently, the name of the veteran of domestic engineering became known abroad. Today it is the Starokramatorsk Machine-Building Plant.

A real historical event in the life of the city was the construction of the Novokramatorsk Machine-Building Plant. The launch of the first stage of this giant of heavy industry took place in September 1934.

In 1926, Kramatorsk was classified as an urban-type settlement. Kramatorsk received city status in 1932.

Kramatorsk gained wide popularity not only thanks to its machine-building plants. Its industry is represented by enterprises of ferrous metallurgy, building materials, light and food industries, electric power industry:

  • OJSC "KTsZ-Pushka",
  • CJSC "Seamstress",
  • CJSC Kramatorsk Meat Processing Plant,
  • LLC "Kramatorskteploenergo"

The city produces steel, pig iron, ferromanganese, cast iron, steel and non-ferrous castings.

Kramatorsk consists of the old city and the new (Sotsgorod). The originality of Kramatorsk lies in the peculiarities of its administrative management: 5 local councils operate within its boundaries - 1 city and 4 village councils (Belenkovsky, Krasnotorsky, Shabelkovsky and Yasnogorsky). Among the buildings of the Soviet era:

  • Palace of Culture of the plant named after S. Ordzhonikidze (1930, architect A. I. Dmitriev, rebuilt in 1944),
  • station (1952, architect V. M. Syromyatnikov),
  • Palace of Culture of the Novokramatorsk Plant (1950 - 1965, architect D. M. Batalov).

The city has significant scientific, creative and cultural potential. The sphere of education is represented by 3 universities, an engineering college, 2 technical schools, 6 vocational schools, 32 secondary schools and 4 boarding schools. Together with state institutions, 2 private educational institutions operate in the city.

In Kramatorsk, there are inter-district specialized departments for providing medical care to the population of the northern region of the Donetsk region:

  • oncological,
  • burn,
  • cardiological,
  • urological,
  • tuberculosis,
  • ophthalmic,
  • endocrinological,
  • for newborns.

The health care of the city includes 16 medical institutions.

Work in the city:

  • 16 Palaces of culture and clubs,
  • 77 libraries,
  • 4 schools of aesthetic education,
  • 2 city museums,
  • 4 factory museums.

Far beyond the city and the region, such groups are known: the exemplary dance ensemble "Kalinka", the folk vocal and choreographic ensemble "Kramatorsk girls and guys", the folklore ensemble "Nadezhda", the folk theater "Bam-Buk", the folk theater of the book "Espada" , an exemplary dance group "Eleonorushki".

The center of research and educational work is the Museum of the History of Kramatorsk. More than 70 exhibitions of works by artists, in particular local ones, are held annually by the Art Museum.

Kramatorsk is a multinational city. Citizens of 77 nationalities live here. Conditions have been created to meet the national, cultural and linguistic needs, traditions and customs of Ukrainians, representatives of other peoples and national minorities. There are 11 public organizations of national and cultural orientation in the city: the Kramatorsk organization of the Greeks "Aristides", the Society of Polish Culture of the city of Kramatorsk, the Kramatorsk Charitable Foundation Hesed "Moria", the Society of Chinese Culture, the Russian Community of Kramatorsk.

Kramatorsk are proud of their famous countrymen:

  • stage master Joseph Kobzon,
  • film actor and director, People's Artist of the RSFSR Leonid Bykov,
  • actress Maya Bulgakova,
  • front-line poet, winner of the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR named after T. G. Shevchenko and the literary prize named after N. Ostrovsky Nikolai Rybalko.

Citizens sacredly honor the memory of the fallen soldiers who, during the Great Patriotic War, spent their lives in the battles for the liberation of Kramatorsk from the Nazi invaders. The city has 58 monuments and 15 memorial plaques. Pride and glory of Kramatorsk - five Heroes of Socialist Labor, Hero of the Soviet Union N. I. Gavrilov.

The largest religious organization in Kramatorsk is the Orthodox Christian Church. In total, there are 19 parishes of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the city, 15 of them belong to the Gorlovka diocese of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Kramatorsk has a long sporting tradition. The first society of sports enthusiasts was founded here in 1912. Today, the sports base of the city is 2 swimming pools, 2 stadiums, 126 sports grounds, 50 gyms, one of the first climbing walls in Ukraine.

Sports glory to the city was brought by many outstanding athletes, including:

  • Olympic champion in cycling V. Morkovnichenko,
  • multiple world and European champion in sambo L. Garagulya,
  • FIDE Master in Chess T. Kononenko,
  • Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine in Greco-Roman wrestling, participant of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens A. Vakulenko and others.

The name of Ruslan Ponomarev is inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records: he became the youngest chess grandmaster in the world. In 2002, a significant event took place in the life of the city and the whole of Ukraine - Ruslan Ponomarev won the title of world champion.

An important role in the preservation of the natural environment in the vicinity of the city is played by the regional landscape park "Kramatorsk", created on the initiative of the city council in 2004. The territory of the park includes 4 protected areas: Belenkaya, Pchelkinsky petrified trees, Kamyshevakha and Belokuzminovka, their total area is about 1740 hectares. The creation of a landscape park will allow preserving for future generations the unique beauty of the surrounding nature, the richness of flora and fauna directly within the city.

The shopping center TSUM "Arbat" (1964, the former name "Crystal") is located in the city of Kramatorsk on Socialist Street. The shopping center offers a variety of goods from both local manufacturers and well-known world brands.

Kramatorsk Art Museum

Kramatorsk Art Museum, originally, in 1959, was part of the art gallery. Starting from 1967, he began his work as a branch of the Donetsk Art Museum, and only in 1992 became independent. The museum was formed thanks to enthusiasts led by P. I. Parkhomenko, a member of the Union of Artists of the Soviet Union.

At the moment, the museum fund has about 1400 works of painting, graphics, sculpture, photographs and works of arts and crafts. Here are the works of Ukrainian authors: M.P. Gluschenko, E. R. Kondratovich, Z. I. Sholtes, I. F. Manail, V. Gurin, T. Yablonskaya, Russian authors: V. D. Polenov, M. O. Lavrov, P. I. Petrovichev. There are also works and works of the 18th-19th centuries transferred here in 1967 by the State Hermitage and the State Russian Museum.

Every year, about 25 exhibitions are held here, which are visited by about 30 thousand people.

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Factory-museum of retro cars "Samohod" named after Zhemov

Museum and factory of retro cars "Samohod" - located in the city of Kramatorsk, Donetsk region. This place resumes the existence of vintage cars, and operates on the basis of the Samohod technical club.

Here is the largest collection of motorcycles and cars in Europe, produced at the beginning of the 19th century. Among them, the museum contains cars of such famous brands as: ZIS, DKW, Horch, BMW, Steyr, Wanderer, Mercedes-Benz, Packard, Opel, Buick, GAZ.

Thanks to the unsurpassed work of car repairmen, here you can see such amazing exhibits as: Buick Limited 1938, owned by Marshal Georgy Zhukov, on which he drove during World War II from Stalingrad to Berlin, ZIS-110 1947, owned by Marshal Rodion Malinovsky. And also Steyr 220 Sport 1938, through which the Soviet government thanked the composer Matvey Blanter, in gratitude for the song "Katyusha".

The complete collection includes about 200 cars from the 1930s and 40s, and about 80 motorcycles from the same period.

The Museum of the History of Kramatorsk opened on November 5, 1967. The opening was carried out on a voluntary basis. In 1988, it was a department of the Donetsk Museum of Local Lore, and since 1992 the museum has become a completely independent institution.

Most of the museum's expositions are devoted to the difficult path of the city's development. In the first hall, you can observe expositions of the prehistory of the city, many items of traditional Ukrainian use, a unique collection of Ukrainian ceramics and clothing, as well as towels from the region.

There are exhibits that tell about the construction of the first enterprises that founded the industry of Kramatorsk, models of the interior of a worker's apartment of the 19th-20th centuries. Also, the museum contains collections dedicated to Kramatorsk NEPmen, famous countrymen: L. F. Bykov, P. D. Gaidamaka, M. G. Bulkakova, Iosif Kobzon, N. A. Rybak.

The museum carries out exhibition-exposition and scientific work, lectures and seminars dedicated to the museum and the ethnic group of the region.

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