Moral and ethical ideas of students and coping strategies4. Willpower test Tasks for independent work

Discipline Psychology

Lesson 5. Emotions. Feelings. Will.

Review questions:

1. Human emotions and feelings. Similarities and differences.

2. Types of emotions. Types of feelings.

3. Functions of emotions and feelings in humans.

4. Will. Volitional qualities of a person. Functions of the will.

Tasks for independent work

Exercise 1. Study the material “Will and volitional processes” ( Annex 1). Make a short summary and highlight the key points.

Task 2: Analyze the test (see Appendix 2). Complete it, compare the test results with your own self-image. What can willpower depend on?


1. Conditions for the emergence of positive and negative emotions. The influence of emotional state on a person’s perception and activity.

2. The art of managing emotions.

3. The relationship between emotions and physiological manifestations of the human body.

4. Patterns of formation of higher feelings.

5. Strong-willed personality traits. Diagnosis of human will.

6. Development and training of will.

Annex 1

Will and volitional processes

Any mental activity of a person can be either involuntary, unintentional, or purposeful, voluntary. Unintentional activity requires no effort or planning. Involuntary actions are impulsive and lack clear awareness. This could be, for example, a person’s behavior in a state of passion, trance, or other altered states of consciousness.

In situations where it is necessary to be active in order to achieve some consciously set goal, they connect volitional processes. Thus, we can say that will is a person’s ability to consciously and actively manage his activities, overcoming obstacles to achieve his goal and creating additional motivation for action when he has already existing motivation is not sufficient. The amount of effort that a person makes to overcome the obstacle that has arisen characterizes the degree of development of his volitional sphere.

Highlighting volitional processes into a special layer of mental phenomena, psychologists do not contrast them with cognitive and emotional processes, since the same process can be simultaneously cognitive, and to a certain extent emotional, and volitional (for example, voluntary attention).

The initial motivations of a person to action are needs, therefore, the rudiments of will are already contained in them. Unlike a need, a motive is a mental incentive to carry out an activity, being no longer only a stimulus, but a personal processing of a stimulus (need, need). If unambiguous motives prevail, they enhance the possibility of achieving the goal. The emergence of motives that contradict the achievement of the intended goal inhibits human activity ( in some situations this is a manifestation of lack of will).

Thus, the will has two oppositely directed, but interrelated functions: stimulating and inhibitory.

The incentive function is provided by human activity, which generates action due to the specific internal states of the subject, revealed at the moment of the action itself.

The inhibitory function of the will does not always interfere with obtaining a positive result from an activity. Acting in unity with the incentive function, it is characterized by restraining unwanted manifestations of activity. For example, a person simultaneously has an urge to engage in two types of activities, but if he takes on both things at the same time, it will be to the detriment of both one and the other. There is a struggle of motives. The motive that a person evaluates as more significant at the moment generates the incentive function of the will, and the less significant one becomes the object of the inhibitory function. In addition, the inhibitory function also manifests itself in cases when a person’s impulses do not correspond to his ideas about the proper model of behavior. For example, if a person is very hungry, he may have the urge to steal a loaf of bread from the bakery. But for most people, such behavior is internally unacceptable, and it will be inhibited by volitional effort.

A person’s volitional manifestations are largely determined by those to whom he is inclined to attribute responsibility for the results of his own actions. If a person tends to blame external factors for his failures - circumstances, other people, it is much more difficult for him to exercise volitional efforts, than to someone who takes full responsibility for the results of his activities. Let's consider an example close to students - preparing for an exam. Friends arriving at the wrong time, noise in the next room, rainy weather that makes you sleepy, an interesting movie on TV that you can’t miss - everyone is familiar with such distractions. But a person with a developed volitional sphere of the psyche and who is responsible for the results of activities will, through strong-willed efforts, resist all factors that may have a negative impact on these results.

There are a number of personal qualities that are considered in psychology as volitional qualities:

1) determination is complete confidence in the feasibility of the decision;

2) self-control - a manifestation of the inhibitory function of the will, which consists in suppressing such human states that prevent the achievement of the goal;

3) courage - the manifestation of willpower to overcome obstacles dangerous to a person’s well-being and life;

4) persistence – the ability to perform repeated volitional actions over a long period of time to achieve a certain goal (it should not be confused with stubbornness – inadequate persistence without sufficient objective grounds);

5) diligence - the quality of will, manifested in the accurate, rigorous and systematic execution of decisions made;

6) patience and endurance are also strong-willed qualities necessary for the purposeful achievement of results;

7) discipline is evidence of the strong-willed qualities of an individual, since discipline teaches a person to overcome external and internal difficulties.

Each of the volitional qualities has its own antipode - a quality that indicates the underdevelopment of the volitional sphere, such as indecision, lack of initiative, pliability, etc.

Strong will, manifested in self-control, courage, perseverance, endurance and patience, is called courage.

Volitional action- this is an internal motivating force, formed not only by typological and biological inclinations, but also determined by everyday education, self-control, and self-persuasion. Therefore, psychologists believe that the will is educated.

However, it should be noted that the formation of strong-willed personality traits can be prevented by improper upbringing of a child. There are two extremes in education, which are very unfavorable for the development of the volitional sphere:

1) the child was spoiled, all his wishes and whims were unquestioningly fulfilled, therefore the inhibitory function of the will was not formed in him;

2) the child, on the contrary, was suppressed by the harsh will and instructions of adults, his initiative was suppressed, and therefore, having matured, he became incapable of making independent decisions.

Volitional action can have both simple and more complex forms.

A volitional action, simple in form, is an impulse that goes directly into action to achieve a goal. In this case, the action is practically not preceded by any complex and lengthy conscious process. The goal itself does not go beyond the immediate situation; its implementation is achieved by performing actions familiar to the subject, which are performed almost automatically as soon as a stimulus arises.

For a complex volitional action in its most pronounced specific form, it is primarily characteristic that between the stimulus and the action there is a mediator of this action. complex conscious process. An action is preceded by a calculation of its consequences and awareness of its motives, decision-making, the emergence of an intention to carry it out, and drawing up a plan for its implementation.

It should be noted that a complex volitional action does not in all cases cause a struggle of motives. This only happens when the goal is subjective and arises spontaneously. If it is conditioned by external factors and its achievement is necessary for the subject, he only needs to recognize it by forming a certain image of the future result of the action. The emergence of a struggle of motives is associated with the presence of several equivalent goals at the same time (for example, a housewife simultaneously wants to cook something special for dinner and watch her favorite TV series).

When making a decision, the subject understands that the further course of events depends on him. The idea of ​​the consequences of one’s action gives rise to a sense of responsibility specific to a conscious act of will.

The decision-making process itself can take various forms.

1. Sometimes the decision is not differentiated in consciousness as a special stage. Volitional action proceeds without a special, consciously allocated special decision in it. This occurs in those situations when the impulse that has arisen in the subject at the moment is not contradicted by any other internal aspects of mental activity (for example, insufficient mental activity), and the very implementation of the goal corresponding to this impulse does not encounter any external obstacles.

In this case, it is enough for the subject to imagine the goal and realize its necessity for action to follow. (For example, a person wants to have a snack, he gets up from the cozy sofa in front of the TV and heads to the refrigerator - no matter how trivial, but this is a manifestation of volitional effort.)

2. In some cases, the decision comes as if by itself, since it is a complete resolution of the conflict that caused the struggle of motives, i.e. the decision is made not because the subject considers it optimal, but because in the given circumstances no other decision is no longer possible. (For example, in the event of a fire, a person jumps from the third floor not because he likes this solution, but because he has no other chance to save his life.)

3. And finally, sometimes it happens that until the very end and even when the decision is made, each of the opposing motives still retains its strength, not a single possibility has disappeared by itself, and the decision in favor of one motive is made not because the effective the strength of the rest is exhausted, not because other motives have lost their attractiveness, but because the necessity or expediency of sacrificing opposing motives is realized. (For example, a sleepless night is over, you really want to sleep, but you have to go to the lecture by 8:00, otherwise there will be problems with getting a test.)

As for the relationship between action planning and the volitional qualities of an individual, the patterns here are as follows. The tendency to follow a plan in detail, which dominates the will, deprives it of flexibility. The plan strictly determines the will, which in turn strictly determines human behavior. As a result, the lack of flexibility of will leads to a lack of flexibility of behavior, and this does not make it possible to respond timely and adequately to changing circumstances.

If the subject’s volitional sphere is not only strong, but also has sufficient flexibility, then, in order to achieve the final result, he will be able to adjust the initial plan of action and introduce into it all those changes that, due to newly discovered circumstances, will be necessary for optimal achievement of the goal.

Will plays a vital role in overcoming life's difficulties, resolving major and minor problems, and achieving success in life. One of the main differences between humans and representatives of the animal world is, in addition to abstract thinking and intelligence, the presence of a volitional sphere, without which any abilities would remain useless and unactualized.

Appendix 2

Willpower test

/I.Yu.Yusupov, associate professor

Kazan Pedagogical Institute/

1. Are you able to complete work that you do not like?

2. Can you easily overcome internal resistance when you have to do something unpleasant?

3. When you find yourself in a conflict situation at school or at home, are you able to pull yourself together enough to assess the situation objectively?

4. If you are prescribed a diet, can you overcome temptations?

5. Will you find the strength to get up earlier than usual in the morning, as planned the day before, if you don’t have to?

6. Will you remain at the scene to testify?

7. Do you respond quickly to emails?

8. If you are afraid of an upcoming plane flight or a visit to the dentist's office, will you be able to not change your intention at the right time?

9. Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that your doctor strongly recommends?

10. Will you keep your promise in the heat of the moment, even if fulfilling it will bring you a lot of trouble?

11. Would you hesitate to go on a business trip to an unfamiliar city?

12. Do you strictly adhere to your daily routine?

13. Do you disapprove of library debtors?

14. Will not even the most interesting TV show make you refuse to do urgent and important work?

15. Will you be able to interrupt a quarrel and remain silent, no matter how offensive the words addressed to you may seem?

2 points - given for the answer “yes”;

1 point – for the answer “I don’t know”, “sometimes it happens”;

0 points for answering “no”.

If you dialed from 0 to 12 points, then not everything is going well with your willpower. You simply do what is easier and more interesting, you treat difficulties carelessly, and this is the cause of various troubles.

13-21 points. Your willpower is average. If you encounter an obstacle, you will take action to overcome it. But if you find a workaround, you will immediately use it. Don’t overdo it, but keep your word. You will not take on unnecessary obligations of your own free will.

The amount collected fluctuates from 22 to 30 points. Your willpower is fine. You can be relied upon. You won't let us down.

    You yourself know that you have problems with willpower. Sometimes you can be unbalanced and unstable in emotional manifestations, but despite this, you will not take risks by actively showing aggression towards a significant person. You would prefer to sit quietly on the sidelines, so as not to have to make any decisions, and then also bear responsibility for them. You are not particularly active, you prefer to act under the influence of emotions, and it is best if someone else tells you what to do and how to act in a given situation. You miss many opportunities due to lack of patience and perseverance, and, as you know, success rarely comes on the first try, it is important to be able to get up and move on after any trouble. I recommend that you look at the article.

    You are quite capable of taking a thoughtful and balanced approach to resolving issues., at least don't back down at the slightest difficulty. You can be relied upon because you don’t rush into words, but carefully watch what you say, so if you promise something, be sure to fulfill it, no matter what it costs you. You are a fairly ambitious person, but you are afraid to take risks, preferring stability and stability, which makes you only dream of realizing many of your goals and desires. Sometimes the firmness of your position can be envied, since you are able to ignore social opinion if it contradicts your beliefs, and not every person is able to withstand such tension. Therefore, I would like to recommend this article so that you know how to restore peace of mind.

    You are a rare type of person with an iron will, very brave and active. Usually people like you become heroes, you are admired and envied for your perseverance and determination. The only problem is that close people sometimes have a “hard time” around you, since you will rarely take their opinion into account, and in general, family is at the bottom of your list of values. Excessive focus on one's interests can lead to narcissism, pompousness, and selfishness. If you scored the maximum number of points, that is, 33 or 34, try taking the test again, since this result indicates insincerity and excessive subjectivity. I would like to recommend that you become more “humane” towards other people, learn to notice and appreciate them, and the methods from the article will help you “build” a constructive and lively dialogue.

The test was developed and described by N.N. Obozov (1997) and is intended to study the generalized characteristics of the manifestation of willpower.


The following 15 questions can be answered: “yes”; “I don’t know” or “it happens”, “happens”; and "no". If you answered:

  • “yes”, then 2 points are assigned for this;
  • “I don’t know” or “it happens”, “happens” – 1 point;
  • “no” – 0 points.

When answering questions from 1 to 15 sequentially, you must immediately sum up the points you earn.

Questionnaire text

  1. Are you able to complete work that you have started that is not interesting to you, regardless of the fact that time and circumstances allow you to break away from it and then return to it again?
  2. Have you easily overcome internal resistance when you had to do something unpleasant (for example, go on duty on a day off)?
  3. When you find yourself in a conflict situation at work (school) or at home, are you able to pull yourself together enough to look at it with maximum objectivity?
  4. If you are prescribed a diet, will you be able to overcome all culinary temptations?
  5. Will you find the strength to get up earlier than usual in the morning, as planned in the evening?
  6. Will you remain at the scene to testify?
  7. Do you respond quickly to emails?
  8. If you are afraid of flying on an airplane or visiting the dentist's office, can you easily overcome this feeling and not change your intention at the last moment?
  9. Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that your doctor recommended?
  10. Will you keep a promise made in the heat of the moment, even if fulfilling it will bring you a lot of trouble? Are you a man of your word?
  11. Do you hesitate to travel to an unfamiliar city if necessary?
  12. Do you strictly adhere to your daily routine: waking up time, eating, studying, cleaning and other things?
  13. Do you disapprove of library debtors?
  14. The most interesting TV show will not make you put off urgent and important work. Is it so?
  15. Will you be able to interrupt a quarrel and remain silent, no matter how offensive the words of the other side may seem to you?

Processing and interpretation of results

The total amount of points scored is calculated. If it is within:

  • from 0 to 12 points - you have weak willpower, you are easy to convince. However, knowing your “weak points” makes a person stronger. Work on yourself, improving your volitional regulation.
  • from 13 to 21 points – your willpower is average. In different situations you act differently, sometimes showing miracles of compliance and pliability, and sometimes perseverance and perseverance. It is in this mobility and diversity that your attractiveness in communication and business lies.
  • from 22 to 30 points - you have great willpower, you are a strong-willed person. However, remember that you are not alone, and concessions, compromises and negotiations also lead to success in communication and business.

In contact with

There is no person in the world whose life would be smooth. At some point there are ups and sometimes downs await us. White and black stripes replace each other, regardless of our desires. And there are moments when you just give up. It is then that everyone will need one, which helps us consciously manage our actions and actions, give up momentary benefits and pleasures in order to achieve more significant results.

What is willpower?

  1. This is one of the fundamental character traits of a business person. Many people believe that willpower is character. Everyone should work on this indicator constantly.
  2. Every person has willpower, but not everyone uses it and strives to develop it. So, when a person tries to quit smoking or fails to achieve these goals, he believes that he does not have willpower. But in fact, everyone is able to force themselves to do something necessary and useful.
  3. If a person wants to achieve heights in his life, create a career, he simply needs to develop willpower.

Recently, scientists have proven that willpower is a completely measurable resource. It is depleted during use. When we eat certain foods, it increases. And she can also be pumped up. By taking the willpower test, you will learn a lot of interesting things about yourself.

Surely, you will have to take more than one test in your life, but this one will help you become more confident, think about how you live, how you feel about yourself. Don't waste your time, take the willpower self-assessment test.

So, let's begin. Here is a test to determine willpower. There are fifteen questions in it. You can answer “yes”, for which you will receive two points, “It happens” - one point, “no” - 0 points. For each answer, immediately give points based on how you answered.

Questionnaire text

  1. Are you able to complete work that you have started that is not interesting to you, regardless of the fact that time and circumstances allow you to break away from it and then return to it again?
  2. Have you easily overcome internal resistance when you had to do something unpleasant (for example, go on duty on a day off)?
  3. When you find yourself in a conflict situation at work or at home, are you able to pull yourself together enough to look at it with maximum objectivity?
  4. If you are prescribed a diet, can you overcome all culinary temptations?
  5. Will you find the strength to get up earlier than usual in the morning, as planned in the evening?
  6. Will you remain at the scene to testify?
  7. Do you respond quickly to emails?
  8. If you are afraid of an upcoming airplane flight or a visit to the dentist's office, will you be able to overcome this feeling without much difficulty and not change your intention at the last moment?
  9. Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that your doctor recommended?
  10. Will you keep a promise made in the heat of the moment, even if fulfilling it will bring you a lot of trouble? Are you a man of your word?
  11. Do you hesitate to travel to an unfamiliar city if necessary? 12. Do you strictly adhere to the daily routine: time to wake up, eat, study, clean and other things?
  12. Do you disapprove of library debtors?
  13. Will the most interesting TV show make you put off urgent and important work? Is it so?
  14. Will you be able to interrupt a quarrel and remain silent, no matter how offensive the words of the other side may seem to you?

If your score is from zero to twelve, then you have rather weak willpower. You like to do what is easier and more interesting, so you do not try to show willpower and do something necessary against your desires. You take your responsibilities carelessly, and very often this becomes the main reason for various troubles that happen to you.

If the indicator is from thirteen to twenty-one, the result is that your willpower is average. As soon as obstacles appear on your path, you begin to overcome it. But if this obstacle can be bypassed, you do it. You can cope with unpleasant work, although reluctantly. In general, you will not take on unnecessary obligations of your own free will.

Is your score between twenty-two and thirty? This means that you can be congratulated - you have great willpower. I can go on reconnaissance with you - you won’t let me down. You are not afraid of new assignments, as well as tasks and tasks that others may find difficult and insurmountable.

After passing the willpower test, you will decide for yourself what to do next. If your scores are quite low, it’s not a problem. The main thing is that you have already taken the first step towards self-control.

There are special techniques that train willpower.

Never put off important decisions until the evening - at this time your willpower has already been depleted by the worries of the day. It is best to do everything in the morning, after you have breakfast.

How strong the will is, the more fruitful our work and studies are usually. Do you want to know this about yourself? Then try to answer the proposed questions of this test with maximum frankness.

You can use three answer options: “yes” “sometimes it happens” (“I don’t know”, “I don’t know”, “no”.

Willpower test questions


1. Are you able to complete work that does not interest you?

2. Do you easily overcome internal resistance when you need to do something unpleasant?

3. When you find yourself in a conflict situation at home or at work, are you able to pull yourself together enough to look at the situation objectively?

4. If you are prescribed a diet, can you overcome culinary temptations?

5. Will you find the strength to get up earlier than usual in the morning, as planned the day before, if it is not necessary?

6. Will you remain at the scene to testify?

7. Do you respond quickly to emails?

8. If you are afraid of an upcoming airplane flight or a visit to the dentist's office, will you be able to not change your intention at the last moment?

9. Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that your doctor strongly recommends?

10. Will you keep your promise in the heat of the moment, even if fulfilling it will bring you a lot of trouble?

11. Do you hesitate to go on a business trip (business trip) to an unfamiliar city?

12. Do you strictly adhere to your daily routine?

13. Do you disapprove of library debtors?

14. Even the most interesting TV show won’t make you put off doing urgent and important work?

15. Will you be able to interrupt a quarrel and remain silent, no matter how offensive the words addressed to you may seem?

Test results:

Answer “yes” - 2 points

- “sometimes it happens” (“I don’t know”, “I find it difficult to answer”) - 1 point

- “no” - 0 points.

Now count the results.

0-12 points. Your willpower is not going well. You simply do what is easier and more interesting, even if it may hurt you in some way. You often take your responsibilities carelessly, which can cause various troubles for you. Your position is expressed by the well-known expression “What do I need more than anyone else?” You perceive any request, any obligation almost as physical pain. The point here is not only about weak willpower, but also about the selfishness of your personality. Try to look at yourself with this assessment in mind. Maybe this will help you change your attitude towards others and “remake” something in your character. If you succeed, you will only benefit from this.

13-21 points. Your willpower is average. If you encounter an obstacle, you will take action to overcome it. But if you see a workaround, you will immediately use it. Don’t overdo it, but keep your word. You will try to do unpleasant work, although you will grumble. You will not take on unnecessary responsibilities of your own free will. This sometimes negatively affects the attitude of managers towards you and does not characterize you from the best side in the eyes of others. If you want to achieve more in life, train your will.

22-30 points. Your willpower is fine. You can rely on you - you will not let you down. You are not afraid of new assignments, long trips, or those things that confuse others. But sometimes your firm and irreconcilable position on fundamental issues annoys those around you. Strong-willed qualities are very good, but it is also necessary to have such qualities as flexibility, forbearance, and kindness.