Limited resources as a basic principle of economic science. Limited person: definition, concept

LIMITED, limited, pl. no, female (book). 1. distraction noun to limited. Limited funds. Limitation of the mind. 2. Limited, narrow outlook, lack of breadth in views, knowledge. mental limitation. Discover... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Restriction, narrowness, one-sidedness, close-mindedness, narrow-mindedness, insufficiency, one-sidedness; smallness, stupidity, modesty, narrowness, limitedness, stupidity, stupidity, conciseness, stupidity, locality, stupidity, rusticity ... Synonym dictionary

LIMITED, oh, oh; en. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

limitation- - [A.S. Goldberg. English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Topics energy in general EN boundedness … Technical Translator's Handbook

limitation- I. LIMITATION LIMITATION1, nearness, openness. reduced narrow-mindedness LIMITED, narrow-minded, narrow, open. reduced narrow-minded LIMITEDness2, limitedness, narrowness LIMITED, narrow-mindedness, narrow-mindedness, narrow-mindedness ... ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

limitation- ▲ incompleteness possibility limited incompleteness of opportunities; incomplete opportunity; there are restrictions... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

limitation- extremely limited... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

Limitation- a negative intellectual quality of a personality that characterizes a person with a narrow outlook, narrow interests, ignorant and even poorly informed. Limitation does not allow a person to understand this shortcoming and overcome it. ... ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture (encyclopedic dictionary of a teacher)

J. distraction. noun according to adj. limited Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Limited, limited, limited, limited, limited, limited, limited, limited, limited, limited, limited, limited (Source: “Full Accentuated Paradigm by… … Word Forms

Infinity… Antonym Dictionary


  • Spirit Science. General properties and laws of the human spirit. Psychic relativity as convention and limitation. Volume 1, Troitsky M.M.. Readers are invited to the book of the famous Russian psychologist and philosopher M.M. Troitsky (1835-1899), devoted to the study of the properties and laws of the human spirit. This edition…
  • Physical foundations of fuel-free energy. Limitation of the second law of thermodynamics, Oparin E.G.. 136 st. Many well-known scientists opposed the absolutization of the second law of thermodynamics, such as J. Loschmidt, L. J. Gui, K. E. Tsiolkovsky, L. Szilard, P. K. Oshchepkov and many others. AT…

Limitation as a quality of a person is the inability, due to the defeat of the mind by egoism and ignorance, to perceive new knowledge that contradicts the person's limiting beliefs, attitudes and beliefs.

The master received the professors who visited him with great respect, but did not allow himself to be drawn into scientific disputes. He later explained to the astonished students: “Does it make sense to tell a frog living in a well about the ocean?” Or about God - people limited by their own beliefs?

The limitedness of narrow-minded people is made up for by their overwhelming number of unlimitedness. An egoist is a comprehensively limited person. No matter how many books he reads, no matter what scientific degrees he acquires, the diagnosis is not comforting for him - a limited personality. When the future luminary of science was just starting his ascent to the scientific Olympus, he greedily absorbed new knowledge, "nibbling the granite" of science, sparing no effort. Forgetting about sleep and food, he devoted himself entirely to infinite knowledge.

With the tail of years, he "settled down", became a solid, respected person. Without noticing how, he became proud. Pride is manifested by the presence of selfishness in the mind. Selfishness so saturated his mind that he became unable to listen and hear other people's opinions, ideas, views. The mind of an egoist is reliably protected by a "Chinese wall" from the penetration of new knowledge. It comes to the point that a person experiences a strong aversion to someone else's worldview. He really has pain in his mind. In especially neglected cases, such a pseudo-scientist, being at a lecture with his colleague, cannot stand it, jumps up, shouts something, starts arguing, in a word, disrupts the lecture. Strong pride does not want to listen to someone else's opinion.

The virus of egoism blocks the mind, and a person becomes unable to develop and improve. He set his own boundaries. If a person does not progress, then he degrades. The drunkard or drug addict, if cured and on the right path, is in a better position, for they can bring about personal growth. A well-deserved, over-deserved academician, riding on the baggage of past merits, becomes a brake on the development of himself and others. A terrible calamity for a person is a conserved mind, limited by previous accumulations of knowledge. Terry Goodkind in The Fourth Rule of the Magician writes: "Wise is the one who recognizes the limitations of his knowledge and skills, and he who claims to know everything can only do harm."

In this world, we are all students. There are no teachers. The Unlimited Man is an openness to knowledge, a lifelong stay on the platform of the disciple. This is an important point in understanding limitation. When Michelangelo Buonarotti was asked the question "How do you manage to create such magnificent statues?" he replied: "I take a block of marble and cut off everything superfluous from it." In striving for perfection, for the development of his mind, a person must take a position of trust and openness, allowing the sculptor-life to “cut off” everything superfluous from himself. Only with this approach will he avoid limitation.

Man is boundless, as knowledge is boundless. The one who lives following the folk wisdom: “Live and learn”, is inherently unlimited. What makes a person limited is his false ego. Gradually saturating the mind, feelings and mind of the individual, it, like Cerberus, stands guard over its own selfish interests. The ego does not like change that threatens its well-being. It passes any incoming information through its powerful filters, sifting out knowledge that threatens its interests, preventing it from penetrating into the mind. Therefore, a limited person uses reason only within the limits of past knowledge, when he has not yet fallen into the quagmire of egoism and ignorance.

Any village old woman cannot be classified as a contingent of limited people if she knows how to actively listen to other people, learn from their experience, and learn life lessons. Let her not read Anna Karenina and The Brothers Karamazov, let her confuse Strauss with an ostrich, but her inquisitive mind is set to study, study and study. So before us is an unlimited person, a soul ready for self-improvement. Yogi Bhajan said, “You are what you associate with. If you connect with Infinity, you are Infinity. But if you limit yourself, then you are limited.” A limited person can know Latin and still be an "ass".

Limiting himself - putting boundaries around - afraid, fearful, cowardly. Dogmatism is the best friend of closed-minded narrowness, which feels cozy and comfortable in the Procrustean bed of dogmas, doctrines, prejudices, habits, attitudes and schemes. In English, there is a phrase that is inherently the opposite of narrowness - open minded (or "open-minded").

A limited person perceives with hostility any information that goes beyond his horizons, and stubbornly insists on the truth only of his vision of the world. Bertrand Russell wrote: “It is one of the most unpleasant phenomena of our time that only limited people turn out to be very confident in the rightness of their cause.” A limited person is like a blind man who talks about painting and a deaf man who argues about music.

One day the musicians stood and played their instruments, accompanying the game with singing. To their music, in time with sounds and chords, a mass of people danced, marched and moved. One deaf from birth looked at all this spectacle and was surprised. He asked himself, “What does this mean? Is it really just because those people are doing different things with their instruments, tilting them here and there, raising them, lowering them, and the like, this whole crowd of people is fooling around, jumping, making various strange gestures and generally getting into such excitement? For a deaf person, this whole spectacle was an insoluble question, because he lacked hearing, and as a result, he could not comprehend that enthusiastic moving feeling that is awakened in a normal person by the sounds of music.

F.M. Dostoevsky in his novel The Idiot expressed the following thought: “For a limited ordinary person, there is nothing easier, for example, than to imagine oneself as an extraordinary and original person and enjoy it without any hesitation.” In the same context, Jack London writes in Martin Eden: “Her limitations were the limitations of her little world; but the limited mind does not notice its own limitation, it sees it only in others. Therefore, Ruth believed that she thought broadly, and if their views differ, Martin's limitations were to blame. And further: “It was a very common narrowness of thinking - those who suffer from it are convinced that their skin color, their beliefs and political views are the best, the most correct, and all other people around the world are deprived of fate. Because of the same narrowness, the Jew in ancient times thanked the Lord God that he did not create him as a woman, because of her, the current missionary goes to the ends of the world, seeking to oust the old gods with his religion; and because of her, Ruth longed to reshape this native of another world in the image and likeness of the people of her circle.

A limited person is the same fanatic who blindly, without a doubt, seized on some idea that stirred and excited his impressionable mind. The fanatic, as an invalid of the mind, has limited himself to the limits of his delusion. Limited man has also erected impenetrable fortifications on the path to reason. Like a fanatic, he is too lazy to doubt his beliefs, to seek the truth: “I do not need other people's knowledge. I have already comprehended all the secrets of the Universe,” he declares with aplomb and, not noticing his limitations, walks through life, thinking that he is an erudite, connoisseur and intellectual. Tell such a person about limitedness, and he will be sincerely surprised in his belonging to a subspecies of limited people.

The thinking of a limited person works in conjunction with his justifying mechanism and is entirely aimed at whitewashing his egoism and disrespect for people. There is such a parable. At an inn located near one of the tracts of the Great Silk Road that crosses Central Asia, one evening one man pestered everyone with his loud and annoying chatter. The travelers, all as one, dreamed that he would finally close his mouth: they wanted to have a good rest before setting off tomorrow early in the morning. However, it was imperceptible that the man was going to calm down. And therefore, some of those present were even delighted when a wandering dervish approached the talker and, politely greeting him, said: - I want to hear every word you said better. Please continue: I'm all ears. The speaker continued, even louder and more verbose. He transcended himself, coloring his rantings with increasing sophistication. The dervish sat directly opposite him and looked at him point-blank with all the tension of concentration. After a few minutes, the man suddenly fell silent. The dervish sitting in front of him was sleeping the sleep of the righteous. The next morning, while the animals were being loaded and saddled, the travelers asked the dervish what his behavior meant. He said: - This man wanted to get your attention. You did not want to listen to him, but you wanted something else. I also wanted to rest, but I knew that I had to pay for the rest in advance. As soon as our friend got what he wanted, he stopped wanting it. As soon as I - through a relatively small and short effort of concentrated will - got what I wanted - I immediately did not fail to use it. And you got something. When the talker himself was then asked what he thought of the events of the previous night, he said: “This rogue, who claims to be a dervish, had the audacity to fall asleep while I was talking. And this after he pretended to be extremely interested! Yeah, he was just trying to impress all of us. Let this be a lesson to you!

Petr Kovalev

Limitation- a negative intellectual quality of a person that characterizes a person with a narrow outlook, narrow interests, ignorant and even poorly informed.
Fundamentals of spiritual culture (encyclopedic dictionary of a teacher)

The limitedness of an individual often arises as a result of the narrow-mindedness of the views imposed on him by those around him in childhood, or is the result of a conscious choice, laziness, inertia of the mind already in adulthood. A limited person does not recognize the existence of other people's points of view that go beyond his "coordinate system", does not want to perceive new information, preferring to remain in the close world of his knowledge and views.

Limitation is a product of excessive conservatism, staticness and a painful unwillingness to develop, improve oneself and work on oneself. Being the cost of education or the result of a conscious choice, the limitations of a person can be overcome with the help of self-development measures and a loyal attitude to everything that lies beyond his understanding.

  • Limitation is the inability to accept the possibility of the existence of other people's opinions and points of view.
  • Limitation is the perception of the world through the prism of subjective experience.
  • Limitation is primitiveness, superficiality of judgments, narrowness and one-sidedness of perception of the world.
  • Limitation is the reluctance to try, explore, learn something new.
  • Limitation is the lack of desire to think, viscosity, inertia of the mind.

Disadvantages of Constraint

  • Limitation contributes to spiritual and intellectual degeneration, degradation.
  • Limitation impoverishes life experience, hindering personal productivity and effectiveness.
  • Limitation gives rise to ordinary life, overshadowed by inertia and fussiness.
  • Limitation leads to a superficial understanding of things, serving stereotypes.
  • Limitation serves as a source of stubbornness, stupidity and lack of will.

Manifestations of limitations in everyday life

  • Scientism. An example of a limited worldview position that considers science to be the most important factor in human interaction with the world, a field of human activity that prevails over religion and art. The exaltation of the intellectual and ignoring the sensual basis of life characterizes a person homo economicus whose aspirations are directed exclusively to the production of material goods.
  • Atheism. A limited belief in the complete self-sufficiency of nature and the absence of a god. Atheists are skeptical about everything supernatural due to the lack of real evidence of its existence.
  • Sigmund Freud. The founder of psychoanalysis, Dr. Freud, is the author of a limited position, stating that the main motives of human actions lie exclusively in the field of the sexual unconscious. For the limitations of the method, the works of the famous psychologist were often called "pseudo-scientific" and "quack" by his colleagues.
  • The parable of the frog in the well. To the frog sitting in the well, her friend jumped from the ocean. - Where did you come from? asked the well frog. “From the ocean,” she replied. The well frog met her answer with disbelief. - Is the ocean larger than the well in which I live? she asked. - It is very difficult to answer when you do not know the measure. Then the frog from the well dived a quarter, and then half the depth of the well and asked: - Is this enough? The ocean frog shook its head. - Get out of here, liar! she got angry. - Nothing can be bigger than this well!

How to overcome limitations

  • Expand your horizons. A physicist who is only interested in his subject is very intelligent, but at the same time extremely limited in his views. Limitation, as an obsession with one or two aspects of life, can be easily overcome by consciously studying previously unknown information: reading books, traveling, expanding the circle of friends.
  • Learn new things. Become knowledgeable in a field that is qualitatively different from what you have done before. Thus, a technologist to the marrow of his bones may be interested in studying poetry, and a person engaged in mental work may try himself in crop production. The breadth of skills and abilities expands the options for solving life problems, contributing to the growth of personal efficiency and self-confidence.
  • Learn to accept someone else's point of view. Let go of subjective opinions, preferences, and judgments and accept the possibility of views beyond your understanding. Be loyal and forgiving.
  • Develop observation. One of the signs of a limited mind is to pay attention only to what is important to us, losing sight of everything else. A person cannot fully know what is true for him and what is false, what will benefit him and what will not. Train your curiosity, bring up a zest for life. “Consider nothing unworthy of your attention,” said the wisest Confucius.

Golden mean


Versatility, erudition


Popular expressions about limitation

Every extreme is the sister of limitation. - V. Belinsky - Limitation does not consist in ignorance of what is behind the fence, but in the conviction that nothing good can be there. - Refat Shakir-Aliyev - One cannot become a narrow specialist without becoming, in the strict sense, an idiot. - George Bernard Shaw - Satisfaction of the mind is a sign of its limitations. - Michel de Montaigne - He who, having realized, declares himself limited, is closest to perfection. - Johann Goethe - Bill Bryson / A Brief History of Almost Everything Encyclopedia for broadening one's horizons, containing the stories of great scientific discoveries, which provides answers to topical questions of today: "What is the probability of a collision of the Earth with a meteorite?", "How much liquid do we have?" and many others designed to satisfy our craving for knowledge. Vladimir Reshetnikov / Why is the sky dark. How is the Universe arranged? The author presents his views on the structure of the Universe, starting from the time of Copernicus and ending with modern scientific research.

“Limited person” is a concept that almost every self-respecting person abhors. This is understandable, no one would want to consider themselves like that. Yes, only those who see limitations in others willingly publicize their meaningful opinion, which, however, does not deprive them of such an unflattering "status" themselves.

Limited person: definition

The limitedness of the personality is explained by its inability, due to the defeat of the mind by egoism and ignorance, to adequately perceive new knowledge if they contradict the beliefs, attitudes, and beliefs that it has. Few people think about it, but an egoist is a person who has limited himself on absolutely all fronts.

Such a comprehensively limited person is unlikely to extract meaning from the dissertations and scientific papers he has read. This individual always remains on the margins of development.

The Problem of the Limited Man

The essence of such a person lies in the fact that, having accumulated some baggage of knowledge by a certain age, he ceases to absorb new knowledge from the outside. The brain of such a person is atrophied by his own ignorance and selfish approach to life. Say, he has seen a lot, read a lot, and everyone around is heresy, and in general: why do you need these “Internets”? The trouble of a limited person is large-scale, because, not wanting to change and listen to the opinions of others, such a person terrorizes those around him with his arrogant and arrogant behavior.

As a result, such a person causes open hostility in some, banter and pity in others. New knowledge cannot pave the way into the consciousness of a limited person, because they cannot get around the “Chinese wall” of his egoism.

Personal barrier

The catastrophe is literally experiencing a strong disgust in relation to someone else's worldview. We can observe such people at symposia, at open lectures, etc., it is they who frantically stroke their beard and loudly indignant if, for example, their precious opinion differs from that of the speaker. Here already write wasted: swearing flows like a river, and if one egoist stumbles upon another egoist, the listeners are provided with a whole battle of opinions and “measuring beards”. What kind of science are we talking about, what kind of common sense? Hey, here, in fact, a person was touched to the quick, insulting him with his "wrong and vulgar" views. Then the unfortunate rushed: especially faithful slaves of egoism do not miss the opportunity to foam at the mouth to prove their unshakable and only true opinion. The mind blocked by egoism is not capable of further development and improvement. Not always the honored academician is superior to the criminal or drunkard who has embarked on the right path, because he, having overcome his own obstacles, decides to stop in a safe haven of inaction after a series of victories and failures.

He hinders his own development, since his mind, conserved by the knowledge of past years, is unable to develop and progress any more. And if a person does not grow above himself, then he degrades. First of all, you need to jump over yourself, and not be equal to others. This is what characterizes a great personality, and a spontaneous one is characterized by the fact that he constantly makes small victories over himself. A limited person is deprived of such an understanding: he has enough achieved peaks and status, which could be boasted at every corner.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness

In this world, we are all students. The opposite of a limited person is a person who is open to new knowledge, that is, a kind of platform for constantly absorbing new information. fact helps a person to avoid the quagmire of limitations.

In turn, an unlimited person will never say that he is smart and has learned enough, because the world is immense, and there is no counting of knowledge in it. Life is the sculptor of our being, it skillfully sculpts a person using materials such as experience and knowledge. Having made a revolution in his mind, a person can move forward, because nothing else will keep him on the path to self-development.

"Cerberus" of consciousness

False ego is the guardian on the path to development. Having saturated the feelings and mind of the individual, it does not let changes into a person's life that can in any way disturb the apparent idyll of his existence. A person who has fallen into the quagmire of egoism and ignorance applies in everything the ossified knowledge that he received when he was not yet limited by them. The limitation of a person does not lie in his education, status or age. Any old woman in the village can turn out to be an unlimited person due to her ability to listen and try to understand other people, as if "trying on their shirt." And even if she confuses an ostrich with a Strauss, her mind may turn out to be inquisitive and lively, ready to improve and learn from new experiences. Such a person will not disdain the information conveyed to him, he will listen carefully and try to understand what was said, digest it in his head and leave this grain of knowledge in his memory. As Yogi Bhajan said, we are all what we associate ourselves with, that is, by setting ourselves up for connection with infinity, we turn ourselves into an endless stream of information, and not a narrow edge of knowledge.


When talking about limitations, people often confuse the concept of a limited person with the concept of a "physically limited person." The latter implies the impossibility of someone performing some actions inherent in an ordinary healthy person. However, such people can also fall into the clutches of the limitations of the mind. Being stuck in their physical body and seeing their "inferiority", they put pressure on the conscience of others, forcing the latter to worry about them and feel guilty about their healthy body.

Having fallen into the trap of his thinking, such a person, in addition to being physically limited, also limits his consciousness. There are many examples in the world of how people with disabilities break out of comfort, find the willpower to move forward and improve their lives. Such people, of their sacrificial consciousness, are worthy of true reverence, because they are a real example of how, using their internal resources, a person can perform great and incredible deeds.

They form the basis of the movement of the entire economy and express the basic principle In essence, the whole of economics comes down to studying how a society with a scarcity of resources decides what to produce, how and for whom. The main goal of production is to use its economic possibilities most effectively in order to satisfy the material needs of a person as much as possible.

Limited resources mean that the sum total of opportunities at the disposal of individual countries, companies, families, as well as all of humanity, will not be enough to meet the full gamut of society's needs.

Arable agricultural land, areas for industrial facilities, minerals and fossils, air basin, flora and fauna - all this has its own finite limits and a very limited ability to restore, and in many respects refers to completely irreplaceable natural resources.

The labor of people, as a resource, has its limits and is determined by the total number of workers, as well as the desire and ability to work, labor efficiency and the length of working time.

They also demonstrate the limited resources, since the number of buildings, industrial structures, machines, equipment, production materials is not at all unlimited. The cycle of development, creation and effective use of means of production invariably leads to wear and tear, cessation of use and disposal. Secondary resources arising from processing can only partially compensate and restore previously expended resources.

It seems that at least the possibilities of human knowledge should be unlimited. However, in practice, the volume of knowledge, information, and others is clearly not enough both in quality and quantity to solve pressing economic problems.

The limited resources are also manifested in relation to finances. Money, as the equivalent of natural resources, also has its limit.

Thus, we see that this problem is global in nature and concerns all areas of human and natural capabilities. In foreign literature, it is called fundamental and is one of the defining ones. The main task that, according to some authors, is set for economic science is to find ways to increase the consumer effect and utility, given the limited resources that must be used to achieve the best result.

However, for all its importance, the principle of limitation should not be absolutized. With regard to a range of possibilities, the limited resources are not rigid, because their interchangeability is manifested. In such cases, the main task is to use the available, sufficient resources as efficiently as possible. For example, in the Russian economy, the multitude becomes clearly insufficient precisely because of their extremely inefficient use.

Scarcity also shows us that people always want to have more than they can get with real opportunities. This contradiction between needs and opportunities forms the core around which all economic activity is built. Economies of all sizes - from families to huge corporations - constantly have to make choices about what to buy, what to produce and how to spend their resources, which are always limited.