Basic principles of oratory. Presenting your ideas

Oratory is one of the most valuable skills that will help you concisely, beautifully and without any problems convey your point of view to your interlocutor. There are people who are speakers by nature, just give them a topic and you can listen for hours. But what about those who want to master these skills, but the nature of innate abilities did not give?
Oratory, like any other skill, can be developed, trained, improved. In this article, we will give 6 useful tips, thanks to which you can develop incredible abilities in yourself, and in less than a month, speak freely in public, focusing the attention of listeners on your speech.

1. What causes the greatest difficulty for beginner speakers? As a rule, this is an insufficient vocabulary and a limited vocabulary. The solution is simple, you need to talk, talk and talk again. You can do this at home. Take any item you see - a hair dryer, a vase, a frying pan, in general, it doesn't matter what it will be. And then, for 5 minutes, try to talk about it, describe all the features of this subject, explain how wonderful and necessary it is. At first it will be difficult, but over time you will easily cope with this task. When you see that five minutes is not enough, then increase the time, tell 10, 20, 30 minutes. I knew people who, without any problems, could talk for hours on a given topic, while never repeating themselves in phrases and their thoughts.

3. The pace of speech is another feature worth mastering. Watch how you speak. Too fast speech the listener can not make out, and slow drives into boredom. Try to pause, highlight the right places with intonations, raise and lower your voice, thereby attracting the attention of the audience.

4. Talking about subjects at home is good, but in order to hone the skill of oratory, you need to communicate more with real people. The easiest way to hone oratory is for students. You have access to performances in front of your group, and during the performance you can track the reaction, behavior of the audience, their mood and desire to listen.

5. Your speech should not be dry. Try to use sayings, quotes from famous people, as well as humor from time to time. By the way, humor plays a very important role. The ability to joke in time and accurately is the quality of a good speaker who can easily keep his audience, and at the right time relieve the accumulated tension.

Over time, when you expand your vocabulary and begin to apply all the knowledge gained in practice, you will notice how your speech has changed, how the interlocutor carefully listens to every word spoken, how the audience is closely following your statements and phrases.

Basic rules of oratory

Whether your speech is successful or unsuccessful depends on your daily practice. Unless, of course, you do them. Every successful speaker constantly polished and improved his voice, constantly expanded his vocabulary, increased his knowledge, tested his resourcefulness and presence of mind again and again, continuously ennobled his language. In order to exercise and acquire freedom of speech, he uses every opportunity that is daily provided in abundance to every person, and thus, step by step, develops his dormant skill.

The student of the School of Life follows the same path. Mastering the art of speaking, he pays special attention to breathing, exercising in breathing in and out as slowly as possible, so that without pauses interfering with perception, he can pronounce even a long phrase in one breath in a full voice. Not a single phrase should be interrupted.

You can make your tongue harmonious and your voice flexible and elastic if you practice for a while - lying down and relaxing - speaking loudly and consciously. Lying down, we will surely learn how to breathe correctly when we speak. And there are hardly any mistakes in our speech. Later we will do the same exercises while standing, without any tension in the body.

The basis for such exercises will initially be verses, which we will read aloud, slowly and with expression. At the same time, it is necessary to vividly convey the spirit of what was said. This will be followed by "dry" materials from various fields of knowledge. At the same time, you need to feel how your words are perceived by ear. That is, first, with all care, work out the correct pronunciation. Your speech should be as resolute as it is sympathetic, should equally express both your inner determination and your spiritual harmony. That is, one must pay tribute to both the expediency and the sense of beauty of their listeners. We can achieve this by adhering to the following rules.

1) We will speak slowly and calmly, and the more measured, the larger the room in which we deliver the speech. With slow speech, you will not lose anything; you will be well understood by those who are hard of hearing, and the listeners will have time to fully absorb what they have heard. While with such a widespread “oratory race”, out of breath listeners unsuccessfully try to catch up with the speaker, lose contact with him, and then the desire to listen to him.

2) We will not speak quietly, but in a full voice. This does not mean that, like some "people's speakers", we compensate for the poverty of the mind with a loud voice, like an organ. Everything is decided not by the power of sound waves, but by the power of thoughts. It is possible to speak sonorously without overwhelming the listeners with empty phrases and various slogans. The cries of demagogues repel thinking people and cause a reaction of rejection.

3) Let's talk clearly and correctly. Most people are too lazy to speak, swallow half of the sounds, leaving the listeners to think out the rest. To speak clearly and clearly means to speak clearly and distinctly. If we speak clearly and clearly, our thoughts become meaningful and understandable. To speak clearly means to pronounce the vowels sonorously, and the consonants clearly and with some harshness. Every sound must be clearly audible. Carelessness in reprimand betrays slovenliness of thinking, causing indifference in listeners. Each syllable must be pronounced clearly.

4) Let's talk deliberately emphasizing certain phrases. The one who says everything - important and secondary - without changing his tone, tires his listeners and kills their interest in himself. The timbre, the power of the voice and its expressiveness should change in accordance with the content of what was said. It is also necessary that the listeners feel the inner movements of the speaker. You need to speak penetratingly and figuratively, follow the rhythm of speech, because a clear rhythm relieves tension and excites positive emotions.

5) Your voice should be an attractive expression of your personality, show the world the magic of your essence. And your voice is capable of this if you consciously put into it your sympathy, your disposition towards the listeners, if, changing accents, give it melody and make sure that it sounds with the same fullness in different tones. You will find the right tone if you seek it with every fiber of your being. The richness of colors, nuances of your voice and the degree of its impact on listeners depends on how emotional your ideas about the upcoming speech are. The colorful ups and downs of the surrounding reality must certainly echo in your speech.

6) You must learn to master your voice. Most people raise their voices when talking about the most important things. But in really successful people, we notice that they speak quietly in such cases - a sure sign of self-control and awareness of their own strength. Here the law of interaction between body and soul comes into play: the better a person controls his voice, the easier it is for himself to set this or that mood, transferring it, created by his own will, to the souls of his listeners.

Mistakes and stutters in speaking

Violations of oral speech can be eliminated by ordering yourself and persistent exercises to achieve conscious speech. Whether we stammer, stammer, or lisp, every vice of this kind can be lessened or eliminated by the right influence on oneself and by appropriate exercises. In most cases, we are not talking about organic disorders, but about functional disorders accessible to the subconscious. The force that caused such a vice can certainly overcome it itself.

The cause of stuttering and stammering is - usually - a very emotional negative thought. Vice can be destroyed by an even more emotional, but positive thought, repeated with enduring tenacity. The main idea of ​​the orders that the stutterer gives to himself can be something like this: "I speak freely, without hesitation!" This order, having relaxed the body and thoughts, you need to say to yourself again and again until it reaches the depths of the subconscious. The will is not strained, because "volitional convulsions" paralyze the organs of speech. What a person wants to realize, that is, free speech without hesitation, he must constantly affirm as a given, thus extracting inner ideas from spiritual reality into real reality.

The stutterer, who interrupts and destroys all fear with the joyful certainty that he can speak freely without the restrictions born of doubt, will speak before the audience without hesitation. Perhaps this state of inner freedom and the ability to freely express one’s thoughts aloud will last only minutes at first, and then the pressure of the habit of negative thinking will reappear, because everything that surrounds a stutterer is downright saturated with negative memories of his inability to speak and constantly reminds him about his weakness. But now the ice of self-distrust has cracked!

And if a person will more and more consciously pull himself out of the former, incorrect, rut of thoughts, will trust himself more, assert his ability to speak freely with more and more conviction, closing his soul from all negative influences with all bolts, then the day will come when he will overcome his weakness with strength.

As soon as the inner idea of ​​one's ability to speak freely becomes alive and dominant, all fears lose their power over a person. For some, this happens within a few days, for others it takes several weeks of self-education and hard exercises. But the one who shows endurance and perseverance always wins!

Don't let anyone discourage you. The main thing here is faith in yourself. And if you stumble while giving a speech, which can happen to anyone, then do not be embarrassed, but simply “step over” this stumble, immediately straighten up and continue speaking as if nothing had happened. Then the listeners will not notice anything.

When giving a speech, one should not be especially afraid to observe purely external technical details. More important than these details is the habit of thinking independently and figuratively, with self-confidence and a sense of superiority over the audience. Anyone who has managed to build his thoughts into a coherent structure has already created the prerequisite for a successful speech. Whoever thinks clearly can express all this clearly, distinctly and intelligibly in words.

15 signs of success in giving a speech

1. Speak with inspiration! The speaker's deep inner penetration convinces the listener and decides the success of the speech. Our enthusiasm touches the souls of the listeners and arouses their interest. Our dedication makes them feel that we have something to say to them, and something important. And thanks to this dedication, our words reach the hearts of the listeners and lead them along. The faith that we testify in your own words, becomes in the minds of listeners persuasion.

2. Speak from the heart! Our speech is effective when not only our brain speaks, but when – above all – our heart speaks. Human participation captivates listeners, because it touches their own life, touches their feelings. If you speak through your heart, your listeners will understand and approve. Here the “golden rule” of correct oral speech comes into play: first, feel the feelings that you want to awaken in others! Then already the tone of your speech will awaken in the listeners emotional ideas and volitional impulses.

3. Speak in the language of the listener! Our word becomes deed when we speak from the listener's point of view, when we adapt to his thinking and cover the topic from the angle from which the listener sees it. And we bring to the fore not what worries us, but what worries our listeners, proceed from their interests and lead them higher and higher. The focus of our speech should be ideas that will ignite the hearts of the listeners. And the interest that we show in them will return to us a hundredfold!

4. Speak kindly to your listeners! The impact of our words on listeners also depends on the mood with which we begin and end our speech. The mood of our soul, mediated by the word, is transmitted to the surrounding world. And if, while making a speech, we are in a bad mood, then it will be transmitted to the listeners. If we are tormented by fear or confused about something, our listeners will also become worried and distracted. If you talk, reveling in your superiority, the audience will lose interest in you and internally turn away from you. A good speaker feels the slightest change in the mood of the listeners, sees whether he is tired of them or not, whether he awakens in them some new impulses or, like a woodpecker, hammers out the same thing. Accordingly, he changes the tone of speech, expressions, images and examples in his speech. That is, it is necessary not only to fully master the ability to speak, but also to learn to understand the sign language of listeners and consciously take it into account.

5. Speak clearly and clearly! Our speech should be unambiguous and definite, clear and significant at the same time! To speak clearly means, in particular, to speak in plain language, avoiding foreign words as much as possible. Incomprehensible alien words awaken hostile moods in listeners; such words seem to be devoid of blood.

6. Talk positively! The location of the listeners is won by the one who gives an affirmative form to everything he says. Not only the content of phrases, but also their form, and the way they are pronounced, must breathe a positive mood, strength and fullness. To speak positively means to speak well. To speak well means to speak well. There are four types of incorrect speech to be avoided - lying, slandering, speaking rudely, speaking unnecessary. And the four kinds of right speech are to speak the truth, to speak kindly, to speak lovingly, and to speak expediently.

7. Talking is fun! Our speech should express that sympathy of the heart, which will bring us the sympathy of the listeners. And this, first of all, means speaking interestingly, not lulling the listeners with monotonous speech, being original and witty in every word. If the listeners are tired, they should be treated like restless children. Especially when arguing during a speech, such a gradual increase in tension is recommended. It is comparable to how a nail is hammered - at first they hit carefully so as not to bend, then harder and harder, and the last and most powerful blow drives the nail to the very hat.

8. Speak figuratively! The speech will be visual if you use colorful images, fascinating examples that make listeners either tense or relax. Everything that you say, you must internally imagine in living moving pictures, saying it the way you see it. Then success will follow you like a shadow! The images are full of movement and internally set the listeners in motion. And listeners whose souls are touched by movement are attentive listeners. Therefore, replace thoughtful words with concepts filled with power, life and action. Most people have visual memory; therefore, it is necessary to make the “inner face”, the fantasy of the listeners, work, to give them a visual empathy with what we present as a living reality, painting pictures with words, like an artist with paints. Everything figurative is always beautiful and spectacular.

9. Speak pleasantly and attractively! It is necessary to pay attention not only to the imagery of your speech, but also to its natural beauty. Our speech is not writing, not reading on paper, but a conversation with the audience. What we say, we pronounce as significantly as possible. It is always worth thinking: is it possible to express some thought even more clearly and so that it is better remembered? Don't we, for example, wrap important statements in the form of a question that raises no doubts, to which our listeners will answer in exactly the same way as we ourselves? There are a lot of ways to revive speech.

10. Speak with humor! The one who in his speeches shows a joyfully unperturbed perception of life, independent of ongoing events, is more likely to win the attention of listeners than a dry pedant, a person full of anger and hatred or a fanatic. Our humor may flare up in some kind of epithet, or a joking phrase, or manifest itself in an emphasis on some special situation. This is more appropriate than interspersing your speech with anecdotes or forced jokes. It is necessary to add spicy spices to speech in moderation, especially if spicy spice is the sunny gold of a strong affirmation of life.

11. Talk to the point and businesslike! A good speaker will never stoop to anger or hatred, avoid cynicism and other ugly things. The main character of his speech is harmony. In this way, he avoids the disturbing impression that he wants to impose his opinion on the listeners. The speaker should not persuade, but convince. To achieve this, we will not assert anything that we cannot prove or clearly explain.

12. Talk briefly! He speaks well who, with the help of a minimum of words, can say as much as possible. He who speaks too long reveals insufficient mastery of the art of speech. The most eloquent of all is the one who says only what is relevant. Therefore, let our words be worth their weight in gold, because he who weighs his words, gives them significance and power! Never burden listeners with a long speech. Speech lasting longer than three-quarters of an hour is tiring; the subconscious begins to resist, listeners become restless or fall asleep from an overabundance of words. A good speech consists of a third of what you would like to say.

13. Talk about the topic! Not everything that comes to your mind while speaking should be said; and above all it concerns what is not relevant to the case. Lengthy theoretical arguments, too scientific, quickly tire listeners, their place in a scientific report. Repetition is to be avoided, as well as the bad habit of talking "marking time," that is, dwelling on a point for a long time. You should also not provide exhaustive information so as not to exhaust the attention of the listeners.

14. It's easy to speak! Phrases should be artless and clear, expressions should be concise and precise. The shorter the phrases, the stronger their positive charge. A good speech contains more periods than commas. Let the speaker leave the subordinate clauses to the writers. The clearer the head, the simpler the structure of the sentence, the easier it is to understand you. Everything great is simple. Our subconscious responds most reliably to statements in the form of short, unambiguous phrases. The subconscious of listeners behaves in the same way.

15. Speak while pausing! Most speakers - and not just beginners - make the same mistake, which is to speak too quickly, as if they are afraid of missing the train. When you notice this tendency in yourself, train yourself to include brief pauses in your speech more often, which will be pauses for the listeners to think about what has been said. Listeners need some moments to understand the meaning of your speech.

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What is oratory? This is the art of public speaking in order to convince the listener of a particular thought using a combination of various techniques. The art of rhetoric itself originated in ancient Greece and ancient Rome and has undergone many changes under the pressure of changing eras.

The importance of rhetoric for human life remains unchanged. Oratory, first of all, teaches how to be self-confident and how to instill this confidence in listeners. Good speakers achieve the desired heights in any field, whether it be their own business or a teaching career.

Rhetoric opens many doors to new possibilities, but becoming a speaker does not happen overnight. In order to master this art, it is necessary to study rhetoric, which can be done independently or in specialized classes. This article discusses the main pillars of the art of rhetoric.

The first training is devoted to writing. Preparation of oratory before a speech is the basis on which the art of oratory is built. A well-crafted speech is already half a step on the way to a successful speech. So, work on speech is usually carried out in several stages.

  • To begin with, it is necessary to collect information and study it thoroughly. It is very important to refer to several sources in order to consider the issue from different angles. The speaker should be distinguished by good awareness not only of all current news, but also of the main trends in all spheres of human life. Take the time to study the information. At the end of this stage, it is necessary to structure the collected information.
  • Next, when working on a speech, the speaker should think about how to attract his audience. The speech of the speaker always has as its goal one or another effect on the listener. When preparing for a speech, it is necessary to study the audience, its interests, manner of communication, and so on. The success of a speech is measured by whether the desired effect was achieved or not. To achieve it, it is necessary to speak in a language understandable to the public about what it is interested in.
  • Learning rhetoric is also about building the purpose of your speech. Aimless ranting in front of the public is the lot of a demagogue. Such speeches do not attract the necessary audience. That is why you need to learn to put one or another acute problem that needs to be solved at the head of your speech. Its solution is the purpose of the speech, uniting the audience and the speaker.
  • The public trusts the speaker who reveals himself to her as a person. Therefore, it is very important to include your own thoughts on the issue under discussion in the speech. Few people will listen to a speaker who does not have a clear position. For this, it is necessary to pass through your experience and your worldview all the information collected and form your own position.

Oratory is, first of all, the ability to prepare a speech so that it captures the attention of the target audience.

It is equally important to properly prepare for the performance itself.

Preparing for a performance

The rules of oratory say that any presentation must be well planned.

Although the speaker must also be prepared for spontaneous speech. The following scheme is usually used to prepare a public speaking speech.

  • First of all, you need to refuse to speak on a piece of paper. You can leave on paper only the plan and short notes about important points that need to be mentioned. Thus, the main part of speech is better to learn. That is why public speaking skills include an excellent memory that needs to be trained regularly.
  • Learning to speak is also about following the structure of a speech. This gives the speech consistency and integrity. It is necessary to clearly limit the introduction, body and conclusion. It is advisable to pay special attention to the introduction, since at this moment the attitude of the public towards the speaker begins to form.
  • It is recommended to think over the organizational issues of the performance in advance, that is, if possible, familiarize yourself with the venue for the performance, discuss with the organizers technical issues regarding the operation of microphones, prepare water, etc.
  • Oratory skills include not only various speaking abilities, but also the ability to look good. The speaker should always look neat, as the appearance is the first thing that the public pays attention to.

Oratory teaches how to attract people and lead them, which is practically necessary for many professions. However, they are not born an excellent speaker, so teaching rhetoric has been relevant since ancient times to this day.

Techniques of a good speaker

Oratory - what is it? These are well-known tricks that the speaker uses to make the speech accessible to the audience and to increase the digestibility of information. There are many such methods. Below are two basic oratory techniques.

  1. Comparison. Often the speaker's speech is replete with abstract descriptions that are difficult to imagine in the mind. Since information is better perceived when it receives a figurative projection in the mind, the speaker resorts to comparisons that make the abstract more material. To convey a certain mood, the speaker sometimes uses hidden comparisons - metaphors.
  2. Repeat. Everyone knows the expression "Repetition is the mother of learning." The art of oratory often refers to this saying, because the more often a person receives the same information, the more firmly it is fixed in his mind. It is very important for the speaker to convey to the listener the main idea of ​​his speech, in which the appropriate repetition of the key idea helps him.

In addition to comparison and repetition, the rules of oratory are also advised to turn to allegories, rhetorical questions, appeals, hyperbole, irony and other means of speech expressiveness.

Speech technique

Speaking in front of an audience is a kind of physical work. Speakers know that this is often difficult. Oratory and the art of speech requires the speaker to work on the technique of speaking, which includes the following aspects.


During active speech, the rate of breathing of a person changes: the inhalation becomes shorter, and the exhalation is longer. The rules of oratory require the performance of special exercises for the production of speech breathing. The speaker during inspiration requires a larger volume of air, as well as its more economical consumption in the process of speech. In addition, evenness of breathing is affected by excitement, from which you need to learn to get rid of.


Oratory and the art of speech lies in the ability to control your own voice. The speaker should speak equally well loudly and quietly, depending on the situation. Also, within one speech, it is necessary to highlight the main information by changing the tone of voice.


Speech is clear and clear. To achieve the correct pronunciation of sounds and syllables, speakers carefully monitor the work of their articulatory apparatus and regularly train their diction with the help of tongue twisters.


Rhetoric oratory tends to the average pace of speech. The speaker should not shoot words like a machine gun, nor should he drawl words. As a rule, in the process of learning and gaining experience, the speaker manages to find the most comfortable pace of speech for himself and for the listener.


Intonation changes make speech bright, lively and more accessible for perception. Expressive reading of fiction aloud helps to train intonation.

Any undertaking, at first glance, seems difficult, but do not be afraid. With the right approach and diligent study, any craft and art can be mastered - even as demanding as rhetoric.

Oratory (eloquence, the art of eloquence) is the art of public speaking for the purpose of persuasion. Oratory is a harmonious combination of rhetoric, acting techniques (delivery) and psychological techniques. Oratory and the properties of oratory are studied by the science of rhetoric.

natural eloquence

Manifestations of natural oratorical ability are often found in everyday life. Imagine a situation: one person is walking along the road, not seeing the danger threatening him, and another, raising his voice, warns him about it. Another example. One person fell into the water, and the other raises a cry for others to come to the rescue. Examples of natural eloquence can be found in villages where people communicate loudly and emotionally, almost shouting to each other (“across the street”) or in the market where everyone says something about their product. Such manifestations of eloquence do not require special training. The voice in such cases rises naturally, under the influence of feelings and relevant circumstances.


There are situations when a person needs to say something beautifully and convincingly, but there are no necessary emotions at the moment. This requires special self-management skills, which can be acquired in the process of practical application of oratory techniques. Oratory, as a special kind of art, arose in ancient Greece. No other ancient culture - neither Egyptian, nor Akkadian, nor Chinese, nor Indian - pays such close attention to oratorics as Greek, and does not give high examples of the content and stylistic perfection of dialectics and the art of the spoken word. Oratory teaches how to make ordinary speech oratory. The traditions of modern oratory originate from the ancient rhetoric of ancient Greece and Rome. However, the modern techniques of oratory proceed from the conditions of the technical development of mankind. So, the speaker today is helped by sound and visual means, which makes his speech more effective than hundreds of years ago.

Properties of oratory

Oratory is a type of monologue used in a situation where the speaker addresses a large audience in order to convince. The speaker's speech has its own peculiarities of composition and style, as well as a special ratio of linguistic and non-linguistic means of communication. There are several basic qualities that distinguish oratory from other types of speech.[edit | edit wiki text]

The speaker addresses the people with an oratorical speech - not only to convey information to the listener, but also to receive a response in the form of interest (persuade) or some kind of action (induce). Such speech always has an agitational character. To do this, the speaker must be inspired by the subject of his speech and put into it what he considers necessary and useful for his listeners.

In order for the speech to touch and interest the audience, the authority of the speaker or his special psychological attitude is important. In order to induce listeners to take some action, the speaker, first of all, makes an effort himself, requiring a special effort of will. This effort is felt in the speech of the speaker and is transmitted to his listeners, prompting them to action.

The influence of the psyche on the quality of oratory


"Don't talk the way you feel comfortable talking,

but in a way that is convenient for listeners to perceive"

Every business has its own rules. And in oratory too. The rules of oratory come down to managing the elements of speech, as well as the use of various speech techniques and principles, so that speech is understandable, interesting and, as a result, more influential. Let's talk briefly about some principles of oratory.

Forget yourself, get busy

This is the principle of certainty. An insecure speaker is preoccupied with himself. He is worried about the thought: what if they think badly of me? His excitement is gluttonous and eats up part of his attention - which is why the shackled speaker stutters and gets confused. Nothing but our own attitudes prevents us from being as liberated in front of an audience as we are at home. Get carried away with the performance, and you will not be left to worry.

The speaker is the master of the situation

Some speakers behave as if they have done something wrong or have not learned their lesson - startle at every remark of the listeners, strive to answer in detail every inappropriate question and wait for further instructions from the audience. A lamentable sight.

It must be remembered that for the duration of the speech, the speaker becomes the leader of the audience, therefore, he must lead the audience, and not follow their lead. This does not mean that at the same time it is necessary to embody the dictatorial style - to be rude and stern. You should be gentle with your listeners, but resolutely mind your own business. The speaker must own the audience and boldly embody their ideas - listeners must see that the speaker knows what he wants.

If you don't disturb the audience, the audience will take care of you.

There is a type of speakers - "nudists". These are those who do not perform, but torment - for a long time mumbling stupidity under their breath. It seems that they have only two tasks - to tire the audience and test the patience of the listeners. Usually kind listeners interrupt the "nudist" speech with the question: "can you pay to leave us alone?". Evil ones - they beat (therefore, the "nudist" must be agile - be able to dodge flying tomatoes and run fast). The patient audience rewards the tedious speech with a thunder of applause for the fact that it is finally over. The audience needs to be captivated.

Performance principle

People love spectacles and vivid sensations. They are willing to pay for concerts, theatrical performances and attractions. Therefore, the audience in the depths of its soul is waiting for an interesting show to be unfolded in front of it. Such an expectation of the listeners must be justified. A bright performance entertains listeners and lives up to their expectations. Sluggish speech makes them feel like they are wasting the time of their lives. Turn the performance into an interesting performance.

If you want to be interesting - be interested

This principle is similar to the previous one. If you express your thoughts in an indifferent and indifferent tone, then such a speech can hardly be called historical. Such a speech will be forgotten soon after it has been delivered. Therefore, in order for the speech to be interesting and impress the listeners, speaking, you should try. Add enthusiasm to your speech.

Diversity Principle

When we hear thunder, this means that we also hear interrupted silence - we perceive not the sounds, colors and phenomena of the world around us, but the contrasts between them. The more contrasts (diversity) in speech, the more it attracts attention. Variety should be present in all elements of speech (except diction - diction should always be clear): you need to speak brightly in places, and moderately in places; with various emotional connotations; then louder, then quieter; sometimes actively gesticulating and moving, and sometimes standing still; changing the pace of speech - faster and slower; tone of voice - higher and lower. Also use pauses of various lengths and so on. Diverse speech is reminiscent of a picturesque landscape, which has a purple sunset and blue sky, forest and mountains, lakes, hills, copses, etc. Such speech attracts and you want to listen and listen to it, in contrast to the monotonous, reminiscent of the desert to the horizon. Speak in a variety of ways.

Misunderstandings are entirely the responsibility of the speaker.

Whatever the reasons for the misunderstanding of the meaning of the speaker's speech by the listeners - even if the listener has clumsy brains and is distracted - the responsibility for misunderstanding lies entirely with the speaker. This is an axiom. If the speaker allows statements to the audience: "Is it really incomprehensible?" or "What are you stupid!", then he is, to put it mildly, wrong, because, in this way, he is trying to shift the responsibility onto the listeners. Speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood.

Claims to listeners are inappropriate

As a rule, the listeners are for the most part sane and disciplined, but sometimes among them there are aggressive, talkative and drunk people who distract and interfere with the performance. Of course, sometimes some negligent student can be expelled so as not to interfere, but most often this approach is inappropriate. No matter how obscenely the listeners behave - they fidget, make noise, ask unnecessary questions - one should not make claims to them: they say, stop distracting me, or how hard it is to communicate with you! No matter how hyperactive or indifferent the audience is, it must be dealt with tactfully. Just as a brick is not to blame for being a brick, the listeners are not to blame for being who they are. Be condescending to the audience, like a gallant gentleman to a lady.

Exhaust the topic, not the patience of the listeners

They say that time is money. In fact, time is more than money, because time contains everything that we have - our whole life lies in time. Paradox: it is generally accepted that stealing money is bad, and taking away a person’s time, distracting him or making him wait, is not shameful. To tire listeners with a boring performance means to steal a piece of life from them. Finish talking before the audience wants to.

Principles are vectors that set the general direction. It is important to apply the principles of oratory to the place and dose them correctly, depending on whether you are speaking at a lecture, at a rally or at a meeting.


General concept of rhetoric.

Subject, functions and laws of oratory.

The role of oratory in the professional activities of a lawyer.

General concept of rhetoric

There is not a single area of ​​human knowledge, human activity, for which a bad, confusing, stupid and verbose professional or everyday speech of a performer would be a boon.

Each person should be able to accurately, concisely and colorfully express their thoughts. The ability to speak well is necessary for everyone, but especially for business people: deputies, ministers, leaders, scientists, journalists, as well as parents, students, and finally, just interlocutors. This is precisely what the academic subject, which is called rhetoric, oratory or eloquence, teaches.

It can be argued with a sufficient degree of confidence that if all students and students of any educational institutions of the country at least to a small extent mastered rhetoric as an academic discipline, then the overall indicator of culture in Ukraine would rise by at least one point due to the fact that logic , the brevity of the answer and the dignity of the respondent at the moment of speech would emphasize knowledge of the subject, mastery of the situation, knowledge of the basics of the theory and practice of the question asked, even the general outlook of the speaker.

Specifically, possession of this subject will help each person:

When hiring for a new job, be able to tell your biography to the boss so that he immediately wants to immediately accept the speaker as one of his employees;

Telling the new team your biography, declare yourself as a person with whom it is interesting and pleasant to talk;

Having received an assignment from the manager to perform urgent work, do it and report on it so that he issues an order for immediate encouragement;

Having appeared in court in any capacity, convincing the judges to decide in your favor, declare yourself as a lawyer who knows his subject.

What is rhetoric? Encyclopedias and dictionaries answer this question something like this: rhetoric is the theory of oratory, the theory of eloquence, the science of the ability to speak beautifully, well, as needed in this case.

A rhetor is a speaker in ancient Greece and in ancient Rome, and from about the 3rd century. BC. - also a teacher of practical eloquence in an oratorical school.

Since rhetoric is one of the oldest sciences in the history of mankind, it has its own name not only in Greek, but also in Latin: “rhetoric” in Greek, “eloquence” in Latin. Once both of these names were identical, and they were known to all high school students. V. Dahl's dictionary gives the following definition of an orator - "a well-spoken person, eloquent, a master of speaking, a preacher." Modern dictionaries interpret him as a person professionally engaged in the art of eloquence; as a person making a speech; as a person who has the gift of speaking; as "herald".

Thus, “Rhetoric”, or “Fundamentals of Oratory” is actually the same curriculum, which until 1917 was a compulsory subject in many educational institutions of the Russian Empire, and now, with more or less success, is being restored in the curricula of higher educational institutions of Ukraine.

Rhetoric combines the characteristics of science, since it has strict rules that anyone who would like to master its basics must follow. But in rhetoric, the beginnings of true art are also concentrated, because no rules can guarantee a successful result for every newly beginning speaker.

As an academic subject, rhetoric consists of four parts: history, theory, practice and technology.

As a science, rhetoric contains five sections:

Finding material for a subsequent performance (invention);

The arrangement of the material in the best order for a particular speech, the observance of logic and consistency in the presentation of theses (disposition or composition);

The expression, which was understood as the doctrine of oratorical styles (elocution and ornamentation);

Memorization, which was understood as the desire to memorize the text of the speech (memoria);

Making a speech, as a rule, in the conditions of a court session (action or performance).

Oratory is an applied discipline, which is a complex of knowledge, skills and abilities of a speaker in preparing and delivering a persuasive speech.

Rhetoric has connections with such sciences:

- with logic- reasoning, proof, argumentation, laws of identity, sufficient justification;

- with philosophy- morality, moral problems; good and evil, happiness and suffering, worldview problems;

- with politics- problems of power and freedom, property, social relations, war and peace;

- with jurisprudence– human rights, judicial practice;

- with philology- language, its means, styles, expressiveness of speech, literature, poetics, genres, theater.

Types of rhetoric:

pedagogical rhetoric.

Pedagogical rhetoric is implemented in two areas: pedagogy, i.e. used as a means to achieve pedagogical goals, and actually in rhetoric as a method of developing rhetorical abilities. Pedagogical rhetoric is the science and art of communication between a teacher and students in the learning process.

legal rhetoric.

Legal rhetoric is a set of knowledge on preparing a lawyer to deliver a public judicial speech in accordance with the requirements of the criminal procedure law; as the ability to build an objectively reasoned reasoning that forms scientific and legal convictions, as the ability to influence the legal consciousness of people.

military rhetoric.

Military rhetoric is a specialized speech culture of the military-professional environment, aimed at mastering the military culture, adapting new generations to the unusual conditions of life and work of military personnel with the help of special technologies of speech impact at the communicative and behavioral levels. It functions in a military-professional environment in order to achieve certain social results in the field of ensuring the security of the state. The purpose of military rhetoric is to prepare the soldier for combat.

diplomatic rhetoric.

Diplomatic rhetoric chooses the communication of states through their special representatives as its subject of study. Diplomacy as a set of forms, methods and means used to implement the foreign policy of the state, and diplomats as civil servants, called to conduct official business between governments, have changed in the course of social development. However, the essence of diplomacy as a reflection of the nature of a given society and state remained unchanged.

political rhetoric.

Since ancient times, rhetoric has been considered a tool of governance in the political system of society. According to Aristotle, the social state structure is primarily the speech organization of society. The technology of political rhetoric, which ensures the speech interaction of the individual, society and the state, is determined by the state through the institutionalization of freedom of speech, publicity. The main documents of political rhetoric are legal acts - the constitution, laws, decrees, resolutions, instructions, orders. The state establishes the right to vote, i.e. a circle of persons who have the right to influence political affairs with their speech.

As noted above, legal rhetoric is a set of knowledge on preparing a lawyer to deliver a public judicial speech in accordance with the requirements of the criminal procedure law and other procedural legislation; as the ability to build an objectively reasoned reasoning that forms scientific and legal convictions, as the ability to influence the legal consciousness of people.

The content of a judicial speech plays no less a role than art in its construction. The art of a forensic orator is manifested in the ability to build a judicial speech in such a way as to attract the attention of judges and keep it throughout the entire speech, in the ability to fully and objectively analyze the circumstances of the crime and the reasons for its commission, to give a deep analysis of the personality of the defendant and the victim, to build a system of refutations and evidence, draw the right legal and procedural conclusions and convince the judges and the audience of this. The foundation of all this should be an acquaintance with the case in all its smallest details.


Theme "Court Speech"


Types of judicial speech.

Types of judicial speech.

In a court session, when considering criminal, civil, administrative, economic cases, the following main types of judicial speech can be distinguished:

1. The accusatory speech of the prosecutor in criminal cases in the court of first instance.

2. Speech of the prosecutor in a criminal case in case of refusal of charges in the court of first instance.

3. Protective speech of a lawyer in a criminal case in a court of first instance.

4. The speech of the lawyer - the representative of the victim, the civil plaintiff and the civil defendant.

5. Speech of the defendant in his defense.

6. Speech of the victim and his representative.

7. The speech of the civil plaintiff and the civil defendant or their representatives (within the framework of a criminal case).

8. Speech of the prosecutor and lawyer in civil cases in the court of first instance.

9. Speech of the prosecutor and the lawyer in administrative cases.

10. The speeches of the prosecutor and the lawyer in criminal cases in the courts of second instance.

11. Speeches of the plaintiff and the defendant or their representatives in civil cases.

12. Speeches of third parties or their representatives in civil cases.

13. Speeches of authorized government bodies, trade unions, enterprises, institutions and organizations, their associations in civil cases.

14. Speeches of representatives of public and labor collectives in civil cases.

15. Speeches of persons brought to administrative responsibility and their representatives.

16. Speech of the victim in an administrative case.

17. Protective speech of close relatives, guardians or trustees of the defendant in criminal cases.

18. Speech of a lawyer (representative of a party) when conducting an economic case in an economic court.

19. Speech of the prosecutor while maintaining the claim in the economic court.

Thus, Article 47 of the Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine provides for the composition of persons participating in the case. These are the parties, third parties, representatives of the parties and third parties. Article 56 defines the list of persons who can be representatives.

Section 4, Articles 18, 20, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 of the Commercial Procedure Code also defines a list of persons involved in the consideration of economic cases.

Chapter 4 "Participants in civil proceedings", Articles 26,30,34,35,38-40,45 of the Code of Civil Procedure defines a list of persons who participate in the consideration of civil cases.

According to the Code of Criminal Procedure, the participants are the defendant, the victim, the prosecutor, the defense counsel and other persons.


The culture of judicial speech.

Speech image of the speaker.

The culture of judicial speech.

The culture of human speech plays an important role in the process of verbal communication, one of the tasks of which is the desire to make a good impression on the interlocutor, i.e. positive self-presentation. By the way a person speaks, one can judge the level of his spiritual and intellectual development, his inner culture.

In the everyday sense, the culture of speech is often understood as a “beautiful” speech containing refined words and expressions. Sometimes you can hear: "She answers so culturally" or "He speaks uncivilized." However, this concept is more voluminous and meaningful.

What is the culture of speech?

The culture of speech in linguistics is understood as a motivated use of linguistic material, as the use of linguistic means that are optimal for achieving communicative tasks in a particular situation.

In other words, the culture of speech is the ability to speak and write correctly, as well as to use words and expressions in accordance with the goals and situation of communication.

The main criteria for the culture of speech are:


Correctness is the observance of language norms. Correct is speech that is consistent with the norms of the language - pronunciation, grammatical, stylistic, without the use of jargon, dialect and colloquial words.

Speech image of the speaker.

The ability to listen is one of the main indicators of human culture. There are three categories of speakers: some can be listened to, others cannot be listened to, and still others cannot be ignored. What we say largely determines whether we will be listened to or not even be able not to listen to us.

For good speakers, an opinion about them is formed according to external data during a speech. In any case, a good quarter of a good speech is perceived purely visually. Listeners are looking closely at the speaker: how he stands, what expression he has on his face, what kind of gait, what he does with his hands. Listeners want to know what it represents in itself. Driven by curiosity, they want to immediately form an opinion about the speaker - positive or negative - and, without realizing it, they want to decide whether their sympathies will be on the side of the speaker and whether they will perceive what he says to them.

Speaking in public means giving the listener the opportunity to get to know you, as they say, both for joy and for sorrow. If not for joy, if external data not only does not help, but rather harms, then, one must think, you have not yet mastered everything necessary for public speaking.

Consider the elements of speech that contribute to a positive speech image of the speaker: appearance, manner, posture, gestures.


There is such an expression “Do not drink water from your face ...”. With an unsightly appearance, the speaker has only to put up with. And you don't have to be pretty to be good at what you do. But when you have to stand up and take the floor, you must be sure that your appearance meets the requirements of the situation and listeners.

Do not allow eccentricity in clothing: without that, all eyes will be fixed on you. Men should be clean-shaven, free from unnecessary things that stick out their pockets. Women are encouraged to leave flashy jewelry at home. Modesty in dress is preferable to importunate chic. Do not cause surprise and envy - this will interfere with listening to what you are saying.


Proper speaker manners are more important than physical appearance. Think about how the audience will react when the speaker is standing in a frozen pose, staring at the ceiling or immersed in a pile of notes, the mere sight of which makes the listener shudder. The speaker is a living person, not a talking automaton.

You must master the ability to create a friendly and at the same time businesslike atmosphere. You must be humble and at the same time inspired by your convictions. It doesn't matter if you were shy in front of your listeners, whether you inspired them with distrust; your direct business is to establish contact with them.

The following guidelines are useful in this regard:

1.As soon as the floor is given...

Before speaking, you should, of course, familiarize yourself with the conditions of the room. Note the distance between your seat and other participants in the process. This will help you choose the volume, intonation of speech. Don't fuss. Don't go through your notes as you go, don't button up your coat or jacket, don't fix your hair, don't straighten your tie. All this must be thought about in advance.

On the other hand, do not start speaking until you are in a comfortable and stable position. Take the right posture right away. Don't look down at your legs or arms, much less look directly into the recording. Start your speech by addressing the court.

2.Facial expression.

Have you ever looked through a glass door into an auditorium and watched the speaker's face during a speech? You do not hear him, but is it not possible to correctly assess the power of his expressions? If the listeners are really interested, they will look at the face of the speaker. The face of the speaker must be serious. But watch yourself. It may happen that due to mental tension you begin to frown or, mentally twisted somewhere in space, take on an aloof look. To do this, it is essential to practice in front of a mirror. Study your face. Say phrases saturated with various emotions - sadness, joy, etc., observing that facial expressions also take part in this.

3.Contact with listeners.

Speech is effective communication only when, in the mind of the speaker, he himself, listeners and words merge into an inseparable unity. To do this, you do not need to look around the walls, lower your eyes to the floor and raise them to the ceiling, examine the hand, bury your head in notes. No need to jump nervously from one to another, like a shy child trying to slip out of a room full of guests. But nothing brings others into such confusion as an empty look, i.e. manner of looking at people as if they were empty space. However, having eye contact does not mean that you need to look at everyone and everything all the time.

But it's not just about techniques designed to connect with listeners. The fact is almost inexplicable, but if you really talk to people, they feel it.


Not always and not all speakers know how to stand correctly. But watch yourself. Practice the correct way of standing until you get the familiar feeling of stability, balance, lightness and mobility of the whole posture. This posture is recommended: legs are 15-20 cm apart, depending on height; the emphasis is not the same on both legs; knees are flexible and supple; there is no tension in the shoulders and arms; hands are not pressed tightly to the chest; the head and neck are somewhat pushed forward in relation to the chest, the horn is exposed, the stomach is tucked up, but not so much as to interfere with freedom of breathing.


Let's consider them from such positions:

A) The essence and purpose of the gesture.

We all gesticulate, in most cases without even realizing it. It is generally believed that gestures consist in the movements of the arms and hands, and indeed, these are the most expressive and conspicuous gestures. But any body movement with the aim of emphasizing the meaning of the spoken words is also a gesture.

It is almost impossible to speak with passion and conviction without a subtle, complex combination of movements of the head, neck, shoulders, torso, hips, and legs. Thus, in gesticulation there is nothing that is not characteristic of everyone and everyone and is inherent only in professional speakers. Susceptibility to hand gestures is deeply embedded in the minds of each of us. In combination with words, gestures also speak, enhancing their emotional sound. Therefore, you need to work on gestures.

B) Types of gestures.

Gestures are expressive, descriptive, pointing, imitative.

Expressive gestures are gestures that accompany the most powerful, climactic places of speech. They can emphasize ideas of appeasement, encouragement, praise, consolation, etc.

Descriptive gestures - gestures with which you can show movement - fast and slow, straight and rounded - and even give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmovement in the abstract sense of the word, for example, a trend of growth, fall; describe the striking contrast in the volume of two books, when using hands to show approximately their sizes, etc.

Pointing gestures are the simplest. They usually consist of pointing a location or direction with a hand or finger.

Artistic speakers often use imitative gestures to great effect. However, in our opinion, the use of imitative gestures in a judicial audience is inappropriate.

C) Rules for the use of gestures.

When gesticulating, use the following rules:

1. Gestures should be involuntary.

2. Gesticulation should not be continuous

3.Control with gestures.

4. Add variety to your gestures.

5. Gestures must meet their purpose.

Thus, in the communication of the speaker with the audience, not only the voice plays a role, but also his whole appearance. A good general impression of the appearance of the speaker, his manners, posture, gestures is essential for the success of the speech. But there is also a negative side to this. External data can divert attention from the content of speech. This is possible if the manners and techniques of the speaker do not help to better express the ideas that he shares with his listeners, and therefore do not serve their intended purpose.

The best feature in the external appearance of the speaker is correctness. The essential qualities of good oratorical manners are ease, enthusiasm, confidence and friendly tone.

Theme "Preparation of a Judicial Speech"


1. General requirements for preparation for public speaking.

2. Features of the preparation of a judicial speech.

1. General requirements for preparation for public speaking.

The ability to speak in public audiences is one of the important features of the activities of employees of state authorities, local governments, business entities, representatives of public organizations.

Many people have a natural gift for speaking. They can make speeches impromptu, without visible effort, easily speak at any moment, giving pleasure to themselves and listeners.

But not everyone is endowed with the abilities of an outstanding speaker. Many are afraid of the very fact of appearing in public. This fear affects even people who are quite confident in themselves in other situations. Many are concerned about the need to speak and strive to match their oratory skills with their professional skills in other areas of activity. They sincerely want to express their thoughts in the best possible way, but they find it difficult to do so.

However, with appropriate training and experience, anyone can give a speech that will be positively appreciated and remembered by the audience. Preparing such speeches requires work and knowledge.

Cicero, characterizing the speech of the speaker, said “There is nothing more important in speaking than to persuade the listener to the side of the speaker, and for this the listener must be so shocked that he is more led by strong emotional excitement or ecstasy than by the power of rational judgment. After all, people judge much more often under the influence of hatred, love, passion, irritation, sorrow, joy, hope, fear, delusion, and in general any spiritual movement, than in accordance with the truth, with prescriptions, with legal norms and laws.

There are 4 main ways to prepare a public speech.

1. Impromptu- performance without preparation.

2. Outline plan- preparation of a detailed plan, in which each paragraph is accompanied by a short summary of the ideas of the speech.

3. Writing text- the text of the speech is prepared, which is then read out in full.

4. Learning by heart- the performance is memorized and read out without the use of any notes.

Experienced rhetors use all these methods, but the ideal is to speak without notes.

Novice speakers are advised to have the full text of the speech at hand, since when speaking to a wide audience, they need to keep track of many things: the condition of their clothes, breathing and voice, gestures, facial expressions, etc. It is unlikely that a novice rhetorician will also think about the content of speech and the formulation of thoughts. Only a speaker with great experience can dare to deliver a speech before large quantity listeners without a pre-prepared text.

Preparation for the performance has the following stages:

Considering a topic.

2.Processing and writing the theme, i.e. compiling a summary, plan, writing a text.

3. Critical analysis of the finished performance, i.e. all the arguments for and against.

4. Short-term "digression" from the topic, i.e. it is necessary that it be deposited in memory, finally crystallize, undergo certain changes, etc.

5.Pronunciation of speech, t.e. performance.

You cannot count on success if the rhetor does not know how to logically build the material, link the main ideas of his speech, the facts presented, into a single whole, if he does not know how to fully and comprehensively cover the topic, does not know how to take into account the main features of the future audience in order to immediately join with it in contact. Since contact is provided not at the moment the rhetor appears in front of the audience, but when he has just begun to think about his speech, introducing his future audience, choosing ways to influence it and determining its possible reaction.

It is necessary to start the preparation by concretizing the topic of the speech, determining the range of issues that need to be covered. First you need to choose one or two aspects or questions. It is very important to have a so-called. “reserve knowledge”, materials should always be 1/3 more than what is planned to be said. Dale Carnegie, who coined the term "reserve knowledge", wrote that they give special confidence, there is a feeling that is difficult to describe - you will be positive.

When thinking about a future speech, it is necessary to break it down in your thoughts into thematic blocks (there should be 3-4 of them): first I will tell about this, then about that, more about this, finally I will tell about this ...

It is necessary to prepare for the performance not in 1 day, but in several. It is necessary to take breaks in preparation, to prepare the performance in blocks - so it is better to remember it.

After deliberation, it is necessary to start preparing a summary of the speech. Abstract is a brief written summary of the content of something: lectures, articles, monographs, textbook sections, etc.

You don't need to review right away. It is advisable to first get a general idea about the topic. Preparing for the performance First of all, it is necessary to make brief notes of what has been studied, i.e. there is a process of piling up factual material . Secondly, you need to make a list of facts that you can use in your speech. Thirdly, you need to choose the most basic and make a list of the main points of the speech. Space must be left between them so that secondary questions can be entered later.

Fourth, delete everything superfluous that is not related to the performance. Fifth, make a speech plan: introduction, main part, conclusions. The introduction and conclusions should be formulated as clearly as possible. Write the complete opening and closing sentences. At sixth, develop a plan for the main part of the speech, make sure that there is a logical transition from one thought to another.

How to use the abstract? Rhetors usually use their notes in different ways. The best option is when the abstract is written on small sheets so that they can be picked up, occasionally look into them.

Public speaking takes place in various forms: a report, a lecture, a conversation, a round table meeting, speeches in litigation, etc.

Any speech has a structure, is built according to certain rules. There are some general principles to keep in mind when developing the structure of a public speech:

Sequence principle.

Do not jump from one topic to another, present the material sequentially.

The principle of purpose.

Compositionally, the speech must be built in such a way that the audience perceives it in the following sequence: problem - topic - thesis - argument - purpose of the speech.

Problem- this is a thought, an idea that deserves discussion by a particular group of people.

Subject is the aspect of the problem to be discussed.

Aspect- one of the sides of the phenomenon under consideration, or a certain point of view that covers one of the sides of the phenomenon.

Thesis- statement of the main idea of ​​the rhetor.

Arguments- these are the facts that are given to substantiate the thesis.

The purpose of the speech- accuse or acquit the defendant, substantiate claims or refute them, etc.

The principle of increasing effort.

The pace of speech action on listeners should increase from beginning to end. This can be achieved by placing materials behind the significance of arguments, facts, emotional intensity, etc.

The principle of performance.

A speech should always have conclusions: a call for some action, certain recommendations, etc.

The beginning of a speech for a rhetor is very important, since it depends on:

a) the rhetor will overcome the excitement, calm down and gain confidence;

b) be able to establish contact with listeners;

c) will interest listeners, attract their attention;

d) be able to succinctly state the topic of the speech.

The introduction should not be too serious, too dry, too long. The purpose of the introduction is also to briefly explain the content of the speech task and point out certain issues on which the author is going to dwell.

The basis of a speech is an outline of its main points, which is filled in with details. How are thoughts, theses ordered? It is best to go from simple to complex. The rhetor must constantly make sure that everything he talks about is understandable to the listeners.

Another method of ordering is to follow the chronological sequence. The attention of the listeners must be captured from the very beginning. However, interesting thoughts should be kept in reserve in order to increase their influence on listeners from time to time.

The rhetor can develop his thoughts in different ways: explain, describe, tell, bring. In a speech, you can use all four forms of presentation.

The end of the speech consists of two parts:

a) summarizing the main ideas;

b) obligatory summing up, emphasizing goals, calling for the implementation of certain actions.

The listeners should be informed about the approaching end of the performance. This sharpens their attention - they will want to listen to the summary and outcome of the speech. The speech must be completed within 2-3 minutes. Psychologists recommend about 10-12% of the total time to devote to the introduction, 4-5% to the end, and the rest to the main part. Never end your speech with the words "That's all I wanted to tell you."

2. Features of the preparation of a judicial speech.

Public speech is primarily oral speech, it covers speech genres that are quite diverse in purpose and content.

Speech at a meeting, debate, rally, summary report, scientific report, accusatory and defensive speech in court, a lecture on a legal topic - all these are varieties of public speech, which is in the nature of reflections, comparisons; it examines, analyzes and evaluates the various points of view available on this issue, formulates the position of the speaker.

A kind of public speech is a judicial monologue speech delivered by a prosecutor and a lawyer in judicial debates. Due to situational and thematic factors, it stands somewhat apart: in terms of subject matter, and even more so in purpose, semantic orientation, it differs from other genres of public speech.

First of all, judicial speech is limited by its scope: it is an official, highly professional speech delivered only in court; its senders can only be a prosecutor and a lawyer, whose position is determined by their procedural status.

Every public speech includes a "subject" and a "material". The subject is a certain side, part of the reality that the speaker characterizes, the material is information that gives reason to speak specifically about the chosen subject. The subject of the judicial speech is the act for which the defendant is held criminally liable. Material - circumstances related to a particular incident, facts, evidence.

The subject matter of a court speech is strictly limited to the materials of the case under consideration, the speech is more specific than any public speech.

Judicial speech is less informative, because. it does not contain new facts not known to the court; it examines information already known from the judicial investigation from the point of view of the prosecution and the defense.

Preparation of a court speech is an important component of the professional activity of a lawyer. There is a generally recognized structure of judicial speech, which reflects both procedural requirements and judicial practice. The main elements of judicial speech are:

Statement of the actual circumstances of the case;

Analysis and evaluation of evidence that is recognized by the court as such;

Analysis of the causes and conditions that contributed to the offense;

Conclusion on the punishment and claims, ie. model of judgment;

The final part, which is mainly evaluative and ethical in nature.

This structure contains only those elements that reflect the specifics of a judicial speech, without taking into account those that are characteristic of any public speech that we spoke about earlier, namely: introduction, main part, conclusion, etc.

When composing a judicial speech, it is necessary to proceed from the need to distinguish four successive stages of preparation:

Analytical stage.

At this stage, the intended purpose of the chosen procedural role is determined. Important is the general theoretical analysis of the subject of judicial review. It contains two tasks: firstly, a general acquaintance with the materials of the case; secondly, the study of the theory of the question, i.e. study of legal acts, acts of official or doctrinal interpretation of norms, materials summarizing judicial practice. Without theoretical certainty, the court speech becomes theatrical, and the trial becomes a farce. At the same time, a judicial speech should not turn into a presentation of an abstract from a particular problem of jurisprudence. Legal doctrine is not recognized as a source of law, however, referring to it will be useful in the absence or ambiguity of official interpretations of certain provisions of the law that should be applied when considering a case. The presence of a doctrinal interpretation enhances the argumentation of speech.

strategic stage.

At this stage, it is necessary to determine the participants in the trial, the purpose of the speech, try to make a forecast for the course of the process, its possible options. The main result of this stage is the presentation plan with the presentation of the main thesis.

tactical stage.