The main stylistic features of the literary and artistic style. Chapter ... on the issue of highlighting the artistic style

At school literature lessons, we all studied speech styles at one time. However, few people remember anything on this issue. We propose to refresh this topic together and remember what the literary and artistic style of speech is.

What are speech styles

Before talking in more detail about the literary and artistic style of speech, you need to understand what it is in general - the style of speech. Let's touch on this definition briefly.

Under the style of speech, it is necessary to understand the special speech means that we use in a particular situation. These means of speech always have a special function, and therefore they are called functional styles. Another common name is language genres. In other words, this is a set of speech formulas - or even clichés - that are used in different cases (both verbally and in writing) and do not coincide. This is a speech manner of behavior: at an official reception with high-ranking officials, we speak and behave in this way, and when we meet with a group of friends somewhere in a garage, cinema, club, it is completely different.

There are five in total. Let us briefly characterize them below before proceeding in detail to the question of interest to us.

What are the styles of speech

As mentioned above, there are five styles of speech, but some believe that there is also a sixth - religious. In Soviet times, when all styles of speech were distinguished, this issue was not studied for obvious reasons. Be that as it may, there are five official functional styles. Let's look at them below.

scientific style

Used, of course, in science. Its authors and addressees are scientists, experts in a particular field. The writing of this style can be found in academic journals. This language genre is characterized by the presence of terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary.

Journalistic style

As you might guess, he lives in the media and is designed to influence people. It is the people, the population that is the addressee of this style, which is characterized by emotionality, conciseness, the presence of commonly used phrases, often the presence of socio-political vocabulary.

Conversational style

As its name suggests, it is a style of communication. This is a predominantly oral language genre, we need it for a simple conversation, expression of emotions, exchange of opinions. It is sometimes even characterized by vocabulary, expressiveness, liveliness of dialogues, colorfulness. It is in colloquial speech that facial expressions and gestures often appear along with words.

Formal business style

It is mainly a style of writing and is used in a formal setting for paperwork - in the field of legislation, for example, or office work. With the help of this language genre, various laws, orders, acts and other papers of a similar nature are drawn up. It is easy to recognize it by its dryness, informativeness, accuracy, the presence of speech clichés, and the lack of emotionality.

Finally, the fifth, literary and artistic style (or simply - artistic) is the subject of interest of this material. So let's talk about it in more detail later.

Characteristics of the literary and artistic style of speech

So, what is this - an artistic language genre? Based on its name, one can assume - and not be mistaken - that it is used in literature, specifically in fiction. This is true, this style is the language of fiction texts, the language of Tolstoy and Gorky, Dostoevsky and Remarque, Hemingway and Pushkin ... The main role and purpose of the literary and artistic style of speech is to influence the minds, the minds of readers in such a way that they begin to reflect, so that the aftertaste remains even after reading the book, so that you want to think about it and return to it again and again. This genre is designed to convey to the reader the thoughts and feelings of the author, to help see what is happening in the work through the eyes of its creator, to feel it, to live their lives together with the characters on the pages of the book.

The text of the literary and artistic style is also emotional, like the speech of its colloquial "brother", but these are two different emotionalities. In colloquial speech, we free our soul, our brain with the help of emotions. While reading a book, we, on the contrary, are imbued with its emotionality, which acts here as a kind of aesthetic means. We will describe in more detail about those features of the literary and artistic style of speech by which it is not at all difficult to recognize it, but for now we will briefly list those literary genres that are characterized by the use of the aforementioned style of speech.

What genres are

The artistic language genre can be found in fable and ballad, ode and elegy, story and novel, fairy tale and short story, essay and story, epic and hymn, song and sonnet, poem and epigram, comedy and tragedy. So both Mikhail Lomonosov and Ivan Krylov can all equally serve as examples of the literary and artistic style of speech, regardless of how different works they wrote.

A little about the functions of the artistic language genre

And although we have already voiced above what task is the main one for this style of speech, we will nevertheless give all three of its functions.

  1. Influencing (and a strong impact on the reader is achieved with the help of a well-thought-out and prescribed "strong" image).
  2. Aesthetic (the word is not only a "carrier" of information, but also constructs an artistic image).
  3. Communicative (the author expresses his thoughts and feelings - the reader perceives them).

Style features

The main stylistic features of the literary and artistic style of speech are as follows:

1. Using a large number of styles and mixing them. This is a sign of the author's style. Any author is free to use in his work as many linguistic means of various styles as he likes - colloquial, scientific, official business: any. All these speech means used by the author in his book add up to a single author's style, according to which one can easily guess one or another writer later. This is how it is easy to distinguish Gorky from Bunin, Zoshchenko from Pasternak, and Chekhov from Leskov.

2. Use of words that are multi-valued. With the help of such a technique, a hidden meaning is embedded in the story.

3. The use of various stylistic figures - metaphors, comparisons, allegories and the like.

4. Special syntactic constructions: often the word order in a sentence is built in such a way that it is difficult to express it in oral speech in a similar way. Without difficulty, even on this basis, you can find out the author of the text.

The literary and artistic style is the most flexible and borrowing. It takes literally everything! You can find in it neologisms (newly formed words), and archaisms, and historicisms, and swear words, and various argots (jargons of professional speech). And this is the fifth feature, the fifth hallmark of the aforementioned language genre.

What else you need to know about art style

1. One should not think that the artistic language genre lives exclusively in writing. This is not true at all. In oral speech, this style also functions quite well - for example, in plays that were first written and are now read aloud. And even listening to oral speech, one can well imagine everything that happens in the work - thus, one can say that the literary and artistic style does not tell, but shows the story.

2. The above-mentioned language genre is perhaps the most free from any kind of restrictions. Other styles have their own prohibitions, but in this case there is no need to talk about prohibitions - what restrictions can there be, if the authors are even allowed to weave scientific terms into the outline of their narrative. However, it is still not worth it to abuse other stylistic means and pass everything off as your own author's style - the reader should be able to understand and understand what is before his eyes. The abundance of terms or complex constructions will make him bored and turn the page without finishing it.

3. When writing a work of art, you need to be very careful in choosing vocabulary and take into account what situation you are describing. If we are talking about a meeting of two officials from the administration, you can screw in a couple of speech clichés or other representatives of the official business style. However, if the story is about a beautiful summer morning in the forest, such expressions will be clearly inappropriate.

4. In any text of the literary and artistic style of speech, three types of speech are approximately equally used - description, reasoning and narration (the latter, of course, occupies a large part). Also, in approximately the same proportions in the texts of the aforementioned language genre, types of speech are also used - be it a monologue, dialogue or polylogue (communication of several people).

5. An artistic image is created using all the means of speech available to the author in general. In the nineteenth century, for example, the use of "speaking surnames" was very widespread (remember Denis Fonvizin with his "Undergrowth" - Skotinin, Prostakov, and so on, or Alexander Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" - Kabanikh). A similar method made it possible, from the very first appearance of a character in front of readers, to indicate what this hero is like. At present, the use of this technique has somewhat departed.

6. In every literary text there is also the so-called image of the author. This is either the image of the narrator, or the image of the hero, a conditional image that emphasizes the non-identity with him of the "real" author. This image of the author actively takes part in everything that happens to the characters, comments on events, communicates with readers, expresses his own attitude to situations, and so on.

Such is the characteristic of the literary and artistic style of speech, knowing which one can evaluate works of fiction from a completely different angle.

artistic speech stylistics Russian

The specificity of the artistic style of speech, as a functional one, lies in the fact that it finds application in fiction, which performs a figurative-cognitive and ideological-aesthetic function. In contrast, for example, to the abstract, objective, logical-conceptual reflection of reality in scientific speech, fiction is characterized by a concrete-figurative representation of life. A work of art is characterized by the perception through feelings and the re-creation of reality, the author seeks, first of all, to convey his personal experience, his understanding or understanding of a particular phenomenon. But in a literary text, we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in this world: his preferences, condemnations, admiration, rejection, and the like. This is associated with emotionality and expressiveness, metaphorical, meaningful diversity of the artistic style of speech.

The main goal of the artistic style is the development of the world according to the laws of beauty, the satisfaction of the aesthetic needs of both the author of the work of art and the reader, the aesthetic impact on the reader with the help of artistic images.

The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. The word in this functional style performs a nominative-figurative function. The words that form the basis of this style, first of all, include figurative means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words with a wide range of uses. Highly specialized words are used to a small extent, only to create artistic authenticity in describing certain aspects of life.

The artistic style differs from other functional styles in that it uses the language tools of all other styles, but these tools (which is very important) appear here in a modified function - in an aesthetic one. In addition, not only strictly literary, but also extra-literary means of language can be used in artistic speech - colloquial, slang, dialect, etc., which are also used not in the primary function, but are subject to an aesthetic task.

The word in a work of art, as it were, doubles: it has the same meaning as in the general literary language, as well as an additional, incremental, associated with the artistic world, content of this work. Therefore, in artistic speech, words acquire a special quality, a certain depth, begin to mean more than what they mean in ordinary speech, remaining outwardly the same words.

This is how the transformation of ordinary language into artistic language takes place, such, one might say, is the mechanism of action of the aesthetic function in a work of art.

The peculiarities of the language of fiction include an unusually rich, diverse vocabulary. If the vocabulary of scientific, official business and colloquial speech is relatively limited thematically and stylistically, then the vocabulary of artistic style is fundamentally unlimited. Here, the means of all other styles can be used - both terms, and official expressions, and colloquial words and turns, and journalism. Of course, all these various means undergo aesthetic transformation, perform certain artistic tasks, and are used in unique combinations. However, there are no fundamental prohibitions or restrictions regarding vocabulary. Any word can be used, as long as it is aesthetically motivated, justified.

It can be said that in the artistic style all linguistic means, including neutral ones, are used to express the poetic thought of the author, to create a system of images of a work of art.

The wide range in the use of speech means is explained by the fact that, unlike other functional styles, each of which reflects one specific aspect of life, the artistic style, being a kind of mirror of reality, reproduces all spheres of human activity, all phenomena of social life. The language of fiction is fundamentally devoid of any stylistic isolation, it is open to any styles, any lexical layers, any linguistic means. Such openness determines the diversity of the language of fiction.

In general, the artistic style is usually characterized by figurativeness, expressiveness, emotionality, the author's individuality, the specificity of the presentation, the specificity of the use of all linguistic means.

It affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality, and concreteness of speech. The emotionality of the artistic style differs significantly from the emotionality of the colloquial everyday style, since the emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function.

A broader concept is the language of fiction: the artistic style is usually used in the author's speech, and other styles, such as colloquial, may be present in the speech of the characters.

The language of fiction is a kind of mirror of the literary language. Literature is rich, which means that the literary language is also rich. Great poets and writers create new forms of literary language, which are then used by their followers and all who speak and write in this language. Artistic speech appears as the pinnacle of language achievement. In it, the possibilities of the national language are presented in the most complete and pure development.

Art style as a functional style finds application in fiction, which performs figurative-cognitive and ideological-aesthetic functions. In order to understand the features of the artistic way of knowing reality, thinking, which determines the specifics of artistic speech, it is necessary to compare it with the scientific way of knowing, which determines the characteristic features of scientific speech.

Literature, like other forms of art, is inherent in concrete representation of life in contrast to the abstract, logical-conceptual, objective reflection of reality in scientific speech. Characteristic of a work of art perception through the senses and the re-creation of reality , the author seeks to convey, first of all, his personal experience, his understanding and understanding of this or that phenomenon.

For the artistic style of speech is typical attention to the particular and the accidental followed by typical and general. Remember "Dead Souls" by N.V. Gogol, where each of the shown landowners personified certain specific human qualities, expressed a certain type, and all together they were the "face" of Russia contemporary to the author.

World of Fiction- this is a “recreated” world, the depicted reality is, to a certain extent, the author’s fiction, which means that the subjective moment plays the main role in the artistic style of speech. The whole surrounding reality is presented through the vision of the author. But in a literary text, we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in the artistic world: his preferences, condemnations, admiration, rejection, etc. This is connected with emotionality and expressiveness, metaphorical, meaningful versatility of the artistic style of speech.

The lexical composition and functioning of words in the artistic style of speech have their own characteristics. . The words that form the basis and create the imagery of this style include, first of all, figurative means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words with a wide range of uses. Highly specialized words are used to a small extent, only to create artistic authenticity in describing certain aspects of life.

In the artistic style of speech, the speech polysemy of the word is very widely used. , which opens up additional meanings and semantic shades in it, as well as synonymy at all language levels, which makes it possible to emphasize the subtlest shades of meanings. This is explained by the fact that the author strives to use all the richness of the language, to create his own unique language and style, to a bright, expressive, figurative text. The author uses not only the vocabulary of the codified literary language, but also a variety of figurative means from colloquial speech and vernacular.

Come to the fore in a literary text emotionality and expressiveness of the image . Many words that in scientific speech act as clearly defined abstract concepts, in newspaper and journalistic speech - as socially generalized concepts, in artistic speech - as concrete-sensory representations. Thus, the styles functionally complement each other. Artistic speech, especially poetic speech, is characterized by inversion, that is, a change in the usual word order in a sentence in order to enhance the semantic significance of a word or give the whole phrase a special stylistic coloring. An example of inversion is the well-known line from A. Akhmatova's poem "Everything I see is Pavlovsk hilly ...". Variants of the author's word order are diverse, subject to the general plan.

In artistic speech, deviations from structural norms are also possible due to artistic actualization., i.e., the allocation by the author of some thought, idea, feature that is important for the meaning of the work. They can be expressed in violation of phonetic, lexical, morphological and other norms.

In terms of diversity, richness and expressive possibilities of language means, the artistic style stands above other styles, is the most complete expression of the literary language.
As a means of communication, artistic speech has its own language - a system of figurative forms, expressed by linguistic and extralinguistic means. Artistic speech, along with non-artistic speech, performs a nominative-pictorial function.

Linguistic features of the artistic style of speech

1. Heterogeneity of the lexical composition: a combination of book vocabulary with colloquial, colloquial, dialect, etc.

The feather grass has matured. The steppe was clad in swaying silver for many versts. The wind accepted it resiliently, swooping in, roughening it, bumping it, driving gray-opal waves first to the south, then to the west. Where a flowing air stream ran, the feather grass inclined prayerfully, and for a long time a blackening path lay on its gray ridge.
Various herbs bloomed. On the crests of the nikla is a joyless, burnt-out wormwood. The nights faded quickly. At night, in the charred-black sky, innumerable stars shone; month - the Cossack sun, darkening with a damaged sidewall, shone sparingly, white; the spacious Milky Way intertwined with other stellar paths. The tart air was thick, the wind was dry and wormwood; the earth, saturated with the same bitterness of the all-powerful wormwood, yearned for coolness.
(M.A. Sholokhov)

2. Use of all layers of Russian vocabulary in order to realize an aesthetic function.

Daria hesitated for a minute and refused:
- No, no, I'm alone. There I am alone.
Where "there" - she did not even know close and, going out of the gate, went to the Angara. (V. Rasputin)

3. Activity of polysemantic words
all styles of speech.

The river boils all in a lace of white foam.
On the velvet of the meadows poppies are reddening.
Frost was born at dawn.

(M. Prishvin).

4. Combinatorial increments of meaning

Words in an artistic context receive a new semantic and emotional content, which embodies the figurative thought of the author.

I dreamed of catching the departing shadows,
The fading shadows of the fading day.
I went up the tower. And the steps trembled.
And the steps trembled under my foot

(K. Balmont)

5. Greater preference for the use of specific vocabulary and less - abstract.

Sergei pushed the heavy door. The steps of the porch barely audible sobbed under his foot. Two more steps and he is already in the garden.
The cool evening air was filled with the intoxicating aroma of flowering acacia. Somewhere in the branches, a nightingale chirped its trills, iridescently and subtly.

6. A minimum of generic concepts.

One more important piece of advice for a prose writer. More specificity. The imagery is the more expressive, the more precisely, more specifically the object is named.
You: " Horses chew corn. The peasants are preparing morning food”, “noisy birds"... In the artist's poetic prose, which requires visible clarity, there should be no generic concepts, if this is not dictated by the very semantic task of the content ... oats better than grain. Rooks more appropriate than birds(Konstantin Fedin)

7. Wide use of folk poetic words, emotional and expressive vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms.

Rosehip, probably, since spring, has still made its way along the trunk to a young aspen, and now, when the time has come for the aspen to celebrate its name day, it all flared up with red fragrant wild roses.(M. Prishvin).

The New Time was located in Ertelev Lane. I said "fit". This is not the right word. Reigned, ruled.
(G. Ivanov)

8. Verbal speech

The writer calls each movement (physical and / or mental) and change of state in stages. Forcing verbs activates reader tension.

Gregory went down to the Don, carefully climbed over through the wattle fence of the Astakhov base, came up to the shuttered window. He I heard only frequent heartbeats ... Quietly knocked into the binding of the frame ... Aksinya silently approached to the window peered. He saw how she pressed hands to chest and heard an inarticulate moan escaped her lips. Gregory familiar showed so that she opened window, stripped off rifle. Aksinya opened wide sashes. He became on the mound, Aksinya's bare hands grabbed his neck. They are so trembled and fought on his shoulders, these native hands that tremble them transmitted and Gregory.(M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don")

The dominants of the artistic style are the imagery and aesthetic significance of each of its elements (down to sounds). Hence the desire for freshness of the image, unhackneyed expressions, a large number of tropes, special artistic (corresponding to reality) accuracy, the use of special expressive means of speech characteristic only for this style - rhythm, rhyme, even in prose a special harmonic organization of speech.

The artistic style of speech is distinguished by figurativeness, the wide use of figurative and expressive means of the language. In addition to its typical linguistic means, it uses the means of all other styles, especially colloquial. In the language of fiction, vernacular and dialectisms, words of a high, poetic style, jargon, rude words, professionally business turns of speech, journalism can be used. HOWEVER, ALL THESE MEANS IN the artistic style of speech ARE SUBJECT TO ITS MAIN FUNCTION - AESTHETIC.

If the colloquial style of speech performs primarily the function of communication, (communicative), scientific and official-business function of the message (informative), then the artistic style of speech is intended to create artistic, poetic images, emotional and aesthetic impact. All linguistic means included in a work of art change their primary function, obey the tasks of a given artistic style.

In literature, language occupies a special position, since it is that building material, that matter perceived by ear or sight, without which a work cannot be created. The artist of the word - the poet, the writer - finds, in the words of L. Tolstoy, "the only necessary placement of the only necessary words" in order to correctly, accurately, figuratively express an idea, convey the plot, character, make the reader empathize with the heroes of the work, enter the world created by the author.
All this is accessible ONLY to the LANGUAGE OF ART LITERATURE, therefore it has always been considered the pinnacle of the literary language. The best in language, its strongest possibilities and the rarest beauty - in the works of fiction, and all this is achieved by the artistic means of the language.

The means of artistic expression are varied and numerous. You are already familiar with many of them. These are such tropes as epithets, comparisons, metaphors, hyperbole, etc.

trails- a turn of speech in which a word or expression is used in a figurative sense in order to achieve greater artistic expressiveness. The path is based on a comparison of two concepts that seem to our consciousness to be close in some way. The most common types of tropes are allegory, hyperbole, irony, litote, metaphor, metomia, personification, paraphrase, synecdoche, simile, epithet.

For example: What are you howling about, the night wind, what are you complaining about insanely - personification. All flags will visit us - synecdoche. A man with a fingernail, a boy with a finger - litote. Well, eat a plate, my dear - metonymy, etc.

Expressive means of language include stylistic figures of speech or just figures of speech : anaphora, antithesis, non-union, gradation, inversion, polyunion, parallelism, rhetorical question, rhetorical address, omission, ellipsis, epiphora. The means of artistic expression also include rhythm (poems and prose), rhyme, intonation .

It affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality, and concreteness of speech.

The emotionality of the artistic style differs significantly from the emotionality of the colloquial and journalistic styles. The emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style involves a preliminary selection of language means; all language means are used to create images.

The artistic style is realized in the form of drama, prose and poetry, which are divided into the corresponding genres (for example: tragedy, comedy, drama and other dramatic genres; novel, short story, short story and other prose genres; poem, fable, poem, romance and other poetic genres ).

A distinctive feature of the artistic style of speech is the use of special figures of speech, the so-called artistic tropes, which give color to the narrative, the power of depicting reality.

The artistic style is individually variable, which is why many philologists deny its existence. But it is impossible not to take into account that the individual author's features of the speech of a particular writer arise against the background of the general features of the artistic style.

In the artistic style, everything is subordinated to the goal of creating an image in the perception of the text by readers. This goal is served not only by the use by the writer of the most necessary, most accurate words, due to which the artistic style is characterized by the highest index of vocabulary diversity, not only by the widespread use of the expressive possibilities of the language (figurative meanings of words, updating metaphors, phraseological units, comparisons, personification, etc. .), but also a special selection of any figuratively significant elements of the language: phonemes and letters, grammatical forms, syntactic constructions. They create background impressions, a certain figurative mood among readers.

Art style finds application in fiction, which performs a figurative-cognitive and ideological-aesthetic function.

For the artistic style of speech is typical attention to the particular and the accidental, followed by the typical and the general. Remember "Dead Souls" by N.V. Gogol, where each of the shown landowners personified certain specific human qualities, expressed a certain type, and all together they were the "face" of Russia contemporary to the author.

World of fiction - this is a "recreated" world, the depicted reality is, to a certain extent, the author's fiction, which means that the subjective moment plays the main role in the artistic style of speech. The whole surrounding reality is presented through the vision of the author. But in a literary text we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in this world: his preferences, condemnations, admiration, rejection, etc. This is connected with emotionality and expressiveness, metaphoricalness, meaningful diversity of the artistic style of speech.

The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. The word performs a nominative-figurative function.

The lexical composition in the artistic style of speech has its own characteristics. The words that form the basis and create the figurativeness of this style include figurative means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words with a wide range of uses. Highly specialized words are used to a small extent, only to create artistic authenticity in describing certain aspects of life.

In the artistic style of speech is very widely used speech ambiguity of the word, revealing in it the meanings and semantic shades, as well as synonymy at all language levels, which makes it possible to emphasize the subtlest shades of meanings. This is explained by the fact that the author strives to use all the richness of the language, to create his own unique language and style, to a bright, expressive, figurative text. The author uses not only the vocabulary of the codified literary language, but also a variety of figurative means from colloquial speech and vernacular.

The emotionality and expressiveness of the image come to the fore in the artistic text. Many words that in scientific speech act as clearly defined abstract concepts, in newspaper and journalistic speech - as socially generalized concepts, in artistic speech carry concrete sensory representations. Thus, the styles are complementary to each other.

For artistic speech especially poetic, inversion is characteristic, i.e. changing the usual order of words in a sentence in order to enhance the semantic significance of the word or to give the whole phrase a special stylistic coloring.

The syntactic structure of artistic speech reflects the flow of figurative and emotional author's impressions, so here you can find the whole variety of syntactic structures. Each author subordinates linguistic means to the fulfillment of his ideological and aesthetic tasks.

In artistic speech, it is possible and deviations from structural norms for the author to highlight some thought, feature that is important for the meaning of the work. They can be expressed in violation of phonetic, lexical, morphological and other norms.

Syntactic features of the journalistic style of speech

In the journalistic style of speech, as well as in the scientific one, nouns in the genitive case are often used as an inconsistent definition of the type of voice of the world, the countries of the near abroad. In sentences, verbs in the form of the imperative mood, reflexive verbs often act as a predicate.

The syntax of this style of speech is characterized by the use of homogeneous members, introductory words and sentences, participial and adverbial phrases, complex syntactic constructions.

The literary and artistic style serves the artistic and aesthetic sphere of human activity. Artistic style is a functional style of speech that is used in fiction. The text in this style affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality, and concreteness of speech.
The emotionality of the artistic style differs significantly from the emotionality of the colloquial and journalistic styles. The emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style involves a preliminary selection of language means; all language means are used to create images.
A distinctive feature of the artistic style of speech is the use of special figures of speech, the so-called artistic tropes, which give color to the narrative, the power of depicting reality.
The function of the message is connected with the function of aesthetic impact, the presence of imagery, the totality of the most diverse means of language, both general language and individual author's, but the basis of this style is general literary language means.
Characteristic features: the presence of homogeneous members of the proposal, complex sentences; epithets, comparisons, rich vocabulary.

Substyles and genres:

1) prosaic (epic): fairy tale, story, story, novel, essay, short story, essay, feuilleton;

2) dramatic: tragedy, drama, comedy, farce, tragicomedy;

3) poetic (lyric): song, ode, ballad, poem, elegy, poem: sonnet, triolet, quatrain.

Style-forming features:

1) figurative reflection of reality;

2) artistic-figurative concretization of the author's intention (a system of artistic images);

3) emotionality;

4) expressiveness, appraisal;

6) speech characteristics of characters (speech portraits).

General linguistic features of the literary and artistic style:

1) a combination of language tools of all other functional styles;

2) the subordination of the use of language means in the system of images and the intention of the author, figurative thought;

3) the performance of the aesthetic function by language means.

Language means of artistic style:

1. Lexical means:

1) rejection of template words and expressions;

2) the widespread use of words in a figurative sense;

3) intentional clash of different styles of vocabulary;

4) the use of vocabulary with a two-dimensional stylistic coloring;

5) the presence of emotionally colored words.

2. Phraseological means- colloquial and literary character.

3. Word-building means:

1) the use of various means and models of word formation;

4. Morphological means:

1) the use of word forms in which the category of concreteness is manifested;

2) frequency of verbs;

3) passivity of indefinite personal forms of verbs, forms of the 3rd person;

4) insignificant use of neuter nouns compared to masculine and feminine nouns;

5) plural forms of abstract and material nouns;

6) wide use of adjectives and adverbs.

5. Syntactic means:

1) the use of the entire arsenal of syntactic means available in the language;

2) wide use of stylistic figures.