Vocational training and education is the difference. What is the difference between advanced training and retraining programs that are implemented as part of vocational training and additional professional education? Identification of training needs



(training) The process of professional development, which can be carried out through training in special courses organized by employers or educational institutions, before entering work or during work. Such courses may be part-time or part-time. Vocational training is also provided in the workplace under the supervision of more experienced workers. Most vocational training firms use both methods. Education may culminate in the acquisition of some formal diploma, but is it worth striving for?

Economy. Dictionary. - M.: "INFRA-M", Publishing house "Ves Mir". J. Black. General editorial staff: Doctor of Economics Osadchaya I.M.. 2000 .

Economic dictionary. 2000 .

See what "PROFESSIONAL TRAINING" is in other dictionaries:

    - (vocational training) Teaching a profession or commerce. In the UK, the Business and Technical Training Council was established in 1983, which is developing a national system of vocational training, and in 1991 the National system was introduced ... ... Glossary of business terms

    professional education- — EN training The process of bringing a person or a group of persons to an agreed standard of proficiency, by practice and instruction. (Source: CED)… … Technical Translator's Handbook

    professional education- rus vocational training (с) eng vocational training fra formation (f) professionnelle deu Berufsausbildung (f) spa formación (f) profesional … Occupational safety and health. Translation into English, French, German, Spanish

    professional education- profesinis mokymas statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Mokymas, kurio tikslas - suteikti asmenims profesiją arba juos perkvalifikuoti. Tai darbui reikalingų žinių, mokėjimų ir įgūdžių perteikimas besimokantiems bendrojo lavinimo, profesinio… … Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas

    professional education- the process of interaction between the teacher and students, during which professional education is carried out. ON. is carried out with the help of educational programs developed and implemented by state and non-state ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION- aimed at stimulating in students the psychological qualities necessary for the successful completion of the stages of professionalization (choosing a profession, mastering a profession, adapting to a profession, mastering skill and creativity in a profession, ... ... Dictionary of Career Guidance and Psychological Support

    - (on the job training) Training on the job under the supervision of a more experienced employee. This form of training is different from coursework provided by an employer or other outside organization. Many employers use both forms... Economic dictionary

    Vocational training for workers- one of the forms of training and advanced training of personnel on the job, which has been developed in the industry. U.P.O.R is a component part of the system of vocational education. P.O.R. began to be carried out on the streets of W. in the first quarter. XVIII century ... ... Ural Historical Encyclopedia

    WORK AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING- account. subject on Wed. general education school Ros. Federation (until 1985/86 academic year, labor training); one of the main elements of the system of preparing schoolchildren for work, an important tool for their prof. self-determination. Main task T. and p. acquisition by students ... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

    Labor and vocational training- in Ros. Federation subject in a comprehensive school (until the 1985/86 academic year, labor education). Labor training (under the name Manual Labor) as an independent academic subject was first included in the curricula of elementary schools ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary


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  • Vocational training of children with intellectual disabilities in an educational institution. Educational and methodical manual, Matveeva M.V.. The educational and methodological manual outlines modern approaches to the vocational training of children with intellectual disabilities. The issues of inclusion in the educational space…

Vocational training is a formative, systematic change in behavior through the formation of new skills, which occurs as a result of education, instruction, development and planned practical experience.

The main objective of professional training is to help an organization achieve its goals by increasing the value of its key resource - the people it employs.

Vocational training means investing in employees; it enables them to do their job better and make the most of their natural abilities. As a rule, the objectives of vocational training are to:

develop the skills and competencies of employees and improve their performance; promote the growth of employees within the organization, so that in the future, as far as possible, meet its needs at the expense of internal human resources;

accelerate the process of developing new skills in new employees - hired, transferred to another position or promoted - and make them fully competent as quickly and economically as possible.

Effective vocational training can:

minimize the cost of training;

increase the performance of an individual employee, group and organization - quantity, quality, speed of work and overall productivity;

increase flexibility in work by expanding the range of skills that employees have (versatility);

attract high-skilled workers as it offers them learning and development opportunities, increases their competence, improves their skills and, ultimately, allows them to gain greater job satisfaction, higher remuneration and career prospects;

increase the commitment of employees by encouraging them to identify with the mission and goals of the organization;

contribute to change management: it allows a better understanding of the causes of change and gives employees the knowledge and skills necessary to adapt to new situations;

to promote the development of a positive culture in the organization, one that, for example, is focused on improving performance;

provide a higher level of customer service.


In order to understand how to design and deliver professional learning within an organization, it is first necessary to evaluate the theories and approaches to learning and development discussed in Chapter 35. Then it is necessary to evaluate other approaches to professional learning. They are described in this chapter, namely:

philosophy of vocational training - the basis on which the philosophy and policy of vocational training will be developed;

the vocational training process - how to plan, implement and evaluate vocational training criteria, systematic training programs and interventions;

identifying training needs - determining what type of training is required and providing assurance that it is appropriate for the needs of the individual and the organization;

vocational training planning - a decision on how to meet the long-term and short-term needs of the organization, groups and individuals in vocational training, the selection and use of appropriate training methods;

conducting vocational training - implementation of training programs for various categories of employees;

responsibility for vocational training - determining who plans and implements training programs;

appraisal of vocational training - determination of the extent to which training satisfies existing needs.


The philosophy of vocational training shows the importance an organization places on learning. Some organizations take a hands-off approach, believing that workers will figure out what to do on their own or by observing an experienced worker. If this type of firm lacks qualified workers, it hires them from firms that actually invest in vocational training.

Other companies pay lip service to vocational training, spending money on it indiscriminately in good times but cutting the training budget in bad times.

Organizations with a positive learning philosophy understand that they live in a world in which competitive advantage depends on having more skilled workers than other firms, and that this need cannot be met without investing in developing the skills and competencies of their workers. They also recognize that a shortage of skilled workers can pose a threat to their future growth and prosperity. From a strictly commercial point of view, these firms are convinced that the investment in training pays off in full. They understand that it can be difficult to calculate the return on such an investment, but they are confident that the tangible and intangible benefits of vocational training, as described earlier in this chapter, will more than justify the cost.

It is not enough to simply believe in vocational training. This belief must be supported by a positive and realistic philosophy that explains how professional development contributes to the achievement of key objectives. At the heart of this belief is the need to set the goals of vocational training precisely so that it can be seen what the return on investment in it is, just as other investments should show their payback. The areas for which such a philosophy should be developed are described below.

Strategic approach to vocational training

A training strategy is a long-term one, it deals with what skills, knowledge and level of competence of employees the company needs. The philosophy of vocational training emphasizes that learning and development should be an integral part of the management process. Performance management requires managers to conduct regular performance reviews with their teams and employees, agree on goals, and understand what factors affect performance and what training and development needs are. To meet these needs, managers must work collaboratively with their teams and individuals. This is done through mentoring, counseling and related vocational training and development activities. Performance management leads to the creation of personal development plans and learning agreements or learning contracts.

Meaningful learning

While some organizations do not engage in vocational training at all, others tend to be addicted to "learning for the sake of learning". While such activity is less likely during a recession, organizations committing themselves to training in areas where the benefits (in the form of increased performance in key areas of activity) are not fully understood are at risk. Vocational training must be meaningful, that is, it must meet existing needs.

Problem-based learning

Vocational training should be problem-oriented. It must be designed to bridge the gap between what workers can do and what they should do now and in the future.

The problem can be formulated negatively, in the form of deficiencies that need to be corrected, or positively and indicate how the need to develop new skills or deepen knowledge can be met in order to meet future requirements.

Action-oriented learning

The philosophy of vocational training should emphasize that learning exists to make things happen: to make workers work and be able to do better what they are doing now, or what they could not do before. The objectives of any training event or program should be defined in terms of outcomes - what employees will be able to do after training and what they will be able to achieve.

Vocational training related to performance indicators

The philosophy of performance-based learning is to link vocational training directly to performance and competency requirements, such as those associated with the introduction of a new product, process or system.

Continuous development

Vocational training should not be viewed simply as short, self-contained courses given at various points in a worker's career. Vocational learning is a continuous process and a policy of continuous development should be pursued as described in Chapter 33.

Learning Policy

The learning policy expresses the philosophy of the organization with regard to professional learning. It gives guidance on the number of training courses to be provided (for example, anyone in a managerial, specialist or foreman position must complete at least five days of standard training each year), the percentage of turnover to be devoted to training, the scope and purpose of training programs and the responsibility for their implementation.

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1.2 Types of staff training




Vocational training is undoubtedly one of the key points in becoming a specialist. The need for special training in relation to the personnel is determined by the very specifics of its position in labor discipline. After all, it is not enough to understand each position only as an activity for generating income.

It is necessary to develop the personality in the process of vocational training, mastering the profession and performing professional activities, for further development and advanced training.

Thus, the relevance of this work is determined by: insufficient theoretical development of the problem of the practical use of training in the framework of continuous professional education of employees. Vocational training is defined as the process of preparing the personnel of an organization for the successful completion of their tasks, i.e. improvement of standard competencies. At the same time, modern vocational training focuses not only on the tasks of today, but also on the future needs of the organization. Vocational training is an essential part of the professional development of staff. The most important condition for the successful development of any organization - the professional development of human resources - is especially relevant in the modern world, in which the problem of updating acquired knowledge and skills is particularly acute. Today's employee must have strategic thinking, entrepreneurial spirit, broad erudition, high culture, and the ability to adapt to continuous changes in the external environment.

There is a need for professional training of personnel; creating conditions for the full disclosure of the potential of employees, their ability to make a tangible contribution to the activities of their organization.

First of all, we are talking about providing employees with equal opportunities to receive decent wages, promotion, professional growth, etc.

The purpose of the work: Ways of vocational training, for more effective employee productivity and becoming a professional specialist.

Paragraph 1. Basic concepts of professional training of personnel

1.1 The concept and essence of specialist training

Human learning occurs from the moment of his birth. Primary education takes place in schools, colleges, technical schools, colleges, lyceums. Further training takes place in universities, institutes and faculties of advanced training and retraining of personnel, in training centers, specially organized courses and trainings, in organizations, etc. The purpose of education is education.

Education is the process and result of the assimilation of systematized knowledge, skills and behaviors necessary to prepare a person for life and work. The level of education is determined by the requirements of production, the scientific, technical and cultural level, as well as social relations. There are two types of education: general and vocational. But most importantly, education should be continuous.

Lifelong education is the process and principle of personality formation, which provides for the creation of such education systems that are open to people of any age and generation and accompany a person throughout his life, contribute to his constant development, involve him in the continuous process of mastering knowledge, skills, abilities and methods. behavior (communication). Continuous education provides not only advanced training, but also retraining for changing conditions and stimulation of self-education.

“Professional education as a process is one of the links of a unified system of continuous education, and as a result, a person’s readiness for a certain type of work activity, profession, confirmed by a document (certificate, diploma, certificate) of graduation from the corresponding educational institution” .

In the future, we will focus on the professional education of a specialist, which is carried out through his training.

“Personnel training is the main way to get professional education. This is a purposefully organized, systematically and systematically carried out process of mastering knowledge, skills, abilities and ways of communication under the guidance of experienced teachers, mentors, specialists, managers, etc.” .

There are three types of learning to be distinguished:

1. Training of personnel - systematic and organized training and release of qualified personnel for all areas of human activity, owning a set of special knowledge, skills and methods of communication.

2. Professional development of personnel - training of personnel in order to improve knowledge, skills and ways of communication in connection with the growth of requirements for the profession or promotion.

3. Retraining of personnel - training of personnel in order to master new knowledge, skills, abilities and ways of communication in connection with mastering a new profession or changing requirements for the content and results of work.

Domestic and foreign experience has developed three areas for training qualified personnel:

1. The concept of specialized training is focused on today or in the near future and is relevant to the relevant workplace.

2. The concept of multidisciplinary training is effective from an economic point of view, as it increases the internal and external mobility of the worker. However, the latter circumstance represents a known risk for the organization where the employee works, since he has a choice and is therefore less tied to a particular workplace.

3. The concept of personality-oriented learning aims to develop human qualities inherent in nature or acquired by him in practice. This concept applies primarily to personnel who have a penchant for scientific research and have the talent of a leader, teacher, politician, actor, etc.

Thus, we can say that the subject of training is: knowledge, skills, skills and behavior of a specialist.

1.2 Types of staff training

The characteristics of the types of training are presented in Table. 1.1. Separate types of training cannot be considered separately. Certain training of qualified personnel implies close contact between types of training.

In order to qualitatively define a vocational training program for a particular specialist, it is necessary to consider the needs of the target groups. (Table 1.2).

Training of a specialist can be carried out both at the workplace and outside. “The criteria for choosing the type of training are: on the one hand, income (improving qualifications leads to an increase in economic results of work), on the other hand, impressive expenses. If the income from vocational training is difficult to calculate, then the costs are relatively easy to calculate.

Professional non-production training is associated with significant non-fixed costs, inside production with significant, but fixed costs, since only a certain number of specialists are employed in the field of training, you can see that training personnel at your enterprise has some advantages: the training methodology is compiled taking into account certain organizational criteria , the result is clear and easy to control. Non-production training of qualified personnel is carried out by experienced teachers, however, the tasks set by the enterprise are not always fully taken into account and fulfilled.

Table 1.1 Characteristics of the types of personnel training

Type of training

Characteristics of the type of training

1.Professional training

Acquisition of knowledge, skills and training in communication methods aimed at performing certain production tasks.

1.1 Vocational initial training

The training is considered completed if the qualification for the implementation of a specific activity has been obtained (studying young people). Development of knowledge, skills and ways of communication as a foundation for further professional training (for example, bachelor's training). Designed to obtain a specific professional qualification.

1.2 Professional specialized training

Deepening knowledge and abilities in order to master a certain profession (for example, specialist, master)

2.Professional improvement (training)

Expansion of knowledge, abilities, skills and ways of communication in order to bring them into line with modern production requirements, as well as to stimulate professional growth (workers employed in production with practical experience are trained)

2.1. Improving professional knowledge and abilities

Bringing knowledge and abilities in line with the requirements of the time, their actualization and deepening. Specialists are trained (horizontal mobility)

2.2.Professional development for promotion

Preparation for performance of qualitatively higher tasks. Managers are trained (vertical mobility)

3. Professional retraining (retraining)

Obtaining knowledge, skills and mastery of learning methods (behavior) for mastering a new profession and a qualitatively different professional activity (employed in production or unemployed workers with practical experience are trained)

training specialist staff professional

Table 1.2 Learning objectives for individual target groups

1.3 Characteristics of vocational training

"Professional training is the process of direct transfer of new professional knowledge, skills or abilities to employees of the organization."

In a world of dynamic development of technology, professional knowledge, the ability of an organization to constantly improve the skills of its employees is one of the main tasks for the overall success of the company. The management of professional training of personnel has become the most important object of management of a modern organization. Today, organizations view professional learning as a continuous process that has an important impact on achieving their goals.

Vocational training of specialists implies certain activities: additional and adaptive training, retraining, professional rehabilitation. There are various forms and methods of teaching.

Vocational training implies an already existing initial professional training and further deepening, expanding and supplementing previously acquired qualifications.

The vocational training cycle begins with the identification of training needs. To do this, the degree of discrepancy between the existing and required level of preparedness of the employee is revealed. Based on the analysis of the training needs and resources of the organization, a training plan is formed, which determines the goals of professional training, as well as the criteria for evaluating its effectiveness.

Since the cost of professional training is seen as an investment in the future of employees, the organization expects a return from them in the form of an increase in the efficiency of the employee's performance.

One of the main points in the management of vocational training is the accuracy in setting the objectives of the enterprise, which consists in identifying the discrepancy between the organization's requirements for the professional skills and knowledge of its employees and the knowledge and skills that they possess.

Determining the need for professional training of an individual employee requires the joint efforts of the HR department, the employee himself and his manager. Each of the parties brings its own vision of this issue, determined by its position in the organization and its role in the process of professional development

Sources of information on vocational training needs are:

* results of certification;

* applications and wishes from the employees themselves;

* organization development strategy.

After determining the needs, they proceed to the stage of preparing the training program. The development of vocational training programs can be carried out both by the organization itself and by specialized companies. The choice in each specific situation is determined by an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

1.4 Areas of vocational training

There are various areas of vocational training, each of which is aimed at specific tasks. The main areas of vocational training and advanced training are:

1) Primary training in accordance with the tasks and specifics of the enterprise.

2) Training to bridge the gap between the requirements of the position and the capabilities of the performer.

3) Training to improve general qualifications

4) Training of new directions of activity of the organization. This type of training becomes especially relevant when the organization is preparing to change the direction of its activities or add new activities. In this case, many organizations prefer to carry out additional retraining of existing employees instead of hiring new ones. This is due to the fact that old employees are already familiar with the rules of conduct in the organization, have a higher level of loyalty (commitment) to it, share its corporate values;

5) Training for the assimilation of new techniques and methods for performing labor operations. This type of training is applied on a large scale before the introduction of new technologies in an organization. For example, the widespread use of computers has led to the need for additional training of employees in almost all specialties in mastering computer literacy. The same applies to the massive use of the Internet as a way to obtain and disseminate information.

1.5 Professional development

“Professional development is a form of personal development of a person, considered through the prism of his professional activity. An indicator of professional development is formal criteria (specialist diploma, advanced training certificates, position) and informal ones (professional thinking, the ability to use non-standard means to solve problems, the demand for labor).»

Obviously, professional development implies not only the improvement of labor skills, but also the self-improvement of a specialist in personal qualities. A comparison of the positions of a novice specialist and a professional shows how a person changes: from a performer he becomes a creator, from a simple application of knowledge and skills he comes to an analysis and critical assessment of the situation, from adaptation to creativity. Professional activity is the necessary and longest stage of the socialization of the individual.

Throughout life, a person goes through several stages of professional development:

§ preliminary stage - a person gets a general idea of ​​​​the profession, realizes his own needs and abilities. Initially, he imitates professional interactions during the game, then he receives information about professions and their features at the entrance to classes at school, during observation, in communication, on temporary part-time jobs, etc. At the end of this stage, the young man proceeds to the direct choice of his future profession;

§ preparatory stage - a person receives secondary and higher professional education, acquires the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities. During this stage, the young person tries himself as an intern, trainee, or works and studies at the same time;

§ adaptation stage - the beginning of professional activity, when a person learns practical skills and algorithms of actions, masters the main social roles, adapts to the rhythm, nature, features of work;

§ the stage of professionalization - the stage of transformation of a specialist into a professional, the process of improvement and self-disclosure of the subject of labor activity. In the strict sense, it is at this stage that the professional development of the personality takes place, and all the previous stages are only preparation for it; the stage of decreasing activity is the decrease in professional activity associated with the achievement of retirement age.

Today, the preparatory stage of becoming a professional is of particular importance. Modern professional activity is different than before, the tasks are complex, so the labor market needs highly qualified specialists who are well versed in the latest technologies.

It is also believed that a modern specialist should not be a narrowly qualified specialist, but versatile educated, which makes him competitive in the labor market. For these reasons, vocational education today goes beyond the “preparatory stage” and extends to subsequent stages, allowing you not to interrupt or stop learning. These tasks correspond to the modern concept of continuous education, which implies that a person should not stop developing; he should be aware of technological innovations and the latest ideas in the professional field.

Of course, the personal development of a professional is possible only if there is a positive motivation for professional activity, and work activity brings positive emotions and peace of mind.


Summarizing the above, it must be said that for the basis of becoming a specialist today, it is important not just training, but continuous learning, since technologies are constantly emerging, modern goods are being produced, the growth of communication opportunities creates conditions for changing or eliminating certain types of work. Professional training in such organizations is carried out in accordance with the following principles:

- training should be related to the strategy of the organization and to the individual needs of employees;

ѕ the main attention is paid to the training and advanced training of employees at the workplace and the formation of practical skills;

It should also be noted that along with the staff of the organization, the head of the team, as well as its members, needs training.

Summing up, we can confidently say that the basis for becoming a specialist is vocational training.


Kibanov A.Ya. Personnel management of the organization, - M .: INFRA-M, 2007. - 410 p.

Kibanov A.Ya. Personnel management of the organization, - M .: INFRA-M, 2007. - 411 p.

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Zaitseva T.V., Zub A.T. Personnel management, - M .: INFRA-M, 2006. - 224 p.

Kogorova M.A. Personnel management. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2007. - 252 p.

Armstrong M. The practice of human resource management. - 8th ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004.-76 p.

Lomov B.F. Consistency in psychology: Selected psychological works / Ed. V.A. Barabanshchikova, D.N. Zavalishina, V.A. Ponomarenko. - M.: Publishing House of MPSI; Voronezh: Publishing House of NPO "MODEK", 2003. -424p.

Modern problems of teaching methods (Methodology as a theory of specific subject pedagogy). Guidelines for the special course.-- L .: LGPI im. A.I. Herzen, 1988.--88 p.

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Professional education- this is a systematic process of formation of the theoretical knowledge, skills and practical skills necessary for the performance of work among the employees of the enterprise.

Professional Development- this is the process of preparing an employee to perform new production functions, occupy new positions.

Legislation (Labor Code) defines the rights and obligations of the employer for the training and retraining of personnel. The need for professional training and retraining of personnel for their own needs is determined by the employer. He (the employer) conducts vocational training, retraining, advanced training of employees, training them for second professions in the organization, and, if necessary, in educational institutions of primary, higher professional and additional education on the terms and in the manner determined by the collective agreement, agreements, labor contract .

The most important means of professional development of personnel is professional education- the process of direct transfer of new professional skills or knowledge to employees of the organization.

Professional training of personnel provides:

1. Primary vocational training workers (acquisition of vocational education by persons who do not have a working profession or specialty that provides the appropriate level of professional qualifications necessary for productive activity).

2. retraining(vocational or higher education aimed at mastering another profession (specialty) by employees and specialists with higher education who have already mastered primary training at vocational schools or higher education institutions.

3. Training(training aimed at the development and improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities in a specific type of special activity, due to the constant change in the content of labor, improvement of equipment, technology, organization of production and job transfers.) As a rule, advanced training is carried out with a break from work of up to 3 weeks or partial separation up to 6 months.

Drawing up a plan for advanced training, training and retraining of the personnel of the enterprise involves a series of sequential actions of both the training specialist and line managers (heads of the enterprise and heads of structural divisions).

The staff is divided into three main groups:

Not in need of advanced training;

Requiring systematic retraining and retraining at certain (fixed) periods of time (usually 1-5 years);

Those in need of one-time training (new employees, employees with an adequate professional level, etc.).

Scheme of the vocational training process:

1. Description of the production function based on the certification of the workplace.

2. Evaluation of an employee performing this function on the basis of his attestation.

3. Discussion by the employee of the requirements that he makes for training.

4. Analysis of the features of production functions in terms of training requirements.

5. Definition of goals and objectives of training.

6. Establishing terms and forms of training ( with a break, without a break from production).

7. Consistent development of general sections, topics and questions of the curriculum by personnel managers responsible for training, or invited specialists.

8. The choice of method and type of training, depending on the selected topic.

9. Determining the number of training hours for each topic within the total duration of training.

10. Selection of teaching staff based on the subject of the curriculum, determining the number of teaching hours for each teacher.

11. Drawing up an estimate of the costs of training (remuneration of teachers and other expenses for training).

12. Establishing the place, time and daily duration of training.

13. Coordination and approval of the curriculum.

14. Preparation of supporting training materials.

The key step is identifying the professional development needs of the organization(See Topic 6: Planning and staffing).

The traditional methods for identifying and recording professional development needs are assessment and preparation of an individual development plan.

Forms training, retraining and advanced training of employees, the list of required professions and specialties are determined by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees (trade unions).

Vocational training for unemployed citizens and the unemployed population is carried out in professions, specialties that are in demand on the labor market, and increases the opportunities for unemployed citizens and the unemployed population in search of paid work (profitable employment).

Vocational training can also be carried out in professions, specialties for specific jobs provided by employers in accordance with contracts concluded with them by the bodies of the employment service in the prescribed manner.

When organizing vocational training for unemployed citizens and the unemployed population, the employment service authorities may offer, taking into account their education, professional experience and state of health, options for choosing a profession, specialty (in which training is possible) that are in demand on the labor market.

The duration of vocational training for unemployed citizens and the unemployed population is established by professional educational programs and should not exceed 6 months, and in some cases - 12 months.

Vocational training of unemployed citizens and the unemployed population ends with their certification, carried out in the prescribed manner by educational institutions and organizations. Persons who have passed the appropriate training in full and certification after training, educational institutions, organizations are issued documents of the established form.

Vocational training for unemployed citizens and the unemployed population includes the following types of training:

  • professional training in order to accelerate the acquisition by students of the skills necessary to perform a specific job, group of jobs;
  • retraining of workers to acquire new professions for work (profitable employment) in these professions;
  • training workers with professions in second professions to expand their professional profile and obtain opportunities for work (profitable employment) in combined professions;
  • advanced training of workers in order to update knowledge, skills and abilities, increase professional skills and increase competitiveness in their existing professions, as well as study new equipment, technology and other issues related to the profile of professional activity;
  • professional retraining of specialists to obtain additional knowledge, skills and abilities in educational programs that provide for the study of certain disciplines, sections of science, engineering and technology necessary to perform a new type of professional activity, as well as obtaining a new qualification within the existing area of ​​training (specialty);
  • advanced training of specialists in order to update theoretical and practical knowledge in connection with the increased requirements for the level of qualifications and the need to master new ways of solving professional problems;
  • training of specialists for the formation and consolidation in practice of theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities, the acquisition of professional and organizational qualities for the performance of professional duties.

An internship can be either an independent type of training or one of the sections of the curriculum.

One of the areas of vocational training is the vocational training of unemployed citizens and the unemployed population for the purpose of subsequent organization of entrepreneurial activity. It can be both an independent course and one of the sections of the curriculum for vocational training, retraining, training in second professions, advanced training.

Obtaining by unemployed citizens a second higher or secondary vocational education in the direction of the employment authorities is not allowed.

Vocational training for unemployed citizens and the unemployed population is carried out in full-time and part-time (evening) forms of education; it can be a course (group) or individual.

Vocational training, depending on its type and form, includes a theoretical course, industrial training (internship) and, if necessary, an internship.

Disabled persons, unemployed citizens after a six-month period of unemployment, citizens discharged from military service, wives (husbands) of military personnel and citizens dismissed from military service, graduates of general educational institutions, as well as citizens who are looking for work for the first time ( previously unemployed), who do not have a profession (specialty).

Unemployed citizens sent for vocational training are guaranteed by the state free medical care and medical examination, free education, scholarships, including during the period of temporary disability of the unemployed, established in the manner and in the amount provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Successful completion of professional retraining, advanced training, internships for specialists in institutions of additional professional education that have state accreditation is confirmed by relevant state documents (certificate, certificate, diploma).

Successful completion of vocational training, retraining, training in second professions, advanced training of workers in educational institutions with state accreditation is confirmed by the relevant state documents (certificate).

The expulsion of persons sent by the employment authorities for vocational training, before the end of training, is carried out by educational institutions, organizations in accordance with the procedure established by them, with the obligatory notification of the employment authorities.