Program for the introduction of personalized financing. Parents are sounding the alarm! Personalized funding system destroys affordable additional education

Khohlova Svetlana Viktorovna, Ph.D. How to combine "per capita" (number of financial resources calculated per 1 student) and standard (standard costs for the provision of services) financing?

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Step 1. Calculation of standard costs

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Normative costs are determined on the basis of the information contained in the basic lists on the units of measurement of volume indicators and indicators reflecting the content and / or conditions (forms) of the provision of services learning). The determination of standard costs is carried out taking into account established norms (labor, sanitary, construction, etc.), standards. In the absence of service standards, standard costs are determined by an expert method. (clauses 3, 6 of the General requirements for determining standard costs approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on September 22, 2015) gov conditions (forms) for the provision of services. The calculation of the standard should be made on the basis of standard or average statistical indicators for generalized models of the organization of educational activities (not for the actual costs of implementing the program) ) Improving the efficiency of service provision Calculation of the standard: proposals

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Calculation of the standard: proposals Coefficients taking into account territorial features, form of ownership of the organization, type and type of organization and other factors Coefficients taking into account the content and / or conditions (forms) of the provision of services: form of education: full-time, part-time adaptation for students with disabilities network form of program implementation application distance learning The basic standard for the service for the implementation of the DOOP of an artistic orientation The basic standard for the service for the implementation of the DOOP of a technical orientation The basic standard for the service for the implementation of the DOOP of a natural science orientation The basic standard for the service for the implementation of the DOOP of a physical culture and sports orientation The basic standard for the service for the implementation of the DOOP of a tourist and local history orientation pedagogical orientation

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Calculation of the standard: proposals

Basic standards (person/h) by specialization Volume of full-time hours Volume of extramural hours Volume of distance learning hours × Coefficients taking into account: network form; type of organization; type of organization; territorial location × ⁼ Financial provision of the budget task Amount of hours according to the adapted program Labor costs (taking into account the established norms of working hours and the number of students per 1 teacher established in the Road Map) Costs for the purchase of material supplies and equipment (average estimate based on an expert list by specialization) Expenses for medical examinations and advanced training Expenses for general business needs, including utility expenses, in proportion to the volume of services Coefficient for full-time education Coefficient for distance learning Coefficient for distance learning Coefficient for adaptability ×

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Step 2. Calculation of the cost of the certificate ("per capita" standard)

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Option 60% of children involved in the development of additional educational programs on a free basis from the total number of children aged 5 to 18 years (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 06/01/2012 No. 761) Option 50% of children enrolled in additional education using the PF of the total number of children aged 5 to 18 years (by 2020 under the priority project "Affordable additional education for children") Option 75% of children enrolled in additional education out of the total number of children aged 5 to 18 years (by 2020 under the priority project "Affordable additional education for children") Option Other solution Calculation of the cost of the certificate: proposals

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Calculation of the cost of the certificate: proposals

The cost of a volume unit (man-hour) of an educational service is the basic standard Costs directly related to the provision of the service Costs for general business needs State and local government bodies costs in relation to the property of the organization used as part of the provision of the service (in proportion to the volume of the service) Founder maintenance of property conditions (forms) of service provision, expressed in objective indicators, can be included in the standard by setting different coefficients for organizations of different types and forms of ownership

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Step 3. Selecting the denomination of the certificate

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The main idea allows an institution to set a budget task and exclude the transfer of educational services paid for by a certificate to the category of “paid services” guarantees that students receive an educational service of a specified volume at the expense of budgetary funds allows you to control the implementation of a budget task by an institution and accounting for the provision of additional education services to the population guarantees financial support for an organization of services rendered within the limits of standard costs The model allows maintaining the state regulation of the system by the existing mechanisms of the budgetary (state, municipal) task without involving intermediaries CERTIFICATE for receiving additional education services in the amount of academic hours

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The main idea is the recipient of the service Guaranteed to receive a certain amount of selected services free of charge Organizations - service providers manager of budgetary funds manager of budgetary funds manager of budgetary funds manager of budgetary funds for the choice of the child”, to “the choice of the child is provided by money”, which preserves the idea, but changes the mechanisms for its provision!

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General concept

The certificate is not a direct expense obligation. The certificate is the basis for bringing funds to the service provider. The face value of the certificate can be expressed not in monetary units, but in credit units equivalent to units of the volume of the service - academic hours. You can use the certificate both for the entire volume of the educational service, and for its part in accordance with the established procedure (for example, in case of early termination of the contract), as well as use part of the certificate (for example, when providing a service of a smaller volume) the system of financing “intermediaries” between the founder and the institution Preservation of state regulation of the DL system by maintaining the budgetary (state and municipal) task Exclusion of the transfer of educational services paid for by the certificate to the category of “paid services”

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Automatic calculation of the volume of services of the budget task for the institution (person / hour) General concept Adjustment of the budget task and its financial support Automatic determination of the volume of financial support based on the volume of services and established standards (person / hour * standard) “Movement” of children Choice by service recipients Preliminary periodic Settlements with the organization Final settlement with the organization Adjustment of the budget program

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State authority, local self-government body Educational organizations; organizations providing training Formation of a state / municipal task: analysis and forecast of demand monthly / quarterly adjustment in accordance with the established procedure / Conclusion of an agreement for the provision of educational services Subsidy for subordinate organizations: monthly transfer of advances actual payment provided services Provision of subsidies for reimbursement of costs for non-governmental organizations Customer of educational services with a certificate Conclusion of an agreement for the provision of services using a certificate Admission to the institution is carried out in accordance with established rules. The customer may be denied the provision of services in the absence of free places General concept

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General concept

Regional Model Center Municipal Support Centers Managers of budgetary funds Organizations - service providers Calculation of the standard Calculation of the volume of services subject to financial support through certificates Formation and adjustment of the budget task upon the provision of services under the certificate Advance and / or actual subsidizing of organizations Maintaining the register of service providers depending on the category of service recipients expert inclusion of regional segment programs in the register of programs, maintenance of the register methodological recommendations for designing programs Multifunctional centers maintaining the register of service recipients programs, maintaining the register filling in the register of programs maintaining the register of service recipients accounting for the volume of services provided Register of service recipients Service provider registry Service (program) registry

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Categories and scope of certificates: offers

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Categories of service recipients are the same throughout the region. The introduction of certain categories into the PF system can be introduced in stages; the scope of the certificate is set based on financial capabilities

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Register of service providers: proposals

The order of access of organizations to the system of personalized financing (voluntary certification of additional general educational general development programs) Register of services for the implementation of additional education programs Register of organizations - providers of educational services full and short name of the organization TIN KPP legal form address license contact details Register of organizations! Individual entrepreneurs who have the right to carry out educational activities without a license cannot enter the personalized financing system

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The need to support “non-formal education” Expansion of organizational forms of additional education (club activities, thematic camps, leisure projects with an educational component, etc.) When implementing additional general education programs, mass events can be organized (clause 14 of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities on additional general education programs) To “formalize” new organizational forms in the field of education, to transform these services into “educational” ones, it is necessary to include them in educational programs outside the curriculum Financing of such forms of education can be carried out not only as services in the field of education, but also as works on "organization and holding of olympiads, competitions, events .." and "organization and holding of socially significant events ..." included in the basic lists of services and works in the field of "Education" BASIS OF THE OFFER EFFECT New organizational forms "non-formal education" (club activities, thematic camps, leisure projects with an educational component, etc.) acquire the official status of "educational" with a deeper understanding of the activity and subsequent economic effects! Register of services (programs): offers

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Educational program Service of institution 1 in the field of "Education" Service of institution 3 in the field of "Education" Service of institution 2 in the field of "Education" Service of institution 4 in the field of "Education" Activities Curriculum Work of institution 1 in the field of "Education" Work of institution 2 in the field "Education" Activities for the implementation of educational programs Register of services (programs): proposals "Program" in the PF is part (s) of the educational program!!!

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Register of services (programs): offers

The order of access of organizations to the system of personalized financing (voluntary certification of additional general educational general development programs) Register of services for the implementation of additional education programs Register of organizations - providers of educational services Service (program) of additional education Additional general educational general development program Part (level, module) of the additional general educational general development program Parts (modules) of additional general educational general developmental programs

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The procedure for access of organizations to the system of personalized financing (voluntary certification of additional general educational general development programs) Register of services for the implementation of additional education programs Register of organizations - providers of educational services full and short name of the organization TIN KPP legal form address license contact details name of the service age category necessity medical opinion the level of complexity of the program within this service the full name of the educational program (link to its placement on the official website) the focus of the program the adaptation of the program to the types of restrictions (if any) part (modules) of the educational program implemented as part of the service annotation training) calendar training schedule volume of service (ac.h.) place of service provision Register of services (programs): offers

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Project implementation: proposals

Implementation Preparatory work I half-year - Analysis of statistical information on categories of children and financial opportunities in the region - Development of a package of legal acts regulating the procedure for the PF in the region in terms of the formation and maintenance of registers Amendments to the Law "On the budget ..." and legal acts regulating the distribution of budgetary funds between the MO , the procedure for making changes to the budget task for organizations Development of AIS II half of the year Organization of the “issuance” of certificates to children of certain categories Acceptance of certificates in organizations of preschool children and the non-state sector it is possible to implement the project without changing the procedure for calculating the standards) - Making changes to the Rules for the admission of institutions regulating the procedure for calculating standards in the Moscow Region Amendments to the regulatory legal acts regulating the procedure for PF in the region

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Implementation Preparatory work I half of the year Development of guidelines for organizations explaining the procedure for educational relations with service recipients, the formation and distribution of payroll in the conditions of the PF Monitoring the implementation of the PF, making adjustments II half of the year - Organization of the "issuance" of a certificate to all categories of service recipients affiliations and forms of ownership Completion of the provision of educational services under the "traditional" budget assignment Provision of services under a certificate as confirmation of the fulfillment of the budget assignment by the institution Full transition to the PF Financial support for the services provided by the institution under the certificate

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Thank you for your attention!

Khohlova Svetlana Viktorovna, Ph.D. [email protected]

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19.12.2017 11:29

The results of the implementation in 2017 of personalized financing of additional education for children were discussed by the participants of the II Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovations in Additional Education: Experience and Prospects", which takes place in Yakutsk from December 18 to 20.

Recall that the approbation of a new model - personalized financing of additional education for children began in the republic last year. The project is being developed by the Republican Resource Center "Young Yakutians" - a regional model center for additional education for children.
By the way, at the IV All-Russian Conference of workers in the field of additional education for children, which was recently held in Moscow, the successful practice of Yakutia in implementing this innovation was noted.
The essence of the project is that each child included in the experiment is given a personal certificate - a personal guarantee of the state to a specific child that no matter what circles or studios he chooses, in whatever organization (municipal, private, individual entrepreneur ) he didn’t sign up for them, the state will pay for his education. If children are not interested somewhere, and they start moving to other circles, sections, studios, then the money will follow them. By the number of children who have chosen a particular occupation, it is clearly seen what is in demand by them and what needs to be improved.
Public defense of the results of the introduction in 2017 of personalized financing of additional education for children was presented by 27 uluses. The experts were Eduard Kondratiev, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Republic; Tatyana Ivanova, Deputy head of the department of education and additional education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic; Semyon Slavin, senior researcher at the Federal Institute for the Development of Education, curator of the personalized financing project; Maria Petrova, Ph.D., Director of the Republican Resource Center "Young Yakutians", Head of the Regional Model Center for Additional Education for Children; Alena Semenova, senior methodologist of the Republican resource center "Young Yakutians".
The speakers announced information about the developed basic documents, the number of children using personal certificates of additional education, the nominal value of certificates in each ulus, the development of financial resources, and outlined the positive and negative aspects of the project.
So, what do representatives of municipalities say about the introduction of a new financing model?
Yakutsk: “Nine institutions are taking part in the project, three of which are non-governmental. The number of certificates used by children is 5,297. The positive aspects include the fact that it is possible to see the real “movement” of certificate holders across institutions; the spending of budgetary funds becomes more controlled and transparent; competition between institutions has appeared, a significant part of the funds for education is reimbursed to parents whose children study in paid institutions - this increases the availability of additional education for children. At the same time, problems were identified in determining the standard costs for the provision of services; some inconveniences in working with the portal (lack of the ability to edit programs, contracts, access to the list of educational programs of other organizations); the procedure for renegotiating agreements on certificates.
Anabar national (Dolgan-Evenk) ulus: “88 children received certificates, the cost of one certificate is 12,420 rubles, there is only one service provider - the Center for Additional Education for Children. Thanks to personalized financing, transparency is ensured in the number of children kept and the number of children.”
Verkhnevilyuisky ulus: “Four institutions are participating in the experiment. The certificates were used by 515 children aged 5 to 14 years, the denominations of the certificates are set at 10,688 rubles. The poor quality of the Internet interferes with the work very much.”
Mirny: “Two state institutions are taking part in the experiment. There is competition among teachers.
Verkhoyansk ulus: “260 children use certificates in two institutions. Effects of the project: increased attendance of students, the effectiveness of teachers. Parents do not have access to the Internet, a lot of time is spent filling out documents, compiling reports, the weak material base of the institution - these are the reasons that slow down our work.”
Suntar ulus: “In order to preserve the contingent of children, we propose to expand network, part-time, distance learning, organize courses and seminars to help teachers develop advanced development programs, innovative programs, technical programs.”
Gorny ulus: “If we take the coverage of children using certificates in the context of program areas, 41% is the artistic direction, 28% is technical, 26% is socio-pedagogical, 5% is natural science. Certainly, the quality of work of teachers is improving. One of the principles of personalized financing has not been fulfilled - the participation of non-governmental organizations. The financing scheme seems too complicated.”
Thus, regional peculiarities were revealed in the implementation of a new financial model in the additional education of children. The “pluses” of the new model are the growth in the quality of additional education programs, the salaries of teachers, the development of technical areas, the possibility of measurable criteria in work. Almost everyone named such factors that hinder the implementation of the project as the lack of competition, the high cost of the Internet, and the insufficient level of training of the project participants.
Despite the existence of problems, the main advantage of the new model was noted - it is an increase in the coverage of children engaged in useful activities in circles and studios.

Press Center of the Republican Resource Center "Young Yakutians"

On October 6, a meeting was held at the Vorobyovy Gory Educational Complex on the development of a system of additional education for children. The meeting was chaired by Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev. The report was made by the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation O.Yu. Vasiliev.

Opening the meeting, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation emphasized that it is the system of additional education that helps children "to reveal their abilities, to start their way either to science or to any other field" from a very early age.

YES. Medvedev recalled that the Government approved the Concept for the Development of Additional Education and an action plan for its implementation for the period from 2015 to 2020.

As far as possible, we increase funding for this area. In the federal budget, a subsection “Expenses for additional education” has been introduced. We provide subsidies to non-governmental organizations - on a competitive basis - that are engaged in extra-curricular programs. We have many projects that are being implemented using public-private partnership mechanisms, with the participation of large companies and corporations,

- explained Dmitry Medvedev.

The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation said that additional education was singled out as a separate priority project “Accessible additional education for children”, and that it should change “both in form and quality”, and also meet not only the needs of the children themselves and their parents, but and development priorities of the country.

D.A Medvedev clarified that the "core" of the new model of additional education should be.

At the same time, a mechanism of personalized financing will be introduced, when children have the opportunity to study in extracurricular programs in organizations of any form of ownership.

Now we are testing this mechanism in nine regions. If it works well, we will distribute it throughout the country,

- said YES. Medvedev.

Speaking at the meeting with a report, O.Yu. Vasiliev continued the topic of personalized financing.

The pilot direction for the development of the additional education system was introduction of personalized financing, certificate. The child comes with him to any institution of additional education and does it for free. And also - the creation of regional model centers in which he can study,

- said Olga Yurievna.

The Minister informed that 84,500 children used certificates in 9 pilot regions. Olga Yuryevna also drew attention to the fact that mechanisms of public-private and social partnership are beginning to develop in additional education.

We support the private sector through a mechanism for compensating interest on loans taken by non-governmental organizations for the implementation of additional education programs,

— clarified O.Yu. Vasiliev.

The head of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia said that the circle movement is currently developing as part of the implementation of the National Technology Initiative and emphasized that “- chess, sports, literary, musical, scientific and technical».

The Minister drew attention to the fact that the most important issue is the availability of additional education for children with disabilities and children with disabilities.

In most subjects of the Russian Federation, distance additional education is carried out. To date, 13 thousand of our disabled children and children with disabilities use it, but this form of education is not the only one for these children. It is necessary to create other forms of additional education. And together with our colleagues, we are solving this within the framework of the Accessible Environment program for the second year in a row. For these purposes, the regions provide certain funds. By 2020, it is planned to increase to 50 percent the coverage of the additional education program for children with disabilities and children with disabilities from 5 to 18 years old,

- said O.Yu. Vasiliev.

The minister informed that 247,000 teachers are currently involved in the system of additional education. This number has been achieved, according to the Minister, also due to the work to increase wages.

Today it averages 32,900 rubles. Modern conditions have been created for the development of new areas of work in the industry. Young specialists began to come there. To date, 36 percent of teachers under 35 years of their total number are involved there,

- said the Minister.



On the introduction on the territory of the Tula region of a system of additional education for children based on personalized financing

5. The Decree comes into force from the day of its official publication.

First Deputy Governor
Tula region - chairman
government of the Tula region

Annex N 1. The procedure for the provision of services for additional education of children on the basis of personalized financing

Appendix No. 1
to the Government Decree
Tula region
dated 24.11.2016 N 538

1. This Procedure for the provision of services for additional education of children on the basis of personalized financing (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) determines the rules for the provision by public and private educational organizations implementing programs of additional education for children in the Tula region (hereinafter referred to as educational organizations), services for additional education of children in based on personalized financing.

2. Financial provision of services for additional education of children on the basis of personalized financing is carried out by providing subsidies from the budget of the Tula region to state educational organizations for financial support for the fulfillment of the state task by them and (or) subsidies to private educational organizations for the purpose of financial support (reimbursement) of costs in connection with provision of services for additional education of children on the basis of personalized financing, provided in accordance with the Procedure for the provision of subsidies from the budget of the Tula region to private educational organizations for financial support (reimbursement) of costs in connection with the provision of services for additional education of children on the basis of personalized financing, approved by the government of the Tula region .

3. Organizational and technical support for the provision by educational organizations of services for additional education of children on the basis of personalized financing is carried out by the Ministry of Education of the Tula Region (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body).

4. Personalized financing of services for additional education of children involves the provision of children living in the Tula region with additional education services through the implementation of an additional general educational program of a technical, natural science, tourist and local history, socio-pedagogical orientation based on personal information carriers (certificates) to receive services for additional education of children (hereinafter - IDU(S)).

(in ed.)

PIN(S) is a registered document and certifies the child's right to receive services for additional education of children on the basis of personalized financing under one additional general education program.

(As amended by the Decree of the Government of the Tula Region dated July 31, 2017 N 324)

PIN(S) is not a security.

5. Services for additional education of children, provided on the basis of personalized financing, are subject to electronic accounting in the regional information system for managing the education sector of the Tula region, which ensures:

registration of visits by the recipient of the IDU(S) to the educational organization;

informing the parent (legal representative) of the child about the service provided for additional education;

accounting for the volume of services provided by the educational organization.

6. The number of IDUs (S) is annually approved by the authorized body within the budget allocations provided for in the law of the Tula region on the budget of the Tula region for the corresponding financial year and planning period, and the limits of budgetary obligations approved by the authorized body for the relevant purposes.

PIN(S) is valid for the period of study according to the additional general education program chosen by the PIN(S) recipient.

7. The cost of IDU(S) is calculated on the basis of the Methodology for calculating the cost of a personal information carrier (certificate) for receiving services for additional education of children, approved by the authorized body.

8. Children from 6 to 18 years old (not including 18 years old) residing in the Tula region have the right to receive a PIN(C).

(As amended by the Decree of the Government of the Tula Region dated July 31, 2017 N 324)

9. The authorized body, in order to form the List of educational organizations for the provision of services for additional education of children in the Tula region on the basis of personalized financing (hereinafter referred to as the List), selects public and private educational organizations to provide services for additional education of children on the basis of personalized financing.

The list is approved by the authorized body and posted on the official portal of the government of the Tula region in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" on the day of its approval.

The procedure and terms for the selection of educational organizations for the provision of services for additional education of children on the basis of personalized financing are approved by the authorized body.

10. An application campaign for obtaining a personal information carrier (certificate) for receiving services for additional education of children (hereinafter referred to as the Application Campaign) is carried out in the manner and within the time limits determined by the authorized body.

Information about the application campaign is posted by the authorized body on the official portal of the government of the Tula region in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" within three working days from the date of approval of the List.

Appendix N 2. The procedure for providing subsidies from the budget of the Tula region to private educational organizations for financial support (reimbursement) of costs in connection with the provision of services for additional education of children on the basis of ...

Appendix No. 2
to the Government Decree
Tula region
dated 24.11.2016 N 538


1. This Procedure for the provision from the budget of the Tula region of subsidies to private educational organizations for financial support (reimbursement) of costs in connection with the provision of services for additional education of children on the basis of personalized financing (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure for granting subsidies) determines the rules for granting subsidies to private educational organizations for financial support (reimbursement) of expenses in connection with the provision of services for additional education of children on the basis of personalized financing.

2. Subsidies are provided within the budget allocations provided for by the law of the Tula region on the budget of the Tula region for the next financial year and for the planning period, and the limits of budgetary obligations approved in the prescribed manner by the Ministry of Education of the Tula region (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body).

3. The amount of the subsidy for financial support (reimbursement) of costs associated with the provision of services for additional education of children on the basis of personalized financing is determined by the formula:

VDOD \u003d SDOD x KOB,

VDOD - the amount of a subsidy for financial support (reimbursement) of costs associated with the provision of services for additional education of children on the basis of personalized financing;

SDOD - the cost of a personal information carrier (certificate) for receiving services for additional education of children;

FOB - an indicator of the volume of service provision.

4. The provision of subsidies is carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded between the authorized body and the recipient of the subsidy (hereinafter referred to as the agreement).

The form of the agreement is approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Tula Region.

(As amended by the Decree of the Government of the Tula Region dated August 24, 2018 N 342)

5. Subsidies are provided to private educational organizations included in the List of educational organizations for the provision of services for additional education of children on the basis of personalized financing, which, on the first day of the month preceding the month of the conclusion of the agreement, must meet the following requirements:

not be in liquidation;

have the status of a tax resident of the Russian Federation and state registration on the territory of the Russian Federation;

not have initiated proceedings in the case in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on insolvency (bankruptcy);

not have overdue debts on taxes, dues and other obligatory payments to the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation and to state non-budgetary funds;

not receive funds from the relevant budget of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation in accordance with other regulatory legal acts, municipal legal acts for financial support (reimbursement) of costs in connection with the provision of services for additional education of children on the basis of personalized financing.

6. The agreement must contain:

purpose of the subsidy;

conditions and procedure for granting subsidies;

the amount of the subsidy provided;

the procedure and terms for transferring the subsidy;

performance indicators for the use of the subsidy;

the procedure, terms and forms of reporting by the recipient of the subsidy on the achievement of performance indicators;

the procedure and terms for the submission by the recipient of the subsidy of reporting on the implementation of expenses, the source of financial support for which is the subsidy;

the right of the authorized body to conduct inspections of compliance by the recipient of subsidies with the conditions established by the agreement, and the consent of the recipients of subsidies to these inspections in accordance with paragraph 5 of part 3 of Article 78 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation;

prohibition of an educational organization to acquire foreign currency at the expense of subsidies received, with the exception of operations carried out in accordance with the currency legislation of the Russian Federation when purchasing (supplying) high-tech imported equipment, raw materials and components;

(paragraph introduced)

compliance of the size of the minimum wage for employees of an educational organization with the level established by the Regional Agreement on the minimum wage in the Tula region;

(the paragraph was introduced by Decree of the government of the Tula region of 08/24/2018 N 342)

absence of arrears in the payment of wages to employees;

(the paragraph was introduced by Decree of the government of the Tula region of 08/24/2018 N 342)

the procedure and terms for the return of the amounts used by the recipient of the subsidy, in case of violation of the goals and conditions for the provision of subsidies, determined by this Procedure and the concluded agreement;

cases, procedure and terms for the return of the balance of the subsidy not used as of January 1 of the current financial year;

measures of responsibility for violation of the conditions, goals and procedure for granting subsidies.

7. To receive subsidies, private educational organizations on a monthly basis, before the 10th day of the month following the reporting one, submit to the authorized body an application for the allocation of funds in the form approved by the authorized body, with a report on the costs of providing services for additional education of children on the basis of personalized financing and other documents stipulated by the subsidy agreement.

8. Authorized body:

within one working day, registers the documents specified in paragraph 7 of this Procedure for granting a subsidy;

checks, within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the documents, the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in them and makes a decision to provide a subsidy or to refuse to provide a subsidy;

notifies private educational organizations of the decision made within 5 working days from the date of the decision.

9. The grounds for refusing to provide subsidies to private educational organizations is the non-compliance of the submitted documents with the requirements specified in paragraph 7 of this Procedure for granting subsidies, or the non-submission (submission not in full) of these documents, as well as the inaccuracy of the information provided.

10. The transfer of the subsidy is carried out on a monthly basis in accordance with the procedure established in the agreement to the current account opened with the credit institution in accordance with the established procedure.

11. Control over compliance with the conditions, goals and procedure for granting subsidies is carried out by the authorized body and state financial control bodies in accordance with the established powers.

12. If the subsidy is not used for its intended purpose, the relevant funds are subject to return to the budget of the Tula region in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. The balance of the subsidy not used as of January 1 of the current financial year is subject to return to the budget of the Tula Region within the time limits established by the agreement.