Development of reading competence and information culture of primary school students based on the project “Reading is great! "formation of the reading culture of modern children and adolescents" Formation of reading abilities of students through me.

Development of reading competence of students in the context of integration of classroom and extracurricular activities

Shandrikova Natalia Nikolaevna

teacher of Russian language and literature

GBS (K) OU boarding school No. 2

g.o. Zhigulevsk, Samara region

With the advent of the computer in the world attitude to the book has changed dramatically. Now, in order to be aware of the latest events, it is not necessary to read. You can take any information from the TV screen or computer display. The "National Program for the Support and Development of Reading" states that Russia has reached the critical limit of neglect of reading.

According to sociologists, the number of permanent readers in our country has recently decreased. After all, it is much easier, and most importantly, to watch a movie faster, to look through the summary of books on the Internet. The younger generation has ceased to see the point in reading books.

The problem of the formation of reading competence today is very acute. Therefore, it is very important for us, teachers, to return children to the book as to the primary source of knowledge. To do this, it is necessary to think over a system of work to familiarize children with the art of the word, through the formation of reader independence, the formation in the families of students of such a type of leisure activities as reading together, completing a home library, visiting the city library and events dedicated to the literary calendar, visiting theaters, watching TV shows .

The purpose of the work is to describe the methods and techniques for the formation of the reading competence of schoolchildren in classroom and extracurricular activities.

Reading competence is such knowledge, skills and abilities, thanks to which the student is able to plan and carry out work on the development of literary texts.

Reading competence must be developed from early childhood. Further, the school should become the main, but by no means the only source of its formation. The goal of the teacher is not only to introduce the student to reading, but also to develop a set of concepts, laws, skills and abilities that the future graduate will be able to operate in independent work.

Literature is a subject that develops the child's creative potential, so it is important to use role-playing, dramatization, artistic and verbal sketches in the classroom; stylized retellings, writing creative essays are also interesting. It is important that the lesson, especially for younger teenagers, has an element of the game. With this approach of teaching, the student is involved in the process of co-creation. The student, engaging in a variety of activities, activates the imagination, learns to form reading qualities.

What methods and techniques serve to improve literary education? Most of them are well known:

method of creative reading (expressive reading, reading the work by heart, commented reading);

heuristic method (building a logically clear system of questions, a system of tasks for the text of a work of art, posing a problem);

research method (preparation of reports and speeches, drawing up a plan for your answer or report, independent analysis of the work), reproductive method (teacher's overview lecture, textbook assignments).

Less common forms of organizing training sessions are effective for solving the problem of developing reading competence:

Virtual Museum. Conducted using media resources. The subject and the main part of the visual materials are selected by the teacher. Students need to find information about architecture, music, painting, history of the selected period of time. The ability to argue your choice, find the necessary information, present it concisely and logically is assessed.

Lessons using role-playing games. Pupils get the opportunity within the given historical time to try on a certain role (writer, critic, traveler, playwright, director, etc.).

Lesson - travel. The main task is to give maximum information about the period in which this or that work was written, to give the opportunity to mentally travel back to the era, to acquaint you with the peculiarities of the views of the writer whose work is being studied.

Lesson - newspaper publishing. Groups of students or individual students are given the task to find material on a topic (for example, for the anniversary of the writer). The result of the work should be the release of a newspaper or a scientific almanac. In the process of work, it is supposed to develop both reading competence and creative skills of students, skills of working in a group.

Correspondence excursion It is carried out both in school hours and outside of school hours using media resources. A correspondence excursion is possible to the museum of a particular writer, etc. Conducted by the teacher, and at the beginning of the event, an installation is given in the form of several problematic issues, the discussion of which takes place after the correspondence excursion. It is important that students participate as much as possible in the discussion, drawing on their reading experience. Such a lesson is practiced most often in the process of studying the biography of the writer, when the teacher has the goal of not only acquainting schoolchildren with certain facts of the writer’s biography, but also introducing them to a special emotional world, reviving memories, creating a kind of “presence effect”. Therefore, the teacher's story must be supplemented by the creation of visuals using albums, postcards, illustrations, portraits, slides, filmstrips and film clips. It is also possible to conduct a correspondence tour, when we meet with a certain well-established concept, for example, “Dostoevsky’s Petersburg” or “From L.N. Tolstoy to Yasnaya Polyana" and others.

Creative credit can be held as a sum of various competitions, quizzes, competitions, dramatizations, etc. (for example, at the end of the quarter).

Extra-curricular activities are an integral part of the educational process, as one of the forms of organizing leisure. Effective for solving the problem of developing reading competence are the following forms of organization of extracurricular activities:

Project competition. It is being prepared for a long period, mainly only those students who have the desire to do this take part, although the teacher stimulates and encourages the development of the project even by a weak student. Project topics are proposed by the teacher at the beginning of the school year, then during extracurricular individual consultations, the plan of work on the project, the choice of necessary literature, and possible options for presenting the project are discussed with the student.

Literary Lounge. For grade 5, for example, a literary living room is possible on the topic "The Seasons in the Lyrics of F. Tyutchev." It can be timed to coincide with various literary events throughout the year. As a rule, teachers, parents and students from other classes are invited to such events.

Dramatization of excerpts from works. For example, poems about the war on Victory Day. Such holidays contribute to the development of reader's interest and, as a result, the deepening of the knowledge gained, the disclosure of the individual characteristics of each student, the development of independence and creative activity of children.

Watching performances, films based on books.

Participation in competitions(competition of readers, competition of essays, illustrations), in subject decades.

In my practice I often use the following forms of work with cultural institutions:
- excursions to museums, visits to exhibitions,
- library hours held on the basis of MBUK Zhigulevskaya CBS.

Such library lessons play an important role in introducing children to the book. Numerous events are held by the library staff: competitions, joint matinees, quizzes, literary and musical compositions, etc.

For the full moral and aesthetic development of the personality and the formation of reading competence, it is not enough to use the pedagogical potential of literature as a subject, it must be used in unity with various forms of extracurricular work, extracurricular activities in school libraries, in institutions of additional education, work with cultural institutions, in work with families of students. The school, integrating the educational capabilities of the library, the interest of parents, using special forms and methods of work, is able to initiate students' interest in independent reading activity, create an atmosphere of creative interest in reading.

Information sources

1. "National Program for the Support and Development of Reading", developed by the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications in cooperation with the Russian Book Union 2. L. Krementsov. Theory of Literature. Reading as creativity. – Flint, 2003 3.
4. Federal target program for the development of education for 2011-2015: approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 7, 2011

Fistikan Natalya Grigoryevna - primary school teacher, secondary school No. THEM. Kuznetsova s. Big Chernigovka

Winner of the district fair of methodological innovations in the nomination "General education" in 2014 and 2016



    R development of reading competence and information culture of primary school students through a variety of activities.


    promotevalues ​​of reading and booksamong schoolchildren.

    To draw attention to reading and working with information as a socially significant activity.

    To form the reading competence of schoolchildren.

    To contribute to the educational work of the school through familiarization with the book, library, literature.

    Develop critical thinking in students.

    Develop creative abilities by organizing literary, poetry competitions and project activities.

    To form the ability of information retrieval activities.

    P increase student attendance at the school library to 70%.


Children's reading is called the country's intellectual resource, the main reserve for the development of the nation's human potential. Today, the topic of children's reading is very relevant.After analyzing the visits of primary school students to the school library in the 2015-2016 academic year, we came to the conclusion that a little more than half of primary school students, namely 58%, visited the school library and reading room. The problem of children's reading is manifested not so much in the fact that many children have stopped reading, but in the fact that they have not developed or lost interest in this area of ​​​​activity. Interest in reading arises when the reader is fluent in conscious reading and has developed educational and cognitive motives for reading.

Schoolchildren are under the powerful influence of the Internet, and they have neither time nor desire for books. And it is necessary to find a golden mean, orienting the child in the information space and educating a competent student - a reader of the 21st century. Modern children are pragmatic, so we believe that they need to be shown real situations in which communication with a book is beneficial, helps to become successful both among adults and among peers. The topic that we raise in the project is relevant not only for our school, but also excites the entire Russian community.

The peculiarity of the system of work:

The essence of the project "Reading is great!" is to involve as many students as possible in reading literature, while using various techniques and methods: excursions, quizzes, intellectual games, environmental lessons, mini projects , competitions of readers, holidays, etc.During the work on the project, several activities are planned in cooperation with the WCB and CRDB.Interest in reading arises when the reader is fluent in conscious reading and has developed educational and cognitive motives for reading. The condition for mastering reading activity is also knowledge of reading methods, methods of semantic text processing, possession of certain skills and abilities.

Receptions and methods of work:




    Mind games;

    environmental lessons;

    mini-projects (creationcrosswords, a collection of poems, writing mini-messages and essays);

    reading competitions;

    drawing competitions;

    stand design;


    literary relays.


Learning about libraries as cultural institutions, trying to find confirmation of their chosen position in relation to the world of books, the guys not only expanded their horizons, but also looked at seemingly familiar and sometimes tiring books in a different way. It turned out that books, like people, are different both externally and internally, that creating a book is hard work, both spiritual and physical. Now, having joined the book culture, the guys are more respectful of the printed word.

As part of our project, children share what they learn from books: whether it is a favorite character or an interesting book that is unusual in content or design, familiarity with the home library or their parents' favorite book. Modern children are pragmatic, so we believe that they need to be shown real situations in which communication with a book is beneficial, helps to become successful both among adults and among peers.

At school, there is a positive trend in the development of interest in books and reading. We hope that with the introduction of modern information carriers into the educational process and the use of media, interest in the book, which has always been and will be a source of knowledge, will not disappear and readers will continue to strive for the library.


Refresher courses "Federal State Educational Standards for Primary Education: Content and Implementation Mechanisms".

Final qualifying work on the topic:

"Formation of reading competence within the framework of classroom and extracurricular activities"


Saratov 2012


3 – 4 pages

Goals, objectives, principles, hypothesis, project performance criteria

4 – 7 pages

Project description

7 page

Project Structure

8 pages

Project Implementation Work Plan

9-11 pages

Attachment 1

12 pages

Appendix 2

13 – 14 pages

Annex 3

15 -32 pp

Appendix 4

33 pages

Appendix 5

34 -35 pages

Internet resources

36 pages


The relevance of the project.

Mastering the sociocultural space of reading is necessary for communicationpeople in modern information conditions that are updated faster than mass adaptation takes placeto them. Each person should be able to work with heterogeneous information in solving social, professional, personal problems. Most of the skills and abilities of working with information are acquired only through reading.

During the period of a general transition to the information society, the intensity and quality of children's reading decreases. The displacing influence on reading of such communication media as television, the Internet, audio and video productions becomes more and more obvious. The dissonance of reading for children and youth and the growing role of reading activity in the modernizing Russian society can lead to a decrease in the information, general cultural competence of the younger generation.

The features of the current situation actualize the need to solve the problem of familiarizing modern schoolchildren with reading through open social and pedagogical interaction of all interested parties.

social problem.

Today, the reading culture of the individual is highly valued by the world community: 2003-2013 has been declared by the United Nations as a decade of literacy. However, in Russia, as in many countries of the world, there is a decrease in the level of reading culture of the population. As a result of a huge number of changes in the life of society over the past twenty years, the status of reading, its role, and attitudes towards it are changing dramatically. The problem of reading is in the area of ​​special attention. The urgency of the problem of the loss of interest in reading caused a reaction in the country. The Russian Book Union has developed and is currently implementing the “National Program for the Support and Development of Reading”, designed for 14 years, until 2020, in order to counteract the decline in interest in reading, based on an understanding of the role of reading in the development of society.

“In Russia, the share of the “reading population” is decreasing,” said the President of the Russian Book Union, Sergei Stepashin.

According to research by librarians, 90% of people come to the library for books they need for study or work. Such pragmatic reading gives food to the mind, but does not form a system of moral and aesthetic ideals of the individual.

Pedagogical problem

The pedagogical problem of the project is most clearly traced on the basis of today's contradictions in education:

  • a decrease in interest in reading among the younger generation and the need to maintain a stable emotional interest in literature and reading;
  • a decrease in the number of hours for the study of literature, starting from elementary school - (3 hours) in literary reading and a new look at the education of the reader in elementary school;
  • the presence of a collection of the best works of domestic and foreign children's literature and an increase in the number of students,limited to reading literature only according to the school curriculum;
  • the information richness of school subjects and the possibility of replacing them with other information resources (Internet, media).

The most striking contradictions are observed in elementary school. In modern school curricula on literary reading, insufficient attention is paid to the organization of independent reading for children. The subject "Extracurricular reading" itself has disappeared from the basic curriculum, which obliges primary school teachers to bring classes in extracurricular reading into the field of additional education, taking into account the recommendations of the Second Generation Federal State Educational Standards. In addition, today the traditions of family reading, independent reading have been lost or almost forgotten. Teachers are focused on a purely traditional side of the pedagogical process: to teach to read. Therefore, we believe that the words of K.D. Ushinsky: "Reading does not mean anything yet. What and how to read - that's the essence of the question."

Researchers of the quality of reading of elementary school students point to a gradual decline in the role of books in the system of spiritual values ​​of schoolchildren, point to the current features of the crisis model of children's reading: children's reading negativism, the prevalence of reading "Malyshov" books in the repertoire, the replacement of reading programmatic works with digests, the loss of a sense of culture and aesthetics of language.

Psychological problem

  • Crisis of reader development. At the age of 7-9 years, the child is going through a difficult period of his reading development: the transition from the listener, the viewer to the reader. The process of mastering the skill of reading at first slows down the creative perception of schoolchildren.
  • A sharp change in social life in such a way that the number of dysfunctional families, where parents have little interest in raising a child, developing a spiritual and moral personality, has increased.
  • Changing the position of an adult towards joint reading activities with children who entered the first grade (the reading of an adult to a student child is sharply reduced, which affects the systematic and full communication with children in the first years of education).

Objective of the project: Formation of the foundations of the reading competence of first-graders in the conditions of organizing a system-activity approach in training and education at the stage of implementation of the GEF IEO.

Project objectives:

  • Identification and design of optimal psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of the foundations of the reading competence of younger students, developing the creative and logical thinking of students in working with information, forming the skill of conscious reading: learning technologies, methods and techniques, forms of organizing activities, systems of special exercises.
  • Development of enthusiasm for reading, the need for regular reading through the use of various forms of classroom, extracurricular, extracurricular activities.
  • Creation of a single reading space based on interaction: student-teacher - parent-librarian.
  • Determination of ways to use this project in the development of personal growth of students, the disclosure of their natural abilities.

Principles for the implementation of the project theme

  • naturalness- taking into account the typological psychological characteristics of children 7-10 years old;
  • continuity and prospects, emphasizing the propaedeutic significance of reading and interest in it for the formation of readiness for further learning and realizing interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary connections;
  • integration of theoretical information with activitiesaccording to their practical application, which determines the practical orientation of the project, spending a significant part of the time on the formation of various activity competencies;
  • communicationwhich involves the development of junior schoolchildren's ideas about the possibilities of literature as a science, the assimilation by students of elementary terms and concepts, communication norms, and conscious operation with them;
  • integration of training, development and education, which determines the need to use the means of literary reading for the socialization of the student, the development of his social culture, as well as relevant practical skills;
  • variability which involves the development in younger students of the ability to make a conscious independent choice of books to read among several proposed ones.

Project object

Students of the 1st grade of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 83", Saratov

Project subject

Formation of the foundations of the reader's competence of younger students, which is determined by:

  • the development of a steady desire to read literature accessible to the age (the motivational side of reading activity);
  • development and improvement in children of the skill of meaningful, correct, fluent, expressive reading (the technical basis of the reading process);
  • the formation of the ability for a full-fledged (adequate and comprehensive) perception of a literary text (the content side of reading).

Project Hypothesis

The formation of the foundations of reading competence will be effective if the following conditions are met:

  • organization of a system of work on the formation of the type of correct reading activity in younger students;
  • the use of modern technologies (including ICT), non-standard forms of work in educational and extracurricular activities, types of tasks that allowdevelop reading competence, reader's independence, his cognitive motivation, skills and abilities to work with literary and informational texts;
  • creation of a unified book environment and book interests of children and parents as the basis for the successful formation of a literate reader in the family;
  • taking into account the age, psychological characteristics of the development of schoolchildren 7-8 years old.

Expected Results

1) Formation of the initial foundations of the reading competence of first-graders, which is determined by the skills:

Meaningful reading (understanding what is read with the help of questions, recreating a literary image according to the totality of its features, determining the topic of the text, finding its main idea, comparing works based on content-thematic features);

Correct reading(formation of a smooth syllabic way of reading in compliance with orthoepic norms);

Fluent reading (with a technical indicator at the end of the academic year - at least 40 words per minute);

Expressive reading (intonation design of sentences of different types, transmission of the main emotional tone of the work, mastering reading techniques by roles).

2) The development of students' reading activity and the development of a positive attitude towards themselves as a reader.

3) Increasing the level of creative and logical thinking, educational motivation of schoolchildren.

Criteria and performance indicators of the project

  • Positive dynamics in the formation of the initial foundations of the reading competence of first-graders: there is an increase in the level of development of fluent, meaningful, expressive reading skills.
  • Change in the attitude of parents to the organization of family reading in a positive direction based on the results of the incoming and final survey.
  • Increasing the motivation of the reading activity of parents and students through joint activities.
  • A high degree of parents' interest in solving the problem of the formation of reading competence: participation in extracurricular activities, parent meetings, organizing joint leisure activities.
  • The development of the literary and creative abilities of children: participation in reader competitions, literary drawing rooms, quizzes on read works.
  • Steady positive dynamics of students' conscious choice of books in accordance with their age.


Stages and mechanisms of project implementation.


  • The study of scientific and methodological literature, analysis of existing pedagogical approaches to solving this problem and innovations at the stage of implementation and implementation of the GEF IEO.
  • Conducting diagnostic studies of the formation of students' reading skills, diagnosing general trends in the attitude of 1st grade students to reading. (Appendix No. 1).
  • Conducting a survey of parents on the topic "Family Reading". (Appendix No. 2).
  • Joint planning of activities for the implementation of the project (teacher, parents, students, teacher-librarian, teacher-psychologist, teacher-speech therapist).
  • Systematization of the studied and developed materials, provision of material and technical support for the project.

Methods and techniques : planning, analysis, comparison, forecasting, questioning.

II - BASIC (SHAPING) (November - April.)

  • The use of a system of exercises in literacy classes aimed at the formation, development and improvement of reading skills. (Appendix No. 3).
  • Application of productive reading technology in lesson activities when working with texts. (Appendix No. 4).
  • Implementation of the project work plan.

Methods and techniques : experimentation, design, analysis, comparison, individual and group activities.


  • Conducting monitoring studies of the formation of students' reading skills, tracking subject, meta-subject and personal results at the initial stage of the formation of the reading competence of a first-grader.
  • Questioning of parents to identify the degree of satisfaction with participation in the project and the significance of the results of the project in the development of personal growth of students, the disclosure of their natural abilities.
  • Analysis of project implementation.
  • Summing up, determining the prospects for the development of the project, presentation.

Methods and techniques : diagnosing, questioning, analysis, comparison, generalization, forecasting.



Stages of project implementation

Name of events


Estimated date of the event

Responsible for execution


Diagnosis of the formation of reading skills, general trends in the attitude of 1st grade students to reading.

Block 1,2

1-2 weeks of September

Classroom teacher,

teacher-psychologist, teacher-speech therapist.

Questioning of parents and children on the topic "Family reading".

Block 3

3rd week of September

Classroom teacher.

Parent general education on the topic: "Reading is the best teaching." (Annex 5)

Block 4.3

4th week of September

Classroom teacher,


Round table meeting

"Ways of formation of reader's competence at the stage of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO". Planning activities for the implementation of the project.

Block 3

1st week of October

Classroom teacher,

participants of the Young Reader project.

Theatrical performance: "Through the pages of books, beloved"

Block 2

2nd week of October


Lesson-research "Why do we need the Alphabet?"

Block 1,2

3rd week of October

Primary school teacher.

Parent meeting

"Family reading is our respect"

Topic: "Where are wizards found?".

Block 3

2nd week of November

Cl. supervisor

Psychological game:

"Tell me what are you reading?"

Block 2

2nd week of November


Literary Lounge

"Attempt at writing".

Block 1,2

3rd week of November

Primary school teacher.

Parent training "Advice from a wise book."

Block 3.4

1st week of December

Classroom teacher,


Excursion to the children's library

Block 2.4

2nd week of December

Classroom teacher.

Drawing competition "My favorite literary hero".

Block 1,2

3rd week of December

Classroom teacher.

"Magic book".

theatrical performance

"New Year's Carnival"

Block 2

4th week of December

Head of the theater studio

Psychological game

"Reflecting on the actions of the heroes of fairy tales."

Block 1,2

3rd week of January


Workshop on the topic "How to form a reader's child?"

Block 3

4th week of January

Classroom teacher,


Exhibition of books "We read with the whole family".

Block 3

1st week of February

Classroom teacher.


Family Traditions.

Book presentations.

Block 3

3rd week of February

Classroom teacher,


Congratulation poetry contest.

Block 3

1st week of March

Classroom teacher,



library lesson

"It's more fun with a book."

Block 4.2

2nd week of March

Classroom teacher,


"Children's Book Week".

Block 1,2

3rd week of March


primary classes.

Virtual tour

"Internet Library".

Block 1,2

1st week of April


primary classes.

Reader's conference "The book teaches life."

Block 4

3rd week of April

Classroom teacher,

parents studying.

Presentation of a collection of creative works of students.

Block 1,2

4th week of April

Classroom teacher,

parents studying.



Checking the level of formation of reading skills of students.

Parent survey

on the topic "Family Reading"

Block 1,2

1-2 week of May

Classroom teacher,


Round table with project participants, analysis of results and prospective development of the project for the next year,


Block 4

3rd week of May

Project participants.

Attachment 1

Questionnaire for children

1. How often do your parents read aloud to you?

  • Every day
  • Once a week
  • Once a month
  • Never

2. Do you discuss the content of the book you have read with your parents?

3. Do you have your own home library.

4. What was the last book you read with your parents?

6. What do you like more?

  • Read myself
  • Listen to adult reading

7. What kind of books do you like?

  • Fairy tales
  • stories
  • Other:

Appendix 2

Questionnaire for parents.

  • Don't know

2. Does the child read independently?

3. Do you read aloud to your child?

  • At his request
  • At will
  • I don't read

4. How big is your home library?

  • 10 -20 books
  • 20 -50 books
  • 50 -100books
  • over 200 books

5. Are you satisfied with your child's well-readness?

  • Don't know

6. Does your child visit libraries?

  • School
  • District

7. Does he know how to use the catalog?

  • alphabetical
  • Thematic
  • Can not

8. Do you have to help your child in the selection of literature for school assignments?

  • Yes, always
  • Yes sometimes

9. Does your child know how to use a computer?

  • Don't know

10. Does your child use a computer to search for information?

  • Don't know

Annex 3

Exercises used to form reading competence.

I. Techniques for developing a full reading skill

Exercises aimed at developing the speech apparatus

1. Breathing exercises

* Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

* Inhale - hold your breath - exhale.

* Inhale - exhale in portions.

* Inhale - blow out the candle.

* Inhale - blow out 1000 candles.

* Inhale - we consider: the hedgehog has 1,2,3,4 ...... (how long the breath lasts); the snake has 1,2,3,4 ....

* Inhale - reading vowels as one word in one breath


With an emphasis on the letter E (A, Yu, etc.);

With any consonant sound;

* Inhale – reading consonants as one word in one breath


With any vowel letter;

With an accent on a given syllable.

* Planes take off: woo.

Cars go w-w-w.

The horses galloped chok-chok-chok.

A snake is crawling nearby shhh.

A fly beats into the glass z-z-z.

* A fly flew near the ear: w-w-w

A wasp flew near the nose: ssss.

A mosquito flew and rang: z-z-z.

Sat on his forehead, and we clap it

And caught (cam)

Z-z-z let it fly.

2. Practicing articulation on individual sounds - vowels and consonants - we pronounce, sing.

a) consecutively and selectively


B) in various combinations

I-E, I-A, I-O, I-U, A-U, U-S

All sounds are pronounced clearly, loudly, correct articulation is observed.

3. Exercises in reading letters in pairs:

E-E, A-I, O-Yo, U-YU, S-I

Reading words with them:

Uh echo, poet, nuts, wind

A-Z stork, army, pit

O-Yo nose, carried, frost, froze

4. Comparison of the pronunciation of several pairs of words by ear:

Small-crumpled, tears-word, moon-people.

  • Is there a difference in the first syllable of each pair of words.

5. Exercises in reading consonants in pairs.

Errors in the pronunciation of solgasses, their mixing leads to the same errors in reading. By pronouncing consonants in pairs, students are more easily aware of the difference in the action of the speech apparatus and quickly correct pronunciation defects: S-Sh, Sh-Sch, Z-S, S-Ts, Zh-Sh, Zh-Z, Z-Ts.

6. Exercises in reading several consonants and vowels. All the various combinations of C + C + G,which are written on the board should be read and pronounced in one piece, clearly:


7. Pronunciation of tongue twisters

Ra-ra-ra - the game begins.

Ry-ry-ry - the boy has balls.

Ro-ro-ro- we have a new bucket

8. Patter with hand movements

Text tongue twister

hand movements

Past the little MarinaA bear ran with raspberries.

Fingers alternately squeeze, unclench.

It's crowded in a taxi

The fingers are intertwined in the castle, hands near the chest. Alternately stretching your arms in front of you with clasped fingers, then bring them to your chest.

From the clatter of hooves

Dust flies across the field

Hands clenched into fists, moving them on the table

We spread our fingers in different directions, as if throwing dust.

two puppies

cheek to cheek

Pinch a chip in the corner.

Hands are clenched into fists.

Fists against each other.

The fingers pinch each other.

A woodpecker heals an ancient oak,

Good woodpecker oak love.

One hand - vertically oak, the second - a beak on oak, like a woodpecker. We change the position of the hands.

Uphill road to town

From the city from the mountain.

Hands show upward movements, as if uphill.

The same, but only from the mountain.

Centipedes have a lot of legs.

Fingertips on the table, like the legs of a centipede.

The fingers are intertwined and pressed, straighten, squeeze.

Hat and coat

That's the whole Mishutka.

Hands on the table, fingers intertwined and curved in a slide.

In the same position - on the edge. The palms are placed on the table with the back side down.

9. Pronunciation of tongue twisters

Tongue twisters can be pronounced in groups, in pairs, cheerfully, cheerfully asking and joyfully, in surprise, answering. Connecting a tongue twister with a game, with movement is useful for practicing the purity of pronouncing sounds, for practicing breathing, a sense of rhythm, and creating a joyful mood in children. You can rearrange the logical stresses. Perhaps, when pronouncing, focus on a certain sound. During the pronunciation of all tongue twisters, sounds should be pronounced clearly, clearly, without haste.

Exercises for working with tongue twister

  1. Rearrange the logical stress on different words, change it. Does this change the meaning of the phrase?
  2. We gradually weaken the voice, lower it from high to low and vice versa. We monitor the fluency of speech.
  3. Read the tongue twister, gradually increasing the reading speed and vice versa, gradually decreasing the reading speed.
  4. We read a tongue twister with sending air to a certain point
  5. We read the tongue twister from beginning to end in a circle, gradually increasing the speed of reading, showing the word to be read with a finger.
  6. Competition with a stopwatch.
  7. All tongue twisters can be played out: imagine a game situation, include an element of competition.

Tongue Twisters

  1. Yegorka quickly speaks a tongue twister.
  2. Good water in a bucket! Come join us for a drink.
  3. A couple of birds fluttered, fluttered and fluttered.
  4. The raven raven crowed.
  5. Prokop came - the dill was boiling.

Prokop left - dill boiled.

As under Prokop dill boiled,

and without Prokop dill boiled.

  1. Near the hill on the hill lived 33 Yegorkas. One - Yegorka, two - Yegorka, etc.
  2. Beavers are walking along the log.
  3. Tell me about shopping. About what about purchases?

About shopping, about shopping, about my shopping.

Was a storm.

Pair of drums, pair of drums, pair of drums

There was a fight.

  1. Fenced in the garden -

Lost peas peas.

The garden is not fenced

Don't look for peas.

  1. Like a typewriter

Two pretty pigs:



And they tap-nod, and oink-nod:

Grunts - grunts - grunts - grunts!

  1. Kind beavers to beavers.
  2. Grandma - mother's mother,

Grandma - daddy's mother,

Grandfather - mom's dad,

Grandpa is my dad's dad.

  1. The water carrier was carrying water from the tap.
  2. All purchases at the counter are packed in bags.
  3. Oh, you, echo, echo, echo!

Talking to you is fun.

  1. Chatterbox chatted, chatted and chatted.
  2. The woodpecker hollowed out the oak, but did not finish it.
  3. Swans flew with swans.
  4. Grandma bought Marusya beads.
  5. The road to the city is uphill, from the city - from the mountain.
  6. There is a jackdaw on the willow, on the shore - pebbles.
  7. The tree has needles.
  8. Senya was carrying a hay cart.
  9. A good pie - inside the curd.
  10. Buy a pile of spades.
  11. Pilip stuck to the linden, Pilip stuck to the linden.
  12. Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard.
  13. The weaver wove the fabric.
  14. Peck, chickens, grains near the mortar!
  15. The drums were drummed and drummed and drummed.
  16. There is smoke in Dima's house. We inflate Dimin's smoke.
  17. The wolf dragged the sheep. Sheep to the wolf - pitchfork in the side.
  18. I baked Prokop potatoes near the shock.
  19. Arkhip shouted, Arkhip hoarse.

No need for Arkhip to scream to the point of hoarseness.

  1. They deftly flooded the field - they caught quails.
  2. We have Vlas, you have the Palace.
  3. Six mice rustle in the reeds.
  4. There is a vine on the cart, a goat by the cart.
  5. One Klim wedge pounded, pounded and knocked out.
  6. The ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch.
  7. Kondrat has a short jacket.
  8. Timoshka Troshka crumbles crumbs into okroshka.
  9. Three chattering magpies chattered on the hill.
  10. Near the stake of the bell and on the stakes of the bell.
  11. Crucian, do not climb into the hole! Stuck in the hole carp.
  12. Makar gave Roman caramel, and Roman Makar gave a pencil.
  13. Barely Elizar goes, goes to the market.

And from the market, and from the market you will not catch up with Elizar.

50) Barbara was picking a hawthorn near the moat.

51) Strong Vasily is carrying a basket of plums.

52) Alla in the alley in a scarlet dress turns red.

53) Yakov told Yakov all kinds of things about yaks.

54) Pankrat and Kondrat color the square.

55) I paint the roof with red gouache.

56) And the toad went to the beach,

The beetle was carrying a bag to the toad.

  1. Ornithologist Petrov

He overfed quails with barley.

  1. Beyond the boundary reaper and reaper

Harvest rye and wheat.

  1. It was hot. The beetle buzzed.

The red foal neighed.

  1. There is an elder tree in the lowland.

Under the elder Zina.

And Zina has a whole basket of elderberries!

So the basket is heavy with elderberries at Zina,

That Zina will not get out of the lowland!

  1. Parsley brought parsley to my girlfriend.

Petrushka's girlfriend wrinkled her nose.

Never expected from Petrushka

Girlfriend like parsley.

  1. Got the beans.
  2. Vakul shod a woman, and Vakula a woman shod her.
  3. The jackal walked, the jackal galloped.
  4. There is a honey cake on the honey, but I have no time for the honey cake.
  5. Pharaonic favorite for sapphire was replaced by jade.
  6. A grouse sat on a tree

and a black grouse with grouse on a branch.

  1. In our backyard, the weather got wet.
  2. Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two woodcutters were talking about the Stall, about Varka, about Larina's wife.
  3. Mother Romasha gave whey from yogurt.
  4. Have you watered the lily? Have you seen Lydia?

They watered the lily, saw Lydia.

  1. Senya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets.
  2. A wasp does not have a mustache, do not have a mustache, but a mustache.
  3. He doesn’t want to mow a scythe with a scythe, he says, a scythe is a scythe.
  4. The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes, but does not spin.
  5. Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pinch the brush in the corner.
  6. It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.
  7. Scales at the pike, bristle at the pig.
  8. Sixteen mice walked and six carried pennies. And mice, which are worse, noisily rummage around for pennies.
  9. The flute whistler whistles with a flute.
  10. From body to body there was an overload of watermelons.

In a thunderstorm from a load of watermelons, the body fell apart.

  1. The net caught on a knot.
  2. We ate, ate ruffs at the spruce, we barely ate them.
  3. On Mount Ararat Varvara was picking grapes.
  4. From under Kostroma, from under the Kostroma region

four men walked.

  1. Mom did not regret washing.

Milu's mother washed soap with soap.

Mila did not like soap,

Mila dropped the soap.

  1. In the darkness, crayfish make noise in a fight.
  2. Not on the grass, but near, rolled "O" and groaned.

"Oh" groaned, "Oh" okalo ... not on the grass, but near ...

  1. Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons Feofanych.
  2. Malanya chattered milk,

blurted out, but did not blurt out.

  1. Our Polkan from Baikal lapped.

Polkan lapped, but Baikal did not grow shallow.

  1. The pike tries in vain to infringe on the bream.
  2. The ceilings would have been whitewashed by Billy if there had been whitewashing.
  3. Roma looks at the crow: the crow walks along the platform.
  4. Grandmother Lyubochka embroiders butterflies on her skirt.
  5. Petr Petrovich Petrov is carrying a bucket of sturgeons to the subway.
  6. Trumpeters blow pipes in the club.
  7. Egor walked along the hill

And he taught the tongue twister.

He taught the tongue twister

About Yegorka and about the hill.

  1. I ran after the beetle,

And the beetle trembled in horror.

  1. Olya chatted about Alla, and Alla about the ball.
  2. Martha is an artist, Martha is a harpist.
  3. We load corn grain on trucks
  4. The wasp sat on the axle of the wheel.
  5. The black grouse has lost - the black grouse has lost his cubs! The black grouse is chattering to the black grouse about the loss: - You, black grouse, are a muddler! You grouse, grouse!
  6. I'll run past the goose, I'm afraid of that goose!
  7. The rain rinses the grove,

And the grove murmurs against the rain

107) Rimma rides past Rome.

Rimma sees a mime in Rome.

108) Cossack tied the rope,

He tied a goat to an elm.

109) Rooster

110) Village behind a fence, like behind a fence!


Example: we will march, pronouncing the text clearly pronouncing the sound P:

Beat the drum, beat the drum!

Beat the drum louder! Tra-ta-ta!

(children imitate drumming)

10. Clear reading of a paragraph, stanza.

11. Reading at the pace of the tongue twister

The sentence is read slowly at first, then the pace speeds up. Words must be pronounced clearly and understandably.

12. Exercise in the literary pronunciation of words.

SHCHA-SHCHE hands-cockroach

GO-HIS blue-each

This work is carried out in different age groups.

Seniors receive a work plan, on which they receive tasks and the order in which they are performed. They themselves show a sample of their implementation.

It is necessary to systematically train the speech apparatus, develop good diction and competent literary pronunciation.

Exercises that develop

attention to the word and its parts.

Development of correct reading, education of attention to the visual image of the word, improvement of the method and pace of reading aloud and to oneself.

1. Read fluently.

The most difficult words from the work before reading the text are read at a slow pace, and then at the pace of colloquial speech.

2. Who is the most attentive.

This type of exercise develops vigilance, attention to the word and causes great activity in children. The materials for these sentences are words selected by the teacher from the text. For silent display, words are used that are presented to children both in pairs and sequentially, depending on the degree of mastery of the skill. The peculiarity of these words is that they are different both in meaning and in the literal composition of not the whole word, but only its part. Children quickly reading the words should note this difference in the visible words. The following pairs of words are included in the exercise.

a) words whose spelling differs by one or two letters:

braids-goats, friend-enemy, wind-evening, traces-follow;

b) reading words, the spelling of which includes several identical letters:

aloud-deaf, hearing;

city-hunger, peas, roar;

vyut-vyun, blizzard, beat;

c) words with hard and soft consonants:



polka shelf.

d) reading different words with the same prefix:


bend-run through, (for those who are hard of reading)

e) reading words with the same endings:

sleigh-tales, prickly-case, neighbors-bears, purity-frequency, snowflake-funny, folder-stick

It is better to choose words from readable works and print (rather than write) on the board.

f) reading words with a common root, but ending differently.

WATER, WATER, brushed teeth – clean dress

LINEN, WHITE, near the steep coast - the seabed.


3. Restore the words (it is possible to select words that correspond to the topic of the lesson)

TsV_T_K L_ND_Sh B_R_Z_ K_R_G_H

4. Ladders of wordsEL B_

MEL B_ _

LUNCH B_ _ _

VESEL B_ _ _ _

5. Words within a word

How many words can be formed from the letters of any word, for example,


6. Turning words





7. Anagrams

ACHTPO (mail)

AIDRO (radio)

FAGRELTE (telegraph), etc.

8. Reading difficult words

ra - tra - country - country

in - your - stvo - childhood

ra - tra - stra - page

9. "Crawling line"

Readable cards. Grade 1 - from 1 - 2 syllables, Grade 2 - 3-4 syllables, Grade 3 - 2-3 words, Grade 4 - a sentence consisting of 4-5 words or several sentences.

First - 3-5 words, and then their number increases. This technique is one of the forms of vocabulary work. First, the cards are shown on the account 1-2-3, then 1-2, and finally on the account "one". When performing, one should take into account the characteristics of children with limited reading ability and quickly.

10. Finish the sentence, phrase, proverb, saying or phraseological unit.

11. Recovery of all kinds of words

12. Guess

By the first syllable, guess the word, sentence with skipping syllables, words.

13. Entertaining exercises.

These exercises develop attention to the sound and semantic side of the word.

Why did the errors appear?

The bug did not finish the booth. Reluctance. Tired.

14. Reading with assignments.

- a certain letter (C, O, M)

- a certain word;

- underline the letter, syllable (on, an, etc.)

- find the longest, shortest word.

Exercises that form and develop

reading comprehension.

1. Reading text with missing words.

Leaves are closed by one word in a sentence. Children have to guess while reading and name it.

2. Hide and Seek.

3. Imaginary word.

During reading, the word is not pronounced correctly, the children interrupt the reading, pronounce and read the word correctly.

4. Photo eye

Read the words from the board one by one. For control, after every ten words, the teacher asks if such and such a word was presented. In this case, the named word could be absent.

5. Finish

Exercises that develop

operational reading field and memory.

Development of the field and way of reading. It must be performed at an optimal pace so that the "field" of reading is constantly increasing.

1. Exercises begin with the presentation of very simple words:

mustache, mole, friend, suddenly, crunch;

a) reading monosyllabic words: already, eye, brother, congress, take;

b) reading disyllabic and trisyllabic words: winter, doctor, felt boots, field, back, trees;

c) reading single-root words.

These groups of words can be included in the lesson only after the children's reading field is at least 5-7 letters: run-run-run; sea-sailor-marine.

d) reading the words of synonyms with a limited time of perception:

spring key;



e) reading common phrases with and without a preposition, so that they are immediately recognized in the texts: grandfather and woman, spring is red, white hare, lived-were.

2. Training exercises in cursive writing and visual dictations.

number of letters



Set No. 1 "Sound Designation [th"]"

1. May is coming soon.

2. Julia is reading.

4. We sleep at night.

5. Wings of a bird.

6. The brothers are friendly.











Set No. 2 "Big letter in proper names"

1. Kitten Fluff.

2. Almaty and Astana.

3. Yura has a goat Mashka.

4. Julia and Yana are students.

5. Tom and Tim are students.

6. Irtysh and Ulba rivers.













Set No. 3 "Spelling of strong positions"

1. The kids go to the grove.

2. Streams run merrily.

3. Children are looking for mushrooms.

4. Brave mice squeak.

5. The girl had a pen.

6. Seagulls and swifts birds.











Set #4

1. Ilya and Daria drink tea.

2. Birds are our friends.

3. Chickens Chick and Chick.

4. There is a circus performer in the circus arena.

5. Our country is Kazakhstan.

6. City of Ust-Kamenogorsk.













Set No. 5. Dividing L

1. Tatyana has good friends.

2. Aunt Marya makes jam.

3. Daria sews dresses for dolls.

4. A blizzard broke out at night.

5. Natalia and Sofya love to sing.

6. Rooks make strong nests.













Set number 6 All spellings

1. Catfish lives in the rivers of Africa.

2. Can swim upside down.

3. There are different bird houses.

4. The most beautiful house near the warbler.

5. She weaves it on birch branches.

6. Often likes to decorate with paper.













3. Pyramid

Reading: columns of 2-3 words, 2-3 words per line and lines, 3 words per column and line, add a sentence (proverb or set expression) - for grade 3, up to 8 words per column, a sentence and a small paragraph - for grade 4.

Installation: you read the word, immediately look at the next one after it,

Try to understand the word you read.

Use a different pace of reading: slow, normal pace, fast.

Other types of reading activities to increase reading speed.

1. Multiple reading

For the same period of time (1, 2 minutes, half a minute, depending on the volume of the text), read several times, starting each time from the beginning. The number of words read increases each time. This is seen by the student himself, who maintains the desire for further reading.

2. Expressive reading of a familiar part of the textwith the transition to an unfamiliar.

3. Tugboat

The teacher reads the text loudly, varying the reading speed in accordance with a predetermined plan within the limits of the students' reading speed (from 80-160 words), the children read the same text to themselves, trying to keep up with the teacher. Checking is carried out by a sudden stop at any word. Children must stop at the same time and indicate the last word that can be read incorrectly, close in meaning or grammatical form.

4. Reading under the knock.

6. "Gorochka".Read each line slowly - quickly - slowly.

7. Reading diagonally.Reading individual words, phrases diagonally.

8. “Middle.Reading text closed by a ruler in the middle.

9. Loud - quiet.

10. "Duty letter"- psychological attitude at the beginning of the lesson and the compilation of phrases with the proposed adjectives.

11. Work on speed reading tables.

12. "Quiet!"- put a finger, which helps to prevent active pronunciation, which interferes with the speed of silent reading.

13. According to the table of words with landmarks

(words that are often used, dictionary words)

The teacher names the coordinates, the children look for them and vice versa.






Types of work on the text in the lessons of literary reading

The improvement of reading is facilitated by the introduction of different reading options. Before reading, it is recommended to ask questions about the text in order to aim students at conscious reading.

  1. Primary independent reading of a short text by each student.
  2. Primary reading by the teacher and repeated by all students.
  3. Primary reading on call and repeated by all students “to themselves”.
  4. Independent reading with a specific task.
  5. Reading, division into parts. Planning.
  6. Reading according to plan.
  7. Reading, after reading - retelling.
  8. Reading by the student of a new text prepared in advance at home.
  9. Reading with text reduction (children remove sentences and words that can be omitted) Preparation for a concise retelling.
  10. Reading in a chain by sentence.
  11. Reading paragraph by paragraph.
  12. Reading out loud. Buzzing reading.

13. Reading after the announcer. The student or teacher reads loudly, and the rest in an undertone, trying to be in time with the announcer.

  1. Reading, finding an excerpt to the picture.
  2. Reading, answering questions.
  3. Finding in the text an excerpt to the figure.
  4. Reading the most beautiful place in a story or poem.
  5. Finding by a given beginning or end of a sentence. (Later, the sentence can be replaced by a logically complete passage.)
  6. Reading up to the specified word or up to the specified information.
  7. Reading “above the norm” (basically this is homework, when a student, knowing well his norm for reading an unfamiliar text, by training at home, gains 10-15 words, for example, the norm for reading an unfamiliar text is 40 words, which means that the child should read the home text with a norm of 50 -55 wpm.)

Reading a passage to which you need to pick up a proverb.Finding a suggestion with which you can correct the mistake made.

  1. Finding a sentence or passage that reflects the main idea.
  2. Reading and establishing what is true and what is fiction (for a fairy tale).
  3. Reading and finding sentences that have become sayings (for fables).
  4. Reading, writing a script for a filmstrip.
  5. Reading, selection of sound design of the "film".
  6. Conversation with selected text accompaniment.
  7. Finding 3 (5, 7…) conclusions in the text.
  8. Expressing one's immediate judgments about what was listened to after reading by the teacher or student.
  9. Reading, a story about what you liked about the work, what you remember.
  10. Establishment by reading causal relationships.
  11. Reading the title of the story (What else can you call it?)
  12. Role reading.
  13. Reading by dialogue roles, excluding the words of the author.
  14. Reading, retelling what was read with the help of facial expressions, gestures.
  15. "Live picture" - one student reads, the other reacts with facial expressions to what he hears.
  16. Finding a sentence (passage) that this little man could read.

  1. Finding a passage that needs to be read contemptuously, strictly, with prayer, annoyance, indignation, mockery, joyfully, cheerfully, sadly, etc.
  2. Finding and reading a sentence with an exclamation mark, question mark, comma, ellipsis, dash, etc.
  3. Competitive poetry reading (jury selected from previous winners)
  4. Finding and reading figurative words and descriptions.
  5. Finding and reading words with logical stress.
  6. Finding and reading words, sentences that are read quietly, slowly, loudly, quickly.
  7. Reading a poem, placing pauses, logical stresses.
  8. Reading poems in a chain, ending each time on pauses.
  9. Expressive reading of a passage of one's own choice.
  10. Reading a passage of text with the distribution of sentences in it.
  11. Isolation of a word from the story to the proposed scheme __________ h _________, _______ zhi ______, etc.
  12. Who will quickly find a word in the text on the rule set by the teacher.
  13. Finding the longest word in a story.
  14. Finding two-, three-, four-syllable words.
  15. Finding in the story and reading combinations: A) noun + adjective, b) noun + verb, c) pronoun + verb
  16. Reading, marking incomprehensible words.
  17. Reading by weak-reading students of words with a preliminary breakdown into their syllables (mor-kov-ka)
  18. Finding and reading words and expressions with which you can draw an oral portrait.
  19. Finding and reading words in the text that are close in meaning to data (these words are written on the board)
  20. Reading words to which footnotes are given.
  21. Finding and reading words and expressions that can be used when writing essays.
  22. Reading with writing out words for a practical dictionary, for example, on the topic “Autumn, Winter”, etc.
  23. Combined reading (teacher - students in chorus)

60. Reading notebooks for creative tasks.

61. Individual texts for reading on cards corresponding to the topic of the lesson.

62. Creative tasks on cards.

For weak students:

  1. Reading with pronunciation of syllables.
  2. Whispers.
  3. Highlight parts of the text that are relevant to you.
  4. Choral reading.
  5. Group reading.
  6. Selective reading.



Reviewed and approved

at the pedagogical council

Formation concept

reading competence of students

in educational activities

Perm - 2008

1. Introduction.

2. Theoretical and methodological base of the concept.

3. Basic concepts used in the concept.

4. Characteristics of the problem situation and tasks of the pedagogical staff of the gymnasium in the field of support and development of reading for children and youth

5. The library of the gymnasium as a center for the formation of reading and informational competence of students.

6. Technological algorithm for the implementation of the concept

7. Expected results from the implementation of the concept.

8. System for evaluating the results of the implementation of the pedagogical tasks of the concept.


The concept contains the basic concepts and main ideas of organizing work in a gymnasium as an institution of an advanced level of education, performs the function of identifying the problems of children's and youth reading in a gymnasium and searching for ways to solve them.

The concept is built on the basis of analytical materials containing the results of sociological research conducted by libraries for children and youth of the constituent entities of the Federation, as well as leading documents that determine the policy for the development and support of reading:

National Program for Support and Development of Reading.

The concept of serving children and youth by state and municipal libraries of the Sverdlovsk region.

The concept of support and development of children's and youth reading in the Chelyabinsk region.

The concept of the formation of the information culture of students in the educational activities of the gymnasium No. 183 with in-depth study of the English language of the Central District of St. Petersburg.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the concept of the formation of the reader's competence of students in educational activities are:

1. "Reader's Personality Development: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects

(V.A. Borodina).

2. Cultural approach "Reading as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon of Open Education" (TG Galaktionova).

3. Research on the problems of reading culture (S.M. Borodin, V.A. Borodina, T.G. Brazhe, T.G. Galaktionova, O.E. Galitskikh, L.A. Nikolaeva, I.I. Tikhomirova , and etc.).

4. Research on the phenomenon of information culture ( V.A. Borodin, G.G. Vorobyov, N.I. Gendina, N.B. Zinoviev, E.P. Semenyuk, A.P. Sukhanov and others).

Leading ideas of the concept:

1. Reading is a way of gaining culture, a means of broadening one's horizons and intellectual development, an intermediary in communication, a basic skill for learning and life. It is necessary that it become a tool for the successful activity of the younger generation in various spheres of life.

2. Reading is an indispensable condition for entering a culture. Culture for a teenager becomes an organic environment for his designation and manifestation of his own "I". His main motive for activity in culture is the discovery of himself, his own meanings in the system of symbols and images.

3. In the conditions of a modern educational institution with a high level of education, a developing educational environment can be created in which the culture of reading is the basis, tool and stimulus for the overall development of the child.

4. The activation of the reading activity of children and adolescents is possible under the influence of a targeted system of pedagogical conditions, which are: an activity approach in teaching reading techniques (strategies); organization of pedagogical situations that stimulate the reading activity of children and adolescents; new directions in the joint work of the school, library, family. During the period of study at the gymnasium, the student must master

various strategies for developing, creative, intellectual, business reading.

5. Gymnasium teachers should master the current methods and technologies for working with texts and assist students in mastering the basic strategies that combine reading printed and screen texts.

The book culture created by mankind and the phenomenon of reading are among the fundamental achievements of the human mind. The special role of book culture and its bearer, the reader, in the development of civilization is undeniable. Reading and reading literacy (or reading culture of the individual) is now highly valued and recognized by the world community: 2003-2012 has been declared by the United Nations as the decade of literacy.

Reading is a basic component of upbringing, education and cultural development. It is an activity that forms and develops a personality, a tool for obtaining education and spreading culture, evidence of the formation of the communicative and professional competence of a specialist, a tool for achieving a person’s success in life. The role of reading in the development of a child's imagination, mastering the language of classical literature, developing speech, building their own individual model of culture is enormous.

Development of this concept updated the growing importance of reading as a basic intellectual technology, the most important resource for personal growth, a source of acquiring knowledge and overcoming the limitations of social experience. For members of society, reading is a means of translating and mastering the values ​​of world culture, the main component of the education and cultural competence of the individual and, consequently, preparing for life in the global information society.

The implementation of the idea of ​​continuous education in modern society is aimed at overcoming the main contradiction of the education system - the contradiction between the rapid amount of information and the limited possibilities of its assimilation by a person during the training period. The educational space is rapidly expanding, the range of school and extracurricular sources of information is increasing. This gap, despite the use of new information technologies, is increasing.

This contradiction sets the task for educational institutions to form the ability of schoolchildren to learn, to extract the necessary information from various sources, to effectively satisfy their information needs that arise in the process of educational, cognitive and self-educational activities, i.e. read competently.

Achieving the designated goal is impossible without the formation of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities in schoolchildren necessary for searching, critically evaluating information, processing it, perceiving, understanding and using information for practical purposes.

The whole range of the designated knowledge and skills is currently commonly associated with the concept of reading literacy, reading culture. "New literacy" is becoming the most important factor in successful professional, educational, self-educational and other activities, as well as the social security of the individual in the information society. Mastering the ability to read literately and comprehend texts comes to the fore among all other abilities of students by the time they leave school, which determine the level of functional literacy. Teaching methods of adequate understanding of the text, not only the educational one, is one of the urgent pedagogical tasks in the modern educational situation. The significance of the problem of adequate understanding of the text is especially enhanced now, in the face of a sharp increase in the amount of information that must be processed and comprehended. Increasing this volume requires the ability to quickly and efficiently perceive and process information. The formation of reading literacy is one of the urgent tasks of school education. Reading competence (literacy) in the PISA study refers to the ability to understand texts of various kinds in their statements, intentions and formal structure, to bring them into connection in a wider life context, to be able to use for various purposes in accordance with the subject, to isolate the necessary information from the text. information for a given purpose. According to the concept of this study, it is reading literacy that is the basic ability for independent learning and for full participation in the life of modern information civilization. Even for mastering mathematical abilities, reading competence is basic.

"New literacy - reading literacy" implies the presence of elements of education that form the information and communication-technological basis for achieving various goals. It can be represented as follows: reading - finding information through a search made in written sources, observation, collection, etc.; writing is the establishment of hyperlinks in the hypermedium between all types of information and its carriers. Mastering by schoolchildren rational methods of perception and processing of information contained in texts of a different nature, depending on the content and communicative task, will significantly affect the effectiveness of training sessions, which will be expressed in a different (different from the present) quality of mastering subject knowledge. Techniques for understanding the text and their purposeful development is impossible within the framework of individual areas of knowledge. The pronounced interdisciplinary nature of the problem requires a constructive interaction of various subjects (both the humanities and the natural sciences). Opportunities for the development of reading literacy have almost every academic discipline, so it is advisable to do this through joint efforts and coordinated actions of almost all subject teachers.

FROM social significance concept is due to the need to determine the opportunities available in an educational institution to support children's and youth reading, to build a strategy for interaction between the gymnasium and cultural institutions.

strategic goal concept is to create a system of support and development of children's and youth reading in the educational space of the gymnasium. Considering the special role of the book in the formation and development of a person's personality, the efforts of teachers should be aimed at laying the foundations for reading activity already at school age, giving adolescents guidelines for its activation and improvement.

For the full-fledged moral and aesthetic development of a teenager's personality and the formation of a reading culture, it is not enough to use the pedagogical potential of literature as a subject, since literary education and reading development of schoolchildren are processes that largely do not intersect. It must be used in conjunction with various forms of extracurricular activities, with an indirect impact on reader activity through the family. The gymnasium, integrating the powerful educational potential of the library, the interest of parents, using innovative forms and methods of work, is able to initiate adolescents' interest in independent reading activity, create an atmosphere of creative interest in reading.

The task of introducing modern schoolchildren to reading is considered by the teaching staff of the gymnasium as an integral part of solving the problem of the quality of general education.

Basic concepts used in the concept

Enculturation- the process of mastering by an individual the cultural values ​​of a particular cultural community to which he belongs, as well as universal cultural values, the formation of his own spiritual life on this basis.

information culture- this is the knowledge, skills and motives of a person, providing purposeful activities for the optimal satisfaction of individual information needs using both traditional and new information technologies.

Information culture of students- part of the general culture of the individual, a complex of knowledge, skills, skills that allows you to freely navigate in the educational space, which is a necessary condition for readiness for constant updating of knowledge in the process of continuous education; information culture of students includes the following components: communicative, reader, bibliographic, information technology.

Reading culture- the achievement of the individual, the level of reader development, quantitative and qualitative indicators of consciousness, activity and communication are both a product and a factor in the development of the individual. Understanding reading culture, its interpretation as a level of personality development reflects the characteristics of the psyche, speech activity, literary and cultural development, the main activities (games, learning, work), communication and mentality of the individual in the socio-cultural and information space.

culture reading includes:

Rational organization of the reading process depending on the text, the broad context of reading and the properties of the reader;

Deep, precise, clear and complete understanding and "appropriation" of the content of the text, accompanied by emotional empathy, critical analysis and creative interpretation of what is read;

Search, analysis and selection of text (books, electronic documents, databases, search engines on the Internet, etc.) for reading in accordance with the interests and capabilities of the reader, as well as for the purpose of reading;

Choice of methods (oral, written) and linguistic means of preserving what is read in native and foreign languages ​​(statement, judgment, report, plan, theses, abstract, abstract, abstract, etc.);

The reader's reading culture is realized in the reader's actions as a manifestation of his empathy, co-thinking, co-creation with other people in society, taking into account the laws of nature and society.

The personality of the reader a person, as a carrier of consciousness, has a certain reader status in society, playing a socio-psychological role in accordance with the stage of reader development, consciously satisfies his diverse vital needs by reading various literature.

General cultural competence - this is the level of education sufficient for self-education, self-knowledge, independent reasonable judgments about phenomena in various fields of culture, dialogue with representatives of other cultures.

Reading culture- a complex education that reflects many components of personality development: worldview, information-bibliographic, cultural, psychological, literary criticism, including the development of speech activity of the individual as a whole. The culture of reading is considered as a criterion not only for the literary and aesthetic, but also for the social maturity of the reader.

The process of forming a culture of reading- an indispensable condition for the harmonious development of personality. It depends on the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities of aesthetically literate reading.

The growth of reader activity(coverage and intensity) of reading subjects - bringing it to a level corresponding to successful adaptation in a complex dynamic society of a transitional type.

Reading system- an indicator of a certain level and quality of reading activity.

Reading strategy - these are actions and operations arranged in a certain sequence and used by the reader in accordance with his plan, the program for working with text to achieve his goals.

Reading activity - one of the ways of being, his life activity. Its psychological essence consists in value-oriented, cognitive-communicative and emotional-aesthetic perception, cognition, experience, evaluation of the real or fictional world of things, people, events, facts, thoughts, ideas, feelings described in printed or handwritten text. The reader not only perceives, cognizes, experiences and evaluates this world, but also refracts it in his mind in accordance with a variety of personal and social needs, and then uses (applies) what he has received in other types of life (professional, leisure, family and domestic). The measure, generalizing criterion of reading activity is reading productivity.

Reading Competence in the national program for the support and development of reading, it is understood as a set of knowledge and skills that allow a person to select, understand, organize information presented in printed (written) form, and successfully use it for personal and public purposes.

Reading Competence- this is the quality of preserving what has been read, formed on the basis of the general culture of a person, providing the possibility of solving emerging educational, academic, social and professional problems adequately to situations in a wide social interaction of educational and professional activities. Reader's competence is a total personal quality formed on the basis of his intellectual (thinking) abilities and personality traits. Reading competence also has an activity component, which is formed in the educational process in relation to the tasks of each of its stages. It is based on interdisciplinary, interdisciplinary knowledge and is carried out through many skills - to search for and analyze information, understand and interpret the text, evaluate and form judgments about the text.

Reader Orientation- a system of relations that determines the selectivity and activity of a person in his reading behavior, communication, activities. By the nature and characteristics of the content of the reader's orientation of the individual, one can judge the reader's consciousness of the individual. The content of the reader's orientation affects all phases of the reader's activity (motivational-requirement-procedural-effective, result-evaluative, reflective-applied).

Reader communication - a way of being and knowing one's own reader's "I" and the reader's world in the inter-reader community based on the exchange of opinions, assessments about what they read. Reader communication is the process of emergence, establishment, development, destruction and termination of contacts between readers. In the course of interaction, readers manifest and form value, creative, communicative, cognitive, emotional, aesthetic and regulative-volitional mental phenomena in relation to reading as a universal human vital fact. Reader communication occurs in various forms, reflecting the reader's consciousness and reader's activity.

Reading personality development - regular quantitative and qualitative changes in the reader's personality, reflecting different aspects of reader's development (biogenetic, psychophysiological, speech, psycho-pedagogical, socio-psychological, cultural, communicative). Reader development occurs in three areas: reader's consciousness, reader's activity, reader's communication, manifests itself at three levels: actual (real), actualized (realized) and potential (associated with the zone of proximal development), is carried out in three ways: spontaneous, purposeful, self-government. The criteria for the quality of reading development include the following grounds: the personal meaning and nature of reading in the system of reading orientation; neoplasms in the circle of reading; features of inter-reader communication, reader's sociometric status, reflection in the structure of consciousness, activity and communication, home library fund, including non-book information resources; using different libraries.

The reader's mind the highest form of reflection of the reader's reality, the reader's world through cognition, experience and relationships based on the dynamics and stability of mental phenomena (processes, states, properties). The content of the reader's consciousness is made up of a system of views, ideas, ideas, knowledge, opinions, emotions, interests, attitudes, delusions, prejudices, illusions, etc. They arise on the basis of one's own reading experience and interaction with other readers. The reader's consciousness cognizes, evaluates and regulates the reader's activity and reader communication, highlighting his own reader's "I" among others, identifying himself on the basis of certain criteria and indicators and referring to a specific reader group.

Reader socialization - the process and result of assimilation and reproduction by an individual of the accumulated reading experience is fixed in a certain way and functions in a specific social environment. The influence of the environment on the reader, the nature of interaction with it depend on the personalization of the reader's socialization, the involvement of the individual in this complex process. It is the individual who, mastering the socialized reader's experience, appropriates it for himself and makes it unique.

Reading - the most important way of mastering basic socially significant information, professional and everyday knowledge, cultural values ​​of the past and present, information about historically enduring and current events, normative ideas, which is the core of a multinational and multilayered culture. The criteria for the quality of reading as the basic competence of education include the needs, motives, interests, attitudes, goals, range and productivity of reading, the system of methods for consolidating what has been read and perceived, and the general and applied effectiveness of reading.

Characteristics of the problem situation and tasks of the teaching staff of the gymnasium in the field of support and development of reading for children and youth

The study of the main scientific characteristics of the phenomenon of "reading", the analysis of modern pedagogical approaches to solving the problem of reading in our country and abroad allows us to identify the following groups of contradictions, the resolution of which in a particular educational institution should be facilitated by the implementation of this concept.

Controversy with sociocultural plan - between the ever-growing requirements for the level of reading competence as a factor in successful socialization in the information society and progressive trends in functional illiteracy among young people.

contradictions scientific plan - between extensive knowledge in the possible ranges of reading research and the lack of theoretical knowledge about the reading of schoolchildren as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon of open education.

contradictions pedagogical plan:

Between the strategy of modern education for the development of basic competencies by schoolchildren: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, learning to be, and the insufficient development of pedagogical methods and technologies that are adequate to solve these problems, in particular, in the development of children's and adolescent reading;

Between the declared humanitarization of modern education and the unwillingness of teachers to actively use the potential of reading in the development of subject areas of knowledge by schoolchildren;

Between the orientation of modern education towards the continuous strengthening of the role of independent activity of schoolchildren and the insufficient competence of teachers in matters of effective strategies for working with text.

contradictions organizational and methodological plan:

Between the vast educational potential of modern society in terms of the development of reading for schoolchildren and the lack of the necessary experience of social partnership of the gymnasium in this matter;

Between the integrative nature of pedagogical activity aimed at developing the reading of schoolchildren, and the insufficient orientation of teachers to team interaction in solving the problem;

Between the high pedagogical potential of visual culture and the lack of practical developments on the problem of purposeful pedagogical design of the educational space of an educational institution focused on the development of the culture of schoolchildren;

Between the progressive development of media resources and the minimal use of their potential in practical activities to introduce reading.

contradictions development processes of schoolchildren's reading culture :

Between the prestige of reading among elementary school students and the nihilism towards reading among high school students;

Between a wide selection of book publications and the inability of schoolchildren to independently build their reading circle.

The problematic situation that necessitated the development of this document is associated with a decrease in the intensity and quality of reading by gymnasium students. In recent years, there has been a deterioration in a number of reading characteristics in children and adolescents, a decrease in their level of literacy. Not only the culture of reading is being lost, but also the culture of speech, since a significant part of the repertoire of literary classics is not mastered. Interest in the book in the educational process is not purposefully formed, and students do not have sufficient skills in independent reading activity. Teachers are poorly oriented in the literary field, attractive to the younger generation, in the reading preferences of students and do not use the potential of books and reading in the educational process enough. The formation of a complex of reading literacy skills, which are part of reading competence as a personality trait, is not carried out on the materials of educational texts in various subjects.

In the Gymnasium's UVP, there is no understanding of the introduction to reading as a general pedagogical task, just as the possibility of subject integration and educational activities of an educational institution is underestimated. Insufficient demand in the system of school education and the richest experience of the library community. And the available pedagogical technologies do not always effectively solve the problem of introducing children of different levels of motivation to reading. Traditional methodological resources are no longer enough, so the urgent task is to create a methodological system of socio-pedagogical support for introducing modern schoolchildren to reading. The use of the traditional approach in the conditions of the educational process of the gymnasium through library and bibliographic lessons, classes of the course "Research Workshop" does not allow solving these problems. In order to create an appropriate attitude to reading in a child, it is necessary to form the experience of reading activity in conditions of social activity and interpersonal interaction. In this regard, it is more promising to develop and implement a "super-subject" program of familiarization with reading. The over-subject program "Competent Reading" should be focused on motivating reading, mastering various strategies and ways of reading, awakening interest and readiness for independent reading activity for pleasure and self-development. The result of the implementation of the program will be an increase in the level of productivity of reading activity, improvement of the culture of reading and personal growth. The development of a program for introducing reading involves the participation of a team of like-minded specialists who will make up the creative group of program developers. Such a group should include a librarian, a psychologist, subject teachers, and an organizer of educational work in the gymnasium. The direct result of the work of the group will be a program of familiarization with reading, taking into account the specifics of the gymnasium, experience will be gained in coordinating the pedagogical positions of specialists in various fields in solving the problems of developing and supporting children's reading.

It is obvious that reading skills and abilities should be purposefully formed at the proper level in elementary school, but further work on the formation of a competent reader should be related to their development in other lessons, which implies that teachers of all subjects have the techniques and strategies of textual activity. Teaching any subject should include teaching strategies for reading and writing on a variety of educational material, diverse and multi-genre texts, which will activate cognitive, creative, critical and communicative activities and thereby satisfy the integrity of the educational process.

The main provisions of the concept of forming students' reading culture

in the educational activities of the gymnasium

The main goal of education is the cultural self-development of the individual. A. Diesterweg pointed out the principle of cultural conformity: "... learning in the context of culture, orientation to the values ​​of culture, mastering its achievements and its reproduction, acceptance of socio-cultural norms and inclusion of a person in their further development." At present, the need to realize the cultural goals of education focused on the individual is recognized - its familiarization with culture (acculturation), the cultural development of children's and adolescent communities of reference groups (inculturation - entry into culture). The principle of cultural conformity involves the creation of various environments in the educational space, which together make up the cultural and educational space of the school, where the cultural development of the child is carried out, the acquisition of experience of cultural behavior, the provision of social and psychological assistance to him and support in cultural self-identification and self-realization, including familiarization to a culture of reading. The organization and interaction of the child with the cultural educational environment is the main field of activity of the teacher, which determines the socio-pedagogical culture that has developed in society as a whole. With regard to reading, this is realized in the creation of an appropriate cultural background, a context that motivates the reading needs of schoolchildren.

Development of reading orientation T.G. Galaktionova considers it as a purposeful pedagogical activity to create the immediate and future cultural development and self-development of the individual in the field of reading. The way to carry out this activity is the cultural forms of interaction between a child (adolescent) and an adult. The result of such interaction will be the creation of a common cultural field of the individual. By creating a cultural field for communication with adolescents, the teacher really helps them form new cultural forms, new realities of today's and future life. From a psychological point of view, the child in the process of his development assimilates not only the content of cultural experience, but also the methods and forms of cultural behavior, cultural ways of thinking. Of great importance for an educational institution is the line of cultural improvement of psychological functions, the development of new ways of thinking, and the mastery of cultural means of behavior. Psychologists call a child who has not completed cultural development or who is at a relatively low stage of this development a primitive child. T.G. Galaktionova, by analogy with this definition, argues that a non-reading child is a kind of manifestation of a primitive personality. Reading is an indispensable condition for entering the culture. Culture for a teenager becomes an organic environment for his designation and manifestation of his own "I". His main motive for activity in culture is the discovery of himself, his own meanings in the system of symbols and images.

The gymnasium library as an organizational center of activity

for the support and development of reading

Understanding the essence of the information culture of the individual, presented in the works of N.I. Gendina, implies, first of all, its awareness as one of the general manifestations of the general culture of man. Information culture is a product of human activity. On the one hand, the acquisition of information culture requires significant efforts of the individual, and on the other hand, only information culture opens up access to information resources accumulated by civilization for a modern person. The developing reader is in constant interaction with a complex information environment. Mastering it, he experiences significant difficulties in the formation of an integral world of personality. The task of teachers, librarians participating in reader socialization is to help the individual development of a person's personality as a reader. The main area of ​​responsibility of the gymnasium library is the formation of an information and educational environment for the development of students in literacy, reading skills and ICT competence, which are necessary for the successful search and development of new knowledge by students, the selection, evaluation and use of traditional and electronic educational resources.

To support and develop the reading of high school students, a set of measures is needed to increase the attractiveness of the school library. First of all, this refers to the formation of the library territory as a hospitable space for active intellectual and leisure activities with modern design, convenient service hours, and the absence of various spatial and psychological barriers between the reader and the fund, the reader and the librarian. It is important to provide free, unimpeded access to all library resources, to analyze the degree of comfort of places for work of student-readers with traditional and non-traditional media, to provide rooms for inter-reader communication in the library.

The modern library of an educational institution should present the information space to young readers in an orderly manner and teach them how to use its information resources.

The library, attracting students to reading and providing access to vital information, promotes integration into the socio-cultural environment and increases the level of social security of the emerging personality. For this, priority areas of information are identified, taking into account socio-psychological and age specifics, related to those areas of life that are especially relevant in childhood and adolescence: the formation of a worldview, legal culture, interpersonal relationships, self-knowledge, life skills training, environmental education, choice profession, family.

The information retrieval space of the gymnasium library should be built as an environment for adaptation in the world of reading and information. The introduction of information technology is considered as one of the forms of support for reading activities.

Technological algorithm for the implementation of the concept

Socio-pedagogical interaction on familiarization with reading should be aimed at the formation of value-oriented, competence-based and activity components in schoolchildren that characterize reading. Improving the educational activities of the gymnasium in terms of introducing students to reading will take place in the following areas:

Expansion of objects of study: the number of text sources, aspects of the culture of reading);

Identification of problems of a socio-pedagogical nature, for the solution of which it is necessary to prepare students through familiarization with reading;

Using the potential of interdisciplinary connections to introduce the culture of reading;

Using the possibilities of self-education in the field of reading as a component of an individual educational trajectory;

Considering ways to improve the individual educational trajectory, it is necessary to think over educational and extracurricular activities to introduce reading. Introduction to reading should take place within the framework of compulsory academic subjects, optional and elective courses, extracurricular activities, self-educational activities of students.

Principles of organization of educational activities

The guiding principle of content selection is the principle socio-cultural conformity and practice orientation .

The principle of interactivity (or interaction) involves the organization of learning, in which the development of experience by students (spontaneous or specially organized) is based on the interaction between the student and the subject of study, the student and the teacher, between students. The principle of interactivity allows students to build their own educational trajectories and transform general information into personal knowledge.

Principle reflexivity develops in students the ability to realize their actions, introspection of their activities and results.

Principle visualization involves the development of educational material with the help of visual means (video materials, multimedia).

The implementation of these principles can be ensured by using the following educational technologies:

Situational teaching methodology ( case-m method). The case method is a learning technique through the analysis of specific situations.

The technology "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing" is a general didactic integrating technology that ensures the development of thinking, the formation of communication skills, and the development of independent work skills.

LUCH Reading technology (V.A. Borodina, St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts), which helps to master various algorithms for reading fiction and intellectual literature and increase reading productivity.

Project-based learning is a learning system in which students acquire knowledge and skills in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks-projects.

CSE (collective ways of learning, or “Learning in collaboration”) is a way of learning that involves bringing students together to jointly solve a specific learning problem.

Expected results from the implementation of the concept

The implementation of the concept should lead to an increase in the intellectual potential of students, their adaptation to the modern conditions of the information society.

The main result of the activities of the gymnasium in terms of supporting and developing reading is not only a system of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also a positive inculturation of the individual, provided by the content of culturally appropriate education. In the process of inculturation, the subjective experience of the individual is enriched with cultural values, the acquisition of a broad humanitarian culture. As part of the implementation of the concept, a system of pedagogical conditions for activating the reading activity of children and adolescents is developed, tested and described, which involves updating the content, forms and methods of lesson, extracurricular and extracurricular work; providing reading independence of schoolchildren and forming generalized ways of their reading activity; a system of interaction "gymnasium - library - family" is being built as a pedagogical condition for a positive change in the reading activity of children and adolescents in the process of forming a culture of reading.

Introduction to creative, developing reading in the process of implementing the course of literature contributes to the active spiritual activity of gymnasium students, socialization on the basis of personally significant development of social norms of behavior.

Mastering the theoretical, technological and organizational foundations of reading development by teachers contributes to a more constructive, productive and effective solution of complex problems of preserving and increasing the culture of reading of the individual.

Lessons and workshops are arranged in such a way that the effectiveness of reading is clear and reflects the level of achievement and indicators of progress in reading development.

Tasks simultaneously reflect controlling, teaching and developing functions. Complexity and consistency is manifested in the methods of working with text in textual activity.

Teaching reading is carried out in various forms (individually and collectively), realizing the fundamental psychological and pedagogical principles: personal-activity and interactive.

A significant place is given to the development of reading strategies - reading strategies are a program of mental actions and operations in working with text. Providing understanding of the text, they help to master knowledge better and faster, retain it longer, educate the culture of reading, form the habit of using all its main elements. Strategies and algorithms form certain skills of the culture of thinking. The ability to “dissect” a text according to different levels of information (target, prognostic, conceptual, factographic, formative, evaluative) is developed on the basis of analysis and synthesis, classification and systematization, concretization and abstraction, comparison and generalization, which contributes to the development of a higher level of thinking. Formulating textual judgments in your own words develops speech, sharpens the ability to think, makes the forms of thinking richer and more diverse (concepts, judgments, conclusions). Strategies and algorithms implement a program of mental actions at all stages of reading related to the search, selection, perception, comprehension, understanding and consolidation of information. They serve as the basis for memorization and subsequent reproduction of what has been read, make it possible to better assimilate the content of the text, increase the efficiency of reading, and activate thinking.

The system for evaluating the results of the implementation of the pedagogical tasks of the concept

1) Obtaining information about the state of educational achievements in the introduction to reading.

2) Identification of changes in the introduction to reading.

3) Determination of the factors influencing the state of educational achievements in initiation to reading.
Educational achievements in initiation to reading (according to T.G. Galaktionova) are:
1) personal outcomes- the formation of a value attitude to reading; improving reading skills; development of aesthetic taste; formation of a developing circle of reading;
2) metasubject results- ability to use various sources effectively; objectively evaluate the reliability and significance of information; gain experience in project activities;
3) subject results- the level of assimilation of the material, sufficient for continuing education in this area and solving a certain class of problems in social practice;
the formation of the experience of achievements in socially significant activities - in olympiads, competitions, thematic book exhibitions, reader forums.
The priority in introducing reading is to achieve integrative results:

Personal self-determination of the student in relation to reading,

Formation of one's own reader's position,

The ability to independently solve problems in various spheres of life and activity through reading.
The procedure for assessing the educational achievements of students in introducing reading should take into account such modern trends in improving the assessment system as:

Transition from quantitative evaluation of results to qualitative evaluation of the process;

Supplementing the cognitive subject of assessment with the factor of the affective component of educational achievements;

Changing the nature of the assessment: from a one-time measurement to a comprehensive measurement;

Accounting for the dynamics of individual achievements based on self-assessment;

In addition to assessing individual achievements, the introduction of an assessment of group achievement: assessing the ability to work in a team, as well as assessing the results of group work;

Increasing the motivation of students in the process of monitoring educational achievements.
Portfolio (accumulative system of educational achievements) is an expedient tool for assessing the educational achievements of students in initiating reading.

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