Real pictures of aliens. Unique photos of UFOs taken long before the advent of Photoshop

Aliens (as well as unidentified flying objects) excite the imagination of people for many centuries. The theme of alien civilizations is a favorite topic of science fiction writers. But in real life, humanity encounters aliens quite often. Of course, some of the eyewitness accounts are fiction, but some are true. In our selection, photographs are confirmation of contact with aliens. Everything is very amazing!

1. Marfa Egorovna, a pensioner from Petrozavodsk, Russia, claims to have kept an alien corpse in her fridge for two years. The woman applied to the branch of the Academy of Sciences in Petrozavodsk with a statement that two years ago a UFO had crashed in her garden plot. Hearing a terrible roar in the yard, the woman ran out of the house and found in the yard a mangled pile of red-hot metal - the remains of an aircraft - and the body of a humanoid.

2. The length of an unknown creature is about 60 centimeters, it has a huge head, bulging eyes, and outwardly it resembles a cross between a man and a fish. Marfa Yegorovna told the authorities that the creature was wearing a space suit. She wrapped the dead body in plastic and kept it in the refrigerator for two years before even saying a word about what had happened. Experts suspect that all this may be some kind of colossal hoax and fake, but they do not dismiss the possibility that all the information provided by the pensioner is true, and we are dealing with the body of a real alien.

3. In April 2011, two people claimed to have found the body of an alien creature in the snow in Siberia. They claimed that the body was damaged when an aircraft of alien origin crashed in nearby Irkutsk. As a result, the “alien” turned out to be made of bread crumb covered with chicken skin.

4. In 1995, Ray Santilli claimed to have video footage of a UFO crash, the so-called "Roswell Incident" that occurred in 1947, as well as footage of the subsequent autopsy of the alien. It wasn't until 2006 that Santilli admitted that the film was a fake, or, as he put it, "a reconstruction of events that could have taken place."

5. In February 2004, something incomprehensible was found in the garden of one of Durham's houses. His owner called the police after discovering something resembling a curled up embryo in the grass of her own garden. The police called a surgeon, coroners and paranormal experts. In the end, the “thing” turned out to be a toy from a horror shop.

6. Mummies of Nari Pon fairies kept at Wat Phrapangmuni Temple, near Sin Buri, north of Bangkok, Thailand. The bodies of two unknown creatures are kept in a glass shrine located in the temple building. believers claim that these are the bodies of fairies, creatures from Buddhist mythology. One of the myths tells of a magical tree that produced tiny female creatures instead of fruit. with magical powers.

7. Speaking of fairies. In 1917, two little girls, after a long game in the garden, returned home with convincing evidence of the existence of the so-called "little people" - photographs. It wasn't until the late 1970s that the so-called "Cottingley photos" were found to be fakes when one of those same girls, the now very respectable Elsie Wright, admitted that their "little folk" were nothing more than cardboard cutouts. figurines.

8. A good prank that happened on April 1, 2007. This "fairy body" was created by London-based designer Dan Baines, who specializes in optical illusions. The resulting hype convinced many that the "body" was genuine. Later, the artist confessed his authorship, and the fake was sold at an online auction for an amount of approximately 300 pounds.

9. And now before you "Montauk monster" - an animal that has not been identified by scientists, the corpse of which was washed ashore on the beach near Montauk, New York, United States of America, in July 2008. The find gave rise to many of the most fantastic theories about what kind of creature it is, whether it is real or is it another fake. The two most common theories contradict each other. One says the creature is a clever fake made out of latex. Supporters of the second theory insist that the creature is a mutant raccoon.

10. On October 20, 1967, Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin reported that they were able to film a female Bigfoot - Yeti. It wasn't until many years later that Bob Heironimus, a friend of Patterson's, confessed that he was actually on the scandalous tape wearing a fancy dress.

11. Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer of California reported on August 15, 2008. that, during their tour of the state of Georgia, they stumbled upon the dead body of Yeti Bigfoot. Blo later discovered the creature to be a fake, with fake fur, a papier-mâché head, and rubber feet.

12. "Terrible dwarf", which was filmed by teenagers, who assured that this creature was walking along the streets of the city of Salta, located in Argentina. Later, due to conflicting shots and shooting angles, the photo was recognized as a fake.

13. Illustration depicting the discovery of the "Cardiff Giant", a stone statue of a man ten feet, that is, over 3.5 meters tall, discovered in the field of farmer William S. Newell in Cardiff, New York, October 16, 1869 . Later, George Hall admitted to the authorship of the statue, also saying that he had buried it in the field a year earlier.

14. A giant skeleton, which, according to the New Nation newspaper (Bangladesh), was found in Saudi Arabia in 2004. It was later revealed that this photo was a fake, created with photoshop and submitted to a photo contest run by

15. In February 2010, a mysterious green glowing object was captured by photographers hovering over a windmill in Knofolk. Fifty-seven-year-old photographer Peter Rye took this photo during a calendar shoot he did near Downham Market's Denver mill. He admitted that he did not even notice this strange object during the shooting and only discovered it later when he looked through the finished photos. It was then, according to him, that a mysterious object was discovered in the sky above the mill, emitting an ominous greenish glow.He assures that it was a UFO.

16. A mysterious spot of turquoise glow in the sky over Norway. It gave rise to a host of the most incredible theories, including that it was a military missile launched on a test flight. A strange phenomenon was photographed by local resident Jan Peter Jorgensen, returning from work at a salmon processing factory.

17. A giant pyramid, presumably - an unidentified flying object - in the sky over the Kremlin, Russia. Leisure tongues immediately assumed that it was an alien spacecraft.

18. This image, taken by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (Soho), a spacecraft that is millions of kilometers from Earth and studying the Sun, was immediately declared evidence of the existence of aliens. NASA has refuted all theories, saying that this is just a defect in the image caused by a camera failure, but supporters of the assumptions about the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization are sure that the alien spacecraft is in the picture.

19. In October 2009, a crater in Latvia that was thought to be a pothole caused by a meteorite fall turned out to be just a fake. Experts who went to the Mazsalaca area received information that an object resembling a meteorite had fallen to the ground. However, after conducting the necessary research, they came to the conclusion that the dent, about three meters deep and about ten meters wide, was created artificially. Later, the Latvian company Tele2 admitted that the idea of ​​the lottery and its implementation were their own work. The "Jokers" sought to diversify the dull news with constant reports of an economic crisis.

20. Well, what about without the Loch Ness monster, old Nessie! Here she is - in the so-called "surgeon's photograph". Its author, London physician R. Kenneth Wilson, claimed to have photographed the monster by accident while traveling around the area birdwatching. It wasn't until 1994 that it became clear that the picture actually depicted a children's toy submarine equipped with a toy snake head.

21. Crop circles is a term for drawings in the form of rings, circles and other geometric shapes formed in the fields by fallen plants. Despite the huge number of supporters of the theory of the alien origin of this phenomenon, many of them later turned out to be artificially created. For example, here are these, which were created by Doug Bauer, Dave Chorley and Jon Landberg. According to them, they made the first pattern in 1978, inspired by photographs of paths left in wheat fields by agricultural machinery. In 1992, they received an alternative to the Nobel Prize, the Ignobel Prize, for their skillful forgery.

22. Pencil drawing depicting an alien spacecraft making crop circles, as proponents of the theory about the alien origin of this phenomenon assure. The drawing is taken from the National Archives.

23. This giant image of an alien smoking a pipe appeared in a wheat field in Cherhill, Wiltshire. Proponents of the theory of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations claim that the alien is like two drops similar to the characters from the movie 2 The X-Files ”and is a symbol of harmony and peace between earthlings and representatives of the cosmic mind. There is also speculation that the pipe was added to the image later as a joke.

24. A broken wind generator on a farm in Coninsholme, Lincolshire. Local residents claim that they saw a bright light in the sky on the eve of the generator failure and are now proving that an alien spacecraft was involved in the failure of the device.

25. And this photograph of a mysterious object in the sky was taken in Tinsten, Khopeh Province, China, back in 1942. Several people in the photo point to an incomprehensible phenomenon.

26. In September 1957, this photograph was taken by a test pilot near Edwards Air Force Base in California. There appears to be an unidentified flying object behind the B-47.

27. Photo taken by Apollo 11 in 1969. The most interesting thing is that the mysterious object in this picture, by Neil Armstrong, has never been reliably identified.

28. Hundreds of people saw this object, illuminated by bright lights, flying relatively low over residential areas of Levittown, Puerto Rico, in 1980. Police officer José Cordero took about ten pictures of the mysterious phenomenon with his Polaroid

29. A photo of the mysterious lights was taken by a police officer off I-84 near Waterbury, Connecticut on May 26, 1987. The appearance of a mysterious glow caused multiple accidents on the road - drivers, distracted, lost control of their cars.

For many years now, people have been tormented by the question, do aliens exist? If they exist, what do they look like? What color and shape are they? And are they like us?

Are there real photos of aliens? This collection will feature just such pictures. Of course, there are a lot of fake pictures on the Internet. However, ours are really real. The photos shown are the most popular. They will help us understand whether the aliens are real or just a hoax and a hoax.

A Turkish watchman filmed an alien in 2008.

The alien was found in the crash of an aircraft in America.

Dead alien with a broken skull.

Alien guest.

Aliens visited our earth long before the creation of civilization.

Figure near Kyiv. It was created around 4000 BC.

Embalmed Alien, UFO Museum in America.

State of New Mexico.

Alien in Brazil.

In Mexico, archaeologists have found a cemetery of aliens.

In 2011, an alien was found in the snow in Siberia.

Alien in the lab at autopsy.

Little alien.

An alien who died in a UFO crash.

These photos baffled the experts

The vast majority of UFOs are glare and natural objects, or drones and the latest government technology. Just think about it: over 60 years ago, people in an underground city built an atomic bomb. That would be the famous Manhattan Project - the US program to develop nuclear weapons. And no one knows what else has been done in the government laboratories of developed countries over these 60 years. What we are told is miserable crumbs.
But there is also a small percentage of UFO sightings that cannot be rationally explained. It really can be objects of extraterrestrial origin. The most interesting data has survived to this day in the form of old photographs taken in an era when there were no drones or Photoshop yet. At that time, only primitive aircraft appeared in the air, and there were few of them. And it was almost impossible to fake a photo.
Here are some of the most convincing old UFO pictures. Genuine or not, they are fascinating evidence of an encounter between unknown space and the small planet Earth on the outskirts of the Milky Way.

1. The oldest UFO photograph is Mount Washington, USA, New Hampshire, 1870

The photo shows clouds over the top of Mount Washington in the winter of 1870-1871, and a strange cigar-shaped object in the background. This is the oldest and undoubtedly one of the best UFO photographs. Remember that in 1870 there were no planes in the sky, and no one could even think about manipulating images.
In 2002, the photograph was bought at an Ebay auction for $385 by the president of the Independent-International Pictures Corp. Samuel M. Sherman.

2. Tinsten, Hebei Province, China, 1942

This World War II photo was found in an old Chinese photo album. The photographer took a picture of a UFO over the street of a residential city, and then sold the photo. The picture shows a UFO in the sky, with at least one person pointing at it with their hand.

3. UFO over fields in the USA, 1920s

The photo was taken somewhere in the USA in the early 1920s - that's all we know for sure about it. Judging by the hilly terrain, it could have been made in the west or east of the Atlantic coast, or in the center of the country, on the plains, which is less likely.
The object in the sky to the right of the horse-drawn cart was filmed at a time when biplanes were rare and monoplanes were non-existent.

4. Sawmill Ward in Colorado, USA, April 1929

The photo was taken at Ward's sawmill. The man in the picture died a few years later. He said that he heard a "terrible deafening roar", and then a large object near him rose into the sky and flew away.

5.UFO over City Hall in Vancouver, USA, 1937

According to historical records, this picture was taken by 21-year-old soldier Leonard Lamoreaux in 1937 while visiting the brand new City Hall. Here is the full description of the event:
“Two people suddenly saw with amazement how a “bright blue light” began to fall from the sky. It became brighter, and the witnesses were able to understand that some object was the source. Leonard described it as "two plates, loosely attached to each other so that there was space between them, emitting a bright blue light." The object then flew across the sky to the right. As soon as he was level with the roof of the city hall, he almost stopped, and Leonard clicked the shutter on the camera. And then the object soared into the sky and disappeared. None of the witnesses had ever seen anything move so fast! This scared them to death and they ran away. Everything happened in complete silence."
It is important to note that the photograph does not prove the existence of a UFO: the object may well be a defect in the film that appeared during development.

6. Rosetta/Natal, South Africa, July 1956

The photo was taken by meteorologist Elisabeth Klarer just before the storm. The authenticity of the picture was notarized, and Elizabeth herself, until her death in 1994 at the age of 83, insisted that she really saw an incomprehensible object in the sky.
We add: Elizabeth also claimed to have become pregnant during the ensuing unexpected meeting with a space pilot.

7. Battle of Los Angeles, 1942

Photography is a classic. The picture shows the projectors aimed at searchlights and ballistic projectiles flying at him during the event, later called the "Battle of Los Angeles". The picture makes a strong impression, but does not prove the existence of a UFO. Most analysts agree that it was a Japanese weather balloon. But this version has not been proven.
It is worth noting that several direct ballistic strikes were made on the object and hit, but it was not possible to bring it down.

8.Organ Cave, West Virginia, USA, 1939

Photo found in a family photo album by a man named Chris Miller from West Virginia. The picture shows Miller's grandfather with his brother, as well as some unidentified object far in the sky.

Russell Crowe believes in aliens. The New Zealand actor now has every reason to do so, after he recently photographed an unknown object in the sky. Crowe posted a picture of a UFO taken from his Australian office on Twitter.

A UFO was photographed over Viaduct Harbor in Auckland, New Zealand. New Zealand UFO experts have said the object is definitely a genuine UFO and not a bird, plane or photomontage.

When zooming in on a UFO from New Zealand, it is clearly seen that the unidentified flying object looks more like a disk.

A mysterious glow in the sky over Red Square in Moscow on December 30, 2009. The author of this photo did not release it until he consulted with Russian experts, who assured him that he had evidence of a genuine UFO image.

A UFO sighted over the Thames on January 31, 2011. From this strange object, hovering over London's St. Paul's Cathedral, a blue-green glow emanated, which amazed many onlookers. In the picture, this body looks tiny, but according to eyewitnesses, the UFO is located much higher than the planes that regularly fly over London. Onlookers, who were on the south bank of the Thames, assure that the size of the unknown object was several times the size of the airbuses that flew under it. Judging by the descriptions, the UFO hovered over the English capital for a long time, for 20 minutes, before disappearing without a trace.

These glowing balls over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, which froze for a moment, to soon disappear into space, were filmed by tourists. They handed over the video to the newsroom of the Australian Channel 10 television channel.

UFOs have time to shoot not only in the sky, they leave traces on the sinful earth. Here we have the place where the famous "Roswell incident" with UFOs took place in 1947. In 2004, strange drawings were discovered near Roswell, left by no one knows who, when and for what. Mystery crop circle expert Colin Andrews compares them to crop circles found in 1996 in Wiltshire, UK.

January 24, 2011 near the Indonesian village of Nogotirto were seen inexplicable circles on the ground. Enthusiasts believe that aliens leave such circles. Their opponents claim that it is a fake.

The appearance of this mysterious object off the coast of the Gower Peninsula in Wales horrified vacationers, especially when a mass of writhing tentacles covered with scales crawled out of it. Although what they saw was more like a horror movie, a local zoologist managed to convince the doubters that in front of them was just a sea duck (Pollicipes mitella, or Pollicipes pollicipes), thrown out of the sea depths in bad weather. Sea duck, or sea acorn, sea truffle, pollycypes, persebes, balyanus, are marine sessile crustaceans.