The role of leaders in team building. Building a change team in the organization

Note to the leader. 5 secrets of a perfect team

Big and small bosses are concerned about two personnel issues - what is the role of the team and what qualities, in principle, do you need to have in order to rally a strong team around you?

1) Set the right goals. A strategic result in large structures can only be achieved with a team of like-minded people, regardless of whether this team came to a specific project or was formed from new specialists and employees who already worked in the organization. It is also obvious that the result of the work of any professional team is higher when all its members are united by a common goal. It is the common ideology and goal-setting that set the strategic framework for the company's actions, it is the common guidelines that form and “illuminate” the path that either a disparate group of comrades or a team united by common values ​​and goals has to go through. If people do not understand the goals and philosophy of the company, their involvement in the process and, accordingly, the effectiveness will be significantly lower than potential.

Of course, financial support is extremely important for achieving results, but in a real team, many work not only for financial incentives, but also for an idea, for each other, for their leader. The team is well aware that if the result is interesting from both a financial and non-material point of view, its achievement is an unconditional victory for the entire team and any of its members. Moreover, each employee is clearly aware of his role in achieving this victory. It is this transparency in relationships, in understanding the goals and objectives, their place and role in that team that allows people to work more efficiently.

2) Look for "your" people. If we want to form a team, we must be very careful in the selection of new people, because in addition to their professional managerial characteristics and functional competencies, they must fit well into the existing team in terms of personal qualities and philosophy of life. Then it is easier for newcomers to integrate into the existing team, to endure difficulties; they will not “fall out” of the daily process, they will be more efficient and easier to perform specific tasks.

However, it must be taken into account that, in any case, a team is a complex system built on deep personal connections. On the one hand, for a company, the presence of a team is a serious plus - in a healthy environment, this really increases the chances of more efficient and effective performance of certain tasks. On the other hand, in a conflict situation involving a team leader, the split in the company becomes much deeper and less manageable: there is a risk of losing other people along with him, because, as a rule, the team believes in a charismatic leader and is ready to follow him. It is the leader who is the unifying link of the team, on the actions of which most people are guided in difficult situations. In fragmented corporate cultures, when a company has several teams that come from different market entities with different inner worlds, such risks are maximum, since leaders are a thin link in relationships in a large team.

3) Form a corporate culture. The influence of the corporate culture of the organization on the composition and formation of teams is enormous, but, unfortunately, few people think about this important factor. In few places, the corporate culture is monolithic, rather fragmented and heterogeneous, formed by people who came from different companies, and this significantly affects the formation of the team. Usually in such a situation, several teams arise with different leaders, and, depending on whether they manage to agree, unite around a common goal or not, these teams either boil in their own juice or actively work for a common result. The first option in the CIS is more common - top and middle managers, as a rule, are dominated by "personal" and "parochial" interests, prevailing over general goal-setting and corporate values.

This is especially noticeable in those structures that were formed quite aggressively - by absorption. Weakly built integration processes led to the loss of not only strong leaders, but also strong teams. The people who replaced them could be professionally prepared no worse, but, falling out of the culture of the company, they could no longer “play” in the general team. The new corporate subculture emerging against such a background does not contribute much to “teamwork” and “working for results”. In addition, the presence of old and new charismatic leaders who are fighting for influence in the company has a negative impact on horizontal connections and overall performance.

4) Tailor the team to specific circumstances. It happens that a team can do well in one place of work, but not work out in another. In addition to the factors associated with getting into a new organizational and management environment, this is also caused by the integration of the team and individual top managers into the corporate culture. At the same time, old results and victories, rich managerial experience are far from always a guarantee of success in a new place of work, because that old result was achieved in specific circumstances, with a certain external competition and an appropriate internal environment and system. Person and place do not always correspond to each other. The same can be said about the team.

5) Learn to maintain team integrity. When the team and the company "get tired" of each other, they part. If you do not take into account the factor of “natural decay”, when someone from the team goes for a promotion, someone changes their profession, and someone stays, then most often the teams go to competitors for better conditions. Are there situations when financial conditions are not a decisive factor for the transfer of the team? It happens, and often. The self-sufficiency of the whole team is often the determining reason that people are willing to go for less money. They leave together in order to maintain the high performance of the team as a whole, a comfortable internal culture, and a good leader. By the way, it often happens that less comfortable financial conditions are only a temporary factor. Either the company does not currently have sufficient resources to supply a large team with an appropriate offer, and all members understand that it is worth sacrificing a little their financial ambitions in order to keep a good job. Having shown the result, the team will receive financial compensation. Or this is an intermediate option that allows you to “replenish” material motivation after some short time interval, agreed with the employer.

Based on an article by Dmitry Yurtsvaig, member of the board of FG BCS

How to manage informal leaders in the company

Having found an informal leader in your team, it is important to do two things as quickly as possible:

  1. determine the nature of his leadership - positive or negative;
  2. decide how to implement this leadership with the greatest benefit for the team and the company.

The latter can be done after carefully observing the informal leader for his ambitions - whether he seeks to transform from an informal into an institutional leader (i.e., to obtain a certain leadership position), or wants to remain just an informal leader. It is important to understand the motives of the researched employee and his potential to realize the existing ambitions. Next, you can move on to drawing up an action plan.

Consider the options:

  1. According to the results of the analysis of work and observation of the employee, it turns out that this informal negative leader and his "leadership" in the team comes down to first place in lateness, activity at corporate parties and discussion of unpopular management measures. Even if this employee is very talented and sometimes demonstrates high results in work, his presence in the team will not bring anything good to the company. Directing such “leadership” in a positive direction, most often, is impossible, this is already part of the nature of the person himself. Such "leaders" need to get rid of, and the sooner the better. By the way, getting rid of such a "leader" in itself is a very effective and demonstrative educational event for the team.
  2. An informal leader of a positive nature, striving for a leadership position. Let's assume that the abilities of this person correspond to his ambitions. A promising, but very risky option that requires special attention, constant monitoring and sensitive leadership. Such an informal leader is a separate article of the weekly plan for each leader. Here, much depends on the manager and the employee himself, the quality of their personal interaction and mutual understanding, knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of the employee, the quality of control, employee loyalty. It is important how the leader is ready to work with such an employee, to the competition that will inevitably follow. This is an option for very strong leaders who can simultaneously make a career and prepare a worthy replacement for themselves. If they succeed, a great, highly motivated, highly loyal employee appears on the team who fulfills the plan by 200% for the sake of future career growth.
  3. A positive informal leader who does not seek institutional leadership of people or is satisfied with his position in the team. As a rule, these are people who simply can do much more than they are assigned to according to the staffing table, but for some reason do not seek to break spears for the sake of a career. This is not always a bad thing - maybe people have a busy life outside of work, or psychological discomfort from a career race, and that's the only reason they don't want to be what they can be - high-ranking leaders. Such informal leaders are extremely useful. They should be used wherever their many talents can come in handy. From this, such employees receive their moral satisfaction. Everyone is satisfied - both the company and the informal leader.

A competent manager's approach to such employees is attentive to their desire to express themselves creatively for the benefit of the company. You should not deny them the desire to benefit, on the contrary, it is necessary to create as many opportunities as possible for this. As a result, the manager will receive the most loyal and efficient, highly motivated employee. He will receive support in the team, in fact, his own disinterested assistant in the implementation of his plans.

At the same time, such an employee will never create a threat to the career aspirations of his manager - he is simply completely deprived of these ambitions for personal reasons. Summing up what has been said, I would like to note that the main thing in the approach to informal leaders is attentiveness, competent preventive measures and long-term planning.

Based on the article by Andrey Derkach,

Vice President for Operations of CJSC "SRT Service" (a group of companiesMAYKOR)

Dismissing or “surviving” an informal leader is quite dangerous. This can lead to social tension in the group of his followers, and in some cases in the entire company. “In this case, it is better to use the “Give a friend” tactic. "Informal" should be transferred to another unit, ideally - to a group of rivals. Or help him find a place in another company, perhaps there he will be at court. And the informal leader's support group needs to be loaded with work, then they will have no time to rebel.

Based on an article by Svetlana Blokhina,

Human Resources Consultant at Maxus/Svyaznoy Network of Mobile Communication Centers

In the beginning, it should be said that the leader's team is not the same as the leader's group. And the fundamental difference between the first and the second is that in the group the leader sets goals for the group, and in the team the leader involves everyone in setting goals.

We all fall under the temptation to create a group, not a team. The group is people-performers, the team is people-thinkers.

People don't say "I" or "they", but "we" is a team.

1. The leader needs to be confident in God's calling carry this work. Those. know the will of God. Then God will help create the right team. After all, you can organize it yourself ( king saul), or maybe with God ( king david).

2. Be yourself life under the guidance Spirit of the Holy Spirit - people are ready to follow those in whose life the manifestation of the power of God is clearly seen and the work of the Holy Spirit is visible. Such people are usually said to be a person led by the Spirit of God. People will then come and join the work themselves.

4. Be servant for all. A real leader is not afraid to be a servant and does not prove that he is “in charge here” ( example of the Lord - He washed the feet of His disciples). First of all, God cares about the authority of His chosen one through direct intervention or through clear instructions to him from the Bible how to act in certain cases ( Moses example.)

5. Need to work with every team member individually– teaching, encouraging, mentoring and building friendships:

to reveal his strengths and weaknesses, and above all, spiritual talent

bring everyone together

have mutual understanding

6. Creating a good, working, creative atmosphere.

· Do not dominate meetings, but set general directions and try to keep the thoughts on track.

Help team members discover their abilities and overcome weaknesses (so that they are not afraid to talk about their weaknesses, so that strengths can be used. This does not always have to hide them yourself.)

· To be open to criticism, not to be "a person who does not make mistakes". If this is not the case, then people will copy you, and friendships will be replaced by hiding and distrust.

· Create a trusting relationship. This is the direct task of the leader. Don't be afraid to talk about your struggles and failures. So everyone knows that you have them. Show by example that we all need each other. This attitude stimulates a sense of security and openness in conversations, unlocks the creativity of everyone, and so on.

· Create an atmosphere of cooperation, not rivalry. Teaching people to cooperate

· It is necessary to carry out a change in the thinking of each member of the team from the individual to the collective.

Let everyone on the team feel that they are not only a “cog” in a great ministry process, but a co-worker with the Lord, a very important person

· Do not create an atmosphere of depression, hardship in serving the Lord, but rather joy and fullness in sorrows and experiences, remembering that the Lord always has hope for us.

7. You don't have to "chair" all the committees. Let everyone do their part.

8. Pay attention to all youth, and not use it to emphasize their position.

9. Prepare a replacement for yourself, look for her and pray for her. My advice: study with this brother personally.

10. Set achievable goals for people.

11. Not to be soft-bodied, but demanding with grace. “Cursed is he who does the work of the Lord negligently” Jer.48:10.

12. Clearly give tasks and clearly define who is responsible for the work done.

13. Use only intrinsic motivation. Do not bribe people with anything, but inspire with an idea.

Let's now compare the two extreme approaches to management: the directive leader and the genuine team leader.

In connection with this comparison, I want to ask you questions. Answer them honestly - what kind of leader are you? Write down these questions and give detailed answers to them, point by point.

Leadership is one of the socio-psychological factors that affect performance. Leadership potential - a set of psychological qualities that meet the needs of the team and are most useful for resolving the problem situation in which this team has fallen. Leadership - leadership in stimulating, planning and organizing group activities. Behind the ability to lead are such integral characteristics as "disposition to danger", "managerial abilities" and high "personal activity".

By "attunement to danger" refers to the high efficiency of action in stress, as well as sensitivity to potential danger and fearlessness.

Actions in stressful conditions that are most appropriate for the role of a true leader lie in his superiority in protecting the team, in organizing group actions, in attacking actions, in choosing the strategy and tactics of the team's behavior. Sensitivity is the leader's ability to anticipate the possibility of stressful circumstances and options for their development. Fearlessness is conventionally designated as a quality that allows a leader to endure threats directed at him for the longest time and recover faster after defeats.

In the structure of managerial abilities, the leading functions are the functions of suppressing intra-group aggressiveness (conflict) and providing support to weak members of the group, planning the group's upcoming actions.

The leader's high personal activity includes a wide range of private manifestations - from initiative and contact to physical mobility and a tendency to form temporary alliances with different members of the group.

T. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva in the book "An Effective Team: Steps to Creation" identifies twelve requirements for a potential team leader:

1. The leader must be the bearer of the values ​​of the organization, believe in its mission.

2. The leader must be able to develop with the organization.

3. The leader must have good organizational skills; starting to act, to see the final goal.

4. The leader must be attentive to people, be able to see, first of all, their creative abilities. Gifts, to understand the individuality of each.

5. The leader should not use the knowledge of people's weaknesses to manipulate them (consciously provoking feelings of guilt, blackmail, threats, etc.).

6. The leader must have positive thinking: be aware of their own deep values ​​and act in accordance with them; not to distort information on the basis of their own internal contradictions and unresolved conflicts; believe in success, create positive thoughts; in difficult situations, always look for a way out, do not fall into despair.

7. The leader must be able to honestly and objectively analyze his own actions and decisions, as well as the actions of people who trusted him.

8. The leader must be a "team man" and not an individualist or a recluse; have a high communication culture.

9. The leader must have an internal "code of honor" and "ethics of character."

10. The leader must be able to competently manage his own and other people's time, clearly prioritize work.

11. The leader must be able to plan workload and recuperation activities intelligently (both for himself and for others).

12. The leader must be able to achieve synergy: the special energy of the collective mind of the team, the unity of the aspirations of the team members.

Peter Drucker said, "Management is the art of doing the right thing, and leadership is the art of doing the right thing." Indeed, a real Leader is able to inspire people to great deeds and perform miracles, and if he is also a strategic leader, then his team is "doomed to success."

According to P. Drucker, in a close-knit team of like-minded people headed by a recognized leader, ordinary people become capable of doing extraordinary things.

The task of the leader is to rid employees of the fear of failure. The lack of confidence in one's own abilities encourages, according to A. Weissman, ordinary teams of "ordinary" performers to underestimate the bar of their goals. But mediocrity means replaceability, which is the biggest enemy of success in business life. The winning team must be prepared to meet obstacles and be prepared to overcome them. Failures, conflicts should be considered as possible "points of growth", as signals of the urgent need for organizational change.

The leader-leader is obliged to convince his subordinates that they should not be afraid to take on the most difficult tasks, that they have the right to take risks, that mistakes are often the key to success.

Before writing this article, we interviewed well-known consultants. Each of them was asked to list the signs of a team leader. Below we summarize the responses we have collected.

  1. Foresight of the situation.
  2. Ability to motivate a team.
  3. Unleashing the potential of each participant.
  4. Establishing the scope of the team (or in another way: set the vector, direction of action). In the common people - control.
  5. Responsibility for the actions of the entire team
  6. Is perceived by all team members as an uncompetitive professional (and this does not necessarily have to be objectively so);
  7. Seeks to get team members to do the least amount of work with maximum efficiency and can recommend how to make complex things simple;
  8. Knows how to use the intellectual resource of team members;
  9. In communicating with him, each member of the team understands that he (the team member) is actually devilishly smart;
  10. Team members are uncomfortable with the prospect of personal dislike from the leader.

As a result, we got a list, which for the most part does not reveal the essence of team leadership. To understand why this is so, let's ask ourselves the question - why should a leader create a team? Most likely, in order to relieve oneself of part of the responsibility, to transfer tasks for their joint solution to employees who must interact with each other in achieving the team goal.

Therefore, those points in which the leader is left with responsibility and additional activities for employees do not reflect the characteristics of team leadership.

The leader thinks that he has a team and he manages it. In fact, he continues to take on most of the responsibility and work, not trusting the team.

For example, let's take a look at a few of the points listed above that the consultants considered signs of team leadership.

« Unleashing the potential of each participant».

In non-command management, this should actually be done by the leader. In the team - this happens within the team, where its members help each other to open up more fully and more multifaceted. And the leader himself takes the position of a moderator and at the same time a member of the team, sometimes directing the work of the team.

« Ability to motivate a team».

If the leader continues to stimulate, then this is an indicator that he does not have a team. Teamwork involves internal stimulation through successful interaction and problem solving.

The main thing in all points is the confusion of the concepts of "leader" and "team leader".

First, let's introduce the concept of a team. Then the position of the team leader in relation to her will be more understandable.

« Team is a small group of people with complementary skills committed to a common mission, goals and approach, for which they are collectively responsible. The team combines the qualifications, ideas and experience of several people. The team is evolving from a working group (Working Group), which is created to perform a particular type of activity, to a team of the highest quality (High Performance Team).

For the most part, the leader is seen as the leader, who is responsible for everything that is done in the group that he leads. Therefore, so much is written about the charisma of a leader, his ability to ignite, lead, and so on. But when all this is transferred to the team leader, they kill the very idea of ​​the team as such.

The team leader is the one who makes the team and manages its work. And for this, he needs completely different qualities, radically different from the widespread opinion about charismatic leaders.

1 sign of a team leader - the ability to highlight team tasks in business goals. Without the presence of a team task, a team as such is not needed, as well as team leadership. A common mistake is when they think that the team should solve all the goals and tasks in a team way. The manager actually needs a team only for a limited solution of some of the tasks that require the interaction of employees among themselves. All other goals and objectives are optimally achieved by the usual, non-team methods. Therefore, the same employees can unite in teams to solve team problems, and at the same time achieve other goals by non-team methods. As well as the leader - for him, command leadership should be only a part of all the methods by which he manages.

So, there is no need for team leadership if there are no team tasks.

2 sign of a team leader - changing the methods of influencing employees. In working with the team and in the team, he switches to facilitation methods. This is an important point - the ability of the leader to transfer part of the decisions and interactions within the team so that the employees agree among themselves and generate the best ways to complete the team task. Facilitation extends to resolving intra-group conflicts as the team develops. The leader helps in resolving them, but does not solve them for the team members. Otherwise, the leader will remain leading and leading, and thus, out of habit, will suppress the initiative of employees. There will be no team, as well as team leadership.

So, if the manager leads and takes full responsibility for the work of the group, he will not be able to become a team leader, and, as a result, he will not have a team.

Sign 3 - the ability to delegate decisions within the framework of team tasks within the team. This skill is closely related to trust in the potential of group work. If the manager continues to look for the best solutions for his employees, without passing them on to the group, then he remains at the level of a leader without a team. Team Leadership in this case will be missing.

Sign 4 - understanding your function in the team. It consists in keeping the goal and transferring the solutions to the problems to the team. And also in the supply of the necessary resources - those that the team members themselves are not able to obtain. These can be financial, information resources, and other resources that the team requests as they develop and complete tasks.

5 sign - the ability to select the right employees for the team. Selection should be primarily based on the professional qualities necessary to perform team tasks. As they work on them, employees will develop the necessary personal qualities for successful interaction and acquire the necessary skills. Team members can independently and successfully interact within the framework of team tasks, and can also complement each other, interchange according to the necessary skills and roles. In a team, situational leaders are allocated for solving different tasks, roles are flexibly changed.

Thus, team leadership is the management of a group, as a single organism, with the help of facilitation, which implies constant development and trust in its potential.

Team leadership is closely related to team management, which involves a set of managerial actions in relation not to individual employees, but to the entire group. Therefore, in team management, the methods of goal-setting, motivation, organization, and control are radically changing.

The fastest and most reliable way to change the course of strategic management in a company is to change the leader of the strategic change process. Leadership in a team is very important for the effectiveness of its work. Good leadership of a management team results in a well-functioning team and a fuller and faster implementation of the strategic plan. Caring for team members and paying attention to personal relationships are essential to the effectiveness of a strategic change team. Team leaders should be interested in their subordinates not only on duty. Improved change management outcomes occur when leaders take an active interest in the team's ability to do its job competently. This is a consequence of the fact that the effectiveness of the team depends both on the implementation of strategic plans and on personal relationships. Strategic goal-oriented behavior should help the team achieve its goals.

It was correctly said that team leaders should be interested in their subordinates, and they should show interest, and not treat them as their work. Open feelings are always noticeable and appreciated by people, and this is very important for a team leader. The leader needs his words to be perceived not as orders or instructions, but as friendly advice. But this is characteristic mainly of informal leaders, in fact, why they become them. But formal leaders most often resort to command relations. This is more suitable for leaders of organizations, and leaders should be "friends" and they should choose their own behavior within the team. Below are some types of leader behavior.

Table 2. The main types of command behavior of the leader

"Gatekeeper Functions"

"Opening the gate" - the desire to draw others into the discussion; "closing the gate" - the desire to contain or stop the communication of others


Analysis of shortcomings or their causes in a specific situation


Showing friendliness, responsiveness to others, verbal and non-verbal support

Search and transfer

Finding and providing the right information

Conflict resolution

Willingness to recognize conflict and deal with it

Proposing proposals and initiatives

Suggesting ideas and ways of doing things related to the task being performed


Evaluation of the merit of proposals and their effectiveness

Expression of opinion

Making appropriate judgments about the contribution of each

Appeal to feelings

Recognizing and understanding people's feelings

Satisfaction of physical needs

Satisfaction of needs for amenities, accommodation, recreation

Making decisions

Participation in decision-making on any proposal or course of action

A team leader who performs all the necessary functions is a rarity. In real change team management practice, some leaders will be passionate about the goal and naturally focus on the task, while others tend to prefer team relationships. Only a few people know how to distribute their attention evenly - both on solving the problem and on creating good team relationships. However, the key point is to ensure that these functions are performed by team members without the direct participation of the leader. According to the classification of team roles, there should be someone acting as a chairman, giving the collectivist the right to provide types of behavior focused on personal relationships in the team, and to the shaper, performer and closer - to provide types of behavior focused on the implementation of strategic tasks. But even if all these functions are performed, the probability of the destruction of the team remains. The fact is that people tend to bring personal motives and hidden intentions into group work, and this can create difficulties for team work. It is difficult to discern the difference between a type of behavior focused on maintaining teamwork and a selfish type of behavior: the performance of the same behavioral function, for example, regulating communication or performing the "gatekeeper function", can be aimed both at maintaining harmony in the team and at satisfaction of personal interests. In addition to the organizational or command types of leader behavior, there is also a classification by which, according to experts, it is possible to identify egoistic types of leader behavior.

Table 3. Selfish types of behavior

Type of behavior

Behavior characteristic


Aggression or denial of others, concern for strengthening one's own positions

Blocking or creating difficulties

Creating obstacles or difficulties in the way of the proposals or ideas of others, without putting forward alternative proposals or reasonable arguments


Facilitate the discussion away from issues in which the position is vulnerable or weak

Imposing approval or recognition

The desire to make others feel sorry for themselves, thereby forcing them to support the leader or actively impose an approval opinion on the value of his contribution to the work of the group


Refusal to participate in common work

Points set

The desire to "beat on points" others to strengthen their own status

Abuse of position

Monopolization of group discussion, use of group processes to satisfy personal managerial and power ambitions


Focusing on minor flaws in the proposals or contributions of others in order to undermine their positions

In the case, as with team types of behavior, in the above classification, selfish types of behavior that a team leader may have are clearly visible. It is enough to understand the principles of the leader's behavior to make sure what kind of behavior drives the leader, selfish or, conversely, with "bestowal". In addition, the type of leader's behavior is closely related to the style of his management, and largely determines it. Therefore, a leader with selfish intentions as part of a change team is unacceptable. It should be open, do "for" and not "for the sake of".

The leader's approach to managing the strategic change team can be depicted as a scale with "authoritarianism" at one end and "participation" at the opposite end. An authoritarian leadership style can interfere with maintaining personal relationships in a team, but none of these styles can guarantee success in achieving team goals. The acceptability of each style depends on the circumstances. A democratic approach can be helpful when getting the most out of a team. The leader of the authoritarian type indicates what needs to be done, and in doing so, uses his power to the maximum, allowing only minimal influence on the state of affairs from the team members. However, even a leader with an authoritarian style of leadership can nullify the role of team members, because, having received orders, team members must interpret them and respond accordingly. The team always has a tolerance for a certain error of actions due to errors or incorrect communications. Likewise, the leader's power can never be zero, regardless of the degree of participation the leader allows.

Figure 12 - Factors that determine the optimal balance between authoritarianism and participation

There are no universal recommendations for determining the optimal balance between authoritarianism and participation, but several factors can be taken into account.

The effectiveness of managing a strategic change team depends on the ability of the team to perform the functions of solving the problem and maintaining personal relationships in the most appropriate way. Part of this should be provided by the leader, but team members also have their share of responsibility.

According to the philosopher Tulasi Priya, without leaders, an organization collapses. “There are many examples in my life when an informal organization collapsed in the blink of an eye due to the departure of a leader,” she says. A formal organization, as a rule, does not remain without a leader, it’s just that this place can be occupied by a person who is not very suitable for the role. But this is a necessary measure, because otherwise, in this place and at this time, the organization will simply collapse. And it is always easier to criticize a leader than to take his place, and even surpass him in the best sense of these words. Many are not attracted by such a prospect. Because "test by power" is more terrible than "test by money or women."

In a group of people, especially in a team, a leader is needed, and not just a leader, but a person worthy of being called a leader. If he does not have the necessary qualities inherent in a good leader, then this is tantamount to his absence. In a change team, the leader must "sow" calm and prevent panic.

The reasons for the failures of the teams of most foreign corporations, as noted by the American professor of management at the Dartmouth Business School Sidney Finkelstein, lie not only in the inability to use the opportunities provided by the external environment and ignoring weak signals sent by the market, but also in the absence of constructive behavior, and simply in obvious mistakes. team leaders. In mediocrity, as a rule, it is impossible to reproach the heads of organizations. Another thing is that they sometimes lack special competencies and management experience in specific situations leading to a crisis.

The leader of the change team should have not so much the ability to lead the team as the ability to convince people, since in strategic changes the main obstacle is resistance from employees, and the task of the change team is to minimize this resistance.

Experts identify several types of leaders. This can help with the formation of the team, when the question of "promotion" of the leader arises. For example, professor of economic sciences Lapygin Yu.N. gives the following classification of leaders:

Figure 13 - Types of leaders

Leaders - analysts see the world only rationally, dividing it into black or white, they must always have the right answer. They are interested in figures and facts, they are rational, they consider and check everything, they are looking for the right answer, they systematize everything.

Leaders who have a vision of the future ideal state of the organization are full of ideas that inspire their followers, but poorly organize the practical side of things. They have a clear vision of the goal, but see no obstacles, self-confident, charismatic, original, bright, follow instincts, uncompromising, eccentric.

Leaders - practitioners find rapture in getting others to "walk the line." They force others to “walk the line”, engage in “arm-twisting”, lead people into “fight”, adore the turmoil of business.

Each leader with his own type will "manage" the team in the appropriate style. This must be taken into account when forming a team, and for what purposes it is created, since this can be a fundamental step in the formation. For a change team, a leader who combines analytical qualities with a vision of the future is more suitable, since in our case it is necessary to analyze and clearly present the goal and state of the organization after the change.

A good leader must have sufficient charisma. Charisma, as defined by renowned motivational expert Nikolaus Enckelmann, is the ability to attract and hold the attention of others. A charismatic person is endowed with power over other people, which manifests itself in influencing their thoughts and actions. This is an indispensable quality of true leaders. A leader is a person who has followers who help him achieve his intended goal, although sometimes "leadership inclinations are confused with external showiness, arrogance, strength." Leadership is not a forceful, but a subtle influence on relations between people, the result of which is the willingness to voluntarily follow the leader. In addition, leadership is a situational category.

Not everyone becomes a leader, but only self-confident people who clearly represent the goal they are striving for. In addition, a successful leader, according to experts, must have the qualities shown in Figure 14.

The bridge between fantasy and common sense is the ability to analyze. An effective leader can mobilize people to achieve a goal by sharing his vision with them.

Figure 14 - Qualities of a team leader

There is also another classification of qualities that a leader should have:

In fact, a leader must have both fantasy and common sense, and a combination of these elements is essential for a leader. As a result, it is precisely the ability for effective activity that appears, i.e. effectively lead the team. The qualities of a leader are not limited to the above classifications. A good leader must constantly improve and develop in himself more and more new qualities necessary for effective team management.

Specialists identify a list of functions that the team leader must implement.

Table 4. Functions of the team leader

The authors of The Challenge of Leaders, Bengt Karloff and Sven Sederberg, note that for many interaction-oriented people, group work is pleasant at first, but over time, the mood deteriorates as it turns out that too little work has been done. The purely self-oriented person turns group meetings into cockfights, and for many task-oriented group members, meetings are productive at first but become increasingly boring over time. The content of leadership in a group is imperceptibly determined by the group itself, and if the group needs task orientation, then its members systematically turn to and listen to the task-oriented person.

According to Bengt Karloff and Sven Sederberg, the team has an informal leader rather than a formal one. The group itself chooses who it will follow. In our opinion, this is the most perfect option. Thanks to this, there will be no conflicts in the group related to the dissatisfaction of the "appointed" leader.

The influence of the leader in the team dominates, which allows him to change the direction of consciousness and behavior patterns of other members of the group.

Thus, the main types of leaders, including selfish ones, were considered. It was found that leaders have certain qualities, without which his influence in the team will not be effective. But it is not advisable to dwell on the already existing qualities, constant improvement is needed, perhaps, if the creation of a team has a long-term perspective, then conducting various kinds of trainings regarding the effectiveness of the leader. As far as the team of changes is concerned, the role of the leader is of no small importance here. He should be the brain of this “machine”, and all the other members of the team should be the “nerves”, forcing others to get on the right path, and depending on what “impulses” the leader sends, the “machine” as a whole will work. And its work already depends on the achievement of the goal, i.e., in our case, the implementation of strategic changes.

As for the chapter as a whole, it can be noted here that in order to form a change team, it is necessary to rely on general principles team formation. In chapter 1, various processes were discussed, describing the formation of teams in more or less detail. Based on them, we will try to imagine the most convenient process for us to form a strategic change team.

Figure 16 - Team formation process

Any process, including the process of team building, must begin with preparation, i.e. preliminary work. Therefore, the initial step in the process of building a strategic change team should be preparation. This should include the design of the team, the definition of its purpose, goals, objectives, and the role of the team. After the team is designed, it is necessary to create working conditions for its future members. Upon completion of the preparation, the formation itself begins, that is, the definition and structuring of the team composition. As soon as the composition of the team is formed, the adaptation of its members to new conditions begins. At the same time, or with a slight difference in time, grouping and cooperation begin. The last two stages are natural, i.e. will occur regardless of external factors. And the task of leadership at this moment is to create favorable conditions for the flow of this stage of team formation. The next step is to define the team's performance standards. This is the task of the management or managers involved in this process. After the team is fully formed, it begins to function and takes a direct part in the project, that is, it performs the tasks assigned to it. At this time, the management of the organization needs to be assisted in the work, i.e. provide the change team with support. Finally, when the goals are achieved, that is, the planned strategic changes are carried out, the team is disbanded.

We should not forget about the process of team development, which is not indicated in Figure 16. Its action should begin almost simultaneously with the process of formation itself and, if possible, continue until the stage of disbandment. In fact, how the team will be developed will be the effectiveness of its activities.

In addition to preparing and selecting, and possibly creating a new process for forming a strategic change team, it is necessary to take into account the influence of various factors on this process, which will be considered and analyzed in Chapter 2 of this dissertation.