The most popular university in America. US universities

A third of all universities annually included in the rankings of the best educational institutions in the world are located in the United States. Diplomas obtained in this country are highly rated in any state and are a guarantee of successful employment. The leadership of American universities in the global education system is ensured by a high level of teaching, the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process, attention to practice and a huge selection of specialties. The number of foreign students in the United States is over the top - every year about 700 thousand students from around the world come here for education. In some universities, 40-50% of students are foreigners.


The USA is the world leader in the number of prestigious universities. In 2017 in the top ten ranking The World University Rankings included 7 higher educational institutions of the States at once.

Evaluation of universities was carried out on the basis of several criteria: by the level of teaching, the demand for graduates from employers, the degree of citation and fame of scientific works, and technical equipment. Outside the top ten, there are 141 more American universities. As a result, the number of US universities in this ranking exceeded the number of "representatives" of other countries.


In total, there are about 4,000 higher educational institutions in the United States - these are universities, colleges and several institutes. Unlike Russian universities and colleges, US universities and colleges have the same status - they can get exactly higher education. A significant difference between universities and colleges is that the latter are usually smaller, do not conduct research work and offer only Undergraduate and Bachelor degree programs. University students can obtain Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Doctor of Science (Doctorate) and an MBA qualification. It is possible to combine educational institutions, continuing education in the master's program of the university after receiving a bachelor's degree from a college. This option will cost an order of magnitude cheaper.

American universities are divided into public and private. State universities of the country are large educational institutions that conduct serious research work. Only eight of them are federal and run by the US government. The rest are owned by the states and managed by municipal authorities, and therefore the curricula and the conditions for entering them sometimes vary greatly. The cost of education in state universities is much lower than in private ones.

Most universities in America are private institutions and education in them is quite expensive. However, it is private universities and colleges that are considered the most prestigious. The emphasis in such universities is, first of all, on practice, students spend a lot of time doing independent work, they have a personal mentor, the training program is compiled individually for each, and classes are held in small groups of up to 12 people.


The Ivy League Universities is an association of eight of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the United States. The term "Ivy League" became generally accepted in 1954 after the formation of a sports association of the same name. At the same time, the first mention of the league dates back to 1933 - this is how journalists dubbed the American football teams from these universities. It is believed that the name has an allegorical meaning: the universities are so old that their buildings are covered with ivy.

The Ivy League universities include the following private educational institutions in the United States:

  • Brown University
  • Harvard University
  • Dartmouth College (Dartmouth College)
  • Yale University
  • Columbia University
  • Cornell University
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • Princeton University

Today, the union of the eight oldest private universities in America is the country's strongest research base. Enormous funds are invested in its development every year. So, in 2014, Harvard and Yale universities allocated $36 and $24 million for research, respectively. A high level of funding makes it possible to attract the strongest teachers, including those from other countries of the world, as well as gifted applicants. A huge number of politicians, top managers of the world's largest corporations, scientists came out of the walls of the Ivy League universities. Over 400 graduates have received the Nobel Prize (153 from Harvard, 101 from Columbia, 52 from Yale, 45 from Cornell, 37 from Princeton, 29 from Pennsylvania). Becoming a student at one of the Ivy League universities is the dream of many yesterday's high school graduates.

From year to year, Ivy League universities are in the top of the best universities, both according to American and international rankings. Studying at such a university is prestigious and prestigious, and receiving its diploma means opening up all the roads to a fast-paced successful career and a secure future. But it is not at all easy to enter such a university - the competition is big, and the entrance requirements are very high. For example, about 30,000 applications come to Yale every year, of which the admissions committee approves no more than 1,500. High ambitions and thorough academic preparation are required to pass the admission procedure to one of the Ivy League universities.


The duration of study at American universities varies depending on the program. Students receive a bachelor's degree in 4 years, a master's program lasts 2 years, a doctoral program - 5-7 years. The academic year consists of semesters or trimesters. In the middle of each of them and at the end of the year, exams are taken.

The format of classes in the form of lectures, familiar to a Russian student, is not very common in the United States. Classes in American universities usually take the form of seminars, discussions and even team games. In this way, students learn to think critically, engage in dialogue, speak to an audience and defend their opinion. Particular attention is paid to independent learning activities. One hour of classroom study with a group is preceded by long hours of independent work in a library or laboratory.

A feature of studying at an American university is that it is based on a flexible system of so-called "credits". The student independently plans his study time and chooses subjects for study. A credit is a kind of credit unit equal to one academic hour. Each semester involves the receipt of a certain number of credits, that is, credit teaching hours. Usually for bachelors, the minimum number of credits is 130, for masters - half as much.

Throughout the entire educational process, performance ratings are maintained, according to which a potential employer evaluates a student. With high performance, a student can count on receiving a scholarship or an invitation to work.


There is no single “standardized” system for entering an American university as such. Entry requirements may vary from institution to institution. Many US universities and colleges accept applicants without entrance exams. Top American universities require you to write an essay and fill out a questionnaire, which may contain questions on various topics - from the name of the applicant's favorite books to his plans for the future.

A prerequisite for foreign applicants is the availability of the results of the SAT final school exam and the TOEFL language exam (not lower than 550 points) or IELTS (from 5.5 points). The admission process for an applicant from Russia makes it difficult to distinguish between the secondary education systems of the two countries. In the US, children spend 13 years at a school desk, and not 11 like Russian schoolchildren. Therefore, in order to become a student of an American university, a graduate will have to make up for the missing 2 years in one of the following ways:

  • Finish school in the USA;
  • Complete one of the preparatory programs for admission to US universities

No less important than academic preparation, the stage of admission is the correct and timely submission of documents to the university. Documents must be sent at least one year in advance. In the case of admission to prestigious American universities, for example, the Ivy League, the period can be extended to three years, since the competition is unusually high. The package of required papers and the form of their submission differ in each educational institution. Therefore, it is better to entrust their design to professionals. KNOWLEDGE CENTER managers know all the details of preparing documents for admission to US universities and will help you complete them correctly and as quickly as possible. And if you have not yet decided where you want to go or you still have questions about American universities, our specialists will answer them and help you make the right choice. Sign up for a free consultation at the KNOWLEDGE CENTER using the online application form below.

US universities are the most international educational institutions in the world. This situation has developed due to the fact that the American education system is recognized as the most effective on Earth. It is based on the complete freedom of students in the choice of subjects, the absence of ordinary lectures, which are replaced by seminars and disputes, and the instant practice of the received material in practice. Also, there is a high level of competition.

American universities do not accept "swamps". The race for leadership begins from the first days of training and continues until the end of the final exams. Therefore, employees with a diploma from an educational institution in the United States are so valued all over the world. Employers are simply sure that such a graduate will be able to find a solution to any problem, will not become an ordinary "office plankton" and will be able to make a rapid career, because he has several years of positional struggle with such talented and active students behind him.

So, despite the rather high cost of education, universities in America never face a lack of foreign students, and New York film academies are simply besieged by future "stars" of the television and film industry, without regard to the grandiose competition and high prices.


Each educational institution in the United States sets individual requirements. It is quite difficult for an ordinary Ukrainian to understand the selection criteria. In most cases, universities in the United States are focused on accepting students with abilities in areas where the university "sags" a little. Therefore, the same Harvard is capable of accepting a famous basketball player to any supernumerary or sports department, ignoring the application of a round honors student.

As for New York with its art academies, your portfolio plays a big role here. It does not matter whether a Ukrainian plans to enter the Academy of Ballet, Higher Art School or Institute of Cinematography, photographs, videos of performances or reproductions of painted paintings are of decisive importance. Due to the fact that you are not personally in New York, the selection committee will be able to see your talent or originality only on the basis of the materials sent.

As for the general requirements for admission, it is enough for a Ukrainian to have:

  • certificate of secondary education;
  • results of external testing (ACT or SAT for undergraduate and GRE or GMAT for graduate);
  • IELTS or equivalent certificate;
  • portfolio for creative professions.


To begin with, you can apply to US universities from mid-September until the first of January. Although some universities in America make admission all year round.

The best solution for a Ukrainian would be to announce his decision to get an education at a certain university before the beginning of December. So there are more chances for enrollment and for the allocation of scholarships, since the scholarship fund is not unlimited. In addition, in case of refusal, there is still time to send the application to another university or college. An important role for foreign students is also played by the fact that the Americans themselves begin the admission process from December 1, so the competition is noticeably increasing.

Most often, for admission to a prestigious institute, a foreign applicant, the same Ukrainian, requires an annual training course. It is mainly associated with improving the knowledge of the English language and a more in-depth study of specialized subjects. American universities do not practice mass expulsion, as in many European countries, so they want to make sure that a foreign student "pulls" the program of study.

The admission process itself is quite simple:

  • fill out an application on the website of the university;
  • documents are sent (translated and legalized certificate, bachelor's degree);
  • the results of American external testing are provided;
  • a copy of the certificate of passing the exam for knowledge of the English language is sent;
  • writing an academic essay;
  • scanned letters of recommendation;
  • a motivation letter is sent.

In order to increase the chances of entering prestigious US universities, it is important for a Ukrainian to write a motivation letter correctly. It is on him that the selection committee mainly relies when choosing one of the equivalent candidates. Therefore, do not be shy in your letter not only to praise the chosen US institution, but also to emphasize your talent and uniqueness. Practically show off that you are so smart, brilliant and educated. For America, this is considered quite normal.


At the undergraduate level, the main difference between a college and a university in the United States is that the latter does not issue an associate's degree after 2 years of study, as a college does.

The award of a university degree is quite standard:

  • bachelor;
  • master;
  • Ph.D.

Education programs in public and private universities are virtually the same, the only thing is that it is cheaper to get an education in a public institution, but the competition is higher. Yes, and it is focused on meeting certain needs of the region, which leads to a limited number of places in less priority areas and specialties.


The undisputed leader for the 6th year in a row both in the world and in the States is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Its main areas of activity are computer and information technologies, artificial intelligence and robotics. Known for his particular pickiness and complexity of training programs. It is much easier to enter than to graduate. So sometimes, institutions in the US are much stronger than universities.

It is followed by the oldest university in America - Harvard, founded in 1636. Its strengths are medicine, law, business.

Closes the TOP 5 universities in the United States the most science-intensive institution - the University of Chicago, which has the strongest physics, including nuclear.

Unfortunately, there were no representatives of New York among the best, but this did not make education in it any less prestigious.

More than a million foreign students study in the USA - such statistics are given by the State Department of International Education of America. Every year more than 270 thousand graduates come to enter American universities.

Here are 5 reasons why US universities are different from other educational institutions:

  • 7 of the top 10 universities in the world are American universities (The World University Rankings, 2019).
  • The educational system allows you to change your specialty during training - students do not have to waste time on useless classes.
  • Graduates can stay in the country on a student visa for another 1-3 years to work in their specialty.
  • US universities lead the way in many areas of technology and research, thanks to grants and strong research bases. UCLA has over 350 research labs, LSU has its own oil rig, and FIU has an underwater lab.
  • The campus of an American university is a whole student city, where there is everything for life, study, sports and creativity. And as a bonus - a multicultural environment in which foreigners are treated with respect.

Popular specialties

Engineering is the most popular major in American universities among foreign students, with 21% of visiting graduates studying it (Institute of International Education’s Open Doors report, 2018). The top also includes business and management, mathematics and information technology.

At the same time, at US universities you can find an educational program in any field - study cinema at the New York Film Academy, finance at Hult International Business School or medicine at The University of Illinois at Chicago.

In total, there are about 4000 institutes, universities and colleges in America. They are divided into private and public and subject to state laws. Most often, foreign students choose to study in California, New York, Texas and Massachusetts.

American universities provide education with a practical bias. While still studying, students undergo internships, carry out projects, and have internships in large companies. Each university has its own partners. At Northeastern University (Kaplan) this is the White House, the UN and NASA, at the University of Central Florida - Siemens and Boeing, at the University of Dayton - GE Aviation and Emerson.

How to choose the right university

The first step is to choose a specialty. Based on your interests and career aspirations, then look at university offers. Often, universities that are not included in the international rating provide a high level of training in individual programs and areas.

For example, the School of Dentistry at the University of the Pacific is considered one of the best in California, the University of South Carolina is in the top 1% of universities in the world in terms of the number of patents registered, and Auburn University's aerospace training program ranks first in the United States.

When the short list of US universities is ready, find out the additional conditions and benefits of each university. Learn about student support centers, extracurricular activities, campus development, university cooperation with large corporations and foundations, read alumni reviews.

The cost of studying in US universities

The cost depends on the chosen specialty and university. The most expensive program is history and law at Sarah Lawrence College, a year of study costs $400,000. The average price for an education at an American university is from $20,000 to $50,000 per year.

Investment in education pays off within 3-5 years of work. According to PayScale data for 2019, American college graduates receive an average of $52,000 per year.

IQ Consultancy - official representative of 23 US universities

Benefits of coming with us:

  • you confirm only English proficiency and do not take the SAT, GMAT and GRE;
  • if you need to improve the level of the language, you will be enrolled in a university with additional preparatory classes;
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  • after enrollment, you will receive support on all issues - from everyday to academic.

US universities. How to enter the best and most prestigious universities in the USA?

US universities have been attracting students from all over the world for decades. The opportunity to study at a US university attracts a huge number of applicants today. Next, we will consider how an applicant can enter a university in the USA. First of all, you need to collect the following package of documents:
- A completed application form of the selected university with the payment for consideration of the application attached to it. As a rule, questionnaire forms can be found on the websites of universities, and the fee for reviewing the questionnaire varies from 20 to 200 US dollars.

- A transcript, which is a list of subjects with grades for the subjects that you have studied over the past three years. It is also necessary to attach certified copies of the certificate and diploma (if any). In addition, three letters of recommendation from teachers or supervisors will be required. Please note that all documents must also be submitted in English.

— An essay written on one or two pages in English. It must describe why you have chosen a particular university and what you expect from studying in it. Also in the essay you need to convince the admissions committee why you are worthy of becoming a student of this educational institution.

- Exam results. The necessary tests can be taken in the country of residence in specialized testing centers. High school graduates are required to take the TOEFL and/or SAT, while university graduates are required to take the TOEFL, GMAT or GRE. Of the listed tests, the TOEFL language exam is mandatory, the rest of the tests depend on the requirements of a particular educational institution.

— Financial form. It indicates how much a potential student can pay for studies for each academic year. All information must be documented in the form of bank statements. Some universities provide financial assistance to their students, which mainly depends on the academic performance, creative and scientific activity of the student. There are also various programs for scholarships and grants that foreign applicants can apply for.

Next, we propose to consider the best universities in the United States. According to the ranking of US universities, Harvard, Princeton and Yale are recognized as the best universities. Also among the most prestigious universities in the United States are Brown and Pennsylvania universities.

Harvard University in the United States is the oldest privately owned and internationally recognized university in the United States. The university management emphasizes that when recruiting students, it is not based on their financial capabilities, but solely on their abilities. So, about 70% of Harvard students receive various scholarships (including foreign students). The oldest university in the US is also the top ranked medical university in the US.

Also among the most prestigious universities in the United States is Princeton University. The main areas of study in this university are technical specialties.

Yale University was founded in the early 18th century. In those distant days, his mission was defined as follows: "to educate exemplary husbands." Yale University is successfully coping with this task to this day.

One of the very famous universities in the USA is Brown University. It stands out from the background of other US universities, first of all, with its unusual training program, which started in 1969. Its meaning lies in the fact that the student has the right to choose subjects of study at his own discretion. There are no mandatory items here.

The University of Pennsylvania is the first university in the United States (before that, there were no universities among educational institutions). This university is private and was founded by Benjamin Franklin.

Columbia University USA is also included in the list of the most famous universities in the USA. The most famous faculty of this university is the Faculty of Journalism, which is annually awarded the most prestigious award in the field of journalism - the Pulitzer Prize.

Also in the list of the largest universities in the United States is Dartmouth College. Despite its name, it is a full-fledged university, part of the elite of American universities, the so-called Ivy League.

One of the most famous technical universities in the United States is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It occupies a leading position not only in American rankings of higher educational institutions, but also in international ones.

One of the most famous arts universities in the United States is New York University. It is a unique educational institution that provides the most modern and comprehensive training in directing, filmmaking, acting and 3D animation.

The most famous universities in the United States include the Northwestern University of the United States. It is the oldest university in Illinois and is famous for its scientific and research facilities.

Famous for its level of education and the University of Chicago USA. It was founded in 1890 thanks to a donation from John Rockefeller. The University of Chicago is famous for its graduates who have received education in the fields of economics, physics, law and sociology.

In general, there are both public and private universities and colleges in the United States. US public universities have rich traditions and a long history, they are very firmly connected with the life of the state in which they are located, and are the centers of its scientific and cultural life. These universities are funded by the state. There are not so many private universities, but, as a rule, they are in the top positions of the world university rankings. It is impossible to answer the exact question of how many universities are currently operating in the United States with one hundred percent certainty, but according to data for 2009, there were 4352 universities.

Of course, everyone who thinks about studying at US universities is interested in the question of the existence of free universities. There are indeed free universities in the USA, but it is very difficult to enter them, although it is possible for both US citizens and foreign applicants.

Since the cost of studying at top ranked US universities is very high for most applicants, low-cost US universities can also be considered. Of course, no one says that you need to go to study at unknown universities, but after spending a little time you can choose options from relatively cheap US universities, whose diploma will also be highly rated in various international companies. In general, the cheapest universities in the US are the so-called Community Colleges. Payment in them, as a rule, does not exceed two thousand US dollars per semester.

Thus, if you are thinking about studying in the United States, take a very careful look at the list of US universities. If you want to study in a certain state, then you should select US universities specifically by state. Also, each university, as a rule, has its own website, where you can get all the necessary information and see photos of US universities.

Anyone who has ever thought about studying in the USA is concerned about which university to choose. Currently, there are about 4,000 higher education institutions in the States. Therefore, the search for a future alma mater, especially for a foreigner, can be a difficult task. Rankings of US universities help to facilitate the selection procedure. Only those universities that have proven the effectiveness of their educational approach in practice get into the top universities of America. They boast publications in prestigious scientific journals and outstanding career achievements of graduates.

The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR)

The Center for World University Rankings compiles both international and national rankings of educational institutions.

When creating a classification, CWUR takes into account the following indicators:

  • quality of education (measured by the number of graduates who have received prestigious international awards);
  • career achievements of graduates (measured by the number of graduates who have held the position of CEO);
  • the level of teaching staff (measured by the number of teachers who have received prestigious international awards).

The Center also takes into account the number of publications from the university, the influence of the publications in which these publications were made, the citation of works and the h-index directly arising from the previous parameters. In addition, CWUR draws attention to the number of international patent applications made on behalf of the university.

University National ranking International ranking
Harvard University 1 1
Stanford University 2 2
3 3
4 6
Princeton University 5 7
Columbia University 6 8
7 9
University of Chicago 8 10
Yale University 9 11
University of Pennsylvania 10 13

The Times Higher Education (THE) Ranking

The Times Higher Education has been publishing university rankings since 2004. In addition to the global ranking of educational institutions, THE ranks institutions by specialization (social and human sciences, technology and engineering, medicine, social sciences, etc.), as well as by geographical location (ranking of universities in the BRICS countries and countries with emerging economies, universities, etc.).

When creating a particular classification, THE takes into account such indicators as the research work of the university, interaction with business, international perspectives, and the educational environment.

According to The Times Higher Education, the TOP 10 best US universities in 2019 are as follows:

University National ranking International ranking
Stanford University 1 3
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2 4
California Institute of Technology 3 5
Harvard University 4 6
Princeton University 5 7
Yale University 6 8
University of Chicago 7 10
Johns Hopkins University =8* =12*
University of Pennsylvania =8* =12*
University of California, Berkeley 10 15

U.S. rating News & World Report

Annually, the news outlet U.S. News & World Report publishes several rankings of American educational institutions. In 2017, the following rankings were released: Top Public Schools, Top National Colleges of the Arts, Top Colleges, and finally Top National Universities.

When ranking U.S. News & World Report takes into account the following characteristics of universities: the reputation of the university at the international and national levels, the number of published scientific papers, the citation of papers, the degree of involvement of the educational institution in international cooperation, the number of PhD degrees awarded, etc.

University National ranking
Princeton University 1
Harvard University 2
Columbia University =3*
Massachusetts Institute of Technology =3*
University of Chicago =3*
Yale University =3*
Stanford University 7
Duke University =8*
University of Pennsylvania =8*
Johns Hopkins University =10*
Northwestern University =10*

* - the sign "=" in the table means that this line of the rating is shared by 2 or more universities.

U.S. rating. News & World Report has undergone significant changes in 2019. Princeton University has risen from 9th to 1st place, Columbia University and Yale University have strengthened their positions, breaking into the TOP-3, while Stanford University, on the contrary, has lost its former regalia. For the first time, Duke University and Northwestern University were in the top 10 US universities.

This is interesting: Every year, the top lines of the rankings are occupied by universities included inivy league - Consolidation of 8 elite American universities.

Top US Universities in QS International Rankings

As a rule, universities that lead the national rankings of US universities consistently occupy top positions in international rankings. This is the list of the best higher education institutions in the United States from QS World University Rankings in 2019:

University International ranking
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1
Stanford University 2
Harvard University 3
California Institute of Technology 4
University of Chicago 9
Princeton University 13
Cornell University 14
Yale University 15
Columbia University 16
University of Pennsylvania 19

Half of the best universities in the world according to QS are located in the USA. It is natural that American universities, included in the TOP-10 by QS, occupy no less high positions in national rankings. At the same time, do not forget that there are a lot of universities in the country - more than 4,000. This means that outside the TOP-10 there are many prestigious universities where you can get a truly high-quality education.