How many people are in Dagestan. The population of Dagestan

Dagestan, with a population of about 2,711,000, is the largest of the North Caucasian republics. On a territory of 50,300 square kilometers, almost two Armenias can fit. The GDP (gross domestic product) is over a billion US dollars. The nature here is exceptionally picturesque and therefore attracts a huge number of travelers to these lands. The most famous writers, poets and artists sang about this region.

The side of the mountains and the mysteries lurking in them is Dagestan. The population is distinguished by its hospitality, but at the same time, the cruel customs of blood feud have not been completely eradicated. The richness of customs is unique, and, characteristically, they are not honored anywhere as they are here. The beauty of the mountain landscapes pacifies, but wars have been fought here since time immemorial - a variety of people fought for the possession of this land for many thousands of years - from the Mongol-Tatars, Turks, Arabs and Khazars to the Romans and Huns.


Now, after the collapse of the USSR, Dagestan, whose population is subject to a variety of religious moods, has become the southernmost and border republic in Russia, and also the largest in terms of numbers. Land borders with Azerbaijan and Georgia are now not impenetrable, so the threat of Islamic terrorism is constantly hanging over Russia from the south. By sea, Dagestan has borders with Iran, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, where the situation is also not too calm now.

If it were possible to cut off the terrorist threat in these territories, then it would simply be impossible to find a better place for the development of tourism. Here there are not only magnificent mountains, but also a liana subtropical forest, the only one in Russia, there are also steppes with herbs woven from various flowers, high-mountain glaciers. The entire population of Dagestan is more than two and a half million people, and everyone would find employment, if not in the field of tourism, then in the development of minerals. Oil and gas reserves in the Caspian are very large, and the largest copper deposit has been discovered in the south of Dagestan.

About the population

The population of the Republic of Dagestan is a unique ethnic community, the only one in the world, since there is no other such not too large territory where more than a hundred nationalities and nationalities live in harmony. About 600 thousand people chose the capital of the republic as their place of residence. This is Makhachkala, the cultural and administrative center of Dagestan.

Dagestan occupies an extremely advantageous position as a transport and important strategic hub, since it is located at the crossroads of Asia and Europe. The largest trade routes that connected the West and the East have always run here. The medieval legendary route called the Great Silk Road also passed here. And now the map of the republic is dotted with dotted lines and lines of the most important automobile, rail, air, sea routes and pipelines. All of them are federal.


The economic potential is very high, it is supported by the transport and fuel and energy complex, industry and agriculture are actively involved in the process. The population of the Republic of Dagestan is constantly growing. According to the 2002 and 2009 censuses, it increased by more than one hundred and eleven thousand people, taking into account only the natural increase. The share of industry in the gross regional product is sixteen and a half percent, in the priority of food production, the chemical industry and engineering. The climate in the republic is favorable for agriculture, soil resources are diverse, the ecology is unique, therefore, many crops are grown here, among which winemaking is one of the most important.

Ninety percent of cognac products are produced in Dagestan, and it is appreciated at its true worth at many international exhibitions, being the basis of the country's alcohol fund. No matter how many people there are in Dagestan, the bulk of them are Muslims who do not consume alcoholic products, therefore all winemaking is aimed at export. This republic is seaside, and the fishery complex is excellently developed: the production of salmon and trout has been established here. And sheep breeding is a permanent occupation, which the population in Dagestan has been practicing for many centuries, and therefore the number of goats and sheep here is the largest in the Russian Federation.


The history of Dagestan, its original and inimitable culture, its art is the main asset of the republic. Ancient monuments - stone fortresses, functioning mosques, minarets and towers - are kept by the population of the Republic of Dagestan like the apple of their eye. Silhouettes of auls have chased lines of silhouettes, and mountain roads are whimsically winding.

This is how modern civilization coexists with hoary antiquity. All this is reflected in the works of the Kubachi masters, in the songlike patterns of the carpet patterns of the Tabasarans, in the dishes made by the Balkhar potters, in the singing tree of the Untsukul craftsmen, in the patterns on silver of the Gotsatlin chasers. Customs are sacredly revered, native land is loved selflessly here, the elders and the past of their people are unshakably respected.


The constellation of nationalities in Dagestan is unique: Kumyks, Lezgins, Laks, Nogais live next to the Azerbaijanis, Avars, Aguls and Dargins. Russians coexist with Rutulians and Tabasarans, Tatami and Tsakhurs, Chechens and Akkins. Languages ​​and dialects are completely different, cultural traditions and purely everyday features are also often completely different.

Dagestan is a country of mountains and a mountain of languages, as they used to say in ancient times, describing this region. According to linguistic diversity, three main groups can be distinguished: North Caucasian, Altaic and Indo-European. Some scientists insist on a more fractional division. How good it is that there is such a beautiful and understandable Russian language, which is the state language and has taken on all the problems of interethnic communication!


The rural population of Dagestan is slightly more than half - 57.6%, and the urban population - the remaining 42.4%, in addition, according to government republican data, approximately 700,000 more people living outside Dagestan should be added to 2,711,700 people. Its population density is 54 people per square kilometer. The population of the districts of Dagestan is confessionally divided as follows: up to ninety-six percent of believers are Muslims, and among them only five percent are Shiites, the rest are Sunnis.

There are very few Orthodox Christians - only four percent. The birth rate in the republic is very high, higher only in Chechnya and Ingushetia, and it is almost twenty people per thousand of the population. There are no less than three children in Dagestan families. Until the forties of the last century, Germans lived in the Babayurtovsky, Khasavyurtovsky and Kizlyarsky districts - about six thousand, who were resettled at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in Central Asia.


The oldest city in Russia, located in the west - near the Caspian Sea, where the spurs of the Greater Caucasus Mountains almost bathe in it. Only three kilometers of the coastal strip - a narrow strip of plains. The city-fortress has existed for one and a half thousand years. Derbent is much older than Rome. It was built just on the seaside lowland, where in ancient times the Caspian Way ran - the only relatively convenient road for traveling from Europe to the Middle East. (From where and now the Middle Eastern terrorists appear in our area - in the opposite way.)

The citadel of the fortress was built on a high plateau, impregnable walls departed from it - stone and high, two of them reached the sea, and the third went far into the mountains. This unique building is compared by many to the Great Wall of China. Numerous strong gates were built in the walls, and the very name of the city from the Persian "Derbent" means "gate lock" or "gate knot".

Kizlyar and Khasavyurt

The center of the richest agricultural region of Dagestan is Kizlyar. It has long been a famous city associated with the stay there of the most prominent personalities - writers, artists, who created memorials. More recently, this city has become infamous - after the seizure of a school by terrorists and the death of many hostages.

Khasavyurt is the second most important Dagestan city, second in size only to Makhachkala, which is located ninety kilometers away. About one hundred and forty thousand people live here. It was here that an agreement was concluded that deprived Russia of victory in the first Chechen war. The situation there still cannot be called calm.

The Dagestan Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic within the RSFSR was formed on January 20, 1921, since 1991 - the Republic of Dagestan.

The Republic of Dagestan is the southernmost region of the Russian Federation, has direct access to international sea routes.

The republic borders by land and sea with five states - Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran.

The industrial production index (by types of economic activity "Mining", "Manufacturing" and "Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water") for 2016 compared to 2015 amounted to 136.3%.

According to the results of the first quarter of 2017, the growth of industrial production is . Partially, the growth was due to the development of industry under the import substitution program.

The defense enterprises of the republic are working to attract additional orders for military equipment and components, to gradually introduce a certain range of import-substituting products into production. In 2016, the Dagdiesel plant increased its production by almost three times, the Gadzhiev plant - by 1.6 times, KEMZ Concern OJSC and Azimut Production Association OJSC - by 1.7 times.

The Caspian Sea is the country's most important fishery basin, whose bioresources include the world's rare and valuable sturgeon fish stocks. 70% of the world's sturgeon stock is concentrated here, more than 60% of the large part.

The foreign trade turnover of Dagestan in 2016 amounted to 252.6 million dollars, of which exports - 46.4 million dollars, imports - 206.2 million dollars.

In Dagestan, 255 springs and 15 deposits of mineral medicinal waters have been identified. There are more than six thousand monuments of history and culture in the republic, of which 173 are of federal significance, the most famous is the Naryn-Kala Derbent fortress, recognized by UNESCO as a monument of world importance.

The authorities expect that the development of tourism infrastructure will significantly increase the annual tourist flow to the region.

In 2017, within the framework of the federal target program for the development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation for 2011-2018, Dagestan will receive from the federal budget for the construction of the Golden Dunes tourist and recreational complex in the village of Krainovka and the reconstruction of the Golden Sands tourist center in the village of Michurino , another 8 million rubles for the same purposes will be allocated from the republican budget.

In 2017, Dagestan joined the project for the return of Persian leopards to the Caucasus. To do this, by joining the Kosobsko-Kelebsky and Bezhtinsky regional reserves.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

According to the 1989 census, representatives of 102 nationalities were recorded on the territory of Dagestan. At the same time, among the so-called. Indigenous include peoples belonging to three language families:

The Dagestan-Nakh branch of the Iberian-Caucasian family of languages ​​includes Avars (together with 14 ethnic groups that have independent, but close to Avar, languages, namely, Akhvakhs, Karatas, Andians, Botlikhs, Godoberi, Tindals, Chamalals, Bagulals, Khvarshins, Didoys, Bezhtins, Gunzibs, Ginukhs and Archins), Dargins (including Kubachins and Kaitags), Lezgins, Laks, Tabasarans, Rutuls, Aguls, Tsakhurs and Chechens.
The Turkic group of the Altaic language family includes Kumyks, Azerbaijanis and Nogais.
The Indo-European language family includes Russians, Tats and Mountain Jews who speak the Tat language, which belongs to the Iranian languages.
In the republic there is no so-called. "titular nationality", but 14 nationalities of Dagestan are currently endowed with its political attributes:

Avars are the most numerous ethnic group of Dagestan. At present, there are 577.1 thousand of them in the republic, which is 27.9 percent. the population of the republic. The main area of ​​settlement is the regions of the western mountainous Dagestan. The rural population of the Avars is 68 percent. and settled mainly in 22 districts of the republic. In Akhvakh, Botlikh, Gergebil, Gumbetovsky, Gunibsky, Kazbekovsky, Tlyaratinsky, Untsukulsky, Khunzakhsky, Tsumadinsky, Tsuntinsky, Charodinsky and Shamilsky districts, Avars make up 98-100 percent of the population. In the Kizilyurt district, the share of Avars has grown to almost 80 percent, in Khasavyurt, Kizlyar, Buynak and Kumturkalinsky they make up a third, and in Tarumovsky, Babayurtovsky, Levashinsky and Novolaksky - up to a quarter of the total population. 32 percent live in towns and urban-type settlements. Avar population. In Makhachkala they make up 21 percent. In Kizilyurt, Yuzhno-Sukhokumsk and Buynaksk - 43-52 percent, in Khasavyurt, Kizlyar and Kaspiysk - 12-22 percent. Avars make up a significant part of the population of urban-type settlements: Bavtugay, Novy Sulak, Shamilkala, Dubki, Shamkhal.
Dargins - the second largest Dagestan ethnic group - make up 16.1 percent. population of the republic (332.4 thousand people). The territory of the traditional settlement of the Dargins is the mountainous and foothill regions of middle Dagestan. About 68 per cent. Dargins are settled in 16 rural areas. In Akushinsky, Dakhadaevsky, Kaytagsky, Levashinsky and Sergokalinsky districts, Dargins make up from 75 to 100 of the population. Their share is significant in the Kayakent and Karabudakhkent regions (43 and 36 percent, respectively). They also live in Tarumovsky (19 percent), Kizlyar (15 percent) and Buynaksky (14 percent) districts. In Derbent, Nogai, Agul, Babayurt, Khasavyurt and Kumtorkalinsky districts, the proportion of Dargins varies from 4 to 9 percent. the population of these areas. Dargins - townspeople live in Izberbash (57 percent of the population of this city), Makhachkala (12.4 percent), Kizlyar (7.3 percent), Buynaksk (6.6 percent), Khasavyurt (4.2 percent) and Dagestan Lights (9 percent). ).The famous Dargin village of Kubachi belongs to the urban-type settlements. There are also many Dargins in the settlements of Achisu, Manaskent and Mamedkala.
Kumyks number 267.5 thousand people and make up 12.9 percent. the population of the republic. The territory of their traditional settlement is the Tersko-Sulak lowland and the foothill regions of Dagestan. More than half of the Kumyks (52 percent) live in 8 rural districts. There are 67.5 percent of them in the Kumtorkalinsky district, 62 percent in Karabudakhkent, 55 percent in Buynaksk, 51 percent in Kayakent, 44 percent in Babayurt, and 28.5 percent in Khasavyurt. Kizilyurtovsky - 13.6 percent, in Kaytagsky - 9 percent. the population of the regions. In Makhachkala they make up 15 percent. of the population, in Buynaksk - a third, Khasavyurt - a quarter and Kizilyurt - a fifth of the population. In Izberbash - 17 percent. and Kaspiysk - 10 percent. In Derbent, Kumyks are less than one percent. Some of the Kumyks are settled in urban-type settlements: in Tarki - 91 percent. population, Tyube - 36 percent. Leninkent - 31.3 percent. Kyahulae - 28.6 percent, Alburikent - 27.6 percent, Shamkhale - 26.8 percent, Manaskent - 24.9 percent.
Lezgins in Dagestan are currently 250.7 thousand people, which is 12.2 percent. the population of the republic. The main territory of the Lezgin settlement is the upland, foothill and plain South Dagestan. The rural population (about 64 percent) is settled in 9 districts. In Akhtynsky, Dokuzparinsky, Kurakhsky, Magaramkentsky and Suleiman-Stalsky districts they make up from 93 to 100 percent, in Khiva - 37.3 and Rutulsky - 8 percent. population. Some Lezgins live in Derbent (15 percent) and Khasavyurt (6 percent) regions. Lezgins - urban residents are concentrated mainly in Derbent (26 percent), Dagestanskie Ogni (22 percent), Kaspiysk (16 percent), Makhachkala (9.5 percent) and Izberbash (8 percent). They make up the main population of the Belij village and about 10 percent. the village of Mammadkala.
Russians are considered one of the peoples of Dagestan. Now there are 150.1 thousand of them in the republic (7.3 percent of the population). More than 80 percent Dagestani Russians are settled in all cities and urban-type settlements, but only in Kizlyar they make up more than half of the population (54 percent). Their share is quite significant in Makhachkala and Kaspiysk (17-18 percent), in other cities their share varies from 3 to 10 percent. population. Russians make up the main population of the urban-type settlement of Komsomolsky (81 percent), there are relatively many of them in Dubki (16 percent) and Sulak (12 percent). The rural population of Russians (Terek Cossacks) is concentrated in the lower reaches of the Terek and its channels in the territory of the Kizlyar and Tarumovsky districts, where their numbers, both relative and absolute, have noticeably decreased in recent years (27.2 and 30.4 percent, respectively). A small number of rural Russians also live in Babayurt (1.5 percent), Khasavyurt (0.4 percent), Nogai (1.8 percent), and Derbent (0.7 percent) districts.
The Laks are historically settled in the central part of the mountainous Dagestan on the territory of the Laksky and Kulinsky districts. At present, there are 102.6 thousand of them in the republic, or 5 percent. from the entire population. In these mountainous regions, they account for 94 and 99 percent, respectively. population. The rural population of the Laks also live in the flat Novolaksky district (48 percent of the district's population), Akushinsky (5 percent), Rutulsky (5 percent) and Kizlyarsky (3 percent) districts. However, the majority (64 percent) of the Laks live in the cities of the republic. Of these, more than half are concentrated in Makhachkala, where they account for more than 12 percent. of the population, in Kaspiysk - 14 percent, in Buynaksk and Kizilyurt - about 8 percent. the population of these cities. In a number of urban-type settlements - Sulak, Achisu, Kyakhulay, Manaskent and others, Laks make up from 3 to 9 percent. population.
Tabasarans number 93.6 thousand people, which is 4.5 percent. population of Dagestan. The main territory of their settlement is southeastern Dagestan. Most (64 percent) of the Tabasarans live in rural areas in the Tabasaran region (80 percent), Khiva (62 percent) and Derbent (15 percent). A small number of them live in the Kayakent and Kizlyar regions. The townspeople are concentrated mainly in Derbent and Dagestan Ogni (up to a third of the population in each), and in Makhachkala and other cities the number of Tabasarans is insignificant.
Azerbaijanis number 88.3 thousand, which is 4.3 percent. the population of the republic. About half of them live in rural areas in Derbent (55.7 percent), Tabasaran (18 percent), also in Rutul (4 percent) and Kizlyar (3 percent) districts. Urban Azerbaijanis live mainly in Derbent and Dagestanskie Ogni, where they make up about a third of the population, as well as in the settlements of Mamedkala (22.4 percent) and Belijah (7.3 percent). There are now slightly more than 6,000 Azerbaijanis in Makhachkala, or 1.6 percent. population of the capital of Dagestan.
Chechens in Dagestan are currently 92.2 thousand people. Their numbers have increased significantly in the last two years. Back in 1994, their number in Dagestan was 62,000. Without a doubt, such a sharp increase is due to military operations on the territory of the neighboring Chechen Republic. They now make up 4.5 percent. the population of the republic. The rural population, which is about 48 percent, is concentrated in the Khasavyurt district (25.6 percent of the population of this district), Novolaksky (13 percent), Kazbekovsky (13 percent) and Babayurtovsky (8 percent). Urban Chechens live mainly in three cities of Dagestan - Khasavyurt (35.6 percent of the city's population), Makhachkala (4.3 percent) and Kizlyar (6.5 percent).
There are 33.4 thousand Nogais in Dagestan, 16 percent. population. The main area of ​​their settlement is the territory of the Nogai steppe in the north of the republic. The rural population of the Nogais is about 87 percent. of all Nogais - settled in four districts: Nogai (82 percent of the population of the district), Babayurt (16), Tarumovsky (8) and Kizlyar (7.8 percent). In the village of Sulak, they make up more than half of the inhabitants. A small number of Nogais live in Makhachkala, Kizlyar and Khasavyurt.
Tats are a Dagestan ethnic group who speak the Tat language (Iranian branch) and historically profess Judaism. It is somewhat difficult to indicate their number at the present time, since many of them are recorded as Jews and fall into the same nationality column with them. Jews, together with tatami in Dagestan, are now 18.5 thousand people. This is less than one percent of the republic's population. Their number is noticeably decreasing, especially in recent years due to mass exodus to Israel. The vast majority of them live in cities - 98 percent, mainly in Derbent, Makhachkala, Buynaksk, Khasavyurt, Kaspiysk and Kizlyar.
Rutulians are a small ethnic group of Dagestan, numbering 17.1 thousand people (0.8 percent of the population of the republic). The main territory of settlement is the upper reaches of the Samur River in South Dagestan. The rural population (about 70 percent) of the Rutuls is settled in the Rutul (55 percent of the district's population) and Dokuzparinsky (2.3 percent) districts, as well as in small groups of several hundred people in the Kizlyar, Magaramkent, and Derbent districts. Most Rutul city dwellers live in Makhachkala and Derbent.
Aguls are only 16 thousand people. The main area of ​​their settlement is the basin of the Chiragchay and Kurakh rivers in the high-mountainous South Dagestan. Rural Aguls are about 67 percent and they live mainly in the Agul district (90 percent of the population of the district). Aguls are city dwellers living in the villages of Shamkhal and Tyube and in the cities of Makhachkala, Derbent and Dagestan Lights.
Tsakhurs are the smallest people of Dagestan, numbering 6.3 thousand people. (0.3 percent of the population of Dagestan) - live in the upper reaches of the Samur River. There are 82 percent of rural Tsakhurs, who live mainly in the Rutul region. Urban Tsakhurians live in Makhachkala, Yuzhno-Sukhokumsk and Derbent.
The modern ethnic composition of the population of the republic is dynamic. According to the All-Union census of 1989, representatives of 102 nationalities were recorded on the territory of Dagestan, which belong to three language families:

Nakh-Dagestan branch of the North Caucasian family (Avars (and 14 small peoples included in them: Akhvakhs, Karatas, Andians, Botlikhs, Godoberi, Tyndals, Chamalals, Bagulals, Khvarshins, Didoys, Bezhtins, Gunzibs, Ginukhs, Archins), Dargins (including Kubachins and Kaitags), Lezgins (Kyurins), Laks (Kazikumukhs), Tabasarans, Rutuls, Aguls, Tsakhurs, Chechens);
the Turkic group of the Altaic language family (Kumyks, Azerbaijanis (Turks), Nogais (Karanogays), Tatars);
Indo-European language family (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Jews, Mountain Jews, Tats, Armenians and other peoples).
The ethnic composition, the main trends in the ethno-demographic development of modern Dagestan determine its most numerous nationalities: Avars, Dargins, Kumyks, Lezgins, Russians, Laks, Tabasarans, Azerbaijanis, Chechens, Nogais, Jews, Rutuls, Aguls, Ukrainians, Armenians, Tatars, Tsakhurs, which account for 99.9% of the population.

The ethno-demographic characteristics of the most numerous nationalities of Dagestan are presented by the following data as of 01.01.1995:

Avars - 577.1 thousand people. The most numerous people of the republic, is 27.9% of the total population. The main territory of settlement is a vast region of the western mountainous Dagestan, bounded by closed ranges: Andi, Gimrinsky, Salatau, etc.

About 69% of all Avars live in rural areas, 22 districts of the republic.

Dargins - 332.4 thousand people - the second largest people of Dagestan, make up 16.1% of the total population of the Republic of Dagestan. The main territory of settlement is the mountainous and foothill zones of middle Dagestan in the basins of the Khalagork, Akusha, Bugam and Ulluchay rivers (up to the foothills). Most of them (68%) are settled in 16 rural districts.

Kumyks - 267.5 thousand people, make up 12.9% of the population of the Republic of Dagestan. They are mainly located on the territory of the Terek-Sulak lowland, stretching from the Terek in the north to the Ulluchay river in the south, and the foothill regions of Dagestan. About half (52%) of Kumyks live in 8 districts of rural areas.

Lezgins - 250.7 thousand people, make up 12.2% of the population of the republic. The main territory of the settlement of Lezgins is the overmountain and foothill southern Dagestan. The main part of the Lezgi auls is located along the basins of the Samur, Kurakh, Gyulgerychay rivers. The rural population (about 64%) is settled in 9 districts of the Republic of Dagestan.

Russians - 150.1 thousand people, make up 7.3% of the population of the republic. Settled mainly (more than 80%) in all cities. However, in the places of traditional settlement of the Russian population (Kizlyarsky, Tarumovsky districts), only in the city of Kizlyar they make up more than half of the population (54%).

Laks - 102.6 thousand people, make up 5% of the population of Dagestan. The settlement area is the central part of mountainous Dagestan, in the basin of the Kazikumukhskoye Koysu river. The rural population of the Laks is concentrated mainly in three districts and amounts to 36%.

Tabasarans - 93.6 thousand people, make up 4.5% of the population of the Republic of Dagestan. The main territory of settlement is southeastern Dagestan, in the basin of the Rubas and Chiragchay rivers, and in the upper reaches of the Karchagsu river.

Azerbaijanis - 88.3 thousand people, which is 4.3% of the population of Dagestan. About half of them live in rural areas.

Chechens - 62.1 thousand people, which is 3.2% of the RD. The rural population is about 48%.

Nogais - 33.4 thousand people, this is 1.6% of the population. The main area of ​​their settlement is the territory of the Nogai steppe in the north of Dagestan. Rural population - about 87% of all Nogais are settled in four districts of the Republic of Dagestan.

Jews - 18.5 thousand people (they include European Jews, Mountain Jews and Tats), which is less than one percent of the population of the Republic of Dagestan. They overwhelmingly 98% live in cities.

Rutulians - 17.1 thousand people, make up 0.8% of the population of the Republic of Dagestan. One of the small peoples of Dagestan. The main territory of settlement is the upper reaches of the Samur River in southern Dagestan. The rural population makes up 70% of all Rutulians.

Aguly - 16.0 thousand people, about 0.8% of the population of Dagestan. Settled in the basins of Chiragchay and Kurakh in the high-mountainous southern Dagestan. Rural residents make up 67% of all aguls.

Tsakhurs - 6.3 thousand people, which is 0.3% of the population of Dagestan. The main territory of their settlement is the upper reaches of the Samur River. The overwhelming majority of Tsakhurs are rural residents (about 82%).

Ukrainians - 6.6 thousand people, which is 0.3% of the population of Dagestan. The overwhelming majority (about 90%) live in the cities of the republic.

Tatars - 5.3 thousand people - this is 0.3% of the population of Dagestan, which in their majority (about 85%) are concentrated in urban areas.

Finding yourself in the Caucasus, or rather in Dagestan, over time you begin to understand - it seems that at first the inhabitants of this hospitable country are the same, in fact, everyone is completely different. On the same land, there are dissimilar traditions, customs, dialect and even language. Why is this happening? Ethnographers say with confidence: 33 peoples live on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan. Let's learn a little more about them.

Nationalities of Dagestan

In another way, the country is called a unique constellation of peoples. Speaking about the number of them, it is difficult to count. However, it is known that all nationalities are divided into three main language families. The first is the Dagestan-Nakh branch, belonging to the Iberian-Caucasian language family. The second is the Turkic group. Third - Indo-European

The concept of “titular nationality” does not exist in the republic, however, its political attributes still apply to representatives of 14 nationalities. Dagestan is one of the most multinational regions of Russia, and today more than 3 million citizens live on its territory.

A little more about language families

As we have already said, the nationalities of the Republic of Dagestan are divided into three language groups. The first - the Dagestan-Nakh branch - includes Avars, Chechens, Tsakhurs, Akhvakhtsi, Karatins, Lezgins, Laks, Rutuls, Aguls, Tabasarans. This community also includes Andians, Botlikhs, Godoberins, representatives of Tindals, Chamalals, Bagulals, Khvarshins, Didoys, Bezhtins, Gunzibs, Ginukhs, Archins. This group is also represented by the Dargins, Kubachins and Kaitags. The second family - Turkic - is represented by the following nationalities: Kumyks, Azerbaijanis, Nogais.

The third group - Indo-European - is made up of Russians, Tats. This is how nationalities in Dagestan look like today. The list can be replenished with lesser-known nationalities.


Despite the fact that there is no titular nationality in the republic, there is still some division among the Dagestanis into more and less widely represented nationalities of Dagestan (by number). Avars are the most numerous region (912 thousand people, or 29% of the total population). The regions of the western region are considered their main area of ​​​​residence. The rural population of the Avars makes up a large part of the total population, and their resettlement occurs on average in 22 regions. They also include the Ando-Tsez peoples, who are related to them, and the Archins. Since ancient times, the Avars were called Avars, they were also often called Tavlins or Lezgins. This nation received the name "Avars" on behalf of the medieval king of Avars, who ruled the kingdom of Sair.


What nationalities live in Dagestan? The second largest ethnic group is considered to be the Dargins (16.9% of the population, which means 490.3 thousand people). Representatives of this people live mainly in the mountainous and foothill regions of central Dagestan. Before the revolution, the Dargins were called a little differently - Akushins and Lezgins. In total it occupies 16 regions of the republic. Dargins belong to the believing group of Sunni Muslims.

Recently, the number of Dargins near the capital of Dagestan - Makhachkala - has begun to increase significantly. The same is happening with the Caspian coast. Dargins are considered the most commercial and artisan among the entire population of the republic. Their ethnos was formed for many years at the junction of passing trade roads, which left its mark on the way of life of the nationality.


We learn further what nationalities live in Dagestan. Who are the Kumyks? This is the largest Turkic people in the North Caucasus, which is ranked third among the nationalities of Dagestan (431.7 thousand people - 14.8%).

Kumyks inhabit the foothill and plain regions of the republic, occupying a total of 7 regions. They are attributed to the peoples of agricultural culture, firmly settled in the place chosen for this. This nation has well developed agriculture and fishing. More than 70% of the economy of the entire country is also concentrated here. The national culture of the Kumyks is very rich and original in its own way - it is literature, folklore, and art. There are a lot of famous wrestlers among them. However, the misfortune of the people is that the Kumyks represent those nationalities of Dagestan, among which there are a lot of uneducated residents.


So, we learned the nationalities of Dagestan by their numbers. We touched a little on the three leading nationalities. But it would be unfair not to touch on some of the nationalities of the country. For example, Lezgins (385.2 thousand people, or 13.2% of the population). They inhabit the flat, upland and foothill regions of Dagestan. Their historical territory is considered to be the adjacent regions of today's republic and neighboring Azerbaijan. Lezgins can rightly be proud of their rich history, stretching from ancient times. Their territory was one of the earliest lands of the Caucasus.

Today the Lezgins are divided into two parts. Also, this nationality is considered the most militant, and therefore the most "hot". So how many nationalities are in Dagestan? The list could go on for a very long time.

Russians and Laks

A few words should also be said about the Russian-speaking representatives of the country. They also represent the nationalities of Dagestan, inhabiting mainly the Caspian Sea and the surroundings of Makhachkala. Most Russians (104 thousand, 3.6%) can be found in Kizlyar, where more than half of the total population lives. It is impossible not to recall the Laks (161.2 thousand, 5.5% of the population), who have inhabited the central parts of mountainous Dagestan since historical times.

It was thanks to the Laks that the very first orthodox Muslim state arose on the territory of the country. They are recognized as jacks of all trades - the first Caucasian handicraftsmen came from this nationality. To this day, lacquer products participate in various international competitions, taking the most honorable places.

Small peoples of Dagestan

It would be unfair to talk only about the numerous representatives of this country. The smallest people of the republic are the Tsakhurs (9.7 thousand, 0.3%). Basically, these are residents of villages that are located in the Rutulsky district. There are practically no Tsakhurians in the cities. The next smallest nation is the Aguls (2.8 thousand, 0.9%). They live mainly in the Agul region, most of them also live in settlements.

Aguls can be found in Makhachkala, Dagestan fires and Derbent. Another small people of Dagestan are the Rutuls (27.8 thousand, 0.9%). They inhabit the southern territories. Their number is not much more than the Aguls - the difference is in the range of 1-1.5 thousand inhabitants. Rutulians try to stick to their relatives, so they always form into small groups. Chechens (92.6 thousand, 3.2%) are the most irascible and aggressive people. The number of this nation was much larger. However, military operations in Chechnya had a significant impact on the demographic situation. Today, Chechens can also be attributed to the small nationalities of the Republic of Dagestan.


So, what are the most important nationalities of Dagestan? There can be only one answer - everything. As they say about the republic, Dagestan is a kind of synthesis of many ethnic groups. It is noteworthy that almost every nationality has its own language, which is strikingly different from its neighbors. How many nationalities live in Dagestan - so many customs, traditions and features of life exist in this sunny country.

The list of languages ​​of the Dagestan people lists 36 varieties. This, of course, makes communication between representatives of these peoples difficult. But in the end, you need to know one thing - the Dagestan people, represented by so many nationalities, has its own historical past, which gave rise to today's diverse, interesting and so unlike each other national ethnic group of the republic. Be sure to visit this place - you won't regret it! You will be welcomed in any corner of the country.

Has a mixed population. Many say that Dagestan is a constellation of peoples, because among a population of 3 million people, Dagestanis themselves do not exceed 30%. The number of nationalities is compared here with the number of stars in the sky. What common ethnic groups live here, how many of them, what religions do they profess and what languages ​​do they speak? Let's figure it out.

Ethnic composition of the population of Dagestan

Let's start with the ethnic composition. This region of Russia is inhabited by a wide variety of nations, whose number exceeds a hundred. By language, they can be classified into three groups: Turkic, Nakh-Dagestan branch, Indo-European branch.

The first group is part of the Altai family. Approximately 20% of the entire Republic speak the languages ​​of the Turkic group. The Nakh-Dagestan branch belongs to the family of Iberian-Caucasian languages, most often heard in the republic. Other nations speak Indo-European languages. An interesting fact is that only 14 nations are officially recognized.

Turkic peoples. Almost 15% of the total population of Dagestan are Turks. Kumyks alone from the entire population of Dagestan for 2018 are 13% - about 415 thousand people. Their habitats are the foothills, the Tersko-Sulak lowland. An approximately equal number of the Turkic population is distributed in the cities and rural areas of Dagestan.

Nakh-Dagestan peoples. The Nakh and Dagestan families are the main representatives of this land. The most numerous ethnic group among these families are the Avars, of which there are more than 1 million people - more than a third of the entire population of Dagestan in 2019. There are areas in which only Avars live - Akhvakhsky, Shamilsky, Kazbekovsky. Next come the Dargins. Their number is about half a million people - about 18%. Settled mainly in rural mountainous areas. In addition to them, the Nakh-Dagestan family is represented by Laks, Tabasarans, Chechens.

Indo-European family. There are also Russians among the inhabitants of the Republic. They make up about 300 thousand people - about 10% of the total population of Dagestan in 2019. Most often, Russians can be found in Kizlyar, most of the population of the city, Makhachkala, Kaspiysk. Sometimes there are Ukrainians and Belarusians. Not more than 1% are Tat Jews. Every year there are fewer of them - many are moving to Israel.

National composition in Dagestan

The 2010 census claims that there are more than a hundred peoples in Dagestan. It is almost impossible to give an exact figure, because some peoples do not even have their own written language. This is clearly seen when comparing the 2002 and 2010 censuses, where the number of ethnic groups was reduced from 121 to 117. The most numerous nationalities were: Russians, Kumyks, Avars, Dargins, Chechens, Lezgins and Laks - they amounted to approximately 95-99%.

Population of Dagestan

The population of Dagestan in 2018 is 3,063,885 people. The same number of inhabitants in Rome or Jamaica. The Dagestan Republic ranks fifth in terms of population in Russia. Average life expectancy is 75 years. The population is increasing by about 13% annually.

Linguistic diversity in Dagestan

90% of the inhabitants speak Russian, 28% know Avar, 18% - Dargin. About 10% speak Kumyk, Lezgin, Chechen, Azerbaijani.

Religion of Dagestan

The main religion is Islam, less common are Shiites, Jews, Christians. About how many in Dagestan, can be judged by the census of the last cities. This is one of the few administrative units in Russia where the number of inhabitants is increasing year by year.