Sociologists: what you can learn about a person by appearance. Numerology: what can you learn about a person by his date of birth? What can you learn about a person from his

Timbre as a personality

Sometimes, without seeing a person for a long time, we may not recognize him, but as soon as he speaks, we immediately remember him. The timbre of the voice alone determines a person in many ways. The French phoniatrist Jean Abitbol once even refused to perform an operation on a patient - he believed that changing her voice would change her personality.

What is timbre

The term comes from the French timbre (bell). This is a psychoacoustic characteristic of the voice. Its exclusive coloration. Therefore, when analyzing the mastery of vocals, they often use definitions from the dictionary of painting - “color”, “palette”, “paints”. And it is these "color" nuances that make it possible to distinguish people's voices. Even if the pitch, volume and duration of their sound is the same.

What determines the timbre of the voice

From the density of the bow of the vocal cords, from their length, width, elasticity and tension. The latter is created by the plasticity of the cricothyroid muscle, which the professor and imperial otiatrist N. P. Simanovsky called "musical", since it acts like a violin peg.

Another timbre depends on the volume of the trachea and the shape of the internal resonator. So Chaliapin had a domed palate, from which, as from a cathedral vault, sound was repelled. And this palate became the subject of study not only for phoniatrists, but also for otolaryngologists, anthropologists and anatomists.
Overtones are responsible for the “coloring” of the timbre. The more overtones - the "tastier" the voice.


These are sounds above sounds. A trained throat produces two sounds at the same time - a tone and an overtone. Overtones are high-frequency and ranged according to the laws of the "golden section". What it is? When we look at a person's face and find it attractive, this means that it is "tailored" by nature in proportion to the ratio of parts. In the same way, overtones harmonize the timbre of the voice with the help of intervals.

The voice seems to climb up the overtone ladder - from one step to another. Pauses between them. “The first overtone is an octave away from the tone. The second one is less. This is a quint." And in the same way - according to the "steps" of overtones - the ordinary human ear gradually adjusts, which initially may not distinguish overtones.

How is a response to a sound wave generated?

On average, a person consists of 60% of a liquid substance, which responds to sound with vibration. The German sound researcher and photographer (cymatic - from "kyma" - wave) Alexander Lauterwasser conducted a series of experiments - he played sounds of different frequencies near the reservoir - the clang of the rolling stock of the train, the cries of seagulls, phrases from Bach's toccata. And he recorded the wave “response” of water on the camera. Each sound has its own pattern. So a person vibrates after the timbre of the voice.

What do we say

"Mouth", "throat", "chest" and even "belly". The latter is responsible for the increased corpulence of the vast majority of opera singers - they "put their voice in the womb." And they involve the whole body in the process of sounding. Like a baby. When he cries, he resonates from head to toe. With age, a person "clamps". The voice loses its ability to turn on the whole organism. And its vibrations "get stuck" at the level of the throat. But we are created by nature as a single resonator.

How timbre betrays the speaker

Already by the timbre, each of us is able to assess the psychophysical parameters of a person. Viennese linguophysiologists have empirically confirmed that people can only judge by their voice whether a person is tall or short, full or thin. True, with age, a misfire can come out, because the timbre of a happy person makes the voice younger by 10 years. Anger and fear - “age”.

He will show the timbre and level of intelligence of the interlocutor, his occupation, temperament. Like his condition - happy or not, sick or healthy, tired or alert. The timbre of the voice will reflect, and who speaks - a leader or a follower, a liar or a champion of truth, an envious person or a generous soul, whether he is capable of betrayal or will be faithful to the grave.

It was the connection between timbre and trust in a partner that interested the specialists of the Canadian research University McMaster. The participants of the experiment were given to listen to the voices of 20 men and women. One male - low, insinuating - everyone noted as "dangerous". “From the point of view of sexual strategy,” stated the author of the project, Gillian O’Connor, “both sexes regard such a timbre as a warning about future betrayals.” Trust was elicited - higher male and lower female. They were considered "reliable".

Timbre and sexuality

British researchers from the Universities of Liverpool and Stirling, working with the Hadza tribe in Tanzania, have discovered that the owners of timbre in the lower voice register have more children. So the Tanzanian "baritones" outstripped the "tenors" by an average of two children. Scientists at the State University of New York have found the dependence of the sexual attractiveness of the timbre of women on fertility.

Psychologists at the University of South Carolina, having analyzed telephone conversations, revealed the difference in timbres in the process of communicating with indifferent and loved people. The latter even copied each other's intonations, as if putting their voices on the same tone wave.

Anthropologists at the University of Pennsylvania - Sarah Wolf and David Poots - first tried to figure out "how signs of masculinity affect a person's opinion about his ability to dominate." Experiments have shown that men with voices of deep timbre coloration are perceived by other individuals of the same sex as "pride leaders".

Timbre in the service of politics

In 2012, Proceedings of the Royal Society correspondents, in collaboration with PR technologists and neuropsychologists, conducted surveys of Americans who answered the question: “What tone of voice gives them the most confidence in politics?”

Timbre in the service of special services

Timbre is one of the objective collations, which is taken into account by the special services when compiling psycho-portraits of criminals. FBI and CIA profilers pay attention to how the voice rattles and “stumbles”, as it were. When he bustles and keeps silent, the timbre becomes spasmodic, indistinct. Anxiety will make him "bully", raising his tone. Cognitive dissonance will be expressed in sharp voice fluctuations and demonstrate the precariousness of the position, uncertainty. Tense timbre - control over every step. Metal notes - conviction. Increased volume - the desire to suppress. But the main timbre pattern remains unchanged forever.


Previously, the Italians' passports included - along with the date of birth, height, hair and eye color - the timbre of the voice. Currently, courts in the US and UK accept - as evidence of guilt / innocence - voice recordings. Why? Because the timbre is as unique as the genetic code in the DNA molecule, the papillary pattern on the fingertips or the structure of the ear.
The timbre is so unique that the largest banks in the world are not afraid to encode safes with the voices of their owners.

If a few decades ago social networks were a curiosity, today even a child has a page in the most popular Internet sites: there is nothing difficult in the registration process, and the benefits that a registered user receives are obvious even to the older generation, who usually experiences difficulties in handling with modern technology and internet.

Despite the prevalence and popularity of social networks, few of those who have already managed to register in them think about their security. And in vain: you can learn a lot about a person (even what you would like to hide) just by looking at his page on a social network.

Conflict or non-conflict

An ordinary page on a social network can indirectly or even directly indicate how conflicting (or non-conflicting) a person is. In order to finally decide, it is enough just to pay attention to the entries and comments that are displayed on the page: the content of the entries, as well as the person's reaction to the entries of other users, will help determine whether the owner of the page is conflicting or not.

However, it is worth making a reservation here: this method can be trusted only if a person more or less actively uses the social network, and does not use it only for personal communication with his friends, acquaintances or colleagues. In addition, the personal information available on the page may be false: this is also worth considering.

Introvert or extrovert

You can find out whether a person is an introvert or, on the contrary, an extrovert, by looking at his page on a social network. Introverts, as a rule, act in social networks in the same way as in real life: they usually have no more virtual friends than real ones, and often they are the same people.

Extroverts, on the other hand, usually make the most of social networking opportunities: they can make several friends daily until they exceed the appropriate limit, post photos of parties or related pictures. Additionally, extroverts may be more active on social media, which can be seen by looking at their comment count.

Hobbies and interests

You can also find out about a person’s hobbies and interests just by looking at his page on a popular social network. This time, you will have to pay attention to the list of groups that a person reads or subscribes to: as a rule, this is exactly what he is fond of.

Due to the ease of creating a special thematic community, a public page or a group on social networks, today it is quite easy to find a group of like-minded people, even if you have a very rare or strange hobby: a couple of hundred people who are interested in the same thing as you will surely be able to find .

But do not forget that not everyone exposes their interests to the public: a person can hide some hobbies from prying eyes using the functionality of a social network.

As you can see, even a simple page on a social network can tell a lot about its owner, while the "owner" may not suspect anything about it. So before writing something about yourself on a social network, you should think: do you really want this information to be available to everyone who wants it?

Environmental psychologist Lily Bernheimer can learn more about you from just one look at your workplace than you may know. Bernheimer, co-founder and director of Space Works Consulting, a British environmental psychology consulting firm.

Psychologist Lily Bernheimer. Photo: Space Works

Her job is to transform workplaces and urban spaces so that they work for the benefit of the people and the purposes they serve. She is also writing a book about the influence of everyday environment on our psychology. The book will be titled The Shaping of Us and will be published in 2017.

Business Insider journalist Jacqueline Smith sent Bernheimer photos of the desktops of several of her colleagues. The psychologist analyzed the images and sent back her observations and assessments of the personalities of the owners of these tables by e-mail. Bernheimer never met or interacted with them, all she had at her disposal were photographs.

Smith showed Bernheimer's observations to her colleagues and asked their opinion.

Emmy table

Bernheimer's opinion:“This is a typical workplace of a very responsible person - neat, disciplined and attentive. The books are neatly stacked, there is no clutter, and everything is in its place. However, in addition to signs of cleanliness, we see traces of the desire for organization: task lists, sticky notes, and evenly stacked pen and pencil used to write down plans. In addition to being hard-working, reliable, focused and single-minded, responsible people tend to make plans and follow routine habits.”

Emmy's reaction:“This assessment is very similar to the truth. I really cannot live without organizing and planning my work. I love routine and I like to know what I will be doing every day. Every day before I leave work, I try to make a to-do list for the next day. I try to work hard, be a reliable member of the team and hope that this is passed on to my colleagues.”

Libby table

Bernheimer's opinion:“Messy, chaotic, flamboyant – this desk belongs to an extrovert. Such people are constantly in search of something interesting, and they quickly get bored with work without external stimulation. Therefore, they love to surround themselves with bright lights, materials, trinkets related to their activities, and warm, rich colors like red.

The phone is nearby, while some of Libby's co-workers deliberately put them away. However, extroverts are too busy to spend time cleaning! I think that Libby is an energetic, cheerful and generally friendly person.

Libby's reaction:“Actually, I’m a classic introvert. I just have nowhere else to put my books and phone! However, I recognize myself in the last sentence. A friendly introvert is about me.”

Amanda's desk

Bernheimer's opinion:“Looks like this desk belongs to an introvert. Introverts - the exact opposite of extroverts - often get tired of being overstimulated and draw energy from a single goal. It seems that Amanda has built a fortress for herself from books, electronics and even hats, in which you can hide from the whole world. A pronounced desire to limit personal space is a sign of an introvert and a high level of anxiety.

A place on the periphery can also mean that a person is not very accommodating, that is, not very eager to help, cooperate and empathize with others. This workplace is dominated by gray and cold colors. However, introverts should not be underestimated: they are often very productive and creative people who can only reach their potential in safety.”

Amanda's reaction:“Is it all true? I thought the things on my desk said I was an extrovert. I think they were kind of shouting, “Hey, look how many things you can ask me about!”

Sarah's table

Bernheimer's opinion:“Judging by the look of this table, Sarah is not a very open person. Although we also see the disorder, here it takes a different form than on Libby's desk, which displays a variety of books and materials that speak of the owner's curiosity and openness.

While the books can be seen on Emmy's desk, they show a narrow range of interests, in keeping with her discipline. Amanda's book collection immediately betrays her interest in politics and the military. However, there is no trace of her personality on Sarah's desk, except perhaps for her Diet Coke craze. An original, stylish and unusual workplace indicates that you are a curious, creative person and have a developed imagination. I would say that Sarah is a person who thinks more traditionally and standard.

Sarah's reaction:“I’ll have to think about changing the environment so that it better reflects my character!”

Table Jacqueline

Bernheimer's opinion:“This is an interesting case. Jacqueline arranged her place so that it looks open and inviting. I see a moderate desire for personalization here, which is shown in this stack of books, personal items such as glasses and a mug with a photo portrait - and it is surprising that this is the only photograph that is on all the tables. All this indicates that Jacqueline is an extrovert as well as a responsible person. A little mess is actually more attractive than utterly clean or completely cluttered, and attractiveness is a key trait of an extrovert.

At the same time, Jacqueline has a planning pad handy - the hallmark of a lover of organization. Recent studies have shown that while working in the media is considered creative, many of the responsibilities can be monotonous and responsible. In fact, the people at business publications like Business Insider are even more scrupulous than the average person."

Jacqueline's reaction:“I have always considered myself an introvert, although psychological tests have always given different results. At work, however, I try to look more open. Glad to hear that the look of my desk conveys my message to my colleagues! I also agree that I am quite a scrupulous person - or at least I try to be.


Look at the way you dress. Does a person dress with taste or pretense, does he shock with a suit or hide behind it? Demonstrativeness, originality (or the desire to appear as such), courage, independence or vanity can be determined when a person chooses non-standard solutions in appearance.

Be careful when interpreting. For example, a modest suit can hide suspicion, secrecy, caution, a tendency to manipulate, and even. Or it can conceal an outstanding personality, which the world of things is not at all interested in.

Carefully analyze and accessories. Here, the important indicators are moderation and appropriateness. More often, excesses in jewelry are an indicator of vanity, expressiveness, and maybe even some inadequacy of the owner. The absence of accessories or modesty in their use can speak both of the inability to use them, and of the simplicity of a person, straightforwardness or details.

Pay more attention to facial expressions and gestures of a person, especially in situations in which he does not “draw”, does not seek to please. Usually, wide and profuse gestures demonstrate extraversion and expressiveness. Meager and angular gestures speak more about the tightness and insecurity of a person than about character traits.

Use some physiognomy, determining the character of a person by his face. Different parts are associated with its different parts. But be careful, because in the literature many signs are interpreted in different ways.

Look at the top of your face. For example, according to the severity of the eyebrow line, they judge both the strength of character, the inherent energy, and the person’s attitude to business - how much he is inclined to bring what he has started to the end. A forehead line slanted back indicates better interaction with technology, and a straight line, on the contrary, indicates good contact with people, the ability to build relationships.

Analyze the fit of the eyes. A close one speaks of the purposefulness and concentration of a person in time, the ability to be accurate. Wide-set eyes indicate the opposite: "swimming" in time and purpose.

Pronounced, well-defined upper cheekbones are evidence of riskiness as a character trait. In addition, it is argued that it is also an obligation to use your right to risk and receive a reward. Wide lower cheekbones will alert you to a person who is difficult to argue with, who feels confident and unshakable.

Look at the most expressive object on the face - the nose. The round, fleshy tip is said to show a broad and good-natured nature, while the narrow tip is suspicious. A hooked nose betrays a wise person, and indicates commercialism, or a materialistic orientation of a person, but snub-nosed noses often speak of childish naivety and some romanticism of a person.

Faktrum publishes an excellent article on how to get this information.

1. How to find a person's pages in all social networks at once?

A few years ago, Yandex launched a service for searching people's personal pages. It is available at Currently, the search is carried out on 16 social networks:

You can search not only by first and last name, but also by nickname:

If you are in doubt about how a person calls himself on the Internet, then you can use the logical operator OR (indicated by a vertical bar):

2. How to find the latest posts of a person in all social networks at once?

12. Does ICQ keep any interesting information about a stormy youth?

14. How to find out the location by IP?

The method does not guarantee the accuracy of the information. After all, there are many ways to hide your real address, which are used by both providers and users. But it's worth a try.

1. Take a letter from a person and see its original text:

2. Find the sender's IP address in it:

3. Enter it into the form on the service:

15. How to find out a person's apartment number by home phone number?

The last feature makes an indelible impression on women:

1. Escort the new girl to the entrance. Casually ask her home phone number;

2. In the meantime, go to the Sberbank mobile application and go to the section for paying for MGTS services;

3. Drive in the phone number and find out the apartment number;

4. Before you say goodbye, tell about your second cousin who participated in the "Battle of Psychics" and offer to guess her apartment number;

5. Call the desired number;

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People with very high IQs don't need friends.

Often you can find a situation where too smart "nerd" in the class shuns the rest of the guys. Scientists have found that there really is a connection between the level of a person's intelligence and his social ties. To "smart people" communication often seems like a waste of time, and unprepared people simply cannot share their interests.

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