Compatibility of different elements of personality.

The most important element in the Ba Zi chart is Personality element. This is the core of a person, his essence, the innermost content.

This is the indicator by which the entire horoscope is built.

Although the first impression that is created about a person most often corresponds to the description of the characteristics animal year of birth, but not this indicator.

Imagine that a new employee is hired by the company you work for.

Even at the stage of his hiring, he will be evaluated by competent employees, and a decision will be made whether he corresponds to a free vacancy.

For example, if a person was born in the year of the Fire Dragon, then it is not known whether he will be hired if responsible and conscientious workers who know how to obey are looking for a vacancy. It is most often difficult for a typical Dragon to make such an impression at the first meeting. In this case, preference will be given, for example, to Roosters or Bulls.

But if the company is looking for charismatic and creative people, then HR managers will take the Dragon candidacy much more seriously. In this case, the laconic Ox or the pedantic Rooster will not make a suitable impression.

When a new person begins to get acquainted with the team, he still makes a first impression in accordance with his year of birth.

The year of birth shows how a person relates to people in general and how others perceive him at the first meeting. It matters here what year reigns horoscope. So, the Tiger can be Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood.

For example, a person with the Yang Tree Personality element, born in the year of the Wood Rooster, in the eyes of others will look like a debater, a person who easily makes enemies for himself. And a person of the Yang Tree, who was born, for example, in the year of the Fire Dragon, will give the impression of a self-confident, influential and talented person.

Yin Land.

Yin Earth is associated with fertile soil, the land of the garden and vegetable garden, the land on which everything grows. This is a garden with fragrant apple trees, this is a flower garden of extraordinary beauty, this is a vegetable garden that bears fruit.

The earth is the foundation of the foundations. Peace rests on the people of the Earth. If there is no Earth, then there is nothing. The world ceases to be material.

Without the Earth, there would be no plants, no place for water to flow, no place for metal to be born, and the Sun would have nothing to shine for.

Not surprisingly, women of this personality type are considered the best wives, the most caring mothers, and men the most reliable partners and friends.

Many representatives of this type of personality become entrepreneurs and businessmen, because natural practicality, diligence, thoroughness do not allow them to get carried away with something ephemeral, without concrete results, with some ideas and castles in the air. Yin Earth is a materialist and she needs a reliable rear, solid ground under her feet, stability and confidence in the future. The people of the Earth prefer to create this rear for themselves, without counting on anyone else, and without asking anyone for help.

Calmly, slowly, but surely, the Yin Earth is building its Present, while clearly imagining its Future.

Very often around the Earth there are people who use its works. These can be family members who “sit on their necks”, calmly “dangling their legs”, or colleagues who take on part of their duties on the patient Yin Earth.

Or they are subordinates who would never change their place of work because of the loyalty and care of their boss.

And the Yin Land is absolutely not bothered by the presence of a large number of dependents and hangers-on. She has an innate need for an object to take care of. It doesn't matter who it is or what it is, the main thing is to have someone to take care of, to worry about something.

People of this type are very purposeful and persistent. They do not often change their plans and decisions, but before making a decision, they can think for a very long time, weighing all possible scenarios. Such solidity helps them in life, but sometimes they miss opportunities due to long deliberation.

Yin Earth is a jack of all trades. She knows everything, and everything is easy for her. Universal talent helps to achieve mastery in many areas of life, but it is better for this sign to engage in administrative, organizational activities.

This is a master of the household, and it is rare to find a hostess or owner of this type of personality who will have an uncomfortable house and an empty cellar.

This is not an upstart entrepreneur who made a fortune for himself in a short time, and then just as quickly lost it. This is a businessman firmly standing on his feet, who has "alternate airfields" for all occasions. This is a millionaire who has accumulated his fortune through intelligence, determination, hard work and perseverance and who does not boast of his wealth, buying all the most expensive and luxurious. Yin Earth does not like to advertise its true financial condition and splurge.

These are reliable people who can be relied upon and who can be trusted with their secrets. Very often they play the role of mediators and peacemakers, as they know how to listen and fairly assess situations, giving reasonable advice. These are kind and friendly people who inspire confidence and are conducive to crying into their vest.

Of course, they also have disadvantages. A typical Yin Earth can "suffocate" with its care. Jealousy often accompanies relationships with this personality type, as the Earth does not like to share those she cares about with others, even if this care is very burdensome for them.

These people are very conservative, they may categorically reject new creative ideas and trends, even if the benefits of the new are obvious. They don't wear extravagant clothes or get pierced. And very often they show stubbornness and inflexibility in relations with those who do not agree with them.

However, the extreme manifestations of such shortcomings are not often manifested, since high intelligence and peacefulness help to maintain the sincere and comfortable relations of the Yin Earth with all its surroundings.

A few key words to describe the features of this personality type:

kindness, altruism, peacefulness, benevolence, friendliness, reliability, intelligence, talent, objectivity, seriousness, moderation, patience, calmness, harmony, care, enterprise, practicality, realism, emotionality, charm, artistry, tenderness, perseverance, patience, excessive guardianship , jealousy, possessiveness, lust.

Partner Compatibility.

When analyzing how different people can get along with each other, and how favorable their union is for a particular activity, it should be borne in mind that when analyzing compatibility, not only interaction by personality type is taken into account. There are many subtleties for such an analysis. However, if you seriously want to learn how to understand Ba Zi, it is very important to pay attention to these indicators.

If all the elements are more or less balanced in the Ba-Tzu cards of partners, then the possible partnership options given here will most often manifest themselves in this way.

If there is a certain imbalance of energies, then everything, of course, will develop according to a different scenario. For example, the Yin Earth usually does not get along with the Yin Tree, but if the Tree is very strong, supported by related elements and the season of birth, and the Yin Earth is too dense and wet, then such a union can be favorable.

Typical Yin Land loves the most Jan Tree. And the attraction is mutual. Ideally, if in this union the Yang Tree is the husband, and the Earth is the wife. In such a union, the Earth gives herself completely to the service of her husband, satisfying her needs for care and guardianship, and the husband achieves extraordinary heights thanks to the support of the fertile Earth, which provides him with everything necessary for growth and fertility. But in this union, the Earth must be strong, otherwise the Tree will “squeeze out” all the juices of the Earth and deprive it of fertility.

FROM Yin Tree relationships are most often complicated, since for harmony in this union there must be intermediary elements. Most likely, a typical Yin Tree will use the goodness of the Earth, depriving her of strength and peace of mind. The earth is patient, but it is in great demand to endure the ingratitude of a partner for a long time.

Harmonious relationships can be Yin Earth with Yang Fire. But in such an alliance, someone else or some business is definitely needed, which the Yin Earth can take care of and not sleep at night. Yang Fire will not allow the Earth to take care of itself, and rather he will become a support for her. And the Earth simply needs to be a mother or guardian in order to feel happy. So we still need someone to whom the Earth can serve.

Most of the time in relationships Yin Earth and Yin Fire everything will turn out great. For a typical Yin Earth, such an alliance is extremely favorable, since Fire becomes her good friend and helper. The Earth can satisfy its desire for someone to take care of in other areas of life. However, in this alliance, the presence of the element of Water is important (in the Ba-Tzu map, type of activity, place of residence, etc. Details in the mini-book "How to make up for the missing element?) So that the Earth does not become too dry, like a desert.

Union auspiciousness Yang and Yin Land depends on how much they are supported by related elements. If the Yin Earth is strong, then the additional Earth will make it even more conservative and inert, obsessed with the material side of life. And vice versa, a weak Yin Earth will find a reliable support in a partner, gain calmness and self-confidence.

If two interact Yin Lands, then the trends will be the same as in alliance with Yang Land. A strong Yin Earth should avoid close interaction with another similar Earth, and a weak one will gain additional strength in this union. But in any case, the kinship of souls and commonality of views will be characteristic of two partners of this type of personality.

Union Yang Metal and Yin Earth. Mutual understanding and mutual assistance will rule in the union of these two, if the Metal is weak and needs the support of the related elements of the Earth. Then the Earth will be satisfied in its needs to serve others, and the Metal will receive the necessary support. If the Metal is strong and the Earth is weak, then both will suffer in this union. Such an alliance will not lead to anything good.

Usually Yin Earth and Yin Metal understand each other perfectly. Relationships most often develop according to the principle of Mother-Child, where Yin Earth acts as a mother. Yin Metal in this union most often reaches extraordinary heights, surrounded by the care and attention of the selfless Earth. For the Earth in this union, it is desirable to be strong in terms of the elements, so as not to be left with nothing when the “cut diamond” decides that he can now do everything himself. Most of the time he is wrong.

FROM Janskoy Water In most cases, it is better for Yin Earth not to get involved. Although, usually these two completely different types of personality rarely intersect in life, or at the first opportunity they tend to scatter. If a typical Yin Earth converges with Yang Water, then, as a rule, the Earth suffers more in this union, which loses strength and faith in itself, completely devoting itself to the service of uncompromising Water.

How favorable will the alliance with Iskoy Voda, depends on other indicators in the horoscope. But very often the union of these types of personalities is doomed to failure. Completely different worldviews, different views on human relationships make it difficult to find a common language and build a long-term alliance.

After reviewing this information, do not rush to draw conclusions about the compatibility of certain partners until you understand all the relationships and subtleties of Ba Zi.

Popular people related to the Yin Earth personality type:

Pierre Richard, Bruce Willis, Jack Nicholson, Boris Moiseev, Yulia Tymoshenko.

Visually represented by soil, sand, and is the soft twin of Yang Earth.

Yin Earth is the most collaborative and most efficient element. People of this type are real team players, able to work to the point of unconsciousness. They not only connect and modernize other elements, but also transform themselves to solve problems. Often they are mistakenly considered passive and easily vulnerable, but in fact they show a high willingness to sacrifice themselves in order to achieve a common goal.

Our heroes are very patient and resistant to punishment of any kind. They are very sensitive to emotional blackmail and resemble putty - it is worth adding water (emotions) and it becomes soft and pliable. However, excessive heat (fire, pressure) makes it hard and brittle. Due to the sensitivity of Yin Earth, you will need real artistic talent to bring out the best in it. If you need to form a team, make sure you include several of these people on the team. They will ensure trouble-free operation even in the most adverse conditions. And in the event of a collapse, the company will be the last to leave it ...

We go around the Wu-Sin circle:

The land of yin is Star of Self-expression for the element Fire. Like a beautiful piece of Chinese porcelain, its representatives are works of art. When performing work, they are distinguished by close attention to all aspects and an emphasis on quality. Despite the fact that they may spend a little more time / resources than required to achieve the result, you will end up with a real masterpiece. Punctuality is not their forte, so if time is a critical parameter, then it is better to attract additional forces. Such people are not inclined to act on a schedule.

The earth of Yin acts as Tree Wealth Star. Slow and stable, such a person is excellent at accumulating resources. This is a real talent - to collect a little from everywhere. He never boasts of wealth, you may not even suspect anything, which often gives him enough time to build supplies. Our hero perfectly forms reserves and, if successful, supplies others with them.

Yin Star - Power Star for Water. Patience is the basic virtue of such a person. External factors are not able to shake his inner world. He has an incredible ability to ignore what is happening - what happened, happened. It sometimes tends to muddy the waters and slow down the main stream, making it a nuisance in most cases. The critical factor in working with other people is that Water waits for no one, so without the help of the Earth, it can be difficult to keep up with it.

The land of Yin is Resource Star for the Metal element. They are excellent educators, adherents who give everything to the last. Their soft nature makes it easy to use their wealth, all the treasures hidden in them are available to you. They have an amazing ability to turn any things into useful resources. There are no words like useless, rubbish, etc. in their vocabulary. Their only mistake may be placing the resource in the wrong place. Give them time and they will find your useful qualities.


Do you like those westerns where the law is not the law, but rather its absence? Coupled with the main character standing out from the crowd to give people some love and hope? Then you will definitely like such a type as the people of the daytime pillar of Yin Earth on the Serpent.

The daily dominant Earth Yin on the Serpent includes: Fire Yang (Direct Seal), Earth Yang () and Metal Yang ().

Known as the Element that accepts and nourishes everything (nurturing). But in this case, he is deprived of the element of Water. As a result, it is a dry and hard soil. The sun shines and blazes over her, along with Yang Fire being the dominant Qi from the Hidden Heavenly Stems (Direct Seal). People of this type have a great vision of any situation offered to them by life. This makes them especially savvy when it comes to situational analysis, analysis of the current situation and the state of things. You will not be able to buy them for the standard touching story that most representatives of other earth pillars will buy. These will look for facts, see them and try to get to the bottom of the issue.

But they are also influenced by Robber (Earth Yang) and Wounded (Metal Yang), who, in turn, do not like the orders accepted by all, oppose the establishment. They are not afraid of confrontation. Do not hesitate to speak out against people in power. Metal, being an aggressive element, fuels their ability to voice true, undisguised facts.

Since they have both Robber and Wound in their pillar, then, regardless of gender, representatives of the Earth Yin pillar on the Serpent have an innate tendency to reject relationships due to the fact that the Star of Wealth is attacked by the Robber, and Power is attacked by Wound. If there is a person next to you who is concerned that the truth on any issue becomes public, it is difficult to imagine that family life with him will proceed peacefully and calmly.

The snake is a friend of the Monkey, but the Pig is not included in the inner circle! (Ba Zi card)

The snake is combined with the Monkey. It attracts Yang Metal (Injury), Yang Earth (Robber) and Yang Water (Direct Wealth). The males of this pillar look heroic. They are able to captivate a woman (Wealth), but at the same time reject her (Robber). This gives men the image of a "bad guy". You want to be with him, but at the same time you perfectly understand that everything will end only with your broken heart.

The Snake is in conflict with the Pig. This in turn rejects Yang Water (Wealth) and Yang Tree (Right Power). Both husband and wife stars are repulsed, which leads to another drop in the relationship rating with them. You can also say that money and power do not attract them.

In general, we see a strong personality who is trying at all costs to show the world its essence. They are lone rangers who show no fear of any strange situation that comes their way. They sacrifice comfort and family in order to achieve and maintain their vision of life. In times of crisis, they are the best candidates for leadership, but in times of peace, they will only bring you problems, as they cannot sit still and just enjoy success.

Ba Zi Calculator:

Analysis of your Ba Zi chart:



The remaining pillars are considered relative to the daily pillar. We no longer look at exactly what Elements are there, but look at what they are in relation to the Lord of the Day. Details on the main page:

Go to page 60 of Jia Tzu:

Homage to Master Ba Zi, Kevin Chan.

General astro forecast for 2018 for Yang Land Wu and Yin Earth Ji

If you don't know your Heavenly stem of the day or your pillar in your birth chart, watch the video “HOW TO DEFINE YOUR Heavenly stem of the day”:

✨ STEP 1.

Go to my site site

✨ STEP 2.

On the right you will find "BAZZI CALCULATOR" and click on "PRESS"

✨ STEP 3.

Choose your gender, your date, month, year, hour (if known) and place of birth.

✨ STEP 4.

The pillar called "DAY" is you

✨ STEP 5.

We are looking for the pillar "DAY" in the article of astro forecast.

Yang Land on the Dragon

You will have a good year full of promising results. Those who were born in the spring will certainly find that this is a beneficial time. Short-term investments will bear fruit, while business ventures will also have excellent prospects. Long term investments will be encouraged by your diligence and will eventually bring great results as well.

Your wealth luck will grow this year and you will incur significant rewards. Avoid impulse buying and try to reinvest your money in other activities that bring you more value.

You will most likely be recognized for the great effort you have put into your work so far. Boss expectations will rise, and as such, you will need to prepare for the potential chaos and stress of this year. Remember to balance your work with time for yourself and your personal life.

This year, men will improve their relationship in marriage. On the other hand, women have to deal with communication issues in their relationships, which can lead to misunderstandings and fights.

Focus on your digestive system as stomach issues are likely to be your biggest problem this year. Your head and limbs are also at potential risk of injury, especially for those born in the summer or fall.

Yanskaya Land on the Tigris

There will be many career opportunities. However, this year there will be some problems in your personal life.

You will finally have the funds to fulfill your long-awaited vacation and travel plans. This will give you the opportunity to expand your horizons and meet new people who can help you on your path of personal growth. This is a good year for you to learn more about yourself.

This can be an auspicious year for romance for those with whom you are already in a long-term relationship or who are planning to take their relationship to the next level.

Watch out for blood and stomach problems this year. Potential illnesses are indigestion or food poisoning. Don't lose sight of your physical and mental health. You will need to carefully manage your working hours so that the workload is balanced and manageable.

Yang Land on the Rat

This year you will be blessed with many opportunities that can be used easily and effectively to make great progress in your life. However, buried demons from your past may resurface like legal issues.

It is likely that you will make a fortune this year. However, these possibilities may be more than meets the eye, so you will need to exercise caution. Don't ignore ethics to make money. The legal problems that will arise as a result are not worth it. Be careful to avoid potential problems.

Those born in the spring will have good career prospects. Keep in mind that sometimes it is necessary to ask for help. Others will be willing to help and make your journey much easier.

Men will find that this is an emotionally turbulent year. However, there is a chance to survive relationship problems and come out stronger. Women, on the other hand, will need to find a balance between romance and everything else.

Your liver is at the center of health issues this year. Manage your drinking and be extra careful about your overall health. Also watch out for tumors.

Yang Land on the Dog

This is an important year for you to achieve great success in your career. Be confident enough to take bold steps towards your goals. But, there may be unforeseen obstacles ahead, as a result of rumors and slander.

You are in good luck financially. You need to be careful if you are in a business partnership. Be aggressive in pursuing your goals and you will enjoy great rewards.

Procrastination or being too passive can cause you to miss out on great opportunities. Therefore, one must remain focused and always be ready to make the most of the situation.

Single men will have better relationship luck than women. If you are in a long relationship, this is a good year to get married. However, be careful if you are already married, as there is a risk of extramarital affairs.

You do not need to worry about your health if you were born during the winter or spring months. If born in the fall or summer, watch out for head and limb injuries, be careful of any possible swelling.

Yang Land on Monkey

You will see that your plans can be carried out without much worry. In addition, you will be blessed with wealth that will bring financial security. Your income is likely to be stable.

Your positive wealth luck will last throughout the year, and possibly bring you a pay rise. If you own your own business or are an entrepreneur, you should consider turning your attention abroad. There will certainly be many other stakeholders out there who can help you.

There will be opportunities to travel for work, which will positively affect career advancement. This will likely bring rewards both in terms of your reputation and finances.

If you are in a long-term relationship, you may consider marriage. Single women may find that several suitors are interested in them. Married women will have to watch out for potential temptations.

Although this year will be in good physical condition, you should not neglect your health. This means that you should continue to pay attention to your diet and maintain your exercise regime to keep yourself in shape. By constantly taking care of your body, you protect it from future problems.

Janskaya Land on a Horse

This year will be relatively good for you. You will have more luck if you work as an employee.

You will likely be rewarded for your efforts at work with a pay rise. However, this money will not come all at once, but rather in constant additions that result from careful decisions. Therefore, one should not spend too much time expecting the unexpected. Also avoid risky investments.

This will be a prosperous career year and you will see a lot of growth. The effort you put into your work will finally pay off. You will also benefit from learning new skills, as this can help you increase your professional standing.

This year, men will have to deal with maternal interference in their relationships. Try to work as a mediator between your partner and mother so conflicts are kept to a minimum. Those currently in long-term relationships will find this to be a good year.

There is a risk of minor diseases related to the stomach and digestive system.

Yin Earth on the Serpent

Your prospects for wealth this year are excellent. You will need to focus on expanding acquaintances. However, you are likely to suffer from gossip and false accusations, especially if you were born in the fall. It is best to ignore these rumors and focus on your goals.

Most of your opportunities will come from dating this year. Be more sociable and you will be able to strengthen your professional reputation, as well as gain prestige. While you can earn quite a bit of money, you should be careful when it comes to investments and go for more stable options like property.

Work-related travel will be your ticket to career advancement. However, there will be quite a lot of work that will cause frustration and dissatisfaction. Remember that your current situation is temporary and the reward is long term.

If you are a man, this year brings the possibility of marriage. However, women in this regard are not all smooth. If things don't work out the way you hoped, focus on other areas of your life as you will eventually succeed.

You will need to remember your heart and eyes. Also, your energy levels are easily depleted this year.

Yin Earth on Rabbit

This will be an auspicious year that you can look forward to. Your wealth will accumulate due to your investments in real estate. In addition, you are more likely to move into a new home or acquire a new residence.

Your wealth prospects this year are great. Make sure you take advantage of every opportunity that is available and save as much money as you can. Take the time to build a solid foundation for your finances and investments so that you have even more opportunities to make more money in the future.

Your career prospects look good this year, although only if you work with others as a team. Your colleagues will also be a source of different and useful perspectives on many issues.

Single men are likely to see this as a good relationship year, as you may meet your ideal life partner. However, those who are already married should beware of misunderstandings in your marriage. Single women will find that their most favorable time for love will be in the fall.

You will need to counter stress, such as yoga or other practices that promote the well-being of the mind and soul. If you are over forty, you should check your heart.

Yin Earth on the Bull

It's going to be a pretty tough year. Those who were born in the fall, be more prudent and careful because of the possibility of getting confused in legal matters. Also, don't shy away from collaboration and social activities, as it's more beneficial for you to participate in groups rather than trying to go solo. You may have to fork out for some unforeseen health problems.

Your wealth luck is generally good. However, you need to hone your patience by focusing on the little details, as one small mistake can lead to unfavorable situations. You will have to work hard to keep your place.

This year, get great luck in your career, especially if you were born in the spring. Everyone else will face the stress of increased workloads, which can cause anxiety. Spend some time for yourself, relaxing.

Your romantic prospects are on the rise this year, especially for single people. However, those who are married may find themselves in extramarital relationships. Do not allow yourself to be tempted by such temporary pleasures, as this will lead to the collapse of your relationship.

There is a chance that you will have to have surgery this year. Make sure you prioritize your health over other more trivial aspects of your life, as there is a chance that you will also run into stomach-related problems. Remember that prevention is better than cure.

Yin Earth on a Pig

This is an important year for your career to grow and get to where you want to be. There may be some unforeseen obstacles along the way as a result of gossip and rumors spread by unkind people. You just need to be mentally prepared for it and know how to focus on your work.

If born in spring or summer, cooperation, joint venture or partnership will be very useful. Remember to be creative, come up with new ideas.

Teamwork will help advance your career. Also make sure to keep your emotions to yourself. Meanwhile, entrepreneurs will face particular challenges. Maintaining your composure will help you make the right decisions throughout the year.

There may be competition in your personal life. Those in a relationship should be mindful of their honesty and directness.

While you enjoy good health this year, keep an eye on your blood pressure and diet. Also try to control your stress and anxiety. Watch for vision problems and skin allergies.

Yin Earth on the Rooster

Most of your opportunities for wealth will come from travel, where you will gain valuable experience.

Your financial efforts will most likely pay off this year. Even investments made in the past will begin to pay off. Business owners can consider expanding their business without fear of geographic restrictions.

This year, the career will have significant success. If you're thinking about changing jobs, chances are there won't be a shortage of offers. However, before making any decisions, be sure to think about it.

Single people can meet their soul mate. Married men should be careful as minor flirting can lead to something more damaging to your marriage.

Those born in autumn or winter will need to focus on their health. There may be minor, though not unimportant, problems related to your stomach and other gastrointestinal organs such as your liver. There is also the possibility of injury, especially on the right side of your body.

Yin Earth on the Goat

Pursue creative opportunities for wealth this year and you will be rewarded for your innovation and fearlessness. If you are in a partnership, you need to be careful in communication.

There are many opportunities at work to speak up and shine, but it would be wiser to hold back and be patient. In the end, your humility and patience may pay off in the form of a career advancement in June.

Single men can enjoy good romantic luck this year. Whereas women in relationships may run into problems. Use patience and compassion, not anger and suspicion.

Those who were born in the spring will feel good. Everyone else should be on the lookout for stomach related problems such as food poisoning. These stomach problems can be recurring.

Yin Earth (Ji) represented by fertile arable land.

Their innate instinct is to protect, nurture, nurture. These people are the most tolerant of all 10 Heavenly Trunks . They are calm, friendly, trusting and caring. But their problem is that they give a lot.

In people yin earth many hidden talents and abilities that appear gradually, like a beautiful flower on fertile soil, grown from a small seed on fertile soil.

In people Earth yin (Ji) there is a penchant for entrepreneurial activity and an innate instinct for money, but very often they have problems with finances due to indecision, excessive scrolling of thoughts in their heads and indecisiveness. They may miss their chances or be too trusting of people.

People yin earth they adapt well and adapt to living conditions. They are very independent and build their future without asking for help.

These are very capable and receptive people, they are creative, inventive, despite their outward calmness, and can easily turn any negative situation into a positive one and make something beautiful and useful out of nothing.

For people yin earth it is very important what kind of people surround them and from whom and what they learn. Just as it is important for the soil to be fertilized and cultivated, so it is for Gee- this is a very important moment, thanks to which they can fully show their talents and abilities.

Outwardly people yin earth soft, tolerant and very tolerant, they are not conflict and diplomatic. Just as Mother Earth gives all of herself, nurturing the seed, so do people yin earth want to care for people and serve them. They have a very strong “maternal beginning”.

The whole problem is that others often use people Gee.but themselves Gee it does not bother, they are born to give care and their “motherly” love. Very often the work and efforts of people yin earth remain unnoticed and underestimated, but they really need to be recognized, their self-esteem depends on their significance in the eyes of others.

People yin earth very responsible people and often shoulder an overwhelming burden of tasks. They need to learn how to organize their work and involve other people in it.

These are very good friends, they can be trusted with their secrets and not worry that they will be revealed.

People yin earth they love order and comfort. Their houses are always clean and pleasant, they are good-natured and friendly hosts, ready at any moment to spread the “tablecloth self-assembly” and warm and feed their guests.

People yin earth they like to learn something new, they are close to art, philosophy, they are interested in scientific research and achievements in the field of culture, technology. They are often fond of collecting, for example, works of art or collect some beautiful, original things or antiques.

In people yin earth intuition is very developed, or as the people call "chuyka". They can easily find a specialist in the area they need, they will definitely choose a great cafe or restaurant to eat and have a good time, they will choose a place of rest that would be both pleasant and not expensive. They intuitively feel what to do at a given moment in time, where to go and what to find. A flexible mind allows them to find solutions to complex problems and tasks that stand in their way.

But like all people, they have flaws. They are owners. And if they become attached to you and show their care and participation, then they do it with such pressure and zeal that you get the feeling that you are being choked with their love, controlled and subordinate to their power. They, like a mother hen, are jealous of their brood, and they tend to pupate what they value and keep strangers close to the subject of their attention. This importunity and excessive care can repel people from them.

People earth yang, despite their desire for a new and beautiful, they remain conservative in their actions and deeds. They prefer to think and act on the established principles already established and chosen by them, it is not easy to change the course of their thoughts and actions. They are stubborn and categorical, to convince or change them views are not very simple, especially when it comes to politics, religion, moral principles and the appearance of a person.

Woman of the Earth yin (Ji).

Woman yin earth- this is a true woman. She needs a man, like no other Daily Dominant .with his arrival a woman Gee gets direction, focus, she has more confidence, she becomes more responsible and disciplined.

Woman yin earth usually strive to get married, with the advent of a man, her life generally changes for the better. She tries to equip her house, put it in order and comfort. Caring for others is her life and nature.

She will buy the best for her household, dress, feed and warm. To nurture, nurture and care is the mission of this woman.

Women Earth in You need to be careful about your weight. An increase in body weight may indicate a deterioration in health.

Yin earth man.

The male yin earth usually quiet and modest, sustained. But he has some kind of talent that is just waiting for its time to open up.

Women usually like this type of man, they intuitively feel reliability, support and care in him.

He will never tell you what you need to do, he will lead you to a decision with his behavior and actions.

You can't "push" such a man, he can break. With him you need to kindly, calmly convey what you want from him.

Be attractive, communicate with him, let him take care of himself and he will be your shield and support.

Have fun learning Feng Shui!