Saturday in English translation. Days of the week in English: abbreviated and full options

In this lesson, we will learn how the days of the week will be in English, consolidate the material with examples, and also consider the correct use in speech.

Days of the week

  • Sunday - Sunday.
  • Monday - Monday.
  • Tuesday - Tuesday.
  • Wednesday - Wednesday.
  • Thursday - Thursday.
  • Friday - Friday.
  • Saturday - Saturday.

Please note: the English week starts on Sunday, however, this does not mean that this day is a working day. Saturday and Sunday for residents of England, the USA and Canada are exactly the same as ours - days off, it's just that our week of the calendar starts from labor Monday, and they start and end with days off.

You have already familiarized yourself with the full form, now let's see the abbreviation of the days of the week in English so that we can easily recognize them in calendars. However, remember that in writing or speaking, as in our native language, they are pronounced in full. So, abbreviations.

  • Sun. – Sun.
  • Mon. – Mon.
  • Tues. – Tue.
  • Wed. - Wed.
  • Thurs. – Thu.
  • Fri. – Fri.
  • sat. - Sat.

Seven days of the week

Usage in speech

We have looked at how the days of the week will be in English, now we need to learn how to use them correctly in a sentence.


  • In Russian, with the days of the week, we use the preposition "in", in English, its analogue is the preposition on.

    I must go to school on Monday. – I have to go to school on Monday.

    I will have a meeting on Tuesday. - I have a meeting on Tuesday.

    I will celebrate my Birthday on Saturday. I will celebrate my birthday on Saturday.

  • When we mean every day (every day) and in Russian we say, for example, “on Mondays”, then such an expression, when translated, will also have the preposition on.

    I love watching this program on Sundays. I love watching this program on Sundays.

    I always call him on Mondays. I always call him on Mondays.

    I go out to eat on Wednesdays. – I go to a restaurant on Wednesdays.

Please note: the name of the days is always written with a capital letter, and articles are not used with them.

Working and holidays

Working days of the week, i.e. Monday - Friday are called weekdays, and weekends are called weekend. The English word “week-end” came into Russian and became quite common.

On the weekend and at the weekend are two variants of Russian “at the weekend”, the only difference is that the first option is more typical for the speech of the USA and Canada, and the second for the UK. However, through American films, not only their culture, but also their manner of speaking seeps into different parts of the world. And now you can hear from many young people in England on the weekend.

Weekday and weekend are also plural. Take a look at the examples.

My working schedule varies and sometimes I can have a rest on weekdays. – My work schedule changes and sometimes I can take a break on weekdays.

I always wake up early on weekdays. On weekdays I always wake up early.

I always visit my grandma on weekends. I always visit my grandmother on weekends.

On Saturday - on Saturday

History of days of the week

To better remember the names, let's go a little deeper into history and look at the English days of the week in order, along with the origin of their names.

  • Sunday - literally means "sun's day" (Sun's day), this name is a translation from Latin. In western and northern Germanic mythology, the sun is the incarnation of the goddess Sunna.
  • Monday - Monday from Old English means "day of the moon" (Moon's day). The roots of this name also go back to Latin. In North Germanic philology, Moon (moon) is the incarnation of the god Mani.
  • Tuesday - also comes from Old English and means Tiw's day. Tiw was a one-armed god who was associated with law and heroic glory. He was always portrayed as a one-armed old man.
  • Wednesday - this day is dedicated to the German god Wodan (Wotan, Odin). He is a tall thin old man wrapped in a black cloak. His exploits are so greatly exaggerated that it is hard to believe in them. Also, the legend says that for the sake of acquiring knowledge, he gave one eye as a sacrifice. In honor of him, the fourth day of the week (we have the third) was named Wodan day (Wotan's day), which later transformed into its modern form.
  • Thursday - in modern English, the deity to whom this day is dedicated is known as Thor (Thor). He was considered the descendant of two other gods - his father was Odin, and his mother was Frigga. As the eldest son, he received a lot of respect. Thor commanded thunder. The name Thor's day (Thor's day) gradually grew into Thursday.
  • Friday - this day was dedicated to the Anglo-Saxon goddess Frige (or Frigga). She was the wife of Odin, and was most revered by Danish, Saxon and other northern pagans. The modern name of Friday in English comes from the phrase Frige's day.
  • Saturday is the only day of the week whose name does not come from German roots, but retains the name in English, which came from the Romans. Saturday was dedicated to the Roman god Saturn (Saturn) - Saturn's day.


Fix the learned words - translate the following sentences into Russian.

I always sleep till noon on Sundays.

I often work till late hours on Fridays.

I will visit my parents on Tuesday evening.

I will have a lot of work since next Wednesday.

We always meet with our friends on Saturday evenings.

He will call me on Friday.

They will wait for you on Thursday.

She always looks worried on Monday mornings.

Please note: when we say "on Mondays", the name itself takes on the plural form - on Mondays. If we are talking about a more specific time - on Monday mornings or evenings, then the name of the day of the week is used in the singular, and in the plural only the time of day - on Monday mornings, on Monday evenings.

After you have learned the days of the week in English, you can fix the pronunciation with the help of this video:

What do you think is the difference between the English week and the Russian one? Both there and there are seven days: five weekdays and two days off. But there are a couple of differences...

In the modern world, a person needs to know the days of the week in English and their abbreviations, because one way or another he encounters them: in the calendars used on various gadgets (phones and tablets), in any programs, partially or not at all Russified. Not everywhere there is a translation into Russian, so you can get confused without knowing English at all. It would seem why you can get confused if the days of the week are the same everywhere, and you can simply determine by sequence which day is which? The fact is that in the English week the beginning is not considered from Monday, as we have, but from Sunday (despite this, Saturday and Sunday are also considered days off, and from Monday to Friday - weekdays). And sometimes because of this, the calendar is slightly different from the Russian one - the first day is Sunday, not Monday. And all weeks end in this case, respectively, on Saturday. That is why, so that you have an idea about how the days of the week are written in English, and do not make a mistake when using the new calendar, we have prepared this material for you.

You have learned the first difference from a week in Russia starting on Monday. What is the second difference? The difference lies in the fact that the days of the week in English are considered proper names and are always written with a capital letter.

Actually, let's move on to listing them and writing them with translation into Russian.

Days of the week in English with translation into Russian

Sunday - Sunday
Monday - Monday
Tuesday - Tuesday
Wednesday - Wednesday
Thursday - Thursday
Friday - Friday
Saturday - Saturday

Example sentences using these words:

Sunday is my favorite day of the week. Sunday is my favorite day of the week.
I like Saturday too. I like Saturday too.
Today is Monday. Today is monday.
It will be on Tuesday. It will be on Tuesday.
I received the parcel on Wednesday. I received the parcel on Wednesday.
I will write you on Thursday. I will write to you on Thursday.
We meet with my friends on Fridays. We meet with my friends on Fridays.

What are the days of the week in English abbreviated

There are two types of abbreviations: two letters and three. Let's list all the options.

Sunday - Sun - Su (Sun)
Monday - Mon - Mo (Mon)
Tuesday - Tue - Tu (Tue)
Wednesday - Wed - We (Wed)
Thursday - Thu - Th (Thursday)
Friday - Fri - Fr (Fri)
Saturday - Sat - Sa (Sat)

Note that abbreviated names are also capitalized.

We hope that now you will be able to distinguish the days by their designations in the calendar, even if they are not translated into Russian.

Good day to all! As well as without greeting phrases, words of politeness, numbers and time of day, one cannot do without the names of the days of the week. We work from Monday to Friday, and rest on Saturday and Sunday, regularly look at the calendar, plan a vacation, etc. Every day we mention one or several days of the week in our conversations, so in this audio lesson of spoken English for beginners we will learn exactly these words.

As you know, there are seven days in a week, but in some countries, in particular in Israel, Canada and the USA, the first day of the week is not Monday, but Sunday. At the same time, the working week traditionally begins on Monday, as in all other countries. In this online audio lesson, you will learn not only how the days of the week are called in English, but also examples of phrases in English that use one or another day of the week.

The days of the week in English got their name from the ancient Roman and Old Norse gods. In addition, in the name of each of them there is the word "day" - day. Make sure of this by listening to the online audio recording of the lesson with the translation of all phrases and words into Russian right now /wp-content/uploads/2014/07/RUEN009.mp3 Thanks to this lesson, you will not only learn the days of the week in English, but also repeat The topic of the lesson before last was English numerals. Try to repeat the phrases after the native speaker, the original pronunciation.

Days of the week in English

After listening to and remembering the lesson in audio format, you can begin to study its textual material. A table with a text designation of all phrases and words will clearly demonstrate how to write expressions correctly, and how it can be translated into Russian. Since you learned ordinal numbers in the audio lesson before last, today you will need to learn a lot less new words.

Days of the week
English Russian
Monday Monday
Tuesday Tuesday
Wednesday Wednesday
Thursday Thursday
Friday Friday
Saturday Saturday
Sunday Sunday
the week a week
Monday to Sunday Monday to Sunday
The first day is Monday The first day is Monday
The second day is Tuesday The second day is Tuesday
The third day is Wednesday Third day is Wednesday
The fourth day is Thursday The fourth day is Thursday
The fifth day is Friday Day five is Friday
The sixth day is Saturday The sixth day is Saturday
The seventh day is Sunday The seventh day is Sunday
The week has seven days A week consists of seven days
We only work for five days We only work five days

Knowing these few simple phrases in English is necessary and sufficient for you to be able to carry on a conversation on everyday topics with an English-speaking interlocutor.

Listen online and learn everything English audio lessons

What is your favorite day of the week? And which one don't you like? Write your answer in the comments and in English! Good luck!

Poster "Working week in English with emoticons" will help you quickly and easily remember the English names of the days of the week

Rhyming words are the easiest to remember. So quickly and effortlessly you can remember Sunday ["sʌndeɪ] - Monday ["mʌndeɪ](Sunday Monday), Tuesday ["tjuːzdɪ] - Thursday ["θɜːzdeɪ](Tuesday Thursday). Not to be confused Tuesday–Thursday, just remember that on Thursdays thunder rumbles and lightning flashes, because as we found out earlier, Thursday comes from the English word "thunder" - thunder, and this day belonged to the noisy god Thor.

Word "Friday" ["fraɪdeɪ] associated with the word "free" - free, and many perceive Friday as the beginning free time- free, personal pastime. Saturday ["sætədeɪ]- the day of Saturn! It remains for small: remember the word Wednesday ["wenzdeɪ]- Wednesday.

Days of the week: catchy rhymes for kids

Poems about the days of the week in English

Learn the abbreviations of the days of the week in English

Accepted abbreviations for english days of the week help you learn and visually remember the names of dates faster. In the culture of the language, two-letter abbreviations for calendars and three-letter abbreviations for short writing in the text are common:

Mon, 17 Mar 2014 (Monday 17 March 2014),
Tue, 27 Dec 2016 (Tuesday, 27 Dec 2016)

Learn the days of the week with songs and videos

Voiced poems or catchy songs will also help you quickly learn the days of the week.

On a note:

If you are interested in expanding vocabulary in English in the shortest possible time, we recommend that you read the article

Now you can find on YouTube a huge number of different variations, fast and slow tempo, British or American pronunciation. Choose the song that makes you happy and understandable to listen to. We offer you an example of such a training video for children:


Finally, I would like to quote the American Richard Balls, the author of the world bestseller "What color is your parachute?". With these two sentences, you will not only easily learn the days of the week with prepositions, but also get one step closer to English-speaking culture:

Youth is like a long weekend on Friday night. Middle age is like a long weekend on Monday afternoon. (per. Youth is like a long weekend on a Friday night. Average age is like a long day off on a Monday afternoon.)

In contact with


First of all, determine which way of remembering is easiest for you: by ear, visually, associatively, etc. If an audio recording is the preferred method, you can record the names of the days of the week on a voice recorder or download a ready-made recording. Listening will take 2-3 minutes a day and will not distract from other things. The recording can be turned on on the way to the subway, while doing household chores, walking the dog, etc. This is a simple and convenient way, available now to almost everyone.

If you are a visual, and the best way for you is to see and remember, follow it. You can have a beautiful and bright picture, the main thing is that the picture does not distract from the main content. Or draw and write the days of the week yourself. In one case or another, hang the leaflet in a conspicuous place - on the wall at work, at home, or in another convenient place where the eye often falls. It also won't take long - a few minutes a day, and gradually the words will be imprinted in the mind.

Also, many people have good motor memory. This method takes a little more time, but is one of the most effective. At least once a day, write the names of the days of the week in your language. If you still pronounce them out loud, the impact will go in several directions at once, and it will be easiest to remember.

All these methods are suitable for memorizing any words and phrases in the English language. But there are methods suitable for remembering exactly the days of the week - by numerals and by the origin of words. In the first case, assign numerals to the days of the week. For example: Monday as mono - the first, single, Tuesday - two - two or the second, Friday - five - the fifth, Saturday - six - the sixth, Sunday - seven - the seventh. True, in this method there are nuances. For Wednesday and Thursday it is impossible to pick up numerals consonant with them. Analogous words can be used, but since Everyone has their own associations, there are no universal methods.

And you can also remember where the names of the days of the week in English came from. The official version - the days of the week come from the names of the planets. Previously, time was measured by the positions of celestial bodies. One of the units of time was the month, which was about 29 days. Such a month included four phases of approximately 7 days each. At that time, seven planets were known, which received names from revered gods. In English culture, under the influence of the Romans, the following names were formed: Monday - Moon - "moon", Tuesday - Tiu - "Tiu", Wednesday - Woden - "One", Thursday - Thor - "Thor", Friday - Freya - "Freya", Saturday - Saturn - "Saturn", Sunday - Sun - "Sun".