Coherent speech through theatrical activities. The development of speech through theatrical activity "material (senior group) on the topic

Olga Sidorova
The development of coherent speech of children through theatrical and gaming activities

The aim of the study is to explore the possibilities development of coherent speech in children preschool age in progress.

Relevance of the topic - Meaning coherent speech in the life of a preschooler is very large. First, quality speeches determines the readiness of the child for schooling. Secondly, from the level development of coherent speech success depends on the future student: his answers at the blackboard, writing summaries, essays, etc. And, finally, without the ability to clearly formulate one's thoughts, figuratively and logically reason, it is impossible to have full communication, creativity, self-knowledge and self-development of personality.

Object of study - connected speech of children preschool age.

Subject of study - development of coherent speech of children preschool age in theatrical and gaming activities

Research objectives:

1. characterize the concept, functions and forms coherent speech and describe the features development of coherent speech of children preschool age;

2. research coherent speech of children preschool age (stating, forming experiments);

3 to develop a system of work on theatrical and gaming activities for the development of coherent speech in children preschool age.

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The development of coherent speech of preschool children through theatrical activities WE PLAY AT HOME, DEVELOP SPEECH Who is longer This game has very simple rules. For example, who will hold out the sound "a", "y" or.

The purpose of the work is to create conditions for the development of children's speech through creative activity in theatrical activities. Develop all components.

The development of coherent speech of older preschoolers through theatrical activities Speech is a great gift of nature, thanks to which people get ample opportunities to communicate with each other. However, on the emergence and formation.

Theatrical activity is very important in the development of children's speech. It allows you to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of the child's speech, intellectual artistic and aesthetic education. It is an inexhaustible source of the development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries, a way of familiarizing with spiritual wealth. As a result, the child learns the world with his mind and heart, expressing his attitude towards good and evil; learns the joy associated with overcoming the difficulties of communication, self-doubt.

By participating in theatrical activities, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity through images, sounds, colors, and skillfully posed questions encourage them to think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. Playing a role, especially entering into a dialogue with other characters, puts the child in front of the need to speak clearly, clearly and understandably. Therefore, the participation of children in theatrical games will contribute to the full development of all aspects of coherent monologue speech, and will become the main prerequisite for successful schooling.

As a result of the purposeful use of theatrical games in direct educational activities, as well as during free activities, children will acquire speech skills, on the basis of which it will be possible to build coherent statements, develop thinking, memory, and imagination. Speech will become more emotional, expressive and meaningful.

Connected speech, being an independent type of speech-thinking activity, at the same time plays an important role in the process of raising and educating children, as it acts as a means of obtaining knowledge and a means of controlling this knowledge. Coherent speech The formation of the skills and abilities of coherent speech in preschoolers is one of the most important tasks of teachers, since the further development of the child's personality and the acquisition of educational knowledge depend on the degree of their formation.

THEATER TALE Coherent speech is a special and complex form of communicative activity. In order to develop coherent speech of preschoolers, theatrical games are used that allow pupils to be interested, keep their attention, liberate, develop reproductive and elements of creative imagination, elementary logical thinking, memory and, most importantly, form the internal motivation of speech utterance. THE GAME

What is the theatrical activity? On the development of sensations, feelings, emotions among its participants; On the development of thinking, imagination, attention, memory; For the development of fantasy; On the formation of volitional qualities; For the development of many skills and abilities (verbal, communicative, organizational, motor, etc.)

The influence of the theatrical game on the development of the child's speech Theatrical game: Stimulates active speech by expanding vocabulary; The child learns the richness of the native language, its expressive means (dynamics, tempo, intonation, etc.); Improves the articulatory apparatus; Dialogic, emotionally rich, expressive speech is formed.

Speech of the child and various types of theater Finger theater * Contributes to the development of speech, attention, memory; * forms spatial representations; * develops dexterity, accuracy, expressiveness, coordination of movements; * increases efficiency, tone of the cerebral cortex.

A holistic impact on the personality of the child: his emancipation, independent creativity, development of leading mental processes; Promotes self-knowledge and self-expression of the individual; It creates conditions for socialization, strengthening adaptive abilities, corrects communicative qualities, helps to realize a sense of satisfaction, joy, and success. Game-dramatization The most "conversational" type of theatrical activity.

Ekaterina Stalchuk
Consultation "Development of coherent speech in children by means of theatrical activities"

The development of coherent speech in children through theatrical activities:

In the second junior group;

· AT middle group;

· In the senior group;

in the preparatory group.

II junior group (age 3-4 years)

By 3 years of age with normal development the child masters all the grammatical categories of the language, but this does not mean that the formation of the grammatical structure speech is complete.

Age feature of speech child development is: formation of grammatical structure speeches(first of all, the structure of sentences, and I also pay attention to the formation of a dictionary, sound culture speeches, liaison, dialogic speeches).

To implement these tasks, I stage performances, play dramatizations, create natural conditions for borrowing from the source of turnovers speeches, offers.

1. To begin with, I introduce children with a fairy tale. I preliminarily make riddles that precede the reading. For example, a fairy tale "Teremok" ("Under the floor lurking, afraid of the cat"- mouse, “Who walks angry, hungry in the cold winter?”- wolf and so on for each hero). If you guess correctly, a hero appears. Then follows the reading of the story. Impressed by what he heard children there is a desire to show how the characters of this fairy tale move.

2. Such expressive movements can be depicted in plastic studies, in which they are accompanied by well-aimed word: for example, the fox is beautiful, light, playful, the hare jumps frightened, with its ears pressed down, runs away from the fox, rushes, rushes (a dictionary is formed children) . I do exercises on intonation expressiveness. During these exercises, I comment on the voice of each character. For example: the mouse has a thin voice, it squeaks - the bear has a rough voice, it roars, etc.

3. After the initial acquaintance with the fairy tale, I invite the children to tell it together. For example: “There is a teremok in the field. She ran to the tower ... Who? right, mouse (children prompt, focusing on the meaning of the verb and its ending) etc. In conclusion, I sum up total: the frog jumped, and the bunny jumped, etc. (a grammatical structure is formed speeches) .

4. In parallel with the sketches, I organize disguise. Statements arise first about the distribution of roles and costumes: "And I'll be a mouse!", "And I'll be a bear!". Costumes are considered, a conversation is held with the children, to whom it is more suitable. The child tries on the elements of the costume. After that, I name the actions of the hero (the mouse ran, squeaked, and the child tries to repeat. This is how the character of the fairy tale is played out.

5. Next, I encourage children to improvise dialogue. They are involved in the dialogue of the characters of the fairy tale, the lines are expanded, movements are included, and then I give the children the opportunity to improvise on their own. They can say whatever they want - I don’t set the order and priority. Two bunnies, three mice, etc. can participate in playing a fairy tale.

6. Then I conduct a dramatization of a fairy tale. Involving children in the play of a fairy tale, develop they have dialogic speech, coherent speech. For example. To get into the teremok, for starters, you need to ask - who already lives there, and then describe the animal, in the role of which the child acts. (I am a frog. Green, the smallest, and my eyes are big. I like to swim, jump well, etc.).

7. After such a play out of a fairy tale, you can go to theatrical action, in which, along with the actors, there are also spectators.


Theatrical activities promotes speech toddler development. During joint games with an adult, the child hears many new words, more complex phrases, expressions, and game situations become clear to him. While playing with a toy, the child invents and pronounces the situation of the game, uses new words. In general, exercises and improvisational dialogues improve all aspects speeches, develop its imagery and expressiveness. At children the ability to ask a question, answer it, give a cue, including at least one word, is formed. These skills are necessary for development of dialogical speech, improving the grammatical structure of the sentence and, as a result, to build coherent statement.

middle group(age 4-5 years)

main direction speech development at this stage, the formation of a contextual (liaison) speeches. Special education comes first connected speech and storytelling both collective and individual.

AT middle In the group I use games especially widely - based on fairy tales and literary works.

1. First, I tell children Russian folk tales ( "Ryaba Hen", "Masha and the Bear" etc.) After reading the fairy tales, I conduct an analysis, finding out what the fairy tale says, what words, expressions, songs of the characters they remember and like.

2. Then I collect several editions of this fairy tale with different illustrations. Examining illustrations by different artists helps children pay attention to the nature of the image of the characters (fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"- grandfather and grandmother are old, affectionate, kind, their external data (the mouse has a long tail, the chicken is ruffled).When analyzing the content of the tale, the children repeat the words of the chicken, the actions of the grandfather and the woman, show an illustration that matches these words.

3. When retelling a fairy tale, I use a desktop theatre. In the course of working on a fairy tale, children get acquainted with the behavior of different characters, learn to describe (chicken, reason, give characteristics, move in accordance with them.

4. Then the children listen to the recording of the fairy tale, watch the filmstrip. Each new reading of the fairy tale causes children new feelings they want to listen again (see) well-known fairy tale in new forms.

5. The result of the preliminary work is the dramatization of the fairy tale (with elements of improvisation). Where auditory attention develops, imagination, memory, motivation to activities; impulse to impromptu speeches.


Analyzing a fairy tale with children, asking the right question, I make them think. To reflect, come to the necessary conclusions and at the same time notice and feel the artistic form of the work. Borrowing from fairy tales figurative expressions, well-aimed words, turns speeches, proverbs and sayings, children enrich their speech, making it figurative and expressive. In this age children attracts narration - improvisation, they show interest in creative storytelling, composing different types of statements (descriptions, narratives).When compiling stories, it improves coherent speech, understanding the semantic side of the word and especially the syntactic structure of the sentence.

Senior, preparatory group (age 5-7 years old)

At children speech reaches a fairly high level in the senior preschool age. They can participate in the conversation, express their point of view, agree or disagree with the response of a friend.

In the senior group, I pay special attention to learning children connected, consistently and expressively retell short tales, stories; the ability to compose stories about events from personal experience, to come up with their own endings for fairy tales, new fairy tales.

To solve this problem, it is necessary following:

1. To begin with, I introduce children with Russian folk fairy tales: we look at illustrations, tell tales using a desktop, finger, puppet theater. We discuss how a fairy tale differs from a story, a poem.

2. We examine illustrations for Russian folk tales and find excerpts from fairy tales from the illustrations. I conduct conversations about the peculiarities of illustrating the dramatic moments of a fairy tale by artists. I invite the children to describe the characters.

3. I conduct games, speech exercises, plastic sketches, developing children's skills combine word and movement, expressive transmission of the image with gestures and facial expressions. For example, according to the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut", the children are trying to portray the fox when she kicked out the bunny, and the frightened hare so that you can guess. In their free time, children improvise small dialogues, for example, foxes and a bunny, foxes and a cockerel, etc. Children follow their speech and the speech of others, work out gestures, facial expressions, movements, voice. At first it is given to them with difficulty, but gradually individual work with each child brings its results. Children can already tell who is good at which role.

4. Later, I invite the children to come up with a different ending to the fairy tale being studied. For example. If the cockerel was also afraid of the fox, who could help the bunny? I suggest that children model the content of a fairy tale in order to better remember the sequence of the plot.

5. Gradually I fail children to understand that they will show a new fairy tale. For the performance, roles are assigned, costumes and scenery are created. In preparation for the performance, the children suggest introducing new characters into the content of the fairy tale, for example, Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka, who help the bunny.

6. Showing the performance to the audience based on a new invented fairy tale.


During theatrical activities in the senior and preparatory groups, the ability to create essays based on the combination of different fairy tales with the inclusion of new characters is formed. Develop the ability to portray the artistic image of characters through dialogues, intonation, movements, gestures. All this contributes development of lexical, grammatical, phonetic sides children's speech, as well as development of figurative speech.

Theatrical activity forms in children the correct, expressive, clear speech, their vocabulary is enriched, figurative vocabulary, coherent speech.

Thus, daily observing the positive results of their work on speech development of children, I can conclude that theatrical activity is a working technique, it really helps us to teach and develop children, does not require material and time costs, is applicable to almost any educational field, can be used by every teacher.




educator gr.№3

Krasnodar, 2016

The development of coherent speech through theatrical activities

1. Theatrical activity

Among the various types of children's games, the game "in the theater" occupies a special place. As he wrote, theatrical production is the most frequent type of children's creativity. "And it is understandable why it is close to the child ... ... a drama based on action - on the action performed by the child himself, most closely, effectively and directly connects artistic creativity with personal experience."

Considering the theatrical game as a creative activity, he emphasized that dramaturgy is a type of children's creativity, which manifests itself in a variety of activities - both in writing and improvising short scenes, and in staging finished literary material. Children are attracted by the inner emotional richness of literary plots, the specific active actions of the characters. A child in a theatrical game is both an artist who plays and voices the script text, and a spectator who perceives the roles.

The appearance of the concept of a scenario plot in preschool children means a transition to creative speech activity. In early childhood, the child is guided by the principle "from action to thought", at the senior preschool age the principle "from thought to action" develops, which determines the ability to embody one's ideas. The emergence of ideas is associated with the development of creative imagination. This is manifested primarily in speech activity, and is best formed in a theatrical game.

For the development of speech, as well as creative imagination, independent composition and improvisation of a theatrical scene is much more effective: such plays are less literary, but have the great advantage that they were created in the process of children's creativity.

The creative activity of the child in the formation of new stage images consists in the destruction of patterns of existing stage images. Based on his own impressions received from acquaintance with a literary work, independently analyzing it, independently creating an artistic image, the child thereby creates the basis of his creative activity. At the same time, the whole process of creating a stage image is a unity of fixing new images and destroying the old ones with the help of visual techniques.

2. Formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech

through theatrical activities.

The development of coherent speech is one of the directions for the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech in senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten, which includes work on the development of dialogic and monologue speech.

And, in turn, the most important prerequisite for the development of coherent monologue speech is the formation of dialogic speech.

Mastering dialogic speech is carried out in parallel with the expansion and refinement of the dictionary, sentence structure, with the mastery of and.

Along with cognitive and educational goals, conducting a dialogue aims to develop the speech of children.

In the process of working on the formation of dialogic speech, the child must learn to listen and understand questions, to ask questions himself correctly, accurately, in accordance with the content of the question, express his thoughts in response to them.

One of the techniques for the development of dialogic speech is theatricalization of works of art.

The use of theatrical techniques (dramatization games, theatrical performances) in the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten helps to improve the emotionality of speech, develops intonational expressiveness, enriches the vocabulary, forms, activates the speech activity of the child as a whole.

It is possible to conduct dramatization games of short poetic texts, which are first memorized in their entirety, and then played by roles (Examples of such dramatization games are given in the text of the previous consultation).

Before embarking on the theatricalization of even a small work, it is important to work on the formation of a coherent monologue through a discussion of the plot of the work.

This will be work on the semantic side of the work, in which the following tasks are set:

Development of the ability to analyze a visual situation, highlight the main and secondary, main and background;

Formation of the ability to arrange semantic links in a certain sequence;

Development of the ability to keep the semantic program in memory.

Work on the semantic side of the work is best done with the help of a series of plot pictures. The following types of assignments are recommended:

a) restore the sequence of pictures from memory. Children are asked to memorize a sequence of pictures, which then changes. The task is given to restore it;

b) select among others those pictures that are related to any one part of the work or only to one hero;

c) determine the place of the "dropped out" picture among others;

d) arrange plot pictures in a certain sequence;

e) find an extra picture in a series of plot pictures;

f) determine the error in the sequence of pictures after reading the story by adults;

Work on each type of task is carried out both at the non-verbal level and with the use of speech.

In the process of working on the language design of the text of the work, the following tasks are set:

Development of the ability to recode each semantic element into a grammatically correct sentence structure;

Formation of the ability to arrange sentences in a certain sequence;

Development of the ability to connect sentences in the text.

In the process of working on the text, the development of the skills of both semantic programming and the language design of the text is simultaneously carried out. The following tasks are used:

a) add one or two sentences to the unfinished text (based on a series of plot pictures);

b) come up with a new ending of the work based on subject pictures or words.

Preliminarily familiarize yourself with the fairy tale in order to get a general idea about it and comprehend the tasks associated with the development of the child's imagination. The preliminary preparation includes the selection of audio cassettes or records on which dramatizations of fairy tales are recorded. You can use a table theater, pictures of nature, illustrations of fairy tales and portraits of some heroes of fairy tales, etc.

Encourage the initiative and creativity of the child, do not stop him if he wants to do something in his own way in the task.

Understanding the content of the tale after listening. Discussion of the characters of the heroes of the fairy tale: listing all the positive and negative qualities inherent in the characters of the fairy tale. Discussion of the connection between the characters of the characters and the sequence of their actions (the teacher helps the children draw a moral conclusion from the listened work). During the discussion on the plot of the fairy tale - a discussion of the fate of its characters. At the same time, it is concluded that the fate of the hero is determined by his character, and the character should be judged by his actions.

Children are invited to play a dramatization game, with the staging of several plots of a fairy tale or to complete the task of "inventing a fairy tale", which develops the child's creative abilities.

5. Methodical example

Composition of a fairy tale "In a wonderful forest" using toys from various materials of a table theater. On a large sheet of paper, you need to draw several trees, small figures of an indefinite shape and separate lines in different places. The host invites the children to draw a "wonderful forest" on paper. Children draw in turn all the unfinished images, turning them into whatever they want: into trees, flowers, butterflies, birds, etc. You can turn unfinished lines into something that does not actually happen: unprecedented plants, animals, and even aliens . The painted "wonderful forest" becomes a decoration for a table theater. The teacher invites the children to come up with a story about one of the inhabitants using table theater toys.

Perception and writing of fairy tales

The fairy tale plays an equally important role in the formation of the speech of a preschooler. The selection of fairy tales in accordance with the goals of education and the age characteristics of the child, the skill of storytelling and thoughtful work on the refraction of the images of the heard fairy tale in the creative activity of the child - in his games, drawing, stage activity - all this has a profound effect on the development of both individual mental processes, such as speech, and the child's personality in general. At the same time, listening to a fairy tale is the first step in introducing a child to the most important area of ​​the spiritual culture of the people - literary creativity.

Creative storytelling (retelling and independent composition) of fairy tales by children of older preschool age suggests that they have a whole system of complex skills:

The ability to modify, transform, combine ways of conveying a plot (a child can convey a plot using dialogic speech, entering the role of one or another hero, or describing events in a third person);

The ability to identify the hero; present events in the sequence of their development (from the occurrence of the action to the end), as well as establish the relationship between individual events; talk about it clearly and understandably. This group of skills is associated with the development of coherent speech skills in a child;

The ability to "enter" the depicted circumstances - to assist the characters. This skill involves the emotional responsiveness of the child, the expressiveness of speech;

The ability to use appropriate expressive and visual means of speech to embody images in a story.

The structure of classes for writing a fairy tale:

At the beginning of classes, children complete tasks with a set of proxy cards:

1. "Finishing schematic images" - the development of detailing images of the imagination and the ability to expand a compressed schematic image into a full one. Children are given sets of geometric shapes cut out of thick cardboard, the same for each child, and it is reported that this is a magical mosaic from which many interesting things can be folded. To do this, you need to attach different figures (whoever wants what) to each other so that something interesting happens. A competitive moment is introduced into the task: who can add more different items from their mosaic and come up with some story about one of them.

2. "Composing stories and fairy tales for several deputies." Substitute objects are given to children (different for each, for example: colored mugs, sticks of different sizes, etc.) and are invited to come up with what it is or who it is and what happened to it. Since all children have different substitute subjects, they have to work independently. At first, this task causes difficulties, most often the children state what the objects they have can look like, without defining them in a plot-shaped work or stories compiled by deputies. Most often this is a retelling of a familiar fairy tale. However, repeated repetition of tasks of this type with the analysis and evaluation of children's essays significantly increase the level of their performance: children come up with complex and original stories.

3. "Inventing a fairy tale according to the model." The task assumes that the child must first learn to follow the plan proposed by the adult, and then move on to building their own ideas-plans.

Children are given a small model (3-4 blocks-frames with 2-3 substitutes in each block), according to which they must compose their own fairy tale.

To avoid the construction of template and repetitive plots of children's stories and to stimulate a creative approach to writing, children should be offered a special type of task in which the form of the model is significantly changed. Instead of the previously used purely conditional substitutes (colored geometric figures), place schematic images of characters and scenery (people, animals, trees, fantastic creatures, etc.) in the blocks. Such activities significantly increase the originality of the story.

Children are invited to compose a story on their own and, according to their story, fill in the empty boxes-blocks with deputies, that is, make their own plan-model for their story, and, based on it, tell a composed story. The free use of model plans allows one to proceed to compositions without relying on external aids, but such stories must first be created collectively under the guidance of a teacher. In such tasks, children can be offered an essay topic (for example, about a sparrow who learned to fly; or about a hare who defeated a wolf, etc.). If necessary, the teacher helps the children to compose. Such work involves the development in children of a deep attitude to the idea, the ability to vary and rebuild it in accordance with new conditions. The teacher must follow the progress of the collective writing of a fairy tale (story). In the initial lessons, some children strive to tell the whole story, not taking into account what was said earlier, others cannot change their plan and continue what they have already thought up before them, etc. However, in the process of work, in such classes, with the help of a teacher, children at a sufficiently high level can create collective compositions.

4. "My fairy tale". Children are offered several themes with illustrations (with images of various objects or supposed characters) for drawing up plans-models and composing a fairy tale. The teacher writes down the stories of each child in individual notebooks, leaving a place at the direction of the narrator for illustrations. Each child gets their own composed and written book, which causes a great interest of children in writing their own stories and fairy tales.

Thus, using models, children learn to compose fairy tales on their own.

Irina Frantseva
Experience "Development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age through theatrical activities"

Work experience

Performed: educator MKDOU No. 4 Frantseva I.P.

The purpose of the circle:

Learn to perform small monologues and more deployed dialogues between characters. Play actions with the characters using a variety of movements (turns of the torso, head, arm movements); to be able to coordinate their actions with the actions of partners, not to obscure them, to choose a variety of movements and actions, to feel partners next to them all the time, to find expressive means of playing the role of their character. Strive to decorate the place of the characters with some elements of the scenery.

Circle tasks:

1. Develop memory, thinking, imagination, speech, attention and various personality traits (independence, initiative, emotional responsiveness).

2. To acquaint with the feelings, moods of the characters; help to master the ways of their external expression, to realize the reasons for this or that mood.

3. Create a favorable atmosphere for friendly relations; give children the opportunity to unite with a common idea, experiences; rally on the basis of interesting activities, to allow each child to show their activity, individuality, creativity.

4. Introduce concepts "facial expression", "gesture", "pantomime", exercise with theatrical games in the image of images using facial expressions, gestures, pantomime

Used Books:

1. Antipina E. P. Theatrical activities in kindergarten. M., 2009.

2. Makhaneva M. D. Theatrical lessons in kindergarten. M., 2008.

3. Petrova T. I., Sergeeva E. L. Preparation and implementation theatrical games in kindergarten. M., 2004.

The development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age through theatrical activities.


Communication, being one of the first activities, which the child masters, acts as a universal condition development his personality during preschool childhood.

Svyaznaya speech is a means of communication with peers, as well as a necessary condition for successful schooling. It is important to teach the child to express his thoughts accurately, competently and consistently.

Problem development of coherent speech of children well known to a wide range of teachers. workers. Speech research the development of preschoolers were engaged in. L. Rubinstein, F. A. Sokhin, A. M. Leushina, M. I. Lisina and others. It has long been established that preschool age there are significant differences in the level development of coherent speech of children. This shows my teaching experience.

The main task development of coherent speech child is the improvement of monologue and dialogic speeches. This task is solved through various types of speech activities.

Among the variety of methods and techniques used in this area of ​​education children, my attention was drawn to the possibilities theatrical activities. Exactly like one kind of gaming activities, contributes to the easy and free implementation of learning processes and child development.

Unfortunately, under current conditions, preschool institutions are underused developing potential of theatrical activity. After studying the methodological literature on this topic, I came to the conclusion that the system work on the development of children's speech in theatrical activities is not sufficiently developed. Therefore, I decided to investigate this problem and conduct work aimed at development of coherent speech of children, through the activities of the theater circle"Accordion" and playing games.

AT connection with this, the goal of our work became - increase the level development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age through theatrical activities.

I suppose that theatrical games and activities of children in the theater circle"Accordion" will be the most important factor in stimulating development of coherent speech in children. This means that they will contribute to an increase in the level development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age.

Under liaison understand the meaning of speech extended statement(a series of logically combined sentences, providing a common understanding and mutual understanding. The main function coherent speech - communicative. It is carried out in dialogue and monologue.

For preschool childhood is active work on the development of coherent speech. Dialogic and monologue skills are being formed. One of the effective means development communication skills preschooler- is a theatrical activity. Theatrical activities helps solve speech problems through improving dialogues and monologues, mastering expressiveness speeches. Children learn to apply grammatical skills and abilities in a dialogical (answers to questions, conversations) and monologue (verbal creativity) speeches, use the means of artistic expressiveness of the language and its grammatical means.

Theatrical activities can be organically included in work various studios and circles; products of this activities(Staging, dramatization, performances, concerts, etc.) can be included in the content of holidays, entertainment and theme nights.

In our kindergarten was organized theater Club"Accordion".

The aim of the circle was development of coherent speech and creative abilities children of senior preschool age.

The presented goal was realized through the following tasks:

1. Create conditions for development creativity children through theatrical activities.

2. Give a comprehensive view of the different types theaters, professions of people creating performances.

3. Mastery of expressive means communication: verbal (control of tempo, volume, pronunciation, intonation, etc.) and non-verbal (facial expressions, pantomime, postures, gestures).

4. Improvement of cognitive processes: memory, thinking, imagination, attention.

5. Create a favorable atmosphere for friendly relations between children in the process of joint activities.

6. Joining the joint design activities on modeling costume elements, scenery, attributes.

The work of the theater circle"Accordion" intended for older children and preparatory groups and is designed for 2 years of study. Work the mug is based on the leading goals and objectives of the program "Birth to School"/ Under the editorship of N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

Classes in theatrical mugs are held once a week, lasting 30 minutes. Optimal time for training theater club - Thursday, afternoon.

One of the important directions in child development in theatrical activities is to create conditions, so the first step of my work has become - the creation of theatrically- game environment of the circle. To do this, the group was assigned a corner for theatrical performances, performances. It contained various types theaters: desktop, bibabo, flannelgraph, shadow and others. In the future, the children and I made theatrical heroes on spoons, bottles, sponges. Of course, not without parents, they helped us to tie fairy tale characters for finger theater.

In the corner there is a prop for playing scenes and performances: costumes, attributes, masks, screens for puppet theater, theater props, books, posters, cash desk, tickets.

Don't forget about director's games. Allocated a place for games with finger, table, bench theater, on mittens, on bottles. We organized the playing space - playing fields according to various fairy tales (of course, in accordance with age of children, a fabulous town of shells to play with.

It was necessary to select the appropriate didactic material: theatrical games; dramatizations based on literary works; a selection of illustrated books from the series "Russian folk tales", as well as develop scenarios for themed evenings.

Thus, the next stage of preparation was the selection theatrical game material.

In order for the circle to function, it was necessary develop a long-term work plan for the year, which would reflect the main directions work on the development of coherent speech. A forward plan was drawn up the work of the theater group"Accordion" with kids senior preschool age which is presented in Appendix 1.

A lot depends on the parents. If the parents are interested, then the child will "burn". They are the most desired audience on theatrical performances. Therefore, we held a parent meeting, where tried unleash the positive impact theatrical activities on the speech development of the child.

Milestone work on the development of coherent speech became theatrical and gaming activities of children within the circle"Accordion". Each session followed a specific structure. After reviewing the literature and development co-workers theatrical kindergarten classes, we developed its structure of the lesson, which most fully reflects the goals and objectives of the circle. In our opinion, it is most expedient to give knowledge children in blocks(See Appendix 2).

Lesson structure theatrical activities of the circle include:

1 block- theatrical"curiosity". The form of conducting is an informative conversation.

The teacher at the beginning of the lesson conducts a short conversation of a cognitive nature. This may be familiarity with theatrical concepts. Acquaintance begins with simpler concepts, which gradually become more complex. Children get to know theatrical professions: make-up artist, costume designer, director. They try themselves in this role, playing mini-etudes.

Once a month, a conversation about the culture of behavior in theater. Children reinforce the rules of behavior in theater what does it mean to be "cultural viewer". The acquired knowledge is consolidated in mini-performances, which are played "artists" before the other part children"spectators".

Through conversations are getting to know each other children with different types of theaters(desktop, finger, flannelgraph, etc., with the history of their occurrence.

In preparation children to performances, talks are held on a literary work. The teacher with the children discusses the main idea of ​​the work; characteristic features of heroes; animal habits, etc.

2 block- "toy"~ games on development of speech breathing speeches(basics of acting)

To activate speech development, especially at the initial stage, various games: on the development of speech breathing, articulatory motility, expressiveness speeches.

Figurative motor-speech miniatures help to overcome speech shortcomings. Conducted motor-speech miniatures "Bear", "Bug", "Wash" teach children coordinate with the text.

Toddlers who have weakened inhalation and exhalation tend to speak quietly and find it difficult to pronounce long phrases. Often such children do not finish the words and often pronounce them in a whisper at the end of the phrase. Therefore, in the circle, exercises are used on development of speech breathing. For example, "Autumn leaves", "Dandelion", "Sail the boat", and others.

On the in theatrical classes, children develop clear diction, underway Work over articulation with the help of tongue twisters, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes. Think of rhymes for words. For example, the rhythmic game “Drops” by M. Kartushina, an exercise on development of articulation"Pyatochok", "Monkey".

Etudes and exercises are used that require purposeful influence of the word. For example: "Wake up a friend", "Reach the Goal".

Tasks are given to improve the grammatical structure speeches, dialogic and monologue forms speeches. Game “Come up with a funny and sad dialogue between Squirrel and Strelka. ”Etudes on the simplest types of communication "Girlfriends", "Congratulations" and others.

To play the role, the child must master a variety of visual means (facial expressions, body movements, gestures, expressive speech in terms of vocabulary and intonation, etc.). Therefore, in theatrical the circle hosts games aimed at development expressiveness of movement (imitation movements, rhythmoplasty, etudes for the expression of basic emotions). Children in the form of a game master the basics of acting.

3 block- "speaker"

At this stage, children learn small scenes, dramatize fairy tales, show mini concerts, use tabletop games in games. theatre, finger and glove puppets. Moreover, children are divided into "spectators" and "actors" that show mini-performances. For older children improvisation scenes are used. Every time "spectators" and "actors" change places, which allows them to try on different roles and reinforce the culture of behavior in theater.

With a group of the most active children we dramatize the simplest fairy tales using the desktop theatre; with inactive ones - we dramatize works with a small number of actions.

When staging a performance, the characters sing, dance, say - from here comes development of expressive speech, facial expressions, gestures.

Instead of the already familiar staging of a literary work, you can offer children staging-fantasies, where children come up with

the behavior of the characters, dialogues that are not described in the text, and then lose. When preparing performances based on fairy tales, it is necessary to analyze the plot, characterize the time, the main characters, consider illustrations, listen to musical material.

Do not overload during rehearsals children otherwise you lose interest. It is necessary to give all children the opportunity to try themselves in different roles, then all children will know the words and will be able to replace each other.

Relationships are very important children in the team during the production, performance. One of the tasks of the teacher is to create a comfortable microclimate. Intensive speech development promotes and self theatrical activity, which includes not only the action itself children with puppets and characters, or own actions in roles, but also artistic and speech activity.

For self-display, well-known children are used fairy tales: "Turnip", "Teremok", "Kolobok" or works of one's own composition (already. in more older age) . Independent theatrical activities of children can be withdrawn from the lesson in the evening and morning, or flow smoothly from the lesson.

4 block- "master"- production of attributes and costumes for performances

Often children act as manufacturers of characters for the upcoming performance. Making dolls with your own hands is useful for children, since this is also develops fine motor skills, fantasy, figurative thinking. Dolls are made from different materials. It can be bottles, spoons, foam rubber and other materials. Children make attributes, masks for performances. The production of attributes can be carried out in the classroom for design activities, according to the pictorial activities, in independent children's activities.

It is useful to involve parents in this process, older siblings. It unites children and parents allows them to better understand each other. It also normalizes the relationship between the teacher and parents.

result mug work, of course, is - holding performances for the holidays, leisure and entertainment. Performances are shown to children of other groups, parents, and are timed to coincide with the holidays. The participation of parents in theme evenings is important. I have selected and developed theme night scenarios "Tea Evening", "Lessons in Courtesy" and others using theatrical and gaming activities of children of senior preschool age(see annex 3).

Except work in a circle, work on the development of coherent speech is carried out through the use of theatrical games in your free time. Games

can be carried out both separately and included in an organized children's activities(See Appendix 4).

First theatrical games are conducted by the educator himself, involving in them children. Further, small exercises and games are used in the lessons, in which the teacher becomes a partner in the game and invites the child to take the initiative in its organization, and only in senior groups, the teacher can sometimes be a participant in the game and encourages children to independence, so theatrical activities of children, has been a stimulus for development of coherent speech.


work experience and the diagnostics carried out showed that the participation children in theatrical activities favorably affects the enrichment of the vocabulary children, on the development speech abilities. I drew attention to the fact that children mood improved, self-confidence appeared, they feel freer, communicate more trustingly.

Education coherent speech with the help of theatrical games are easy and free, without strict rules and obtrusiveness. Classes in theatrical mug helps to solve several problems at once tasks: development of speech and creativity, self-expression. preschoolers they are happy to join the game, embody images, turn into artists.

Acquired skills in theatrical children transfer games to everyday life - these are songs, and dances, and poems. In games, the child learns imperceptibly for himself, he is an artist and learns to speak and act in public.

Thus, an integrated approach using theatrical games and activities will allow teachers to solve a whole range of speech problems, make a child's life richer and more diverse.

Practical significance experience is that it can be used by preschool teachers in work with children of senior preschool age on the development of coherent speech.

Structure activities of the theater group"Accordion".

1 block- theatrical"curiosity"- educational conversation.

-theater literacy(introduction to theatrical concepts and professions; rules of conduct in theater);

Kinds theaters(acquaintance with finger theater, shady, bi-babo dolls, glove and others)

Discussion of literary works for dramatization and characters' characters.

2 block- "toy"- exercises, games, sketches.

Games on development of speech breathing, intonation expressiveness speeches; - rhythmoplasty;


3 block- "speaker"- staging, dramatization games, preparation for performances.

The basic principles of dramatization - the basics of puppetry - independent theatrical activity