Table on the psychosomatics of the disease causes. What to do with psychosomatics? Causes of psychosomatic illnesses

One day, at the reception of the famous psychotherapist Milton Erickson, a young woman complained that her body, arms and neck were covered with psoriasis. Erickson replied to her: "You don't have a third of the psoriasis you think you have". Erickson insisted on his opinion, which caused her great irritation: in her opinion, he greatly underestimated the severity of her illness. Erickson continued: “You have a lot of emotions. You have a little psoriasis and a lot of emotions. There are a lot of emotions on your hands, on your body, and you call it psoriasis”.

He went on like this, and the patient went away very irritated and angry with Erickson for two weeks. She came back two weeks later and showed some spots on her arms. It was all that was left of her psoriasis. By irritating her and provoking her to become angry with himself, Erickson gave vent to her emotions.

Psychosomatic disorders- these are diseases, various kinds of ailments and disorders of bodily functioning, arising mainly under the influence of psychological causes. In a person suffering from a psychosomatic illness, emotional experiences are expressed in the form of bodily symptoms.

It has long been noted that the bodily symptoms that appear in a psychosomatic disorder very often (though perhaps not always) symbolically reflect the patient's problem. In other words, psychosomatic symptoms are often bodily metaphors for psychological problems.

For example, one man came to me about extrasystoles. As you know, our heart contracts in a certain rhythm. Between two contractions there is a pause during which the heart rests. If the heart cannot withstand this rest pause and beats out of turn, this is called an extrasystole. At the same time, the person himself experiences unpleasant sensations of “interruptions” in the heart.

This man in his professional development had grown to a certain ceiling, and was eager to make a qualitative leap in his career in order to climb a step up. Career advancement was delayed, which caused him constant stress. The extraordinary contractions of his heart seemed to express his desire to quickly take this step in his career.

Another patient in the recent past experienced an extremely unpleasant event for herself, about which she continued to feel an agonizing sense of guilt. Unconsciously, she really wanted to return to the past, and live that period of time again, without this event.

As a result, she developed reflux esophagitis, a condition in which stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, causing it to become inflamed. The change in gastric motility in the opposite direction symbolically expressed the patient's desire to play back the important events of her life.

Another patient experienced her husband's infidelity for two years, their intimate life disappeared and her husband "shied away" from her. Eventually, she began to feel "untouchable". As a result, she developed neurodermatitis.

Classic psychosomatic illnesses include: bronchial asthma, ulcerative colitis, essential hypertension, neurodermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Currently, this list has expanded significantly - from coronary heart disease to some infectious diseases and oncology. Psychosomatic also includes functional syndromes, such as irritable bowel syndrome, arrhythmias, as well as conversion syndromes, such as psychogenic blindness, deafness, psychogenic paralysis, etc.

Causes of psychosomatic diseases

Among the causes of psychosomatic diseases, intrapersonal conflicts, psychological trauma of an early age, alexithymia (the inability to recognize and express one's feelings in words), some character traits, such as the inability to adequately express aggression, anger, defend one's interests, are important; secondary benefit from the disease.

Treatment of psychosomatic diseases

Treatment of patients with psychosomatic diseases can be carried out by representatives of various psychotherapeutic schools and trends. It can be psychoanalysis, gestalt therapy, NLP, cognitive behavioral and family therapy, various types of art therapy, etc. For patients with alexithymia, various modifications of body-oriented therapy or hypnosis may be more appropriate methods.

I will give an example of treatment from my practice. I was approached by a patient who from time to time, for no apparent reason, suddenly developed stomatitis (ulcers of the oral mucosa). On the eve of the next exacerbation, the patient, together with her four-year-old daughter, was returning from the guests. All the way home, my daughter whined and complained about how tired she was, how she wanted to eat and sleep. The patient felt guilty and became increasingly nervous. By the time she and her daughter returned home, the patient was so upset that she lost control of herself and slapped her daughter on the bottom.

As a child, the patient's mother beat and scolded her, and she made a promise to herself that she would never hurt her children. After she spanked her daughter, she felt even more guilty. The next morning there was stomatitis.

At the consultation, we agreed that stomatitis is a reaction to the experience of anger and guilt associated with the mother's role: her mother's anger towards her, her anger towards her daughter, guilt towards the mother and towards the daughter - all woven into one ball .

Since the patient was professionally interested in Russian folk tales, she chose a bear as an image to symbolize her anger. During a session of Ericksonian hypnosis in a state of trance, she saw this bear in her imagination and played with it. At the next session, the patient "saw" herself in the auditorium of the cinema. A forest clearing was visible on the screen, her mother was standing in the clearing, and opposite her mother she was a little girl, and between them was a bear. He covered her from her mother and beat her mother with his paws. At the same time, the patient experienced a storm of feelings, she was “shaking”. Probably, during this session there was a reaction and transformation of her accumulated anger towards her mother.

After this session, stomatitis no longer bothered the patient, whose well-being was subsequently monitored for seven years. (This patient is also mentioned in the article

The term "psychosomatics" was coined in the early 19th century. With its help, scientists tried to explain the origin of many diseases, the roots of which lay (in their opinion) in the relationship between the child and parents.

The psychosomatics (table of diseases) cited in the article tells how to treat human diseases by determining its psychological causes to be looked for in his past and present problems of relationships with others and with himself.

According to scientific research, the cause of about 80% of human diseases can be explained by psychological problems associated with mental or mental disorders of the patient.

According to scientific research, the cause of about 80% of human diseases can be explained by psychological problems associated with mental or mental disorders of the patient.

When bodily diseases appear, this is a signal that a person must change something in his life at the level of mental perception of reality.

Thus, a table of diseases was compiled, containing psychosomatic explanations of the causes of the disease and recommendations on how to treat them, using the advice of three leading psychological theorists:

  • Julia Zotova- the author of books and trainings devoted to psychosomatics, a well-known psychologist;
  • Louise Hay- the author of the book "Heal Yourself", which examines diseases and their psychological causes;
  • Liz Burbo- author of metaphysical explanations of diseases and the book "Your body says: love yourself" (1997).

Psychosomatic table

Disease and Treatment Recommendations Psychosomatic interpretation
Julia Zotova Louise Hay Liz Burbo

Treatment is not just drugs.

The world around is friendly and not dangerous. All life problems are completely solvable.

Psychosomatics: this table of diseases (how to treat is described in the last column) gives such an interpretation of allergies when a person wants something, but is afraid, and therefore he runs away.Is there someone you can't stand? You underestimate your own strengths and capabilities.
Angina or other sore throats

The patient should say to himself: “I can express myself freely and with joy. I want to get creative and change myself.”

The person cannot stand up for himself, cannot express his anger and does not want to change. Crisis of creativity.There is no way to express yourself, with difficulty refrain from rudeness.

A person must admit his shortcomings. And put aside attempts to achieve dominance over their loved ones with the help of the disease. Your choice is freedom.

The person is in an impasse that prevents him from breathing. There is no way out of aggression.The patient is unable to breathe due to a feeling of depression, barely suppressed sobs.The main symptom is difficulty breathing. It's harder for him to exhale. This means that he takes a lot, but gives little, and this causes an attack.
Joint diseases (arthritis)

The patient must stop the accumulation of his anger and other paralyzing emotions. You need to work with pleasure for the benefit of yourself and others. You need to love yourself and look with love at others.

The patient feels his resentment towards others and feels that he is not loved.

This is a disease of powerful old people who want to maintain their power.

The patient desires punishment, blaming and blaming himself. Feels like a victim.Rheumatic joint disease with signs of inflammation. Pain when moving around the clock, which limits the ability to move. Hides impotent anger at others.
Myopia You need to overcome the fears associated with early events.
Treat the future with optimism and respect other people's opinions.
The psychosomatics of this disease (how to treat it is described in the table) indicates the reason for the person’s unwillingness to notice everything that is far from him, but sees only his own. The disease often begins in egocentric children who are afraid of life.Man is afraid of his future.Lack of vision, in which a person has difficulty seeing distant objects. Adolescents are often intimidated by the possibility of becoming an adult. This also applies to adults who wish to limit their horizons.
Bronchitis, cough You need to determine your position in the family yourself, treat life's problems with joy, because family troubles are a normal process. A person can declare harmony in himself and around, that everything is fine.Denotes suppressed irritation. It is necessary to find the reason for this. Frequent conflicts in the search for their place in life.
In adolescents, chronic cough is often associated with the search for their personal space.
Nervous atmosphere in the family, frequent loud disputes and scandals. Quiet only occasionally.Metaphysically, the bronchi correlate with family relationships. In quarrels, a person wants to break ties with someone from the family, but not wanting to speak openly, falls into despondency.
Inflammation and inflammatory processes

How to treat is determined not only by the doctor, prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs. The patient will hasten his recovery if he is grateful to his body and calmly concentrates on recovery.

The human body announces an internal conflict, a divergence of concepts of what is “right” and what is “wanted”.Psychosomatics (table of diseases) explains the causes of inflammation in feelings of fear and rage, when the "inflammation" of consciousness is manifested.This is the destruction of tissues, in which the body wants to recover and remake itself.

The patient must love himself, feel safe.

Accumulation within 2-3 years of a small irritation and emotions. When everything has accumulated and an annoying stimulus appears, the gastritis aggravates.Feelings of uncertainty or a lingering sense of doom.A person has accumulated a lot of angry feelings in himself, he has not managed to suppress them in himself.

Learn to manage your emotions and share them with others.

A person must give his head and brain time to figure it out and eventually understand and resolve all issues.

Chronic headaches are a sign of high intelligence combined with an inability to cope with one's emotions.A person underestimates himself, has many fears, often engages in self-criticism.A person blames himself for everything and beats himself on the head, making high demands on himself, tormenting himself, feeling guilty of imprudence.
Infectious diseases (colds, etc., even HIV)

How to treat: you need to maintain your inner strength, get rid of the fear of aggression, while not showing weakness and vulnerability, hoping to attract attention and achieve love.

Psychosomatics (table of diseases) explains that such diseases are caused by taking someone else to heart.Feelings of bitterness and feeling how little joyful life is.Infection of the body speaks not only of weakened immunity, but also of the weakness of the human spirit: he does not feel the strength to assert himself. Pessimists are often susceptible.
Excess weight

A person must learn to respect himself, listen to himself, trying to fulfill the requests of other people. Those around, having received a refusal, should understand “that you have great self-respect, and they will respect you more.”

An unconscious belief that in order to increase one's authority, one needs to occupy more places. "I'm not fat, I'm big." Sometimes it happens after a strong psychological trauma or a tragic event in the form of a defensive reaction. Feeling full of food gives you a sense of security and more love.A person experiences defenselessness, cannot get or achieve what he wants.This excess accumulation of fat in the body becomes a problem, causing a health problem. A person who has suffered humiliation in childhood, having matured, is afraid of being in an unpleasant situation associated with shame.
uterine fibroids

Cope with the fears caused by the possible onset of pregnancy.

If a woman is no longer of childbearing age, it is necessary to reorient her unfulfilled function of the mother to a different goal.

A woman wants to have offspring, but did not use her opportunity and “bears” a replacement. If a woman is not able to conceive because of diseases in the uterus, then her fear prevails over her desire to have a child.
Urolithiasis disease

It is necessary to learn to forgive and not immerse yourself in your grievances, to love yourself.

A stone is a concentration of rage and anger accumulated over the years.Bitter and heavy reflections, inflated pride and curses.
Runny nose

The reason lies in wounded pride. You need to isolate yourself from unnecessary and unnecessary problems, ask for help from others.

This is a compassionate attitude towards oneself, “unshed tears”. It comes from a sense of importance.Asking for help, tears inside myself.
Poisoning (nausea and vomiting)

The internal state of a person forces him to feel that another person is poisoning him, you need to show compassion for him and for yourself. To tell:
"I have the strength and ability, I can take everything that gets to me."

Psychosomatics: this table of diseases (how to treat is described in the last column) gives the following explanation: the causes of poisoning are the rejection by the patient of something unpleasant.Rejection of ideas with great persistence, fear of the new.Intoxication - the release of toxic substances by the body: when external, a person is strongly influenced from the outside, as a result of which physical poisoning occurs.
The liver and its diseases

A person gets angry instead of being able to adapt to events and situations, but in reality you need to think everything over and make a decision, not try to change others and at the same time be offended by them.

Poor health, constant complaints about everything. The accumulation of all negative opinions and life ideas.Constant captious attitude to everything and self-justification in everything.The metaphysical meaning of the phrase "to come out of bile" corresponds to the explanation of the causes of the disease.
Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs)

Autosuggestion: “I am free and breathing, I listen to all divine ideas. This is the beginning of intelligent life."

An unexpected and threatening event has occurred, because of which the patient does not know how to cope with it and live.The person despaired and tired of life, accumulated unhealed emotional wounds.Difficult experiences due to an unexpected event that threatens the rest of your life.
Diarrhea (indigestion)

Diarrhea often begins with fear for oneself. How to treat: to get rid of this problem, you need to increase your self-esteem, then other people will also appreciate you. "I have no more disagreements with life."

Psychosomatics (table of diseases) determines the cause of diarrhea - this is a person's fear of bad consequences or manifestations of aggression, the desire to quickly get rid of everything unpleasant.Intense fear, rejection and flight from all troubles.A person on an emotional level hastily refuses something useful, depriving himself of joy and gratitude for a useful experience. Insufficient self-esteem.
Kidneys and their diseases

Learn to show your inner strength, regardless of critical statements. We need to learn to look and see the true appearance of people, and not create their ideal images in the imagination.

The disease manifests itself in violation of balance, when a person incorrectly chooses goals and ways to achieve, imbalance.Disappointment and failure in something, exposure to criticism. Feelings of shame and disgrace (as in children).The kidneys regulate fluid in the body, and therefore kidney disease speaks of the inability and impotence of a person to solve the necessary issues (in the service or in relationships with people).

A man needs to realize and accept his fears and illness, to get over it with the realization that physical aging does not affect creative and other abilities.

The reason is the age of a man, when the disease proves that, in addition to sexual problems, there are other values ​​in life (material and spiritual).Internal experiences and fears underestimate sexuality and masculinity.The disease in men over 50 years old means his experience and a feeling of powerlessness.
Cancer (oncology)

Illness is due to the accumulation of negative feelings after reaching the emotional limit. The way out is to forgive everyone you hate and become a different person, change.

The reason lies in childhood, when the child experienced a feeling of loneliness, constantly feeling that all good things will come to an end, and bad things will remain. Desire for death after betrayal.Old grievances and wounds, heavy grief or a dark secret do not bring peace, leaving a feeling of hatred that does not pass.Cancer is a consequence of the trauma of a person rejected, humiliated by betrayal or injustice.

A child with diabetes needs to stop thinking that he is being rejected by his family.

A keen desire for constant love and care from other people. In the elderly, it appears when gaining excess weight, when food replaces love.A great need for control accompanies grief and longing for the impossible.The patient is a sensitive and devoted person, he tries to take care of others, realizing some of his own plans.

(in teenagers)

Love yourself in any state "I am the divine expression of life."

There is no self-love, the teenager is in a feeling of disagreement with himself.
chronic insomnia

Sleep is a great adviser, everything will work out.

Too much control, fear of the unknown, anxiety, an attempt to push away something incomprehensible and threatening.The reason lies in feelings of fear and disbelief in life, feelings of guilt.The events that took place during the day cause anxiety and do not give a correct answer.
Eczema Anxiety and feelings of fear cause a nervous state, uncertainty.The reason is mental breakdowns and irreconcilable antagonism.The patient is worried and feels fear, little self-confidence.

It is important to draw the right conclusions and believe in yourself

The above summary information "Psychosomatics (table of diseases)" describes how to treat a particular disease, taking into account their psychological causes for a person to appear. Believe in yourself and heal diseases yourself!

This table, of course, cannot replace traditional methods of treating diseases, but it will help the patient find harmony in mind and body.

About the cure for diseases according to the method of Louise Hay, see this video:

All about the psychosomatics of diseases, see this video:

You will learn about the relationship between a person’s character and his illness from this video:

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 11 minutes


It is not always possible to establish the exact cause of the disease. Often its roots are much deeper than it might seem at first glance.
"Psychosomatic" in Greek means "psycho" - soul and "soma, somatos" - body. This term was introduced into medicine in 1818 by the German psychiatrist Johann Heinroth, who was the first to say that a negative emotion left in the memory or regularly repeated in a person’s life poisons his soul and undermines physical health.

However, Heinroth was unoriginal. Even the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who considered the body and soul to be one, voiced the idea of dependence of health on the state of mind . Oriental doctors also adhered to this, and Heinroth's theory of psychosomatics was supported by two world famous psychiatrists: Franz Alexander and Sigmund Freud, who believed that repressed, unexpressed emotions will find their way out, giving rise to incurable diseases body.

Causes of psychosomatic illnesses

Psychosomatic diseases are diseases in which the main role is played by psychological factors , and to a greater extent psychological stress .

Can be distinguished five emotions on which the psychosomatic theory is based:

  • sadness
  • anger
  • interest
  • fear
  • joy.

Supporters of the psychosomatic theory believe that it is not negative emotions that are dangerous, as such, but their unspokenness. Suppressed, muffled anger turns into disappointment and resentment, which destroy the body. Although not only anger, but any negative emotion that has not found a way out, leads to internal conflict which, in turn, causes disease. Medical statistics show that in 32-40 percent cases, the basis of the appearance of diseases are not viruses or bacteria, but internal conflicts, stress and mental trauma .
Stress is the main factor in the manifestation of the psychosomatics of diseases, its decisive role in this has been proved by doctors not only in the course of clinical observations, but has been confirmed by studies conducted on many types of animals.

Experienced emotional stress in people can lead to serious consequences, up to development oncological diseases .

Psychosomatics of diseases - symptoms

As a rule, psychosomatic diseases “disguised” as symptoms of various somatic diseases , such as: stomach ulcer, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, asthenic conditions, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, etc.

If these symptoms occur, the patient seeks medical attention. Physicians prescribe the necessary surveys based on human complaints. After the procedure, the patient is given complex of medicines, which lead to relief of the condition - and, alas, bring only temporary relief, and the disease, after a short period of time, returns again. In this case, we must assume that we are dealing with a psychosomatic basis of the disease, since psychosomatics is a subconscious signal to the body, which is expressed through an illness, and therefore it cannot be cured with medication.

Approximate list of psychosomatic diseases

The list of psychosomatic diseases is very large and varied, but it can be grouped as follows:

  • Diseases of the respiratory organs (hyperventilation syndrome, bronchial asthma);
  • Cardiovascular diseases (ischemic heart disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia, essential hypertension, myocardial infarction, cardiophobic neurosis, cardiac arrhythmia);
  • Psychosomatics of eating behavior (anorexia nervosa, obesity, bulimia);
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (duodenal and stomach ulcers, emotional diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.);
  • Skin diseases (skin itch, urticaria, atopic neurodermatitis, etc.);
  • Endocrinological diseases (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus);
  • Gynecological diseases (dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, functional sterility, etc.).
  • Psychovegetative syndromes;
  • Illnesses associated with functioning musculoskeletal system (rheumatic diseases);
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Functional disorders of the sexual type (impotence, frigidity, early or late ejaculation, etc.);
  • depression;
  • Headache (migraine);
  • infectious diseases.

Psychosomatic diseases and character - who is at risk?

Unfortunately, ailments that have arisen at the psychological level cannot be cured only with medication. Try to take a different path. Take up a new, exciting business for yourself, go to a circus, ride a tram, a quad bike, go, if funds allow, on a trip or organize a hike ... In a word, provide yourself with the most vivid, positive impressions and emotions , and look - it will remove all diseases as if by hand!


Unreliability. There is no possibility of self-expression. Forbidden to cry.

I am free to take care of myself. Now I can freely express whatever I want. I communicate only with the feeling of love.


Symbolizes movement and lightness.

I act wisely, with ease and love.

Fluid retention (See also:"Edema", "Swelling")

What are you afraid of losing?

I am pleased and happy to part with this.

Smell from the mouth (See also:"bad breath"

Angry thoughts, thoughts of revenge. Interferes with the past.

I am happy to let go of the past. From now on, I express only love.

Body odor

Fear. Self-dislike. Fear of others.

I love myself and approve. I am completely safe.


Unwillingness to part with outdated thoughts. Stuck in the past. Sometimes in acrimoniousness.

As I part with the past, something new, fresh, and vital enters into me. I pass the flow of life through me.

carpal syndrome (See also:"Wrist")

Anger and frustration associated with the perceived injustice of life.

I choose to build a life of joy and abundance. It's easy for me.

Goiter (See also:"The thyroid gland") Hatred of the imposed in life. Victim. Feeling a twisted life. A failed personality.

I am the power in my life. No one is stopping me from being myself.


Symbolize solutions.

dental diseases (See also:"Root Canal")

Prolonged indecision. Inability to recognize ideas for their subsequent analysis and decision making.

My decisions are based on the principles of truth, and I know that only the right things happen in my life.

Wisdom tooth(with a difficult cut - impacted)

You do not make room in your mind for laying a solid foundation for later life.

I open the door to life in my consciousness. There is a vast space within me for my own growth and change.

Desires that run counter to character. Dissatisfaction. Repentance. The desire to get out of the situation.

I am at peace and calm where I am. I accept all that is good in me, knowing that all my needs and desires will be met.

Heartburn (See also:"Stomach or duodenal ulcer", "Gastrointestinal diseases", "Ulcer")

Fear. Fear. Fear. The grip of fear.

I breathe deeply. I'm safe. I trust the life process.

Overweight (See also:"Obesity")

Fear. The need for protection. Unwillingness to feel. Defenselessness, self-denial. Suppressed desire to achieve what you want.

I don't have conflicting feelings. Where I am, be safe. I create my own security. I love and approve of myself.

Ileith(inflammation of the ileum), Crohn's disease, regional enteritis

Fear. Anxiety. Malaise.

I love and approve of myself. I do the very best that I can. I have peace of mind.


Sexual pressure, tension, guilt. social beliefs. Anger at a partner. Mother's fear.

From now on, I easily and joyfully allow my principle of sexuality to operate in full force.

Infection (See also:"Viral Infection"

Irritation, anger, annoyance.

From now on, I become a peaceful and harmonious person.

Rachiocampsis (See also:"Sloping Shoulders")

Inability to go with the flow of life. Fear and attempts to hold on to outdated thoughts. distrust of life. Lack of integrity of nature. No boldness of conviction.

I forget all my fears. From now on, I trust the life process. I know that life is for me. I have a straight and proud posture of love.

Candidiasis (See also:"Thrush", "Yeast Infection")

Feeling scattered. Strong frustration and anger. Claims and distrust of people.

I allow myself to be who I want to be. I deserve the very best in life. I love and appreciate myself and others.

Carbuncle (See also:"Furuncle")

Toxic anger at one's own unjust actions.

I let go of the past and let time heal the wounds life has ever given me.


Inability to look forward with joy. The future is in the dark.

Life is eternal and full of joy. I look forward to every new moment of life.

Cough (See also:"Respiratory Diseases"

The desire to bark at the whole world: “Look at me! Listen to me!"

I am noticed and appreciated. I am loved.

Keratitis (See also:"Eye Diseases"

Strongest anger. The desire to hit who you see and what you see.

I allow the feeling of love coming from my heart to heal everything I see. I choose peace and quiet. Everything in my world is beautiful.


Constant "scrolling" in the head of previous grievances. Wrong development.

I think that everything is going well. I love me.


Symbolizes getting rid of the unnecessary. Assimilation. Suction. Easy cleansing.

I easily assimilate and absorb everything that I need to know, and happily part with the past. Letting go is so easy!

Intestine: problems

Fear of getting rid of everything obsolete and unnecessary.

I easily and freely discard the old and gladly welcome the arrival of the new.


Protects our individuality. Sense organ.

Being myself, I feel calm,

Skin: diseases (See also: Urticaria, Psoriasis, Rash)

Anxiety. Fear. Old sediment in the soul. They threaten me.

I lovingly protect myself with peaceful, joyful thoughts. The past is forgiven and forgotten. Now I have complete freedom.

Knee (See also:"joints")

Symbol of pride. Feeling the exclusivity of one's own "I".

I am a flexible and flexible person.

Knees: diseases

Stubbornness and pride. Inability to be a malleable person. Fear. Inflexibility. Unwillingness to give in. Forgiveness. Understanding. Compassion.

I easily give in and give in, and everything goes well.


Irritation, impatience, dissatisfaction with the environment.

You only respond to love and kind words. Everything is going peacefully.

Colitis (See also:"Intestine", "Colon Mucous", "Spastic Colitis")

Uncertainty. Symbolizes the ability to easily part with the past.

I am part of the clear rhythm and flow of life. Everything goes according to sacred predestination.


Fear. Avoidance of someone or something.

We surround ourselves with protection and love. We create space for our healing.

Lump in the throat

Fear. Lack of confidence in the process of life.

I'm safe. I believe that life is made for me. I express myself freely and joyfully.

Conjunctivitis (See also:"Acute epidemic conjunctivitis")

Anger and disappointment at the sight of something.

I look at everything with loving eyes, a harmonious solution exists, and I accept it.

Conjunctivitis, acute epidemic (See also:"Conjunctivitis")

Anger and disappointment. Unwillingness to see.

I don't need to insist that I'm right. I love myself and approve.

Cortical paralysis (See also:"Paralysis")

The need to unite the family with an expression of love.

I contribute to the peaceful life of the family, where love reigns. Everything goes well.

coronary thrombosis (See also:"Heart: attack")

Feelings of loneliness and fear. “I have flaws. I don't do much. I will never achieve it."

I am completely at one with life. The universe gives me full support. Everything goes well.

root canal(tooth) ( See also:"Teeth")

Loss of ability to confidently dive into life. Destruction of the main (root) beliefs.

I create a solid foundation for myself and my life. From now on I am happily supported by my beliefs.

Bone(bones) ( See also:"Skeleton") Symbolizes the structure of the universe.

My body is perfectly arranged and balanced.

Bone marrow

It symbolizes the deepest beliefs concerning oneself. And the way you support yourself and take care of yourself.

The Divine Spirit is the foundation of my life. I am safe, loved and fully supported.

Bone diseases: fractures/fractures

Rebellion against foreign power.

The power in my own world is myself.

Bone diseases: deformity (See also:"Osteomyelitis", "Osteoporosis")

Depressed psyche and tension. Muscles are not elastic. Slow-thinking.

I breathe in life to the fullest. I relax and trust the flow and process of life.

Hives (See also:"Rash")

Small, hidden fears. The desire to make an elephant out of a fly.

I bring peace and tranquility into my life.


An expression of joy circulating freely in the body.

I express the joy of life and receive it.

Blood: diseases (See also:"Leukemia", "Anemia")

Lack of joy. No movement of thought.

New joyful thoughts circulate freely within me.

Blood: high blood pressure

Unresolved chronic emotional problems.

I gladly consign the past to oblivion. There is peace in my soul.

Blood: low blood pressure

Lack of love in childhood. Defeatist mood: “What difference does it make?! It still won't work."

From now on, I live in an eternally joyful now. My life is full of joy.

Blood: clotting

You are blocking the flow of joy.

I awaken new life in myself. The flow continues.


The joy is gone. Anger. But where?

I am the very joy of life, I receive and give in a beautiful rhythm.

Bleeding gums

Lack of joy over decisions made in life.

I believe that only the right things happen in my life. My soul is at peace.


Anger makes it difficult to speak. Fear makes it difficult to speak. They dominate me.

Nothing stops me from asking for what I want. I have complete freedom of expression. There is peace in my soul.

Left side of the body

Symbolizes receptivity, absorption, feminine energy, women, mother.

I have a wonderful balance of feminine energy.

Lungs They symbolize the ability to breathe life.

I breathe life evenly and freely.

Pulmonary diseases (See also:"Pneumonia")

Depression. Sadness. Fear of accepting life. You think that you are not worthy to live life to the fullest.

I can perceive the fullness of life. I perceive life with love and to the end.

Leukemia (See also:"Blood: diseases")

Inspiration is severely suppressed. "Who needs it?"

I rise above the limitations of the past and embrace the freedom of today. It's perfectly safe to be yourself.


Strong conviction that you are a victim and that you are sinful. You are helpless in front of what you take to be the attitude of other people towards you.

Others only reflect the good feelings that I have for myself. I love and appreciate everything that is in me.

Lymph: diseases

A warning that you should refocus on the most important thing in life: love and joy.

Now for me the most important thing is the love and joy of life itself. I go with the flow of life. Peace in my soul.


Anger. Boiling.

I am a calm expression of peace and love.


Symbolizes what we show to the world.

It's safe for me to be myself. I express what I am.

Pubic bone

Symbolizes the protection of the genitals.

My sexuality is completely safe.


Symbolizes a change of direction and the perception of new experience.

I easily accept new experiences, new directions and changes.


Unbalanced relationship with nature and life.

I am one with nature and life in its entirety. I'm safe.


Anger and disappointment. Unwillingness to see what is happening. Usually happens in children. Fear interferes with understanding.

Divine peace and harmony surround me, live in me. I am an oasis of peace, love and joy. Everything is going well in my world.


Symbolizes the temple of creativity.

I feel at home in my body.

Spinal meningitis

Inflamed thoughts and anger at life.

I forget all accusations and accept the peace and joy of life.

Menopause: problems

Fear of losing interest in you. Fear of aging. Self-dislike. Feeling unwell.

Balance and peace of mind do not leave me with all cycle changes, and I bless my body with love.

Menstruation (See also:"Amenorrhea", "Dysmenorrhea", "Women's Problems")

Rejection of one's femininity. Guilt, fear. The belief that everything connected with the genitals is sinful or unclean.

I recognize myself as a full-fledged woman and consider all processes in my body to be normal and natural. I love myself and approve.

Migraine (See also:"Headaches")

Hate coercion. Resistance to the course of life. Sexual fears. (Masturbation usually eases these fears.)

I relax and follow the course of life, and let life provide me with everything I need in an easy and convenient way.

Myopia (See also:"Eye Diseases"

Fear of the future. Distrust of what lies ahead of you.

I trust the process of life, I am safe.


Symbolizes a computer, a control panel.

I am an operator lovingly controlling my brain.

Brain: tumor

Miscalculated beliefs. Stubbornness. Refusal to revisit outdated stereotypes.

It's so easy for me to reprogram the computer of my mind. Life in general is a renewal, and my consciousness is a constant renewal.


Hardened areas of thinking - a stubborn desire to keep the pain of the past in the mind. Hardened concepts and thoughts. Solidified fear.

New ways and thoughts are perfectly safe. I free myself from the burden of the past and move forward freely. I'm safe. I enjoy freedom.

Thrush (See also:"Candidiasis", "Mouth", "Yeast Infection")

Anger at making wrong decisions.

I take my decisions with love, because I know that I can always change them. I am completely safe.

Mononucleosis(Pfeiffer's disease, lymphoid cell angina)

Anger generated by a lack of love and underestimation of oneself. Indifference towards oneself.

I love myself, appreciate and take care of myself. Everything is with me.

Seasickness (See also:"motion sickness")

Fear. Fear of death. Lack of control.

I am completely safe in the universe. My soul is at peace everywhere. I believe in life.

Urethra: inflammation(urethritis)

Anger. You are being pestered. Accusation.

In my life, I do only joyful things.

Urinary tract: infection

Irritation. Anger. Usually to the opposite sex or sex partner. You place the blame on others.

I reject the stereotype of thinking that caused this affliction. I want to change. I love myself and approve.


Resistance to new experiences.

Muscles symbolize the ability to move through life. I enjoy life like a fun dance.

muscular dystrophy

Growing up doesn't make sense.

I overcome the limitations of my parents. I freely use all the best that is in me.

Adrenal glands: diseases (See also:"Addison's Disease": "Cushing's Disease")

Defeatist mood. Self-care attitude. Sense of anxiety.

I love myself and approve of my actions. Taking care of yourself is completely safe.


Unable to deal with anything. Terrible fear. The desire to get away from everyone and everything. Reluctance to be here.

I rely on Divine wisdom and providence and it will protect me at all times. I'm safe.

Runny nose

Request for help. Internal crying.

I love and console myself in the way that pleases me.


Punishment for sin. The agony of communication.

I forgive myself. I love and approve of myself. Communication brings joy.


Overflowing with emotions. Years of containment of feelings. I

I strive to feel. Expression of emotions is safe for me. I love me.

"Incurable" diseases

At the moment it is incurable by external means. You have to go inside to get healed. Appearing from nowhere, it will go nowhere.

Miracles happen every day. I go in to break the stereotype that caused the illness and receive Sacred Healing. That is what it really is!


They symbolize connection. organ of perception.

I communicate easily and joyfully.

Nervous breakdown

Egocentricity. "Clogging" of communication channels.

I open my soul and radiate love in communication. I am completely safe. I feel good.


Fear, anxiety, struggle, vanity. distrust of the life process.

I travel through the endless expanses of eternity, and I have plenty of time. I communicate with an open heart. Everything goes well.


Animal fear, horror, restlessness. Grunts and complaints.

I peacefully and joyfully digest and assimilate everything new in my life.


Inability to take care of oneself. Rebellion against authority. Belief in violence.

I discard the stereotyped thoughts that caused it. There is peace and tranquility in my soul. I am a standing person.

Nephritis (See also:"Bright's disease")

Overreacting to disappointments and failures.

I only do the right things. I abandon the old and welcome the new. Everything goes well.


Holding on to old grudges. Increasing feelings of resentment.

I forgive with ease. I love myself and will reward myself with thoughts of praise.


Carry us forward in life. Life is for me!

Legs(diseases in the lower part)

Fear of the future. Reluctance to move.

I move forward joyfully and confidently, knowing that my future is great.


Protection symbol. My communication is easy and free.


Hopelessness. Samoyedism. Hatred for one of the parents.

Growing up is safe. Now I easily and joyfully manage my life.

It symbolizes self-acceptance.

I acknowledge that I have an intuitive ability.

hoc mortgaged

Non-recognition of one's own value.

I love and appreciate myself.

Nasopharyngeal discharge

Internal crying. Children's tears. You are a victim.

I recognize that the creative force in my world is me, and I accept it. From now on, I enjoy my own life.

Nose: bleeding

Need for recognition. The feeling that you are not recognized and not noticed. Strong desire for love.

I love and approve of myself. I know what I stand for. I am a wonderful person.

saggy facial features

Sagging facial features are the result of “sagging” thoughts in the head. Resentment for life.

I express the joy of life and enjoy every moment of every day to the end. And I'm getting younger again.


Fear. Voltage. The desire to control everything. Distrust in the process of life.

I'm safe. I love myself and approve. I trust life.

Fainting(vasovagal crisis, Gowers syndrome)

Fear. I can't cope. Memory failure.

I have enough power and knowledge to control everything in my life.

Obesity (See also:"Overweight")

Hypersensitivity. Often symbolizes fear and the need for protection. Fear can serve as a cover for hidden anger and unwillingness to forgive.

Sacred love protects me. I am always safe. I want to grow up and take responsibility for my life. I forgive everyone and create the life I like. I am completely safe.

Obesity: hips(top part)

Lumps of stubbornness and anger at parents.

I send a petition to the past. It is not dangerous for me to overcome the limitations of my parents.

Obesity: hips(Bottom part)

Stores of children's anger. Often angry at the father.

I see my father as a child who grew up without love and affection, and I forgive easily. We are both free.

Obesity: belly

Anger in response to the denial of spiritual food and emotional care.

I am developing spiritually. I have enough spiritual food. I feel content and enjoy freedom.

Obesity: hands

Anger due to rejected love.

I can get as much love as I want.


Anger. Internal boil. Inflammation.

In myself and my environment, I create only peace and harmony. I deserve to feel good.


Internal contraction, retreat and withdrawal into oneself. The desire to retreat. "Leave me alone"

I am always completely safe. I am surrounded and protected by love. Everything is good.

Numbness(spontaneously occurring unpleasant sensation of numbness, tingling, burning)

Holding back feelings of respect and love. The death of emotions.

I share feelings and love. I respond to the expression of love in every person.

Swelling (See also: Edema, Fluid retention

You are stuck in thoughts. Intrusive, painful ideas.

My thoughts flow easily and freely. I can easily navigate different ideas.


You cherish old grievances and upheavals. The pangs of conscience intensify.

I am happy to say goodbye to the past and turn all my attention to a new day. Everything goes well.

Osteomyelitis (See also:"Bone Diseases"

Anger and disappointment in life itself. It feels like no one is supporting you.

I do not conflict with life and trust it. There is no danger or anxiety.

Osteoporosis (See also:"Bone Diseases"

Feeling like there is nothing to grab onto in life. There is no support.

I can stand up for myself, and life will always support me lovingly in the most unexpected ways.

Edema (See also:"Fluid retention", "Swelling")

Who or what do you not want to part with?

I easily part with the past. And it's safe for me. Now I have complete freedom.

Otitis(inflammation of external auditory canal, middle ear, inner ear) Anger. Unwillingness to listen. Noise in the house. The parents are arguing.

Harmony surrounds me. I like to hear everything pleasant and good. Love is focused on me.


Fear. Too greedy attitude to life.

For everything that should be done, there is a place and a time. I have peace of mind.

Lack of appetite (See also:"Appetite (Loss)")

Denial of personal life. Strong feelings of fear, self-hatred and self-denial.

It's safe to be yourself. I am a wonderful person. I choose life, joy and salute myself as a person.


They symbolize the little things in life.

I have a calm attitude to the little things in life.

Fingers: big

Symbol of intelligence and anxiety.

There is peace in my soul.

Fingers: index

Symbol of "ego" and fear.

I have everything secure.

Fingers: medium Symbolizes anger and sexuality.

I'm satisfied with my sexuality. 43 718 0 Have you noticed for yourself: when something unpleasant happened at work, upon returning home, you had a headache, a nervous tic appeared, or joints in your hands ached? Or maybe after another forced march at work, say, after an audit, you have a sore throat? Not always the causes of these diseases are bad weather or someone "sneeze" on you. Sometimes it's our body that signals that we're overtired and it's time to take a little breather.

Initially, scientists considered bodily (soma) and psychological diseases separately from each other. In 1818, the German psychiatrist I. Heinroth first suggested that disorders in the body could be caused by problems in the spiritual realm, and proposed the introduction of a new scientific discipline that would deal with such diseases. This opinion met with fierce criticism. However, modern doctors have long understood that the formula "all diseases are from the nerves" works in practice.

Thus, at the intersection of medicine and psychology, a direction was formed that studies the influence of the psychological and emotional spheres of a person on his bodily health. This direction is called psychosomatics. It has been established that the psychological causes of diseases lead to the so-called. somatoform disorders, which are included in the international classification of diseases (ICD 10).

Even the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates believed that the diseases of the body cannot be separated from the diseases of the soul.

So, what are human diseases talking about. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Classification of psychosomatic disorders

Scientists divide the manifestation of psychosomatic disorders into the following categories:

  • Psychosomatic reactions. They do not need any correction, they have a short-term, situational nature of the course (redness from shame, loss of appetite in a bad mood, sweating of the palms during stress, a feeling of "chill" on the back and trembling with fear).
  • Psychosomatic disorders. A violation of one or another function of the body develops. They are divided into the following types:
  • conversion symptoms . There is a transformation of an emotional experience into a bodily symptom:
    • hysterical lump in the throat;
    • psychogenic blindness/deafness;
    • limb numbness.
  • Functional Syndromes . It is characterized by the appearance of pain without physiological reasons:
    • cystalgia;
    • cervicalgia;
    • lumbalgia;
    • vegetovascular dystonia (VVD).
  • Psychosomatosis . Violations of the work of internal organs. These disorders include the famous Chicago Seven, described by the American psychoanalyst, the father of psychosomatics, Franz Alexander in 1950:
    • hypertonic disease;
    • peptic ulcer;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • neurodermatitis;
    • hyperthyroidism;
    • ulcerative colitis;
    • rheumatoid arthritis.

In the light of modern research, the Chicago Seven has been officially supplemented by the following diseases that occur against the background of neurotic disorders:

  • oncological diseases;
  • panic disorder;
  • sleep disorder;
  • heart attack;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • sexual disorders;
  • obesity;
  • anorexia nervosa/bulimia.

A person, because of his destructive behavior, peculiarities of thinking and ways of emotional response, is held hostage by the disease. Most often, psychologists talk about stress and negative feelings as the causes of certain diseases. Traditionally, there are several basic emotions that act as a catalyst for certain ailments:

  • joy and sadness;
  • anger;
  • love and resentment;
  • attraction and aversion;
  • shame and guilt;
  • sadness;
  • interest;
  • fear and anger;
  • greed, jealousy and envy.

Psychosomatic experts believe that feelings and emotions are inherently energy. Having not received an outlet or directed into a destructive channel, it becomes a psychosomatic source of illness for our body. Studies have shown that the more a person expresses the experiences of his inner world, the less he gets sick. Otherwise, he risks facing a psychosomatic disorder - a bodily illness provoked or aggravated as a result of exposure to adverse psychological factors.

Sources of psychosomatic diseases

However, not only destructive feelings or emotions can provoke problems. Psychologists note that other factors also affect our health. These include unresolved intrapersonal conflicts, problems with motivation, unworked or sad experiences from the past, empathic transfer of illness, and self-hypnosis. Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. Internal conflict. Most often, this is a conflict between “should” and “want”, between social attitudes and our desires.
  2. suggestion effect. The suggestive patterns that many parents demonstrate in front of their children are imprinted in the child's psyche for a long time and can get out in the form of a disease.
  3. The element of "organic speech".“My heart hurts for him”, “my head is spinning”, “it makes me sick”. We often use these phrases, but we do not suspect that by doing so we are prone to frustration.
  4. Identification. There is an adoption of a psychosomatic illness from an authoritative person. Acting following the example of a charismatic person whom a person respects, he runs the risk of transferring to himself not only her positive qualities, but also negative ones, including diseases.
  5. self-punishment. Psychologists often encounter the phenomenon of abrogation of responsibility through withdrawal into illness. After all, concessions are made for sick people. A person subconsciously understands this and does not intentionally get sick.
  6. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. If there are difficulties with the processing of a painful situation, then it is embodied in the form of a psychosomatic disorder.

Freud's theory

The conversion psychoanalytic theory of Z. Freud helped to advance in understanding the causes of psychosomatic disorders. A clue for modern specialists was his discovery of mechanisms for the displacement of conscious processes into the unconscious, suppression or censorship of internal attitudes that conflict with society. These mechanisms, as well as any unfulfilled desires, according to the scientist, are directly related to the emergence of neuroses - mental disorders.

Neuroses, in addition to mental, also have physical symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • colic in the abdomen;
  • panic attacks;
  • and etc.

hello from the past

Many modern psychologists see the root of disease in the patient's past. Unresolved problems of the formation of an individual, personality, interaction with parents in the early stages of development can leave a deep mark on the child's psyche and affect his health in the future. So, for example, the constant suppression of a child's hyperactivity can lead to the formation of a psychosomatic disorder in adulthood.

Parents, demonstrating adequate behavior in relation to the needs of the child, achieve a reduction in the risks of psychosomatic disorders. If they (mainly the mother) show “unsafe behavior” in the presence of the child, then by doing so, he is being programmed for the disease. "Unsafe" includes the following behaviors:

  • anxious-ambivalent (inconsistency in response, behavior, attitude towards the child);
  • avoiding d (removal from the child);
  • disorganized (chaotic reactions with the use of violence).

Such styles of behavior indicate the so-called. psychosomatogenic family, upbringing in which often becomes the reason for the development of a disorder in a grown child.

Philosophical approach

Other experts go further and argue that psychosomatic illness is a kind of signal that a person is not leading a lifestyle that is simply wrong, and not suitable for him. They refer to such a disorder as a riddle thrown by life itself, the answer to which will be the key to healing.

Still others try to approach the question of what diseases are talking about from a philosophical point of view and argue that a psychosomatic disorder is a teacher. Therefore, it should not be denied, but listened to, drawing valuable lessons that are presented to the patient in the form of a disease.

In general, all experts agree that a psychosomatic disorder is symbolic. The psyche uses our body as a canvas on which it draws a pattern of this or that problem in the form of a disease in order to show a person about his psychosocial conflicts that he cannot solve or that he does not pay attention to.


When considering the prerequisites for the development of psychosomatic diseases, the psychologist M. Palchik divides the human being into certain levels. On each of them, a person can find one or another predisposition to psychosomatic disorders.

1.Physical body

Our body is always with us. But often we plunge into the world of our thoughts, forgetting about its existence. Perhaps disease is the body's only way to remind us of its existence.

2. Emotional states

Not each of us will be able to clearly answer the question “what do you feel right now?” In this case, psychologists are faced with alexithymia - the inability to verbally communicate their experiences. Sometimes, in order for this or that disease to pass, it is quite enough to determine and express what the patient feels.


What is important for a person right now? A change in values ​​is an indicator of a person's growth. Lack of values ​​can lead to psychosomatic disorder.


This level presupposes the answer to the question “what do I live for?” Often those who cannot answer it for themselves become depressed and fall ill.

A predisposition to a psychosomatic disorder can be projected at each of these levels.


Modern theories about the mechanisms of psychosomatic diseases have also put forward a physiological model of predisposition to this kind of disorder. Doctors and psychologists divide people into three types: asthenics, athletics and picnics. It is believed that people with an asthenic constitution are more susceptible to psychosomatic disorders.


There is a huge variety of personality types that psychology presents us with. Experts believe that the stock of character can also act as a risk factor. Most often, representatives of the epileptoid and hysteroid classification are subject to psychosomatic diseases.

Body Signals

Symptoms of psychosomatic disorders can also be expressed through painful sensations in the body. We all know the notorious headache that does not allow you to relax, or a sore throat that is not always clear to doctors. Every part of our body takes on certain psychosocial blows and reacts to them with pain. Here is a table of the correlation of problems and bodily signals.

Table 1. Psychological causes of pain in body

Part of the body

Causes of pain

Stress, overstrain, frequent worries
Resentment, inability to express oneself, containment of emotions
Lack of support, excessive imposition of one's will on others
Emotional overload, overwhelmed by the environment
Financial difficulties

Upper back

Lack of support, feeling of uselessness

Lower back

Feelings about money
Lack of flexibility, rigidity
Emotional fixation, lack of friends
Dissatisfaction with one's job
isolation and loneliness
Fear of change, fear of leaving the "comfort zone"
Injured ego, excessive selfishness, self-obsession
Jealousy, an overabundance of passions
Inability to relax, actions to the detriment of oneself
Indifference, apathy, fear of the future

Table of causes of psychological illness

The first disease of the internal organs that psychoanalysts began to study is bronchial asthma (1913). Since then, a large number of psychoanalytic concepts regarding other diseases have been born.

Every organ of our body works in resonance with our psychological attitudes and responds to emotional manifestations. Certain negative experiences or unresolved problems have a destructive effect on the work of certain organs (for example, problems in communication cause a sore throat, a thyroid gland suffers).

Consider, for example, the physiological mechanism of the course of diseases associated with circulatory disorders. Local circulatory disorders are associated with a catalyzing emotion - fear. In the face of danger, a person must quickly make one of the decisions: run away, freeze or attack. To speed up this decision, the blood in the body is instantly redistributed and sent to the brain. There is a release of adrenaline, which has a sharp vasoconstrictor effect. Thus, the frequent experience of fear leads to certain violations. Pathological fear can take on completely different forms: from panic attacks to the fear of losing a loved one. This implies a psychosomatic risk factor for the occurrence of a heart attack, hypertension, and vascular diseases.

A huge number of precedents in psychotherapy allowed specialists to draw up a definite picture of what exactly is behind psychosomatic disorders in the lives of certain people. Consider what human diseases are talking about in the context of psychosomatics.

Table 2.

Disease Psychological reason Treatment

Bronchial asthma

Various unworked internal processes lead to muscle spasms and suffocation during asthma. One of them is the ban on crying in childhood. Other unfavorable factors are considered to be our misconceptions: unhealthy perfectionism, excessive cleanliness, the constant search for approval, resentment over unrealistic expectations, fear of failure. A person suffering from this disease always wants to get something from others, draws attention to his personality and his problems. The asthmatic suppresses aggression, resentment and keeps them in himself. In dealing with people, he acts exclusively as a consumer.Work out the problem of aggressiveness and adequate ways out of it. Analyze your relationships with people in the plane of "give-take".

Oncological diseases

The development of cancer is provoked by three factors.

First of all, stubbornness and conservative thinking. Manifestation of self-righteousness. Inability to change, stereotypical way of life.

Secondly, extreme pride, selfishness, inability to ask.

Thirdly, an old resentment against one of the close people, which grew into anger.

1. Stop fighting windmills, stop proving something to someone.
2. Reconsider your positions, stop considering yourself the ultimate truth.
3. Gestalt with the person you are angry with.
4. Openly ask him for forgiveness for holding a grudge against him.


Headaches are the way out of unresolved conflicts. Characteristic for people who are intellectually oriented in the presence of an underdeveloped emotional sphere. There is a replacement of feelings by constant mental activity.

In men forehead often hurts. This area symbolizes intelligence and future orientation. Accumulated questions that have not been resolved lead to this symptom.

Female variant of headaches - temporal migraine. For them, this is a bodily projection of those unpleasant things that they can actually hear from others or invent them for themselves (the ears are located next to the temples). This also includes the fear of what other people think of you.

1. Learn to make quick decisions. If possible, delegate some of your tasks to other people.
2. Unload your head, symbolically imprinting unsolved problems on paper.
3. Women verbally work out their imaginary fears about other people's opinions (asking people questions, not guessing).

Hypertonic disease

Hyper control over others. Suppression of anger or tension. The ban on the expression of emotions.To be able to let go of the situation, let off steam.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Strong stressful experiences (“could not digest the situation”) lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, which accumulate over time.

Protracted uncertainty, a sense of doom, irritation, constant nervousness also act as catalysts.

An important role in the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is played by stereotypical ideas about the value of food put on a plate, about the need to eat everything that is put, and also about the fact that sometimes it is a pity to throw away a spoiled product. These imposed thoughts are often embodied in the form of poisoning, nausea and vomiting.

Sometimes the disruption of the stomach is due to the fact that a person literally cannot digest this or that idea that they are trying to instill in him. Then defense mechanisms are activated in the form of inflammation of the mucosa and nausea. On the other hand, poisonings are quite often caused by the inertia and conservative thinking of the patient himself.

The classic symptom of irritable bowel has its origins in the fear of embarrassment.

On an intellectual and emotional level, be able to differentiate between "one's own" and "someone else's". Become discerning about people and surrounding information.

Learn to deal with stress, relax more, be able to relax. Avoid irritants, change your attitude to the situation.

Skin diseases

The skin is responsible for contact with other people and society. This is a kind of border between us and the outside world. Skin diseases take their roots from childhood, when a child, striving for bodily contact with a parent, is denied touch or hugs. This also includes the inability to express emotions, fear of being rejected, tightness.Develop body-oriented practices. Create an attitude of being open to the outside world. Learn to relax.


Pay attention to the phraseological unit "they carry water to the offended." A fat cell is 90% water-fat gel. Modern medicine has come close to the fact that water is an ideal carrier of information. Surveys of many obese people have shown that they are prone to frequent offenses. Moreover, they tend to deny the fact that they were offended, pushing this feeling to the level of the unconscious. The process of accumulating resentment at the physiological level is presented in the form of a process of accumulation of water by a fat cell, with negative information recorded on it. Destructive feelings are converted into bodily fullness, transferring the load from the psyche to the body.Apologize for your insincerity to the offender, indicate the fact of your hypocrisy when you accepted his words, although you internally did not agree with them. Change the strategy of accepting resentment, do not keep it in yourself, boldly express your feelings to the offender.

Eye diseases

Women have an inner self-doubt as a woman, which they carefully try to hide from others. It symbolizes fear in the future in terms of female characteristics (fear of losing beauty, doubts about one's femininity, fear of not giving birth or not getting married). Fear of not meeting the ideal of beauty that is propagated by society or parents.

Men have uncertainty about the future. Unwillingness to take responsibility for their actions. Infantilism.

Women - accept yourself for who you are. Drop stereotypes. Learn to love yourself.

For men, to gain masculinity. Learn to take responsibility for your words and actions.

Women's diseases

The psychological causes of women's diseases lie in stress and overwork. The lack of desire to realize one's natural female function and self-flagellation on this occasion lead to disturbances in the work of the female genital organs. Inability to switch from work to personal life. Ignoring their needs for "women's happiness." The inability to say no, to forgive. Excessive resentment. Shame towards one's sexual organs, masculinity.Learn to accept your femininity, say no. Work off your guilt for the unwillingness to continue the race and perform the functions laid down by nature.

Dental problems

Sick teeth signal an inability to adequately show aggression (front teeth), make decisions (lateral teeth), and delay in spiritual growth (wisdom teeth). The appearance of tartar is a symptom of some minor, but annoying internal problem.Learn to interact with others on an emotional level. Do not burden yourself with postponing important decisions.

Irritant cough

A nervous cough is characteristic of people who suppress the desire to express reasonable criticism of others. For fear of hurting someone, they would rather remain silent than point out to a person his mistakes. With the help of a cough, a person is freed from stuck emotions or attracts attention. Oppressive understatement, avoidance of conflicts also plays its destructive role. The inability to accept the situation as it is.Education of openness, objectivity, the ability to bring business and conversations to the end.

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Frequent runny noses can symbolize the crying of our inner child. Diseases of this kind (sinusitis) occur against the background of self-pity.Stop feeling sorry for yourself, or work out the gestalt: live the situation once through violent self-pity.

Thyroid dysfunction

Loss of flexibility in decision making. An unconscious prohibition to objectively look at the situation, to accept experience. The body signals us about the need to more adequately respond to society. Taboo aggression.Stop limiting yourself, learn new reactions, express yourself in new ways.

sleep disorder

Insomnia can be caused by post-traumatic stress disorder. And also is the result of activities that are disgusting to us. People who cannot sleep experience fear of death or fear of losing control. A constant desire to sleep is an unconscious desire to escape from life into a world of dreams, the presence of difficult tasks.Avoid stress, learn not to put off solving problems, learn to let go of the situation.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Hyperresponsibility (a disease of domineering old people). Overactivity, inability to say no

(“the disease put a straitjacket on a person”), stereotypedness, repressed aggression, unwillingness to change. Patients with this psychosomatic illness have a rigid system of values ​​from which they cannot move away. It is important for them to comply with social norms, to be correct and decent. This leads to the suppression of the emotional sphere of a person.

Stop being afraid to deviate from the value system, allow yourself small weaknesses. Listen to your desires. Learn to sacrifice a sense of duty for the sake of your feelings and desires.

Sexual disorders

Feeling of powerlessness, inability to influence the world around. pathological narcissism. Feelings of guilt for not conforming to social norms regarding gender norms. The tension from the imposed social responsibility makes the body run away into impotence or anorgasmia (a symbolic message - there is nothing more to take from me).Learn to protect yourself from unnecessary worries, relieve stress.

Bulimia and anorexia

Anorexia symbolizes difficulties with self-identification. Refusal to eat is a protest against the dominant mother in childhood. Rejection of their own femininity in women.

Bulimia speaks of self-doubt, low self-esteem. Inconsistency in images between who I am and who I want to be.

Learn to say no to your parents. Get autonomy. Stabilize your relationship with your mother.

Working with a defensive reaction.


Sweet in food is an analogue of love. Patients with diabetes at the psychological level do not accept love from others, or do not see its manifestation. They try to control everything, the loss of autonomy for them is a serious test that can develop into diabetes.Learn to accept love and care from others.

The roots of all diseases can be found in our head. Dig in a little, think, change the way you think, and you will feel better. And if you don't feel better, at least you'll be distracted.

An excellent video from a leading psychologist who will tell you in detail what the diseases of the body say, the causes of our diseases. Anyone who is interested in this topic is a must-see.