Technical universities are prestigious. The best technical universities

The situation in the segment of technical education in Russia is very controversial. On the one hand, there is the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, which only the elite MGIMO managed to overtake in terms of difficulty of admission. And on the other hand, there is a long list of technical institutes with an average passing score on the Unified State Examination below 65. A diploma from some technical universities in Moscow is a guarantee of a prestigious and highly paid job in the largest banks, companies, research centers, and, if desired, employment abroad. After others, graduates, at best, will have to work as consultants in mobile communication stores.

Our TOP-5 ratings of the most popular and most unpopular state technical universities in Moscow, which we compiled based on the results of enrollment in 2013, will help you understand which educational institutions and which specialties you should try to enter.

Rating of the most prestigious technical universities in Moscow (TOP-5):


Phystech became the best of the best, as usual, having increased the average passing score of the Unified State Examination by 3 points compared to last year and reaching an incredible mark of 94 points. However, no matter what anyone says, but to study at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, you must have talent and a special mindset, otherwise it is unlikely that you will be able to graduate from this technical institute in Moscow. It is no coincidence that 10 professors and graduates of this educational institution became Nobel laureates.

Interestingly, paid education at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology for an educational institution of this level is quite cheap - 148,000 rubles a year. Moreover, in Phystech, for good study, if there are free budget places, contract servicemen are transferred to a budget form of education. But it must be taken into account that, firstly, this year 944 students were enrolled for 875 state-funded places (the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology always recruits “with a margin”, given the large dropout after the first session). Secondly, the passing scores of the USE in this technical university in Moscow, even for paid places, are quite high - usually more than 75 points. And thirdly, "it is good to study at Phystech" under the force of units. In addition, those applicants who certainly want to study in Moscow should know that the main buildings of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology are located in the city of Dolgoprudny.


Studying at Moscow State University is prestigious, and doubly so at the flagship Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. At first glance, the competition for Mekhmat may not seem so big: for the specialty "Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics (Mathematics)" (full-time education) in 2013, 1557 applications were submitted for 276 budget places (thus, the competition amounted to 5.64 person per place), and for the specialty "Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics (Mechanics)" (full-time education) - 1370 for 116 places (competition - 11.81 people per place). But it must be taken into account that in order to enter Moscow State University, it is necessary to pass an additional entrance test in mathematics, and applications are submitted to this faculty only with very good USE results. The cost of studying on a contract basis, as usual in this state university, breaks records - 320,000 rubles a year (by the way, this is the minimum for Moscow State University in 2013).

However, many applicants "serve" to Moscow University for several specialties and even faculties at once. The most common safety option for those who are afraid not to get into the Mekhmat is the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (CMC), where the competition this year was only 3.92 people per seat. The most unapproachable of the technical faculties of Moscow State University in 2013 was the Faculty of Fundamental Physical and Chemical Engineering, the direction "Applied Mathematics and Physics" - 13.87 people per one state-funded place (a total of 15 state-funded and 5 commercial places), and the most unclaimed, according to tradition, chemical - 2.19 people per place (235 budget and 17 commercial places).


The average passing score for this technical university in Moscow has made a record jump over the past year - from 76.9 to 86.5 (for those enrolled through the competition), allowing MEPhI to triumphantly break into the ranking of the most prestigious technical universities in Moscow. However, it should be taken into account that the passing score differs significantly in different faculties. The most popular among applicants in 2013 was the Faculty of Management and Economics of High Technologies, which is only indirectly related to technology. The competition is 12.7 people per place, the passing score is 245-277 (depending on the specialty). The cost of training under the contract is up to 212,000 rubles per year.

However, the most impregnable (although with a competition of "only" 7.7 people per place) and incredibly prestigious, with a passing score of 259-290 (in three subjects), the Faculty of Cybernetics and Information Security logically became. KiB has been MEPhI's hallmark for about 15 years, and if you are "sick" with information technologies and, in particular, security systems, want to learn this from the best specialists in Russia and get a dozen stunning job offers while still a student, then you are at KiB, direction "Information and analytical security systems". The average passing grade in one subject is 96. The cost of training on a contractual basis is 162,000 rubles per year.

By the way, nuclear areas in the most "nuclear" university in Russia are not very popular. So, for admission to the Faculty of Physics and Technology, the direction "Technologies for the separation of isotopes and nuclear fuel" it was necessary to score only 235 points in three subjects, 2.49 people per place (there is the possibility of paid education - 112,000 rubles per year). The passing score to this Technical University of Moscow at the Faculty of Automation and Electronics, direction "Nuclear Physics and Technology" - 240 points, 1 person per place (according to the contract, you will have to pay 118,000 rubles a year).


This technical university in Moscow has a touch of elitism, as it trains personnel for the oil and gas production industry - perhaps the most profitable sector of the Russian economy. Partners and potential employers of Gubka graduates are such pillars of Russian business as Rosneft, Gazprom, Transneft, Lukoil, etc.

The highest competition in the Russian State University of Oil and Gas in 2013 was noted for the profile faculty - chemical technology and ecology, which trains bachelors in two areas: "Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology" and "Chemical technology ". The passing score of the USE in three subjects was 264 points. For those who did not reach the coveted mark, the possibility of paid, but rather cheap education is provided - 125,000 rubles a year. This is the standard amount at all technical faculties of Sponge in 2013.

For those who certainly want to study at this Technical University of Moscow, who also have mathematical abilities, but for some reason cannot boast of extraordinary USE results, we can advise you to apply to the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering, the direction "Applied Mathematics". In 2013, the passing score for the USE was only 216 points.

Joined the HSE:

This technical institute, specializing in information and telecommunication technologies, became part of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in 2012 and, as expected, made a significant leap in improving the quality of accepted applicants. If in 2012 the average passing score for the Unified State Examination for this technical institute in Moscow was only 72.9 points, then in 2013 it was already 80.5, which allowed the educational institution to close the TOP-5 of the most prestigious technical universities in Moscow.

The institute has only three faculties:

  • Electronics and telecommunications (passing score in three subjects 210 points)
  • Information Technology and Computer Engineering (passing score in three subjects 210 points)
  • Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics (passing score in three subjects depending on the specialty: 224-260 points)

The last faculty is especially popular (especially the Computer Security direction), since the Institute of Electronics and Mathematics actively cooperates with leading Russian and foreign IT companies: Yandex, Google, Kaspersky Lab, Intel, Microsoft, IBM, etc. The cost of training at this technical institute in Moscow is 220,000 rubles per year, however, for a slight shortage of points, significant discounts are provided - up to 70% of the total amount.

Interestingly, the main chemical university in Russia is the Russian Chemical-Technological University. DI. Mendeleev - was among the technical universities of Moscow only in 7th place with an average passing score for the Unified State Examination of 77.5.

Rating of the most unpopular technical universities in Moscow (TOP-5):

For our part, we want to advise talented applicants not to be afraid of entering the most sought-after specialties in prestigious technical universities in Moscow, because in the future such an education will open many doors for you.

Veronica Gebrial

candidate of sociological sciences

Have you already chosen a university for admission? We publish the top list of educational organizations in the country, which you can focus on when choosing an education.

The rating agency RAEX (Expert RA) has published a list of the 100 best universities in Russia.
In the top three, as in the past year, are Moscow universities. The rating is headed by Moscow State University named after M.V. M.V. Lomonosov. In second place is the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), in third place is the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

St Petersburg State University has risen to 4th place in the ranking this year (in 2016 it was 5th). The Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation also improved its positions, rising from 7th to 5th place.

20 best universities in Russia

The name of the university

1 Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov
2 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)
3 National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"
4 Saint Petersburg State University
5 Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
6 National Research University Higher School of Economics
7 Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman
8 National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
9 Novosibirsk National Research State University
10 St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great
11 Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
12 Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
13 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
14 National Research Tomsk State University
15 Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
16 Siberian Federal University
17 National Research Technological University "MISiS"
18 Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) named after I.M. Gubkin
19 St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
20 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

In order to get a prestigious job, it is important for a student to take a responsible approach not only to the learning process itself, but also to the choice of an educational institution. A good university will allow you to get a higher professional level, expand your circle of knowledge, and achieve certain heights in science. Technical universities in Russia provide high-quality education at the highest level. Students of the most prestigious of them graduate as highly qualified specialists, continuing to develop their professional skills in the most sought-after industries.

Selection of the best higher education institutions

Choosing a university requires a responsible approach and a serious attitude. In order to help the applicant, Russian universities are published annually on the Internet. This list is of interest not only to potential students, but also to employers. Many recruiters are involved in creating ratings.

In Russia, there are more than one thousand faculties with a technical bias, since the range of specialties is diverse, as are their areas of application. There are state technical universities in Russia in every region of the country, their number is close to 300. Some stand out significantly from the rest, as evidenced by the list of the best universities, compiled on the basis of professional ratings, as well as online surveys of students, teachers and graduates.

How leaders are determined: the main factors for creating a ranking

The top technical universities in Russia are determined based on combined information from the following grants:

  • Compliance with European quality.
  • Ratings of Internet users.
  • RA experts.

It is a known fact that the probability of finding a prestigious job for students of different universities is not the same, but entering a good university is not a guarantee of success. HR professionals select a candidate based on many parameters.

The best technical universities in Russia are determined based on many factors. Among them:

  • Demand for graduates abroad.
  • The number of teachers with a scientific degree (above a master's degree).
  • The number of specialties available for students to master.
  • Reviews of organizations that employ graduates.
  • The state of the base of the educational institution, both technical and material.
  • The number of applicants to enter the university.

All of the above gives an objective idea of ​​what place this or that educational institution should take in the list of the best in the country. It is worth considering the nuance that it is rather difficult to assess the weight of each parameter, so the rating of technical universities in Russia can be found in various versions. Every year the list is updated, universities strengthen or weaken their positions by several units. In general, all lists do not differ much from each other, and the “five” of the best are the same everywhere.

Top 5 Tech Universities

All technical universities in Russia have a serious competitor, which has been in the lead for a long time in the ranking. These are the remaining representatives of the "five" - ​​these are:

  • Bauman Moscow Research Technical University.
  • MISiS - National Research University.
  • MEPhI - Research Nuclear University.
  • Research in St. Petersburg.

All of the above best technical universities in Russia give students the most relevant knowledge, prepare them for further work in the relevant field at the highest level.

Top 10

  • ITF with its strong physical base.
  • St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg) with a high level of specialist training.
  • Tomsk Research Polytechnic University is the leader among all universities outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  • The Oil and Gas University in Tyumen is the leader in surveys of Internet users.
  • Gubkinsky State University of Gas and Oil.

Leading regions

In addition to the universities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, other technical universities in Russia are included in the ranking of the best. The list, as a rule, includes institutions located in the Volga region (there are 12 of them), as well as Siberian (there are 9 of them). The reputation of these universities in the country is quite high, and studying in them is considered very prestigious, so applicants have to invest a lot of time and effort in order to pass a difficult competition.

Many technical universities are located in the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as in the Tomsk and Samara regions.

Representatives of different regions of the country

Most of the leading educational institutions are in the Siberian District. Three of them compete with the capital's universities, which are among the top ten in the country. These include:

  • State University of Tomsk.
  • Polytechnic University of Tomsk.
  • State University in Novosibirsk.

The prestigious "top" university is considered to be named after Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, which is included in the Top 10 in 2014.

The prestigious educational institutions located in the Southern Federal District include the following universities:

  • State Technical University in Volgograd (43rd place).
  • located in the city of Rostov-on-Don (28th place).
  • The Polytechnic Institute in Novocherkassk (the second name is the South Russian Technical University) ranks 48th.

Achievements of multidisciplinary universities

Today, technical and economic higher educational institutions are highly competitive with universities with a broad profile of education. The "twenty" of the best in the technical direction included seven multidisciplinary universities. These are the public universities of the following cities:

  • St. Petersburg.
  • Moscow.
  • Tomsk.
  • Novosibirsk.

In addition, the best were RUDN University and representatives of the districts: Southern, Ural, Siberian. Many applicants seek education in Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk and Rostov-on-Don. These technical universities in Russia have shown a balanced development of specialist training, as well as a high reputation among highly specialized universities. The territorial location of these institutions destroys all stereotypes about the ideal education, which can only be obtained in the capital. Tomsk and Novosibirsk universities have been famous since Soviet times for their progressive development of the education system and the high level of training of specialists.

The best universities for a career abroad

When deciding to build a career outside the territory of Russia, one should not rely only on the ratings of higher educational institutions. Foreign employers are well aware of the graduates of only a few domestic universities. These are the Bauman National Research University, located in Moscow, the Research National University in Novosibirsk, and the Polytechnic Research University, which is located in the northern capital of Russia. One of them is not even included in the "five" of the best universities.

The most important thing you need to get a prestigious job abroad is fluency in a foreign language. For this reason, special emphasis should be placed on educational institutions with a high level of English teaching. The ideal option is to receive a grant outside the country. This is quite feasible if the Russian university where the student is studying cooperates with foreign scientific organizations.

The prestige of technical education is steadily growing both throughout the world and in Russia. Technicians - nuclear physicists, oilmen, power engineers, IT specialists, builders - who have successfully graduated from technical universities in Russia, are in high demand in the labor market. Many organizations and enterprises practice targeted training, which guarantees employment, and the prestige of a Russian diploma in the world today is only growing. All this speaks of the prospects of technical education, but how to choose the right university?

Rating of the best technical universities in Russia

Ratings of the best universities in Russia and the world are annually compiled by various research and journalistic organizations. In Russia, the largest project belongs to the Expert RA agency. For 2016, a general ranking of the best universities in the country and rankings for integrated areas of training have already been compiled, including a list that includes the best higher technical educational institutions. In the first place, which is quite expected, is Moscow State University. Despite the fact that this university is not purely technical, its corresponding departments are very strong.

In general, the top 10 looks like this:

  • MSTU im. Bauman.
  • MIPT.
  • St. Petersburg State University.
  • Tomsk Polytechnic University.
  • St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.
  • MEPhI.
  • Moscow Power Engineering Institute.
  • Novosibirsk State University.
  • Siberian Federal University.

It is worth mentioning that, in addition to the Expert RA rating, there are other authoritative sources, such as the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation or the project “100 Best Russian Universities”, not to mention online surveys. Technical universities in Russia in all these rankings are generally the same, but the positions may be somewhat different. One thing is clear: choosing any institution from this twenty, you can be sure of the quality of education.

Features of obtaining technical education

The list of technical specialties for which Russian universities are recruiting is so large that it is rather difficult to cover them all. There are more than 250 specialized faculties alone, and there are more than a thousand technical universities throughout the country.

All of them are united, of course, by the educational standard. According to him, all techies study full-time for 5 years (or 6 for part-time), during which they will receive approximately the same courses in the humanities and social sciences (Russian and foreign languages, philosophy, history). Of course, all students will take a natural science course, which will include mathematical analysis, linear algebra, computer modeling, etc. But highly specialized blocks for all areas will be completely different. The courses offered to students, for example, by the Moscow Aviation Institute and the Institute of Gas and Oil in Moscow, will differ. For future power engineers, railway workers, aircraft builders, motorists, nuclear scientists, oil workers and other techies, their own training programs and work practices have been developed.


Before choosing a university, it is necessary to decide which direction the applicant is most interested in. Today, specialties related to the oil and gas and energy industries and computer technology are most in demand. And this is not surprising, because these are the most financially attractive areas of work. The ranking of the most popular specialties looks like this:

  • IT engineers and programmers - they are trained by Baumanka, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, MEPhI, NSTU, Tomsk Polytechnic or Don State Technical University.
  • Oil workers - you can study at the Institute of Oil and Gas in Moscow or in regions where there are employers (in Yekaterinburg or Tyumen).
  • Geologists - they are taught by Baumanka or MEPhI, and also by the Kuban State Technological University, the Tyumen Oil and Gas University or the Ufa Oil University.
  • Mine surveyors - these specialists are trained in specialized mining universities throughout Russia.
  • Energy specialists are trained by the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University.
  • Civil engineers - they are trained in every region of Russia, in Moscow, for example, this is the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering.

How to choose a technical university

To decide on a university, you should not rely only on its position in the ranking, although it is an important criterion. In technical universities, the presence of practical teachers and the level of scientific work are important, because modern technologies do not stand still, the university must be aware of new world developments. It is also important to have international cooperation and exchange of experience.

Pay attention to the sufficiency of budget financing. For example, the Novosibirsk State Technical University this year lost its prestige precisely because of the decline in this indicator. And in the case of paid admission, a significant point is the cost of education. It is not as high as in economics or law faculties, but can range from 50 to 200 thousand per year, depending on the region and specialty. Moreover, over the past year, this figure has doubled due to the high cost of laboratory equipment, without which an engineer cannot be trained.

Multidisciplinary or highly specialized

Disputes about where technical education is better - at a specialized university or at the department of a multidisciplinary university - will never stop. However, one should not be afraid of classical universities if their technical departments are strong and have been famous for decades. This is proved by the rating - 8 such universities at once got into the top 20.

This is often explained by the fact that such universities have a large number of not only theoretical teachers, but also practitioners, which dramatically increases the value of education in any field, and especially in technology. In addition, the best specialized technical universities in Russia are located mainly in the capital, so applicants from the regions, in order to get a prestigious education, will either have to go to Moscow or enter their multidisciplinary universities. True, this does not apply to Tomsk and Novosibirsk: their scientific traditions have been at the forefront of domestic science since Soviet times.

Also, in modern market conditions, there has been a trend towards consolidation and universalization of universities. Thus, technical universities in Russia are beginning to train managers and economists, and economic ones - techies. However, so far this has not been very successful - neither one nor the other can compete with specialized institutions. Except that the Higher School of Economics, having absorbed the Institute of Energy and Mathematics, became multidisciplinary and even got into the top 20 universities in Russia.


Naturally, metropolitan universities are in many respects ahead of regional ones in terms of the level of education. It is best to get a technical diploma in Moscow at Lomonosov Moscow State University. It trains bachelors at the faculties of mathematics and cybernetics, physics and fundamental engineering.

Also, specialized education can be obtained at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, MEPhI and other reputable institutions. However, it should be borne in mind that the passing score for the budget in them is very high, as well as the cost of paid education. If there is a desire to get a technical education in the capital, but there are not enough points, or it seems too expensive, you can enter one of the less “star”, but still quite prestigious universities. For example, to the Moscow State Construction University. The demand for construction specialties now, when the whole country is massively built up with kilometers of new housing, is standardly high.

Universities that train machine builders or aircraft builders also stand apart. For example, the Moscow Aviation Institute.

St. Petersburg

In the northern capital, the best is St. Petersburg University. This is a classic multidisciplinary university that has strong technical faculties - Mathematics and Mechanics and Applied Mathematics.

The next on the list is the specialized university - St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. He confidently strengthens his position on the world stage, increasing the competitiveness of his students in the market and developing scientific work.

ITMO University is a European-level university, attracting students to organizational life, giving them the opportunity, as they say, to “pump” their business and management skills, and this is in addition to basic education, which, of course, increases the value of a future graduate’s diploma.

Regions. Ural

In the Urals, due to the specifics of the local industry, there are a large number of universities that train specialists in the mining and metallurgical profile. Also, the Ural technical universities have devoted the last year to strengthening ties with similar educational institutions in China within the framework of the recently created association of Russian-Chinese tech. universities.

The leaders can be named first of all the universities of Yekaterinburg: Yeltsin Federal University, Mining University, however, other cities also have educational institutions included in the top 100 best in the country.

So, in Ufa, applicants are waiting for the Petroleum Technical University. Its merit lies in the strengthening of international relations and in the targeted training of students for the oil enterprises of the region. A university with a similar profile trains students in Tyumen - this is the Tyumen Oil and Gas University.

Magnitogorsk Technical University trains specialists in mechanical engineering, energy and mining. The university is not included in the top 100 best universities in Russia, but in online surveys it occupies a confident position among other technical universities in the country.


Since Soviet times, Tomsk and Novosibirsk have been considered the flagships of domestic science, which is confirmed by the positions of local universities in all rankings. The most advanced techies are trained by the Novosibirsk and Tomsk State Universities, as well as the Tomsk Polytechnic University. At the same time, Novosibirsk State Technical University in 2016 worsened its position in the overall ranking so much that it is the leader in losing positions in all of Russia. The decrease in funding, the deterioration of scientific activity had a detrimental effect on the prestige of the institution.

As for other cities, traditionally a good technical education can be obtained at the Siberian Federal University (faculties of mining, construction and engineering, oil and gas, information and even space technologies) of Krasnoyarsk.

central Russia

Central Russia also has technical universities that train worthy personnel. However, they are not included in the rating yet. Perhaps the point is the proximity to Moscow, where the most promising applicants rush. So, Ivanovo Chemical-Technological University has left the top 100 since 2014, having been only 91st before that.


But the Southern Federal District is represented in the rankings by several universities from Rostov and Krasnodar at once. This year, 2 Kuban universities at once got into the ratings thanks to surveys of students and the scientific community. And among them is one technical, namely the Kuban State Technological University, which trains construction specialists, road workers, oil and gas workers, machine builders, as well as computer systems engineers.

Of the Rostov universities, two stand out: one is the specialized Don State Technical University, the other is the multidisciplinary Southern Federal University with technical areas of training, such as piezotechnics, nanotechnology, computer technology, information security, instrumentation, and others.

Volga region

This region is especially distinguished by the universities of Kazan. The city is confidently developing its science and university education, so that Kazan Technological Institute got into the top 20 best technical universities in the country, and took 54th place in the overall ranking.

The Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University also deserves attention, where engineers are trained for mechanical engineering, energy, IT, as well as specialists in nuclear energy.

Problems of technical universities of the country

The quality level of technical education is traditionally high due to the continuity of Soviet methods and scientific developments. However, experts consider the average age of the teaching staff to be the main problem. In technical universities and departments, it is quite high and amounts to 53 years, which is 7 years more than for teachers in other areas.

On the one hand, this indicates a great scientific and teaching experience, and on the other hand, the absence of fresh minds and young personnel. It is quite possible that soon the teaching staff will be completely replaced in this branch of education.

In general, the prospects for techies are the most promising - according to recruiting agencies, there is an increased demand for specialists in technical areas with a general shortage of them in the labor market. For comparison: the supply of economists is 80% higher than demand.

In the post-perestroika years, a degree in economics or law was considered prestigious. Technical education has become an outsider, so in recent years there has been a demand for qualified mechanics, physicists and engineers. Which university should I apply to get a profession that is in demand today?

When choosing an educational institution, you need to take into account its location, competition, prospects in terms of future employment. It is equally important to analyze the conditions for admission - passing scores, the availability of commercial training, cost and salary expectations.

Popular university rankings

Information about educational institutions is helped not only by official websites, but also by various thematic forums, communication with students. Each university holds an open day for future applicants. There are also resources that annually present the tops of the best educational institutions.

  • Social navigator - the portal presents a rating of Russian educational institutions that produce the most demanded personnel on the market. Research is carried out in three areas: the percentage of employment of young professionals, the marketability of intellectual developments, the volume and popularity of scientific research.

The data for 2017 also includes reorganizational changes carried out in the field of higher education - the merger of institutions, the restructuring of universities.

  • Superjob for students - research in the field of salary expectations for young professionals in various fields; information on the size of the passing score, the percentage of employed graduates.

Admission to the best technical universities will be difficult, but training will give a huge amount of knowledge and start a career

Top metropolitan educational institutions

  • National Research Nuclear University MEPhI .

A university with a good history, included in the top 50 educational institutions of the BRICS countries. It trains specialists in the field of nuclear energy, biomedicine, cybernetics, business informatics, and nanotechnologies. Education is offered in undergraduate and graduate programs. The competition in this prestigious university is on average 10 people per place, and the passing score for admission, depending on the specialty, ranges from 252 to 290 per place (budget).

MEPhI graduates do not have to worry about subsequent employment. A prestigious diploma provides them with a high interest of employers - more than 90% of young specialists successfully start their careers in the first year.

MIPT is one of the leading technical universities in the capital. It trains specialists in the field of applied physics, mathematics and informatics, biotechnology and systems analysis. You can study under the bachelor's and master's programs. It is very difficult to enter this university, the lowest passing score for the full-time budget in 2017 was 262. Those who do not qualify for the budget can apply for the commercial department, 180 points will be enough.

Graduates with a MIPT diploma are welcome applicants for recruiting agencies. About 90% are employed immediately after graduation.

  • Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University) .

One of the best universities in Russia offers education in the field of robotics, radio electronics, computer science, biomedicine. Traditionally, strong specialists leave the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. There are directions in engineering management, social sciences. The university recruits students on a budgetary and commercial basis for undergraduate and graduate programs.

The competition for the prestigious Baumanka is getting higher every year, up to 22 people per seat. In 2017, the passing score for the amount of entrance examinations fluctuated up to 286 depending on the faculty (budget). The university has an employment department, and many graduates already have offers from employers by the time they graduate.

  • Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov .

The oldest metropolitan university has several faculties offering engineering specialties. Future biotechnologists, materials scientists, physicists and mechanics, and cybernetics study at Moscow State University. Those wishing to get a technical education must be ready for serious tests, the competition for a place ranges from 4.5 to 8 people, depending on the chosen specialty (budget + commerce). Those who did not pass the points for the budget can enter on a paid basis.

The prestige of education at Moscow State University is difficult to overestimate. A diploma from this university will add points for employment in large Russian and international companies. More than 80% of graduates stay to work in Moscow.

  • National Research University MPEI .

A technical university with almost a century of history trains personnel for the energy sectors and industry. In it, you can get the specialty of an engineer in the areas of radio electronics, mechanics, power engineering, electrical engineering, electrical and nuclear energy. Education is conducted on undergraduate and graduate programs. It is possible to get on a paid basis.

University graduates easily find work in the first year after graduation, 90% of them remain in the capital.

  • National Research University "MIET" .

In a popular metropolitan university with a half-century history, you can get professions in the field of computer science, software engineering, radio engineering, nanoelectronics and biotechnical systems. Education is possible in bachelor's and master's programs on a paid and commercial basis. The competition among applicants is high - from 6 to 13 people per place, depending on the faculty.

The standards of education at MIET are not inferior to the world level. Graduates with a diploma from this university are welcome applicants in recruitment agencies. Most find work before graduation.

  • Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN" .

Russian Technical University, included in the list of the best universities in the CIS in 2014. It trains specialists in the field of mechanical engineering, automation and design, instrumentation, mechatronics and robotics, informatics and metrology. Competition from 10 to 13 people per place, depending on the chosen specialty (budget + commerce). Education is conducted according to the bachelor's, master's degree scheme on a budgetary or commercial basis.

The university has an internship program for students. The university maintains partnerships with large enterprises in Moscow and the Moscow region, helps graduates in matters of employment. You can start your career while still a student.

  • St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO) .

ITMO is a leader in the educational market in the field of information and photonic technologies. After graduating from the university, one can become a specialist in the field of programming, information security, instrumentation and photonics, bioengineering. The university has energy and technology faculties. Preparation is carried out according to undergraduate and graduate programs, on a paid or budgetary basis. The passing score and the competition are high - in the direction of "Applied Informatics" 25 people apply for one place.

Education at ITMO provides education in the most modern and sought-after technological areas. Many students from other cities enter the university, of the total number of graduates in St. Petersburg, approximately 80% remain.

Top 5 technical universities in the regions

Regional universities are not inferior to the best metropolitan institutions in terms of the quality of education and demand among applicants.

  • Perm National Research Polytechnic University .

One of the leading regional universities in Russia. Trains personnel in the field of construction, power engineering, rocket engine design, nanotechnology, technosphere safety. Education is conducted on undergraduate and graduate programs. The competition is big - from 6 to 8 people per place. Those who did not enter the budget can apply for the commercial department.

Graduates of PNRPU, as technical personnel, are in demand in the labor market. With a little perseverance, the young specialist will quickly find a suitable place.

  • Novosibirsk National Research State University .

NSU has several faculties that train specialists in information technology, physics, and applied mathematics. Education is under the programs of bachelor's and master's degrees. There is a possibility of admission on a commercial basis. The competition is serious, the passing score for technical specialties is 233-253.

The university is famous for its high standards of education, so a young specialist with an NSU diploma will not be left without a job.

One of the oldest Russian universities with a two hundred year history trains specialists in the field of computer science, mechanical engineering, automation of production processes, robotics, software engineering, nanotechnology and other engineering fields. Passing scores - from 162 to 205. You can enter a bachelor's or master's program on a budgetary or paid basis.

The university organizes foreign internships for students, helps in finding a job.

  • Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics .

One of the best Siberian universities provides education in the field of computer science, radio engineering, electronics, photonics and optoinformatics. Education is conducted on undergraduate and graduate programs. For admission to the full-time department on a budgetary basis, passing scores are set from 172 to 216 (depending on the faculty). There is a paid branch.

TUSUR is a prestigious educational institution that helps its students to decide on their future career. The university has one of the first student business incubators in Russia, which gives a start to young entrepreneurs.

  • Ufa State Aviation Technical University

The largest university in Bashkortostan offers 38 areas of study for undergraduate programs, 36 master's specializations. Among them are applied mathematics, computer science and computer technology, electronics and nanoelectronics, energy, mechanical engineering, and robotics.

The university has an electronic labor exchange for graduates. The UGATU diploma is highly rated, so young professionals have no problems finding a job.

Top best technical universities in numbers

Estimated average salary of a graduate (rub.)

Passing score

Average USE score

Tuition fee per year (rub.)

ITMO (St. Petersburg)

MSTU im. Bauman


Moscow State University Lomonosov

NSU (Novosibirsk)

KFU (Kazan)



TUSUR (Tomsk)

There is an option of partial funding by the university

PNIPU (Perm)

By choosing a technical specialization, today's applicants are laying the foundation for a secure and successful career. The need for engineering personnel is growing every year, and a diploma from a prestigious university will give an additional advantage to a young specialist when looking for a job.