The unique properties of water that are important for life. Abstract: Properties of water

“The simplest stable compound of hydrogen with oxygen,” is the definition of water given by the Concise Chemical Encyclopedia. But, if you look, this liquid is not so simple. It has many unusual, amazing and very special properties. A Ukrainian aquatic researcher told us about the unique abilities of water Stanislav Suprunenko.

High heat capacity

Water heats up five times slower than sand and ten times slower than iron. It takes 3300 times more heat to heat a liter of water by one degree than to heat a liter of air. Absorbing a huge amount of heat, the substance itself does not heat up significantly. But when it cools down, it gives off as much heat as it took in when heated. This ability to accumulate and release heat allows you to smooth out sharp temperature fluctuations on the surface of the earth. But that's not all! The heat capacity of water decreases as the temperature rises from 0 to 370C, that is, within this framework, it is easy to heat it, it will not take much heat and time. But after a temperature limit of 370C, its heat capacity increases, which means that more efforts will have to be made to heat it. It has been established that water has a minimum heat capacity at a temperature of 36.790C, and this is the normal temperature of the human body! So it is this quality of water that ensures the stability of the temperature of the human body.

High surface tension of water

Surface tension is the force of attraction between molecules. Visually, it can be observed in a cup filled with tea. If you slowly add water to it, it will not overflow immediately. Take a closer look: above the surface of the liquid you can see the thinnest film - it does not allow the liquid to pour out. It swells as it is topped up, and only at the “last drop” will it still happen.
All liquids have surface tension, but it's different for everyone. Water has one of the highest surface tensions. Only mercury has more, which is why, when spilled, it immediately turns into balls: the molecules of the substance are firmly “attached” to each other. But alcohol, ether and acetic acid have a much lower surface tension. Their molecules are less attracted to each other and, accordingly, that is why they evaporate faster and spread their smell.

High latent heat of vaporization

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It takes five and a half times more heat to evaporate water than to boil it. If it were not for this property of water - to slowly evaporate - many lakes and rivers would simply dry up in the hot summer.
On a global scale, a million tons of water evaporates from the hydrosphere every minute. As a result, a colossal amount of heat enters the atmosphere, equivalent to the operation of 40,000 power plants with a capacity of 1 billion kW each.


When the temperature drops, all substances shrink. Everything but water. Until the temperature drops below 40C, the water behaves quite normally - compacting a little, it reduces its volume. But after 3, 980С it behaves, more precisely, it begins to expand, despite the decrease in temperature! The process goes smoothly up to a temperature of 00C, until the water freezes. As soon as ice forms, the volume of already solid water increases dramatically by 10%.

"Memory" of water

After processing natural water in a magnetic field, many of its physical and chemical properties change. And similar changes in the properties of water occur not only when exposed to a magnetic field, but also under the influence of a number of other physical factors - sound signals, electric fields, temperature changes, radiation, turbulence, etc. What could be the mechanism of such influences?

Usually, liquids, as well as gases, are characterized by a chaotic arrangement of molecules in them. But this is not the nature of "the most amazing liquid." X-ray analysis of the structure of water showed that liquid water is closer in structure to solids, and not to gases, since some regularity characteristic of solids was clearly traced in the placement of water molecules. At the same time, scientists found that water obtained, for example, as a result of melting ice, and water obtained by condensation of steam, will have a different structure of the order of molecules, which means that some of its properties will be different. Experience shows that it is melt water that has a beneficial effect on living organisms.

Structural differences in water persist for a certain time, which allowed scientists to talk about the mysterious “memory” mechanism of this amazing liquid. There is no doubt that water “remembers” the physical impact on it for some time, and this information “recorded” in water affects living organisms, including humans. And it is not at all surprising that a person, like any other organism, is not at all indifferent to what external influences were imprinted in the “memory” of the water that he drinks.

Water records information transmitted to it by our thoughts, feelings and words.
We are responsible for what we transmit to space.

Previously, there was an old belief: it is good to water cattle with thunderstorm water. And for crops, a summer rain with a thunderstorm is truly invigorating. Such water differs from ordinary water, first of all, by a large number of charged positive and negative particles, which have a positive effect on the course of a wide variety of biological processes.

So, water is able to keep in its "memory" a variety of physical influences, and it can also be a "keeper" of spiritual influences. Recall the rites of consecration of water at Baptism. The water over which a prayer was read, probably not in vain, is considered special.

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Unique properties of water

  • Introduction
  • 1. Amazing water
  • 1.1 Structure of water
  • 1.2 Cluster model. Anomalous Properties
  • 1.3 Living water
  • 1.4 Unsolved properties of water
  • 2. Sections of aquatic medicine
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


Until some time it seemed that nothing could be simpler than studied water. The formula, serrated by all, temperature metamorphoses from ice to steam, the ability to dissolve certain substances and participate in the convection process - that's practically all. In fact, with "plain" water it turned out to be not so simple...

Water was endowed with a soul in many cultures of the world. The discovery by modern scientists of the fourth, informational, state of water has become a proof of her memory. Water is able to perceive, store and transmit information, even as subtle as a human thought, emotion, word.

Now humanity is on the verge of a completely different understanding of the laws of the universe, opening up new perspectives: the possibility of programming water, water treatment of the most complex

The water molecule is the most common substance on the planet and is found on it in liquid, gaseous and solid states. Water is a tasteless, odorless and colorless liquid, density 1.0 g/cm 3 . The hydrosphere covers 71% of the earth's surface. It is born from the elements that occupy the first and third place in abundance in the universe, in a volume ratio of 2:1. It is one of the smallest molecules known to us. For centuries, scientists have been studying water. There was enough time, it seemed that everything should be known about water, but it was not there.

The water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms (H) and one oxygen atom (O). All the variety of properties of water and the unusual nature of their manifestations are ultimately determined by the physical nature of these atoms and the way they are combined into a molecule. In a separate water molecule, the nuclei of hydrogen and oxygen are located so relative to each other that they form, as it were, an isosceles triangle with a relatively large oxygen nucleus at the top and two small hydrogen nuclei at the base. There are four charge poles in a water molecule: two negative due to an excess of electron density in oxygen pairs of electrons and two positive due to a lack of electron density in hydrogen nuclei - protons. Such an asymmetry in the distribution of electric charges in water has pronounced polar properties; it is a dipole with a high dipole moment of -1.87 Debye.

Huge mountain glaciers are made of ice, and some continents are also covered with ice. Ice stores huge reserves of fresh water. Ice is solid but flows like a liquid. Forming huge rivers slowly flowing down from the mountains. Ice is extremely strong and durable. It can store the skeletons of animals that died in glaciers for tens of thousands of years. By capturing solar radiation, water helps keep the temperature on the ground within a comfortable range. Powerful sea currents carry huge volumes of water around the planet, in particular, they do not allow Europeans to freeze by washing Europe with the Gulf Stream. And, finally, water ensures the vital activity of all organisms: it carries nutrients, collects and removes waste.

  • 1. amazing water
  • Water is the most amazing and most mysterious substance on Earth. It plays a crucial role in all life processes and phenomena occurring on our planet and beyond. That is why ancient philosophers considered water as the most important component of matter.
  • Modern science has established the role of water as a universal, planetary component that determines the structure and properties of countless objects of animate and inanimate nature.
  • The development of molecular and structural-chemical concepts made it possible to explain the exceptional ability of water molecules to form bonds with the molecules of almost all substances.
  • The role of bound water in the formation of the most important physical properties of hydrated organic and inorganic substances also began to be clarified. The problem of the biological role of water attracts great and ever-increasing scientific interest.
  • The outer shell of our planet inhabited by living organisms - the biosphere is the receptacle of life on Earth. Its fundamental principle, its indispensable component is water. Water is both a building material that is used to create all living things, and the environment in which all life processes take place, and a solvent that removes harmful substances from the body, and a unique transport that supplies biological structures with everything necessary for the normal flow of the most complex processes in them. physical and chemical processes. And this comprehensive influence of water on any living structure can be not only positive, but also negative. Depending on its state, water can be both the creator of blooming life and its destroyer - everything depends on its chemical and isotopic composition, structural, bioenergetic properties. The anomalous properties of water were discovered by scientists as a result of long and laborious research. These properties are so familiar and natural in our everyday life that the average person is not even aware of their existence. At the same time, water, the eternal companion of life on Earth, is truly original and unique.
  • The anomalous properties of water indicate that the H2O molecules in water are quite strongly bound together and form a characteristic molecular structure that resists any destructive influences, for example, thermal, mechanical, electrical. For this reason, for example, it takes a lot of heat to turn water into steam. This feature explains the relatively high specific heat of evaporation of water. It becomes clear that the structure of water, the characteristic bonds between water molecules, underlie the special properties of water. American scientists W. Latimer and W. Rodebush proposed in 1920 to call these special bonds hydrogen bonds, and since that time the idea of ​​this type of bond between molecules has forever entered the theory of chemical bonding. Without going into details, we only note that the origin of the hydrogen bond is due to the quantum mechanical features of the interaction of the proton with atoms.
  • However, the presence of a hydrogen bond in water is only a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for explaining the unusual properties of water. The most important circumstance explaining the basic properties of water is the structure of liquid water as an integral system.
  • As early as 1916, fundamentally new ideas about the structure of a liquid were developed. For the first time, using X-ray diffraction analysis, it was shown that a certain regularity of the arrangement of molecules is observed in liquids, or otherwise, a short-range order of the arrangement of molecules is observed. The first X-ray diffraction studies of water were carried out by Dutch scientists in 1922 by V. Keez and J. de Smedt. They showed that liquid water is characterized by an ordered arrangement of water molecules, i.e. water has a certain regular structure.
  • Indeed, the structure of water in a living organism in many respects resembles the structure of the crystal lattice of ice. And this is what explains now the unique properties of melt water, which retains the structure of ice for a long time. Melted water is much easier than usual to react with various substances, and the body does not need to spend additional energy on restructuring its structure.
  • Each water molecule in the crystal structure of ice participates in 4 hydrogen bonds directed to the vertices of the tetrahedron. In the center of this tetrahedron there is an oxygen atom, in two vertices there is a hydrogen atom, the electrons of which are involved in the formation of a covalent bond with oxygen. The two remaining vertices are occupied by pairs of valence electrons of oxygen, which do not participate in the formation of intramolecular bonds. When a proton of one molecule interacts with a pair of unshared oxygen electrons of another molecule, a hydrogen bond arises, which is less strong than an intramolecular bond, but powerful enough to hold adjacent water molecules nearby. Each molecule can simultaneously form four hydrogen bonds with other molecules at strictly defined angles equal to 109 ° 28 "directed to the vertices of the tetrahedron, which do not allow the creation of a dense structure during freezing (in this case, in the structures of ice I, Ic, VII and VIII, this tetrahedron right).
  • It is known that biological tissues are 70-90% water. This suggests that many physiological phenomena can reflect the molecular features of not only the solute, but equally the solvent - water.
  • The first theory about the structure of water was put forward by the English researchers J. Bernal and Fowler. They created the concept of the tetrahedral structure of water.
  • In the August 1933 issue of the newly created international journal of chemical physics, the Journal of Chemical Physics, their classic work on the structure of the water molecule and its interaction with its own molecules and ions of various kinds was published.
  • In their scientific intuition, J. Bernal and R. Fowler relied on the extensive material of accumulated experimental and theoretical data in the field of studying the structure of the water molecule, the structure of ice, the structure of simple liquids, and on the data of X-ray diffraction analysis of water and aqueous solutions. First of all, they determined the role of hydrogen bonds in water. It was known that there are covalent and hydrogen bonds in water. Covalent bonds do not break during phase transitions of water: water-steam-ice. Only electrolysis, heating water on iron, etc. breaks the covalent bonds of water. Hydrogen bonds are 24 times weaker than covalent bonds. When ice and snow melt, hydrogen bonds in the resulting water are partially preserved, in water vapor they are all broken.
  • Attempts to present water as an associated liquid with dense packing of water molecules, like balls of some container, did not correspond to elementary factual data. In this case, the specific density of water should not be 1 g/cm3, but more than 1.8 g/cm3.
  • The second important evidence in favor of the special structure of the water molecule was that, unlike other liquids, water - this was already known - had a strong electric moment, which constituted its dipole structure. Therefore, it was impossible to imagine the presence of a very strong electric moment of the water molecule in the symmetrical structure of two hydrogen atoms relative to the oxygen atom, arranging all the atoms included in it in a straight line, i.e. N-O-N.
  • Experimental data, as well as mathematical calculations, finally convinced British scientists that the water molecule is "one-sided" and has an "angular" design, and both hydrogen atoms must be shifted in one direction relative to the oxygen atom by an angle of 104.50:
  • That is why the Bernal-Fowler water model is three-structured, with several separate types of structures. According to this model, the structure of water is determined by the structure of its individual molecules.
  • Later, the idea was developed to consider liquid water as a pseudocrystal, according to which water in the liquid state is like a mixture of three components with different structures (the structure of ice, crystalline quartz, and the densely packed structure of ordinary water).
  • 1.1 Water structure
  • Water is an openwork pseudo-crystal in which individual tetrahedral H2O molecules are linked to each other by directional hydrogen bonds, forming hexagonal structures as in the structure of ice.
  • The cluster model of water structure by A. Frank and V. Ven, improved by G. Nemethy-G, is widely known. Sheragoy (1962). According to this model, in liquid water, along with monomeric molecules, there are clusters, swarms of H2O molecules, united by hydrogen bonds with a lifetime of 10-10 - 10-11 sec. They are destroyed and recreated.
  • Almost all water cluster hypotheses are based on the fact that liquid water consists of a network of 4-fold bound H2O molecules and monomers that fill the space between clusters. On the boundary surfaces of the clusters there are 1, 2- or 3-fold linked molecules. This model is also called the "scintillating clusters" model. According to S. Zenin, clusters and associates are the basis of the structural memory of water - long-term (stable) and short-term (labile, unstable associates).
  • At present, a large number of hypotheses and models of the structure of water are known. Some researchers talk about the presence in water of 10 different structures of water with unequal crystal lattices, different densities and melting points.
  • Professor I.Z. Fisher in 1961 introduced the concept that the structure of water depends on the time interval during which it is determined. He distinguished three types of water structure.
  • 1. Instantaneous structure (measurement time t
  • 2. The structure of water in the middle periods of time, when td< t >to. Structures 1 and 2 are common with the structure of ice. This structure exists longer than the oscillation time, but less than the diffusion time td.
  • 3. Structure typical for longer periods of time (>td), when the H2O molecule moves over long distances.
  • D. Ezenberg and V. Koutsman associated the names of these three structures of water with the types of movement of its molecules, they called the 1st structure I-structure (from the English instantenous - instant), the 2nd - V-structure (from the English vibrational- - vibrational ), 3rd - D-structure (from English diffusion - diffusion).
  • An X-ray diffraction study of water crystals by Morgan and Warren showed that water has a structure similar to that of ice. In water, as well as in ice, each oxygen atom is surrounded, as in a tetrahedron, by other oxygen atoms. The distance between neighboring molecules is not the same.
  • According to the hypothesis of our scientist compatriot S.V. Zenin water is a hierarchy of regular volumetric structures of "associates", which are based on a crystal-like "quantum of water", consisting of 57 of its molecules, which interact with each other due to free hydrogen bonds. At the same time, 57 water molecules (quanta) form a structure resembling a tetrahedron. The tetrahedron, in turn, consists of 4 dodecahedrons (regular 12-sided). 16 quanta form a structural element consisting of 912 water molecules. Water consists of 80% of such elements, 15% - quanta-tetrahedra and 3% - classical H2O molecules. Thus, the structure of water is associated with the so-called Platonic solids, the shape of which is associated with the golden ratio. The oxygen nucleus also has the shape of a Platonic solid.
  • The unit cell of water is tetrahedra containing four (simple tetrahedron) or five H2O molecules (body-centered tetrahedron) linked by hydrogen bonds.
  • At the same time, each of the water molecules in simple tetrahedra retains the ability to form hydrogen bonds. Due to their simple tetrahedra can be combined with each other by vertices, edges or faces, forming various clusters with a complex structure, for example, in the form of a dodecahedron.
  • Combining with each other, clusters can form more complex structures:
  • Clusters containing 20 molecules in their composition turned out to be more stable.
  • A change in the position of one structural element in this crystal under the influence of any external factor or a change in the orientation of the surrounding elements under the influence of added substances provides a high sensitivity of the water information system.
  • If the degree of perturbation of the structural elements is insufficient to restructure the entire structure of water in a given volume, then after the removal of the perturbation, the system returns to its original state in 30-40 minutes. If, however, recoding, i.e., the transition to a different mutual arrangement of the structural elements of water, turns out to be energetically favorable, then the coding effect of the substance that caused this rearrangement is reflected in the new state. In addition, the structured state of water turned out to be a sensitive sensor of various fields.
  • 1.2 cluster model. Anomalous properties
  • The cluster model of water explains many of its anomalous properties.
  • *The first anomalous property of water is the anomaly of boiling and freezing points. With such properties of water, life on Earth would not exist. But fortunately for us, and for all living things in the world, water is anomalous. It does not recognize the periodic patterns characteristic of countless compounds on Earth and in space, but follows its own laws, not yet fully understood by science, which have given us the wonderful world of life.
  • The "abnormal" melting and boiling points of water are far from the only anomaly of water.
  • *The second water anomaly is the density anomaly. G. Galileo was the first to pay attention to this special property of water. During the transition of any liquid (except gallium and bismuth) to a solid state, the molecules are arranged more closely, and the substance itself, decreasing in volume, becomes denser. Any liquid, but not water. Water is an exception here too. When cooled, water initially behaves like other liquids: gradually condensing, it reduces its volume. Such a phenomenon can be observed up to +4°С (more precisely, up to +3.98°С).
  • The unique feature of the behavior of water during cooling and ice formation plays an extremely important role in nature and life. It is this feature of water that protects all water bodies of the earth - rivers, lakes, seas - from continuous freezing in winter, and thereby saves lives.
  • 1.3 living water
  • Water is of paramount importance on Earth and throughout the universe. We live on a water planet and most of our bodies are made up of water. The water molecule has an angle of 105 degrees, which is the Golden Ratio. The first words of the Bible state that at the very beginning of creation, "the Spirit of God hovered over the waters." Jesus was baptized with water. All life gathers around water: rivers, lakes. Some see water as life itself and speak of "Living Water". What does this mean?
  • First of all, water can be in three basic states: ice, water and steam. There are over 200 different ice structures that science has discovered.
  • At the University of Georgia, it was discovered that in any human body, all diseased cells (no matter what the diseased) are surrounded by water, which is called "unstructured". It was also found that every healthy cell is surrounded by "structured" water. What does this mean? It's simple, at least in terms of chemistry.
  • In "unstructured" water, one electron in the outer orbit is simply missing, and in "structured" water there are no missing electrons. Water, when it moves under pressure through the pipes, instead of its natural spiral movement, is forced to move through the pipes in concentric rings. As water moves through pipes, its outer electrons are forced out of orbit, causing the water to become "unstructured". This means that the water from the tap that we drink or in which we bathe in the bathroom gives consequences in the form of diseases. If we take a bath for 20 minutes, we absorb through the skin about 450 grams of water in which we sit. This is equivalent to the fact that we would drink this water.
  • When this was discovered, many began looking for a way to structure "unstructured" water. For this, magnets, strangely shaped glass vessels, metal nozzles, and the like began to be used all over the world. Our research has shown that artificially structured water, when subjected to energy analysis, does not always look like natural structured water. A magnet, for example, structures water almost instantly, but according to the University of Georgia, it's not safe to drink.
  • 1.4 Unsolved properties of water
  • Water has always been a great mystery to the human mind. Much that is incomprehensible to our mind still remains in the properties and actions of water. Watching the flowing or flowing stream of water, a person can relieve his nervous and mental stress. What caused it?
  • As far as we know, water does not contain any substances capable of producing such an effect. Some scientists argue that water has the ability to receive and transmit any information, keeping it intact. The past, present and future are dissolved in water. These properties of water have been widely used and used in magic and healing.
  • Flowing water constantly takes the energy of the Cosmos and gives it in its pure form to the surrounding near-Earth space, where it is absorbed by all living organisms located within the reach of the flow, since the biofield formed by flowing water is constantly increasing due to the energy released. The faster the water flow moves, the stronger this field. Under the influence of this force, the energy shell of living organisms is leveled, "breaks" in the body shell (aura) invisible to the common man are closed, the body is healed.
  • Jets of cold water wash away energy dirt very well, filling the body with strength. This property of water is used in their practice by doctors and traditional healers, recommending their patients to regularly douse themselves with cold water. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that during this procedure the water goes into the ground. If this does not happen, then the energy will begin to move from the head to the legs, thereby provoking diseases of the legs, joints and blood vessels.
  • You can use the healing power of water without touching it. To do this, you need to open the tap at home, sit down so that your back is straight and your legs do not cross. Stretching your hands to the water so that its jet passes between the palms facing each other, you should hold them like that for a while. After some time, a feeling of renewal and filling with strength will come to the place of feeling cool, which will gradually spread to the whole body, starting with the hands.
  • The most useful for the body is a contrast shower, because it allows you to break away from someone else's negative impact and at the same time replenish your strength. Favorable for a person is an odd alternation of jets of cold and hot water: cold (cool) - hot - cold - hot - cold - in this sequence.
  • Too much alternation of water should not be abused, as this can lead to illness. The best option is to alternate jets of cold and hot water up to 25 times.
  • Men should start and end a contrast shower with cold water, and women with warm water. This makes it possible not only to gain energy, but also to activate your natural beginning - feminine or masculine.
  • When taking water procedures, one should not spit into the water, just as one should not spit on fire.
  • Energy-very strong water for the holiday of Ivan Kupala (July 7), as well as the day before it; two weeks after the winter solstice (winter solstice); during the summer solstice.
  • Running water remembers and carries away everything: dirt, fatigue, accumulated negative energy - both yours and someone else's. It aligns the flow of energy in the energy channels of the body, helps to balance the biofield. In the same way, she cleans clothes when washing and the house when cleaning. hydrotherapy fresh interaction mineral
  • Hydrotherapy has been known since ancient times. Fresh and mineral water was widely used for medicinal purposes in ancient Egypt, the ancient Assyrians, in ancient Greece, Rome and Russia. A huge role belongs to water in the treatment and prevention of diseases.
  • 2. Sections of Aquatic Medicine
  • The main ones are:
  • Balneotherapy - baths, showers, baths, saunas and other water procedures;
  • Mineral water treatment
  • Special terms:
  • Aqua endoecology - purification of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, blood, lymph and other organs and systems of the body.
  • Thalassotherapy - sea therapy.
  • Aquaphytotherapy - treatment with herbal baths.
  • Aquatherapy - treatment with biologically active water.
  • Aquageriatrics - the fight against aging and the treatment of diseases of old age by replacing dirty water in the human body with light clean water.
  • Tectonics - treatment of various diseases with herbal teas prepared at the CTV.
  • Aqua-oncology -- treatment of CTV cancer.
  • Talitsa - treatment and prevention of diseases with the help of melt water, etc.
  • Conclusion
  • Thus, the anomalous and specific properties of water play a key role in its diverse interaction with animate and inanimate nature. All these unusual features of the properties of water are so "successful" for all living things, which makes water an indispensable basis for the existence of life on Earth.
  • Bibliography
  • 1. Belaya M.L., Levadny V.G. Molecular structure of water. M.: Knowledge 1987. - 46 p.
  • 2. Bernal JD Geometry of buildings from water molecules. Advances in Chemistry, 1956, vol. 25, p. 643-660.
  • 3. Bulenkov N.A. On the possible role of hydration as a leading integration factor in the organization of biosystems at different levels of their hierarchy. Biophysics, 1991, vol. 36, v. 2, pp. 181-243.
  • 4. Zatsepina T.N. Properties and structure of water. M.: Moscow State University, 1974, - 280 p.
  • 5. Naberukhin Yu.I. Structural models of liquid. M.: Science. 1981 - 185 p.
  • Hosted on

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Water- the most unique and interesting substance on Earth. One of the most common compounds in nature, which plays an extremely important role in the processes taking place on Earth. Water plays an important role in the geological history of the Earth and the emergence of life, in the formation of the physical and chemical environment, climate and weather on Earth. Water molecules have also been registered in interstellar space, it is a part of comets, etc.

Despite the achievements of modern science, scientists still do not know all the secrets of this seemingly simple substance! For a long time, people on Earth considered water to be a simple indivisible substance. And only in 1766, the English scientist G. Cavendish discovered that water is not a simple indivisible element, but a combination of hydrogen and oxygen. After G. Cavendish, the same discovery was made by the French scientist A. Lavoisier in 1783.

Behind the chemical formula H 2 O, there is a unique substance that science still cannot unravel. Water- a simple chemical compound in which 11.11% hydrogen and 88.89% (by mass) oxygen. Chemically pure water is a colorless, odorless and tasteless liquid.

Let's look at the unique and anomalous properties of water.

Water- the only liquid on Earth, in which the dependence of specific heat on temperature has a minimum. This minimum is observed at a temperature of +35 0 С. At the same time, the normal temperature of the human body, consisting of two-thirds (and even more at a young age) of water, is in the temperature range of 36-38 0 С.

Heat capacity of water abnormally high. To heat a certain amount of it by one degree, it is necessary to expend more energy than when heating other liquids.

Specific heat capacity of water is 4180 J / (kg 0 C) at 0 0 C. The specific heat of melting during the transition of ice to a liquid state is 330 kJ / kg, the specific heat of vaporization is 2250 kJ / kg at normal pressure and a temperature of 100 0 C.

Considering the above properties, it can be argued that water has a unique ability to retain heat. The vast majority of other substances do not have this property. This feature of water allows a person to maintain a normal body temperature at the same level in both heat and cold. Heating up during the day with solar energy, the water of the seas and oceans absorbs a huge amount of heat, cooling down at night, and gives it to the atmosphere.

From all of the above, it follows that water plays a major role in the processes of regulating human heat exchange and allows him to maintain a comfortable state with a minimum of energy costs.

Due to the large values ​​of heat capacity and latent heat of water transformation, its huge volumes on the Earth's surface are heat accumulators. All these properties of water determine its use in industry as a heat carrier. The thermal characteristics of water are one of the most important factors in the stability of the biosphere.

Density- another uniqueness of water. The density of most liquids, crystals and gases - decreases when heated and increases when cooled, up to the process of crystallization or condensation. The density of water when cooled from 100 to 3.98 0 C increases, as in the vast majority of liquids. But, having reached the maximum value at a temperature of 3.98 0 C, the density begins to decrease with further cooling of the water. In other words, the maximum density of water is observed at a temperature of 3.98 0 C, and not at a freezing point of 0 0 C.

The freezing of water is accompanied by an abrupt decrease in density by 9%, while in most other substances the process of crystallization is accompanied by an increase in density. In this regard, ice occupies a larger volume than liquid water, and keeps on its surface.

Such an unusual behavior of the density of water is extremely important for sustaining life on Earth. Covering the water from above, ice plays in nature the role of a kind of floating blanket that protects rivers and reservoirs from further freezing and keeps the underwater world alive. If the density of water increased when freezing, ice would be heavier than water and begin to sink, which would lead to the death of all living creatures in rivers, lakes and oceans, which would freeze entirely, turning into blocks of ice, and the Earth would become an icy desert, which is inevitable would lead to the death of all living things.

Of all liquids, water has the highest surface tension. If we consider all the substances on Earth, then only a metal called mercury has a greater surface tension than water.

The surface tension coefficient σ, N/m of some liquids at a temperature of 20 0 C are given in the table below.

Water- the strongest universal solvent. Given enough time, it can dissolve almost any solid. It is precisely because of the unique dissolving power of water that no one has yet been able to obtain chemically pure water - it always contains the dissolved material of the vessel. Having gone through the whole cycle, water dissolves rocks, metals, organic substances on its way. Therefore, water contains all the elements of the periodic table of Mendeleev, gases, bases, salts, acids. Water manifests itself as a universal solvent due to its high dielectric constant, which is 80 times greater than that of air.

Since a person consists of two-thirds of water, naturally it is absolutely necessary for all key human life support systems. Water is contained in our blood (79%) and contributes to the transfer of thousands of substances necessary for life through the circulatory system in a dissolved state. Water is contained in lymph (96%), which carries nutrients from the intestine to the tissues of a living organism.

Indeed, looking at the properties of water, we can conclude that any of the properties of water is unique. Only water is the only substance on the planet that can simultaneously be in three states - liquid, solid and gaseous.

Academician Vernadsky wrote: “Water stands apart in the history of our planet. There is no natural body that could compare with it in terms of its influence on the course of the main, most grandiose geological processes. There is no terrestrial substance - a mineral, a rock, a living body that would not concluded. All earthly matter is permeated and embraced by it."

The chemical and physical properties of water are unusual. They are explained, first of all, by the small size of water molecules, their polarity and the ability to combine with each other by hydrogen bonds.

In a water molecule, one oxygen atom is covalently bonded to two hydrogen atoms. The molecule is polar: the oxygen atom carries a partial negative charge, and the two hydrogen atoms carry a partially positive charge. This makes the water molecule a dipole. Therefore, when water molecules interact with each other, hydrogen bonds are established between them. They are weaker than covalent, but since each water molecule is capable of forming 4 hydrogen bonds, they significantly affect the physical properties of water. The large heat capacity, heat of fusion and heat of vaporization are explained by the fact that most of the heat absorbed by water is spent on breaking the hydrogen bonds between its molecules. Water has a high thermal conductivity. Water practically does not compress, it is transparent in the visible part of the spectrum. Finally, water is the only substance whose density in the liquid state is greater than in the solid state.

The biological significance of water

Its physical and chemical properties make it a unique liquid and determine its biological significance.

    Water is a good solvent for ionic (polar) compounds, as well as some non-ionic ones, in the molecule of which there are charged (polar) groups. If the energy of attraction of water molecules to the molecules of a substance is greater than the energy of attraction between the molecules of a substance, then the molecules are hydrated and the substance dissolves (Fig. 256). In relation to water, there are:

      hydrophilic substances- substances that are highly soluble in water;

      hydrophobic substances - substances that are practically insoluble in water.


Fig 254. Properties of a water molecule:

1 - cohesion of water molecules; 2 - cation hydration; 3 - anion hydration.

Most biochemical reactions can only take place in an aqueous solution; many substances enter the cell and are excreted from it in an aqueous solution.

    The high heat capacity and thermal conductivity of water prevent the occurrence of "hot spots" in the body, as they contribute to an even distribution of heat in the cell.

    Due to the high heat of evaporation of water, the body is cooled.

    The density of ice is less than the density of water. Therefore, when water bodies freeze under the ice, there is a living space for aquatic organisms.

    Due to the forces of adhesion 3 and cohesion 4, water has the property of capillarity, that is, the ability to rise along the capillaries (one of the factors that ensure the movement of water in the vessels of plants) (Fig. 254).

    Water is a direct participant in many chemical reactions (gyrolytic breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, etc.).

    The incompressibility of water determines the stress state of the cell walls (turgor), and also performs a supporting function (hydrostatic skeleton, for example, in roundworms).


The mineral substances of the cell are mainly represented by salts, which dissociate into anions and cations, some - in a non-ionized form in microdoses (Fe, Mg, Cu, Co, Ni, etc.)

For the life processes of the cell, the most important cations are Na +, Ca 2+, Mg 2+, anions HPO 4 2-, Cl -, HCO 3 -. The concentrations of ions in a cell and its environment, as a rule, are different. For example, in the external environment (blood plasma, sea water) K + is always less, and Na + is always more than in the cell. There are a number of mechanisms that allow the cell to maintain a certain ratio of ions in the protoplast and the environment.

Various ions take part in many cell life processes:

    cations K + , Na + , Ca 2+ provide irritability of living organisms;

    cations Mg 2+, Mn 2+, Zn 2+, Ca 2+, etc. are necessary for the normal functioning of many enzymes;

    the formation of carbohydrates during photosynthesis is impossible without Mg 2+ (an integral part of chlorophyll);

    the slightly alkaline reaction of the contents of the cell is supported by anions of weak acids (HCO 3 -, HPO 4 -) and weak acids (H 2 CO 3);

    The buffer properties of the cell depend on the concentration of salts inside the cell. Buffering refers to the ability of a cell to maintain a slightly alkaline reaction of its contents at a constant level. Inside the cell, buffering is provided mainly by the anions H 2 PO 4 - and HPO 4 2-. In the extracellular fluid and in the blood, H 2 CO 3 - and HCO 3 2- play the role of a buffer.

Phosphate buffer system:

Low pH High pH

HPO 4 2- + H + ←―――――――→H 2 PO 4 -

Hydrophosphate - ion Dihydrogen phosphate - ion

Bicarbonate Buffer System:

Low pH High pH

HCO 3 - + H + ←―――――――→H 2 CO 3

Bicarbonate - ion Carbonic acid

Some inorganic substances are contained in the cell not only in a dissolved state, but also in a solid state. For example, Ca and P are found in bone tissue, in mollusk shells in the form of double carbonic and phosphate salts.