Ushinsky dispute of trees to read. Relaxation

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Makulovskaya secondary school"

Verkhneuslonsky municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan

Combined lesson

Literary reading and fine arts

In the 2nd grade.

Topic: K. Ushinsky "Dispute of trees"

Drawing on the representation of a fabulous image.

Creativity lesson.

Timiryaeva Lyubov Alexandrovna,

primary school teacher

highest qualification category

MOU "Makulovskaya average

comprehensive school"

Verkhneuslonsky district

Republic of Tatarstan

Makulovo 2011

PURPOSE: To deepen knowledge about the work of K.D. Ushinsky;

Expand understanding of plant life;

To teach children to analyze works, compare, expand their horizons, develop imagination, logical thinking, speech; improve reading technique, continue work on the expressiveness of speech; develop good feelings.

EQUIPMENT: a portrait of K.D. Ushinsky, (under it is a quote: “Love for one's native nature is one of the surest signs of love for one's native country.

Pictures depicting oak, birch, pine, apple and forest.

Books by K.D.Ushinsky.



Good morning children! Good morning guests! I'm glad to see you. May this morning bring us the joy of communication, fill our hearts with noble feelings.

Look around the blackboard and find the epigraph of the lesson:

“Love for one’s native nature is one of the surest signs of love for one’s native country”


Hurry up to do good deeds.


Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky was born on February 19, 1824 in Tula into a poor noble family. His father, Dmitry Grigorievich Ushinsky, was an educated man. The mother, Lyubov Stepanovna, was engaged in the education and upbringing of the boy. Lyubov Stepanovna knew how to take care of the natural curiosity of the child, to support and develop his inquisitive thought. Love for the native nature, which then became part of a deeper and more conscious feeling - love for the motherland - is one of the most characteristic aspirations of Ushinsky.

(Speech by two students)


What new things did you learn about nature, or rather about trees from observations of them and from reference books.


Guys, I invite you to a forest clearing. Close your eyes, imagine that you are in an enchanted forest with trees of different species. On your right hand is a birch, on your left is an oak, in front of you is a spruce, and behind it are a willow, a pine and many, many other trees.


Now open your eyes and listen to what they might have been talking about:

IV Reading the story "Dispute of trees".

Who needs to speak up?

Who recognized these trees?

What is the name of the conversation that took place between the trees?

"Dispute of trees" K.D. Ushinsky. (from the explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov)

Dispute - verbal contest, a discussion of something in which everyone defends his opinion.

What can you say about three trees?

Reading from a textbook. Boasting?

Vocabulary work.How did you understand the words?

(Between myself, trees, wait, hut - outdated words)

Role Reading. (show your character when reading)


Apple tree:


v. Content work works.

What genre does it belong to?

Who can be meant by oak, pine, apple tree?

You are all good wizards and my rightful helpers. Let's work together to disenchant the whole fairy-tale world.

Each of you will get a person who needs to be saved. And even if he was not very good and kind before, he can be helped to improve. Therefore, we will not leave without the help of a single enchanted little man in our fairy forest. All these trees seem to repeat the character, appearance, age, gender of bewitched people.

Description of trees.

(describe the external features of the tree)

Oak (popularly called “Mighty, elderly or young? Slender or not? Strong, with strong arms, legs, with a kind face, curly)

Apple tree. (Remember the apple tree in the spring, when it blooms, as the bride stands, (a m / b girl and a middle-aged woman, plump, stately, proud, knows her own worth.)

Pine. The old woman, wise with experience, has lived a lot in the world, seen a lot.

VI. Draw by View

Fold the album sheet in half. On one half draw the tree you like best and on the other half draw the disenchanted person

(Independent work of students)

Describing these trees, we relied on external signs, but a person also has an inner world-soul. And what is typical for the works of K.D. Ushinsky?

(He endows inanimate objects with human qualities and teaches us to deal with shortcomings)

K.D. himself Ushinsky worked very hard on himself. His main vice, like all people, he considered selfishness.

Selfishness selfishness, preference for one's own, personal interests, interests of others, neglect of them.

What can you now say about the trees that Ushinsky depicted for us?


Egoism and selfish words are relatives, because a person who is selfish is called an egoist.

Don't praise yourself, wait for people to praise you.

They will admire you!

VII. A moment of admiration!

(go to the window, watch, take a closer look, what can you admire?!

What is the birch tree like in summer?

Children look out the window and imagine.

The teacher reads the poem "Birch"

What can you say about this poem?

(people love the birch tree, call it affectionately, gently)

Re-reading students (2-3 students)

Wherever birch grows, everywhere it brings people joy and light.

Birch is a symbol of Russia, our Motherland. And be for her, and for all the trees, on our

open spaces forever, because our people are eternal, the Russian land is eternal!

The birch is truly a peasant tree. It resembles a chintz scarf, a whitewashed hut, a Russian stove, the thick symbols of birch trees resemble hard callused peasant hands that do any hard work.

And young, thin, straight birch trees look like slender, with a flexible waist, with fair-haired braids of light-eyed Russian girls.

K.D. Ushinsky greatly appreciated folk wisdom. The song "Berezonka" was included by him in his textbook "Children's World". With his works, he brought up honesty, diligence and kindness in children. For which we are grateful to him.

VIII. Lesson Summary:

What would you say to K.D. Ushinsky?

. TOPIC OF THE LESSON : K. Ushinsky "Dispute of trees"

THE PURPOSE OF THE LESSON : - to form the concept of "story", "fairy tale"; compare the story with a fairy tale; improve reading skills; develop the ability to express their feelings in relation to what they read; develop imagination, logical thinking, speech, expand horizons; to cultivate interest in literary creativity and reading;

teach children to analyze works . EQUIPMENT : portrait of K.D. Ushinsky, (below it is a quote: “Love for the native nature is one of the surest signs of love for the native country”, presentation to the work of K.D. Ushinsky “The Dispute of Trees”. DURING THE CLASSES:I. ORGANIZING TIME. Speech warm-up . There is an old man in the world. Old man - Lesovichok. He wears from variegated leaves Multicolored cap. Every day, in the rain and in the heat He guards the world of the forest.Lesovichok is a guest of our lesson. He has prepared a riddle for you. Us in the rain and in the heat A friend will help Green and good. He will stretch out dozens of hands And thousands of hands.

II. LESSON SETTING.What are we going to talk about in class today?-Today at the lesson we will get acquainted with the work of K.D.Ushinsky "The dispute of trees". III. STUDY OF NEW MATERIAL.

    Acquaintance with the biography of K.D.Ushinsky.
Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky was born on February 19, 1824 in Tula into a poor noble family. His father, Dmitry Grigorievich Ushinsky, was an educated man. The mother, Lyubov Stepanovna, was engaged in the education and upbringing of the boy. Lyubov Stepanovna knew how to take care of the natural curiosity of the child, to support and develop his inquisitive thought. Love for the native nature, which then became part of a deeper and more conscious feeling - love for the motherland - is one of the most characteristic aspirations of Ushinsky.
    "Excursion" to the forest clearing.
- Guys, I invite you to a forest clearing. Close your eyes, imagine that you are in an enchanted forest with trees of different species. On your right hand is a birch, on your left is an oak, in front of you is a spruce, and behind it are a willow, a pine and many, many other trees. Represented? Now open your eyes and listen to what they might have been talking about: 3.Preparatory work before reading the text. (page 66) * Read whole words quarrel - quarreled - quarreled look - look - look Praise - praise - praise - brag *Read the words together Cut-out –e ------- cut-out Ver - hush - ka ------ top Po - go - di - those ------- wait Go - le - neo - shen - ki -------- ankles *Read attentively Drunk - poured out Grabs - boasts
    Reading the text by the teacher
(pp. 60 -67) - Do you think this is a fairy tale or a story? Why? 4 . Reading text by students - What is this piece about? 5. Expressive selective reading of a fairy tale. - Think about the “character” of an oak tree?- What boasts oak?- In what tone will we read the words of the oak?- Read the words of the oak, conveying its "character" when reading.What is the difference between an apple tree and an oak tree?- How did she feel about the story of the oak?- Read the words of the apple tree, conveying its “contempt” for the oak when reading.- What can you say about the "character" of the pine? How does she express her attitude towards the oak and the apple tree?- Read the words of the pine tree. 6. Reading a fairy tale by roles . Work on content. What is the name of the conversation that took place between the trees?Dispute - verbal contest, a discussion of something in which everyone defends his opinion.What can you say about three trees?-What genre is this story?- Who can be meant by oak, pine, apple tree? 7.Description of trees.

Apple tree


Pines want to grow to the sky,

They want to sweep the sky with branches,

So that during the year

The weather was clear.


rain and wind oak

Not afraid at all.

Who said that oak

Scared to catch a cold?

After all, until late autumn

It stands green.

So the oak is hardy,

So it's hardened.

8.Work with proverbs Do not praise yourself, wait. when people compliment you.What's the deal, what's the benefitDo not look for beauty, but look for benefits. - How do you understand the meaning of these proverbs? IV. LESSON SUMMARY. REFLECTION. V. HOMEWORK. Page 66 - 68, read, draw a picture of a tree.

Galina Pisklova
Abstract of the lesson on ecology in the senior group "Spore of trees"

Abstract direct educational activities for ecology.

caregiver: Pisklova G. A.

Topic: « tree spore»

Priority area - ecology

Goals: clarify children's knowledge about the signs of autumn (grass turned yellow, plants faded, with the trees have fallen leaves and. e.)

Continue to teach to classify the flora of the forest.

Exercise in determining the breed trees the appearance of the leaves.

To lead to an understanding of the importance of different breeds trees in animal and human life.

Integration of educational areas

Reading fiction literature:

Goals: to acquaint with the work of K. D. Ushinsky « tree spore» .

Understand what you read and answer questions about the content.

Communication: to consolidate the ability to form adjectives from nouns (oak-oak)

Learn how to write a short story based on a picture.

Develop speech.

Educational tasks: cultivate love for nature, develop empathy.

Materials for occupation: audio recording "Seasons", Pictures trees and samples of leaflets from these trees, painting "Autumn in the Forest", story by K. D. Ushinsky « tree spore» .

Methods and techniques:

1. Consideration.

2. Description.

3. Revitalization.

4. Reading.

5. Conversation.

The course of direct educational activities.

Mystery: The days have become shorter, the nights have become longer

Who's to say, who knows when it happens?


Educator. How did you guess that this happens in the fall? Let's go to the window and look at the autumn landscape. Look at the sky, look at the grass trees, bushes. What other signs of autumn have you seen?

(children's answers)

Hear another riddle

The house is open on all sides

It is covered with a carved roof.

Come into the green house

You will see miracles in it.


caregiver: Now I will tell you a story about the forest.

Close your eyes and imagine the picture that the artist has painted (puts a picture on the easel "Autumn in the Forest") Open your eyes. Does this picture look like the one you presented?

What is similar?

What is the difference?

What do you see on it? (children's answers)

Do you want to visit this forest? Close your eyes and a magical breeze will take you there.

Windy, windy

The whole earth is ventilated.

Wind leaves from twigs

Dispersed around the world:

lime, birch,

Yellow leaf and pink

old newspaper sheet

Red, multicolored.

Cloudy, windy

The whole earth is ventilated

Wind, take away the children -

Let go in the autumn forest.

Pictures are exhibited trees: birch, maple, mountain ash, oak, linden, spruce. Leaves are scattered around them, children open their eyes and spin to the music of P. And Tchaikovsky "Autumn" from the cycle "Seasons". Landing in the forest


Solve a new riddle:

Cheers in the spring

It's cold in summer

Nourishes in autumn

Warms in winter


The game "Collect the leaves for your tree»

While the music is playing, all the children move, walk through the forest. When the music stops, they take any sheet, run to their tree and stand around him. The teacher asks which sheet someone has. Children answer: birch, oak, maple, mountain ash, linden.

caregiver: listen to more riddles

It's not even a mystery

Let's call right away

If only someone would say

Acorns on it.


Costs wood

On the tree-balls:

In summer, green

In autumn - ruddy.

(Apple tree)

Although prickly, not a Christmas tree

More authentic than her needle

And the bark is thin, red,

That beauty- (pine)

One day these the trees argued among themselves, and about what, you will learn by listening to the story of the writer K. D. Ushinsky « tree spore» .

Reading a story

tree spore

The trees quarreled among themselves: which one is better. Oak He speaks:

I am everyone trees king! My root has gone deep, the trunk has three girths, the top looks to the sky, my leaves are carved, and the branches seem to be cast from iron. I do not bow to storms, I do not bend before a thunderstorm.

The apple tree heard how the oak boasts and said:

Don't boast too much, dunce, you are great and thick: but only acorns grow on you, pigs for fun; and my ruddy apple is even on the royal table.

Listens to the pine, with a needle-like tip shakes:

Wait, he says, boast; winter will come, you will both stand on your legs, but my green thorns will still remain on me; without me, there would be no life for people in the cold side. I heat their stoves and build huts.


Name the heroes of the fairy tale

So about what the trees were arguing?

What did the oak boast about?

What did the apple tree say?

What did the pine say?

Who from trees are more important?

What benefits do us: oak, apple and pine?

(children's answers)

The teacher offers to play the game "Good bad".

Then pronounced "magic words"

"The forest is full of mysteries and wonders" and the children are in kindergarten.

Outcome lessons.

Topic: K. Ushinsky "Dispute of trees".

Target: 1. Introduce students to the biography and work


2. Develop competent, coherent speech of students.

3. To educate respect for nature.

Equipment: portrait of K.D.Ushinsky, drawings of trees, books by K.D.Ushinsky.

1. Organizational moment.

The bell rang, which means we have to get to work.

2.Relaxation. Emotional mood.

On your palms lies the flower of Goodness. Feel: it warms you, your hands, body, soul. You are enveloped by a warm, gentle breeze, gives vigor, energizes, awakens the imagination.

With this mood, we will begin our lesson in literary reading.

3. Checking homework.

a) - At home, you were asked to read the roles of the fairy tale by D. Bisset "About Binky the tiger cub, whose stripes disappeared."

b) Students read fairy tales by roles.

4. Setting goals and objectives of the lesson.

You were real artists. And I think Binky the tiger cub would be pleased with you.

And today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the work of K.D. Ushinsky "The dispute of trees."

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky (1824 -1870) was born in Tula.

His father was a representative of the official class, he served the Fatherland all his life. Ushinsky's mother was an educated and gifted woman, who became the first teacher for Konstantin Dmitrievich, and he went through two classes at home.

In 1840, Ushinsky graduated from the gymnasium with good grades and entered the law faculty of the university in Moscow.

In 1846, he graduated from the university course, brilliantly passing the final exams.

KD Ushinsky had a great influence on the formation of children's literature in the 60s of the 19th century. His children's books include a huge amount of encyclopedic data. He also created educational books "Children's World" (1861) and "Native Word" (1864).

Ushinsky's books were an extraordinary success; they went through countless editions.

Look at the exhibition of books by this writer-educator. We will get acquainted with one of his works today.

6. Acquaintance with the work.

1. Speech warm-up.

a) - We begin our acquaintance with the work with acquaintance with the words that we will meet in the text.

We read in whole words (himself - but, and then 1-2 students aloud).

b) We read the first time smoothly, syllable by syllable, and then by whole words.

You-cut-ny-e - cut-out

Ver-hush-ka - top

Go-de-te - wait

Go-le-ne-shen-ki - shins

(reading in unison)

c) Read carefully:

you P ity - you l and you

How are the words different? What is the meaning of the word

drunk a poured out?

2. Primary perception of the text.

a) Reading the text aloud by the teacher:

b) Is this work a fairy tale or a story? Why?

3. Reading the text by children in logically complete passages (3 learning).

Who do you think is right in this dispute? Choose an answer and justify your opinion:

- oak - pine

- apple tree - all trees

4. Independent reading.

Read the story carefully and thoughtfully. Identify its main characters.

5. Opening a new one.

Who are the main characters of the fairy tale? Now try to solve riddles about these trees.

a) I have longer needles,

Than the tree.

Very straight I grow

If I'm not on the edge,

Branches - only at the edge.

(illustration posted)

b) The message of the student, the discovery of a new one.

“Pine trees... It's nice to look at their slender, golden trunks, to inhale clean air, smelling of resin.

Pine is one of the most ancient trees on earth. An important feature of pines is that they are freed from the lower branches. The fact is that the lower branches die off quickly because they consume nutrients faster than they accumulate.

Pine trees reach a height of 80 meters.

c) I got out of the crumb-barrel,

Roots started up and grew.

I became tall and mighty

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.

I feed pigs and squirrels

Nothing that the fruit of my chalk

(illustration posted)

d) Student's message:

“Do you remember what an oak tree looks like? It gives the impression of strength and power. These trees are really very tall - they reach 55 meters.

In central Russia there are no trees that would be larger than oaks. Oaks are very fond of light and their shoots change direction several times a season, depending on the light. Therefore, the branches of old oaks have such bizarre bends.

Leaves and flowers on oaks appear simultaneously, in May. And its fruits - acorns ripen only in autumn.

e) Round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch

adults love me

And little kids.

What tree do apples grow on?

(illustration posted)

f) Student's message:

“In a temperate climate, the apple tree is the most important garden tree. Scientists have counted at least 10 thousand varieties of apple trees. They were bred from various varieties of wild plants. Our places are rightfully considered an apple land, and the most famous and favorite variety of apples is amber yellow, fragrant, sweet and sour Antonovka.

Apples contain many substances that people need. They also contain sugars, vitamins, acids, mineral salts.

Arrange the pictures in order, as in a fairy tale.

7. Work on the expressiveness of reading.

1. Preparation for reading by roles

Find the oak words. In what tone should they be read?

Play the role of a fabulous oak.

(children reading passage)

What character would you like to play next? What tone will you use? Read!

(student reading passages)

2. Reading the story by roles. (2-3 groups)

8. The result of the lesson.

What does the story we read today teach us?

9. Generalization of the teacher.

We can touch the beauty of nature with our heart every day, because in any, even the most ordinary phenomenon, you can see something unusual, sometimes for this you just need to dream up, as K.D. did in his time. Ushinsky.

10. D / z. Make up your own story about trees.

2nd option

Tree dispute.
Oak says:

storms, do not bend before a thunderstorm.

I'm building huts.
According to K.D. Ushinskiy
Part 1
1. Write out a sentence with a question mark from the text.
Underline the word in which the letter has two sounds.

the words.


circle it.
A) Pine does not benefit people.
B) Pine grows in orchards.
C) Pine is an evergreen tree.
D) Houses are built from pine.

"with a consonant sound paired in deafness-voicedness at the end of a word"

b - separating

b - indicator of softness



Underline the names of deciduous trees.

Why did the pine consider itself the best tree?
answer and circle it.
A) spring B) autumn
B) Winter D) Summer
using the expression: 10 X 5 \u003d 50.

Write down the answer to the problem.

9. Write out from the text a word related to the word "trees".

Highlight the root.

Part 2
10. Write out from the text 2 - 3 words with the spelling "unstressed
vowel at the root of the word, checked by stress.


11. Select and circle the tree mentioned in the text.


13. Look at the pictures. Connect the tree with arrows
fruits. Circle the fruit that the person does not eat.

14. Divide the text into parts and title each part. Write it down.


15. Solve the problem in two ways.
There were 60 apples on the apple tree. 22 apples fell in the morning, and in the evening -
20 more.
How many apples are left on the apple tree?
16. Connect the names with arrows, write out from the text and complete
diagram with their own examples.
pine cultivated plant
apple tree wild plant

17. Mark wild trees.

18. Write down the name of the trees in the table: alder, pomegranate, fir,
coconut palm, tangerine, cedar.

northern trees
southern trees
19. Indicate with an arrow what is made of wood, based on the properties
Larch -
to the effects of water.
(Siberian) pine -
high straight
Ash - elasticity.
Linden - lightness

Surname, name _______________________________________
1st option
Exercise. Start reading the text. At the teacher's signal, put
wand after the word to which you read. Read the text to
Tree dispute.
The trees argued among themselves: which of them is better?
Oak says:
- I am the king of all trees! My root is deeply gone, the trunk is in
three girths, the top looks to the sky. I have leaves
carved, and the branches seem to be cast from iron. I don't bow
storms, do not bend before a thunderstorm.
The apple tree heard the oak boasting, and said:
- Don't brag too much, dunce, that you're big and fat: but
only acorns grow on you, pigs for fun. And mine is
a ruddy apple also happens on the royal table.
The pine tree listens, shakes its needle top:
- Wait, - he says, - boast. Winter is coming and
you will both stand on your feet! But still on me
my green thorns will remain. Without me in the cold
there would be no side of life for people. I heat their stoves, and
I'm building huts.
According to K.D. Ushinskiy
Part 1
1. Write out a sentence with an exclamation mark from the text.
Underline the word that has more letters than sounds.

2. Fill in the table with examples of words from the text. Write out 2 - 3
the words.

3. What benefits does pine bring to people? Choose the correct answer and
circle it.
A) Houses are built from pine.
b) Pine is an evergreen tree.
C) Pine grows in orchards
D) Pine does not benefit people.

4. Write out 2 words with spellings from the text:
"unstressed vowel at the root of a word, checked by stress"

b - separating

b - indicator of softness

Write, where necessary, next to the test word.

5. Write out the names of the trees from the text, add 2 - 3 of your own

Underline the names of coniferous trees.

6. Underline the answer to the question in the text:
Why did the apple tree consider itself the best tree?
7. What season is mentioned in the text? Choose the right one
answer and circle it.
A) summer B) winter
B) Autumn D) Spring
8. Write down a question and answer for a problem that can be solved with
using the expression: 10 X 3 \u003d 30.
In a year, an oak tree grows by 10 cm.

Write down the answer to the problem.

9. Write out from the text a word related to the word "oak".

Highlight the root.

Part 2
10. Write out from the text 2 - 3 words with the spelling "steam room
consonant in a weak position.

Write a test word, highlight the root.

11. Select and circle a tree that is not mentioned in the text.

12. Remember and write down 2 - 3 rules of behavior in the forest.


13. Look at the pictures. Connect the tree with its fruits with arrows. Circle the fruit
which a person uses for food.