It will help you realize your dreams. The Power of Intention

Over one year old

Few of us can boast that our childhood dreams have come true. This is because with age we become overly critical and forbid ourselves to think about the impossible. SHAPE explains how to learn how to realize your dreams.

Dreaming is useful and very important. If we do not dream, we are marking time. After all, dreams are an impulse, an incentive to action, an incentive for development. But on condition that they are yours, and not your parents, boyfriend or best friend. The main thing that prevents us from dreaming is that we are too concerned about the opinions of others, instead of concentrating on our own desires. Disbelief in one's own strength or hope for good luck makes a person helpless. So, successful people spend more than 70% of their free time thinking about the future, while unsuccessful people, on the contrary, remember past events 90% of the time.

Action plan

More often than not, we focus on what we don't have or don't want, instead of directing our energy towards what we desire. Think positive!


In order for a dream to come true, it must be imagined - not abstractly, but in great detail. Professional athletes like no one else own this technique. “A dream is a product of our imagination. And it is the main instrument of consciousness. It is with the help of imagination that consciousness builds a picture of a better future, ”says ANNA SAMOKHINA, psychologist of the Russian Tennis Federation. Our brain, like a computer, works with the data that we give it. If you consider yourself not the smartest, most beautiful and most athletic, then the result will be appropriate. Without seeing the purpose of the path, you will not be able to choose the right direction. Johannesburg clinical psychologist NEIL TAK advises learning to think in a new way. “Try using the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for imagination. And only him. For example, when you imagine that you live in a luxury house by the sea (right brain), your logic (left brain) immediately retorts: “It costs hellish millions!”

Action plan. At this point, you need to drown out the voice of reason and allow the fantasy to develop on its own. Already when you imagine the dream in all its details, you can reconnect the logic. Let her decide now how to achieve all this.


Imagination can be developed with the help of the simplest exercises: - draw, sculpt, dance, compose fairy tales together with your younger brother, sister or your own child - in a word, do whatever you want; - do everything that makes you truly childish delight (or try to feel how it could be); - Reach out to your inner child. American psychoanalyst ERIC BURN created the theory of three ego states, according to which in each of us there is a "child", "parent" and "adult". "Child" is your creativity. Periodically allow him to freely express his favorite “I want!”, Without thinking about the fact that this is “not allowed”, “not on time” or “expensive”.


  • Other people's dreams (imposed by relatives or society). If the “processing” has been going on since childhood, then a person may not even be aware that these dreams are someone else’s, and take them for their own. For example, a mother wanted her daughter to become a pianist, and she really became one, but in this way, not her dream came true, but her mother's.
  • Various kinds of losses, for example, illness or death of one of the significant people.
  • An unsuccessful experience can discourage the desire to strive for anything (if something doesn’t work out many times, apathy comes - and it seems that you didn’t really want to).
  • Destructive parental attitudes: “this is unrealistic”, “you will not succeed” - all this can significantly interfere with our desires and dreams!


There is nothing better than positive thinking. Stand in front of a mirror and remind yourself that you were born a winner. After all, that's how you thought as a child, and that's why every dream seemed achievable. Athletes are often helped by triggers - victory cries that set them up for success (remember "Fort Boyard"). Triggers can be unusual, funny and even naive! “They return the athlete to a state of confidence and mobilization when he is excited and anxious,” says OLGA SENATOROVA, master of sports in athletics. “Getting used to favorable images forms the will to win by the mechanism of associative connection.” Gestalt therapy also offers effective methods of working with a dream: imagine the dream in all its details and always in the present tense. Then say it out loud, or rather write it down on paper so that you can compare the result in the future.

Action plan. Be mindful of the feelings that this or that fact arouses in you during the visualization. For example, “I was made the head of the department: I am surprised and happy at the same time, I plan to buy a car, I really want to send sms to my friends.” If someone else is present in your dream, it will be useful to speak or write it on behalf of all participants.

“Try to fulfill even your petty desires, because a fulfilled desire improves your mood and gives additional energy, the joy of life ...” - Paulo Coelho.


Very often fears prevent us from fulfilling our dreams. Psychologists distinguish between moving forward, based on the fear of looking unworthy and making a mistake, and on the basis of the desire for success. Only the second leads to the achievement of a dream. “Any development is impossible without overcoming difficulties,” Anna Samokhina is sure. “It is these “bumps on the way” that spur us on, forcing us to go even more stubbornly towards what we want!” Very often we put off achieving our dreams until better times, when we lose weight, find an interesting job or an ideal man ... Neil Tuck warns: with such an approach, this time may never come.

Action plan. Move towards the goal in small but clear steps. Imagine the worst thing that can happen at each stage. And take it easy - most things are reversible!


“The winner is always the one who is better prepared than others,” says Olga Senatorova. - For example, I studied the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent more carefully, better calculated all the possible options for the upcoming fight. But I note that the winner is also a man with nerves of steel who knows how to implement the plan! Calmly working according to the schedule, as in training, he will not allow himself to relax for a second, stumble, lay out everything he is really capable of - and make his dream come true! However, we should not forget that a victory should be followed by a new victory, and a dream achieved should be followed by another dream, which also requires realization. Otherwise, you will have to experience the full horror of what psychologists call the goal achievement syndrome ... When what you have been dreaming about for so long comes true, a void forms in your soul. At this point, a crisis or even depression may well begin.

Action plan. Unfortunately, the mechanism of our motivation is such that if there is no tidbit ahead, then there is nothing to strive for, it is not interesting to live. Therefore, it is better when dreams are large-scale, involving the implementation of several stages.

Approach every challenge as if the possibilities are endless. This should become a habit.


It is also very important to strike a balance between dreams and reality. Sometimes a person is completely immersed in dreams and ... The perception of reality is distorted: he begins to perceive the world around him through the prism of his own fantasies. A vivid example is the state of falling in love: a lover always sees not a real person, but projections, which he himself “directs” to the object of his dreams. “You may be surprised, but there are dreams that should not become a reality,” says Anna Samokhina, “and this is their main advantage. Because it is thanks to our dreams that we possess certain qualities, such as determination and perseverance, and we can endlessly experience a whole range of vivid emotions that we need. Not every dream can be achieved, and our life is not always like a beautiful dream, but our self-confidence can turn every day into a holiday.


  1. Learn to separate your own desires from the goals that others insistently dictate to you.
  2. Understand the concepts of "dream" and "goal", so that there is no confusion. The goal is certain steps that help get closer to the dream. A dream is something desired that cannot be achieved quickly.
  3. Set your priorities. It is important to feel exactly what you want, even if it takes a long time.
  4. Compete with yourself for success. A light rivalry is always helpful. The main thing is not to compete with others, otherwise the realization of a dream can easily fade into the background.
  5. Find your resource state. Pay attention to what pleases you the most: moments, places where you really feel good. Try to mentally linger on pleasant moments, as if photographing them (the most important thing is to create and remember the image in detail). And if stress, fear or depression suddenly blocks the path to your dream, close your eyes and “return” for a few minutes to those moments where you felt so good.
  6. Control your body avoid overvoltage. Even in stressful situations, try to keep your breathing even, moderately deep. This way you can recover faster.
  7. Engage in self-training. When you say "I can't," consider whether it's really true. And replace with "I can." This is how you turn on the programming mechanism for success. When you set your mind to positive, the body starts the biochemical processes that usually occur when you are happy.

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Many people have cherished dreams, make plans to achieve them, strive for them. But statistics show that not many can fulfill their dream, and the majority fails on this difficult path. Why is this happening? In this article, we will try to deal with the mistakes in which the realization of a cherished dream becomes impossible.

1. Lack of a clear plan for realizing your dreams

Without an action plan, it is impossible to achieve not only any significant goal, but even complete a simple task. When building a house, making repairs, preparing for exams or sports competitions, a plan for future actions is always drawn up. The same is true with your dreams. and this requires a concrete and detailed plan of action.

2. Inaction

The realization of a dream becomes a reality only when you begin to take concrete actions for this. Visualization is very good, but it must be supported by action. Without this, everything will be in vain. You need to do something every day that will bring you closer to your dream.

3. Over-importance of the dream

If you consider the sword too important, then it is your idealization. For this reason, its implementation can simply be blocked. How it works, no one knows, but you get the opposite result. Never idealize your dream, enjoy life now and it will surely come true.

4. Negative Limitations and Beliefs

You can strive with all your might to fulfill your dream, but the negative attitudes in your head will block it. How does this happen? You may have statements like “I don’t deserve this”, “I can’t get that much money”, “I don’t have enough ability” and so on. To remove these installations, you should learn to work with negative beliefs.

5. Low energy

You may have very low energy levels. And for this reason, the realization of the dream becomes impossible. The energy of the body needs to be increased and for this there are various methods. It is also important to be able to defend yourself against negative people ().

6. Low self-esteem

To achieve any goal, you need to love yourself, and with low self-esteem, this is impossible. If a person does not love himself, then he believes that he is unworthy of the best in his life. Therefore, by any means.

7. Lack of proper faith

At this point, everything is incredibly simple. If you do not believe that you can achieve the goal, then you will not be able to realize this dream. The Bible says that faith is the main component of success in any business. Therefore, believe that you will be able to realize your cherished dream.

8. This dream is not yours

This is one of the biggest mistakes people make. Often they do not even know that the dream is not theirs. It is imposed on them by parents, neighbors, acquaintances and relatives. There are many exercises that will help determine whether this is your dream or not.

9. A person does not listen to his intuition

During the realization of your dreams, you should listen to prompts and signals from outside. It can be random meetings with some people, an email with an offer, some kind of training, and so on. and respond to all signals from the outside.

10. A person visualizes their dream incorrectly.

There is nothing complicated in this paragraph, but you must represent your dream in specific images - it must be bright and understandable. Create a dream map, hang reminders on your wall or desktop, imagine how you will feel when you realize it.

Consider all these points and keep moving forward. Only then the realization of your cherished dream will become a reality!

A lot of people can't get what they want out of life. They have no money, huge debts, poor health and no personal life. With each failure, there are more and more reasons for depression, which gradually becomes permanent. It seems that there can no longer be any gap in life, and the only thing left is to come to terms with the fact that a good life is not for us. But in fact, this is not at all the case. You can learn to manage your dreams and get everything you want. How? Find out by reading this article, the topic of which is "The power of intention, how to realize your dreams and desires."

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Photo gallery: The power of intention, how to realize your dreams and desires

Brian Tracy wrote: You are a living magnet. You attract into your life what is in line with your dominant thoughts. Some consider their dreams and desires to be a waste of time, illusions that interfere with life. Such people believe that nothing can change in their life. They tend to think that in reality they will not achieve success, wealth, happiness, therefore they prefer simply not to have desires so as not to suffer. But this is fundamentally wrong. Dreams and desires are a kind of stimulus to action, the goal you are striving for. If people did not dream, such works of art as Bach's music, your favorite films, famous works of architecture and painting would never have appeared. Man would never have risen into the sky and never been in space if he had not dreamed of what is difficult to achieve. From this conclusion: do not be afraid to dream. But remember that not all desires are acceptable. Only if your desire does not harm others or yourself, is it worth trying to fulfill it, in addition, you need the power of intention to make everything a reality.

It has long been proven that everything in the world consists of energy. And, as you know, it does not go anywhere and is not taken from nowhere - it simply transforms from one species to another. Man only at first glance is a solid body. But if we talk about more subtle matter - our emotions, thoughts and feelings, that is, what makes us human - it turns out that a person consists of energy vibrations. At the same time, each emotion has its own frequency, which is higher, the more pleasant feelings we experience. Thus, if we proceed from the fact that everything in the world is energy in one form or another, it turns out that our thoughts, and therefore desires, are material. To implement them, you need to use the power of intention, you will learn right now how to realize your dreams and desires and succeed.

It is believed that opposites attract. But in reality, all processes in the Universe are based on the law of attraction. This means that everything in the world is attracted to its like.

You might be thinking, “Great. So, if things are bad now, then it will only get worse. Just great". But don't jump to conclusions. We promised to teach you to fulfill your desires. To do this, you need not so much - to learn how to manage your thoughts and feelings.

This is very important, because, in accordance with the law of attraction, you attract circumstances into your life, where the power of intention plays a huge role, at the frequency of which you yourself vibrate. That is, when you experience certain emotions, you attract what makes you experience them. This means that by holding the emotional note of wealth or love, we receive exactly love and wealth from the material world. And vice versa - experiencing negative emotions, you make the situation only worsen.

Imagine that the universe is a genie who speaks the language of emotions. He does not understand words, but only knows the feelings that you experience. And one of your desires is to get rich. But if at the same time you think only that you have a low salary, the genie perceives this as: "She wants to be poor." And life gets worse and worse. But if you learn to enjoy what you already have and thank the Universe for what you already have, it will repay you in the same way - and you will get what you want.

It is important to keep in mind that negative emotions should never be suppressed. They need to be changed to those that correspond to higher frequencies of vibration. Yoga, dancing, sports will help you with this - everything from which you experience joy and satisfaction. By changing the frequency of your feelings, you will attract good luck and happiness into your life, which means that your desires will come true.

Learn to think positively. To do this, exclude from your vocabulary the expressions “I won’t succeed”, “I can’t”. Try to replace even in your thoughts words that carry a negative connotation with those that have a positive emotional connotation.

Also, do not be afraid to do what you think will lead you to fulfill your dreams, because no one knows the only right way to realize your dreams and desires. There is no need to be afraid of mistakes if you really want something - the Universe will give you a chance to achieve it. And mistakes will only become an additional experience in your life.

As you can see, for the fulfillment of desires, you don’t need much - just allow yourself to dream, that is, set yourself the goal you are striving for, listen to your emotions, and think positively. Simple enough, right? Now you know what lies behind the success of the power of intention, how to realize your dreams and desires and be a successful person. You may think that this will not work. But just try it and you will see how very soon your life will change for the better!

In this article we will consider a very important question - How to fulfill your dream?

How to fulfill your dream?

You are probably now asking: “Okay, let’s say I found my , but how do I find a way to implement it?”

My answer may seem strange to you, but it's true.

It's not your concern how to find a way.

The way to achieve anything in this world is a task. Only she has a complete set of information, and only she can lead you to yours. This is an impossible task for the human, and especially for logic.

The Universe will find the most harmonious and optimal option to take you to your destination.

Your role is to trust the universe and follow whatever it brings. And most importantly, you must carefully follow and look for what the Universe wants to present to you. Believe me, the Universe will find the optimal and harmonious way to lead you to what you want. Do not analyze and think about how this will happen. Just act. If a friend suddenly calls you and invites you to a job interview, saying that a place has become free, and he suddenly remembered you. Don't think, just go. The universe has orchestrated this event, and your role is simply to accept the offer.

I would like to draw your attention to the most important work that you must do.

You must constantly keep yours in mind and FEEL that you ALREADY have it.

I consider this the most important and main quality of everyone. They have learned to work with their . They inspired their own. In his book Napoleon Hill writes about Andrew Carnegie's secret. After 25 years of his research, he finally came to understand it. So, this is the secret.

This is your most important work on!

The second main work is to implement those ideas that you "threw" Universe.

This is all your work!

Let's repeat:

  1. Always keep in mind and feel that you have already fulfilled your true dream.
  2. Realize those ideas that the Universe will present to you

Let's talk about why it's so important to feel like you've already achieved your dream:

  1. By doing the work and feeling that you have already realized your true dream, you put the Universe into search mode. She starts looking for the most suitable way for you to implement this idea. (why this happens, let's talk a little further)
  2. You tune your subconscious to the perception of those scenarios in which you achieve your dream. If you think why you need the subconscious, because you have your own head on your shoulders, then I hasten to assure you that logic is powerless here. (Here are two articles and, by reading which, you will understand a lot.)
  3. As soon as the Universe finds a way to achieve your true dream (by the way, if you haven't found your dream yet, then read the article), it will somehow show you this way. This may be the most unusual way. But whether you accept this method or not depends on how your subconscious mind is set up. If you have done your job well "feeling" of your dream, your subconscious mind will perceive this method and open access to it to your consciousness. If you did your job poorly, the subconscious mind will accept this method anyway, but it will consider this information unimportant and filter it out. Thus, consciousness will not get access to this information, and you will not know what to do next.
  4. The subconscious is like a filter. It filters and lets through all the information that is important for consciousness, and discards all that is not important. The subconscious mind needs to be convinced that your true dream is important to you. And you can convince only by feeling time after time that you have already achieved your dream.
  5. Another reason why you need this state is to work for the realization of this dream!!!

Actions are based on emotions. And when you create certain emotions in yourself, you immediately enter the state of a certain action. This powerful feeling of dreams will attract events and people to you with great force, which will help you to acquire this state in reality.

Now you understand why your intentional work is so important. "feeling"?

  1. "Force" Universe to find a way to make your dreams come true.
  2. Convince the subconscious mind that this information is very important for you, so that the subconscious mind will let it into the world of consciousness.
  3. The feeling of a dream provides you with strong emotions so that you can work towards the realization of your dream.

Let's be clear and understand why this works.

The universe responds to feelings and emotions. It is what you feel now that creates your future. No, it is not thoughts that create your reality, but feelings, although thoughts are directly related to feelings. Take a break from reading for a minute and remember your best moments in life, when you won and were at your best.

You started to feel better, didn't you? And what preceded these feelings? That's it, your thoughts.

Such a beautiful one works in the Universe. I'm sure you've already heard about it. So, when you feel that you already have something that you don't really have yet, you attract it into your life. And when you experience the feeling of a real dream, you let the Universe know by sending a powerful signal in the form of your emotions and feelings that you already have it, and all these things will be attracted to you.

Do you know how the Universe responds to this?

She's starting to turn it into reality! This process begins rather slowly. But the most important thing is that it starts. If you continue to inspire yourself further that, then over time it accelerates. Your feelings say that you have a very happy marriage, which means that the Universe should attract an ideal soul mate into your life. Your feelings say that you are very rich, which means that the Universe should attract a lot of money to you. And not just to attract them to you, but to show you what your ideal field of activity is, where you will earn a lot of money.

After all, your feelings confirm that you are doing your favorite activity.

You see, we feel this in order to attract into our lives everything that we feel, therefore we have collected in a dream all the most important, valuable and best for us.

Once you have accepted the information that the Universe wanted to convey to you, it is time to work twice as hard.

First, you must continue to feel that you have already achieved your dream.

Secondly, you must start implementing the idea that "threw" Universe.

The universe will also show you the way along with the idea of ​​how to do it. (I always say: "Do not spare money for self-education". This is the easiest way the Universe can give you some amazing idea.) And you just have to get to work.

Get to work and don't think.

These are just the sections that you will have to go through yourself. Where you may have difficulties, the Universe will guide you. On the way, she will tell you where to go when you meet a crossroads. Take her by the hand and follow, don't hesitate. The Universe will control and adjust events that are beyond your direct control. We must control the events that are under your direct control.

For example, the Universe has shown you a way to realize yourself. Your task is to start working on the implementation of the idea that you have received. Instead, you go out with friends for a beer or start watching TV. This is stupid to say the least. The Universe lays out for you and adjusts 95% of the events for you, and you cannot do the remaining 5%. So you won't achieve anything.

I want to warn you about something: until you reach your dream, never stop feeling like you have already achieved it. Once you stop doing this, the Universe may stop sending you instructions. And then you get lost very quickly.

Consciousness, Subconsciousness and the Universe must be tuned to your dream. If you get out of sync between them, you may deviate from the right path and go down the wrong path.

how to make your dream come true how to make your dream come true


In this article, we will talk again about how to fulfill your dream?

How to fulfill your dream?

Using the technique described in the article, you will find a way to realize your dream. Now it's time to talk about how to recognize whether yours is carried out or not. In this article, I will talk about the signs that it sends you, informing you that the dream is in the process of being realized. Usually people do not see these signs because they do not know about their existence.

Your dream comes true in several stages, and each of these stages is accompanied by certain signs. It is these signs that will help you understand and believe that the dream is in the process of being realized.

Stages of realization of a dream:

  1. ?-reflection
  2. ?-reflection

Reflection is a special event that happens to you within 72 hours of making the decision to pursue a dream. ?-reflection means that yours has been accepted and she has begun to implement it. Implementation time depends on the strength of the solution. ?-reflection is always associated with your dream.

I'll give you an example. Let's say you decide to start earning $20,000/month Now you are earning $1,000/month After your final decision, certain special events may occur to you within 72 hours, such as:

  • You accidentally find a certain amount of money on the street. The amount does not matter, since before that you found money quite rarely, or maybe not at all.
  • You are asked by a friend or acquaintance to give someone a solid amount of money.
  • Randomly, you will see how some person counts a very solid amount of money.
  • Get unexpected income

In short, money finds certain ways to express itself in your life. This is a special action that the Universe makes you understand: "I accept your desire and proceed to implement it".

The future development of events can occur in two scenarios:

  1. ?-reflection
  2. dream fading

Reflection occurs in the period from 60 to 90 days after the final decision, depending on your decision and willingness to receive, but possibly later.

Reflection is a certain event of the partial realization of your dream.

It can already be expressed by a fairly large influx of money, for example, a significant salary increase or a large unexpected income from a business. ?-reflection carries with it a more powerful force for integrating your dreams into the grandiose universe. The ?-reflection has a solid state, unlike the ?-reflection, which is not so strong and which can go out very quickly.

The damping process occurs for the following reasons:

  1. conscious or unconscious adoption of the opposite decision;
  2. conscious or unconscious switching to another;
  3. you stop meeting your goal, that is, you want to be rich, but you constantly think how poor you are and that you have no money.

Attenuation is very difficult to recognize.

The most difficult way to make a dream come true is from?-reflection to?-reflection. This is due to the fact that you are working, but the results are not yet visible. At this time, the foundation of your dream is being formed. But it is formed at the energy level, and the changes are not noticeable to the eyes.

After?-reflection, you will begin to see the partial realization of your dream. You will no longer need any signs that the dream is in the process of being realized. This will be visible even to the blind. But until the dream finally comes true, keep going. You don't have to celebrate victory.

I will give you some advice on what to think about, and what not to think about in the process of implementing the intention.

After you make the final decision and receive the?-reflection, be one hundred percent sure that your order is in the process of implementation. Usually, fading occurs due to the fact that a person encounters problems on the way and considers them as, his mood becomes, bad thoughts prevail in his head, and everything is gone. Remember, problems are the only way to get you to your destination from where you are now. The universe needs to somehow force you to leave the old path and move on to a new one - the one where your dream is realized. Problems will force you to do it. Don't be afraid, because The universe takes care of you. If you are not able to accept the problems encountered along the way or will try to "head punch" The walls that life specially puts in front of you, it will be very difficult for you to achieve your dreams.

After?-reflection, you should consider all your failures (from your position) as (in fact, this is how it is). Failure doesn't exist. Be positive. In difficult times, overcome difficulties, knowing that you are on the right track. The Universe knows better than you how to quickly deliver you to the goal. Challenges and setbacks are needed to move you from your current reality to your new one.

What feelings create fading?

  1. Doubts
  2. The loss

You will encounter a lot of traps along the way. And the most important of them: never think that you know better how to make your dream come true. You can only operate on logic, which only has access to a very limited amount of data. The universe, on the other hand, operates with a full amount of data. insists on his scenario to such an extent that any other circumstances and events (often the best) that the Universe is trying to present to you are perceived "with hostility". And it has the opposite effect of your intention. The universe is strenuously striving to deliver you to the goal, and you immediately begin to take