The top point of the escalation of the conflict. Stages of conflict escalation

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1. Psigns and types of conflict escalation

Under the escalation of the conflict (from the Latin Scala - "ladder") is understood the development of the conflict, which progresses in time, the aggravation of the confrontation, in which the subsequent destructive effects of the opponents on each other are more intense than the previous ones. The escalation of the conflict represents that part of it that begins with an incident and ends with a weakening of the struggle, with a transition to the end of the conflict.

The escalation of the conflict is characterized by the following features:

1. Narrowing of the cognitive sphere in behavior and activity. In the process of escalation, there is a transition to more primitive forms of display.

2. Displacement of an adequate perception of another image of the enemy. The image of the enemy as a holistic view of the opponent, which integrates distorted and illusory features, begins to form during the latent period of the conflict as a result of perception determined by negative assessments. As long as there is no opposition, as long as the threat is not realized, the image of the enemy is indirect. It can be compared to poorly developed photographic shots where the image is fuzzy and pale. In the process of escalation, the image of the enemy appears more and more clearly and gradually replaces the objective image. About the image of the enemy, which dominates in a conflict situation, indicating distrust; putting the blame on the enemy; negative expectation; identification with evil; a "zero-sum" representation ("everything that benefits the enemy harms us", and vice versa); deindividualization ("anyone who belongs to a given group is automatically our enemy"); denial of condolences.

Strengthening the image of the enemy is facilitated by: the growth of negative emotions; expectations of destructive actions from the other side; negative stereotypes and attitudes; the seriousness of the object of the conflict for the person (group) the duration of the conflict.

3. Growth of emotional stress. Arises as a reaction to the growth of the threat of possible damage; decrease in controllability of the opposite side; inability to realize their interests in the desired volume in a short time; opponent's resistance.

4. The transition from arguments to claims and personal attacks. When people's opinions collide, people usually try to argue them. Others, evaluating a person's position, thereby indirectly evaluate her ability to argue. Man usually adds a great deal of personality to the fruits of his intellect. Therefore, criticism of the results of his intellectual activity can be perceived as a negative assessment of him as a person. Criticism in this case is perceived as a threat to the person's self-esteem, and attempts to protect oneself lead to a displacement of the subject of the conflict into the personal plane.

5. The growth of the hierarchical rank of interests, violated and protected, and their polarization. A more intense action affects the more important interests of the other side. Therefore, the escalation of the conflict can be considered as a process of deepening contradictions, i.e. as a process of growth of the hierarchical rank of interests are violated. In the process of escalation, the interests of opponents seem to be divorced into opposite poles. If in a pre-conflict situation they could somehow coexist, then after the escalation of the conflict, the existence of one is possible only by ignoring the interests of the other side.

6. Use of violence. A characteristic sign of the escalation of the conflict is the use of the last of the arguments - violence. Many violent acts are driven by revenge. Aggression is associated with the desire for some kind of internal compensation (for lost prestige, reduced self-esteem, etc.), compensation for damage. Actions in the conflict may be caused by the desire for retribution for damage.

7. The loss of the original subject of disagreement lies in the fact that the confrontation, which began through the disputed object, develops into a more global clash, in which the original subject of the conflict no longer plays the main role. The conflict becomes independent of the causes that caused it, and continues after they have become insignificant.

8. Expanding the boundaries of the conflict. There is a generalization of the conflict, i.e. transition to deeper contradictions, the emergence of many different points of contact. The conflict spreads over a large area. There is an expansion of its temporal and spatial boundaries.

9. Increase in the number of participants. This can happen in the process of escalation of the conflict through the involvement of an increasing number of participants. The transformation of an interpersonal conflict into intergroup ones, a quantitative increase and a change in the structure of groups participating in confrontation, changes the nature of the conflict, expanding the set of means used in it.

With the aggravation of the conflict, there is a regression of the conscious sphere of the psyche. This process is undulating in nature, based on the unconscious and subconscious levels of mental activity. It develops not chaotically, but in stages, according to the plan of the ontogeny of the psyche, but in the opposite direction).

The first two stages reflect the development of the pre-conflict situation. The importance of one's own desires and arguments grows. There is a fear that the ground for a joint solution of the problem will be lost. The mental tension grows. Measures taken by one of the parties to change the position of the opponent are understood by the opposite side as a signal for escalation. The third stage is the actual beginning of the escalation. All expectations are focused on action, replacing futile discussions. However, the expectations of the participants are paradoxical: both sides hope to cause a change in the opponent's position with pressure and toughness, while no one is ready to voluntarily give in. A mature view of reality is sacrificed in favor of a simplistic approach that is easier to support emotionally. The real problems of the conflict lose importance, while the face of the enemy is in the spotlight.

Age levels of the emotional and socio-cognitive functioning of the human psyche (1 - the beginning of the latent phase, 2 - the latent phase, 3 - the demonstratively phase, 4 - the aggressive phase, 5 - the battle phase)

At the fourth stage of functioning, the psyche regresses approximately to the level corresponding to the age of 6-8 years. A person still has an image of another, but he is no longer ready to reckon with the thoughts, feelings and state of this other. In the emotional sphere, a black-and-white approach begins to dominate, that is, everything that is “not me” or “not us” is bad, and therefore leans back.

At the fifth stage of the escalation, clear signs of progressive regression appear in the form of absolutization of the opponent's negative assessment and the positive assessment of oneself. Sacred values, beliefs and supreme moral obligations are at stake. Force and violence acquire an impersonal form, the perception of the opposite side freezes in the solid image of the enemy. The enemy is devalued to the state of a thing and deprived of human traits. However, the same people are able to function normally within their group. Therefore, it is difficult for an inexperienced observer to perceive deeply regressed perceptions of others, to take measures to resolve the conflict.

Regression is not inevitable for any person in any difficult situation of social interaction. A lot depends on upbringing, on the assimilation of moral norms and everything that is called the social experience of constructive interaction.

The external plan of conflict escalation can be described using the theory of symmetrical schismogenesis (G. Bateson). Schismogenesis is a change in individual behavior that occurs as a result of the accumulation of experience of interaction between individuals. There are 2 variants of schismogenesis:

1. additional interaction is based on the principle of complementarity of actions (perseverance of the first opponent, compliance of the second or offensive actions and defense);

2. symmetrical schismogenesis develops when subjects use the same behavioral models (the second opponent responds to the action of the first opponent with the action of the same direction, but more intense).

The escalation of the conflict occurs exactly according to the 2nd option.

During this stage, transformations occur, which conflictologists also call signs of conflict escalation. Narrowing of the cognitive sphere in behavior and activity (distortion of the conflict situation). As the conflict escalates, the conscious part of the psyche regresses.

2. Piramide negative escalation of the conflict

Rice. 1. Pyramid of negative escalation of the conflict and stages of constructive resolution.

To resolve the conflict, it is necessary to go back along the pyramid, which can end either in interests (the first option), or in worldviews and root problems (the second option, the most complete and effective).

The first option consists of seven steps:

1. Stop hostile acts against yourself or others.

2. Regulate the emotional tone of communication with yourself or others.

3. Regulate relationships with yourself or others.

4. Agree on the principles and rules for the use of certain means by which positions are put into practice.

5. Consider many possible positions at once, i.e. move from individual positions to a wide range of design options.

6. Recognize the interests of others and realize your own interests. Share interests, positions and means to achieve them. Identify identified interests and recognize those that are legitimate and justified.

7. Find together such options and methods of action that would simultaneously meet your interests and the interests of your opponent.

The second option includes three more steps:

A critical analysis of secondary beliefs - one's own individual and other people is carried out.

A critical analysis of the primary beliefs - one's own individual and other people is carried out.

The root real (objective) and subjective problems are identified and ways to solve them are developed.

Leaving a conflict unattended is like leaving embers in an empty house: a fire, of course, may not happen, but if it happens ... escalation negative spiral conflict

In general, the analogy between conflict and fire is deeper: 1) both are easier to prevent than extinguish; 2) in both cases, the time factor can become decisive, because both conflict and fire are terrible in their growth. These two signs are related to conflict and illness.

Also, the escalation can be explained by the fact that the participant in the conflict seeks support from others, recruits supporters for himself. They especially try to attract the leader to their side.

When the conflict grows (escalates), the matter gets confused. The original conflict is overgrown with new ones, reflecting the interests of new participants and the contradictions between them. At the same time, emotions grow like a snowball.

All this convinces that, having received information about the conflict, the leader must act, take measures, without waiting for the conflict to escalate.

Moreover, inaction, the position of non-interference is regarded in the team as indifference, and even as cowardice. Both do not contribute to the authority of the leader.

3. Witha spiral model of conflict escalation

Rubin and co-authors note that if in a conflict situation the actions of the defending side do not cause an escalation in the behavior of the aggressor, then we have an aggressive-defensive conflict model. However, if the actions of the defender cause an escalation in the behavior of the aggressor, the aggressor-defender sequence becomes an episode of a large spiral of conflict.

The spiral model of conflict escalation demonstrates that escalation is the result of actions and reactions forming a vicious circle. Offensive tactics used by the first side cause similar behavior on the other side. This response, in turn, again provokes the first party to new actions, which closes the circle and brings the conflict to a new round. Each side has a growing list of the other side's sins, and each new grievance intensifies the sense of crisis. Each of us reacts to provocation at its own level, and the spiral of conflict continues to grow.

Strong escalation is preceded by two circumstances: a high degree of perceived divergence of interests and low stability. Thus, the stronger the subjective perception of the divergence of interests, the greater the rigidity of tactics to counter the opponent seems acceptable. In addition, sources of stability can be identified:

The presence of ties of belonging to one group, friendship or mutual dependence between the parties of interaction (variants of common group membership or a situation of mutual dependence);

The existence of a third party that is ready to intervene as an intermediary, a peacemaker;

Lack of excitement or tension in previous communication;

Involvement in activities that are outside the given system of relations;

Fear of one or both sides of escalation.

Reasons for stopping escalation:

One of the parties managed to win the confrontation;

The first side can take advantage of the unilateral advantage over the second and end the conflict in their favor;

One of the parties, for some reason during the conflict, decides to voluntarily give in, not considering further escalation an acceptable option for itself;

One of the parties, for some reason during the conflict, decides to withdraw from it and start using the strategy of avoidance, not considering further escalation as an acceptable option for itself;

There comes a dead point in the confrontation.

The stage of the balance of power or the dead point (dead end) of the conflict.

Some authors (A.G. Zdravomyslov, S.V. Sokolov) single out the deadlock stage: balance caused by the ineffectiveness of the steps taken and the awareness of the Pyrrhic victory, paralysis of actions, search for new approaches and change of leaders, reassessment of one’s own interests, fading of confrontation, truce, beginning negotiations. A dead center is a stop in the process of colliding and resisting the colliding. Causes of dead center in the conflict:

Failure of confrontation tactics;

Depletion of necessary resources (energy, money, time);

Loss of social support;

Unacceptable costs.

Initially, nothing objectively happens at this stage, but at the same time, the attitude of one of the parties to what is happening changes. After a while, both sides come to the unfortunate conclusion that dominance is impossible, but, nevertheless, there is no desire to give up victory by withdrawing or to concede. But the most important consequence of the onset of this stage is the understanding of at least one of the parties that the enemy is an independent partner with whom they will have to negotiate, and not just an enemy. And we will have to negotiate and interact with this partner, which becomes the first step towards the negotiation process, towards a way out of the conflict.

And in conclusion, let's say about the limitations that the dynamic model of conflict description has. The most important problem with phase theories of conflict is that they can look too simple, phase analysis can exaggerate the role of step-by-step logical sequence in conflict development. According to A. Rapoport, it is impossible to bring all conflicts under a single universal scheme. There are conflicts like fights, when the opponents are divided by irreconcilable contradictions and they count only on victory; there are conflicts such as debates, where a dispute is possible, maneuvers are possible, but in principle both sides can count on a compromise; there are game-type conflicts where the parties operate under the same rules, so they never end.

Thus, we can state the fact that this scheme provides an ideal model for the development of conflict interaction, while reality provides us with many examples of phase shifts, circulation, shortened course of the struggle, attenuation and a new renewal of confrontation, etc.


So, the conflict is a phenomenon with a complex structure and dynamics, and therefore the tactics of its resolution should differ depending on the stage, period and their duration.

Escalation (from lat. scala - stairs) - a sharp intensification of the struggle of opponents.

Conflict escalation is the development of a conflict that progresses over time, the aggravation of confrontation, in which the subsequent destructive effects of opponents on each other are higher in intensity than the previous ones.

The escalation of the conflict is the second phase of the development of the conflict, when the beginning of an open conflict interaction occurs, the development of the conflict progresses in time, the aggravation of the confrontation, in which the subsequent destructive effects of the opponents on each other are higher in intensity than the previous ones.

The escalation can be continuous with an ever-increasing degree of tension in the relationship and the strength of the blows exchanged between the conflicting parties; and undulating, when the tension in relations either increases or subsides, periods of active confrontation give way to lulls, temporary improvements in relations.

The escalation can also be steep, rising rapidly to the extreme point of violent outbursts of hostility; and sluggish, slowly flaring up, and even for a long time keeping at the same level. In the latter case, one can speak of a chronic, protracted conflict.

Withsqueaksources used

1. Antsupov A.Ya., Shipilov A.I. Conflictology. Textbook for high schools. -- 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2004. - 591 p.

2. Vishnevskaya A.V. Conflictology. Lecture course. - M.: UNITI, 2003. - 124 p.

3. Mirimanova M.S. Conflictology. - M.: Academy, 2003. - 320 p.

4. Rubin J., Pruit D., Kim Hye Sung. Social conflict: escalation, impasse, resolution. - St. Petersburg: Prime Eurosign, 2001. - 352 p.

5. Sheinov V.P. Conflicts in our life and their resolution. - Minsk: Amalfeya, 1997. - 277 p.

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Something about identification

  • Tashfel builds all cognitive processes in a chain in which identification precedes differentiation.
  • In reality, people have more choices than complete identification with one of the ethnic communities. An individual can simultaneously identify himself with two relevant groups. Such an identity can have not only people from mixed marriages, but also people living in a multi-ethnic society. For them, “nationality for oneself” can be denoted not by one word, but descriptively: “closer to Russian nationality”, “rather between Russians and Ukrainians” (from the answers of Polesye residents to the question about their nationality).

Escalation of the conflict

Conflict is a complex situation in which there are several stages.

Conflict tends to escalate. All the time there are additional reasons for its deepening. There are some transformations:

Ø From soft to hard actions - from conversations to active actions.

Ø From smallest to largest - new objects of dispute appear.

Ø From the particular to the general - "You are all like that!"

Ø At first there is a desire for a result, but gradually everything comes down to the desire to defeat the enemy, up to causing damage to him.

Ø From the participation of a few, to an increase in the ranks - an increase in the number of participants in the conflict up to the mass.

(The end of the 60s and the beginning of the 70s is a time of great social conflicts in which students were drawn, both in France and in the USA)

A conflict can be resolved (solving the underlying problem) or it can be resolved (eliminating one of the parties).


1. The aggressor-victim model.

Operates among the parties to the conflict, but each side feels like a victim.

The aggressor attacks - the victim defends - the aggressor increases the pressure ....etc. either settlement or resolution.

This type of action is typical for political conflicts. The model is not natural enough for a complete explanation. It is difficult to distinguish the aggressor from the victim.

2. spiral model.

The movement of the conflict takes place in a spiral: Peak - Calm - New round.

It can also be represented linearly as waves.

Popular with those who view conflict escalation as a vicious cycle of action and reaction.

Hostile actions of one side cause fear, frustration, anger, etc. in the other side --> response.

This model is not as one-sided as the previous one, but it is not much better.

3. Model of structural changes.

The previous two models cannot explain why the conflict does not die out at all in a situation of attenuation, why a new wave is formed.

How do the parties change psychologically during the conflict?

The spiral model (sociological) studies only the temporary states of people in conflict - emotions and anger.

Basic conflict changes:

v Increased group cohesion

v Leaders change (more aggressive)

v Social identity becomes brighter and more positive

v Cognitive changes.

Cognitive processes and real MGOs are in a state of circular mutual influence. How do cognitive processes change?

Ø Categorization à members of a group are perceived to be more similar than they actually are. à deindividualization of members of one's own and others' group! This effect works in a way that makes it easier to decide on aggressive actions. Deindividualization has been made easier with the advent of new technologies, where you don't have to personally interact with members of the other group that you kill. à strengthening the possibility of manifestation of aggression towards the group due to the lack of direct interaction.

Experiment: Volleyball players, 2 teams. 1- in suits, 2- who in what. Group 1 was more aggressive.

The deindividualized group is more aggressive, because she perceives herself as a group, and knows that others also perceive her as a group. à diffusion of responsibility.

D. Campbell - checked on African tribes - the more identical elements in the design of the appearance, the more aggressive the tribe.

Ø Illusory correlation - two classes of events are perceived as related, although there is either no connection between them, or the connection is insignificant. This builds a lot of negative stereotypes. It manifests itself in stereotypes about minority groups in the majority, with rare interaction and the presence of a bright difference among the former.

Ø Each group in a conflict situation seeks to differentiate from another group and does everything not to compare them once again. Each country tried to remain in the system of their views.

Ø The parties are looking for "scapegoats", which can always be found using the mechanism of social causal attribution (attribution of responsibility). People constantly have a desire to look for someone responsible for the event. Very often they become real minority groups. If it is not found, some plausible minority (for example, agents of enemy intelligence). If these are not found, they come up with a fantastic minority (witches in the Middle Ages, after the expulsion of the Jews for spreading the plague). That. these are all specific types of attributions—conspiracy attributions that provide simple explanations for any complex phenomena. The consequences for the scapegoats are exile or death. You can talk about the dehumanization of enemies. Delegitimization on B. Tal . Those. transcendence of the human race and human laws. This makes it easier to destroy!

That. there is some fear of minority groups. Why does this fear of weak minority groups arise?

S. Moskovisi put forward the concept of conspiratorial thinking: Any minority with their lifestyle, views, religion, etc. violate the norms of the majority. From the point of view of the majority, the minority is in a certain privileged position and can do what they want. à they have a certain mysterious power associated with the power of evil à conspiratorial attributions in which fantastic attributions appear. Members of the majority group show feelings of weakness. Hatred and contempt for minority groups is complemented by envy.

It manifests itself in situations of crises and conflicts. In a normal and stable situation, most do not need to look for someone to blame. Then they leave the plot attribution and don't use it.

Moskovisi allocates right and left, in the political sense of the word, attribution. Right - the person himself is responsible for everything that happens to him (attribution of responsibility). Left - the causes of all misfortunes in the conditions created by society; the system is at fault! The left is especially characteristic of the minority groups themselves. It helps to protect self-esteem, but at the same time gives a feeling of being out of control of one's life, which increases selfishness, aggressiveness and anxiety.

Initially, the word "stereotype" (solid print) appeared in the printing industry to designate a printed form - a copy from a printing set.

In each case, specific personal qualities were offered as reasons - stereotypical, individual and anti-stereotypical for a "typical American" and "typical Soviet person", as well as external circumstances.

Escalation - what is it? The word is quite often used in scientific and journalistic literature, but few people know its meaning. The escalation of the conflict is usually called the period in which the contention passes the main stages of its development and approaches its end. The term comes from the Latin language and in translation means "ladder". Escalation shows a conflict that progresses over time, characterized by a gradual aggravation of the confrontation between the conflicting parties, when each subsequent attack, each subsequent attack or pressure on the opponent becomes more intense than the previous one. The escalation of the dispute is the path from the incident to the weakening of the struggle and confrontation.

Signs and types of conflict escalation

Various help to highlight such a significant part of the conflict as escalation. What it is, without special signs, is really difficult to understand. When characterizing the current incident, you need to refer to the list of those properties that relate specifically to the escalation period, and not to another.

cognitive sphere

In behavioral and activity reactions narrows, there comes a moment of transition to less complex forms of displaying reality.

The image of the enemy

It is he who blocks and weakens adequate perception. Being a holistically formed analogue of the opponent, it combines fictional, fictitious properties, as it begins to form during a conflict. is a kind of outcome of empirical perception, predetermined by negative characteristics and assessments. As long as there is no confrontation and neither side poses a threat to the other, the image of the opponent is neutral: it is stable, quite objective and mediated. At its core, it resembles poorly developed photographs, the image on which is pale, fuzzy, blurry. But under the influence of escalation, illusory moments appear more and more, the emergence of which is provoked by a negative emotional and personal assessment of each other by opponents. In these cases, there are some "symptomatic" features inherent in very many conflicting people. In their enemy, they see a person who should not be trusted. The blame is shifted on her, only wrong decisions and actions are expected from her - a harmful personality, which at the same time is the result of antagonistic deindividualization, when the enemy ceases to be an individual, but becomes a generalized-collective, so to speak, allegorical image, which has absorbed a huge amount of evil, negativity, cruelty, vulgarity and other vices.

emotional stress

It grows with terrifying intensity, the opposite side loses control, the subjects of the conflict temporarily lose the opportunity to realize their interests or satisfy their needs.

Human interests

Relationships are always built in a certain hierarchy, even if they are polar and contradictory, so the intensity of actions leads to a more serious impact on the interests of the opposing side. Here it is appropriate to define that this is an escalation of the conflict, that is, a kind of environment in which contradictions deepen. In the escalation process, the interests of the opposing sides become "opposite". In the situation preceding the confrontation, their coexistence was possible, but now their reconciliation is impossible without harming one of the disputants.


It serves as an excellent tool in the course of the escalation of the conflict, being its identifying sign. The desire for compensation and compensation by the opposing side for the harm caused provokes the individual to aggression, cruelty, intolerance. An escalation of violence, that is, an intensification of ruthless, militant actions, often accompanies the course of this or that misunderstanding.

Initial subject of dispute

It fades into the background, no longer plays a special role, the main attention is not focused on it, the conflict can be characterized as independent of reasons and causes, its further course and development are possible even after the loss of the primary subject of disagreement. The conflict situation in its escalation becomes generalized, but at the same time deeper. There are additional points of contact between the parties, and the confrontation is already unfolding over a larger area. Conflictologists at this stage fix the expansion of spatial and temporal frameworks. This indicates that we are facing a progressive, serious escalation. What it is, and how it will affect the subjects participating in the conflict or observing it, can only be known after the end of the confrontation and its careful analysis.

Growth in the number of entities

With the growth of confrontation, there is also a "multiplication" of participants. An inexplicable and uncontrolled influx of new subjects of the conflict begins, which takes on a global scale, developing into a group, international, etc. The internal structure of groups, their composition, and their characteristics are changing. The set of funds is becoming wider, or it can go in a completely different direction.

At this stage, we can turn to the information that psychiatrists present to us. They concluded that in the course of any conflict, the conscious sphere regresses significantly. Moreover, this does not happen at all by chaotic obsession, but gradually, with the preservation of specific patterns.

Step by step escalation

It is necessary to understand what are the mechanisms of conflict escalation. The first two stages can be combined under one general name - the pre-conflict situation and its development. They are accompanied by an increase in the importance of one's own interests and ideas about the world, the fear of the impossibility of getting out of the situation exclusively by peaceful means, through mutual assistance and concessions. The tension of the psyche increases many times over.

At the third stage, the escalation begins directly, most of the discussions are curtailed, the parties to the conflict proceed to decisive actions, in which there is some paradox. With rigidity, rudeness and violence, the opposing sides try to influence each other, forcing the opponent to change his position. Nobody is going to give up on this. Wisdom and rationality disappear as if by magic, and the image of the enemy becomes the main object of attention.

An amazing fact, but at the fourth stage of confrontation, the human psyche regresses to such an extent that it becomes comparable to the reflexes and behavioral properties of a six-year-old child. The individual refuses to perceive someone else's position, listen to it, and is guided in his actions only by "EGO". The world becomes divided into "black" and "white", into good and evil, no deviations or complications are allowed. The essence of the conflict is unambiguous and primitive.

At the fifth stage, moral beliefs and the most important values ​​break down. All parties and individual elements that characterize the opponent are assembled into a single image of the enemy, devoid of human features. Within the group, these people can continue to communicate and interact, so an outside observer is unlikely to be able to influence the outcome of the conflict at this stage.

In conditions of social interaction, the psyche of many people is subjected to pressure, regression occurs. In many ways, the psychological stability of a person depends on his upbringing, on the type of moral norms that he has learned, and on personal social experience.

Symmetrical schismogenesis, or scientific escalation

The theory developed by the scientist G. Bateson, which is called the theory of symmetrical schismogenesis, will help to describe the escalation of the conflict from the outside. The term "schismogenesis" refers to the changes that occur in the behavior of the individual as a result of his socialization and gaining new experience at the level of interpersonal and intrapersonal clashes. For schismogenesis, there are two options for external manifestation:

  1. The first is a change in behavior in which certain types of actions of individuals entering into contact complement each other. Let's say, when one of the opponents is persistent, and the second one is conformable and compliant. That is, a kind of unique mosaic is formed from the behavioral options of different subjects of the conflict.
  2. The second option exists only if there are identical behavioral patterns, say, both attack, but with varying degrees of intensity.

Obviously, the escalation of the conflict refers specifically to the second variation of schismogenesis. But also various forms of escalations can be classified. For example, it may not be interrupted and be marked by increasing tension, or it may become undulating, when sharp corners and mutual pressure of opponents on each other move either along an upward or downward trajectory.

The term "escalation" is used in various fields, not only in psychology and sociology. For example, there is tariff escalation - the meaning of this term can be read in any economic encyclopedia. It can be steep, when the movement from calmness to hostility is incredibly fast and non-stop, and it can be sluggish, slowly flowing, or even maintaining the same level for a long time. The last characteristic is most often inherent in a protracted or, as they say, chronic conflict.

Models of conflict escalation. positive outcome

The positive escalation of the conflict is the possibility of its elimination when there is a common desire for a peaceful settlement. In this case, both parties must analyze and choose those rules of conduct that do not violate the principles and beliefs of either of the opponents. In addition, it is necessary to choose the most preferable from the whole range of alternative solutions and outcomes, and they should be developed for several possible outcomes of the situation at once. Among other things, the disputants need to clearly identify and specify their desires and interests, explain them to the opposite side, which should also be subsequently heard. From the entire list of requirements, select those that meet and justice, and then begin attempts to implement them using means and methods that must also be accepted and approved by all opponents.

Conflict, of course, should never be ignored. It looks like negligence when people leave a switched on iron or a burning match in the apartment - there is a threat of fire. The analogy between a fire and a conflict is not accidental: both are much easier to prevent than to extinguish once ignited. The time component is of great importance, because both a fire and a quarrel are terrible in their spread with greater force. In these signs, the basic principle of escalation is similar to a disease or an epidemic.

The escalation of the conflict is often confused, because the contradiction is replenished with new details, features, intrigues. Emotions rush with increasing speed and overwhelm all participants in the confrontation.

All this leads us to the conclusion that the experienced leader of any group, having learned that serious or insignificant dissonance flares up or is already in full force between its members, will immediately take measures to eliminate it. Inaction and indifference in this situation will most likely be condemned by the team, will be taken as meanness, cowardice, cowardice.

Models of conflict escalation. Dead point

It should be noted that sometimes the escalation slows down or even stops. This phenomenon also has predetermining reasons:

  • One opposing side is ready for a voluntary concession due to the fact that the conflict for some reason becomes unacceptable for it.
  • One of the opponents persistently tries to avoid the conflict, "fall out" of it, as the conflict situation becomes uncomfortable or harmful.
  • The conflict is approaching a dead point, the escalation of violence is becoming fruitless and unprofitable.

A dead center is a state of affairs when the confrontation comes to a standstill, stops after one or more unsuccessful clashes. The change in the pace of the escalation or its completion is due to certain factors.

Factors of occurrence of "dead center"

Objectively speaking, this stage is not characterized by profound changes, but one of the parties begins to have a completely different attitude towards the conflict and ways to resolve it. When both sides agree that the predominance of one of them is impossible, they will have to give in, give up victory or agree. But the essence of this stage lies in the realization that the enemy is not just an enemy, personifying all the vices and sorrows of the world. and a worthy opponent, with its own shortcomings and advantages, with which it is possible and necessary to find common interests, points of contact. This understanding becomes the initial step towards resolving the conflict.


Thus, when clarifying what escalation means in social, cultural and economic terms, one must understand that it develops according to different schemes and models, and its outcome can be chosen by the participants in the conflict, because it depends on them how competently they will be able to overcome the emerging contradictions, and how sad the consequences will be.

Escalation (from lat. scala - ladder) is the most intense emotional background and rapidly developing stage of conflict interaction.

Signs of escalation in conflict interaction

1. The cognitive or rational component decreases in the actions and behavior of the participants.

2. A negative assessment of each other comes to the fore in the interpersonal relations of the warring parties, perception excludes the integral content, emphasizing only the negative features of the opponent.

3. In connection with the decrease in the management of the situation of interaction, the emotional tension among the participants in the conflict increases.

4. The dominance of subjective attacks and criticism of the opponent's personality traits instead of arguments and arguments in favor of supported interests.

At the stage of escalation, the main contradiction may no longer be the goals and interests of the subjects of conflict interaction, but personal contradictions. In this regard, other interests of the parties are manifested, which aggravate the atmosphere of the conflict. Any interests during escalation are maximally polarized, the participants completely reject the interests of the opposite side. For an increase in aggressiveness at this stage, the loss of the true original subject of the contradiction may occur. Therefore, the conflict situation ceases to depend on the reasons that prompted the participants to the conflict, and can develop even after a decrease in the value and significance of the original subject of the contradiction.

Escalation has the property of increasing the temporal and spatial characteristics of the conflict. The contradictions of the participants are becoming wider and deeper, the reasons for the collision are becoming more. The phase of conflict escalation is the most dangerous stage of the entire conflict situation, since it is at this time that an initially interpersonal conflict can develop into an intergroup one. This, in turn, leads to a variety of means used at the stage of open conflict.

Escalation has external and internal mechanisms that intensify the conflict. External mechanisms of escalation lie in the ways and strategies of behavior of the warring parties. When behavioral actions coincide, the conflict is more intense, since the participants achieve different goals and interests in approximately equal ways.

The internal mechanisms of escalation are based on the capabilities of the human psyche and brain. Features of the character of individuals, personal and social attitudes of participants in a conflict situation affect the reaction and functioning of a person in conditions of emotional tension, etc. potential hazard.

The spiral model of conflict escalation demonstrates that escalation is the result of actions and reactions forming a vicious circle. Offensive tactics used by the first side cause similar behavior on the other side. This response, in turn, again provokes the first party to new actions, which closes the circle and brings the conflict to a new round. Each side has a growing list of the other side's sins, and each new grievance intensifies the sense of crisis. Each of us reacts to provocation at its own level, and the spiral of conflict continues to grow.

Strong escalation is preceded by two circumstances: a high degree of perceived divergence of interests and low stability. Thus, the stronger the subjective perception of the divergence of interests, the greater the rigidity of tactics to counter the opponent seems acceptable. In addition, sources of stability can be identified:

The presence of links of belonging to one group, friendship or mutual dependence between the parties of interaction (options for common group membership or a situation of mutual dependence);

The existence of a third party that is ready to intervene as an intermediary, a peacemaker;

Lack of excitement or tension in previous communication;

Involvement in activities that are outside the given system of relations;

Fear of one or both sides of escalation.

Reasons for stopping escalation:

One of the parties managed to win the confrontation;

The first side can take advantage of the unilateral advantage over the second and end the conflict in their favor;

One of the parties, for some reason during the conflict, decides to voluntarily give in, not considering further escalation an acceptable option for itself;

One of the parties, for some reason during the conflict, decides to withdraw from it and start using the strategy of avoidance, not considering further escalation as an acceptable option for itself;

There comes a dead point in the confrontation.

The stage of the balance of power or the dead point (dead end) of the conflict.

Some authors (A.G. Zdravomyslov, S.V. Sokolov) single out the deadlock stage: balance caused by the ineffectiveness of the steps taken and the awareness of the Pyrrhic victory, paralysis of actions, search for new approaches and change of leaders, reassessment of one’s own interests, fading of confrontation, truce, beginning negotiations. A dead center is a stop in the process of colliding and resisting the colliding. Causes of dead center in the conflict:

Failure of confrontation tactics;

Depletion of necessary resources (energy, money, time);

Loss of social support;

Unacceptable costs.

Initially, nothing objectively happens at this stage, but at the same time, the attitude of one of the parties to what is happening changes. After a while, both sides come to the unfortunate conclusion that dominance is impossible, but, nevertheless, there is no desire to give up victory by withdrawing or to concede. But the most important consequence of the onset of this stage is the understanding of at least one of the parties that the enemy is an independent partner with whom they will have to negotiate, and not just an enemy. And we will have to negotiate and interact with this partner, which becomes the first step towards the negotiation process, towards a way out of the conflict.