The outer reflection of the inner. External as a reflection of the internal, or Why is everything bad in life? The outside reflects the inside

The Law of Reflection is one of the three most important points that you need to realize in order to be the master of your own destiny.

What is the law of reflection? What exactly and why does the world around us show us? How can understanding the law of reflection help us become more successful and happier?

All true spiritual teachings carry the idea that if a person begins to change for the better, then the surrounding reality changes for the better, to the point that annoying neighbors leave, a new job brings more pleasure (or it became happier at the old one), and relatives suddenly begin to show more attention and acceptance (unless, of course, acceptance and goodwill increase inside the person himself), well, or again, to another place is being moved.
Yoga also unambiguously states that everything external is a reflection of the internal that the people around, no matter how inadequate they sometimes seem, only mirror us and therefore changing others and the world around us is absolutely useless, because in order to change the reflection, you need to change the one who looks in the mirror.
For me, this fact - that I myself am responsible for all the events, all the pleasant and unpleasant moments in my life - is very encouraging.

Yes, I can’t blame someone for something, because even if an injustice seemed to happen to me, I know that this is just an external reflection of some process that is happening inside me ... and there is no one to blame, you need to find the reason in yourself and change it.

This does not mean at all, of course, that the offender will not get what he deserves)) Moreover, he will get everything in full, in any case, and I don’t even have to worry about this happening, after all, I am also everything for him only a reflection, and if he is dissatisfied with something in his reflection, life will eventually help him realize the simple truth - all your problems, my dear, are inside you.
This is how we all live here and mirror each other. If we are pure and happy, then in other people we see purity and reason for joy;

if we are immersed in the swamp of our imperfection and sadness, then our thoughts show around even more of what we can grieve from.
However, to understand how accurately this law works, you need to remember well:

the surrounding reality, surrounding people, events and attitude towards them from the moment of our birth to the very last breath is a reflection not only of our consciousness,

Consciousness + subconsciousness = our entire external world and attitude towards it.

For example, at the level of consciousness, we can repeat for an hour that we are happy, even experience joy, we can also visualize the fulfillment of our most secret dream - but what was there before this hour of positive thinking? How many days, months, years, lives of doubt and discontent? Who knows…

I mean that we should not expect that from two or three attempts to change our thinking, our life will be completely transformed. It’s better not to think about what’s going on in our subconscious in advance, but to solve problems as they become available, although an approximate report on the energies of those living there can be compiled from what surrounds us - what things, what people (especially how optimistic and spiritual they are) ) and how happy we are with what we see in our reflection (how much we are touched when people around us behave somehow wrong in our opinion).

The principle of reflection - helps in practice

In general, yoga considers this principle of reflection as a very great help in practice. After all, it is thanks to observing what is happening around us, and how people react to us, how we react to the people around us, that it is easiest for us to understand ourselves, does the practice bring the desired results, are we developing in the right direction and is our subconscious cleared.

Even if outwardly nothing has changed yet, but if the attitude towards this changes, if we become happier, calmer, then we are going in the right direction and

Just by law "everything outside is a reflection of the inside" people who have advanced far on the spiritual path are saints, who have almost completely or even completely cleared their subconsciousness. And although outwardly it seems that these great people live in the same world, in reality it is not. Their world is completely different - as if they lived on another planet, and the laws of their world are already different in many ways - that's why the saints are able to work miracles. However, they know what world everyone else lives in and it is not for their purposes to confuse the minds of ordinary people: everyone here is going through their lessons and many will not soon be able to realize that the chaos and injustice that seem so noticeable in the surrounding reality are noticeable to us only because they are inside us, inside our own subconscious.

For those who understood this, took responsibility for their lives, stopped blaming the people around them for their problems, and decided to change themselves, a wonderful prospect opens up.

The most important thing to do in life.

Changing yourself is a big deal, and like everything important, it can't be easy.
However, thousands of people have coped with it and are successfully coping with it, some of those who carried it out decided to help those who just took up this business. They left recommendations, shared their personal experience and created a more than scientific approach to make the period of working out the subconscious as painless and fast as possible. This is how the science of yoga was born.

It contains all the necessary tools for working on oneself, and diligent adherence to its recommendations can even make the period of cleansing joyful and enjoyable.
That is why they are universal recommendations and milestones on the spiritual path, of any direction. No matter how outwardly people differ, no matter what beliefs swarm in their minds, Everyone has a conscious, subconscious and superconscious. Understanding their correct work is the key to achieving the most secret goal, both yoga and all life - always shining, incomparable happiness.

And you, my dear reader, can you sincerely say that everything in your life, both good and bad, is a reflection of your consciousness in conjunction with your subconscious? Or maybe the desire to feel like an innocent victim of circumstances is still stronger than the desire to find indestructible happiness?
This is an important question that everyone needs to answer.

In order to change life for the better, you first need to accept it as it is, accept all the circumstances of your life, and most importantly, accept yourself, and not just at the level of consciousness, but also with your entire subconscious.

This will be the fulfillment of the second Niyama - Santoshi (satisfaction), which is called the highest virtue.

I wish us all to always accept with gratitude and calmness even what we need to change.

Let's talk about how to deal with resentment, hatred, hostility that we feel for people. In general, about mirrors.

Only in fact

This article is about what the outside reflects the inside, is located in the problem analysis section, because we will use to work with grievances mirror method. Its essence lies in the elementary: you just need to remember this method at the right time and the situation will immediately begin to change in the other direction.

The mirror reflects who we are. It cannot show a man when a woman is standing in front of him, and it cannot show an old man when a child is in front of him. It always reflects the one who looks into it. That is why we have so many different points of view on the same things. It only seems to us that we are looking at the world, but in fact we always look only at ourselves.

blind faith

The eyes are also a mirror, and not even in a metaphorical sense, but in the most literal sense. Sees brain, and the eyes only work as a tool for the brain, sending images for processing. If you think of yourself as an ugly, insecure person, you will see yourself that way in the reflection too. And our world is also a big mirror, and every time you see it, you look into yourself, reflecting this or that thought in your mind.

If you believe in poverty, you will see beggars on the street; if you believe in betrayal, you will receive it at every turn and confirm with your own thoughts the very fact of betrayal. That is why it is so difficult to convince us of something. You prove to you that this may not be, if in this do not believe. But you are see in their lives, so they are convinced of its existence. All that needs to be done is to change the starting point: it is not the world that makes reality, but YOU and YOUR thoughts, which are then projected into the outside world, which is why the outside reflects the inside. You can read something interesting about the mechanism of faith in the article wish fulfillment ingredients.

Another point of reference

The next time you are offended by someone, angry, wishing him all the “good things”, believing that you have been treated unfairly, remember that you are just looking in the mirror and that right now you can change the situation only by changing your thoughts , because the outside reflects the inside.

YOU created this world, YOU attracted resentment, YOU reproduce your troubles again and again. If you're already tired of it, change your attitude. Do something different if it's hard to sort out your thoughts. This, by the way, is an easier option for solving the problem. Do things you don't normally do. You got angry with someone, got offended, and then remembered the mirror method and turned in the other direction, for example, smoothed out the conflict, which you have never done before, or invited a person to visit you, or expressed all your thoughts to his face. Do something that will be unexpected for you, and by this fact alone you will change reality.

Because if you continue to rush about with your grievances or hostility, you will continue to go through life trying to remake others. But this is impossible! At least not in the way you imagine. You can’t look in the mirror and think that I’m so ugly, paint on the mirror a different hairstyle or a different figure. This is of no use to the mirror, and you, hoping that you could at least slightly improve the situation, go further in life, and there will definitely be a new mirror in which you will see the same hairstyle and the same figure.

With support: On the eve of the holidays, you always need to be prepared. Organizing a party for the New Year is already a small holiday, so every moment needs to be thought out in advance and enjoy the preparation.

Dissatisfaction with our own lives is inherent in many of us. We think: “Why does this fat hysterical woman have no end to men, but nobody needs me with my angelic soul?”

Or: “He drinks, eats fatty foods, drowns in bad habits and never complained about his health, but I don’t get out of cleansing, do yoga, swim, eat prana, but I still get sick. Life is not fair!"

Particular resentment rolls when someone does nothing, but gets everything - success, wealth, the fair half and a winning lottery ticket. And you fight for a decent existence, but fate wipes its feet on you and bypasses you with a grin. Is it fair? Well, what are you doing wrong?

The world around us as a reflection of our feelings

And now let's honestly look deep into ourselves and answer, who do we blame for all our misadventures? A state that robs us, a negligent boss who does not appreciate, an impudent mistress that ruined family happiness, or constant stress that made us disabled? Of course, it's not our fault that there are no normal men left. We were accidentally born in a country that profits from our troubles. Such is the punishment from above, the world wants to fuck us for our own holiness. But what about stopping waving your fists and turning your attention inward, answering an important question:

  • And what do I feel in general, being in this situation, what do I constantly think about?

And as soon as we give up whining and pity, honestly looking inside our head, we will find that thoughts do not reflect our actions. In appearance, a pretty and meek girl who dreams of meeting a loved one, in her heart secretly despises the entire male sex, because her father was a goat, and her lover is no better. On the outside, she looks after her figure, goes on dates and smiles, but inside everything is in full swing, because her friends got married a long time ago, and she sits in girls.

Let's take another illustrative example - a man who cannot get out of total lack of money. On the external level, he is constantly busy - he works at two jobs, diligently pumps skills and even bought a coin charmed for profit. However, inside he hates the rich, who have lost their human appearance, suck the blood of the common people and do not disdain any methods for the sake of profit. Therefore, subconsciously does everything not to end up in the same place.

It turns out a curious story: the thoughts and feelings of a person do not correspond to his actions, there is no balance between the inner and outer world, and this is a serious imbalance!

How to influence life to become happy?

You don’t need to work hard so that later you fall from fatigue, you don’t need to visualize over beautiful pictures for days or go around grandmothers, expelling damage.

Our main task is to change the external manifestation of the world through the correction of the internal state, so that the emotions of the soul correspond to what we so desire.

Criticism of others, condemnation of the lucky ones, anger towards the universe move us away from our goals, since the world stupidly radiates what we feel and bear in ourselves. Change your attitude to the objects of the external world, work with negative emotions and beliefs that reflect our true attitude to the situation. Do you want to be happy? Be it now, and your state, as if in a mirror, will reflect who you are.

But first, figure out what you really feel?

It was the last day of the intensive and I did not have time to get the experience of direct experience of the koan: “What are you like when you are completely alone?” Yes, and the mood was suitcase.

However, the understanding of two aspects of this koan immediately came to me as inner Knowledge. This is, firstly, the realization of one's Divinity, the achievement of Buddhahood. And, secondly, it is the experience of feeling the naturalness of one's being and the liberation from rules, labels and social conditioning.

But the intention to survive the koan evaporated, and I rather joked in the couples sessions.

There was an amazing feeling of how we all became related during these 7 days of the intensive, and at the same time, most of the participants did not know each other's names, because it was impossible to communicate during the intensive. And I like to call people by their first names.

Any pair session during the intensive began with the listening partner saying: “Tell me what is Love or Freedom?”, i.e. called the partner's koan.

But I did not want to hear about koans at all, I wanted to ask: “Tell me, what is your name?”

And after Shivani announced the end of the intensive, we all hugged each other and finally got to know each other.

The feeling after the intensive was strange.

For 7 days we lived in prohibitions, in restrictions, in every step, following strict instructions, while fully focusing on internal sensations, trying to convey deep feelings in words.

Shivani warned us that there could be frequent and abrupt mood swings in the coming days. And that's okay.

The next morning, in an apartment in Kyiv, I woke up with a desire to go into isolation again, and again tell others about what I had inside.

And I consciously made a Choice - to get out of this state.

And what did I do to get out of this?

I put on my gold jewelry, which we were forbidden to wear at the intensive.

And I immediately came back to life!

The small joys of the material world instantly restored me to a later life in everyday life.

I realized that I need to ground those powerful spiritual energies that I acquired during the intensive. A great way to ground spiritual achievements is to go shopping!

Do you know how to determine that everything inside is harmonious, balanced, that everything inside is worked out? - This is how external circumstances develop!

The luck that accompanied me was a Sign that everything inside became even more beautiful.

Even before the intensive, when I arrived in Kyiv, I could already observe these Signs, for example, in the fact that I saw the number “11” everywhere: in the flight numbers of the aircraft, and in the dates and times of arrival, and in the number of the passport control desk.

After the intensive, the events became even more wonderful!

I planned to rent a hotel in Kyiv for a couple of nights after the intensive to walk around the city. But I was immediately offered two wonderful places to choose from, where I could live for free.

As a result, I lived in an apartment on the 21st floor, with an amazing view of the Dnieper, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and much more.

There was a person next to me who gave me a wonderful tour of Kyiv and led me to the shops, where I found exactly what made me happy.

There is a wonderful vegetarian cafe "Ginger" in Kyiv. After visiting such a cafe, the desire to become a pranoed disappears. Here it is:

Walking around Kyiv, I saw the Signs of the Universe even in graffiti. It was joyful after Osho-Zen-Satori to see such inscriptions on the walls of Kyiv:

And from here I shouted: “I love Kyiv!”