Steve Jobs quotes about work. best quotes from steve jobs

Good afternoon, readers of my blog. Today is another article from the section "Business Rules: Tips from Millionaires". For all the time I have already written more than twenty articles from this series, I talked about politicians, businessmen, TV presenters, athletes, but they all had one thing in common - they are the richest people in the world, they have achieved success and know some secrets that they are happy to share with aspiring entrepreneurs.
The brightest personalities were Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Mark Zuckerberg, Oleg Tinkof, Mikhail Prokhorov and others. Probably in vain I singled them out, because everyone I wrote about in the business rules is a unique person who deserves attention and respect. Some of my readers have already asked several times to write about another very interesting, charismatic, brilliant entrepreneur who is an example for millions of people around the world, about a person who has changed our world and views on doing business once and for all. I am sure that you have already guessed that the hero of today's article will be Steve Jobs. I will give his best thoughts and quotes about business, life and death, competitors and losers, as well as his speech on how to make the hearts of buyers “sing”.

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Just starting a series of articles on tips from millionaires, I immediately thought about Steve Jobs, because for me this is not just a developer and owner of the most successful company in the world, this is a genius who created himself, who fell and rose, and after each fall there was another more confidently, even faster towards your goal. This is a person who could talk for hours about a new Apple product, and the audience with a charming look to listen to him and not take their eyes off. This is a man whose 10-minute speech to the graduates of Stanford University I watched dozens of times, and his speech was literally parsed into quotes. He knew how to bewitch the eye, knew how to make one think for several hours with one phrase, knew how to do what he liked and at the same time bring profit. In terms of business, views on the world and life, he is a kind of support for me. Even in the most difficult times, I remembered that Steve was once kicked out of his own company, the company he founded. But he did not give up, continued to work and develop, and, ultimately, until the end of his days was the face and spirit of Apple. Today I am happy to present you the best quotes from Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs quotes: Appreciate what you have

Speaking to the graduates of Stanford University, Steve Jobs gave a long speech full of wise thoughts. But I will remember one phrase for the rest of my life. Steve talked about how he left the university, decided to start his own business, about those difficult and first steps in his life:

“I didn’t have my own room on campus. I had to sleep on the floor with friends, collect and return empty 5-cent Coke bottles to buy some food. Every Sunday morning I walked seven miles to the Krishna temple, because there I could eat normally. That time was great!”

Many may think that Jobs regrets those times, complains about the hard life, but this is not so. He appreciates every moment, every minute lived. And it doesn't matter if he lived on the floor with friends, or in a posh apartment, everything he had was wonderful. Appreciate what you have at the moment, because tomorrow will be a new day, and the past cannot be returned.

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Steve Jobs quotes: Don't be afraid to fail

Once again, the Stanford alumni speech gave us another memorable quote:

“Looking back, I can confidently say that being fired from Apple was the best thing that happened to me in my entire life. I stopped being a successful person, with ease and caution I was able to look at the world through the eyes of an insecure beginner. This event freed me from a certain burden and started the most creative period of my career."

If you don't know, Steve Jobs was fired from Apple, the company he founded when he was thirty. Many would have been forgotten in depression, given up for a long time and did not even make an attempt to somehow return to the business. But not Steve Jobs. He invests 10 million dollars in Pixar, which creates the first animated cartoon Toy Story, takes it to a new level (in 2005, Disney buys the company for 7.4 billion dollars), and also creates Next Inc. and poached several employees from Apple.

The example of Steve Jobs shows that you should never give up. Even in the most difficult, most hopeless situation, there is always a solution. Believe in yourself, and do not give up the idea of ​​​​achieving your goals.

Steve Jobs Quotes: The Best of What Was Said

The computer is a bicycle for our consciousness.

People will buy expensive computers for themselves, and the main reason is that they come to be part of a single national communications network. We are only at the very beginning of the development of these technologies, but I am sure that they will become revolutionary, like the telephone in its time.
(interview with Steve Jobs in 1985).

I'd rather be a pirate, free and independent, than serve in the navy
(from Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple, 1982)

If one day we take the wrong steps, stumble and lose the fight against IBM and Microsoft, then dark days will come in the computer world.
(Book Steve Jobs: The Journey is the Reward, 1984)

In essence, computers perform simple tasks: they take a number, add it to another, compare the result with a third, and that’s it. But they do it at a rate of 1,000,000 operations per second. And with such performance, it already seems like some kind of magic.
(from an interview in 1985)

Are you going to sell sweet soda for the rest of your life, or would you prefer to come with me and change the whole world?
(It was with these words that Steve Jobs lured PepsiCo President John Schooley to the post of CEO at Apple. In 2 years, Schooley will help Jobs to be fired)

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John Schooley brought disruption to Apple, he filled the heads of employees with the wrong thoughts, priorities and tasks. Yes, the company earned tens of millions of dollars, but at the same time, Schooley thought only about himself, his wealth and fame, completely forgetting about Apple and product users.

Stay Hungry Stay Foolish.

Microsoft's main problem is that they have absolutely no taste, no creative thinking. Their products have no culture. (Steve Jobs, 1996)

The personal computer market is dead. Microsoft has become the sole leader, and does not bring any innovations to the industry. You could say that this is the end. Apple lost this battle, and the Middle Ages began in the world of computers. I think that all this will continue for at least 10 years.
(Wired magazine, 1996)

I only wish the best for Bill Gates, really. It's just that he and Microsoft are very straightforward and narrow-minded. It would have been much better if, in his youth, he had been among the hippies, or indulged in LSD. (interview in The New York Times, 1997).

Creativity is the ability to create the right connections between things. If a creative person is asked how he did it, he will feel a little guilty, because he did not do anything special, he just noticed something that others did not see.
But over time, it becomes clear that they have done a tremendous job, were able to link the pieces of their experience together. This happened due to the fact that they lived and saw more than others, or they are more versed in a certain area.
(Wired magazine, 1996)

When you are young, watching various TV programs, it seems that all the companies conspired to fool people. Then you grow up and begin to understand that people themselves want this. Such a thought is very frightening, makes you think. There is nothing terrible in a conspiracy, because you can take weapons, shoot everyone, start a revolution. But we don't have any conspiracy. TV companies just give people what they want to see. This is very sad.

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This is not a one-man show. Our company employs many talented and creative people who for several years in a row heard only that they were losers and losers. Worst of all, some of them even started to believe it. In fact, this is absolutely not true. They need a great plan and a good leadership team to get the job done. Now everything you need is there.
(Jobs on returning to Apple, 1998)

When creating a product, we practically do not use focus groups. Most often, people do not know what they really need until the moment you show it to them.
(BusinessWeek, 1998)

The icons on the screens will be so beautiful that many will want to lick them.
(Steve Jobs on MAC in 2000).

Today you will be presented with three innovative products in one: an incredible mobile phone, an iPod with a touch screen, and a device for accessing the Internet.
(iPhone presentation, 2007)

It's Incredible (iPad Presentation, 2010)

My goal is not to be the richest man in the graveyard.

I am sure that the best days and revolutionary inventions are waiting for Apple in a bright future.

Watch the traffic - there are a lot of images under the cut

Steve Jobs lived an amazing life. Not only did he manage an incredible company in the formative era, and subsequently the widespread dominance of information technology, but he was also remembered for his statements. Sometimes rude, sometimes not entirely clear, but often hitting the target, and if not at the moment of pronunciation, then after a few years for sure. had his own opinion about everything. To back up this claim, let's look at thirteen business insider quotes from the Apple founder that made the most impact and impact on people.

Creativity just brings things together. When you ask a creative person how they managed to do something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do anything on purpose, they just saw it. It seems obvious to them.

Always remembering that you are mortal is the best way I know to avoid the fear of losing anything. You already have nothing. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

You need to be the benchmark for quality. Some people are not used to conditions where perfection is taken for granted.

You cannot connect the dots by looking ahead. You can only do this by looking back. Therefore, you just have to believe that the dots will somehow connect in the future. You need to believe in something. Into your character, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down and made my life what it is.

Your job should be a significant part of your life, and the only way to be completely satisfied is to do what you think is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found one yet, keep looking. Do not give up. You will feel when you find it. Like any relationship in our lives, these only get better as the years go by. So keep looking until you find it. Do not give up.

Being the richest man in the graveyard means nothing to me. But going to bed knowing that we did something wonderful is important.

I'm just as proud of the many things we didn't do as I am of the ones we did. Innovation has said no to thousands of things.

I think if you do something and it turns into something good, then you need to go do something else. You can not stay in one place for too long, you need to focus on what will happen next.

Getting fired from Apple is the best thing that has ever happened to me. The severity of success has been replaced by the ease of a new beginning. This situation helped me enter one of the most productive periods of my life.

Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles.

When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like this: "If you live every day like it's your last, you'll probably be right someday." She made an impression on me, and even now, 33 years later, every day I look in the mirror and ask myself: “If today was my last day, would I be doing what I was going to do?” And if the answer was no for several days in a row, I knew it was time to change something.

I am convinced that half of what distinguishes a successful businessman from an unsuccessful one is called perseverance.

I want to leave a mark on the universe.

According to the teachings of Buddhists, the opinion of a beginner is very valuable - it is almost impossible and almost unattainable to keep it unchanged in oneself. Although miracles do happen.

The clothes we are wearing are made by someone. Our language is also not invented by us. Food is also grown by other people. Our time to do something useful for humanity is also not far off and will come soon. - Steve Jobs

Death purifies, frightens and inspires, wise Buddhists believe not in vain. After all, thanks to death, the world becomes cleaner and brighter, opening the way for everything new and progressive.

Never forget about death. Thanks to death, I made all the right, fateful and life-affirming decisions. An obsessive thought about death is the best way to understand oneself, reject illusions and calm down, choosing the true faith, walking the path of the Almighty at the behest of the heart. S. Jobs

I have known many women. The best are wives. My wife is a holy and sinless woman, faithful to her duty, keeping the family ties of marriage with dignity.

Whenever I looked on the other side of the mirror in the morning and thought that the day could be interrupted, becoming the last, I asked myself about the upcoming classes. And he always preferred reforms, necessary changes, reorganization, thinking about the future of the universe and the prospect for others.

Read the continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes by Steve Jobs on the pages:

If you spend every day of your life as if it were your last, one day you will be right.

There were times when I didn't have my own room. I slept on the floor with friends, and in order to buy food, I handed over bottles of Coca-Cola. Every Sunday I walked 10 kilometers in order to have a normal meal once a week at a charity dinner in the Hare Krishna temple. And you know what? It was a great time!

The computer does very simple things - it takes a number, adds it to another number, compares the result with a third number. But it all happens at a speed of 1,000,000 operations per second. And at a speed of 1,000,000 operations per second, the result already seems like magic.

There is no desire to be the most prosperous in the cemetery.

We are here to give the world something new. If not, then why not?

There are no successful people who have never stumbled or made a mistake in their life. There are only successful people who made mistakes but then changed their plans based on past failures. I'm just one of those guys.

I would trade all my technology in one day with Socrates.

When you are young and you see what is being broadcast on TV, it seems to you that the television companies are in cahoots and want to make humanity stupid. But then, having matured, an understanding of the truth comes: people themselves desire this. The conspiracy is not so terrible. You can always shoot the bastards, start a revolution! But in reality, there is no collusion, the TV companies just meet the demand. It's a pity, but it's true. Joint presentation with Bill Gates at the All Things conference, 2007

Sometimes, life hits you in the butt with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved my job. You need to find what you love. And this is as true for work as it is for relationships. Your work will fill most of your life and the only way to be completely satisfied is to do what you think is a great thing. And the only way to do great things is to love what you do.

Playboy interview, 1987

I can fire a person and then call him to discuss some project or re-hire him. I don't care about the past, only the present matters. – From Steve Jobs: The Journey is the Reward, 1984

Do you want to dedicate your life to selling sweet water, or do you want to come with me and really change the world? Playboy interview, 1985

It is generally believed that watching TV gives relaxation to the brain, and when we sit down at the computer, we launch ingenuity.

Fortune magazine interview, 2000

People often come up to me on the street. They beg or just want to pat me on the back and tell me how much they love Apple products. If I'm tired, I usually just piercingly, without blinking, look into their eyes. They linger a little, and then quickly cross to the other side of the street. Interview with The Wall Street Journal, 1993

The personal computer market is dead. Microsoft has completely taken over the market without bringing innovation to the industry. This is the end. Apple lost, the history of desktop computers entered the Middle Ages. This will continue for about 10 years.

If, for some reason, we stumble, make a few irreparable mistakes and lose the competition to Microsoft and IBM... Then dark times will come for the entire computer industry.

For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: If today is the last day of my life, will I do what I have planned for today? Stanford Graduation Speech, 2005

Steve Jobs on Google's Android operating system: We don't search, but they decided to do phones. Make no mistake, they want to destroy the iPhone. We won't let them.

Steve Jobs on the popularity of iTunes among Windows users: It's like a glass of ice water in hell

There is only one way to do great work - to love her. If you don't get there, wait. Don't get down to business. As with everything else, your own heart will help you to suggest an interesting business.

I am sure that the brightest days and innovative inventions of Apple are yet to come.

I tried marijuana and used LSD, I don't try to hide it at all.

Innovation distinguishes a leader from a follower.

I wish Bill Gates all the best, really. I just think that he and Microsoft are too narrow-minded. His views would have been much broader if he had indulged in acid in his youth or lived with hermits in India.

You know that we eat food that other people grow. We wear clothes that other people have made. We speak languages ​​that were invented by other people. We use mathematics, but other people also developed it ... I think we all say this all the time. This is a great opportunity to create something that could be useful to mankind.

Steve Jobs on Mac OS X: We made the icons on the screen so pretty you'll want to lick themBusinessWeek interview, 1997

All technologies and achievements I would give without hesitation for a meeting with Socrates.

Only purpose can make life meaningful. It can support us in difficult times, become the cause of health and longevity.

The best thing life could come up with was death. She brings change. Passes forward the new, destroying all obsolete.

To PepsiCo President John Scully, poaching him to become CEO of Apple

I have an idea for saving Apple. Clearly thought-out tactics and modernized products. It's a pity that nobody cares about my opinion.

Modern Apple products suck. They are not sexy. Interview with The New York Times, 1997

It is impossible to create a good product based on surveys of people or using focus groups. People don't know what they want until you show it to them.

The only person who understood the feeling of losing a quarter of a billion dollars in one year. Very good for tempering the personality.

There was a time when I slept on the floor in my friends rooms and turned in bottles to buy a veggie burger. Now, after receiving shares and property worth several billion dollars, my everyday life has changed somewhat, but I swear, not myself. Newsweek interview, 2001

The main reason why people will buy a computer at home is the opportunity to be connected to the national communications network. Now everything is just beginning, but it will be a real breakthrough. Kind of like a telephone. Speech to Stanford graduates, 2005

Be the benchmark for quality. Some people weren't in an environment where innovation was the trump card.

Stay Hungry, Stay Reckless 1996 Wired interview

If you look at the history of those events, I can say that the dismissal from Apple was the best event that happened in my life. I regained the ease and doubt of a beginner and got rid of the label of a successful person. This gave me freedom and opened the beginning of my new creative period. Stanford Graduation Speech, 2005

TV is dull and kills a lot of time. Turn it off and you save some gray matter. But be careful - you can go dumb on an Apple computer.

If I were now presented with a choice - what to keep in my possession - Apple or Pixar - I would probably want to arrange everything so that I own both, without such a choice.

Your time is limited, don't waste it living another life. Don't get hooked on a creed that exists on other people's thinking. Don't let the eyes of others drown out your own inner voice. And it is very important to have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you really want to do. Everything else is secondary.

It was as if they had punched me in the gut and knocked my soul out of me. I'm still young, I'm only 30 and I want to keep creating great things. I know that I can create at least one more great invention. But Apple won't give me that chance.

The memory that I am about to die is the most important tool that helps me make the tough decisions of my life. Because everything else - other people's opinions, all this pride, all this fear of embarrassment or failure - all these things fall in the face of death, leaving only what is really important. The memory of death is the best way to avoid thinking that you have something to lose. You are already naked. You no longer have a reason not to follow your heart.

Steve Jobs is an American engineer and entrepreneur, co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc. Years of life 1955-2011. Real name - Steven Paul Jobs Legendary man, his products are popular even after death, and the phrases spoken decades ago do not lose their relevance today. Capacious, vital, often with sarcasm, but always to the point. What is the short quote “work on your head, not 12 hours a day”, which, perhaps, everyone knows. The founder of Apple thought a lot about entrepreneurship, tried to find motivational words for staff. And among his popular expressions there are many sayings about love, business, development, training and money.

Steve Jobs quotes about work

When creating Apple phones, Steve often did unpredictable things, made decisions that were difficult to approve and that did not arouse either approval or support in the team. However, it was worth introducing the phone to the public, and it became the most desired device. Jobs said, "It's impossible to create a product based on focus groups, because people often do not understand what they want until you show it to them." Other quotes about phones and approach to development:

  • "We made the icons on the screen look so pretty you'll want to lick them";
  • "You never know what you're looking for until you find it";
  • “People pay us for integration, they don’t have time to think about what is connected to what”;
  • “You can't just ask what customers want. By the time everything is ready, they will want something new.”

Steve never tired of repeating that things are getting more complex and the task of engineers is to simplify the world, and not to make people worry about something. After all, there are enough worries at work, in personal life, to think about how, for example, a new washing machine or telephone works.

Steve Jobs quotes about life and philosophy

Steve can hardly be called a person who lived by the rules, and a goodie. He was tough, and sometimes cruel, even to the closest people, including friends and daughter, but Jobs's death was mourned by the whole world and he is still a role model, and his quotes have already become sayings.

  • “Do not trust dogmas, you cannot live based only on what is invented by others”;
  • "Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life";
  • "Stay Hungry Stay Foolish";
  • "Take courage to follow your own heart and your intuition."

Upon learning of his diagnosis, Steve said: “Sometimes I believe in God, sometimes I don’t. But since I have cancer, I've been thinking about it more often. And believe more. Probably because you want to believe that when you die, it does not mean that everything disappears. Wisdom, what you have accumulated, continues to live. Although sometimes it seems, press "Off" and you are no more.

Steve Jobs quotes about success

Steve Jobs is a talented engineer and no less talented marketer. His product was wanted, expected, desired, it was perfect, always perfect. And it was a real success.

  • "Half what separates losers from successful people is perseverance";
  • “Take a step and the road will appear by itself”;
  • “Only the presence of a goal brings meaning and satisfaction to life”;
  • “You have to be passionate about what you do. Otherwise, you won’t have the patience to see it through to the end”;
  • "There's only one way to do great work, and that's to love it."

And, perhaps, one of the most famous quotes from Steve Jobs about success and work: “There is no point in hiring smart people, then to tell them how to work. We hire smart people to tell us what to do.” Jobs was a hard worker, working on his projects for as long as it took. As he said, he never did anything for the sake of money, although at the age of 25 he "cost" more than a hundred million dollars.

Steve Jobs quotes about competitors

Steve's specific humor is relevant to this day. He respected each of his competitors, because he knew that a few guys from the garage could one day turn the world upside down. He walked this path personally and it was in the garage in 1976 that he created the first "apple" computer. However, this did not stop him from joking caustically and caustically, almost to the point.

  • “If for some reason we make gross mistakes and IBM wins, then in 20 years the Era of Computer Darkness will come”;
  • “Microsoft's only problem is that they have no taste. None";
  • “I have nothing against the success of Microsoft. I am against the fact that they make third-rate products.

He advised his main competitor, Bill Gates, to try acid at least once or go to the ashram in order to get a much greater breadth of views.

More quotes in the movie "Steve Jobs"

In 2015, the film-biography "Steve Jobs" was released. It used a large number of quotes and sayings from public speaking. The directors used footage from Jobs' personal archives to convey as accurately as possible every trait of the genius engineer's character. Even the filming process was as close to reality as possible, the film consists of several parts that were shot on 16- and 35-mm film, as well as on digital. This shows how quickly technology changes during the 16 years of Jobs's life, which are shown in the film.

Initially, Christian Bale was nominated for the main role, but after the change of director, DiCaprio almost became Jobs. But he abandoned the project, and then Christian changed his mind, being unsure that he could handle the role of Jobs. So, the main role went to Michael Fassbender. And it was he who helped many to finally shape the image of Jobs.

The movie "Steve Jobs" won an Oscar for Best Actor and Best Actress. In addition to the Oscar, he was awarded many other awards and was a huge success with both the public and film critics.

Jobs Quotes Today

Today, Steve Jobs phrases are used in textbooks on personal growth, marketing, and various online communities dedicated to success and motivation. And it seems that Jobs is still among us, has not gone anywhere, and no one has pressed the "Off" button. He lived his life to be useful to mankind and remains indispensable even after death, continuing to inspire, motivate, instruct.

Morning. A cup of tea with cheesecake, and instead of a newspaper - iPad. View mail, news. And, at the very top, “Steve Jobs has died.” At the age of 56.

A strange paradox: we realize the best, the most important thing about a person when he is dead. You begin to understand what he did, and what he will never do.

I have always liked Steve Jobs. I liked his smile, his demeanor, his unchanging black turtleneck and jeans. I can’t say that I belong to the ardent “Yabloko”. But what he did in the field of computer technology turned the whole world upside down, no doubt.

The first time I saw an iPad was at my uncle's. Then I was amazed that in such a small little thing there are so many things you need: the Internet, Skype, a text editor, music, photographs, books, games, maps, films, television, radio - you can’t count everything. And how easy it was to use! Brilliant invention! Some time passed and the iPad appeared with me. And now it is a convenient mobile addition.

What kind of imagination did you have to have to come up with something like that! Truly, the modern world is unthinkable without it. I read on someone's blog that Steve Jobs is an icon of the consumer society. I don't think… Rather, it is an expression of the very best in technology that the modern world has created.

While reading articles about Steve Jobs, I came across a wonderful selection of his sayings. Many of them are imbued with a premonition of imminent death - for the past few years, Jobs has lived in a state of memento mori. Perhaps it was his philosophy that allowed him to change the whole world?

  • Innovation distinguishes a leader from a follower.
  • I don't trust a computer that I can't lift.
  • There is only one way to do great work, and that is to love her.
  • Death is the best invention of life. She is the cause of change. She purifies the old to make way for the new.
  • We are here to contribute to this world. Why else are we here?
  • Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know who you really want to be.
  • Do not be upset and leave life. But if life has left you, you should be upset.
  • Good artists create, great artists steal, and real artists complete orders on time...
  • It's great to have a beginner's opinion
  • I'm the only person who knows what it's like to lose a quarter of a billion dollars in a year. It's very good at shaping personality.
  • I'd trade all my technology for a meeting with Socrates
  • My dismissal from Apple in 1985) was the best event in my life. I got rid of the burden of a successful person and regained the lightness and doubts of a beginner. It liberated me and marked the beginning of my most creative period.
  • When creative people are asked how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't actually do anything, they just noticed. They were able to connect different pieces of their experience and synthesize something new.
  • For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself, “If today is the last day of my life, will I do what I have planned for today?”
  • I don't want to be the richest man in the graveyard.
  • The memory that I am about to die is the most important tool that helps me make the tough decisions of my life. Because everything else - other people's opinions, all this pride, all this fear of embarrassment or failure - all these things fall in the face of death, leaving only what is really important. The memory of death is the best way to avoid thinking that you have something to lose. You are already naked. You no longer have a reason not to follow your heart.
  • Never answer calls during a church service unless the screen reads "God."

Some predict the collapse of Apple after the departure of its leader and mastermind. I really wish this wasn't the case. Just the other day I read a joke: “The President of Apple flew to the iPad12 presentation on the iPad-e 12” 🙂

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