Speech how to deal with a bad mood. How to deal with a bad mood

All people are subject to mood swings. Some more often, some less. And, for sure, the situation is familiar when everything around is annoying. Each, even positive, event does not please, but brings disappointment. When the gentle spring sun hurts the eyes, and the chirping of the neighbor's children in the yard is a rumor. This does not mean that you are a bad person. You're just in a bad mood.

Who spoiled your mood? You shouldn't deceive yourself. Bad mood is not a consequence of external causes. The secret of the problem always lies within. And don't be fooled. Say it's not. Let's acknowledge that we ourselves are responsible for everything that happens in our lives.

For some reason, people often like to immerse themselves in a depressing mood. As if they are trying to find the causes of all problems in this. They are trying to find sympathizers. There are few advantages to this. Faithful friends will regret, perhaps they will help with advice. Many people think that life is easier this way. But often a person so simply justifies his laziness, low level of motivation, lack of desire.

How to deal with a bad mood? Detect in the bud. After all, when something bad happens... STOP! Here it is, the moment when the seed of depression falls to the ground. It is important to be aware of how you look at the situation. Is it possible to decide how to look at the problem? Who decides for us?

You have to think about it, look into yourself. Understand what threatens a good mood. Listen to yourself? What happens to the body, to the mind, to the soul? This will help you see the first signs of a bad mood. And then you can take action. Which? How to get rid of a bad mood when it is just beginning to crowd out all the positive? You need to understand what is best for yourself. Decide which mood you choose.

Observation and sensitivity to one's own sensations is not an innate quality. It develops with the help of psychological exercises. Most personal training is aimed at understanding oneself.

What are the reasons for bad mood? Very often it is a signal of our body. He tells us, "There's something wrong with me." A familiar situation - you wake up in the morning, and it is not clear why you are in a bad mood. And you just need to remember - what happened yesterday before going to bed. Hearty dinner! Dieticians do not recommend eating before bedtime - this harms the figure and contributes to the deposition of fat in the body. Psychologists are in solidarity with colleagues. For seven to ten hours of almost motionless lying, the food stagnates, the processes of decay begin. How to deal with a bad mood? Postpone your meal two hours before bed. Drink every six months for a two-week - three-week course of bifido- and lactobacilli. You can eat fiber, which is sold in pharmacies - it helps to remove harmful substances from the body.

A very bad mood happens when you sleep in a stuffy room. The body does not have enough oxygen for proper rest. And he takes revenge with a feeling of weakness and nightmares. And they never cheer people up. And you need a trifle - an open window or regular airing before going to bed.

A bad mood in girls and boys causes constant stress. It occurs when you live in the same apartment with people who are unpleasant for you. You have to always expect something bad, constantly be in suspense. How to get rid of a bad mood in this case? Try to move away from them.

Bad mood what to do? Did it show up today? Remember how much caffeine you consumed yesterday. This substance immerses the body in a stress-stress state. Its overdose threatens with a caffeine hangover the next day. How to deal with a bad mood? Limit your daily caffeine intake. It is found in coffee, green and black tea.

Why bad mood? Think about how much you move. With a lack of movement, the cells of the body are poorly supplied with oxygen. A bad mood in this case is the cry of the body. Start moving more, playing sports and it will immediately recede.

When you watch your diet, sleep comfortably at night, do not experience constant stress, do not overdo coffee and move a lot, but the problem remains a bad mood, what to do? The cause may be a kidney problem or bile stasis. When the kidneys do not work properly, urine stagnates in the body. The organism is poisoned. Drink more water and a diuretic. If there are symptoms of bile stasis, it is necessary to find out if the gallbladder is working well. You can also drink choleretic.

It is important to remember that constantly bad mood is very dangerous. This can lead to depression. And it doesn't matter what the reasons for the bad mood are. Depression negatively affects a person's life, worsens his relationships with relatives and colleagues, and negatively affects working capacity.

How to distinguish a bad mood from depression? After all, with depression, you need to contact a psychotherapist. It consists of three components - mood disorders, autonomic disorders and fatigue.

If the bad mood lasts more than two weeks, the person has a mood disorder. When depressed, the world seems dull and gray. Very often, a mood disorder is accompanied by mood swings, and not consistently bad. In the morning, everything around can please, and in the evening, heaviness and depression are felt. Or the morning bad mood is dispelled by the evening. And then, it seems that you should not ask yourself: “Why the bad mood?” It's not like that - you have to listen to yourself.

Sometimes a depressed mood is accompanied by a feeling of melancholy, anxiety, despair, indifference. Perhaps a person will not notice a bad mood. But the feeling of a “stone in the soul” will give a signal of an incipient depression. There are rare cases when depression manifests itself in chronic pain in some place, and no doctors can identify the cause of this pain.

Very often, prolonged stress can lead to depression with feelings of anxiety. It is very important to identify anxiety. It can be accompanied by constant unreasonable fear for loved ones, fear of falling asleep and often having nightmares. Sometimes anxiety is manifested by nervousness, the inability to sit in one place.

Anxiety, manifested in a sense of panic (symptoms of which are a feeling of rapid heartbeat, a feeling of lack of air, trembling in the body), often occurs against the background of an extended depression. Thus, one of the varieties of depression manifests itself - anxious depression.

Unlike anxious depression, when a person cannot sit still, other types of depression reduce a person's physical activity. He sleeps more than twelve hours a day, and sleep does not bring morning vigor. Such ordinary tasks as cooking soup, vacuuming the carpet seem heavy and pointless. Most likely, this is the development of apathetic depression.

Inhibition processes affect not only motor activity, but also thought processes. Attention and memory worsens, it becomes more difficult to think. There is a feeling of fatigue from a short reading or watching TV.

The second component of depression is autonomic disorders (manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia). If the cardiologist and the general practitioner have ruled out the corresponding organic diseases, then dizziness, headaches, frequent urination, false urges that occur, beginning fluctuations in blood pressure and temperature are secondary vegetative signs of depression.

Depression also affects the gastrointestinal tract: appetite disappears, constipation appears for four to five days. With atypical depression, the opposite happens: appetite increases, diarrhea appears. This form of depression is much less common.

With developing depression in a person, regardless of gender, sensations in the sexual sphere are dulled. Sometimes depression leads to numerous promiscuity, masturbation. Men have problems with potency. In women, there is a delay in menstruation by ten to fourteen for six months or more.

The third component of depression is asthenic. It is expressed in fatigue, irritability, sensitivity to weather changes.

With depression, there are problems with falling asleep, superficial sleep, early awakening with a desire to sleep.

The development of depression has its own laws. The most severe is depression, in which thoughts arise about the aimlessness of life, and even about suicide. The manifestation of such signs of depression is a reason for an immediate appeal to a psychotherapist. It is important to start treatment with drugs in the correct doses as soon as possible. Medications affect the system of serotonin (hormone of happiness), norepinephrine, etc. A stable mood helps to solve psychological problems.

There is a myth that antidepressants are addictive. Therefore, many are afraid to take them. Addiction is caused by strong sedatives and sleeping pills from the group of tranquilizers. Antidepressants used to treat depression are not addictive.

Antidepressants are prescribed according to the nature of depression: some treat depression with a touch of anxiety, others for depression with a touch of apathy, indifference. When using drugs in the right dosage, the first results appear in the third or fourth week - anxiety disappears, suicidal thoughts disappear, mood evens out, and a desire to live actively appears. To cure depression, it is necessary to complete the course of treatment. If interrupted, depression may return.

The course of treatment with antidepressants is determined by a psychotherapist. It usually lasts from four months to a year. Sometimes a supportive course of treatment is prescribed. It is designed to consolidate the results achieved in the fight against depression.

Depression can be compared to high fever. This is an indicator that something is wrong in the body. She is not to be taken lightly. It is better to prevent at the stage of bad mood.

“How significant are emotions and feelings!
These are the winds that blow the sails of the ship;
they sometimes drown him, but without them he cannot swim.

Emotions are a special class of subjective psychological states, reflecting in the form of direct experiences, sensations of a person’s pleasant and unpleasant attitude to the world and people, the process and results of his practical activity. A variety of manifestation of emotions is moods, affects, passions. Moods are weakly expressed emotional experiences, characterized by a significant duration and poor awareness of the causes and factors that caused them.

It happens that you wake up in the morning with the feeling that something is wrong, a bad dream, “got up on the wrong foot”, things are folded unevenly, the cat yells, the apartment is not cleaned. Well, where can a good mood come from? Scientists decided to study this phenomenon, which so poisons the lives of many people, and came to amazing conclusions. It turned out that, contrary to popular belief, women are more boring and grouchy than men. True, this pattern is observed only in the morning, in the first few hours after waking up. According to the study, 13% of women and 10% of men are in a bad mood during the first four hours of the morning. According to scientists, this is due to the fact that in general, men are less likely than women to suffer from sleep disorders, and therefore get better sleep.

At the same time, most of those who hate the whole world in the morning blame poor night sleep (40%), stress and depression (24%) for this. Some people are prevented from getting enough sleep by the pain in their back, which has been strained during the day, or by the snoring of a loved one sleeping peacefully next to them. It is not surprising that representatives of different sexes prefer to relax before going to bed in different ways. Men believe that a glass or two of a strong drink helps a healthy sound sleep, and the beautiful half of humanity relieves the stress accumulated during the day with the help of a good book or a hot bath.

What's going on inside?
And a hurricane is raging inside: either longing will rush, then anger, then resentment. It was as if someone had brought together all the experiences at once, mixed them up, and poured them into the soul, like a chaotic cocktail. Where did this state come from? There are two options: outside or inside. If an unpleasant state is brought in from outside, then most likely it is due to some objective circumstances: a minor quarrel, about which you, in principle, are not particularly worried. And yet there was an internal conflict: I want to be loved, but I hurt it (a), and now they don’t love me. Relationships that are meaningful to you have been lost. Outwardly, it seems like nothing serious has happened, but in the inner world something is disturbing and this is connected with objective circumstances. Another case is when a bad mood is associated with life circumstances: job loss, illness of a child, negative assessment in an exam, etc. There is a way out: if we cannot change the situation, then I must change my attitude towards this situation! If the source of my bad mood is myself (a), or no external reasons were found, then I will have to deal with feelings and needs.

If no external causes are found
When we are in a bad mood, it can be difficult to immediately determine what it is all the same connected with. Thoughts are confused, and I want to get rid of the annoying state as soon as possible, and not to understand its origins. It is easy to “get rid of” a bad mood only for a while, postponing “trials”, which is called “for later”. But, if you still do not understand what the root of the problem is, the gloomy state will easily return back. As you know, the more “emotional” right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the production of negative emotions, while the left hemisphere is more likely to give us positive. At the same time, the rational left hemisphere is responsible for mental operations. And this means that mental activity will help to cause a positive state (or improve mood). A bad mood, of unknown origin, may be caused by blocking needs. For example, when we wake up, we conclude that we want to eat and go to the refrigerator. On what grounds did we identify this particular need? A vague feeling in the lower abdomen? Is it really hunger? Perhaps it is fear, anxiety, unresolved issues from the past day - which we quickly block with food? Yes, we ate, created the appearance of a satisfied need, but this is only an appearance, and the real state of affairs is different. This is how we communicate with our body: it is one thing for us, and we another for it. Here it is important to listen to yourself and ask yourself: “What do I really want?”

What can help you deal with a bad mood?

  1. Mental activity is an excellent cure for bad mood. Reading, intellectual games will be useful. What is important is not just the process of reading or playing, but thoughtfulness.
  2. Water will help relieve fatigue and irritation. After a tiring day, a salt bath or a contrast shower will help you relax. Water is an excellent remedy for negative emotions, and regular water procedures in the pool are a good prevention of bad mood.
  3. Dancing classes will help you make new friends, learn how to control your body, master new motor skills, get rid of excess weight, and most importantly, active classes will cheer you up.
  4. Take care of yourself. Physical exercise is great for your mood. Numerous studies have shown that endorphins and serotonins (pleasure hormones released during exercise) have a positive effect on a person's mood. Going to the gym will not only allow the body to get the right substances, but also help you relax and distract from troubles.
  5. Creation. It is better to transform all negative energy into beauty, and if beauty does not work out, then at least into something funny! You can take a large sheet of paper, paints, pencils, etc., and draw your bad mood in all its versatility, and then transform, change the picture, do something with your bad mood (for example, put a dog on it, hide it in a bag, decorate flowers). Thus, by performing actions on paper, you, firstly, release the negative, and secondly, transform it into what you want.
  6. Arrange a meeting with friends. Just don't call on the phone complaining about a hard life. This will only aggravate your condition. It is better to organize a fun party, and not talk about your problems at all. You should not communicate at this moment with those who themselves do not mind whining. Cheerful unobtrusive communication will help to distract, and, perhaps, completely dispel sadness. Social contacts can solve any problem, including a bad mood.
  7. Routine work is best left for later: now it will only cause irritation. It is better to do something active (house cleaning, active sports). Move more. Physical activity speeds up the metabolic processes in the body. Add sun exposure to physical activity and you will feel your mood improve.
  8. Go to the cinema or theater for a comedy. In the hall, where everyone is full of positive emotions, the process of infection takes place, in this way the state of the majority is transmitted to you. Visit an exhibition, a museum, a cinema, a shop.
  9. Do a good deed. By selflessly doing something useful for other people, we begin to feel better, and our mood improves.
  10. Smile. If you can overcome yourself and smile even when you are in a bad mood, you will already turn the tide for the better. And a smile can be used daily as a prevention against a bad mood.
  11. 11. Do something! Don't wait for everything to change by itself! Everything depends only on you!

If everything listed above has been tried and nothing has helped, then it may be worth going through a course of psychotherapy, which will help not only get rid of a bad mood, but also get to know yourself better.

You can even get a kind of buzz, sitting at home, sorting through dull thoughts, and noah about how bad everything is. But, being constantly in a bad mood, you run the risk, as if doing nothing, to ruin relationships with loved ones. Besides, a dull person is an uninteresting person. In the eyes of a bore there is not that tempting spark that attracts. The key to a good mood is activity, in which direction you would not direct it. Some people think that being happy in our world is a selfish goal. On the contrary, a happy person is more useful to society, as he is more open, friendly, responsive and ready to help others. In general, by helping yourself, you help other people.

Bursts of depression and bad mood are thunderstorms that arise in our psyche in the same way as in nature. They arise, but always pass... But the main thing is not a thunderstorm and rain, but the sun, freshness and purity, which will come later if we do not let the elements confuse us.
Good luck and don't be sad!

Unfortunately, there are no people in the world who would not be familiar with the blues. The reasons for mood swings are different and differ even in men and women.

Bad mood irritability occurs among young people and older people, among different sexes, in young children and adolescents.

Frequent mood swings

short-term strong shock or long test;
physical and psycho-emotional overload, lack of sleep or its low quality;
nervous strain and subsequent exhaustion;
Significant changes in daily life have taken place;
lack of certain substances in the body;
health problems.

In other cases, a bad mood for no reason occurs as a result of the development of pathologies of the liver, thyroid gland, heart, nervous system, and others.

Mood swings in women may also be associated with hormonal changes. It happens that there are emotional swings in puberty, during menopause, monthly in the presence of premenstrual syndrome, during pregnancy.

Not always the causes of a bad mood are caused by events taking place in our lives. More often provokes a bad mood a breakdown, which happens for various reasons. For example, due to beriberi, this is a seasonal phenomenon and usually occurs in late autumn, winter or early spring. During this period, a fairly large number of people are wondering how to deal with a bad mood.

Despite the fact that many people ignore the blues and are skeptical about it, it is important to understand what this is fraught with. This is quite a serious problem. With a long stay in this state, there is a risk not only of a decrease in working capacity and poisoning the joy of others, but also the appearance of psychosomatic diseases. They develop according to the scheme of stress-functional disorders-the appearance of pathology in the organs.

This is quite an impressive list:

Bronchial asthma

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum



Essential hypertension

Rheumatoid arthritis

Coronary artery disease

All this is treated for a long time and in a complex manner, with the inclusion in the treatment regimen not only of drugs to eliminate the manifestations of pathology, but also of medications that correct the patient's psycho-emotional status.

Let's not drag ourselves into this "swamp" and still think about how to improve our mood? What conditions need to be addressed?

Insufficient physical and mental activity

Yes, yes, the lack of the necessary mental stress has a negative effect on emotional well-being! Everyone knows that thanks to sports and physical activity, we get an increased dose of endorphins, but not everyone knows that often the blues happen due to the lack of any activity at all.

For example, thoughtlessly hanging in front of the monitor all day provokes a bad mood. What to do. Move!

Put your head to work. And if it so happens that you have little work in the office today, come up with an activity, for example, a witty conversation with colleagues will pass the time and energize you. Laughter is great medicine! And do not forget about your favorite sports workouts in the evening. Sports help a lot with constant mood swings. Moments spent in the gym or just walking can “turn off” your head from work, problems, negativity, allow you to tune in to a good mood and find a solution to oppressive problems more easily. And also think positively, because it is known that our thoughts are material.

What vitamin will help? Vitamin C. Elixir of youth - this remedy is also known under this name. Penetrating into nerve cells, it takes part in the synthesis of norepinephrine, which is responsible for a cheerful mood. To prevent a lack of vitamin C, rose hips, citrus fruits, currants, white cabbage, fresh herbs, and potatoes should be included in the nutrition plan. If you're looking for anti-mood vitamins, look no further than these products.

Frequent mood swings in the fairer sex.

It is known that women are more vulnerable than men. Ladies worry about every little thing, take everything to heart, besides, the situation is aggravated on critical days, monthly, and also during menopause. Also, low mood depression occurs more often in women than in men, due to severe fatigue - physical or emotional.
After all, their fragile shoulders not only take care of the house and children, which in itself is already a lot, but also the fulfillment of their work duties, often on a par with the stronger sex.

What to do? Firstly, love for the world begins with self-love - smile more often at the reflection in the mirror, relax more, meet friends, spare no time and money for recovery. Second, you need change! A trip to a beauty salon, pleasant shopping, a wardrobe update or even a holiday romance!
What vitamin should you take? Vitamin E is called the “female vitamin” due to the fact that its beneficial properties primarily help ladies. This powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals prevents dysfunction in the body. Vitamin E is taken with frequent fatigue and strong physical exertion. In large quantities, vitamin E contains almonds and hazelnuts, sunflower oil, canned spinach, beans and scrambled eggs. These products support healthy well-being.

Wrong way of life. Unhealthy snacks, fast food, parties where alcohol flows like water, TV shows to the detriment of sleep are just a temporary surge of joy.

We strive to get satisfaction from what society gives us. But in the final we have a bad mood all the time. In addition, excess weight and unhealthy appearance, which appear due to fast food, lack of sleep, and other harmful factors, contribute their share. What to do? Provide yourself with healthy natural products, drink less coffee, get out with your family more often in nature, where there is more fresh air, observe the sleep and wake schedule as much as possible, in general, direct all your efforts and balance your life.

What should be taken? Selenium and lycopene are excellent trace elements for getting rid of this ailment. A lack of selenium affects a person - he becomes irritable, emotionally unstable and often succumbs to depression. A large amount of selenium is found in Brazil nuts.
Lycopene contains many antioxidants - substances that slow down cell aging and help them regenerate. Lycopene helps to become less vulnerable to negative environmental factors, and, accordingly, a person stays in a good mood longer. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene.

chronic stress

There are a lot of annoying factors in our daily life - deadlines, illnesses, bad weather, lack of sleep, quarrels.
This leads to the so-called chronization of stress. We gradually get used to it, as the impact of the negative passes daily and becomes more or less invisible. However, its destructive power is as great as that of strong adrenaline jolts.

What will come to our aid?

Again, physical activity is needed, because movement is life. A favorite hobby, good literature, pleasant music will also help. Limit your stay on the Internet - it is better to spend the evening with a cup of fragrant mint tea in your hands in a pleasant company. What vitamin can you drink to fight stress?

The morning sun is annoying, all objects fall out of hand, and those around, as if out of spite, do not do everything the way we would like. All these are signs of a bad mood. Usually in this state they say: "I got up on the wrong foot." But why does our vitality sometimes fall below the baseboard? And how to cope with a bad mood if it suddenly overtook you? Let's find the causes together and figure out ways to get rid of them.

Irritability and bad mood - causes

Lack of mood is an extremely insidious thing. In this state, a person not only does not want to, but also cannot do anything. Any little thing, such as the lack of the right thing in the wardrobe, a sandwich that has fallen on the floor with butter or spilled coffee, can bring to an extreme degree of irritation. What to say about the people around. If the leader comes to work in a bad mood, then, as a rule, the whole team suffers from this. But what if such a boss has a bad mood every day? In this case, conflicts will definitely not be avoided.

To learn how to cope with negativity, it is first of all important to know what mistakes lead to discouragement. There are several reasons why a person is constantly in a bad mood:

  • frequent falling into extremes, characteristic of resolving any conflicts. In other words, this is the inability of a person to compromise and find a middle ground in assessing the situation;
  • negative prediction of the future. Those. the tendency to constantly expect only negative developments in the future;
  • negative thinking. It consists in the tendency of a person to perceive information only in a negative way, completely ignoring its positive aspects;
  • excessive demands on yourself. Such people constantly tell themselves that they "can" or "should." Living in such rigid frameworks, they are not kept in a positive way and quickly move on to negative thoughts;
  • speculation. They consist in trying to guess the thoughts of others and what they meant. Usually such people are sure that they are right and do not check their guesses, being absolutely sure of them.

Frequent bad mood has another important reason. Daily stress and overwork almost inevitably lead to the fact that a person has problems in life, insomnia, poor health, fatigue, and as a result, a bad mood. It is possible to defeat him. The main thing is to notice in time that the negative is increasingly coming to the fore and urgently start getting rid of it.

How to deal with a bad mood?

So, you noticed that irritability began to replace a smile more and more often, people suddenly changed and began to strain with their existence alone, and the world suddenly became black and white, and positive thoughts were replaced by a bad mood. What to do? You can set yourself up for positive emotions with the help of special exercises. Considering that our mood in life depends on external circumstances and our thoughts, we need to clear our mind of negativity and tune in a positive way. Two methods will help with this:

Repeat these exercises several times a week. A little later, you can use the method of how to get rid of a bad mood by simply closing your eyes and again imagining yourself with the TV remote control.

In addition to using these exercises, it is important to constantly work on yourself in real life. Try to increase your physical activity and spend more time in the sun, meet good friends, do all the things that have been oppressing you for a long time, and sometimes just smile at the world around you for no reason. Your positive attitude will return to you with a vengeance, and you will never again ask yourself why you got into a bad mood in the morning.

Everyone has a bad mood, but you can get rid of it pretty quickly. Taking care of your physical and emotional health and following the recommendations of a doctor, you can improve your condition and learn how to deal with a bad mood.


Mental health care

    Determine the cause of the bad mood. Sometimes there is no reason for a bad mood, but often a person is worried about something specific. Perhaps you are having a hard time at work or have a fight with a close friend. Take a breath and think about why you are sad. This is the first step towards solving the problem.

    Talk to your friends. One of the reasons for a bad mood is a feeling of loneliness and isolation. It is better not to be alone with your feelings, but to talk with friends or relatives. Write a letter, call or invite them for coffee. This will remind you that you are not alone.

    • If your relatives or friends are far away, look for group classes for yourself. You can volunteer or go to courses - there you will meet people who are interested in the same thing as you.
  1. Believe in your worth. Sometimes a bad mood comes when you get a compliment and you don't feel like you deserve it. So that you can admire yourself in the same way that others do, try special exercises. Make a list of all your skills, abilities, talents and positive character traits in a diary. This will allow you to see yourself in a positive light, that is, the way others see you.

    Forgive yourself. Getting rid of a bad mood instantly is not always possible. If you're sad and things aren't going well, don't blame yourself for it. Remember that bad moods happen to everyone. This is not a reflection of your worth as a person.

    Listen to music. Scientists have proven that music can improve mood. If the mood starts to sour, turn on your favorite album or look for something new in the world of music. Sing and dance along and your mood will improve.

    Complete one task. A common cause of a bad mood is an excess of things to do, which leads to stress and an inability to cope with everything at once. To get rid of unpleasant feelings, choose the simplest task for which you will need the least amount of time, and complete it. It can be something as simple as doing laundry, but completing at least one task will significantly improve your mood.

    Chat with a cheerful person. Emotions are contagious and can be passed from person to person. Talking to a person who is in a bad mood or who is very nervous will cause similar feelings in you. Think about which of your friends is usually in a good mood, and spend some time with this person. You may be able to feed on a friend's optimism.

    Distract yourself. If you can't get rid of bad thoughts, find an activity that requires mental energy and concentration. Put together a puzzle, watch your favorite comedy, bake a pie. If your mind is occupied with any task for even a few minutes, especially if it is pleasant, you will forget about a bad mood.

    Think about your hobbies. Hobbies can also be distracting. You will realize that you are talented and productive. If you're sad, do what you're good at. Play a musical instrument, take up art, sports, come up with a monologue for a performance - all this will help you improve your mood.

    Take advantage of a bad mood. A bad mood also has its advantages: it allows you to think about the world and your place in it. If you can't get rid of a bad mood, take the opportunity to learn more about yourself and the people around you. Perhaps, if you pay attention, you will draw valuable conclusions for yourself.

    Close social networks. Social networks often cause unnecessary stress and provoke feelings of loneliness. If you feel sad, turn off social media alerts and turn off your computer. Try to find another way to connect with friends and family, or even leave the house for a couple of minutes.

    Stay yourself. In the fight against a bad mood, there is no universal remedy that would suit everyone. Think about what you enjoy doing and go for it. If you're an introvert, find a quiet activity to do alone. If you're an extrovert, call your friends. Do things that help you deal with bad moods.

    Write down things that make you nervous. The human brain can cling to unfinished business, mistakes made in the past, or upcoming events that need to be prepared for. This can lead to a bad mood. To get rid of this condition, write down your thoughts in a diary. This will help your brain stop worrying about things that are out of your control and allow you to focus on the positive.

    Make an entry in your gratitude journal. To remind yourself that life is beautiful, keep a gratitude journal and write down everything you are grateful for. Express gratitude for the little things (for example, for someone to give you a seat on the transport) and for big things (for example, for how your parents looked after you as a child). All this will give you strength, help you become satisfied with yourself and enjoy the world around you.

    Lead an active lifestyle. A bad mood happens more often if a person’s mind is not busy with anything. Don't sit around all day - keep your body and mind busy. Focusing on the task will drive away the bad mood.