I met you and all living things. F.I.'s poem

Poem F.I. Tyutchev "I met you - and all the past ..." is also known as "K.B." Two mysterious letters are addressed to Amalia Krüdener, to whom he dedicated poems earlier, for example, in 1833 "I remember the golden time ...".

The poet combined several styles in a small poem. The work uses high vocabulary inherent in the ode, which is combined with the melodiousness of the poem, which is characteristic of the elegy.

Lyrical excerpt by F.I. Tyutchev consists of two parts. On the one hand, the poet describes love, feelings, the beauty of a woman, but on the other hand, he is concerned about the past years and the problem of old age.

For F.I. Tyutchev's youth is a golden time. The poem contains the theme of nostalgia for the past, for oneself. Tyutchev draws attention to what he remembered, and his heart became warm. It is on memory that the author focuses. It is important that the poet recalls not only love suffering, but also his entire former life. He experiences emotional excitement, which is transmitted to the reader: "There is more than one memory, //Here life spoke again ...". To enhance the author uses the repetition of the word "here", focuses on the present, despite the fact that all this was experienced earlier.

The author does not talk about a new novel, does not expect mutual feelings. This poem is dedicated to love, which helps to look at a young self with new eyes. Remember the bright moments of life, remember the feelings that you experienced for different women. In the image of K.B. the features of many women whom the poet loved were combined.

Already at the end of his life in 1870, F.I. Tyutchev wrote another dedication to the baroness, which was permeated with love and tenderness. The author of the poem recalls his young years, compares them with spring. He feels a new spiritual impulse: "and something will stir in us." An unexpected meeting makes you feel life, feel the tastes that have already been forgotten, the sounds that have already died down, began to play with the same force. The poet compares his life with the seasons and natural phenomena, which makes the work as airy as the wind.

Analysis of the poem I met you and everything of the past ... according to plan

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Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev worked during the golden heyday of Russian literature, when many poets wrote about feelings and love. But the most wonderful lines about love, undoubtedly, belong to the pen of Tyutchev. His poetic works are so deep, lyrical and melodious that many have taken their rightful place in the field of singing culture, becoming romances that are performed all over the world.

There is everything in these verses: passion, falling in love, admiration, tragedy, suffering. The poet considered love from all sides, and an ardent lover, and an observer wise by life experience.

And in this lyrical choir of Tyutchev's works, a special place is occupied by the poem "I met you - and All the past ...".

The history of the creation of the poem

The text of the poem “I met you - and all the past” occupies a special place in the entire lyrics of the poet, since the main character conveys the feelings that many people experience during their love. The emotional experiences and searches of the main character make it possible to express those emotions and feelings that are understandable to everyone. But let's dwell a little on what is the history of this Tyutchev's work, where the dedication "KB" was given. Who is this mysterious stranger?

This Tyutchev work was created by the author at a rather late age. It is believed that it was written by a lyricist in 1870, and at that time Fyodor Ivanovich was sixty-six years old. There is also a version of what served to create such a beautiful text. According to this historical version, it is known that in July the poet rested in Karlsbad, where there was a boarding house for rest and treatment. There, on July 26, he unexpectedly meets Amilia Krüdener, who in her maiden name was Lerchenfeld and was a baroness. Hence such a strange dedication "K.B" - Krudener, baroness. This meeting was unexpected and very touching, since Tyutchev had known this woman for a long time.

Their first acquaintance took place at a young age, when young people met by chance and fell in love with each other. But the position in society, and the girl's parents insisted that Amalia marry a very rich man - Baron Krudener. They had to separate then. And now, decades later, this meeting unexpectedly took place. Past experiences and feelings flared up in the soul of the lyrics.

This version was for a long time the only one that explained the writing of the poem. But more recently, another version of the history of the creation of Tyutchev's poetic creation has been put forward. Suddenly, a version was voiced that this text was not addressed to Amalia, but to a completely different woman - Clotilde von Bothmer, who was the sister of his first wife. According to some literature, the lyricist was familiar with her even before meeting his wife. And she lived, according to the memoirs of her contemporaries, not far from the place where the poet-philosopher rested. This version now exists, but so far it is not as common as the previous one.

I met you - and all the past
In the obsolete heart came to life;
I remembered the golden time -
And my heart felt so warm...

Like late autumn sometimes
There are days, there are hours
When it suddenly blows in the spring
And something stirs in us -

So, all covered with spirit
Those years of spiritual fullness,
With a long forgotten rapture
Looking at cute features...

As after centuries of separation,
I look at you as if in a dream -
And now - the sounds became more audible,
Not silenced in me...
There are more than one recollection, Here life spoke again, - And the same charm in us, And the same love in my soul! ..

Today, based on the memoirs of poets and contemporaries of Tyutchev's time, it is customary to consider the official version of the story of the creation of a poetic masterpiece dedicated to Baroness Amalia Krudener.

Analysis of Tyutchev's poem

The main theme of Tyutchev's poetic work is the resurrection in the human soul of the desire to live and be happy, as well as the most wonderful memories of happy days that, unfortunately, have already passed. The main character is a man who is already in adulthood, but his life, like autumn, lasts so long that he is even already tired. From this fatigue, all the feelings in him have become dull and weakened, they have long since lost the fire that was before. In life, he no longer experiences any joys, but only peace. It seems to this hero of the lyrical work that he already had everything beautiful in his life, now it is left somewhere in the past, and the present will not bring any changes.

And here, quite unexpectedly for the main character himself, an incredible meeting with a girl with whom he was once passionately and tenderly in love takes place. This meeting is like meeting with his youth, when he was young and when he could experience the full range of feelings and emotions. This meeting changed his life so much that he even began to worry, and his blood, which, as it seemed to the poet himself, had frozen, began to rush through his veins, giving him even more excitement. The author, who is a subtle psychologist, manages to perfectly characterize the agitated state of his hero. So, already in the second poetic line, the poet uses an oxymoron so that the reader can imagine what is happening in the heart of Tyutchev's hero, which has already outlived itself, and now it has come to life again.

But it is worth paying attention to metaphors that help to draw certain images conceived by the lyricist. For example, the season in Tyutchev's poem resembles a person's age. So, the poet-philosopher compares autumn with the old age of the protagonist, and spring is the young life of the lyrical character. The same poetic images help to understand how unexpected this meeting is and how incredible the transformations that take place in his soul. Memories, like waves, swept over the person so strongly that they awakened in him the desire for life. He can now again feel joy, feel all the shades of life. The lyrical Tyutchev hero has hope for the future, which inspires him.

Now let's turn to the fourth Tyutchev stanza, where the author uses the motif of a dream:

"I look at you as if in a dream."

It is not only interesting, but also necessary in order to indicate the importance of what is happening, to emphasize the element of some kind of surprise. It becomes clear that the hero is still so full of energy that he is open to any emotions, especially love. He has not changed, he has remained the same, his heart can still love and suffer.

Artistic and expressive means "I met you - and all the past ..."

The lexical structure of Tyutchev's poem "I met you - and all the past ..." is also interesting.

Thus, Tyutchev's poetic masterpiece itself is very easy to read, the mood is light and bright. Changes in the hero's soul are conveyed by such words as spring is blowing, time is golden, tender ecstasy, warm charm, and the lyricist's sadness is also special. It is both ancient and late. Uses poet-philosopher and sublime vocabulary. A special place is occupied by verbs that convey a light and quick movement of the soul: she spoke, started, came to life. The use of verbs allows you to draw the image of a breeze, light and airy, the breath of which awakens the forces for movement and transformation.

The text is dominated by a large number of artistic and expressive means, which just allow you to convey the depth of feelings of the main character. The following types of trails are used:

★ Metaphors and personifications: the heart of the lyricist is revived, but such that it becomes warm from memories, and the life of the poet-philosopher spoke.

★ Comparisons: the meeting with the lyricist took place as if they had been separated for centuries.

★ Epithets: the poet calls time golden, his separation becomes centuries old, and to the female features that he recognizes and which are so dear to him, he selects the epithet cute.

★ Inversion: the poet swaps the subject “sounds” and the predicate “heard more than steel”. “Days”, and the predicate “are” comes first.

★ Anaphora: in the last poetic line, the first words are repeated, which allows you to highlight those parts where there are more emotions.

The sound structure of the poetic work is also interesting. The following expressions are used:

Assonance: the sounds o and e are repeated.
Alliteration: uses the repetition of soft sounds n and v, as well as r.

This gives the whole poem a lightness and melodiousness, which can be compared with the freshness of a light breeze. The human soul begins to revive and the reader can see these stages of revival. The composition has five lines that reflect the five stages of the hero's experiences, from the first impression after the meeting to the full awakening of feelings.

The rhyme in Tyutchev's poem is exact, cross. So, the first and third lines are interesting, which relate to female rhyme, but the second and, accordingly, the fourth can be attributed to male. Among the different constructions of sentences, there is one exclamatory, and it also uses ellipsis. The poem itself is written in two-syllable meter - iambic.

Romance "I met you - and all the past ..."

Tyutchev's poem is characterized by melodiousness and musicality. Therefore, many composers tried to set it to music. But the most popular and successful is the performance of this romance by Ivan Semyonovich Kozlovsky to the music of Leonid Dmitrievich Malashkin.

This romance is already a hundred years old, but it continues to be popular and interesting for listeners. This is what the power of love, creativity, art means!

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is one of the most famous representatives of the heyday of Russian poetry. The main themes of his lyrics are love and the sensations that accompany a person in this: admiration, falling in love, drama, sublimity and inspiration. The lyrics of Fyodor Ivanovich are especially different from others in a melodious manner - this was the reason that many of the poet's poems were set to music for the performance of romances. One of them is the work "I met you - and all the past ...".

Tyutchev's poem "I met you ..." has a truly significant place in his work. The hero of the poem feels everything that many young people experience when they fall in love, that's why it is so light and airy, it revives some kind of joyful excitement in the soul. The main thing in this poem is that the hero experiences those feelings that are understandable to everyone.

This lyrical work has a very real background. Fedor Ivanovich met a girl in his youth, and a tender, passionate feeling arose between them. But at the behest of her parents, she had to marry a rich man with a respected rank. Many years later, the lovers met again, which gave the poet a reason to write the poem "I met you ...", or rather, a description of what he felt.

True, there is another version. The poem was supposedly born not after a meeting with Amalia, but after a fleeting meeting with Clotilde von Bothmer. Clotilda is the sister of Fyodor Ivanovich's first wife, whom he had known for a very long time and who lived near the poet's resting place. However, this version is not as widely known as the first.

Means of artistic expression

The lightness of the style in which the poem “I met you ...” is written also ensures the simplicity of its perception and reading, evoking bright and relaxed feelings. The abundance of verbs gives rise to the movement of the poet’s soul, something in it changes with the words “long-forgotten ecstasy”, “spiritual fullness” ... Verbs make it possible to imagine the image of a light breeze that inspires change, movement.

In the poem, Tyutchev uses many artistic and expressive means that show the depth of feelings and sincerity of the hero's emotions. Among them, the first place is occupied by metaphors and personifications: the poet recalls the past with warmth, his heart came to life, even life itself spoke. He compares the meeting with a reunion after a century of separation, time is golden, such female features familiar to him are gentle - this is proof of the abundance of colorful epithets.

Tyutchev skillfully wields inversion: he swaps "sounds" and "heard steel", instead of "days" he puts "there are." Also in the last verse there is a repetition of the first words, which highlights the more emotional parts - this is a sign of anaphora.

Composition and meter of the verse

The poem itself consists of five quatrains, each of which is a certain step in the "revival" of the author's soul. The first tells about the very moment of the meeting and about what feelings it aroused in the chest of the narrator. In the second - memories of the past, which in the third quatrain already echo the present. The fourth is the climax, the peak of the hero's sensations, when he admits that nothing has died, and affection is still alive in him. In the last quatrain, life inside the poet blooms with a beautiful fresh rose, like what he experiences - “And the same love in my soul!” is a complete awakening.

In the poem "I met you ..." cross rhyme. The first and third lines are female, the second and fourth are male rhymes. Almost all quatrains end with an ellipsis, even the last with a combination of an ellipsis and an exclamation mark. The poem is written in two-syllable meter - iambic.


The main theme of the poem "I met you ..." is the revival of love for life in the human soul and happiness, warm memories of the past, which, however, will remain the past. The hero of the poem is a young man, or rather a man, as if tired of himself. Feelings in him are almost dead, they have dulled over time and weakened. For him, life is now static, unchanging, measured and calm. But an unexpected meeting turns his world upside down, reviving the long-forgotten in him. He once loved this girl, truly lived with her, experienced ardent passion and tenderness. This meeting is a meeting with his own youth, when he still felt something and gave a lively response to every slight change. She excited him. Tyutchev subtly characterizes the excitement of the young man: everything was so simple and unchanged, when suddenly ... the heart came to life again.

The lyrical work "I met you ..." is a story about spiritual transformations, fleeting and fast, incredible, significant. Memories encourage him to understand that he wants to live, breathe again, feel, rejoice, hope for happiness and inspiration.

Symbols and images

The inner metamorphoses of the hero of the poem are like the seasons: autumn is his old age, spring is reborn youth. This is autumn, into which spring suddenly breaks in - and everything beautiful wakes up, forcing the hero to turn back to the “golden time”.

There is a dream motif in the poem - it manifests itself in the fourth quatrain: "I look at you, as if in a dream." This line serves as a kind of transition, in addition to this, it indicates the significance of what is happening, emphasizes how unexpected it is. The reader sees that the lyrical hero is not yet dead inside, as it might seem that he is ready to feel emotions - in particular, he is open to love.

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev is a master of artistic expression and an outstanding poet. He managed through a poem to explain the feelings of young lovers, plunged into memories of a happy past. In this he was helped by the fact that he was guided by his own feelings and described them. Through the poem “I met you,” the poet shows that love knows no time frames, and all ages are submissive to it.

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"TO. B. (I met you - and all the past ...) "Fyodor Tyutchev

I met you - and all the past
In the obsolete heart came to life;
I remembered the golden time -
And my heart felt so warm...

Like late autumn sometimes
There are days, there are hours
When it suddenly blows in the spring
And something stirs in us -

So, all covered with spirit
Those years of spiritual fullness,
With a long forgotten rapture
I look at the cute features ...

As after centuries of separation,
I look at you as if in a dream -
And now - the sounds became more audible,
Not silenced in me...

There's not just one memory
Then life spoke again -
And the same charm in us,
And the same love in my soul! ..

Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "K. B. (I met you - and all the past ...) "

Fedor Tyutchev was married twice and at the same time had a long affair with Elena Denisyeva, with whom she had been in a civil marriage for more than 15 years. However, history is silent about the numerous love interests of the poet, who had a passionate nature and paid attention to every pretty woman who came into his field of vision.

Already a very old man, in 1870 Tyutchev met the young Baroness Amalia Krudener, who made an indelible impression on him. This meeting took place at the famous resort in Karsbad, where the 65-year-old poet was improving his failing health. After the tragic death of Elena Denisyeva, Tyutchev no longer counted on the fact that such an exalted feeling as love would ever touch his heart. And he was dismayed when it did happen. That is why, referring to the young baroness, the poet notes: "I met you - and everything that was in the obsolete heart came to life." Tyutchev notes that amazing warmth has settled in his heart, and compares his feeling with a warm sunny day, which unexpectedly pleases a person with its beauty in the midst of a cold and dull autumn.

The poet does not hide the fact that Amalia Krudener combines the features of several women at once, whom he idolized. He sees in her the spiritual qualities of the first wife, who passed away too early, the beauty of her mistress Elena Denisyeva, the meekness and piety of the second wife. Therefore, it is not surprising that such sublime lines are born in his soul: “I look at cute features with a long-forgotten rapture.” For him, the beautiful baroness is the personification of not only youth and beauty, but also reminds that the poet was once truly happy, having experienced to the full how delightful, bright and all-consuming true love can be.
Now, when Tyutchev's life is coming to an end, he thanks fate for this amazing meeting. which allowed him to re-experience long-lost and forgotten feelings.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the author not only expresses great gratitude to his new acquaintance, but also notes that "there is more than one memory, here life spoke again." He does not count on reciprocity and has no illusions about the fact that he can attract the attention of such a brilliant person. It is enough that her mere presence allowed the poet to return to the past and feel happy again.

F.I. Tyutchev is a famous Russian poet who lived in the 19th century. He was a contemporary of Pushkin, and Zhukovsky, and Nekrasov, and other no less famous poets. His lyrical works give the impression of a miracle: they are harmonious in form and content. A great place in the work of F.I. Tyutchev is occupied with love lyrics, and the poet composed such poems not only in his youth, but also in old age.
The poem "K.B." (“I met you ...”) was written in 1870, at that time Tyutchev was already 67 years old. The initials in the title denote an abbreviation of the rearranged words "Baroness Kründener". The beauty of this woman overshadowed the poet forty years ago, in the thirties he wrote the poem “I remember the golden time ...”, dedicated to her. And now, four decades later, the baroness and the elderly poet met at a spa in Karlovy Vary. It was there that this lyric poem was written.
This lyrical message is very personal. Memories of the past revived the soul of the elderly poet, made him feel, experience, love. In this poem, Tyutchev reveals to readers the most intimate feelings, we understand how deeply a person can love. In the work "I met you ...", three parts can be distinguished: the introduction - the first stanza, the main part - the next three stanzas, and the conclusion - the fifth stanza. Let's go to the introduction:
I met you - and all the past
In the obsolete heart came to life;
I remembered the golden time -
And my heart is so warm.
The “obsolete heart” of the elderly poet, already tired of suffering and feeling, suddenly plunges into the “golden time”. The epithets are opposed to each other. The golden color is warm, joyful, and the personification is associated with it: "... and the heart became so warm," Memories melted the ice in the poet's heart, made the heart burn, love.
Let's pay attention to the pronouns in this stanza: the poet uses "I" twice, indicating the first person, and we also meet the pronoun "You" - a polite appeal to the woman he loves. The lyrical hero does not say “you” to his beloved, but “You”, “You”, because for him this woman is a deity, an unattainable ideal, an unfulfilled dream.
In the second part, the surrounding landscape, the state of nature echoes the personal experiences of the hero:
Like late autumn sometimes
There are days, there are hours
When it suddenly blows in the spring
And something stirs in us ...
And again in these lines one can note the antithesis, it is emphasized by the antonyms "autumn" - "spring". Late autumn has come, nature is fading, and in the life of an elderly person now the autumn time, youth, youth are long gone. And suddenly, at a meeting with his beloved woman, his soul comes to life, like spring nature, he again felt young, full of vitality and energy. The pronoun “us” seems to unite the hearts of the poet and his beloved woman, but on the other hand, “we”, “us” is not only the personality of an individual, it is a generalized name for everyone who is still able to love and suffer even the “autumn of life”.
Further, the mood of the poem changes, the lyrical hero, as it were, comes to life when he meets his beloved. This is emphasized by the epithets: “spiritual warmth”, “cute features”. If you recall the poem by A.S. Pushkin “To A.P. Kern "(" I remember a wonderful moment ... "), then these works have a lot in common. Both Pushkin and Tyutchev use the same epithet "cute features", in both poets we find words with suffixes -an, -en: in Tyutchev - "rapture", "breath", "remembrance", "charm", and in Pushkin - "rapture", "inspiration", "vision", etc.
Such suffixes are characteristic of romantic poetry, they give the poem a high color. And here they have the same function, because for both Pushkin and Tyutchev, a beloved woman is an ideal, a deity, an inaccessible beauty.
It is no coincidence that the lyrical hero of the poem does not believe in this meeting: separation for him was “secular”. Tyutchev uses the epithet-hyperbole, forty years have passed since their last meeting, and for the poet it is as if a whole century. And therefore, he does not believe that the meeting with his beloved is a reality, the hero is “as if in a dream.”
The last part is filled with life-affirming pathos:
There's not just one memory
Then life spoke again, -
And the same charm in you,
And the same love in my soul!
Repetitions reinforce the main idea of ​​the poem: the beloved woman has not lost her attractiveness even after forty years, she is just as beautiful, charming, and the aging poet is again in love with her and happy as a young man.
It is no coincidence that almost every stanza ends with silence: the poet, as if something is not finishing, does not let the reader into the innermost corners of his soul. But at the end - an exclamatory sentence, it emphasizes the joyful mood. Life goes on, and in old age a person is able to love as passionately as a young person.
The poem is written in iambic tetrameter, the size makes the message melodious, lyrical. It is no coincidence that there is a wonderful romance that combines beautiful music and Tyutchev's poems "I met you ..."
I really like this poem, it is melodic, figurative, written about the most intimate, which disturbed the soul of the aging poet. Despite the fact that this work was written almost a century and a half ago, it continues to excite the hearts of modern readers, as the theme of love is eternal.