Read online the book "Color suit - the elite of the underworld." Confession of a bandit on the day of the Chekist of the Guvd of the Moscow Region

“For the first time I heard about Kvantrishvili in 1984,” said Alexei Prokhorovich Bugaev, now a major general in the reserve. “At that time, I had been working as deputy head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for more than a year. I came to this position from the KGB of the USSR. And now, the secretary reports, that there is an employee of the MUR in the waiting room who wants to acquaint me with important operational materials ... "The materials that got on the table to the general were connected in one way or another with the personality and affairs of the Black Cardinal. These were the testimony of a number of persons in various criminal cases, reports of agents. From them it followed that Kvantrishvili took part in various offenses. Most often, he acted as the organizer of any acts that were punishable by law. There was nothing specific that would allow him to be immediately prosecuted in the papers provided. However, this was the reason for Bugaev's order to the head of one of the departments of the MUR to separate all this into a separate office work. Simply put, a dossier was brought up on Otari Vitalyevich, taking it into active operational development. Thus, the criminal investigation department began to collect materials on it that would be valid in court.

Approximately two or three months after these events, General Bugaev received a phone call from one of the deputy heads of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Alexey Prokhorovich commented on this call:

"I would not like to name this person. He is a respectable worker, disciplined, executive. And at that moment he was fulfilling someone else's will."

He took an interest in Kvantrishvili's "case" and asked him to review it. Bugaev refused. By police subordination, he did not report directly to the caller. There was a time when the metropolitan police closed directly to the leadership of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, bypassing the leadership of the main departments. The general chose to take advantage of this.

However, he did not imagine what influential patrons the Black Cardinal had. Soon, the Deputy Minister of the Interior addressed Bugaev with the same request. It was impossible to refuse him. Several folders with information collected bit by bit with such difficulty went to the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Some time later, a written notice was received from there: the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was taking the "Kvantrishvili case" into its proceedings. Since then, the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate had nothing to do with its operational development, since according to the existing instructions, only one law enforcement agency could deal with one case.

Later it turned out that these documents did not stay long in the Ministry of Internal Affairs either. They were immediately forwarded to the KGB of the USSR. There is a version that there Otari Vitalievich was “developed” very carefully. According to his person, 17 volumes were collected. Only none of them developed from an operational case into a criminal one. According to some reports, the reason for this was that Otari Vitalyevich then agreed to work as an agent of the Lubyanka.

“If the Kvantrishvili case had not been taken away from Petrovka,” the general in reserve shared his past experience, “who knows, perhaps Otari Vitalyevich would still be in good health to this day. Only one more conviction would appear in his biography and he would be in places not so remote ... "Another former deputy head of the Moscow police department shared information that the Black Cardinal could actually be aware of any plans and intentions that were still maturing in the depths of law enforcement agencies.

“I know for sure,” Aleksey Prokhorovich once said. “Kvantrishvili was aware that I was in charge of his operational development. The information unequivocally came to him from fairly accurate sources. on one of his former colleagues, but certain moments of that time are perceived even now somewhat strangely. For example, the first attempt to introduce me and Kvantrishvili was made at the time by the first deputy head of our central office Sergey Kupreev. I don’t know when and how the friendship of a party functionary arose (before joining the bodies, Kupreev was the first secretary of the Bauman district party committee) and the "godfather". But the fact remains - Kupreev repeatedly started a conversation with me about how deep the development of Kvantrishvili was, what exactly was behind him. And once, when he was in CITO, called me and asked me to come urgently.In the foyer I was met by two well-dressed young men sports-looking lover and escorted to the ward. When I asked what kind of people they were, Sergey Alexandrovich answered - the Kvantrishvili brothers, Otari and Amiran. It was the first and only meeting with these people. Of course, Otari Vitalyevich is not without abilities, if he was able to form a team that served him faithfully. Of course, behind all this there was money and connections, big connections. At the end of my service, I had the opportunity to see this for myself. The fact is that Viktor Barannikov, who was Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR at that time, asked to prepare an operational report on Kvantrishvili. The corresponding department of the MUR, which prepared this document, was then headed by Vladimir Rushailo. He signed the certificate. So, after this document went to the ministry only for official use, a copy of it ended up in the hands of Otari Vitalyevich. He, annoyed by such an unflattering characterization, achieved a reception at the very top and even then, in 1992, he repeatedly hinted to Rushailo that he had children. He spoke out that Bugaev also had something to fear and something to worry about. Later, in 1994, "hints" spouted already from television screens. I had to hear about Kvantrishvili even when I had already left the police department. He not only visited Petrovka, 38, but also performed at a concert dedicated to the Day of the Police, even presented gifts to distinguished employees. In my opinion, the rise of this man is closely connected with the changes that have taken place in our country since 1985. He is a product of the new age. He would never have become a famous philanthropist, philanthropist and public figure before. No matter what they say, but in the dark backwaters of the current legal and economic lawlessness, dirty money is “laundered” with surprising ease. ”From Bugaev’s story, one could also conclude that the last sentence to the Black Cardinal ripened precisely in the circles of those three enemies whom he most feared : "the police, the committee and the criminal world. " The first two did everything possible to ensure that everything was decided according to the law, but they did not bring the matter to the end. The third enemy did not stand on ceremony.


Until the last day, Kvantrishvili was constantly in the center of attention of the capital's public life. With enviable constancy, he appeared at almost all solemn events. He especially preferred those that were carried out by the Russian police or the security service. Among the general's entourage, Otari Vitalyevich behaved with emphatic ease and confidence. How else? After all, he took an active part in the activities of the "Shield and Lyre" charitable foundation, focused on social support for employees of the capital's police and their families.

Of course, ordinary operatives, as well as criminal elements, perceived such signs accordingly. But not only for this, the Black Cardinal played his next role. He didn't take any more steps. Everything was calculated, analyzed, adjusted to one goal - the prosperity of the business begun. And it already assumed the creation of a political team to carry out a decisive thrust to power.

From the reference of the Moscow police department: "Association XXI century" was established in 1988. Initially, it included the Moscow cooperatives Klaxon, Domus, Vstrecha. In 1992, this organization already united about a hundred commercial and public firms. The leading place was occupied by JSC "Moskovit", and then its subsidiaries: "Moskovit-show", "Moskovit-metal", "Moskovitoyl", "Moskovit-sugar". In the building of the hotel "Intourist", where the main office of Kvantrishvili was located, the casino "Gabriela" was opened. To finance ever-expanding programs within the same holding, Presnya-Bank and Moskovia Bank began to operate ...

At the end of 1983, the criminal reports of Moscow were literally blown up by a message: in the Lublin region, near a large store, unknown raiders shot two collectors and seized a car with a large sum of money, on which they disappeared.

What gangster doesn't love a beautiful life

To solve the crime, a headquarters was created, headed by the deputy head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, Major General Alexei Bugaev. It must be admitted that the bandit raid on the collectors was carried out cruelly, professionally and impeccably. Undoubtedly, he prepared carefully. The gangsters did not leave any traces at the crime scene, and no suspects could be identified. According to the main version of the headquarters, it was assumed that the raid was carried out by relatively young people. And it is necessary to look for them at inadequately high costs.

Therefore, the operatives took control of expensive restaurants and established a trusting relationship with the waiters so that they would give information about who was spending money. After all, young criminals are likely to want to start a beautiful life, go to the haunts. In Soviet times, such people were always in sight.

Even detectives paid special attention to those citizens who bought cars with minimal income.

And about a week later, - recalls Aleksey Bugaev, - when I was at the operational headquarters, information came from the traffic police that the inspector had detained a young guy, a certain Stepanov (surname changed), at the picket of the Volgograd highway. It turned out that he bought the car after the robbery of collectors was committed. I asked to be taken to the headquarters to deal with him here.

During the inspection, three hundred rubles were found in the guy's pocket. It was very suspicious, at that time young guys certainly could not carry such large sums with them. In addition, this Stepanov has not worked anywhere for six months. To deal with this prosperous citizen, they decided to detain him for three days.

But before he was identified in the cell, an operative officer was placed there. He was supposed to play the role of a heavily drunk and soundly sleeping peasant. When the detective, pretending that he had finally come to his senses, he immediately asked Stepanov in bewilderment where, they say, I was. He replied: "In the police, brother." Then we met, the operational "cellmate" confidentially reassured Stepanov: "If you have not done anything, then they will let you go!" And then he complied with his request: he wrote down the phone number, by which it was necessary to inform in which police department the detainee Stepanov was “closed”. The phone was registered in Balashikha, and the car of the collectors was found at the Elektrozavodskaya metro station, on the way to this town. That's how the detectives came to the second possible accomplice.

"Secular" conversation in the IVS cell

The operatives continued to work with Stepanov, but he did not tell anything of interest. Three days expired, and it was necessary to obtain a sanction for his arrest. But the district prosecutor refused: they say, there are no grounds. What to do, let go? So then you will have to look for it in all the expanses of the Soviet Union. Then Bugaev called the city prosecutor and explained the situation. The prosecutor without hesitation gave the go-ahead, said, let them drive up to me, they will receive a sanction. Stepanov was arrested for another ten days. But this period also passed, and the operatives who dealt with him reported: “Aleksey Prokhorovich, they will have to let him go!”

Bugaev decided to join the case himself. It turned out that Stepanov, until recently, worked as a personal driver for the chief director of one of the Moscow theaters. Since Alexey Prokhorovich was always interested in the creative environment in Moscow, he decided to talk to him "culturally". He asked me to prepare sandwiches with tea by seven o'clock in the evening. During the "secular" conversation, Stepanov told a lot of interesting and diverse information. Bugaev only had time to ask leading questions. And about the most important thing - the execution of collectors - is silent. Alexey Prokhorovich convinced that it was better for Stepanov to confess to the crime, and then he had a chance not to get a "tower" for this crime. But the prisoner still denied everything.

And then I looked at the clock, - Bugaev continued the story. - It was already twelve o'clock in the morning! What day is today, I ask him. Says Tuesday. And what is the number? Well, December 20, he replies. What day is this, do you know? He replies day by day. And I say: for you - the day is like a day, but for me - this is a holiday, the Day of the Chekist. So, I was supposed to celebrate it with my friends in a restaurant, but instead I have been drinking tea with you for five hours already! And you're not ashamed?

Stepanov bulged his eyes and asked: “What are you, a KGB officer?” Bugaev replied: “Yes, I am a KGB officer!” And in confirmation he showed a certificate of a state security officer. Here Stepanov even had tears in his eyes. So the authority of the KGB worked.

And the money was buried in the barn ...

And Stepanov "floated". He said that his accomplice Sidorov was hiding in Balashikha, they buried the stolen amount of money in a barn in Kratovo. On the same night, together with the police investigators, we went to the addresses: to arrest an accomplice in Balashikha, and together with Stepanov for the money hidden in the barn.

The operation was successful. Unsuspecting Sidorov was arrested, a buried treasure with money was found where Stepanov indicated ...

Decree on awarding orders

Alexey Prokhorovich was released, having fulfilled all his duties, at three o'clock in the morning. And in the morning I heard a TASS message broadcast on the radio: “Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on awarding orders” Bugaev A.P., Deputy Prosecutor of Moscow Vankovich B.P., Investigator for Particularly Important Cases Speer A.L., Head of Department MUR Egorova A.N. But the work of the headquarters in solving another case was so highly appreciated - the murder of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Vice Admiral Kholostyakov and his wife.

As soon as Bugaev arrived at Petrovka, he was summoned by the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, Vasily Trushin. He warmly congratulated him on the state award, in response, Alexei Prokhorovich thanked the boss for the high recognition of his work. Trushin noted that the first secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU, Viktor Grishin, should be thanked. And he explained: at the meeting, he asked how the employees were encouraged for solving the murder of Kholostyakov and his wife. Vasily Petrovich replied: “They presented certificates of honor and announced gratitude.” And Grishin ordered: "They deserve state awards, prepare the documents." Which is what was done.

And for the disclosure of a robbery attack on collectors, Bugaev received gratitude from the head of the central office.

How the secret of the murder of the cashier was revealed

This case of collectors, by the way, helped to uncover, as the detectives say, a long-standing hanger. Sidorov, who had previously worked as a security guard at Gorky's film studio, testified on him. According to the conclusions of the investigation, in that criminal case, the cashier of the film studio received a salary from the bank and had to issue it the next day. But she did not go to work, and when they started looking for her, they found her dead in her own apartment. The safe was empty. Therefore, the main version of the crime was worked out: the cashier herself took the money and was killed by an accomplice. In fact, Stepanov and Sidorov managed to trick him into the apartment of the film studio cashier, killed her, took the keys and returned to the film studio. Then they turned off the burglar alarm and, opening the safe, took the money from there. After that, the safe was sealed, the burglar alarm was turned on, and the keys were taken to the cashier's apartment. So the truth was established and the good name of the woman was returned posthumously ...

The bandits who committed an armed robbery on collectors, the murder of a cashier and theft of a large amount of money, were sentenced by a court to an exceptional measure of punishment - execution.

Alexey Prokhorovich BUGAEV

In 1959-1983 he served in the KGB of the USSR. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the badge "Honorary State Security Officer".

In 1983-1992 - service in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the badge "Honored Worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs", as well as 16 medals, including "For Impeccable Service" of all three degrees and "For Military Valor".

We ended up with a floppy disk with a list of dignitaries, very similar to a list for offering bribes. Officially, however, it is called the "List for presenting souvenirs to representatives of third-party organizations", dated 2000 and issued for the seventh anniversary of the Yukos company. However, the list of persons who were to be given "souvenirs" is very, very specific, which cannot but lead to quite definite reflections.

Although we cannot confirm the authenticity of the document due to the lack of direct evidence, a number of indirect arguments speak in favor of the reality of the document. Firstly, there are solid security officials in it, already then gaining strength, which even the largest business structures could no longer ignore. Secondly, the largest place among the security forces - regionals is occupied by the Internal Affairs Directorate and the tax police department of the Tomsk region - the well-known fiefdom of Yukos. Also, most likely, the second place in terms of mention of the security forces of the oil-bearing Khanty-Mansiysk district looks not accidental.

Unfortunately, we do not have information about what kind of souvenirs they were. But we dare to assume that the head of the GUBEP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and his deputies, as well as the senior employees of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, were hardly given souvenir pens or lighters - they would have taken this as a direct insult. And in this case, YUKOS, in the person of its leadership, could “rattle” along the bumps of criminal cases much earlier. And this means that the "souvenirs" were such that it was difficult to refuse. It is possible that this word generally refers to a pack of banknotes. But even if this is not the case, any souvenir of this kind is a form of bribe. It is characteristic that, for example, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Gryzlov and the head of the FSB Patrushev were not given gifts, but their subordinates were not ashamed. Not to mention the heads of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate and the FSB of Moscow and the region. Another nuance: the vast majority of those who received gifts are representatives of the “old team” and are no longer in their places. There is no longer the head of the GUBEP Guryev, his deputy Nino, the chief traffic cop Fedorov, the heads of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow and the region Shvidkin and Yukhman, the director of the Federal Tax Service Soltaganov ... Although there are those who still continue to serve.

If this list is a real document, then the Yukos leadership's allusions to political persecution in the light of recent events look very hypocritical. It is clear that no one really doubted the lobbying capabilities of the largest Russian oil company. There were rumors about "their" deputies, members of the government. But for the company to almost openly buy almost all the security forces - this is already too much. In this case, the state, at least for the purpose of self-preservation, is simply obliged to destroy or at least neutralize this octopus. Which seems to be happening right now...

for the presentation of souvenirs to representatives of third-party organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

1 Guryev V.V., Head of GUBEP

2. Nino N S., Deputy Head of GUBEP

3. Mikhalenko A P, Deputy Head of GUBEP

4 Kuznetsov V.B., Deputy Head of GUBEP

5 Gorelov A.G., Deputy Head of the Operational Investigative Unit of the GUBEP

b. Rodionov A.N., Deputy Head of the Investigative Committee

7. Viktor Ivanovich Kozlov, head of the GUBEP department

8. Chekalin Alexander Alekseevich, head of the GUOOP

9. Pershutkin Nikolai Ivanovich, Deputy Head of the GUOOP

10 Fedorov Vladimir Aleksandrovich, head of traffic police

11 Timoshin Vladimir Ulnovich, deputy head of traffic police

12. Radivil Sergey Fedorovich, head of the GUVO

13. Donskikh Alexey Ivanovich, deputy head of the GUVO

14 Kozlov Vladimir Ivanovich, head of the GUBOP

15. Vanichkin Mikhail Georgievich, Deputy Head of GUBOP

16. Gosudarev Viktor Ivanovich, deputy head of the GUBOP

17. Suntsov Mikhail Vasilievich, head of operational roses of the GUBOP bureau

18. Danilov Yury Viktorovich, head of RUBOP

19. Selivanov Vladislav Veniaminovich, head of the UBPSVT

20.Shumilin Boris Tikhonovich, Chairman of Soviet Veterans

21.Maksimov Vladimir Viktorovich, Deputy Chairman of Soviet Veterans

22. Vlasov Evgeny Konstantinovich, head of the Department of Internal Affairs

Moscow police department

1. Shvidkin Viktor Andreevich, and about the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate

2. Kuptsov Vasily Nikolaevich, Deputy Head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate

3. Perova Svetlana Nikolaevna, Deputy Head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate

4.Drozdov Andrey Viktorovich, Head of UEP

5 Ryzhkin Viktor Nikolaevich, Deputy Beginning UEP

b Yanaeva Larisa Ivanovna, head of the ZITs

7 Cherenkov Alexander Mikhailovich Head of ECU

8 Pankratov Nikolai Iosifovich, deputy head of ULRR

9 Kazantsev Sergey Alexandrovich, and. about. head of the UGIBDD

10 Tyurin Nikolai Alexandrovich, head of the traffic police department of the Central Administrative District

11 Prasolov Vladimir Ivanovich head of department UGGBDD

12. Rabotyazhev Vladimir Vasilyevich

13 Kazyulin Vladimir Alexandrovich, head of the UVO

14. Oleg Viktorovich Gorshkov, Head of the 1st Department of the Higher Educational Institution

15 Kochergin Anatoly Iosifovich, Head of the Center for Social Security

16. Sviridovsky Andrey Konstantinovich, Head of the 6th District Department of Internal Affairs

17. Stepanov Mikhail Vasilyevich, deputy head of the 6th district department of internal affairs

18 Khusnetdinov Rinat Zaferovich, head of the 7th District Department of Internal Affairs

Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region

1 Yury Ivanovich Yukhman, head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate

2.Skurchaev Mikhail Pavlovich, deputy chief of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate

Z. Toropin Yury Viktorovich, head of the CID

Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation

1. Soltaganov VF, Director of the Federal Tax Service

2. Avdiysky V.I., First Deputy Director of the Federal Tax Service

3. V. A. Zaitsev, Head of Operational Documentation Department

4. Skorodelov I.M., First Deputy Head of Department

operational documentation

5. Stepanov O.P., First Deputy Head of the Chief Operational


6. Grigoriev A.A., Deputy Head of the Investigation Department

7. Korotkov V.I., Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Social Protection for the City of Moscow

8. Vakhrushev A. V., Head of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation for Khanto-Mansi

Administrative district

1 Dukhonin S.K., Head of the regional department of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for the Khanto-Mansiysk administrative district

5 employees (via Yu P Shelukhin)

36 souvenir sets for heads of departments ext. affairs, FSB,

tax police

UFSB in Moscow and Moscow Region

1 1Yaarenko Alexander Vasilyevich, Head

2 Sharapov Farit Goryaevich, 1st Deputy Chief

3 Shakh Vladimir Ivanovich, deputy head

4 Starodubtsev 1Oriy Arkadyevich, zach

5. Efimov Mikhail Nikolaevich, deputy head

6. Kostrov Nikolai Alekseevich, deputy head

7. Vlasov Valentin Aleksandrovich, deputy head

1. Garbarchuk Dmitry Ananyevich -

2. Ilchenko Anatoly Valentinovich-

3. Fedorov Viktor Nikolaevich -

4. Myrikov Nikolay Stepanovich -

5. Bogdanov Petr Stepanovich-

6. Shilov Ivan Fedorovich-

7. Kondrashov Boris Petrovich-

8. Bugaev Alexey Prokhorovich -

1. Lintser Iosif Borisovich, Director General of the MKTA

2 Laktionova Elena Viktorovna-

Territorial authorized bodies

1. Grechman V O, Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Tomsk Region

2. Yu.I. Konovalov, Head of the Federal Security Service of the Tomsk Region

3. Anokhin V.A., Head of the Federal Tax Service for the Tomsk Region

4. Sukhoplyuev Yu.K., Prosecutor of the Tomsk Region

5. Lobanov A F., Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service for the Tomsk Region

6. Yu M Proshchalykin, head of the West Siberian RUBOP

7. Bulke A.M., head of the UVO at the Department of Internal Affairs of the Tomsk region.

8. Shmitkov S.A., Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the KhMAO

9. Anufriev A.V., Nefteyugansk Interdistrict Prosecutor

10. Zimina R.B., senior district inspector of the Poikovsky POM of the Internal Affairs Directorate

Nefteyugansk and region

11.Gorga V S, junior security officer of the Department of Economic Crimes of the Internal Affairs

Nefteyugansk and the region

12. Makarov V A., Deputy Head of the SCM of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Administration

Samara region

13. Egorov G.M., Deputy Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of Samara

14.Levkov A A, head of the Department of Economic Crimes of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Administration of the Samara Region

15. Levshun NV, Deputy Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Penza Region

16. Ryazansky A S, head of the OEP of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Lipetsk Region

17. Druzhinin S N, Deputy Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Bryansk Region

18. Suponev Yu.A., Deputy Head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Samara Region

19. Aleksanin N P, head of the Syzran Department of Internal Affairs

By the way, we by no means claim that all of the above persons are in the service of Yukos. However, there are instances among them that certainly made it to this list for a reason. For example, the deputy head of the GUBEP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mikhailenko. He became famous for overseeing the criminal case on the Menatep bank, initiated immediately after the default. And it was under him that a unique case occurred when a car with bank documents confiscated during the search, of course, quite by accident, fell off the bridge into the river, after which, naturally, the investigation missed the most important documents. Mikhailenko was then only the deputy chief of the operational unit of the capital's UBEP. But since then, he has gone uphill sharply and in less than a year he became the deputy head of the GUBEP. It is not entirely clear whether this happened with the participation of YUKOS or not, but it is clear that the company did not forget their guardian angel and, of course, the souvenir for him was very significant. Over time, we will try to tell you about other personalities from the list ...

Comrade Captain

Fate had already brought Brodsky together with him once. It was a year earlier. Then, in the toilet of the Saltykovka restaurant, unknown people squeezed him, resting the barrel on his side, and demanded 30 thousand. One of the extortionists was the leader of the new "Lyubertsy" group Kampuy. To settle the matter, Brodsky had to turn to the gangster Valiulin for help. Together with Popov, he pacified the offenders.

Oh what a small world. Meeting again. They sprinkled her with cognac, like old friends. Then Oleg remembered Igor's debt.

Amiran said that I would work it out ... - Brodsky objected languidly.

The time has come, - Oleg pointed to his partner with a heavy boxing hand. - Here he will tell all the details.

It's business as usual, - Popov grinned. - Will you help shake one loin, the Baltic one ...

Having spent a week on preparation, the team consisting of Valiulin, Babaev, Popov, Brodsky, Ovchinnikov, Andreev, Shepelev and Meerovich left for Latvia. On the night of July 16, bandits broke into the house of citizen Samovich. Armed with a pistol and knives, the robbers beat the owner and his son-in-law, after which Shepelev gave the victims paralyzing injections. Taking 114 thousand rubles and gold, the raiders fled.

Only six months later, the police managed to get on the trail of the criminals. Traffic police officers stopped a car on Sevastopolsky Prospekt in Moscow for speeding. Gennady Babaev was driving. In a state of intoxication, with an Italian Olympic revolver in his belt, he looked more like an American action hero. But his bravado wore off quickly. In the Sevastopol District Department of Internal Affairs, a criminal case was opened on this fact. Then everything went on as usual. During the investigation, a number of other crimes committed by him and his people were uncovered.

In the long testimonies of the detainees, the names flashed every now and then: Cherkas, Amiran, Otari. But not more. It was clear to everyone that the lion's share of interest from such cases was paid to just one of them. But it is unlikely that anyone will ever name the amounts they received even approximately. Everything was and remains shrouded in darkness, like most events and the very figure of the Black Cardinal.


"He evoked love and instilled fear," foreign media wrote about Otari Vitalyevich. Few people thought about the origin of his huge capital, most of which made money according to the method: "I asked, and they brought me." With his power and influence, this was already enough. Of course, it was dangerous to joke with his "guard". Those who communicated and dealt with him knew this firsthand. Here is his personal statement: "I only asked, and twenty, thirty people paid me in this way." Many admired his generosity, the so-called "charity". She seemed to have no boundaries. But few knew that it was directed only at one gate, at their own. By this time, Otari Vitalievich no longer worked for his uncle. Only for themselves, only for the prosperity of the "thieves" world, the expansion of spheres of influence.

From a reference to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: With the beginning of perestroika, Kvantrishvili O.V. began to actively engage in entrepreneurship, the purpose of which is the "laundering" of money obtained by criminal means. At the same time, using his connections and on his recommendations, representatives of criminal groups are being introduced into various structures: economic, trade, cultural, etc. They control the transfer of money from these organizations to fictitious accounts and the receipt of income by investing money obtained by criminal means.

Year 1992, the agency "Red Star" held an international competition "Person of the Year" in Sovincenter. The winner received a contract for 30 thousand dollars. The rest of the beauties who flocked from all over the country, like butterflies to a spark, young, pretty, fresh, only had to smear tears in their eyes. Second, third, sedative and other prizes were not provided.

But there was a comforter. From the jury, the figure of a strong dark-haired man, a benefactor and trustee of young talents, a well-known philanthropist from sports Kvantrishvili, rose impressively. He named six names of the contestants who managed to come closest to the first place.

"We give you a prize," Otari Vitalyevich said magnanimously. "Come with us to the Olympics in Barcelona. Audience Award."

It sounded like a fairy tale about a golden shoe for Cinderella. These girls did not see only Spain and beautiful Barcelona. They had a different program, planned in advance, but not agreed with them, a program to relieve stress among athletes. They were not even allowed out of the hotel room for a minute. But they were let in turn by the entire team that accompanied the patron of sports. The guys are all strong, muscular, trained. And the contestants returned home almost crippled, if not in the physical, then in the moral sense.

Such "charity" was more the rule than the exception. Here, perhaps, a personal weakness for the fair sex affected. As already known, the Black Cardinal stumbled here at the very beginning of his career. This backfired on him later. Alas, according to the unwritten laws of the criminal world, someone who has attempted to rape a woman cannot even claim the title of "thief in law". For this reason alone, Otari was bypassed.


"Organized sportiness" was called by one of the well-known domestic mafiosi the phenomenon of the appearance in our life of new power structures, similar to those that Otari Vitalievich nurtured and cherished. Today it is no secret that many sports clubs are "offices" of criminal groups, the place of their regular meetings. Love for sports has become, as it were, a sign of belonging to such an activity. Almost openly, sports patrons like Kvantrishvili are still continuing his work. Behind him, behind the Black Cardinal, remains the honorable right of the helmsman on this path.

Recall the popular hit of the 80s about racketeer athletes Vladimir Asmolov. The bard in verse, a cry from the heart, perfectly reflected the situation: our sports heroes were thrown out into the street, at best they were sold for next to nothing to foreign clubs by the dealers of the bureaucrats of domestic sports societies, at worst they were picked up, bought by newly-minted, home-grown patrons.

Moreover, taking care of the staff, the mafiosi opened generous funding for the bent, left to the mercy of sports schools and sports societies, organized charitable foundations to support athletes. Otari Kvantrishvili took the first step here by organizing the Lev Yashin Athletes Social Protection Fund. With his filing, the association of professional boxers "Fighting Gloves", the kickboxing association "Kitek", the association of professional wrestlers appeared.

So the process of legalization of criminal capital began, picking up speed. According to experts, through the creation of their own commercial structures, the establishment of the mafia in society and the state takes place. She, like an octopus, reaches for everything. First of all, attention is drawn to where the greatest income is possible: the export of oil and metals, the import of food. Most often, the true owners of a particular business remain deeply conspiratorial, they are known only to a narrow circle of people.

By the spring of 1994, when near the Krasnopresnensky baths, sniper shots cut short the life of the patron of sports Kvantrishvili, he reached an unprecedented height in his ascent to the Olympus of wealth, power, fame. Thanks to his abilities and connections, Otari Vitalyevich created his own financial empire. It began with the establishment of the XXI Century Association, which was engaged in the export of oil, timber, non-ferrous metals, and the import of gas weapons.

From the documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR: In the second half of 1989, various sources began to receive information that the Association XXI Century, which united about 40 state and cooperative organizations, using the absence and imperfection of the legal regulation of the economic and financial activities of such associations, is engaged in various kinds illegal operations that generate significant income. Its members are persons previously convicted of various criminal offenses. They draw into the sphere of their activity employees of the Soviet, state and law enforcement agencies.

Its organizers are the former party worker A. Kikalishvili, the former sportsman O. Kvantrishvili, the singer I. Kobzon… The Association's office is located in the building of the Intourist Hotel.

A certificate of similar content was originally prepared at Petrovka, 38. One of the deputy chiefs of the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate, who oversaw the criminal investigation, then was Major General of Police Alexei Bugaev. Perhaps, in retaliation for his zeal in suppressing the criminal business, the interested parties planted misinformation in the media, they say, he occupies one of the leading positions in the "Association of the 21st Century." Why not a cool "roof" - a major general of police ?!

The stunning "duck" was immediately replicated. Even such respected publications as Izvestia, Pravda, and Rossiyskaya Gazeta have succeeded in this. In fact, a high police rank, if related, to the notorious firm, is of a completely different order.


“For the first time I heard about Kvantrishvili in 1984,” said Alexei Prokhorovich Bugaev, now a major general in the reserve. “At that time, I had been working as deputy head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for more than a year. I came to this position from the KGB of the USSR. And now, the secretary reports, that there is an employee of the MUR in the waiting room who wants to acquaint me with important operational materials ... "The materials that got on the table to the general were connected in one way or another with the personality and affairs of the Black Cardinal. These were the testimony of a number of persons in various criminal cases, reports of agents. From them it followed that Kvantrishvili took part in various offenses. Most often, he acted as the organizer of any acts that were punishable by law. There was nothing specific that would allow him to be immediately prosecuted in the papers provided. However, this was the reason for Bugaev's order to the head of one of the departments of the MUR to separate all this into a separate office work. Simply put, a dossier was brought up on Otari Vitalyevich, taking it into active operational development. Thus, the criminal investigation department began to collect materials on it that would be valid in court.

Approximately two or three months after these events, General Bugaev received a phone call from one of the deputy heads of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Alexey Prokhorovich commented on this call:

"I would not like to name this person. He is a respectable worker, disciplined, executive. And at that moment he was fulfilling someone else's will."

He took an interest in Kvantrishvili's "case" and asked him to review it. Bugaev refused. By police subordination, he did not report directly to the caller. There was a time when the metropolitan police closed directly to the leadership of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, bypassing the leadership of the main departments. The general chose to take advantage of this.

However, he did not imagine what influential patrons the Black Cardinal had. Soon, the Deputy Minister of the Interior addressed Bugaev with the same request. It was impossible to refuse him. Several folders with information collected bit by bit with such difficulty went to the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Some time later, a written notice was received from there: the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was taking the "Kvantrishvili case" into its proceedings. Since then, the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate had nothing to do with its operational development, since according to the existing instructions, only one law enforcement agency could deal with one case.

Later it turned out that these documents did not stay long in the Ministry of Internal Affairs either. They were immediately forwarded to the KGB of the USSR. There is a version that there Otari Vitalievich was “developed” very carefully. According to his person, 17 volumes were collected. Only none of them developed from an operational case into a criminal one. According to some reports, the reason for this was that Otari Vitalyevich then agreed to work as an agent of the Lubyanka.

“If the Kvantrishvili case had not been taken away from Petrovka,” the general in reserve shared his past experience, “who knows, perhaps Otari Vitalyevich would still be in good health to this day. Only one more conviction would appear in his biography and he would be in places not so remote ... "Another former deputy head of the Moscow police department shared information that the Black Cardinal could actually be aware of any plans and intentions that were still maturing in the depths of law enforcement agencies.

“I know for sure,” Aleksey Prokhorovich once said. “Kvantrishvili was aware that I was in charge of his operational development. The information unequivocally came to him from fairly accurate sources. on one of his former colleagues, but certain moments of that time are perceived even now somewhat strangely. For example, the first attempt to introduce me and Kvantrishvili was made at the time by the first deputy head of our central office Sergey Kupreev. I don’t know when and how the friendship of a party functionary arose (before joining the bodies, Kupreev was the first secretary of the Bauman district party committee) and the "godfather". But the fact remains - Kupreev repeatedly started a conversation with me about how deep the development of Kvantrishvili was, what exactly was behind him. And once, when he was in CITO, called me and asked me to come urgently.In the foyer I was met by two well-dressed young men sports-looking lover and escorted to the ward. When I asked what kind of people they were, Sergey Alexandrovich answered - the Kvantrishvili brothers, Otari and Amiran. It was the first and only meeting with these people. Of course, Otari Vitalyevich is not without abilities, if he was able to form a team that served him faithfully. Of course, behind all this there was money and connections, big connections. At the end of my service, I had the opportunity to see this for myself. The fact is that Viktor Barannikov, who was Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR at that time, asked to prepare an operational report on Kvantrishvili. The corresponding department of the MUR, which prepared this document, was then headed by Vladimir Rushailo. He signed the certificate. So, after this document went to the ministry only for official use, a copy of it ended up in the hands of Otari Vitalyevich. He, annoyed by such an unflattering characterization, achieved a reception at the very top and even then, in 1992, he repeatedly hinted to Rushailo that he had children. He spoke out that Bugaev also had something to fear and something to worry about. Later, in 1994, "hints" spouted already from television screens. I had to hear about Kvantrishvili even when I had already left the police department. He not only visited Petrovka, 38, but also performed at a concert dedicated to the Day of the Police, even presented gifts to distinguished employees. In my opinion, the rise of this man is closely connected with the changes that have taken place in our country since 1985. He is a product of the new age. He would never have become a famous philanthropist, philanthropist and public figure before. No matter what they say, but in the dark backwaters of the current legal and economic lawlessness, dirty money is “laundered” with surprising ease. ”From Bugaev’s story, one could also conclude that the last sentence to the Black Cardinal ripened precisely in the circles of those three enemies whom he most feared : "the police, the committee and the criminal world. " The first two did everything possible to ensure that everything was decided according to the law, but they did not bring the matter to the end. The third enemy did not stand on ceremony.


Until the last day, Kvantrishvili was constantly in the center of attention of the capital's public life. With enviable constancy, he appeared at almost all solemn events. He especially preferred those that were carried out by the Russian police or the security service. Among the general's entourage, Otari Vitalyevich behaved with emphatic ease and confidence. How else? After all, he took an active part in the activities of the "Shield and Lyre" charitable foundation, focused on social support for employees of the capital's police and their families.

Of course, ordinary operatives, as well as criminal elements, perceived such signs accordingly. But not only for this, the Black Cardinal played his next role. He didn't take any more steps. Everything was calculated, analyzed, adjusted to one goal - the prosperity of the business begun. And it already assumed the creation of a political team to carry out a decisive thrust to power.

From the reference of the Moscow police department: "Association XXI century" was established in 1988. Initially, it included the Moscow cooperatives Klaxon, Domus, Vstrecha. In 1992, this organization already united about a hundred commercial and public firms. The leading place was occupied by JSC "Moskovit", and then its subsidiaries: "Moskovit-show", "Moskovit-metal", "Moskovitoyl", "Moskovit-sugar". In the building of the hotel "Intourist", where the main office of Kvantrishvili was located, the casino "Gabriela" was opened. To finance ever-expanding programs within the same holding, Presnya-Bank and Moskovia Bank began to operate ...

From the report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

Several thousand criminal gangs operating in the country united in 150 associations and actually divided the country into spheres of influence. According to the Analytical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 35 percent of the capital and up to 80 percent of the "voting" shares of privatized enterprises have passed into the hands of criminal business through the collection of "tribute" from commercial structures in the form of shares, which allows them to delegate their representatives to the leadership of administrations.

However, the Black Cardinal did not rise to power. On April 5, 1994, something happened that none of his inner circle could have foreseen. The team has suffered a heavy loss. HIMSELF was gone. The press about the mysterious murder splashed out several versions. But none of them has come to an end to this day. Therefore, with equal probability, any of them can be considered the main one. Let time be the judge here.

Perhaps the most intrusive of the versions boiled down to the fact that the murder was organized in order to provoke a clash between Slavic and Caucasian groups in Moscow. After all, about six months before several shots cut off the life of Otari Kvantrishvili near the Krasnopresnensky baths, his brother Amiran was shot during a "showdown" in the small enterprise "Aquarius". Together with him, the authority of the Samara criminal group Fedya Besheny died. Then Otari Vitalyevich had to listen to a lot of offensive words addressed to him, they say, why didn’t he “play the return line”, didn’t avenge his brother ?! He pulled everything and did not take any concrete steps. Why? This will remain a secret.

In this version, all the pros and cons were almost equally balanced. For example, Otari had the best relationships with the leaders of Slavic criminal gangs. At the same time, there were rumors that his interests and the interests of the Solntsevo authorities clashed rather sharply. The latter tried to invade those territories that enjoyed the patronage of the Black Cardinal. There was indeed such a misunderstanding, but only after several meetings "at the highest level" most of the controversial issues were resolved to the satisfaction of both parties. In particular, Kvantrishvili did a great job of helping the Solntsevo brothers in resolving the dispute with the police.

"Another version seems much more convincing," said Igor Baranovsky, a columnist for the Moskovskiye Novosti weekly. Like, Otari overestimated his true capabilities, believed too much in his inaccessibility to competitors, ill-wishers. Endless flickering on TV, flattering businessmen, officials, strong positions in the police, apparently, turned his head. His behavior became inappropriate. Recall an episode from the TV show "Guard", in which he was a regular speaker. Otari Kvantrishvili, right on the air, advised the head of the Regional Directorate of Organized Crime Vladimir Rushailo to think hard about his children. What is it? An undisguised threat? Thrown, so to speak, a glove before a duel? Or maybe a desperate bluff of a cornered player who wants to avoid defeat at all costs?

The closer you get to the odious figure of this man, the more you come across the most controversial fictions and conjectures. They also concern the death of his brother Amiran. His murder was attributed to a Chechen group. Is this really so, no one will answer today. And there could be more than enough reasons for this. I will name only one: Amiran Kvantrishvili passed through the files of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate as a paid secret agent. As a professional card player, he played a double game in his life. Few people could like this, especially among thieves in law. They do not forgive such a "zapadla" even to their own. What is more alarming here is that there was no demand from anyone for the death of his brother. This is due to the hot temperament of the Caucasians, their custom of blood feud. It turned out that Otari simply resigned himself to the loss of a loved one and that's it. How it doesn't look like him. Rather, another move would be linked with the image of the Black Cardinal: he removed an unnecessary piece when it began to interfere.

There is another noteworthy version. Literally on the eve of the murder at the Krasnopresnensky baths, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia came to Moscow. The official purpose of the visit was to establish interaction between the law enforcement agencies of sovereign states. One of the points here was the fight against Georgian criminal gangs in Russia. And as if in the development of the summit meeting, a series of murders of major criminal authorities and entrepreneurs, Georgians by nationality, swept through the lower classes. Accident? More likely. But analysts argue that the randomness that forms a certain sequence is a pattern. And in Russian-Georgian relations, until recently, there are a lot of complexities that defy any comments.

Chronicle of the fateful April 1994:

4.04. Tomaz Topadze, the director of the Varus-Video company, and his nephew Georgy Ilnadze, were killed at the door of their apartment.

5.04. Near the Krasnopresnensky baths, Otari Kvantrishvili was mortally wounded.

12.04. Thief in law Avtandil Chikvadze (Kvezho) was shot dead in his apartment together with his wife. Their child is seriously injured.

18.04. Zurab Natsvilishvili, Vice-President of JSC "White Winds", was killed by shots from a TT pistol on the street.

19.04. Thief in law Goga Yerevansky (Hayk Gevorkyan) was shot dead in the entrance of his house.

Thief in law Jamal Mikeladze (Arsen) killed in Tbilisi. The famous Georgian thief Givi Beradze (Cut), one of Otari's mentors, has disappeared. In Zelenograd, a thief in law Gog Pipia (Gog) was found with a shot in his head in his car.

In all cases, as with Otari Kvantrishvili, professionals worked. A murder weapon left at the crime scene. Mandatory control shot is a sign of the quality of the work performed. No traces, no witnesses whose testimony would shed light. Everything is hidden in the darkness of mystery. As well as how many shots were fired, how many shell casings were used during the execution of the Black Cardinal?

There is a version according to which there were four shots, although only three were found. Shot another killer, insurer. After missing the main number (bullets hit the chest and neck), he shot in the head. Ballistic examination does not refute this. The victim turned as he fell. The shot could also have been fired from another direction.

Perhaps that is how it was. Someday, over time, the mystery of Kvantrishvili's murder will be revealed a little and new details will become known. But who knows, maybe not. The above list of victims of April 1994 does not claim to be complete. But it also brings sad thoughts. It turns out that before our eyes, some forces, as if by magic, can unleash such a bloody massacre.


Wherever "thieves in law" are located, their main criminal duty is to support and strengthen the already existing "thieves" family or form a new one. This happens when there are no criminal formations in the settlement or region necessary for these leaders. All paths are good for this. From the creation of completely new criminal formations to pulling, re-recruiting or taking under the influence of "thieves", and then control of existing criminal communities, for example, youth groups, criminal formations of athletes, ethnic and other criminal organizations and groups that do not yet adhere to "thieves" customs and traditions.

In fact, until the beginning of the 90s, the scattered Solntsevo criminal formation existed on its own. But as soon as it declared itself weighty enough, it was taken under guardianship by a thief in law named Jamal. The leaders of the community regularly "unfasten" significant amounts of money into the "thieves' common fund", provide assistance to some criminals who are in an illegal position and in places of deprivation of liberty.

The unwritten rules of criminal clans are such that a thief in law can appoint a leader of a structure to “watch” a specific territory, for example, an administrative district in a city, region, region, republic, or a specific object - a restaurant, casino, hotel, correctional institution . However, we cannot assert that "thieves" always manage to solve this problem positively for themselves. Often the leaders of the “nevorovskih” groups put up active resistance, so it cannot be ruled out that the leader of such a group will be neutralized (arrested, compromised, killed) and it will be headed by another criminal, a protege pleasing to the “thieves' family”. This can happen immediately, but a gradual process is also possible, by implanting a new candidate in this group. On the other hand, there may be losses in the "thieves" clan. Someone will be "substituted for organs", someone will be physically destroyed, as happened, for example, in Yekaterinburg, when a "thief" named Zaostrovsky was killed, or in Moscow, where "thief in law" Globus was killed. And someone will simply be compromised, as was the case with Semerik.

The representative of the "thieves' family", a particularly dangerous leader, arriving at a new place of residence or visiting a particular region, basically already knows the necessary circle of criminals who support socially negative traditions. Sometimes it is oriented in advance to the leaders of the "thieves" groups that control the administrative territory, object or a certain type of criminal activity. One of the first goals of the "thief" is to check how the leader of the criminal group, the "position" or "watcher" from the "thieves' clan" observes the customs and traditions of the underworld, how he supports the "thieves" community.

Characterizing the behavior of a "thief" during his stay in a settlement or region as a kind of inspection, we do not want to say that he is only engaged in various checks. In fact, this is usually done involuntarily, as part of a criminal lifestyle and criminal activity. By visiting commercial structures, the “inspector” can actually see how the collection, storage and growth of “common fund” funds take place. Resting in a restaurant, casino, sauna, he sees the communication of "thieves" authorities with a certain circle of businessmen, officials and other persons and determines whether they recognize "thieves" customs and traditions. Meeting with previously convicted, released from places of deprivation of liberty, the "thief" receives information about how "honest prisoners" and "tramps" are taken care of in zones and pre-trial detention centers, whether there is opposition to law enforcement agencies. Traveling to criminal "showdowns" with competing groups, as well as dealing with the facts of arrest, murder or reprisals against "thieves in law", "watchers", "police officers", ordinary members of "thieves" groups, a particularly dangerous leader determines how security is ensured "thieves" formations. The information he receives is evaluated in terms of negative rules and norms. Based on the observations made, a decision can be made to punish this or that ringleader or to support his criminal activities.

There is an opinion in the criminological literature that denies the "crowning" procedure we have described. At the same time, those who adhere to this point of view argue that it is far-fetched and copied from joining the Komsomol or the CPSU. For example, L.V. Tess in her book points out: "The formation of a thief in law took place gradually, for a long time, and there was no adoption of it into the" law "as an independent procedure." In making such a conclusion, Tess is deeply mistaken. Our point of view is substantiated by the results of a criminological study conducted in 1992-1993 by employees of the Main Directorate for Organized Crime and scientists of the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as, of course, a generalization of the practice of the operational apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, stories of individual "thieves in law", as real, as well as the former. And the statement of L.V. Tessa that "crowning" a "thief" is like being admitted to the Komsomol or the CPSU has a double meaning. It cannot be ruled out that during long periods of imprisonment in the central prisons and prisons of tsarist Russia, professional criminals "lawyers" and other criminals like them knew and even saw how the Bolsheviks accepted prisoners who shared their views into their ranks, and, given that significance, what this ritual had for a particular person, they adopted the reception process and used it in criminal practice in order to strengthen their ranks.
With a certain stretch, it is possible to compare an interregional "thieves' gathering" with a party congress or a plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. It has similar features, especially with the congresses of the Bolsheviks, who were underground. It is no coincidence that in the late 80s and early 90s, when several dozens of "thieves" gathered at "gatherings", they themselves called such gatherings congresses. Several such congresses were held in Tbilisi, Baku, Tashkent and other cities, mainly in the south of the former USSR.
The study of the personalities of "thieves in law", as well as the criminal communities they lead, leads to the logical conclusion that the leaders of this type for the most part are not only the leaders of specific criminal formations, but also the leaders of the underworld of cities, regions, and in some cases Russia and republics former USSR. The leader, in order to be a "thief", must ensure that his way of life and the actions of his accomplices coincide with the rules and traditions of the "thieves" clans. The vitality of the "thieves" identity is ensured by a whole range of criminal-organizational methods and actions, which primarily include: strengthening or creating "thieves" family groups, as well as taking control of other criminal formations; holding gatherings; judging (arbitrator) roles; collection, storage and use of "common" funds; guardianship (patronage) of places of deprivation of liberty; ensuring the security of "thieves" structures, etc. The listed methods and actions are determined by the system of constant commission of crimes, as well as the observance and dissemination of "thieves'" customs and traditions.
The killer fired four shots. The first bullet hit a passenger car, towards which a black-haired man with a bald head all over his forehead was heading. The second hit him in the head. The third and fourth - in the chest. The man waved his hands unnaturally, as if saying goodbye, and, turning around abruptly, sank to the ground. The powerfully built bodyguards darted around in confusion, reminiscent of chickens driven from their usual perch by their fuss. Someone belatedly bent over the owner, who was still breathing with wheezing and blood, as if covering him with his body. Late.
Near the crime scene, in the attic of the nearest house, they found a German-made rifle with a telescopic sight. Her butt was broken. Nearby lay two spent shell casings and seven cigarette butts. The third sleeve remained in the barrel of the weapon. And the fourth? She was nowhere. More about it will be discussed a little later. In the meantime, let us dwell on the fact that, by all indications, it was not an amateur who worked here. The signs left by him, as it were, emphasized the weight and height of the position of the victim. Look, they say, even weapons were prepared only for this person. He is killed, and the rifle is broken. She won't shoot anyone.
Guess what we're talking about? For clarification, it remains only to name the place and time. But is it necessary like this, right away? Let it be better that the image of the Black Cardinal, and this was exactly what this person was for the underworld, emerges, being drawn with all the contrast, not immediately, but approximately the way it was in life.
If in Moscow in the late 60s - early 70s Gennady Karkov was the undivided master of the criminal world. Thieves in law were afraid of him, shadow workers and shop workers trembled before him. Then in the 80s, the Mongolian baton was picked up by Yaponchik, whose victims were those whose business was in conflict with the existing legislation: professional card players, scammers of all stripes, drug dealers, and most often legal and illegal manufacturers of unrecorded products, buyers of stolen antiques and other rarities.
The handwriting of the deeds of the "heirs" was not much different from the "Mongolian" ones. But in some ways the student still surpassed his teacher. So, given the old mistakes, he significantly reduced the number of his associates. If there were more than thirty people in the Mongol gang, then the Japanese limited themselves to three less. He took not quantity, but quality.
Who stood under his "banner"? Let's name the most prominent representatives: Vladimir Bykov (Balda), Vyacheslav Sliva (Plum), the Kvantrishvili brothers, Otari and Amiran. The latter, a professional card player, was a gunner. He possessed truly golden information about gamblers who had large fortunes. Otari is a native of athletes, whose fights have moved from the wrestling mat to the carpets in the apartments of those who have money. Only a capable Georgian quickly moved away from the role of a direct executor. He often acted as an organizer, an outside observer, or rather, a strict sports referee who clearly watches over everything that happens and corrects the situation as he sees fit.
From the documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR: At the beginning of 1980, Ivankov, Bykov, Kvantrishvili “knocked out” money from the card players Kurmaev, Menyalkin, Flying and others in the amount of over 100 thousand rubles. After the implementation of the statements of the victims, the criminal acts against them were documented. But they were not prosecuted. Both victims and witnesses changed their original testimony.
The criminals acted boldly. But the victims most often did not turn to the police, because they had their sins before the law. And if they fell into the orbit of the investigation, they often confused it by changing their testimony. Because of such a leapfrog, dozens of criminal cases broke up and were terminated.
Nevertheless, the police collected enough compromising evidence to not only identify the criminals, but also, having proved their guilt, to take the case to court. Yaponchik and members of his gang were sentenced to long terms. The ringleader received 14 years of strict regime. But he served only ten of them. Otari escaped punishment. His participation in the crimes has not been proven. Experienced criminals managed to adjust everything so that he was taken out of business. Someone should remain at large - to look after the "household", families, provide "warmth".
In the early 1980s, Otari Kvantrishvili worked as a coach at the Dynamo Moscow City Sports Society. He educated the younger generation of wrestlers, made friends with venerable athletes, patronized those who, for one reason or another, left big sport. Dear person Otari Vitalyevich - and nothing more. In the past, he himself was a master of sports of international class. But at the same time, there was a line in his biography that he did not particularly talk about.
From the documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR: Kvantrishvili O.V. was born in 1948 in the city of Zestaponi (Georgia). Permanently resides and is registered in Moscow. On December 19, 1966, the Moscow City Court convicted Kvantrishvili under article 117 part 3 (rape) of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to 9 years in prison. On August 14, 1970, by decision of the People's Court of the Sverdlovsk District of Moscow, he was sent to a general regime psychiatric hospital in the city of Lyublino, Moscow Region. Thus it is due to mental abnormality Kvantrishvili Oh.The. from responsibility for the committed act was released.
There is a version according to which, during pre-trial detention, Otari bit his cellmate on the ear. It happened allegedly in a fit of schizophrenia, which formed the basis of the diagnosis of doctors. They say that the efforts of a good friend of Yaponchik, who held a high position in the medical department, influenced even more. As it was in fact, today hardly anyone can say for sure. One cannot rule out such a turn of events that Kvant (Kvantrishvili received such a nickname in prison) simply wanted to be "lowered". Alas, rapists are not favored even on prisoner bunk beds. Their place in the table of ranks of the criminal world is at the very bottom.
Nevertheless, thanks to a new turn in the development of events, the rapist was free. Of course, it was not without money and without the influence that the former master of sports in wrestling already had among the criminals. Instead of falling to the very bottom, he flew up.
The second time Kvantrishvili appeared in a case involving a robbery attack on wealthy Moscow Assyrians in 1981. The crime was organized by Yaponchik. Again, he managed to avoid punishment for the simple reason that the victims refused to give any accusatory evidence against the extortionists. It all came down to a misunderstanding that settled between the offenders and the offended in the end amicably. The police who tracked this episode turned out to be with a nose. The detectives and investigators were not yet ready to fight Yaponchik according to those strict rules that he confidently and brazenly imposed. In the future, Kvant was no longer substituted, having stepped over the level of a simple performer.
The criminal group of the Kvantrishvili brothers declares itself quite weighty by the mid-80s. Its main contingent was former athletes: boxers, wrestlers, karatekas, weightlifters. They were involved in the protection of influential criminals and for reprisals against objectionable. Here are the most important participants: Alexander Izotov (Bull), multiple European champion in judo wrestling; Givi Beradze (Cut), thief in law. Of particular interest is Ivan Oglu (Gypsy), a candidate master of sports in boxing. Not without the help of his brothers, he put together the Lyubertsy brigade in the Moscow region. Other pupils of the brothers spread into Bauman, Domodedovo, and then Orekhovskaya and other criminal gangs.
Basically yesterday's athletes were engaged in illegal transactions with currency, speculation, buying checks of Vneshposyltorg. Remember the times when there were queues at the Beryozka stores, and the excitement around the cherished checks did not subside. Breaking - this is the name of a type of fraud based on speculation with checks and imported goods purchased for them.
Brigades of breakers worked with fiction. They looked for persons with checks from Beryozki and offered to buy them at an inflated cost. "I want to urgently buy imported goods and I can't wait for the money." Delighted by such luck, the goof-owner of the checks quickly agreed to a good deal, but fell for the hook of scammers. At best, instead of checks, they handed him a "doll".
There was also an almost theatrical plot in the arsenal, the so-called "Cop production". This is when, at the moment of exchanging checks for money, a policeman appeared out of nowhere. He stopped the illegal transaction and confiscated "material evidence" from its participants, drew up an act and ordered them to come to such and such a police station for analysis.
When the victim came to the police station and asked the officer on duty to let him see such and such an officer, he politely sent him away, since, of course, there was not a single officer with such a surname in the department. The victim tried to prove something. In the end, he demanded that the native police, who are obliged to protect him, take some measures to expose the insidious criminals who encroached on his checks. The duty officer had no choice but to accept a statement from the visitor. At the same time, the victim had to be warned that he would also have to bear responsibility before the law for attempting an illegal transaction with checks. He sold them from hand to hand, and did not pay them for the goods as it was supposed to.
The work of the breakers was strictly monitored by the brothers. Their athletes regularly forced the scammers to share the proceeds. Under their "roof" was in the best of times up to 90 percent of the Moscow breaker.
From the documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR: When "knocking out" money from wreckers, pre-selected henchmen, the so-called "militants", bodyguards are used. As a rule, these are former athletes, physically strong and tough, strong-willed people who have embarked on a criminal path. From 1985 to 1987 alone, more than 130 people from among the persons associated with the Kvantrishvili brothers were prosecuted.
A favorite vacation spot for strong men has long been considered a hot Russian steam room or, at worst, a Finnish dry sauna. Both are in the arsenal of the Krasnopresnensky baths, at the exit of which Otari Vitalyevich Kvantrishvili was killed. However, not everyone knows that, among other things, this place had one more purpose - a thieves' "arrow", and later - a public reception, where one could come with their problems to those seeking justice, but shunning the law.
Curiously, many things were decided and done not in the suites, but right in the general department. As people who knew Otari Vitalyevich well said, he conducted the reception most often on Tuesdays. This procedure went very well. The chairman of the Lev Yashin Charitable Foundation for the Social Protection of Athletes constantly cared about his own image. Among his friends were "thieves in law", criminal authorities, generals of the KGB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, high government officials, artists ...
Depending on the situation, the reception was spiced up and spurred on by expensive drinks and snacks. During the breaks, it was possible to soar sinful bodies, play cards or have sex.
Let's remember only one warm feast. The players were well-known in their circle: authorities Brodsky and Cherkasov, heavyweight boxer Korotaev and ... the Kvantrishvili brothers. Bathhouse attendants Vitaly Itkin, Mark Kotlyarov and Borya Gruber are running briskly around. The winner of the cards receives a prize - a naked beauty. In general, the stakes for 1984 were made considerable here: in an evening they could rise to half a million. And this at a time when a simple hard worker did not receive even three hundred rubles a month.
This time, Igor Brodsky lost, the debt behind him amounted to about 400 thousand rubles. So what is the payoff? It was not enough for him once, when two years ago, having lost 50 thousand rubles to Amiran, he barely got away. It doesn’t seem to be a mistake at all, it has its own grouping, but against the brothers it is a weakling. You can't argue against them. Fell at my feet. They promised to knock off the debt, but for participation in one business. On that they parted.
In the same year, only in the summer, Mr. Brodsky celebrated his sister's birthday. Of course, not at home, but in Prague. By evening, when the noisy audience, having pretty much gathered, calmed down, two men and a woman sat down at the table. The first is Oleg Korotaev, already familiar to us, and the second is Vladimir Popov (nicknamed Mercenary), a former special forces officer who is fluent in karate techniques.
Fate had already brought Brodsky together with him once. It was a year earlier. Then, in the toilet of the Saltykovka restaurant, unknown people squeezed him, resting the barrel on his side, and demanded 30 thousand. One of the extortionists was the leader of the new "Lyubertsy" group Kampuy. To settle the matter, Brodsky had to turn to the gangster Valiulin for help. Together with Popov, he pacified the offenders.
Oh what a small world. Meeting again. They sprinkled her with cognac, like old friends. Then Oleg remembered Igor's debt.
- Amiran said that I will work it out ... - Brodsky objected languidly.
- The time has come, - Oleg pointed to his partner with a heavy boxing hand. - Here he will tell all the details.
“It’s business as usual,” Popov grinned. - Will you help shake one loin, the Baltic one ...
Having spent a week on preparation, the team consisting of Valiulin, Babaev, Popov, Brodsky, Ovchinnikov, Andreev, Shepelev and Meerovich left for Latvia. On the night of July 16, bandits broke into the house of citizen Samovich. Armed with a pistol and knives, the robbers beat the owner and his son-in-law, after which Shepelev gave the victims paralyzing injections. Taking 114 thousand rubles and gold, the raiders fled.
Only six months later, the police managed to get on the trail of the criminals. Traffic police officers stopped a car on Sevastopolsky Prospekt in Moscow for speeding. Gennady Babaev was driving. In a state of intoxication, with an Italian Olympic revolver in his belt, he looked more like an American action hero. But his bravado wore off quickly. In the Sevastopol District Department of Internal Affairs, a criminal case was opened on this fact. Then everything went on as usual. During the investigation, a number of other crimes committed by him and his people were uncovered.
In the long testimonies of the detainees, the names flashed every now and then: Cherkas, Amiran, Otari. But not more. It was clear to everyone that the lion's share of interest from such cases was paid to just one of them. But it is unlikely that anyone will ever name the amounts they received even approximately. Everything was and remains shrouded in darkness, like most events and the very figure of the Black Cardinal.
"He evoked love and instilled fear," foreign media wrote about Otari Vitalyevich. Few people thought about the origin of his huge capital, most of which made money according to the method: "I asked, and they brought me." With his power and influence, this was already enough. Of course, it was dangerous to joke with his "guard". Those who communicated and dealt with him knew this firsthand. Here is his personal statement: "I only asked, and twenty, thirty people paid me in this way." Many admired his generosity, the so-called "charity". She seemed to have no boundaries. But few knew that it was directed only at one gate, at their own. By this time, Otari Vitalievich no longer worked for his uncle. Only for themselves, only for the prosperity of the "thieves" world, the expansion of spheres of influence.
From a reference to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: With the beginning of perestroika, Kvantrishvili O.V. began to actively engage in entrepreneurship, the purpose of which is the "laundering" of money obtained by criminal means. At the same time, using his connections and on his recommendations, representatives of criminal groups are being introduced into various structures: economic, trade, cultural, etc. They control the transfer of money from these organizations to fictitious accounts and the receipt of income by investing money obtained by criminal means.
Year 1992, the agency "Red Star" held an international competition "Person of the Year" in Sovincenter. The winner received a contract for 30 thousand dollars. The rest of the beauties who flocked from all over the country, like butterflies to a spark, young, pretty, fresh, only had to smear tears in their eyes. Second, third, sedative and other prizes were not provided.
But there was a comforter. From the jury, the figure of a strong dark-haired man, a benefactor and trustee of young talents, a well-known philanthropist from sports Kvantrishvili, rose impressively. He named six names of the contestants who managed to come closest to the first place.
"We give you a prize," Otari Vitalyevich said magnanimously. "Come with us to the Olympics in Barcelona. Audience Award."
It sounded like a fairy tale about a golden shoe for Cinderella. These girls did not see only Spain and beautiful Barcelona. They had a different program, planned in advance, but not agreed with them, a program to relieve stress among athletes. They were not even allowed out of the hotel room for a minute. But they were let in turn by the entire team that accompanied the patron of sports. The guys are all strong, muscular, trained. And the contestants returned home almost crippled, if not in the physical, then in the moral sense.
Such "charity" was more the rule than the exception. Here, perhaps, a personal weakness for the fair sex affected. As already known, the Black Cardinal stumbled here at the very beginning of his career. This backfired on him later. Alas, according to the unwritten laws of the criminal world, someone who has attempted to rape a woman cannot even claim the title of "thief in law". For this reason alone, Otari was bypassed.
"Organized sportiness" was called by one of the well-known domestic mafiosi the phenomenon of the appearance in our life of new power structures, similar to those that Otari Vitalievich nurtured and cherished. Today it is no secret that many sports clubs are "offices" of criminal groups, the place of their regular meetings. Love for sports has become, as it were, a sign of belonging to such an activity. Almost openly, sports patrons like Kvantrishvili are still continuing his work. Behind him, behind the Black Cardinal, remains the honorable right of the helmsman on this path.
Recall the popular hit of the 80s about racketeer athletes Vladimir Asmolov. The bard in verse, a cry from the heart, perfectly reflected the situation: our sports heroes were thrown out into the street, at best they were sold for next to nothing to foreign clubs by the dealers of the bureaucrats of domestic sports societies, at worst they were picked up, bought by newly-minted, home-grown patrons.
Moreover, taking care of the staff, the mafiosi opened generous funding for the bent, left to the mercy of sports schools and sports societies, organized charitable foundations to support athletes. Otari Kvantrishvili took the first step here by organizing the Lev Yashin Athletes Social Protection Fund. With his filing, the association of professional boxers "Fighting Gloves", the kickboxing association "Kitek", the association of professional wrestlers appeared.
So the process of legalization of criminal capital began, picking up speed. According to experts, through the creation of their own commercial structures, the establishment of the mafia in society and the state takes place. She, like an octopus, reaches for everything. First of all, attention is drawn to where the greatest income is possible: the export of oil and metals, the import of food. Most often, the true owners of a particular business remain deeply conspiratorial, they are known only to a narrow circle of people.
By the spring of 1994, when near the Krasnopresnensky baths, sniper shots cut short the life of the patron of sports Kvantrishvili, he reached an unprecedented height in his ascent to the Olympus of wealth, power, fame. Thanks to his abilities and connections, Otari Vitalyevich created his own financial empire. It began with the establishment of the XXI Century Association, which was engaged in the export of oil, timber, non-ferrous metals, and the import of gas weapons.
From the documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR: In the second half of 1989, information began to come from various sources that the "Association XXI century", which united about 40 state and cooperative organizations, using the absence and imperfection of the legal regulation of the economic and financial activities of such associations, is engaged in various kinds illegal operations that generate significant income. Its members are persons previously convicted of various criminal offenses. They draw into the sphere of their activity employees of the Soviet, state and law enforcement agencies.
Its organizers are former party worker A. Kikalishvili, former athlete O. Kvantrishvili, singer I. Kobzon... The Association's office is located in the building of the Intourist Hotel.
A certificate of similar content was originally prepared at Petrovka, 38. One of the deputy chiefs of the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate, who oversaw the criminal investigation, then was Major General of Police Alexei Bugaev. Perhaps, in retaliation for his zeal in suppressing the criminal business, the interested parties planted misinformation in the media, they say, he occupies one of the leading positions in the "Association of the 21st Century." Why not a cool "roof" - a major general of police ?!
The stunning "duck" was immediately replicated. Even such respected publications as Izvestia, Pravda, and Rossiyskaya Gazeta have succeeded in this. In fact, a high police rank, if related, to the notorious firm, is of a completely different order.
“For the first time I heard about Kvantrishvili in 1984,” said Alexei Prokhorovich Bugaev, now a major general in the reserve. “At that time, I had been working as deputy head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for more than a year. I came to this position from the KGB of the USSR. And now, the secretary reports, that there is an employee of the MUR in the waiting room who wants to acquaint me with important operational materials ... "The materials that ended up on the general's table were connected in one way or another with the personality and affairs of the Black Cardinal. These were the testimony of a number of persons in various criminal cases, reports of agents. From them it followed that Kvantrishvili took part in various offenses. Most often, he acted as the organizer of any acts that were punishable by law. There was nothing specific that would allow him to be immediately prosecuted in the papers provided. However, this was the reason for Bugaev's order to the head of one of the departments of the MUR to separate all this into a separate office work. Simply put, a dossier was brought up on Otari Vitalyevich, taking it into active operational development. Thus, the criminal investigation department began to collect materials on it that would be valid in court.
Approximately two or three months after these events, General Bugaev received a phone call from one of the deputy heads of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Alexey Prokhorovich commented on this call:
"I would not like to name this person. He is a respectable worker, disciplined, executive. And at that moment he was fulfilling someone else's will."
He took an interest in Kvantrishvili's "case" and asked him to review it. Bugaev refused. By police subordination, he did not report directly to the caller. There was a time when the metropolitan police closed directly to the leadership of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, bypassing the leadership of the main departments. The general chose to take advantage of this.
However, he did not imagine what influential patrons the Black Cardinal had. Soon, the Deputy Minister of the Interior addressed Bugaev with the same request. It was impossible to refuse him. Several folders with information collected bit by bit with such difficulty went to the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Some time later, a written notice was received from there: the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was taking the "Kvantrishvili case" into its proceedings. Since then, the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate had nothing to do with its operational development, since according to the existing instructions, only one law enforcement agency could deal with one case.
Later it turned out that these documents did not stay long in the Ministry of Internal Affairs either. They were immediately forwarded to the KGB of the USSR. There is a version that there Otari Vitalyevich was "developed" very carefully. According to his person, 17 volumes were collected. Only none of them developed from an operational case into a criminal one. According to some reports, the reason for this was that Otari Vitalyevich then agreed to work as an agent of the Lubyanka.
“If the Kvantrishvili case had not been taken away from Petrovka,” the general in reserve shared his past experience, “who knows, perhaps Otari Vitalyevich would still be in good health to this day. Only one more conviction would appear in his biography and he would be in places not so remote..." Another former deputy head of the Moscow police department shared information that the Black Cardinal could actually be aware of any plans and intentions that were still maturing in the depths of law enforcement agencies.
“I know for sure,” Aleksey Prokhorovich once said. “Kvantrishvili was aware that I was in charge of his operational development. The information unequivocally came to him from fairly accurate sources. on one of his former colleagues, but certain moments of that time are perceived even now somewhat strangely. For example, the first attempt to introduce me and Kvantrishvili was made at the time by the first deputy head of our central office Sergey Kupreev. I don’t know when and how the friendship of a party functionary arose (before joining the bodies, Kupreev was the first secretary of the Bauman district party committee) and the "godfather". But the fact remains - Kupreev repeatedly started a conversation with me about how deep the development of Kvantrishvili was, what exactly was behind him. And once, when he was in CITO, called me and asked me to come urgently.In the foyer I was met by two well-dressed young men sports-looking lover and escorted to the ward. When I asked what kind of people they were, Sergey Alexandrovich answered - the Kvantrishvili brothers, Otari and Amiran. It was the first and only meeting with these people. Of course, Otari Vitalyevich is not without abilities, if he was able to form a team that served him faithfully. Of course, behind all this there was money and connections, big connections. At the end of my service, I had the opportunity to see this for myself. The fact is that Viktor Barannikov, who was Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR at that time, asked to prepare an operational report on Kvantrishvili. The corresponding department of the MUR, which prepared this document, was then headed by Vladimir Rushailo. He signed the certificate. So, after this document went to the ministry only for official use, a copy of it ended up in the hands of Otari Vitalyevich. He, annoyed by such an unflattering characterization, achieved a reception at the very top and even then, in 1992, he repeatedly hinted to Rushailo that he had children. He spoke out that Bugaev also had something to fear and something to worry about. Later, in 1994, "hints" erupted already from television screens. I had to hear about Kvantrishvili even when I had already left the police department. He not only visited Petrovka, 38, but also performed at a concert dedicated to the Day of the Police, even presented gifts to distinguished employees.