Analytical reference monitoring in dow according to fgos. Analytical report on monitoring results for the senior group


Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution "Sharlyk Kindergarten No. 4"

Analysis of the monitoring of the implementation of the program "From Birth to School" in the senior group of the 2011-2012 academic year

Prepared by the educator: Chernova Lidia Vladimirovna, teaching experience 32 years, 1 qualification category

Sharlyk, 2012

In the 2012-2013 academic year, there were 28 people in the senior group at the beginning of the year: 14 boys and 14 girls

Educational area "Physical culture"

We raise children active, dexterous, cheerful


"Physical Culture"the method of observing the activities of children, game test tasks was used. Game test tasks were carried out not only by the educator, but also by a nurse and a physical education instructor.

The results are as follows:

There are no children in the senior group with a high level of mastering the necessary knowledge and skills in this educational area.

23 pupils have an average level, which is 82%. These are children who can walk quickly, easily and rhythmically, while maintaining their posture, climb the gymnastic wall with a change in pace, but when rebuilding in a column of three, four make mistakes; when making turns to the right, to the left, around, many children still do not clearly follow the command, almost all of them know how to ride a two-wheeled bicycle, but do not ski, do not swim, because conditions are not created in kindergarten

5 children have a level below the average, 18% are primarily pupils with the third health group, often ill children (4) and 1 child has started attending kindergarten since August this year. ; 3 children do not understand what is required of them, as they have a delay in speech development


Based on the above, it is necessary to continue work on consolidating the main types of movements, developing basic physical qualities; to systematize individual work with children showing low and below average results of physical fitness;to improve work on involving parents in sports and recreational activitiesto select thematic material and practical recommendations for the promotion of healthy lifestyles for children. For pedagogical education, organize a selection of methodological literature for parents.

To study the experience of other preschool institutions on the preservation and promotion of children's health for further implementation in practice.

To the head of physical education during physical education classes: during the warm-up, pay attention to the work of all muscle groups, learn to walk and run easily, rhythmically, while maintaining the correct posture, direction and pace, jump over a jump rope; regularly pay attention to the restoration of breathing; if possible, at the end of classes, conduct reflection and relaxation,

When conducting walks and during the day, educatorsto learn with children new outdoor games and game situations with elements of football, badminton, towns, to observe the physical activity of children.

Educational area "Health"

We introduce a healthy lifestyle, strengthen the physical and mental health of the child


In educational monitoring"Health" The method of observation and individual conversation was used. The observation was carried out not only by the educator, but also by a nurse and a physical education instructor.

The results are as follows:

With a high level of mastering the necessary knowledge and skills in this educational area in the older group, 7 children, 25%. These are children who can dress quickly, have neatness skills, brush their teeth on their own, possess the simplest skills of behavior during meals, know the importance of daily morning exercises for human health, and have initial ideas about the components of a healthy lifestyle.

16 children have an average level, which is 57%. These are children who know how to dress quickly, eliminate the disorder in clothes with the help of adults, but they also do not have enough initial ideas about the importance of morning exercises, about hardening the body, about observing the daily routine.

5 children have a level below the average, 18% are primarily pupils with the third health group, often ill children (4) and 1 child has started attending kindergarten since August this year. 3 of these children dress only with the help of an adult, neatness skills are not sufficiently developed, they cannot talk about the components of a healthy lifestyle, the importance of gymnastics, regimen, as they have speech impairments.Ideas about a healthy lifestyle and observance of the elementary rules of a healthy lifestyle are at a low level.


Based on the above, it is necessary to continue work on the development of self-service skills,

Bring children to the conscious ability to be healthy, improve the cultural and hygienic skills of children. Continue to form the idea that no one will take better care of a person than himself. Teach to eat healthy food, do exercises every day, properly care for the oral cavity, tell an adult about your problems. Continue to teach children to follow the doctor's recommendations in case of illness.

To expand the idea of ​​how useful running and walking are, why morning exercises are necessary, and adherence to the daily routine.

Expand children's understanding of the forms of hardening. Attracting parental interest in a healthy lifestyle.

Educational area "Safety"

The child learns the experience of safe behavior in the world around him.

At the beginning of the academic year:

Findings: In educational monitoring"Security"

The results are as follows:


Children with an average level have sufficiently mastered the experience of safe behavior in the world around them for their age, talk about how to behave on the street, in nature, in transport, in kindergarten, but they do not always follow these rules. Children know the elementary rules of the road, but not everyone knows the traffic signs - they call a traffic light and a zebra.

Children with a level below the average distinguish and name special types of transport (“Ambulance”, “Fire”, “Police”), but their meaning is explained with the help of additional questions, signs, except for a traffic light, are no longer called, 1 child does not observes the elementary rules of organized behavior in kindergarten and does not understand why this is necessary, (this is primarily due to the fact that the child began attending kindergarten at the age of 4, has many passes, has a delay in speech development)


It is necessary to continue to teach children to understand dangerous situations and find the right way out of them. To direct the work towards acquiring by children not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical experience, for this purpose, conduct not only introductory conversations, but also workshops and trainings to develop protective behavioral skills. Play situations of correct and incorrect behavior in kindergarten, at home, in transport, on the road, etc.

In game activities and in the classroom, it is more complete to acquaint the children with the professions of a policeman, an ambulance doctor, a firefighter, a rescuer of the Ministry of Emergencies. Continue to learn to distinguish between warning and prohibition signs, know how to cross the road and the rules of conduct in transport.

Educational area "Socialization"


In educational monitoring"Socialization" observations of the child's activity during various periods of stay in a preschool institution, individual conversations organized by the teacher were used.

State of the art:

From 1 to 6 points - low level

From 7 to 12 points - below average

From 13 to 18 points - average level

From 19-24 points - high level

The results are as follows:

With a high level of mastering the necessary knowledge and skills in this educational area in the older group of 3 children, 11%. These are children who can negotiate with partners what to play, who will be who in the game; obey the rules of the game, explain the rules of the game to their peers, have several roles in their creative experience, played performances in kindergarten. Knows how to design the game using a variety of materials (attributes, materials at hand, crafts). They are the initiators in the game, often organize the game, and have a high level of gaming skills.

15 children have an average level, which is 51%. These are children who can take on a role, briefly interact with peers in the game on behalf of the hero, but in didactic games they cannot assess their capabilities, do not know how to design their game, do not always follow the rules of the game, they perceive a loss with irritation, sometimes even aggressively. .

11 children have a level below the average, 38% are primarily pupils with the third health group, children who are often ill, allow many passes (4) and 2 children have started attending kindergarten since August this year. Children of this group are impulsive, often come into conflict with children. They have insufficiently developed ability to independently contact their peers, do not take part in collective affairs, play mainly one at a time, and cannot unfold the plot of the game. This indicates the insufficient formation of the activity component.


Based on the above, it is necessary to continue work on the organization of developing problem-practical and problem-game situations related to the solution of socially and morally significant issues. To offer children plot-role-playing and theatrical games, plot-didactic games and games with the rules of social content in order to develop positive self-esteem, self-confidence, self-esteem, the desire to follow socially approved norms of behavior, awareness of the growth of their capabilities and the desire for new achievements .

Involve parents in conversations with children about the norms of relationships with adults and peers.

Educational area "Labor"

We develop a value attitude to work

Conclusions and offers:

The form of monitoring in the educational area "Labor" is mainly an observation of the child's activity during various periods of stay in a preschool institution, and special tasks organized by the teacher.

11 children (39%) have a high level of achievement in this area. They know how to independently and quickly dress, undress, dry wet clothes, take care of shoes, perform the duties of dining room attendants, take care of plants in a corner of nature, set the table correctly, maintain order in the group and in the kindergarten area.

12 children (43%) have an average level of mastery of knowledge and skills. These are children who dress and undress on their own, perform the duties of dining room attendants, but some of them do not set the table skillfully enough, maintain order in the group and at the kindergarten site only after a reminder from an adult, take care of plants in a corner of nature with the help of a teacher.

5 children (18%) have a level below the average. In this group of children, individual components are undeveloped. They do not maintain order in the group and at the site, they perform the duties of a duty officer only under the supervision of an adult, they do not dry clothes, they do not take care of shoes. Three children have the third group of health, serious illnesses, 2 children did not attend kindergarten.


To create in the group an atmosphere of constant employment, constant striving for a useful cause. Explain to the children what it means to be a hardworking person, what it means to work well. To form in them respect for the working person, to instill in them a careful attitude to the results of labor. Encourage children to do what they can on their own. To unite all children in collective work so that they can independently distribute work. Determining the content of the general work, include in it only those types of work, the skills of which the children know well enough, and strives to keep all the children busy. Distribute the work evenly among the children so that each of them can finish the work at approximately the same time.

Direct the efforts of each child to achieve the goal; pay special attention to those children who find it difficult to complete the task: make sure that everyone achieves good results.

Educational area "Cognition"

Findings: In educational monitoring“Knowledge. Formation of a holistic picture of the world»the method of observation, individual conversation, game test tasks were used.

The results are as follows:

Conclusion: Children with a high, average level of mastery of knowledge and skills in this area know the main features of the living, establish connections between the state of living beings and the environment. They use observation to understand nature. They know about the importance of the sun, air and water for humans, animals and plants. He names the seasons, but some of the children name only two features (hot, cold, it's raining, everything is blooming, etc.) They know that they need to take care of nature, but not everyone does it. All children know the name of their native village, the name of the country and the capital of 5 children.

Children with a level below the average name objects that facilitate the work of a person in everyday life, do not distinguish and do not name types of transport, do not classify objects, only glass is determined from the materials from which they are made. The seasons are named, but their features are not noted. There is little knowledge about the interaction of man with nature at different times of the year.

During the school year, the following work is planned with children: individual conversations, analysis of situations, reading educational literature, didactic games, discussing with children the meaning and content of proverbs, sayings, riddles about natural phenomena, folk signs, using sounds of nature and classical music; implementation of children's projects that use the experience of performances from different educational areas. It is planned to organize a specific experimental activity of the children themselves, during which the children could learn about the significance of the sun, air, water in human life.

Conduct discussions and consultations with parents on this section.


In educational monitoring“Knowledge. Formation of elementary mathematical representations»the method of observation, individual conversation, game test tasks were used.

The results are as follows:

3 children (11%) have a high level. 19 children have an average level, 68%, of which 4 children have a level close to high.

Conclusion: Children with a high, average level of mastery of knowledge and skills in this area can highlight the properties of objects, figures and independently classify them; count (up to 10) direct, ordinal, reverse counting. Know geometric shapes and their properties. But they find it difficult to navigate on a sheet of paper, except for children with a high level. Many children make mistakes in determining the location of an object in relation to themselves, other objects. Several children have difficulty determining the time of day: morning, afternoon, evening, night. Several children cannot compare objects by eye; cannot check accuracy by application or overlay.

Children with a level below the average, count up to 10 with errors, do not know how to count backwards. Geometric figures are called, only one at a time, they do not know the distinguishing features. The location of the object in relation to oneself, other objects do not know.

They cannot compare objects by eye; they cannot check the accuracy by application or overlay even with the help of a hint. Equalizes unequal groups of items in one way or by removing or adding a unit. Up to 5 own the ordinal account.

During the school year, the following activities will be carried out with children:

To develop the mental activity of children: classification, analysis, comparison, abstraction, generalization. Divide difficult tasks into parts and, depending on the inclinations and abilities of the children, solve them gradually. to develop in children the ability to study, listen carefully and memorize the task, willingly and accurately perform it. teach children of this age to listen to the task to the end.

Use entertaining material to form ideas, get acquainted with new information. Help children with help in mastering various practical ways of comparing, grouping objects by quantity, size, shape, spatial arrangement.

Findings: In educational monitoring“Knowledge. Productive (constructive) activity» the method of observation, individual conversation, game test tasks were used.

The results are as follows:

Nobody has a high level. 21 children have an average level, 75%, of which 4 children have a level close to high.

7 children have a level below the average, 25%, of which 2 children are closer to a low level.

Conclusion: Children with an average level of mastery of knowledge and skills in this area are actively involved in the work, they can plan the stages of creating their own building, find constructive solutions, know how to work collectively, but they hardly analyze the model of the building. Children are happy to create buildings according to the drawing with the help of an adult. They know how to use a template.

It was found that the level of development of constructive skills and the level of manifestation of independence in the manufacture of buildings in children with a level below the average, fragmentary, incomplete. They can create their own buildings, but they do not know how to analyze. According to the drawing, they cannot create a building. Build one at a time. Sometimes they build together, but unite with children of their level. Children know how to use a template, but not everyone can cut along solid lines, bend along dotted lines, they are characterized by inaccurate crafts. Children are engaged at the prompting of an adult, they do not show independence.

During the school year, it is planned to carry out the following work with children: individual work,

Various types of teamwork for the formation of skills to plan activities, taking into account the common goal of distributing operations;

to teach the child to establish the causes of failures and overcome them;

learn analyze the sample and plan the sequence of actions, control yourself in the course of work, correlate your result with the sample.

Educational area "Communication"

Develop children's speech and communication skills

Findings: In educational monitoring"Communication" the method of observation, individual conversation, game test tasks were used.

The results are as follows:

Not a single child has a high level. 23 children have an average level, 82%, of which 4 children have a level close to high.

5 children have a level below the average, 18%, of which 2 children are closer to a low level.

Conclusion: Children with an average level of mastery of skills in this area show interest in verbal communication. They argue judgments and use the form of speech - evidence with the help of an adult. Makes up stories based on a plot picture, based on a set of pictures; sequentially, without significant omissions, they retell small literary works. But at the same time, it is difficult to select several adjectives for a noun, they also experience difficulties in replacing a word with another word with a similar meaning. These children have insufficiently developed phonemic hearing.

Children who have a level below the average experience serious difficulties in all the parameters tested. First of all, this is due to their individual characteristics, with frequent passes

During the school year, the following work is planned with children with a level below the average: individual lessons on speech tasks, didactic games, reading fiction, and conduct conversations and consultations with parents on this section.

Educational area "Reading fiction"

Child in the world of fiction

Findings: In educational monitoring"Reading Fiction"the method of observation, individual conversation, game test tasks were used.

The results are as follows:

5 children (18%) have a high level. 19 children have an average level, 68%, of which 4 children have a level close to high.

4 children have a level below the average, 18%, of which 2 children are closer to a low level.

Conclusion: Children with a high and medium level of mastery of skills and abilities in this area show a desire for constant communication with a book, experience obvious pleasure when listening to literary works. They truly understand the motives of the actions of the characters, see their experiences and feelings. Only 3 children read poetry.

But only 5 children name their favorite children's writer, favorite fairy tales. Nobody names favorite stories.

Children with a level below the average love to listen to works of art, especially fairy tales, but they cannot evaluate the actions of the characters, they answer questions in monosyllables. They memorize poems, fairy tales very hard. They cannot retell. They categorically refuse to participate in the dramatization of small fairy tales, they cannot read poems by roles, since they do not remember them, and they have no desire to memorize them.

During the school year, the following work is planned: individual work with children with a level below the average, individual conversations about writers, poets, reading fiction, memorizing poems collectively and individually; conduct conversations and consultations with parents on this section.

Educational area "Artistic creativity"

We introduce to the fine arts and develop children's artistic creativity

Findings: In educational monitoring"Artistic Creativity"the method of observation, individual conversation, game test tasks were used.

The results are as follows:

5 children (18%) have a high level. 17 children have an average level, 61%, of which 4 children have a level close to high.

6 children have a level below the average, 21%, of which 2 children are closer to a low level.

Conclusion: Children with a high and medium level of mastery of knowledge and skills in this area have elementary technical skills in drawing: they hold a pencil and brush correctly and use them freely. They depict objects and create simple plot compositions, images based on folk toys. They create small plot compositions, but make mistakes when conveying proportions, poses and movement of figures. In modeling, children sculpt objects of various shapes using learned techniques and methods.

During the school year, it is planned to carry out the following work with children: individual work, to teach children the ability to listen and complete the task, to bring the work started to the end.Develop compositional skills - place the image on medium sheets of paper, improve technical skills. Thus, mastering the outlines of the simplest pictorial forms, using bright, colorful tones, the child learns to find similarities with the objects of the surrounding reality, begins to realize the pictorial possibilities of materials and independently use the acquired skills when depicting other objects. Bring children to the understanding that art reflects the world around them and the artist depicts what aroused his interest, surprise. Draw their attention to the fact that art surrounds us everywhere: at home, in kindergarten, on the street, it gives people pleasure, joy, and should be treated with care. To continue to acquaint children with different types and genres of fine arts, the ideas about which they deepen and expand. Learn to correlate the mood of images expressed by different types of art.

Educational area "Music"

We introduce to the art of music and develop musical and artistic activity

Most children distinguish between such features of musical art as expressiveness and figurativeness, they single out a musical image with a little help from an adult, and give it a description. 65% of children have formed the skills of a culture of listening, however, next year it is worth paying attention to those children who have absent-mindedness when perceiving music. Pupils willingly participate in conversations with musical content, answer not only alternative, but also direct questions. In performing activities, children also showed themselves diversely. However, positive trends in this area are observed in the majority. Many recorded a shift in the formation of elementary vocal and choral skills - a sense of rhythm, sound production, breathing; skills of playing children's musical instruments - a sense of ensemble, tact. Despite the positive results in singing and instrumental activities, I would like to draw attention to the purity of intonation of children, which, unfortunately, among all other vocal skills are at a fairly low level; in instrumental activity, the ability of children to hear each other during the game, to perform small pieces and chants at the same tempo requires closer attention. In play activities, almost all children show creative activity, initiative, there are attempts to express the play image on their own. So, we can conclude that, in general, the musical development of older children showed a fairly high result.

Christina Bakina
Analytical report on monitoring results for the senior group

Analytical reference based on diagnostic results senior group at the start of the 2017-2018 academic year.

In September 2017, diagnostics were carried out in senior group, in which 25 children participated, which accounted for 100% of the total groups. results diagnostics showed:

Educational area: "Speech development":

(68%) possess some skills and abilities in this area, show interest in speech development, and exactly: maintain a conversation, express their point of view, agree / disagree, use all parts of speech. They select an adjective for a noun, they know how to select a synonym. determine the place of a sound in a word. They dramatize a small fairy tale, read a poem by roles, consider illustrations of children's books, show interest in them, with the help of an adult, retell small literary works. Children with abnormal levels (-32%) experience difficulties in all the parameters being checked, due to the limitation of speech contacts, social and communicative qualities are not sufficiently formed, unwillingness to obey the general rules.

Solutions: It is necessary to continue to pay serious attention to the development of speech and communication skills of children through individual work, organized activities. To teach children to listen carefully to literary works, to use nouns with a generalizing meaning in speech (vegetables, fruits, animals, etc., to expand knowledge about the genres of literature, to memorize poems, proverbs, sayings)

Educational area: "Cognitive Development".

A high level in this area has not been identified. Children with problem levels (92%) possess some skills and abilities in this area and answer questions, with the help of an adult. With abnormal level (-8%) they know their names and surnames, they know the meaning of the sun, air and water for a person.

They distinguish between a circle, a square, a triangle, a rectangle, an oval, they cannot compare two objects in height, width, length, they cannot determine the parts of the day and name them in the correct sequence.

Solutions: to conduct individual work with children using didactic games. It is necessary to pay attention to the formation of a holistic picture of the world, sensory standards and elementary mathematical representations, the development of constructive skills, as well as to use experimentation in the work, which contributes to the formation of cognitive interest in children, develops observation, mental activity. In the activity of experimentation, the child acts as a kind of researcher, independently acting in various ways on the objects and phenomena surrounding him in order to more fully cognize and master them.

Educational area: "Social and communicative development".

A high level in this area has not been identified. Children who can take on a role, actively communicate with peers during the game, are able to organize games with the help of a teacher and have a problem level - 96%. 4% have an abnormal level (, this is a child who knows how to design a game using a variety of materials (attributes, improvised material). Often he is the organizer of the game, he is able to accept a game problem situation, change his own role-playing behavior, shows respect for peers and adults. But in didactic games he cannot evaluate his abilities, he does not know how to design his game, he does not always follow the rules of the game. Partially sees his mistakes and corrects them with the help of an adult. The supposed reason for such a quality of assimilation of program material by children on this section: age and individual characteristics of children.

Solutions: to continue working with children through the use of didactic games on the problem; to interest children through game situations, reading books with problem situations. More often use didactic games in working with children. It is necessary to pay attention to enriching the plot of games, strengthening the ability to conduct role-playing dialogues, accept game tasks, communicate with adults and peers

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development"

A high level in this area has not been identified. Children with developmental problems (88%) they are able to create images of various objects and toys, combining them into a collective composition; carefully paste images of objects consisting of several parts, paint over the image without going beyond the contour. And children with abnormal levels (12%-) insufficiently master the skills of arts and crafts, distinguish between genres of musical works, create individual and collective drawings, plot and decorative compositions using different materials and methods of creation, including those based on folk arts and crafts, hold scissors correctly and use them.

Solutions: continue to acquaint children with the types of fine arts, use different materials and methods of creating images more often, pay special attention to arts and crafts (elements of Dymkovo, Filimonov painting). Learn how to use scissors correctly, cut them in a straight line, diagonally, cut a circle from a square, smoothly cut and round off corners. It is also necessary to continue to conduct individual work with children.

Educational area: "Physical development".

In this educational area, children with developmental problems make up 96%, they know about important and harmful factors for health, about the importance of morning exercises, hardening, daily routine for health. They observe the elementary rules of personal hygiene, self-service, neatness, but they do not know how to dress and undress quickly and neatly, they keep order in the locker. Children with abnormal development account for 4% (, they cannot throw objects with their right and left hands at vertical and horizontal targets, hit and catch the ball, line up in a column of three, four, equal, open, perform turns in the column.

Solutions: more often to carry out individual work, to teach children not to be afraid to contact the teacher

Diagnostic results

development "SKR" "ETC" "RR" "HER" "FR"

normative development - - - - -

problematic development 96% 92% 68% 88% 96%

abnormal development 4% 8% 32% 12% 4%

By result all diagnostics revealed: children with developmental problems (slightly below normal in some cases)-98% and 12% - children with abnormal development (below normal in almost all criteria). Based on these indicators, we received the following chart:

Conclusion: analysis of results diagnostics at the beginning of the school year shows the dynamics of the development of children in all types of activities. Basically, the indicators of the implementation of the educational program of preschool education are within the non-normative and problematic levels of development. It means that

it is necessary to outline a plan for the future and the development of each child:

1. Continue to carry out purposeful work to improve the quality of mastering the program material in all educational areas during the academic year.

2. During the year, continue to develop the speech and communication skills of children in direct educational activities and in individual work with children based on an integrated approach.

3. Lead individual routes for mastering program material in problem areas

4. Together with parents, the music director, eliminate gaps in the educational activities of children.

the date: September

educators: Kumarova G. G.

Bakina K.V.

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on the results of monitoring the achievement by children of the planned results of the development of the Program "from birth to school" at the MADOU CRR d / s No. 3

at the beginning of the 2016-2017 academic year

The purpose of monitoring is to determine the degree of mastering by the child of the main educational program of preschool education MADOU No. 3, compiled on the basis of the main educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" (under the editorship of N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2015) and the impact of the educational process organized in a preschool institution on the development of a child.

Based on the annual plan of MADOU, the results of mastering the program material by pupils in five educational areas were monitored at the beginning of the 2016-2017 academic year.

The collection of information is based on the use of the following methods:

systematic monitoring of the child's activities
organization of special gaming activities
getting answers to the tasks set through pedagogical situations
analysis of products of children's activities
activity process analysis
individual conversation with the child

The form of monitoring organization is a diagnostic map.

Monitoring was carried out in each age group of MADOU in the period from 29.08.16. until September 16, 2016, was carried out by the educators of MADOU.

Educators carried out diagnostics in the main areas of the MADOU program:

Social and communicative development;
- cognitive development;
- speech development;
- artistic and aesthetic development;
- physical development.

In total, 16 groups of 457 pupils of MADOU were examined.

Monitoring was carried out through tracking the results of mastering the educational program. Diagnosis was assessed at three levels: high, medium, low

high level (4 - 5 points) - the child performs all the parameters of the assessment independently.
average level (3 - 4 points) - the child performs all the parameters of the assessment with the partial help of an adult;
low level (1 - 2 points) the child cannot fulfill all the parameters of the assessment, the help of an adult is not accepted.

Program material in educational areas was mastered by pupils of all age groups in general at an average level. Based on the results of the monitoring, pupils of MADOU showed a generally positive result in mastering the program material. The highest results were in the children of the senior group No. 10.13 and the preparatory group for school No. 5 No. 9, the lowest indicators in the compensatory orientation group No. 16 (ZPR) - 83.3% of the low level.

Total for kindergarten

Based on the results of diagnosing the quality of education (through the implementation of educational areas) “at the beginning of the academic year”, the following results were revealed:

Educational area "Social and communicative development" final indicator of MADOU:

High: 22.3%

Average: 65.5%

Low: 12.2%

Educational area "Cognitive development"

The program material in the educational area "Cognitive Development" was mastered by pupils of all age groups at the middle level as well. The highest results in children of the older (60%) and school-preparatory group - 65% of a high level, the lowest in the second group of early age - 16.7% and compensatory orientation groups - 82% and for children with general underdevelopment of speech - 43 %.

As a result: "Cognitive development":

High Level: -27%

Average level: - 63%

Low level: - 10%

The analysis of indicators of mastering by children of the program material of the educational area "Speech Development" is mainly at the average level. The highest results were in children of the older and preparatory groups for school, the lowest in the compensatory group.

Total "Speech development":

High level: - 23.3%

Average level: - 56.7%

Low level: - 20%

The analysis of indicators of the dynamics of the development of program material in the educational field "artistic and aesthetic development" is at an average level.

Total for the educational field "artistic and aesthetic development":

High level: - 27%

Average level: - 63%

Low level: - 10%

Also, at the average level, preschoolers mastered the program material in the educational area "Physical Development". High results were shown by pupils of the senior and preparatory groups (48 and 55% respectively), the lowest results were in the second group of early age - 84% of the average level and the compensatory group - 85% of the low level.

Total for the educational area "Physical development":

High level: - 27%

Medium: -58%

Low level: - 15%

Thus, the results of monitoring the mastery of program material by children of all age groups at the beginning of the school year showed mainly an average level. The highest results were in children of the senior and preparatory groups for school. The lowest results were in the early age groups and the compensatory orientation group.

The results of monitoring the development of program material showed that children of all age groups mastered the material in all educational areas at a high and average level.

An analysis of the monitoring of child development showed that preschoolers of MADOU No. 3 mastered the educational program of MADOU at a high and medium level.

The results of monitoring child development at the beginning of the school year:

High level: 43h – 29.8%;

Intermediate level: 65h. - 60.2%.

Low level: 10%

Thus, in groups:

No. 5; No. 9; No. 13 - 19%; - High level

No. 2; No. 3; No. 4; No. 6; No. 7; No. 8; No. 10; No. 11; No. 12; No. 14; No. 15 - 75%. - Medium level: #16 - 6% - Low level.

Since these are children who do not seek to participate in joint practical and play activities with an adult, experience an unstable interest in the actions of their peers, and cannot subordinate their behavior to the rules of communication.
The explanations for such low results are as follows: long-term adaptation of some children, frequent absences for a reason and without it, due to the restriction of speech contacts, social and communicative qualities are not sufficiently formed, unwillingness to obey general rules.

The quality of assimilation of the program is developed in children in the MADOU CRR - kindergarten No. 3 of the Dinskoy district, mainly at the average level.

The results of this monitoring will help teachers determine a differentiated approach to each child and develop an individual route of correctional and developmental classes in the selection of forms of organization, methods and techniques of education and development.

Conclusion: the results of monitoring the mastery of the pupils of our kindergarten with program material in educational areas at the beginning of the 2016-2017 academic year are satisfactory.

Teachers of all groups:

1. Conduct targeted work to improve the quality of mastering the program material in educational areas:

Deadline: continuously, throughout the year.

2. Create an individual educational trajectory (route) for the following children:…………………………………………………………………………………

Deadline until 01.10.2016.

3. When planning organized educational activities, take into account the results of monitoring.

Deadline: systematically, within a year.

4. Based on the monitoring results, identify gifted children and develop individual educational routes to develop the child's potential and consolidate the results.

Deadline: 01.10.2016, within a year.

4. Continue to enrich the subject-developing environment in all age groups of MADOU.

5. Educators and a teacher-psychologist to develop a map of the individual development of a preschool child in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Material (senior group) on the topic:

Analytical report on the results of monitoring the achievement by children of the planned results of mastering the adapted GBDOU program No. 3, 2016-2017 academic year. Beginning of the year.

1 part

1.1 Characteristics of the group.

There are 19 older children (5-6 years old) in the group. Of these, 10 boys and 9 girls. By health groups: 1 - 11 people; 2 - 8 people.

1.2. Purpose of monitoring:

Determining the level of assimilation by children of the older group of the adapted preschool program;

1.3. Monitoring tasks:

Determine the level of assimilation of program material by children in educational areas;

Determine the level of assimilation of program material for the group as a whole (compared to the previous year/beginning of the year);

Optimize work with children, outline the direction of work based on the results of monitoring for the group as a whole;

Build an educational trajectory for the development of each child;

1.3. Diagnostic methods:

Interview with parents, taking into account the questionnaire;

The survey was conducted in five educational areas on a five-point system.

part 2

2.1 Physical development

The program material was mastered by 9 children at the average level and by 10 children at the level below the average.

Conclusion: the main types of movements are walking, running, balance, jumping, exercises with a ball and a hoop, building and rebuilding, physical qualities are not sufficiently formed and developed. The reason is in violation of coordination and disinhibition, in particular in two children. One child has knowledge in this area, but does not participate in the process, does not accept the help of an adult in the classroom. The ability to quickly dress and undress, put clothes in a locker is poorly developed in three children. One child became more active and interested in this area.

Recommendations: continue to create a developing subject-spatial environment for optimal motor activity of children in preschool educational institutions, pay special attention to consolidating the main types of movement, developing basic physical qualities, creating health-saving factors (morning exercises, invigorating exercises, preventing flat feet and postural disorders, hardening) To increase the popularity of the principles of a healthy lifestyle life in family education, to hold joint sports activities for children and parents.

2.2. cognitive development

The material of the educational area was mastered at the average level by 10 children. It is necessary to pay attention to the development of orientation in space, time and on the sheet, to the formation of gender. Elementary mathematical representations and design skills are well developed. Below average 8 people. Children have partially formed ecological ideas and concepts of the objective world. Of these, 6 children require special attention. Dynamics is observed in one child, the passive vocabulary becomes more active, and therefore the way of expressing knowledge is more pronounced. And practically at a low level there was a child who has not formed the concept of age, does not take part in educational activities and almost always refuses the help of an adult.

Conclusion: it is necessary to pay special attention to the formation of a holistic picture of the world, the consolidation of sensory standards.

Recommendations: create conditions for experimental research activities, replenish the developing environment, create various collections of materials and albums with images of the world for free access, support children's initiative and creativity. Creation of short-term projects based on lexical topics. Strengthen individual work.

2.3. Speech development

Program material in the educational field was mastered at an average level by 7 children, at a level below the average by 10 children, at a low level by 2 people.

Conclusion: it is necessary to pay more attention to the development of speech, especially individually, and the formation of communication skills. To teach children to listen to literary works, to expand knowledge about the genres of literature, to teach expressive recitation of poems, to compose stories and retell.

Recommendations: it is necessary to create conditions for independent speech activity during the day; include communicative games and exercises in the organization of classes, perform finger and articulation gymnastics in regime moments, expand the horizons of children. Continue to organize the daily reading of fiction in a group, using bright visual aids, emotionally expressively present the content of the work. Conduct exhibitions of productive works of children's creativity based on the studied program material. Update children's literature in the book corner every week, based on lexical topics and calendar holidays. Have bright illustrations for literary works for children to view outside of class. Use the puppet theater.

2.4 Socio-communicative development

The program material of the educational area was mastered by 13 children at the average level and by 6 children at the level below the average. Children with a low indicator have a poorly developed skill in plot-role-playing, they do not show much interest and do not particularly like to be on duty and clean up toys after themselves. It is difficult to express your feelings and needs to two children. Some children do not show empathy for their peers. They are not always able to name their family members and answer questions about who does what in the family. Some children find it difficult to follow the elementary cultural rules of behavior among children and cannot always be critical of their actions, overcome shortcomings, find it difficult to comprehend and convey their experiences, mood, feelings, desires in words and actions. These guys find it difficult to control their emotions due to increased activity, do not always interact in the game and show goodwill and attention to others.

Conclusion: it is necessary to continue to pay attention to the formation of a culture of communication with adults and peers, to teach them to communicate without conflict. Continue to teach to form emotional responsiveness, to teach children to understand themselves, to define and name their emotional state, to respond to the emotions of loved ones and peers. It is necessary to teach children to observe elementary norms and rules of behavior when interacting with adults and peers, to instill the rules of elementary politeness. It is necessary to continue work on the formation of ideas about the state and the world, about oneself and one's family, about the nature of one's native land. It is necessary to pay attention to the enrichment of the plot-role-playing games, to consolidate the conduct of dialogues, to accept game tasks.

Recommendations: it is necessary to create situations of benevolent cooperation, teach them to resolve conflicts, dramatize group situations using the example of fairy-tale characters, stimulate children for constructive behavior, give practical recommendations to parents, and conduct individual corrective work with children. Teachers, in turn, need to be friendly to children, use as many affectionate and polite words as possible in speech. It is necessary to update the corner of patriotic education and replenish the play corners with new attributes, taking into account gender education. Organize more games on the initiative and with the participation of the teacher. Continue teaching children how to play.

2.5. Artistic and aesthetic development

The program material in this area was mastered by 11 children at the intermediate level, 7 children at the level below the average and 1 child at the low level. Not all children can do the work in the correct sequence, they find it difficult to create their own illustrations for works, they cannot always convey the general features and characteristic details of the image, almost all cannot arrange the sheet in a given format and place the image on the sheet correctly, they cannot name the types of decorative - applied art. Difficulties arise when performing the operation of pulling parts from a separate piece, not everyone has the skill of sculpting a three-dimensional image, and not all children completely and accurately perform flat modeling. Difficulties arise with the ability to properly hold scissors and cut correctly, clean up your workplace. One child has knowledge, but he does not always take part in the process. One of the children has practically no skills and does not accept the help of an adult.

Conclusion: continue to improve the technique of drawing, modeling, appliqué, to develop the creative abilities of pupils.

Recommendations: during the day, offer didactic games, coloring books, conduct exercises for the development of fine motor skills and finger gymnastics. In the corners for creativity, provide an opportunity for independent creative activity of children. Have the necessary equipment for working with plasticine, natural material, paper, paints, monitor their renewal. Take part in competitions and exhibitions. Continue interaction with the family and organize competitions for joint parent-child creativity.

Results: program material was mastered mainly at a level below the average, which is explained by the unstable teaching staff of the group and the overstaffing of pupils in the group.

Analytical report on the results of pedagogical monitoring of the preparatory school group No. 9 for the 2016-2017 academic year.

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Analytical reference on the results of pedagogical monitoring

group preparatory to school No. 9 for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Educators: Number of children in the group:

Harina A.V Girls - 13

Garipova E. A Boys - 12
The monitoring involved: 25 children.

In the course of monitoring, the following methods were used: pedagogical observation, conversation, analysis of productive activity, didactic material.

Monitoring was carried out in the following areas:

The program material (in all 5 educational areas) was mastered by the children of the preparatory group for school:

At a high level in - 51%

At the middle level - in 49%

The low level is kept to a minimum.

An analysis of the monitoring of the educational process allows us to build the following rating order for the assimilation of educational areas:

1. Educational area "Physical development" (high - 82%; average - 18%). The implementation of the TOE is at a fairly high level. This is facilitated by the observance of the mode of motor activity during the day, morning exercises, GCD for physical development, planned individual work on the development of movements, the use of health-saving technologies in the daily routine.

Recommendations: to continue work in this direction in the summer, plan GCD for physical development, observe the motor regime, conduct hardening activities, plan conversations with children to form knowledge about healthy lifestyles.

2 .Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" (high - 52%; average - 48%). Children are actively involved in the work, they can plan the stages of creating their own building, find constructive solutions, they know how to work collectively, they analyze the model of the building. Children are happy to create buildings according to the drawing. They know how to use a template.

They show a desire for constant communication with the book, they experience obvious pleasure when listening to literary works.

In drawing, they have elementary technical skills: they hold a pencil and brush correctly and use them freely. They depict objects and create simple plot compositions, images based on folk toys. They create small plot compositions, but make mistakes when conveying proportions, poses and movement of figures.

In modeling, children sculpt objects of various shapes using learned techniques and methods.

Most children distinguish between such features of musical art as expressiveness and figurativeness, they single out a musical image with a little help from an adult, and give it a description. Many recorded a shift in the formation of elementary vocal and choral skills - a sense of rhythm, sound production, breathing; skills of playing children's musical instruments - a sense of ensemble, tact.

Recommendations: more use of non-traditional techniques; create problem situations in the classroom that activate the creative imagination of children (“draw”, “think up”, “finish”); replenish the centers of creativity with a variety of art materials, accessories for artistic activities (brushes, gouache, watercolor, plasticine, paper of different colors and textures, stencils, coloring books, etc.)

Rosa Agleulina
Information on monitoring for the first half of the 2014–2015 academic year

Results monitoring mastering the program material for the first half showed that the children of the middle group No. 4 learned the material in educational areas at an average level.

Examined: 26 pupils.

Forms monitoring:

Child supervision;

Educational area "Social and communicative development"

The results are as follows:

High level: 0%

Middle level: 69%

Low level: 31%

69% have an average level, these are children who know how to design a game using a variety of materials (attributes, improvised material). Often they are the organizers of the game, they are able to accept a game problem situation, change their own role-playing behavior, show respect for peers and adults. Actively participate in the game, but do not follow the rules. Partially see their mistakes and correct them with the help of an adult.

Pupils who, in didactic games, cannot assess their capabilities in didactic games, do not know how to design their game, do not always follow the rules of the game, communicate only with adults, act with objects according to a show or a model, have a low level. We plan to pay more attention to enriching the plot of games, strengthening the ability to conduct role-playing dialogues, accept game tasks, and communicate with adults and peers.

Work. During the observation of elementary labor activity, it was revealed: Children dress and undress themselves. But toys, building materials, equipment are cleaned and kept in order in the group and in the kindergarten area, most often after a reminder from an adult.

Security. An analysis of the results on the formation of safe behavior showed that pupils are well aware of the elementary rules of behavior in kindergarten, they can tell how to cross the road correctly, explain the meaning of a traffic light. But there are children who do not know the rules of the road, traffic lights, the rules of safe behavior in nature, in transport.

Conclusion: continue to work with children in the educational field "Security" through didactic games, conversations, game situations, reading books with problem situations, arouse children's interest in this topic through project activities.

Physical development

High level: 0%

Middle level: 23-88%

Low level 3-12%

Analyzing the results of the diagnosis of pupils on the formation of KP, it was found that children are able to dress quickly, eliminate disorder in clothes with the help of adults. However, children do not have enough initial ideas about the importance of morning exercises, about observing the daily routine. There are children who need to pay attention to strengthening the skills of neatness, the formation of personal hygiene skills, and ideas about a healthy lifestyle.


it is necessary to pay attention to the skills of cultural eating, to consolidate the skills of cultural behavior at the table (do not put your elbows on the table, drink and eat silently, chew food with your mouth closed, use cutlery correctly).

Educational area "Cognitive Development"

Analysis of indicators of the dynamics of the development of program material in the educational field "Cognitive Development" showed that the material was mastered mainly at an intermediate level.

The results are as follows:

High level1-4%

Middle level: 17-66%

Low level 8-30%

It is necessary to continue work on sensory development in various activities. Improve perception by actively using all the senses. Enrich sensory experience. Develop cognitive research and constructive activities. Form elementary mathematical representations. Learn to count to 5 using correct counting techniques. To form ideas about the equality and inequality of groups of objects based on the count. To form the ability to equalize unequal groups in two ways (adding and decreasing). Develop the ability to count objects from a large number. To improve the ability to compare two objects in size, according to two identical signs. To develop ideas about geometric shapes, the ability to correlate the shape of an object with geometric shapes. Develop the ability to identify spatial relationships. To acquaint with spatial relationships - far, close. Expand your understanding of the parts of the day. To create conditions for expanding ideas about the world around. Expand your understanding of nature.

Conclusion. In order to form cognitive interest in children, develop observation, mental activity, use TRIZA elements, didactic games, experimentation, and project activities to involve parents in their work.

Educational field SPEECH DEVELOPMENT

The results are as follows:

High level: 3- 11%

Middle level: 19-74%

Low level: 4-15%

results monitoring showed that it is necessary to develop free communication with adults and children. To develop all components of oral speech, practical mastery of the norms of speech. Develop the ability to coordinate words in a sentence. Fix the correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants. Continue working on diction. Improve your dialogue.

Educational field "Artistic aesthetic development"

The results are as follows:

High level: 0

Middle level: 17-65%

Low level: 9-35%

Most children can draw and name forms: rounded, rectangular (circle, oval, rectangle, square). Draw lines in different directions. They mastered the skills of drawing with a pencil and a brush, carefully paint over, use various materials. You should continue to form the ability to create decorative compositions. Learn to paint over drawings with a brush, pencil, mix paints. Continue to develop interest in modeling. To fix the techniques of accurate modeling, while sculpting objects, the proportions are violated, there is no clarity in the transfer of the form, the parts are not firmly fastened. Develop interest in the application. To form the ability to properly hold scissors, exercise in cutting round shapes. Develop children's creativity. Engage in fine arts

Variable part

High level -0

Average level-85%

Low level-15%

Analysis monitoring on the variable part showed that the highest result is observed for the regional component. The level of development in search and research activities is slightly less.

Child development monitoring.

In children, the level of development in terms of integrative qualities, the highest result is observed in the following integrative qualities: curiosity, activity emotionally responsive; physically developed. A little less level of development in the following qualities, self-image, family, society and state; the ability to control one's behavior; mastering the means of communication; the ability to solve intellectual and personal problems.

Analysis monitoring on the variable part showed that the highest result is observed in search and research activities. The level of development in terms of the regional component is slightly lower.

Sample "Analytical reference" of pedagogical diagnostics

Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior educator, MDOU "Bell" b. Dukhovnitskoye village, Saratov region
Material Description:
In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, it became necessary to formalize the results of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) in a new way. Nobody knows how to do it right. I offer my colleagues, preschool educators, a sample of the "Analytical Report", developed by us based on the results of diagnostics using the example of one group. I will be very glad if this development is useful to someone, and I will also listen with interest to any comments ...

Analytical reference
according to the results of pedagogical diagnostics
2015 – 2016 academic year

Group No. ... ... (2nd junior)

Number of diagnosed children: 26
The date of the: September 2015
Monitoring status: at the beginning of the school year
Purpose of monitoring: 1) individualization of education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory);
2) optimization of work with a group of children.
Tasks: Studying the results of assimilation of the main general educational program of preschool education and child development.
Monitoring methods: regular teacher observations of children in everyday life and in the process of direct educational work with them, analysis of the products of children's activities, conversations, tests, game situations.

Work with children was carried out in accordance with the "Educator's Work Program", created on the basis of the "Basic Educational Program of the MDOU" Kindergarten "Kolokolchik" r.p. Dukhovnitskoye, Saratov region.
The preschool educational institution implements the “Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education “Kindergarten-2100”, edited by O.V. Chindilova.

The following technologies were used in working with children:

1. health-saving technologies;
2. technology of project activities;
3. technology of research activities;
4. information and communication technologies;
5. personality-oriented technologies;
6. gaming technology.

Characteristics of children for the analyzed period:
Average age of children: 2 years 10 months
Total children in the group: 27 people
Diagnosed children: 26 people
Boys: 7 people
Girls: 19 people
Number of undiagnosed children: 1 child who has not attended kindergarten for more than 3 months.

Pedagogical diagnostics for the analyzed period was carried out in two directions:
pedagogical diagnostics of the quality of education in the group (through the implementation of educational areas);
pedagogical diagnostics of child development.

Diagnosis was assessed at three levels: high, medium, low.
According to the results education quality diagnostics(through the implementation of educational areas) “at the beginning of the school year” the following results were revealed: three children have high level in directions:

Middle level in certain educational areas and areas have:
... I.F. child - educational areas, sections
Low level: in all educational areas have:

Low level according to certain educational areas and directions have:
... I.F. child - educational areas, sections.
Analyzing the results of the diagnostics, we can conclude that three children partially mastered the program material.
In educational areas and directions, the quantitative composition of children with an average level and a low level is almost equal:
average level - 22 children
low level - 23 children
It is mainly necessary to pay attention to the educational areas "Speech development" and "Cognitive development".
The indicator in the educational areas "Artistic and aesthetic development" is slightly higher - children have sufficiently formed skills for productive activity, fine motor skills of the pupils' hands are developed, but accuracy, sequence of actions and variability of thinking are not fully developed. There is a lack of due attention on the part of parents to the educational process, as well as insufficiently developed auditory and visual attention and the desire to show interest in the environment.

Appendix 1

2. Form the following subgroup to optimize work:
subgroup No. 2, direction of work - "Cognitive development"
... I.F. children
According to the results diagnostics of child development“at the beginning of the academic year” the following results were revealed:
High level:
... I.F. children, directions.
Middle level:
...I.F. children, directions.
Low level:
... I.F. children, directions.

Comparative data are given in the table Annex 2

Analyzing the results of diagnosing child development, we can conclude that the average level of development of children (17 children) in six areas prevails. Children have formed the main cultural ways of activity, they show initiative and independence in various activities - play, communication.
With a high level - one child.
With a low level - 8 children. These are children who do not seek to participate in joint practical and play activities with an adult, experience an unstable interest in the actions of their peers, and cannot subordinate their behavior to the rules of communication.
The explanations for such low results are as follows: long-term adaptation of some children, frequent absences for a reason and without it, due to the restriction of speech contacts, social and communicative qualities are not sufficiently formed, unwillingness to obey general rules.
Create an individual educational trajectory (route) for the following children:
... I.F. children, the reason for determining the individual educational trajectory

Monitoring was carried out by: ... Full name educators

Table. Appendix 1

Table. Appendix 2