Azerbaijani language tutorial online. Azerbaijani language for beginners, from scratch, online

Name: Self-instruction manual of the Azerbaijani language.

This manual offers a simplified study and mastery of the Azerbaijani language using lexical models, equipped with grammatical explanations set out in simple, easy-to-understand Russian and optimal exercises for practical language acquisition, literally, from the first lessons of the Course.

This Azerbaijani language course is intended for people who need or are interested in it for practical or educational purposes in their work and daily life. This course allows students to complete it in a relatively short time and acquire basic skills for communicating with local residents, and can also serve as a basis for further in-depth study of the language. The course consists of 34 chapters (Lessons) and is aimed at teaching those who wish to practice the language.
It should be noted that the Azerbaijani language belongs to the agglutinative group of languages ​​and differs significantly from the Russian language in the formation of grammatical tense forms and in the structure of the sentence. Suffixes, prefixes and postpositions are the main components of the Azerbaijani language. Azerbaijani grammar, although not as difficult as Russian, is given in a simplified form in the manual. The grammar material includes the most necessary and most popular grammar rules, enabling learners to communicate with the local population in everyday situations. The rules are explained in a simplified way and in simple Russian, in order to avoid grammatical terms, which you probably already forgot, if possible. Sometimes the teacher will have to give somewhat detailed explanations of the grammatical material. The same applies to the pronunciation of sounds, sound combinations, accents and intonation typical of the Azerbaijani language.

From the author
Quick reference of grammar terms
LESSON 1. Letters and sounds. What's this? - It
LESSON 2. Letters and sounds. Meth, this is not... - This is
LESSON 3. Letters and sounds. Personal pronouns. The verb "to be"
Present tense suffixes.
Who is it? WHO is he/she?
LESSON 4. Possessive pronouns
LESSON 5. Acquaintance. Greetings. Text
LESSON 6. What is your name? Text
LESSON 7. Plural. Numerals 1 - 10
LESSON 8. I have. I have no.
LESSON 9. What color is this...? Text
LESSON 10 Or, either...either..., neither...nor..., Text
LESSON 11 Where is?
LESSON 14 Initial case.
2. Imperative mood
2. Noun suffixes
LESSON 16. 1. Accusative case. 2. Special questions.
2. Numerals.
2. Adverb suffixes
LESSON 19. 1. 1. Future Indefinite time
2. Indefinite form of the verb
2. Past tense
2. Indefinite suffix
2. Suffixes in the formation of adjectives
2. The modal word "can" (OLAR - CAN).
3. Suffixes of generalization of verbs
2. Verb form-mall in the function of definitions. H. Suffixes
LESSON 26. 1. Modal verb CAN (EDO BlLMOK).
LESSON 27. 1. Conditional mood. 2. Use of the verb
forms as definitions
2. Past participle (passive).
3. Communion
2. Degrees of comparison
2. Passive voice.
Other word-forming suffixes and their meanings
Reading materials
List of established expressions
Russian-Azerbaijani dictionary
Azerbaijani-Russian dictionary.

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Go to the bookstore. Today, domestic bookstores offer books on linguistics for every taste. You can find there a Russian-Estonian phrasebook, a Russian-Hungarian dictionary, as well as a Ukrainian grammar. Among other things, there are also books on Azerbaijani. Grab yourself some books to learn Azeri and start laying the foundation. Familiarize yourself with the alphabet, learn the most common words for greetings, thanks and goodbyes. Purchase audio materials to improve your pronunciation.

Get closer to the national culture. In this age of globalization, it is not so difficult to find films, books and music in Azerbaijani. The national culture of Azerbaijan will bring you closer to understanding the language. If the knowledge that you received at the stage of acquaintance with the vocabulary and grammar of the Azerbaijani language allows you, you can read books and newspapers in Azerbaijani language.
Pay attention to the works of Chingiz Abdullayev, Shah Ismail Safavi, Osman Mirzovev.

Spend in Azerbaijan. As such, the Azerbaijani language in Russia is hard to find. However, the best language learning is from native speakers. And where, if not in Azerbaijan, a large number of native speakers live. In addition, this country has a beautiful coast of the Caspian Sea, and the cultural heritage in Azerbaijan is quite rich.
Just try less in Russian with the locals, despite the fact that they probably know this language. So you won't be able to level up much. The more Azeri, the better.
You can go to Iranian Azerbaijan. There, the Russian language will not help you much, so you can completely immerse yourself in Azerbaijani culture.

Russian education at passes differently depending on who is studying it - a foreigner or a direct Russian speaker. Both the approaches to study and the expected results will be different. First of all, you should pay attention to this when a program for teaching Russian is drawn up. language.


However, you can study on your own, and both native speakers and foreigners can do this. The fact that there is no need for Russian speakers to learn the language, it is enough to learn how words are written and where a comma is placed, is complete absurdity. Perhaps it is even more important for native speakers to learn their language than for foreigners. Approaches to learning here will be fundamentally different: foreigners move from function to form, Russian speakers move from form to function.

It happens like this. A native speaker already knows Russian and communicates fluently in it. He needs to systematize his knowledge in order to speak and write correctly, and this is not only about spelling and punctuation, but also about style, rhetoric, methods of creating text and its genre varieties. So don't think that syntax and morphology have been studied by you just to take up your time. All these disciplines were needed in order to better understand both spelling and punctuation. The form was already known to you, now you need to learn about its function in order to use it correctly in life. Therefore, if you want to fully master your native language, do not forget elementary concepts and rules, study the textbooks again.

Read as much as possible. They say that there is no innate literacy. A person who reads a lot turns out to be more literate than someone who does not like to read. When reading, the habit of writing and arranging one's written speech is formed as it is written in a verified text that has passed through the hands of more than one editor. Rules are a good thing, but if rules are not provided with examples and a fair amount of practice, they are of little use. Therefore, type in the library of books - and go!

If we are talking about foreigners, then they should first explain what they have to say (for example, how to get where, what is the name of the interlocutor, and so on). You have to choose all the means by which this function is expressed in, and then tell people how to express this or that thought. Through the function, the form will be quickly assimilated.

Generally speaking, for the study of any language, it is important to be placed in a language environment. You yourself probably noticed that people who left, for example, for America, learn much faster than those people who study it while remaining at home. The same thing happens with the Russian language. Therefore, if a person does not live in Russia or does not communicate with Russian speakers, he should watch films with subtitles, listen to songs, read as much as possible. But, of course, those foreigners who came to study in Russia are in an advantageous position: they get used to live, fast Russian speech, and the language quickly fits into their heads.


Of course, for this it is desirable to have at least a minimum vocabulary (although not necessary, it will be replenished automatically). ___So, in order to learn the Russian language: to learn to write, speak and think competently and eloquently, you need to read several (5-6) times, but it’s better to learn by heart, one small book - a guide to the Russian language.

Useful advice

Myth 1 - children living in a non-Russian-speaking environment are Russian-speaking, because they were born in a Russian-speaking family and hear Russian at home. Communicating in kindergarten, school, on the street with native speakers of the country of residence and not specifically studying Russian, the child loses the Russian language, even communicating in it with his family. Myth 3 – Knowing a language means learning as many words as possible. With a good memory, you can even learn a dictionary. But knowledge of the vocabulary is not yet knowledge of the language: the right word can be found in the dictionary.

More than nine million people speak Swedish around the world. In addition, it is the most widely spoken language on the Scandinavian Peninsula. Learning Swedish is a difficult but doable task.

You will need

  • - a computer with Internet access;
  • - Swedish textbook.


Start with the Swedish alphabet. It consists of 29 letters. Repeat the pronunciation of certain letters and their combinations over and over again.

Learn the basics of Swedish grammar. In the future, you will understand how complex sentences are formed.

Get a notebook and write down words and phrases in it. As you write, say all the words out loud several times. This will help you remember them faster.

Buy special square sticky notes. On each sheet of paper, write one word in Swedish. language. One word - one item that is in your apartment. Stick these sheets on the appropriate items. Approaching the refrigerator, for example, you will see a note and memorize the word.

Download online or buy your favorite author's work in Swedish. Try to read the book once and understand the general meaning. Since you have already read the book language, it will not work for you. Use a dictionary if necessary. Then read the work. The second and subsequent times you will understand a lot more words.

Learning foreign languages became a necessity in connection with the conventionality of borders between countries. It is especially important to know the language of neighboring states, with which economic relations are often maintained. One of them is Estonia.


Use tutorials. If you decide to study Estonian, then you cannot do without books. First of all, you need to master the grammar, the construction of phrases, and only then proceed to the teaching of words and phrases. It is advisable to combine several methods, that is, to study at least two books. This approach will bring much better results.

Chat with native speakers. There is nothing better than on Wednesday. If you do not have the opportunity to speak Estonian in his country, do not despair. Install Skype and make Estonian friends. At first, you will understand a minimum of what you hear, but over time, conversations will become clearer and more interesting.

Expand your vocabulary. Once you have mastered the grammar, start learning words. Flip through dictionaries, stick small sheets of paper with new words around the apartment and do not remove them until you remember the spelling and translation.

Sign up for . If it is not always easy to learn a language on your own, then under strict guidance this task is simplified. Choose a training program - group or individual. The second will give results much faster, although it will cost a little more. The advantages of the first one are that you will constantly communicate not only with the teacher, but also with other people on the studied

The meaning of the name Genghis in childhood

Little Genghis grows up as a conflict-free, sensual and good-natured boy. This is a smart child who masters this or that school material without any difficulty. Genghis reads a lot and is generally interested in everything that happens around him. An inquisitive boy now and then bombards his parents with constant questions about the world around him. For this reason, an erudite child should be sent to a historical, biological or literary circle.

The meaning of the name Genghis in adulthood

Grown-up Genghis becomes a wise, self-confident, but conceited man. He loves to make a special impression on the people around him. Genghis will never ask anyone for advice, he considers his opinion the only true one. Genghis is constantly in a sea of ​​vivid emotions, he is always where life is seething. Boredom and monotony are not for him. Genghis has weak nerves: often a man is capable of sharp attacks against certain people. For this reason, he has few friends.

The adult owner of the name Genghis is constantly drawn to something new. Take on some new large-scale project for him - just spit! A man has strong-willed qualities, the ability to convince others on certain issues, and also firmly defends his point of view. The bright and powerful willpower of Genghis can be observed in non-standard and extreme situations. In everyday life, this is a modest person who tries not to stand out.

The meaning of the name Genghis. Career

Genghis is a real careerist. Men named by this name will do everything possible to earn enough for their living. Genghis will find a way to make money even where it is hidden from prying eyes. Such men make excellent entrepreneurs, leaders, etc. This man is proud of his professional success in earnest. At the first opportunity, he will tell about them to others.

Genghis name. Family life

Most Genghis are greedy for female beauty. They like to flirt or have light romances. Next to this man are always stylish and sophisticated women. Genghis knows his own worth, so he will never look in the direction of a nondescript "gray mouse". Moreover, the life partner also plays the role of a kind of “accessory”, through which Genghis makes a better impression of himself.

If this man marries, then it will happen quite late. Chingiz's marriage is more like a bargain than an ardent union of two loving hearts. Nevertheless, in family life, this person is a reliable support for his wife and children. Genghis make excellent fathers. A loving wife will bring him many children.

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Personally, I can remember and learn new words only through communication. I’m such a lazy person… Just taking a dictionary and teaching them doesn’t work. They quickly fly out of memory (((If I got to your site a year ago, I probably would have opened and immediately closed complex articles) Although your material is very dosed. Thank you very much for your work.

I do not advertise, but just want to tell my experience of learning the Azeri language. Although I have been studying it for a year now, I do not know as much as I would like. Because everything is case by case. It's time to take a dictionary without fear and learn words) Already doing this has become more interesting than a year ago.

In social networks, there are various options for the game - spin the bottle. And this game is played by many native speakers. In this case, Azerbaijani. And if you come there with at least minimal knowledge, you can quickly get to know and communicate with the carrier using private messages or in the game chat. Of course, there are some big cons:
1. I don’t understand by ear ((So that I understand what they told me - they write it to me (for example, if communication is via Skype). And all because I write a lot in Azeri, but I don’t speak)
2. Difficulty with an accent. I understand that there are a lot of different dialects in Azerbaijan. For example, ne edirsen (what are you doing) But now, as I understand it, the accent is nagarsan, neynirsen. Or niye (why/why), and already the Baku dialect is noşun.
3. And it is very difficult when the native speaker does not know Russian at all. Although, on the other hand, this can be a plus - it makes me look in dictionaries, ask for help in translating on various resources, in short, do not be lazy) 4. I often pay attention to how and what Azeri write in the game chat in their language, How proposals are made. But not everyone writes correctly, not always the finger hits the right letter, and you yourself understand that SMS with errors are sent to the chat. Speakers understand well, and I often fall into a stupor). But already some, but there is experience and even see the beginning of the error. It used to be a problem.)
And most importantly, what I like is that Azerbaijanis are very friendly to those who study their language 🙂 Therefore, getting to know each other for communication is not difficult. And if you master the grammar, then in written communication, it then comes to the "machine". I already have some rules honed well) I don’t feverishly climb into the tablet with the rule, I don’t even think about it. The feeling that everything is so natural))

Therefore, whoever lacks communication in the Azeri language, I advise this toy as an additional incentive and practice.

Now it’s time for me to specifically tighten up grammar - for example, the formation of past tense options, cases also suffer from me and learn-learn words) I am very glad of your resource) I even registered)

And it’s also so interesting to communicate in a foreign language)) And I noticed that each interlocutor has his own characteristics)) For example, one likes to insert inan inan all the time) And the other - he or qisasi, or often says “we drove” (ne ise)) I even often ask başqa sozu bilirsen?)

Silent language

You will easily notice that the Azerbaijanis are much more active in gesturing to give emotionality to their speech than the Americans or Europeans. They feel better in close contact with the interlocutor, especially if the conversation is conducted by two people of the same sex. They kiss. They hug. They can easily and naturally put a hand on your shoulder. Very often you can see how two Azerbaijanis walk along the street shoulder to shoulder.

Azerbaijanis are more generous with greetings than people from the West. With few exceptions, it is considered rude to enter a room without saying hello. Azerbaijanis have a traditional expression SalamIn hardadIr?(Where is your greeting?), which is most often addressed to children who accidentally forgot to greet their elders.

An Azerbaijani university student studying in the US was glad that he had come to class early, otherwise, he thought, he would have to greet everyone who came before him by the hand. What was his surprise when the students coming to the lecture sat next to each other and did not even talk.

At parties, guests greet each other as they arrive, one after the other. This is really the right decision, especially when there are 15-20 guests who do not know each other. Usually those who came earlier get up when someone comes. This both simplifies the greetings and gives them more meaning. When everyone disperses, the process is repeated exactly the opposite, and everyone says goodbye to everyone personally.

It is not shameful for Azerbaijanis to greet people who only perform some kind of service for them: taxi drivers, waiters or just clerks in the office. In public transport, it is considered almost rude to travel for a long time with the same person and not greet him, not start a conversation.

Non-verbal greetings

Many factors influence the greeting of two people: age, education, place of residence, profession or social status. And maybe even gender.

Azerbaijanis pay a lot of attention to visual contact during a conversation with each other. You will also notice that Azerbaijanis stand very close to each other when they are talking about something. Compared to Europeans, the difference is not very big, but according to Japanese etiquette, standing so close is simply unacceptable.

man with a man

Azerbaijani men always shake hands with each other. You will see how they shake hands when they meet, and then, if someone is in a hurry, they still shake hands as a sign of goodbye. A handshake does not necessarily occur between two familiar people. If, for example, two walking people meet a third one who is not familiar to one of them, they all shake hands anyway, often even before introducing themselves. It is even considered indecent to stay on the sidelines in such a situation when two familiar people greet each other and start a conversation.

If we are talking about close friends or relatives, then men hug each other and kiss, especially if they have not seen each other for a long time. Nowadays, it is customary in Azerbaijan to kiss each other once on the left cheek, but Azerbaijanis living in Iran kiss three times when they meet, with the right cheeks touching first.

woman with woman

Women rarely shake hands with each other. Of course, if in Azerbaijan a man or a woman extends her hand to a woman, she will shake it, but usually, women's handshake is reserved for official ceremonies. If you nevertheless decide to shake hands with an Azerbaijani woman, do not be surprised by a weak and gentle handshake, even if the woman herself looks lively and energetic.

Azerbaijani women are taught to show respect and restraint to others when shaking hands. Of course, now women work in the offices of foreign companies and quickly adapt to European etiquette, which can result in a firm handshake. People from their own culture, however, show restraint.

Women who see each other very often, for example, at work or on the street, simply greet each other verbally. Good friends or relatives kiss and hug if they haven't seen each other for a long time. In general, they exchange a kiss on the left cheek.

Nowadays, especially among urban youth, it has become a habit to simply touch cheeks without kissing. In some places, women kiss many times to express their respect and affection. In Iran, women simply exchange a kiss on the right cheek. During the greeting kiss, Azerbaijanis stand close, wrapping each other in warm hugs.

Man and woman

In fact, in Azerbaijan, a woman and a man do not often shake hands. But in an urban context, this happens, with the man waiting for the woman to be the first to extend her hand. Men don't want to appear too pushy or expectant. A handshake between a man and a woman is a common occurrence at the first meeting. It is supposed that a man very gently and carefully takes a woman's hand, without force. In some places, a man may be the first to reach out to a woman if they have known each other for a long time.

Do men and women kiss? If they know each other, then yes. In Iran, physical contact is generally not accepted between a man and a woman in a public place. They don't even shake hands. But at home or at a friendly party, they can kiss and hug close friends and relatives.

Children and youth

Girls are used to kissing, but boys just shake hands, kiss each other and hug each other. Young children simply hold hands before they start playing together.

Adults and children

When an adult greets a preschool child whose parents are friends or relatives, then he simply leans in and kisses him gently. Children are taught at an early age to reciprocate when kissing. Their parents can remind them: (You kiss too).

After kissing the children, the adult may continue to shower the child with praise and give him some attention by patting him on the head.

A priority

It is believed that young people should be the first to greet in order to show their respect for their elders, but usually the elders themselves begin to greet first.

Verbal greetings

In the Azerbaijani language, two forms of the pronoun you are distinguished: plural (polite address), and singular (informal address). As in Russian, the polite form ( siz) is used when addressing a stranger. Plural of siz will be siniz. You will never go wrong if you address a stranger using the plural form.

The word (singular form) is used in conversation with close friends or with subordinates. In general, the ending "-" is added to verbs in accordance with the rules of harmony.

First meeting

During the first meeting, people greet each other with the phrase Salam(Arabic word meaning peace). If you already know the person, then you can use a range of greetings:

Peace to you.

Peace to you (in response). .

Nice to meet you. .

A shorter answer might be:

I am very glad (assuming: to meet you). .

Word order

Keep in mind that verbs in Azerbaijani are usually at the end of a sentence. The stress usually falls on the last syllable, but there are exceptions.

Meeting a person for the first time, after greeting Salam don't usually ask "How are you?" If the conversation continues further, then it is better to pay all attention to the subject of the conversation. If you are a foreigner, then you may be asked where you are from and what brought you to Azerbaijan. If you are a woman, then be prepared for the fact that during an informal conversation you may be asked about your work, your marital status and whether you have children.

Everyday greetings

Here we show plural greetings, which are more polite forms. For information: the plural differs from the singular by a syllable " -In-". So, for example, turns into , and - into .

SabahInız xeyir.
Good morning.

Good morning. (spoken in Iran).

Good evening.

How are you?

Informal greetings

How are you?

How are you?

I'm fine.

Thanks a lot.

Note: is the singular form, and is the plural form (more polite).

Azerbaijanis in Iran can express gratitude in another way:

Thank you.

How are you? (in work)

Note: colloquial letter r at the end -dir not readable.

In general, two greetings are most commonly used in Iran:

How are you?

How is your health?

Despite the fact that in Azerbaijan itself the expression is used when a person is sick, and does not mean the usual "How are you?", Azerbaijanis consider it very polite to ask about the health of family members of a person they know.

Ananız necdir?
How is your mother doing?

Atanız necdir?
How is your father?

Qardasınız necdir?
How is your brother?

BacInIz necdir?
How is your sister?

Usaqlar necdirler?
How are your children doing?

In colloquial speech, you can use the singular form:
Usaqlar necdir?(How is your child?)

Uglunuz necdirler?
How is your son doing?

Qızınız necdirler?
How is your daughter doing?

He/She is fine.

Pis deyil.
Not bad.

note: in Iran, negation is expressed with deyir, and in Azerbaijan - from deyil.

O qdr d yaxşı deyil.
He/she is not doing well.

If you want to know how a particular person is doing (For example, his name is Frid), then necdir inherits after his name:

Frid necdir?
How is Farid doing?

In Azerbaijan, a person's name is usually followed by a title. When referring to a woman, the word is used XanIm(Khanim). It says nothing about marital status, but looks more like the designation "Ms" in the West. "Hanim" starts to say to a girl if her age is approximately equal to or slightly more than 20. For example, Lal xanım, Vfa xanım.

The most common way to refer to a man is By(mister) and Mullim(teacher) - in relation to a person whose work is related to education or intellectual life. For example: Hsn by. li mullim.

In Iran, the most common address is xanIm(to a woman) and agha(to the man). Despite this, there is a tendency to use the surname rather than the given name of the person, and to use the title before the surname. This influence came from the Persian language. For example: Aga Xanlu, XanIm Tbrizi.

It is very important to ask about the health of the relatives of the person you are talking to. If you don't know exactly who the family members are, you can use the general expression "How are you at home?" If you do not ask such personal questions, the Azerbaijani may think that you do not care about his personal life.

Evd n var - n yox?
How are things at home?

Evdkiler necdirlr?
lit.: "How are those who are at home?"

Telephone communication

When two people talk on the phone, their conversation usually begins with greetings. Phrases - about the same as when talking live. If the phone is not picked up by the person you want to talk to, it is considered indecent to immediately ask the person you need. Instead, you are expected to talk a little with the person who answered the phone: inquire about his health, how he is doing, how he is doing at school or at work. You can even ask about significant events in the family: a wedding, the birth of a child, going to university, or going on vacation. That is, until you ask to give the phone to the person you need, five minutes may pass. You can ask the person you need like this:

(Name) evddir?
(Name) at home?

(Name) n edir?
What is (name) doing now?

(Name) necdir?
How is (name) doing?

Well, be surprised if an Azerbaijani, after an exchange of formal greetings, again asks you how you are doing. This time, your interlocutor is really interested in how you are doing. Friends can ask each other about this.