What is coaching, who needs it and why? The nuances of the work of a coach. Who hires a coach and why


Basics of coaching. Basic coaching tools and coaching steps in working with clients and employees. Understanding the processes that take place in the human brain. Coaching approaches used to increase productivity and improve the quality of life.

The main question of the module: What do you want?

As a result, you will learn:

1. Create a clear vision of goals for clients and employees;

2. Formulate effective goals leading to quality results;

3. Build deeper trust with employees and customers;

4. Ask effective open-ended questions;

5. Compliance with the format of the coaching session;

6. Learn the tools for managing motivation and commitment to goals and values;

7. Encourage customers and employees to introspection, open feedback and development.

Prepaid discounts:


Development and implementation of projects. Tools aimed at the successful implementation of projects: planning, prioritization, time management, disclosure of creative strategies.

The main question of the module: How can you achieve the goal?

As a result, you will learn:

1. Creative strategies for the successful implementation of plans;

2. Qualitatively, effectively plan, leaving yourself enough freedom and flexibility;

3. Coaching tools for working with requests from clients and employees on the topics of implementing plans, managing time, making decisions;

4. Technologies for revealing the internal deep knowledge of customers and employees;

5. Skills to manage your resource state and be able to help clients in this.

The cost of the training, 1 Module 48,000 rubles.

Prepaid discounts:
5% - with prepayment for 2 modules
10% - with prepayment for 4 modules, for regional participants
15% - for parents with many children, for 3 or more participants from one organization


Working with values: unlocking the potential of teams and people through values. The individual process of exploring deep values ​​and helping others to do so. Spiral Dynamics by Claire Graves: The Evolution of the Values ​​of Individuals, Organizations, and Society.

The main question of the module: Why? Why is it important?

As a result, you will learn:

1. Determine the deep motivation of both your own and your clients and employees;

2. Technologies for connecting people with their deepest values;

3. Detect scenarios that block effective communication and learn how to deal with them successfully;

4. Conduct coaching sessions to develop values ​​and commitment to goals;

5. Strengthen your team meeting skills based on everyone's values.

Duration of the module of the coaching course: 4 training days.
The cost of the training, 1 Module 48,000 rubles.

Prepaid discounts:
5% - with prepayment for 2 modules
10% - with prepayment for 4 modules, for regional participants
15% - for parents with many children, for 3 or more participants from one organization


The art of completing projects. Mastery Integration Technologies. Express diagnostics and effective communication with customers. Stress Resilience Tools. Integration of coaching technologies and skills of a professional coach.

The main question of the module: How will you understand that you have reached the goal?

As a result, you will learn:

1. Effectively complete projects and take stock;

2. Create a success map for yourself and clients;

3. Build effective communications with different types of clients;

4. Be in a resource state and help clients enter it;

5. Express diagnostics: predicting people's behavior, evaluating the competence of employees, conducting interviews for the development and evaluation of personnel.

Duration of the module of the coaching course: 4 training days.
The cost of the training, 1 Module 48,000 rubles.

Prepaid discounts:
5% - with prepayment for 2 modules
10% - with prepayment for 4 modules, for regional participants
15% - for parents with many children, for 3 or more participants from one organization

Program author: Doctor of Psychology Marilyn Atkinson - coach, trainer and outstanding specialist, certified trainer, student of the unique Master - Milton Erickson. Marilyn is the author of many works, since 1985 she has been actively teaching and consulting in coaching training in the world's leading corporations, she is the founder and president of the International Erickson University (Canada), which has representative offices and leading coaching courses in 28 cities in 10 countries.

Who is this program for:

Key results for you:

  • Mastering the coaching profession;
  • Ability to effectively develop strategies, prioritize, complete projects and achieve goals;
  • Acquisition and integration of coaching and self-coaching skills; High performance coaching;
  • Developing the ability to ask questions with ease and inspiration;
  • Deep systematic professional and personal growth in the learning process;
  • Disclosure of resources of one's own leadership style;
  • Development of the ability for strategic thinking, which allows managers to become leaders in their field of business;
  • The ability to shape the Vision, inspire teams and achieve results;
  • Mastering the methodology of coaching for application in all areas of life, for finding balance and harmony.

Program Methods:

The program provides the latest developments in human development, high performance coaching. You will accelerate your professional growth and personal development with new concepts and elegant techniques that you can use almost immediately. Training in high performance coaching is interactive, the trainer demonstrates coaching methods that each of their participants will be able to work out in practice in the role of a client and as a coach-manager (consultant). In the process of learning coaching, you will be able to ask questions and get expert advice from the trainer and program assistants - certified coaches.

The course includes testing and certification of coaches.

Upon completion of the coaching training course, passing testing and certification, you will receive the Erickson University (Canada) Coach Certificate of international standard. Testing and certification according to the standards of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Studying at Erickson University on modules I - V provides an opportunity to receive a certificate of completion of the ACTP program and apply for accreditation to the ICF.

The Science and Art of Transformational Coaching (modules I-IV) has the status of an ACSTH ICF accredited program (ACSTH is an ICF-certified number of hours of coaching training), and is the first stage of training in the ACTP program.

Coaching training. High performance coaching. Coaching courses.

In this article, I want to shed light on the topic of coaching, since a lot of ambiguous information about coaching and coaches has gathered in the post-Soviet space. Some people got to the right coaches and are very happy with the result, while others got to the charlatans and realized that they just lost money.

In addition, I will give you some tools to get you started on what coaching is all about.

In this article, I will cover:

  • Who is a coach (history, definition).
  • The difference between a coach and a psychologist, trainer, consultant.
  • How to distinguish a coach from a charlatan.
  • What kind of questions do clients turn to a coach for?
  • How can a coach be useful to a client?
  • What a typical coaching session looks like.
  • How much can a coach earn?
  • Can coaching be helpful to you?
  • Can you become a coach.
  • What it takes to become a coach.
  • My coaching journey: how I became one and what it gave me.

I am sure that my thoughts will seem objective to you, since, on the one hand, I am a certified coach, and on the other hand, coaching is not a source of my income, since my main job is personnel management on the largest Ukrainian TV channel. In addition, I myself hire coaches for the development of company employees and see different representatives of this profession.

I have been a certified coach for several years now. When I tell others that I am a coach, they always ask me the same questions:

  • Who is a coach? What is a personal growth coach?
  • How do you work with clients? Do you give them advice?
  • Is it true that clients pay $100 for one coaching session?
  • And you really only ask questions?

Everyone has heard the word "coach" for a long time. Each of us has different associations with the word “coach”. Someone imagines a personal growth coach, someone a psychologist, someone a charlatan-infobusinessman, and someone, maybe, an avid NLPer.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with coaching. It’s just that all these people at one time caught the trend of the popularity of coaching and began, among other regalia, to ascribe to themselves the newfangled word “coach”.

Real coaches don't teach anything at all.

But everyone will probably agree on one thing: coaches make good money. And it's really true. A coaching session, even for a novice coach, costs $50 already, but experienced coaches charge from $100 to $200. But there are those who can charge $500 or even $1,000, but these are usually very well-known coaches who work with business owners, and this work is limited to either a series of intensive coaching sessions, between which there is a pause of 6-12 months, or, on the contrary, episodic meetings once a month.

But what is most striking is that real coaches (and what a real coach is, I will tell below) do not teach anything at all. They don't tell you what decisions to make, they don't make you work better or harder. And what is no less striking is that they do not talk to the client about his past, but, as a rule, about the future.

So why do people who ask questions about the future get thousands of dollars from their clients?

Let's try to figure it out. Let's start with a definition.

What is coaching?

Official version:

coaching(English coaching - training, training) - a method of counseling and training, differs from classical training and classical counseling in that the coach does not give advice and hard recommendations, but seeks solutions together with the client.

My version:

coaching- this is a special kind of work of a coach with a client, thanks to which the client achieves outstanding results faster, more joyfully and easier than he himself would have worked to achieve them.

A bit of history

Timothy Golwey

It all started with Timothy Galwey, who was the author of the concept of the inner game, which formed the basis of coaching. The concept was first described in the book The Inner Game of Tennis, published in 1974. It is this date that can be considered the date of birth of coaching.

The idea of ​​the inner game came to him while working as a tennis instructor.

The enemy in the head is much more dangerous than the opponent on the other side of the "grid". The task of the coach is to help the player remove or mitigate internal obstacles. As a result, the natural ability of a person to learn and achieve efficiency will be manifested. The goal of the "inner game" is to reduce any interference in the unfolding and fulfillment of a person's full potential.

Timothy Galwey


He developed Galwey's ideas in application to business and management. John Whitmore is a British racing driver, one of the UK's leading business coaches, and the creator of the popular GROW coaching model.

John was a student of Timothy Galwey. In 2007 he received the President's Award from the International Coaching Federation (ICF), recognizing his work in promoting coaching around the world.


Considered the creator of coaching as we know it today.

Thomas was a financial consultant. One day, he noticed that his most successful clients didn't so much ask him for financial advice as they asked for personal business advice. Business leaders and CEOs were interested in learning how to quickly respond to a changing economic environment, how to effectively manage employees, and someone simply could not formulate their future professional goals.

Here are just a few of Thomas' accomplishments:

  • Founder of Coach University (www.coachu.com), International Coach Federation (ICF), International Association of Certified Coaches (IAC) and CoachVille.com project.
  • Developed 28 personal and professional programs.
  • Author of six books for coaches and 14 internal exclusive works for Coaching University students.
  • Among the more than 28 programs he has developed, Clean Sweep is very popular with us.

How coaching has evolved

  • From the 70s to the mid-80s - the stage of the birth of coaching in the United States.
  • Mid 80s - coaching began to spread in the US.
  • Mid 1980s - coaching intensified in Germany.
  • The end of the 80s - in Germany, the development of personnel through coaching began.
  • The beginning of the 90s - in Europe and the USA, the division of coaching into specializations started.
  • Mid / late 90s - in Europe and America, coaching is actively gaining momentum.
  • From 2002 to the present day - a phase of in-depth professionalization.

The difference between coaching and other types of assistance and counseling is shown in the graph:

Thus, coaching is the only type of counseling in which the client is the expert and the coach only asks questions.

How to distinguish a real coach from a real charlatan?

coach Charlatan
Studied at a certified school
coach (ECF or ICF) and can present their certificate
Didn't learn coaching at all, learned from books, learned from another coach, studied at an uncertified school
Inspires confidence, does not press with its authority, does not impose services Does not inspire confidence, convinces of the need for his services, uses manipulation techniques
Asks a lot of questions Talks a lot and gives advice
When asked about the price, he gives a direct answer with a specific figure. Does not name the price, asks how much you expect, offers to pay "how much you can"
Has a specialization (career coaching, life coaching, business coaching) Ready to work with any request
Can talk about his own successful experience in the chosen field. For example, when offering coaching to executives, you can tell
about his at least 5 years of experience in managing a team of 20 people or more
Cannot confirm experience in the selected topic. So, for example, while doing relationship coaching, he himself does not have a partner

Separately, I want to talk about the "coaches" who studied at Erickson University coaching.

It is worth noting that due to the fact that Marilyn Atkinson spent many years of her life calling her former NLP teaching the newfangled word "coaching", now many students of this school are perceived as coaches. I do not want to challenge their right to be called whatever they want, but I am obliged to shed light on this issue.

Who is Erickson, whose name is called his teaching:

  • So, Erickson (Erickson) Milton Hyland (1901-1980) is one of the most popular American psychotherapists XX century.
  • Wrote over 140 papers on psychotherapy. In 1923 he developed a number of methods hypnotherapy, including the method of raising the hand.
  • Erickson - founder and president of the American Society clinical hypnosis(American society of clinical hypnosis), founder and editor of the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. Regularly held his famous seminars hypnotherapy and short straight psychotherapy.

Erickson's biography does not indicate that he was a student of one of the well-known coaches at that time (they are on the list above). In addition, Erickson himself did not call himself a coach, and his science - coaching.

But then came Marilyn Atkinson, who taught her NLP followers. However, at some stage she began to call herself a coach, without specifying who she studied with. Here is information about her:

  • Marilyn Atkinson - President of Erickson University International, Doctor of Psychology, coach, world famous trainer, student Milton Erickson, famous psychologist.
  • Marilyn is the author of many works, since 1985 she has been teaching and consulting in the world's leading corporations, and is the founder and president of Erickson University International (Canada) to this day.
  • Marilyn is the author of the following books on coaching: "MASTERY OF LIFE: The Inner Dynamics of Development", "REACHING THE GOALS: A Step by Step System", "LIFE IN THE FLOW: Coaching".

Therefore, internationally certified coaches often challenge Atkinson's right to call themselves a coach, as well as her students.

For what questions do clients turn to a coach?

The range of questions with which clients turn to the coach is really very large. Here is some of them:

  • Business planning, budgeting, goal setting.
  • Establishing a balance between work and personal life.
  • Solving difficult situations.
  • Achieve maximum productivity at work.
  • Solving business and personal problems.
  • Making key decisions and developing strategies.
  • Increasing sales.
  • Manage my life instead of letting other people manage me.
  • Increase my company's profitability by at least….
  • Take the adrenaline out of my life so I don't burn out.
  • Accelerate my own development.
  • Develop a path for my own growth.

An example of specific queries I've worked with:

  • Which career path to choose.
  • How to overcome your weaknesses to become a marketing director.
  • Learn how to manage a company (a person has recently become a partner).
  • How to talk to a shareholder about your development.
  • Increase your income by 50% in 6 months.
  • Create passive income of $200 in 10 months.
  • Buying a car (not on credit) for 1 year.
  • Career advancement to a manager position in 1 year.
  • Reducing stress and tension so that work is high.
  • Find a boyfriend by the end of the year.
  • Finding a balance in life (so that work is not at the expense of other areas of life).
  • Increasing the level of well-being and energy.
  • Learn to manage your time, identify your capabilities, and effectively set deadlines for completing tasks.
  • Bringing order to life (instead of the existing chaos).
  • Lose 5 kg in 3 months.

What does a typical coaching session look like?

A typical coaching session lasts 60-90 minutes. If the meetings are frequent, it can be reduced to 30-45 minutes. Meetings usually take place in a cafe or restaurant, as well as at the client's workplace (in his office or meeting room). Less often, a client comes to the coach in the office.

Before the coaching session, the client forms his request - a certain task for the duration of the session. During the session, the client with the coach will have to find a solution to his request.

The result of the coaching session is a clear understanding of the client, what to do to achieve his goal, and an action plan, usually for a week.

During the session, the coach asks the client questions and uses various coaching tools.

A typical coaching session follows the GROW model that Whitmore came up with:

  • Goal - what is your goal? What do you want to achieve?
  • Reality - describe your situation now.
  • Options - what are the options for achieving the goal? Who can help you? What do you need? Let's do some brainstorming.
  • Will - what needs to be done to achieve the goal? What are the next steps? When could you do it?

One of the tasks of a coach is to raise the bar for the client. That is, helping the client set higher goals so that he achieves more in life.

Now, as promised, I give one of the coaching tools.

This is a tool for a comprehensive assessment of the client's life and the search for weaknesses in it.

There are 30 questions here. Each question must be answered "yes" or "no".

Now calculate your score separately in each area. If the sphere scored less than six "yes", then there are problems there. If eight or more - everything is fine. Between six and eight - it would be worth improving.

And now your goal is to do it in 90 days to collect all 30 “yes”. Weak? ;)

How much can a coach earn?

Most often, a coach will charge $100 for a coaching session.

Clients do not apply one-time, but buy an average of 5-10 coaching sessions (private clients usually take five, corporate clients - 10). In such cases, the coach can make discounts.

The coach is not loaded 100% of the time. A load of 40–60% is considered good, since the remaining time is required to move around the city, attract new customers, maintain sites, and so on.

Many coaches give trainings, which in general also charge about $100 an hour.

Let's take a typical working day of a person - 8 hours. With a load of 40%, our coach will work 3 hours a day. This will be three coaching sessions of 60 minutes each. For such a day, the coach will earn $ 300 (provided that the coach did not give discounts).

A coach earns $6,000 in 20 working days.

This is a person who does not engage in any other activity besides coaching. There are few of them, but I know a few representatives.

More often than not, a coach's income fluctuates between $3,000 and $10,000.

If coaching is not the main activity for a person and there is a permanent job besides it, such a coach conducts no more than one session per day. And not for all 5 days he has clients. Usually it is 3-4 days. That gives 300-400 dollars a week or 1,200-1,600 dollars of additional income per month.

There are coaches who practice coaching solely to maintain their experience and have one session per week. That gives 400 dollars a month.

Can coaching be helpful for me?

Are you ready for coaching?

Rate from 1 to 4, where 1 is incorrect and 4 is completely correct.

You can count on me to be on time for meetings. 1 2 3 4
I will honor agreements and keep my word 1 2 3 4
I want to listen and take advice from my coach 1 2 3 4
I'm direct and I promise my coach a "no games" relationship 1 2 3 4
I will immediately tell the coach that I am not getting the desired result,
if i get that feeling
1 2 3 4
I guess I have limiting beliefs
my development, and now it's time to take steps
moving forward
1 2 3 4
I am ready to expand my scope and replace the ineffective
behavior more efficient
1 2 3 4
I am fully prepared to take my life to the next level 1 2 3 4
I want to experiment with ideas and concepts
which the coach will offer
1 2 3 4
I will immediately tell the coach that he crosses my personal boundaries,
and in this case I will ask him to change his approach
1 2 3 4
I am ready to change HERE and NOW 1 2 3 4
I know what I want and will use a coach to get it 1 2 3 4
I am fully aware that I am solely responsible for the results. 1 2 3 4
I want the coach to always tell me the truth under any circumstances. 1 2 3 4
I have the necessary resources to pay for coaching,
and I consider coaching a worthwhile investment in my life
1 2 3 4

___________ total score


  • 60–53. You are a very good candidate for coaching!
  • 52–47. Are you ready. A slight resistance holds you back. This is where coaching starts.
  • 46–39. You are in a waiting position. Before we get started, we'd better talk first about why you think about coaching.
  • 38–0. Come back when you're ready to make a decision. Now you are not ready to take responsibility and make significant changes in your life. Coaching for those who are READY. Now may not be your time. This slice gives you an understanding of where you are now.

Can I become a coach myself?

You can safely answer yes to this question if you can answer yes to all of the following:

  • You want to help other people achieve their goals.
  • We are ready to become a model for them and to achieve our goals in different areas of life.
  • We are ready to allocate time for training and basic coaching practice (more than 100 hours).
  • You have time for coaching sessions after graduation.
  • Ready to learn, train, conduct sessions in the presence of others, receive feedback from the trainer.

What does it take to become a coach?

The algorithm here is the following:

  1. Choose a school that suits you based on location, course times, reviews, and is ICF certified.
  2. Collect money for the course ($1,000-2,000).
  3. Complete a training course (average 1-3 months of intensive classroom training 2-3 days per week or 10-12 months of online classes once a week for 60-90 minutes).
  4. Start hosting free coaching sessions. You need to spend at least 100 hours.
  5. Start telling people around you that you've become a coach.
  6. Create your site.
  7. Start attracting clients.

My coaching journey: how I became one and what it gave me

Initially, I went to learn coaching not at all to practice coaching, but to improve my leadership skills. My team grew from 2 to 10 people, and I needed to learn how to manage them effectively. Since I had read all the major books on management at that time, I was looking for management advice in the field of leadership.

Leadership training did not arouse my interest and respect, so I switched to coaching. I met a coach who told and showed me what coaching is, and my training began. I studied at the International Academy of Coaching MAXIMUM (don't take it as advertising) with Maxim Tsvetkov for 10 months, every week for 90 minutes in the format of webinars.

Doing all my homework, I began to set goals for myself, work on achieving them and saw the effectiveness of coaching as a way to achieve goals (although I just wanted to learn how to manage people).

Coaching works like magic: it is enough to set a goal and realize the ways to achieve it, as you automatically start working on it.

By the end of the course, I already had clear goals in all areas of life. In addition, my employees have noticed a change in my management style, and our relationship has become an order of magnitude better.

I needed coaching practice to get my certification, so I started coaching everyone I knew. It so happened that many of them very quickly achieved their goals. One of my subordinates, after a month of coaching, left for a higher position in another company with a salary twice as high. :)

I realized that coaching works like magic: it is enough to set a goal and realize the ways to achieve it, as you automatically start working on it.

I received the certificate and began to inactively coach those clients who came to me mainly on the recommendation. Over time, there are more such clients. But for me, the main priority is my career: I want to become a CEO in 5 years, so I don’t devote as much time to coaching as I could. For me, it is rather an opportunity to earn pocket money for my favorite toys (phone, laptop) on the weekends.

What coaching gave me:

  • Achievement of a number of goals (career, health, salary).
  • Experience managing people in a more democratic style.
  • Meeting new and interesting people.
  • Awareness of your purpose.
  • A more balanced life.
  • Improving relationships with others.

For more information on coaching and development, please visit my website. :)

Large companies and reputable international organizations rely on highly qualified personnel. Employees are sent to advanced training courses, training sessions, specialized seminars and programs. Many of these activities turn out to be really effective in addressing issues of management, marketing, personnel management and strategic development. Employees who have attended training and practical courses begin to better understand what is required of them and in what form.

Without belittling the benefits of open seminars and classes, it is worth noting that corporate trainings have a much greater potential. At them, more specific issues are discussed and worked out, specific problems of managers and managers are solved, the specifics of the company's activities are taken into account, and traditional models and schemes of business processes are adapted taking into account the specialization, trade and commercial activities of the enterprise.

The customer of corporate trainings, represented by the company's management, sets a number of tasks for the business coach (coach) that must be solved during the period of training by employees; issues are discussed that the coach-coach needs to go through with employees in order to change the situation in the company, whether it is hot sales, corporate behavior, performance of duties, team spirit.

However, at present, the majority of people, one way or another connected with business education, make a distinction between the activities of a business coach and a coach-coach. In the first case, it is more about the development of a person's professional competencies, while in the second, the emphasis is on the ability of the individual and its potential. Based on the names themselves, a business coach helps a person deal with business, professional activities, and a coach-trainer acts as a mentor, supporter and assistant, appealing to the inner qualities and properties of the nature of a particular individual.

A real coach is a trainer and a consultant rolled into one. It will help you set goals, set priorities, realize unused internal resources, see new opportunities in a situation that is unpromising in someone's subjective opinion. Trainer-coach will reveal internal barriers and barriers, counterproductive attitudes and views that pull back all the time and hinder the development of the individual.

A coach-trainer works not only with a person, but also with situations that a person cannot cope with on his own. Diagnostics, forecasting, control are the main ways to solve problems both in personal life and in the labor field.

Only a few people can cope with the difficulties that have arisen in their professional activities on their own. These are those who have willpower, spirit, determination, receptivity to new ideas and proposals. Often these people do not have any problems in this area. A coach and trainer is needed for those who are unable to look at the situation from a distance and see with a fresh eye possible ways out of a personal or professional crisis.

The coach-trainer gives advice, explains the reasons for impasses, the possible consequences of further incorrect actions of employees, offers new approaches to fulfilling duties if the old ones have ceased to bring positive results. In addition, in the arsenal of each experienced coach-trainer there are a lot of tasks and exercises for training and developing useful skills that stimulate the assimilation of new behaviors, mental attitudes that improve self-motivation.

In any business, including in business, much more can be achieved if all resources are used, all available opportunities are used, and all accompanying factors are taken into account. Igor Vagin, a qualified business coach, psychologist and consultant in the field of business strategies, will help develop such abilities in you or your staff. The invaluable experience of an expert can become part of your personal experience, which will benefit not only you, your company, but also all subordinates.

In the modern world, an innovative training method is widely used - coaching, which helps the client achieve goals. This new, effective way reveals the hidden resources of a person, changes his outlook on life and makes people take important steps to achieve their goals. At the same time, the client spends a minimum of effort, time and money on solving the problem.

The Science of Great Achievement

Coaching is aimed at changing consciousness, setting up for change. In other words, it is the science of improving human life in terms of work or work organization. The basis of the modern method has become a non-standard life position, unique, different and not tied to anything.

The sea of ​​life has become multicolored, and the people living on its shores are changing to the beat of the new reality. Everything is changeable, traditional canons and rules disappear. Now a person who periodically changes jobs is considered lucky. Productions that include entire dynasties are already a thing of the past, and this phenomenon is becoming less and less common. Innovations are born before the old rules go into oblivion.

Career counseling involves a psychological coach who assesses professional opportunities, competence and the path of further development in the job search.

Today, very often people began to change specializations. Within organizations, employees move from old positions to new ones with trendy titles.

Briefly about modern science

A coach is a psychological influence based on success and optimism. The main principle of the method is the ability of people to have everything they want, do everything they want, and be who they want. At the same time, coaching does not give recommendations or advice, but helps to find the right solution to the problem and encourages the person to independently make the correct conclusion.

Coaching differs from a consultation with a psychotherapist in motivation, achievement of goals, a new positive vision of results in one's life and work. How to comprehend the modern method?

A coach will help to understand the principle of action of innovative science - this is a consultant who owns coaching knowledge. The coach makes it possible to eliminate the character and influences the achievement of goals in any area of ​​human life (work, family, finances, health, personal relationships).

Varieties of the method

Modern science is applied in different areas, so it is customary to distinguish between coaching for work, business coaching, personal coaching, life coaching.

The latter variety involves an individual approach to a person and is aimed at improving his life and improving relationships).

A business coach helps an enterprise find an effective way to achieve its goals. In this case, consultations are held with the heads of the company and with the team separately.

A coach is a training that can take place personally with a client or in absentia, via the Internet. It should be understood that all areas of counseling are closely related and are part of a single training system.

Consultants and how they differ from other trainers

A coach-trainer has an important difference from ordinary consultants, psychologists and business coaches. He perceives the client as he really is, does not evaluate him. The coach-trainer believes in the capabilities of a person, in his hidden resources that will help him achieve his goals.

The important point is that he does not give any advice, recommendations, does not solve the problem instead of the client, but only helps, pushes him to independently choose the right answers to solve the problem.

A personal psychological coach creates the necessary conditions, helps the client to create his personal algorithm for eliminating problems. Working with a coach, a person becomes more confident, internal changes occur (personal growth), a clear life plan appears, which the client fulfills while moving towards his goal.

The coaching consultant knows the methodology for achieving the established results. He helps to properly allocate resources, and is also a specialist in the strategic solution of complex problems.

Work as a consultant

How to become a coach and help people? As already mentioned, the activity of a consultant is directly related to working on his inner world, so the trainer must be in psychology.

In addition, in order to work effectively as a coach, it is necessary to master special courses that help to comprehend the methodology of work, acquire the skills of conducting sessions, comprehend the knowledge and features of the structure of the coach session. Also in the classroom they teach the methods of psychological influence on the client.

A coach is a specialist with high intelligence, who has the ability to communicate with people and find mutual understanding. The trainer himself is distinguished by the ability to listen and hear the client, he is responsible, observant and, of course, emotionally stable.

To apply for a job as a consultant, one must have an optimistic attitude and self-confidence, be creative and deftly navigate the difficult tasks that business sharks face.

personal training

In individual coaching, the main thing is direct contact between the consultant and the client, work on personality, solving specific problems and desires of a person. Personal training lasts from thirty minutes to an hour. This is quite realistic even for a person with a tight schedule of life, especially if the consultation takes place online or by phone.

A prerequisite is that classes should be held only at a time that is really convenient for you. This will help to avoid and you will be concentrated on the training. For convenience and comfort, the client himself chooses the frequency of classes, their time and format.

Modern people have repeatedly been participants in various trainings and are afraid that this type of consulting will put pressure on them. But it is worth noting once again that coaching is an innovative strategy for our consciousness and behavior. You will achieve everything on your own, and the coach will help you unnoticed.

The consultant will push you to the correct outcome of the tasks, using leading questions, and will easily lead you to the necessary actions. Every self-respecting professional coach in the field of coaching follows the rule - no pressure on the individual.

Skill Acquisition

What can be gained from such activities? Many people ask themselves this question. First of all, you will learn to determine your true goals, and not those offered to you by the outside world or forced circumstances. You will be able to correctly formulate your thoughts, you will be able to solve problems, applying the priority of fulfilling short-term and long-term goals.

Consultants will teach you how to find different options and solutions. They will determine a clear understanding of the direction in which you want to move on. If necessary, a psychologist will consult. A coach will help you learn to make your choice independently and consciously, to find the optimally correct way out of difficult life situations.


The coach always believes in his client, which means he will help him to believe in himself. Self-confidence is an important component, without which success is almost impossible. The consultant firmly believes in the uniqueness and talent of the interlocutor, supports him in any endeavors, helps to reveal hidden potentials. You will get new sensations on the way to the development of your personality, you will feel joy and inspiration, developing yourself and your inner world.

What is the price?

The cost of such classes depends on how rich the program will be and how long the training takes. If the client wishes, a psychologist can be included in the process. The coach offers meetings both real and online via video chat.

Human development, personal development - these are the aspects that people began to pay more attention to. Since many people realize that if you want a better life, then you yourself need to get better, improve yourself. Therefore, a huge number of schools and movements have been created and continue to be created, offering a variety of ways to solve problems and improve human life.

Among the new techniques, coaching is becoming increasingly popular. In this article, we will analyze in detail what coaching is, who is a coach, and how a coach works.

What is coaching?

This word has no analogues in Russian. Essence of coaching is to help a person to define and achieve his personal goals.

is a technique aimed at identifying and realizing a person’s potential, which prepares him for changes in life, makes them desirable and removes resistance to them.

Coaching enhances

  • awareness
  • a responsibility
  • the quality of your actions
  • results
  • performance
  • concentration
  • motivation

Coaching reduces

  • Obstacles that hinder the onset of action
  • Obstacles that hinder the achievement of the goal
  • Fear
  • limiting beliefs
  • Procrastination, postponing from day to day

Coaching creates

  • Inspiration
  • Action
  • Happiness
  • positive change
  • well-being
  • Health
  • Harmony
  • Anything you want to create!

What is coaching, we have already figured out, but who is a coach?

coach- this is the person who does not tell his client what and how to do.

coach directs his client's attention to problem areas, to restrictions that prevent the client from achieving his goal.

The coach does nothing for the client. In essence, the coach solves the problem of the client, with his own hands.

Why is such an approach used in work, what gives a person such a style?

This gives the client an awareness of obstacles, fears, beliefs, limitations that were previously out of his field of attention, and as a result, the person’s consciousness expands and awareness increases. A person receives insights, the so-called insights, in which he sees his problem himself, and an understanding comes to him about the most effective and optimal ways to solve it.

In the course of working with a coach, a person's horizons expand, he becomes wiser and more conscious.

Thanks to this approach, the client develops a skill in solving similar issues and achieving similar goals in the future. A person becomes wiser, more experienced, stronger.

The working style of the client and the coach is well shown in this short video.

Who can coach?

  • People who are looking for a coach, mentor. Such people are already ambitious and dynamic, they have a desire to move forward, achieve even greater results, increasing their effectiveness.
  • People who want changes in their lives, but don't know where to start and how to change their lives in general.
  • People who are stuck at some stage in their lives and cannot find a way out of the current situation.

If you are looking for a conscientious competent specialist who will comprehensively and systematically approach your problem, I offer you joint cooperation.

In my practice, I use the following tools: holodinamics, the Ho'opononopo method, symbolic modeling, virtual psychology techniques, as well as a unique vibrational method developed over the years of research practice.

Brief plan of personal coaching with Vladimir Trifonov:

1. Clarification of goals.

Whatever you do in life, whatever the situation may be, in order to solve any problem, the first thing to do is to understand what you want, why you are in this situation, to realize your intentions and goals.

2. Clarification of the action plan.

After realizing your goals, at this stage a plan is developed to achieve your goals. Ways to solve your pressing issues. Moreover, you yourself create an action plan under the guidance of your coach. Each person has answers to all his questions, it is only necessary to ask exact questions.


Naturally, to implement your plans, you need optimism and the desire to win, a surge of strength and energy.

4.Hold the flow state.

In the race for success and your goals, in a state of constant tension, it is so easy to get lost and turn off the right path. To move steadily along your path (after all, sometimes you often have to leave your comfort zone), you need to be in a harmonious state, a state of flow.

5. Achievement of the set result.

Professional mentoring inevitably leads to the achievement of your goals.

You can find out more details about coaching with me or by writing me an email marked “Coaching” at [email protected]

I wish you success and a quick solution to your problems-tasks!