What are morphological means. Morphological means


teacher of Russian language and literature

School No. 1 EMR




Lesson plan:


    Main part

a) the main means of expression;

b) lexical means of expression;

c) means of artistic expression;

d) morphological means of expression;

e) syntactic means of expression;

f) figurative speech

3. Conclusion

In order to complete the task correctlyAT 8,you need to know the main means of expressiveness of the language, be able to find them in the text proposed for analysis, know what means of expressiveness are characteristic of certain styles of speech.

There are phonetic, derivational, lexical, morphological and syntactic means of expressiveness.





    derivational repetition(single-root words; words of one word-formation model;words with evaluation suffixes).






    obsolete words;


    borrowed words;

    book vocabulary, terms;

    traditional poetic vocabulary;

    colloquial vocabulary;




    jargon, slang;

    emotionally colored vocabulary;

    phraseological units;

    winged words and expressions.


    expressive use of grammatical categories (case, gender, animation-inanimateness, etc.);

    direct and figurative use of tense forms of the verb;

    expressive use of words of different parts of speech;

    saturation of the text with interjections and onomatopoeic words.


    rows of homogeneous members of the proposal;

    sentences with introductory words, appeals, isolated


    expressive use of sentences of various types (single-member, incomplete, non-union, etc.)

It must be remembered that for certainspeech stylescertain means of expression are also characteristic.

Table #1


The unambiguity of the word; frequent repetition of keywords; lack of figurative means; stylistically neutral words, i.e. commonly used; general scientific words (details, analogy, energy); terms, i.e. highly specialized words


Lexical means of expression: socio-political vocabulary, vocabulary denoting the concepts of morality, ethics, medicine, economics, psychology, means of emotional impact, epithets, comparisons, metaphors, rhetorical questions and appeals, lexical repetitions, gradations (you can’t waste a single minute, not a single day) ; phraseological turns, proverbs, sayings, the use of literary quotations, linguistic means of humor, satire, irony (witty comparisons, ironic inserts, puns) (emotional means of language are combined with strict logical evidence, semantic highlighting of especially important words, turns of phrase, individual parts of the statement).


Words of a high, poetic style, book vocabulary and vernacular, dialectisms, professional and business turns of speech and vocabulary of a journalistic style can be used; synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, homonyms, archaisms, Old Slavonicisms, neologisms.

Means of artistic expression

The means of artistic expression are characteristic of artistic and journalistic styles. This ispaths and figures.

Trope (Greek tropos “turn”, “turn of speech”) - a stylistic device consisting in the use of a word (phrases, sentences) not in a direct, but in a figurative sense, that is, in the use of words (phrases, sentences) that name one object ( object, phenomenon, property), to designate another object associated with the first one or another semantic relationship.

stylistic figure (from Latin figura “outline”, “image”) - special stylistic turns that go beyond practically necessary norms and are used to enhance the expressiveness of speech.

Table number 2

Tropes and figures of speech


Figures of speech

  • epithet
  • comparison
  • metaphor
  • metonymy
  • synecdoche
  • hyperbola
  • litotes
  • personification
  • paraphrase
  • oxymoron
  • anaphora
  • parallelism
  • antithesis
  • gradation
  • inversion
  • ellipse
  • default
  • rhetorical question
  • rhetorical exclamation
  • rhetorical appeal
  • polyunion
  • asyndeton

Table #3

Morphological means of expression


Predominance of nouns; the use of neuter nouns (education, property); use of verbal nouns; verbs with a generalized abstract meaning (we are talking about problems, bring to a common denominator); widespread use of imperfect forms; use of 3rd person pronouns


The use of nouns in the genitive case as inconsistent definitions (voice of the world, neighboring countries); imperative verbs, reflexive verbs


Saturation of the text with verbs (intensity of action, movement, dynamism of action); speechlessness; the presence of infinitives gives the text an abstract, timeless, impersonal character; a large number of participles - a figurative description of the subject and the presentation of its features in dynamics; time and inclination; expressive use of different categories of case (for example, constructions with instrumental case give picturesqueness, ease to descriptions, (to sing with a goldfinch); the use of short adjectives. A special expression of the text is achieved; )

Direct word order; widespread use of phrases noun + noun in the genitive case; the predominance of indefinitely personal and impersonal sentences; an abundance of complex sentences; frequent use of participial and adverbial phrases


The use of homogeneous members of the sentence, introductory words and sentences, participial and adverbial phrases, complex sentences


The types of sentences prevailing in this text (narrative interrogative, exclamatory); complete and incomplete sentences; two-part and one-part (expression of one-part sentences, especially nominal ones (they contain huge visual possibilities); types of connection of parts of a complex sentence

Figurative speech very often achieved through the use of words in a figurative sense.

thundercloud smoking smokeand quickly sank to the ground. She was all the sameslate color. But each flash of lightning opened in heryellowish ominous whirlwinds , blue caves lit from within by a pink muddy fire. piercing brilliance lightning changed in the depths of the cloudsblazing copper flame . And closer to the ground, between the cloud and the forests, streaks of heavy rain have already descended.(K. Paustovsky)

Highlighted words in the text - metaphors give the text emotionality and colorfulness, help the reader to see what is happening.

But the figurativeness of speech can be achieved even in the absence of tropes.

He loosed his birds. - Everyone ... Everyone scattered, - said Timka. - And the robin, and the tits, and the goldfinches, and the siskin. I, Borka, you know, loved the siskin most of all. It was completely manual. I opened the cage door, but it doesn't fly out. I poked him with a stick...shot uphe is on a poplar branch and howwill sing! .. I sat down under a tree, hung a cage on a knot ... I sat for a long time,thought, after get upI want to take a cell. I look, and my chizhik is sitting on it.He went down, which means he sat down and did not want to fly away. And I suddenly felt so sorry for everything that I ... I almost cried, Borka.(A. Gaidar)

To convey the emotional state of the boy, Arkady Petrovich Gaidar uses homogeneous members of the sentence,verbs of various aspect forms,lexical repetitions, etc. and does not use tropes at all. But from this the text does not lose either figurativeness or expressiveness.


In any text there are always expressive means characteristic of a certain style of speech.

Look at the glossary and try to do the exercises, and then test yourself by completing the test tasks.

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  5. Adrenomimetic means of direct action. Classification. Mechanism of action. Pharmacological characteristics of individual drugs. Application.
  6. Activation of educational and cognitive activity. Ways and means of activation.
Various parts of speech can suddenly become a way of expressing the author's intention, his desire to share with us the amazing thing that he himself discovered. Morphological means Saturation with verbs allows you to convey the intensity, dynamism of action, movement. The presence of infinitives gives the text an abstract, timeless, impersonal character. A large number of participles allows you to give a figurative description of the subject and the presentation of its features in dynamics. The saturation of the text with nouns, the intensive use of different categories of case, for example, constructions with the instrumental case, give picturesqueness, ease of description. With the help of short adjectives, a special expression of the text is achieved. Due to the use of pronouns, a special expression of the text is achieved. Due to personal and possessive pronouns, a shade of sincerity, excitement is achieved. Indefinite pronouns, as it were, “distance” events and objects.
speaking surnames, names Skotinin, Prostakovs, Podkhalyuzin
the use of tenses: the future in the meaning of the present, etc. Let's go tomorrow
polyunion, (polysyndeton) And the first noise of the foliage is still incomplete, And the trail is green over the granular dew, And the lone thump of the rampart on the river, And the sad smell of young hay, And the echo of a late woman's song, And just the sky, the blue sky - Every time it reminds me of you.
interjections Lighter shadows Tatiana jump into other canopies. And with a cart boo into the ditch.
Parts of speech (noun, adjective, numeral, pronoun, verb, adverb, particle, interjection, etc.) nouns name objects or phenomena; help to designate and convey feelings and emotions; adjectives help to describe the appearance of the characters, to emphasize any of his qualities; participate in the creation of a psychological portrait of a character; verbs are used to convey movement, dynamics of the surrounding world; convey the course of action or thoughts of the character; interjections convey various feelings (surprise, delight, indignation, etc.)
Noun 1. Let's pay attention to the nouns that are used in large numbers in this text. The nouns at the beginning of the text determine its topic, being the keywords of the text. (Work on a specific text) 2. Lev Vasilyevich Uspensky argued: "The noun is the bread of the language." One cannot but agree with this opinion. In the text of the full name, nouns play a special role: they allow the author to draw ... (create a picture ...) (Work on a specific text) 3. With the help of nouns, you can “depict” a picture of nature, a portrait, a setting, they create a subject line ... (Work on a specific text ) 4. General nouns (hard worker, hard worker, bully) denote the qualities of people (access to a specific text: why are they used, what characteristic do they give?) 5. In the text there are nouns of a common gender (bully), which have a pronounced negative emotional evaluation color. However, other nouns of the general gender (hard worker, hard worker) do not have a negative connotation. They allow the author to express his attitude towards the hero: we see how the negative attitude gradually develops into sympathy (access to a specific text). 6. Without a noun, communication is impossible, since the sentence most often establishes connections and relationships between objects. Almost every sentence has nouns, even several (going to a specific text).
Adjective 1) With the help of short adjectives, a special expression of the text is achieved. 2) Writers use adjectives in works of fiction so that the described picture is not gray, but colorful, so that the description of an object, phenomenon is accurate, accurate, expressive, in order to express their attitude to what they write about, so that we could easily present a picture to an artistic description, and, perhaps, depict it as artists. (Working with text) 3) In a literary text, adjectives act as a source of expression. 4) Referring to adjectives, the author describes in detail the appearance of the hero. 5) Adjectives are also involved in creating a psychological portrait of a character, describing his habits, way of life, etc.: 6) Adjectives characterize the behavior of the hero, and verbs also help them in this.
Pronoun 1) Due to the use of pronouns, a special expression of the text is achieved. 2) Due to personal and possessive pronouns, a shade of sincerity, excitement is achieved. 3) Indefinite pronouns, as it were, “distance” events and objects
Verbs 1) Saturation with verbs allows you to convey the intensity, dynamism of action, movement. 2) The presence of infinitives gives the text an abstract, timeless, impersonal character. 3) In sentence No. ... the special tension of the event is conveyed with the help of prefixed verbs of the perfect form, indicating the instantaneous action. 4) The verb is an unusual part of speech: in terms of frequency of use, it ranks second after nouns. Among the 9000 most used words there are about 2500 verbs. 5) “The verb is the basis of the language. Finding the right verb for a phrase means giving movement to the phrase, ”said the Russian writer A.N. Tolstoy. Let's try and prove this idea by referring to the text of the full name 6) The Russian writer Alexei Yugov said that “the verb is the most lively part of speech. The most scarlet, most arterial blood of the tongue flows in the verb. The purpose of the verb is to express the action itself. 7) Verbs give the text dynamism, they denote the actions of objects, make objects come to life. This is what happens in the text: the picture comes to life thanks to such verbs as (Work on a specific text) activate readers, contribute to their association with the characters.
Communions 1) A large number of participles allows you to give a figurative description of the subject and the presentation of its features in dynamics. 2) Various parts of speech can suddenly become a way of expressing the author's intention, his desire to share with us the amazing thing that he himself discovered. So, participles (examples), conveying the action of an object as an action, become a means of expression in the text of a full name. 3) The use of a large number of participles allows the author not only to describe the feelings that he experiences ... (work with the text), but also creates an image ...
Participles 1) The stylistic role of gerunds is peculiar in the language. This form contributes to the semantic accuracy, conciseness and conciseness of speech, introduces an element of bookishness into the statement. The expression inherent in the grammatical nature of the participle was noted by scientists and writers. According to D.V. Grigorovich, “... the gerund completes the movement”, therefore it is an indispensable tool not only for accurate and brief, but also for the picturesque transmission of the nature of the action. 2) Participles expressively convey the details that paint the action, 3) Contribute to the dynamics of the story, enhancing the figurativeness of the artistic narrative. 4) There are many sentences in the text with adverbial phrases that perform the function of expressiveness, conciseness, detailed description: examples (number of sentences). Being at the beginning of a sentence, adverbial phrases emphasize the speed, intensity of the action (sentence No. ...). Taking a position at the end of a sentence, adverbial phrases serve as a means of creating verbal pictures that are distinguished by epic calmness (sentence No. ...). 5) The use of adverbial turnover allows, within one sentence, to indicate the properties of an object, to express various relationships between the described actions and processes - for example, the relationship of following (sentence No. ...) (first arrived, then went), simultaneity (sentence No. ...).

Expressive means of word formation

Use of morphemes

Poets in their work sometimes play on the meaning of morphemes, drawing the reader's attention to the lexical meaning of the word and its internal form.

for example:

Step over, jump over, fly over, over - whatever you want -

but break out: a stone from a sling, a star that breaks in the night.

RAS-standing: versts, miles...

We were RAS-set, RAS-planted.

To behave quietly on two different ends of the earth.

RAS-standing: versts, distances...

We were PAS-glued, PAS-soldered ...

(M. Tsvetaeva)

Prefix RAS(the dash in some words with this prefix is ​​the author's) adds additional meaning to this poem: we understand that people are deliberately separated to make it easier to manage.

In Russian, among the many word-forming suffixes, there is a group of suffixes subjective - emotional evaluation.

They give the word a variety of additional meanings: diminutive, derogatory

delicacy, magnification, contempt, caress, etc.

For example: House - house, house. Dirt - mud;

Morphemes(prefix, root, suffix, ending) for example, suffixes of subjective assessment can convey the attitude of the author (characters) to the subject of speech (affectionate, disapproving, contemptuous, playful, etc.), serve as a means of speech characteristics of characters
Suffixes 1) In works of art, nouns with diminutive, magnifying, and evaluative suffixes are used to express the author's attitude to the characters. With the help of such words, the speaker or writer expresses various shades of feelings, and also evaluates the size of a creature or object. Estimates of feelings can be very diverse: affection, neglect, patronizing attitude and much more. So, for example, in the sentence (indicate the number), the word “…” contains a suffix (indicate the suffix and meaning), which expresses the relationship (indicate the person) to (indicate the person or object). 2) in the text (name) we observe words (name words) with diminutive suffixes, which allows the author to express his attitude to ... 3) Words with evaluation suffixes (examples) introduce various shades into the meanings of words, express the author's position, ideological meaning works are a means of speech characterization of characters. (Work on a specific text) 4) The means of word formation, especially suffixes and prefixes, also help to express our feelings about what we speak and write about. In the text (full name) we meet words with the so-called diminutive suffixes -onk-, -enk-, -ik, -k-, -echk-, -ok ( devonka, village, table, wool, place, flag). 5) The means of word formation, especially suffixes and prefixes, also help to express our feelings about what we speak and write about. In the text (full name) we meet words with the so-called exaggeration suffixes: -isch-, -ushchi others: beard, healthy.
Prefixes 1) In artistic speech, one can often find a repetition of the same or synonymous prefixes. In this case, the prefix becomes, as it were, a component rod, it enhances the emotional and content tension of the whole work. 2) The repetition of prefixes is an important way of highlighting certain elements of a literary text, increasing its informational and aesthetic capacity. For example, by repeating the grammatical forms of verbs with a prefix, the meaning of the completion of the action is accentuated, the expression is enhanced: 3) prefixed verbs replace ordinary non-prefixed ones. The prefix enhances the semantics of action in verbs, its repetition gives the text dynamism. 4) Words with two prefixes become expressive and emotionally significant. The complicated word-building structure of such words stops the reader's attention and makes you think about the meaning of prefixes.
Root words 1) help to highlight the most important concepts of the text, 2) emphasize the significance of these concepts

Graphic means of expression

chopped line (ladder), acrostic, detente, italics



Prefixes are written according to different rules. Accordingly, they are divided into three groups.

spelling of these prefixes DEPENDS ON THE MEANING, MEANING. Grow, Sweep, Sew, Slightly, Move, Fly, Write, Hem BE Zm general - BE Zg sweet, and ss explore - and zl it, CHR Zm black - RA Zo bshchit, CHERE mid ur - CRE Zm black NO Sv twitch - NI sp give AT zl fuck - in sp lap up Come running, come, school, sit down. Beautiful, OBSTACLE note: in words nearby, nearby, low, inferior the letter Z is written, because near- and bottom- are roots. Remember: here, building, health, nothing.

Distinguish by value:

At- Pre-
arrive = arrive: arrive in town Receiver = device, apparatus: turn on the radio Incoming = one who comes: visiting guest Aisle = part of the temple to look after an orphan, a house of charity Gatekeeper = person at the gate: strict gatekeeper Attach = touch: put your hand on your heart To pin up = to convict of a lie: lean against the wall Attach something to something get used to the pain to stumble = to settle down for a while: snuggle up somewhere and rest conversation.) Minimize* = a little, a little Increase* = a little, a little to stay = to be somewhere: stay in the city Successor = successor, researcher: leader's successor Transient = temporary: enduring values ​​(eternal) Limit = end of something: limit of patience despise = disrespect despise a liar Wrong = wrong: wrong opinion Immutable law = indestructible Bicker = argue over trifles Repose = die (obsolete) Endure = experience: suffer deprivation stumble - stumble (obsolete): stumble on a stone, stumbling block Minimize* = many times Multiply* = many times

Spelling of vowels And and S after prefixes

1. After Russian and borrowed prefixes ending in vowel, letter And in the root is written in accordance with the pronunciation: play out, search, archiinteresting.

2. After Russians prefixes ending to a consonant in place of the letter And spelled Y: background, rally, raise, pre-July, take.

Exception: charge.

3. After prefixes INTER-, SUPER- spelled And: inter-institutional, super interesting.

4. After borrowed prefixes ending into a consonant

(DES-, PAN-, COUNTER-, POST-, SUB-, SUPER-, TRANS-), the letter is written And: counterplay, transjordanian, post-impressionism, disinfection

Note: This rule does not apply to the spelling of compound words: sports equipment = sports equipment, pedagogical institute = pedagogical institute

§3. Expressive means of morphology and word formation

Expressiveness in the text can be created through the use of morphological and word-formation means of the language. The main figurative and expressive means of morphology and word formation include:

1) The use of any grammatical forms not in their direct meaning (for example, the use of the present tense of the verb in the past tense; the forms of the subjunctive mood in the imperative mood, etc.):

Only, you understand, I'm leaving the world, looking - my horses are standing quietly near Ivan Mikhailovich. (I. A. Bunin)

2) The predominant use of words in the text of any part of speech:

Whisper, timid breath,

trill nightingale,

Silver and flutter

sleepy stream,

Night light, night shadows,

Shadows without end

A series of magical changes

Sweet face.

Clouds in the haze, purple roses,

reflection of amber,

And kisses, and tears,

And dawn, dawn! .. (A. A. Fet)

3) Using the expressive possibilities of suffixes and prefixes, including suffixes of subjective assessment (diminutive, magnifying, derogatory, derogatory):

Scallops, all scallops: scalloped cape, scalloped sleeves, scalloped epaulettes, scalloped bottoms... (N. V. Gogol)

I thought - you are an almighty god,

And you are a half-educated, tiny god. (V. V. Mayakovsky)

Figurative and expressive means of morphology and word formation are used:

To enhance the figurativeness and descriptiveness of the text and actualize any actions, events in the past or present, to emphasize the significance of actions or their subject (person);

To create speech characteristics of characters in one or another stylistic tone of the text;

For individualization or, conversely, generalization, typification of what is reported.

Morphological and derivational means of expression can be used in artistic, journalistic and colloquial styles.

Dialect differences in morphology

Dialectal differences in morphology relate mainly to the external side of grammatical forms, i.e., those grammatical means by which grammatical meanings are expressed ...

Figurative and expressive means of language

The main expressive means of phonetics is sound writing - an artistic technique associated with the creation of sound images and based on the use of sound repetitions (repetitions of sounds or their combinations) ...

Figurative and expressive means of language

In vocabulary and phraseology, the main means of expression are tropes (translated from Greek - turn, turn, image) - special figurative and expressive means of the language based on the use of words in a figurative sense ...

Figurative and expressive means of language

To enhance the expressiveness of the text, a variety of structural, semantic and intonational features of the syntactic units of the language (phrases and sentences), as well as the features of the compositional construction of the text, can be used ...

Morphology as a section of grammar

A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of a language, acting as an integral part of a word or word form. For example, she went: move (root), and (verbal suffix), l (past tense suffix), a (past tense verb ending) ...

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parliamentary speech

The beauty of speech is not identical with prettiness and is not reduced to artificial embellishment. Nevertheless, already in antiquity it was known that the influencing power of speech increases if it is distinguished by something. “Eloquence,” wrote M.V. Lomonosov...

Speech portrait of Leonid Parfyonov (based on his interviews and public speeches)

L. Parfyonov widely uses a variety of expressive means, among which there are: occasionalisms, repetitions, playing on precedent texts, as well as various artistic tropes, such as metaphor, personification, hyperbole ...

This is a very large and more complex group in terms of its expressive capabilities. In style they are called trails. Figurative expressive means of language are associated with the figurative use of language units ...

Expressive means of the Chinese language

Chinese emotional expressiveness Actually expressive means are not associated with figurative (metaphorical) use, but they have emotional-evaluative and expressive meanings and shades ...

Stylistic coloring of words and their translation in the work of Fitzgerald F.S. "The Great Gatsby"

Many concepts and terms of stylistics are borrowed from rhetoric and have changed little over the centuries. And yet, opinions about the subject, content and tasks of stylistics, as Yu.M. Skrebnev...

Stylistic figures as a means of richness of speech

Expressions - this is the ability of the speaker to express his attitude to the message, expressing his emotional state, allows us to characterize the speaker as a representative of a certain social environment ...

Theoretical aspects of morphology

The word and morpheme are the basic units (upper and lower) of the morphological level of the language structure. Morphology deals with their description as one of the sections of grammar...

Characterization of the expressive potential of morphology

Morphological means, unlike syntactic and lexical ones, contain much less emotional and expressive coloring and much less deviations from the general language norm, because the morphological level of the language is more resistant to different functional styles, different genres and types of speech (oral, written).

The features of the morphological structure of the German language in the aspect of stylistics, like any other, are manifested primarily in the quantitative distribution of certain morphological structures and forms in functional styles, as well as in the "binding" of individual morphological forms to a specific functional style.

The different degree of frequency of the use of certain morphological forms is associated with their belonging to the written-bookish or oral-colloquial type of speech. So, in written speech, the noun and adjective are more active, so this organization of speech is called “nominative style” (der Nominalstil). In oral speech and some types of artistic speech (imitating, for example, a cinematic manner), the verb predominates, hence this organization of speech is called “verbal style” (der Verbalstil). In written speech, numerals and short adjectives are quite active; in oral speech, qualitative adjectives, pronouns, modal and emotionally expressive particles, and interjections are more active than in written and book speech. As for the "binding" of individual morphological structures to functional styles, only such cases can be noted: the omission of the article in newspaper headlines, the use of the imperative mood in advertisements.

Morphological forms in the paradigm have only a denotative meaning, and out of context they cannot be qualified as stylistic, because they are commonly used in all styles and varieties of speech. The expressive resources of morphological structures are not so great, their poverty is compensated by the activity of the functional transposition of word forms, which forms the basis of stylistic devices in the field of morphology.

Morphological techniques for creating expressiveness

Stylistic and morphological devices can be created by violating the distribution of morphemes in the composition of a word or morphological structure; they are not so productive and are associated mainly with individual word usage.

In A Book for Maya, morphological means of expression were not often used. Undoubtedly, this is due to the overall low productivity of the use of these funds. Mostly they were used in the colloquial speech of the heroes. Thus, based on the classification of morphological techniques proposed by M.P. Brandes, in the text of the novel we have identified the following techniques:

1. Transposition of the form, i.e. the transfer of a word form to the scope of another grammatical meaning, and, consequently, the use of this word form in a meaning that is unusual for it. This is the most common stylistic and morphological device. Functional transposition, as a rule, is accompanied by a special expressiveness and emotionality, which is a consequence of the discrepancy between the context and the grammatical meaning of the form. With the figurative use of morphological forms, their main grammatical meaning is preserved, while the contextual meaning is purely functional, as a result of which subjective-modal layers can be determined based on a specific situation or a specific text.

Functional transposition takes place in the class of pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, interjections, particles. However, the verb has especially wide transpositional possibilities, and, above all, combinations of temporal meanings of verb forms as a result of a collision of two planes of time, one of which is expressed directly by the verb form with its main general language meaning, and the other by a speech or situational context, for example:

The present tense form of the verb is used to indicate an action in the past:

Hinter meinen Augenlidern erwarteten mich die Bilder von Philip. Sie waren so lebendig, dass sie fur einen Augenblick den Zeitungsbericht uberdeckten. Philip Steht barf? im Garten mit ausgebreiteten Armen. Er dreht sich auf einem Bergpfad zu mir um und lacht mich an. Er streckt seine Hand nach mir aus (123).

The use of the present tense to denote an action in the past serves to visualize, “events seem to be transferred from the past to the present, the reader is “drawn” into these events” (Prokopovich, 1969: 56). The transposition of the verb tense has a figurative expression.

The present tense form of the verb can be used in the meaning of the actual future, i.e. action ready to take place at the moment of speech:

"Bei mir", holte Lilly mich aus meinen Gedanken, "gibt es demachst auch eine kleine Veranderung" (15).

"Wenn sich das Wetter halt, lernen Sie die Gegend von ihrer besten Seite kennen" (19).

The form of the present tense verb in colloquial speech can be used for expressive will:

"Ich schlage vor, Sie machen gleich morgen fruh einen Test" (140).

This technique also has great expressiveness, tk. in this case, “the action proposed or dictated is presented by the speaker as already practically completed, this gives the statement greater urgency” (Kasevich, 1988: 202).

2. The use of the definite article with proper names is a well-known technique for expressing familiarity and disdain:

Einerseits straubte ich mich innerlich, mit dieser Frau in Kontakt zu treten, andererseits wollte ich doch gern wissen, was fur eine Frau das war, mit der Philip fast funddrei?ig Jahre verheiratet gewesen war (174).

Und so lud ich meinen gesamten Frust uber die Begegnung mit der Stephanie bei ihr ab (178).

3. The use of adjectives in postposition in relation to the noun. This happens especially often in colloquial speech, which gives the statement emotionality and expressiveness:

"Es war Gewohnheit alte!" (134).

4. The use of a personal pronoun in combination with a proper name gives the morphological structure a colloquial coloring, often with a disapproving connotation:

"Dein Philip gehort noch zu der Generation, die mit Telefonzellen gro? geoworden ist. Er wei?, dass es sie gibt und wie man damit umgeht" (113).

1. Errors associated with the use of nouns.

2. Errors associated with the use of verb forms.

3. Errors associated with the use of adjectives.

4. Errors associated with the use of numerals, pronouns.

Mistakes related to the use of nouns. Morphology is a section of grammar that studies the grammatical properties of words, i.e. grammatical meanings of a means of expressing grammatical meanings, grammatical categories.

Morphology of the norm - the rules for the use of morphological forms of different parts of speech.

The peculiarities of the Russian language are that the means of expressing grammatical meanings often vary. At the same time, the variants may differ in shades of meanings, stylistic coloring, scope of use, correspond to the standard of the literary language or violate it.

The largest group is made up of options, the use of which is limited by the functional style or genre of speech.

In colloquial speech, there are often genitive plural forms of orange, tomato, instead of oranges, tomatoes; from her, from her, instead of her, from her. The use of such forms in official written and oral speech is considered a violation of the morphological hole.

1. Nouns that end their stem with the sounds -in- in the genitive case have a zero ending, these are:

a) words denoting belonging to a particular nation, for example: Georgians, Abazins;

b) relation to a certain territory, for example: southerners, northerners, Volzhans

There are words that cannot be summed up under one or another classified definition, for example: felt boots, boots, stockings, pagon, partisans, soldiers, waffles, kacherg, mokoron, sheets, saucers, towels, gills.

But: socks, Kalmyks, Kirghiz, Mongols, Tajiks, oranges, tangerines, tomatoes, kilograms, hectares, rakes, mangers, candles, canned food, runs, finances, everyday life, Greeks, Hutsuls, Kurds, Eskimos.

In the prepositional case, the following cases require memorization: many masculine words, 2 declensions that have the meaning of "inanimate" receive the ending at instead of the common e in the prepositional singular. If an excuse in or on indicates a place, time, mode of action, for example: in a service, in the snow, in the forest, in the nose, on alcohol, in alcohol. However, the prepositional case can also be expressed variably. For example: in the workshop - in the workshop, vacation - vacation, in the wind - in the wind. In a business scientific speech, the ending e, and in colloquial at.

In the instrumental case: doors (colloquial) - doors (lit.), horses (colloquial) - horses (lit.).

You can also note the "frozen forms": lie down with bones, be proud of your sons and daughters.

2. Nouns used only in the plural: holidays, burners, christening, darkness, twilight.


When choosing the ending -a (ya) or -s (and), you should pay attention to the fact that many words have normative forms:

A (-ya-) - running, doctor, feed, bathing, coachman, watchman, tower;

Y (-and-) - pharmacists, librarians, elections, issues, consuls, tractors, paramedic.

Sometimes endings indicate semantic differences:

Conductor s- devices in technology;

Conductor a- transport workers.

The word accountant in the nominative case, plural has only a form with an ending - s. Accountants!

The use of number forms . The real nouns sugar, fuel oil, oil, marble are used in the singular form: sugar, fuel, oil, oil, salt, marble. These forms have a stylistic connotation of professional use. In some cases, one of the forms violates the norm of the literary language incorrectly, a shoe, and a shoe with an accent on the first syllable is correct.

Gender category: There are many masculine and feminine words in Russian to designate people by their position, profession. With nouns denoting the position held, profession, rank, rank, the difficulties that arise in speech are explained by the peculiarities of this group of words. What are they?

Firstly, in Russian there are masculine names and there are no feminine parallels to them, or (much less often) there are only feminine names. For example: rector, businessman, financier, truce, laundress, nanny, fashionista, manicurist, midwife, dowry, lace maker, seamstress motorist, president, ambassador, candidate of science, diplomat.

Secondly, there are names, both masculine and feminine, both of which are neutral. For example: an athlete is an athlete, a poet is a poetess.

Thirdly, both masculine and feminine forms are formed, but feminine words differ in meaning or stylistic coloring.

So, the words professor, doctor, have the meaning - "professor's wife", "doctor's wife" and colloquial connotation, and how the titles of the position become colloquial. The generic parallels of a cashier, a watchman, an accountant, a controller, a laboratory assistant, a watchman, an usher, qualify as colloquial, and a doctor as colloquial.

Difficulties arise when it is necessary to emphasize that we are talking about a woman, and there is no neutral feminine parallel in the language. Such cases are on the rise. According to scientists, the number of titles that do not have a female generic parallel is increasing every year, for example: space physicist, TV commentator, TV reporter, bionic, cybernetics, etc., while this position can be occupied by a woman.

What exit do the speakers and writers find? As linguists answer, not only in oral speech, but also in newspaper texts, in business correspondence, syntactic indication of faces is used more and more often. Sometimes, with masculine nouns, the verb in the past tense has a feminine form. For example: The doctor came, the philologist said, the foreman was there, our bibliographer advised me. Such constructions are currently considered acceptable, not violating the standard of the literary language. The use of masculine nouns that do not have a word-formation parallel of the feminine glad as a name for a woman, an excuse for the fact that fluctuations in the forms of agreement have intensified. The following options became possible: the young physicist Yakovleva - the young physicist Yakovleva.

In the frequency-stylistic dictionary of variants “grammatical correctness of Russian speech”, regarding such use of definitions, it is said: “In written strictly official or neutral business speech, the norm of agreement on the external form of the noun being defined is adopted: the outstanding mathematician Sofia Kovalevskaya; The new Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi.

The most frequent grammatical errors are associated with the use of the gender of nouns. You can hear the wrong phrases: railway rail, French shampoo, big callus, registered parcel, but after all, the noun of the rail, shampoo is masculine, (lit.v) environments. genus. - colloquial, corn - feminine, cuff - feminine, sandal feminine, curtain - masculine, shoe - feminine, parcel post - feminine, ballerina - ballet soloist, dancer, ballet dancer, typist - feminine - scribe on typewriter.

Violation of the grammatical norm is associated with the use of prepositions in speech. Prepositions for and thanks to .

The preposition thanks retains its original lexical meaning associated with the verb thank. At consumed to indicate the cause that produces the desired result: through the help of comrades, through the right treatment. With a sharp contradiction between the original lexical meaning of the preposition thanks and an indication of a negative reason, the use of this preposition is not desirable: he did not come to work due to illness, in this case it is correct - because of illness.

Prepositions thanks to, contrary to, according to, according to modern standards, are used only with the dative case.

Errors associated with the use of verb forms.

Insufficient verbs: win, convince, find yourself, kink. They do not have enough structural features to form verbs of the 1st person, singular. In this regard, this form is formed through descriptive expressions: I can win, I can find myself, I convinced you etc. Abundant verbs: moves - moves, rinses - rinses, waves - waves, sways - sways, etc.

The verbs to eat and eat are an example of the complexity of the stylistic system of the Russian language. The verb to eat is not used in either the first or third person, only the imperative mood is possible such as “Eat is served”, “Eat for health.” This verb is possible in addressing children as an expression of tenderness and affection.

The first form is colloquial, and the second is literary. Lag - lies. The root of lies without a prefix is ​​not used: lend, instead of borrow money.

Dried wet; the norm is the loss of the suffix well in all forms of the past tense of prefixed verbs, get wet - wet, wet.

The perfect participle pine for a vowel sound can be used in two forms: with the suffix в, and with the suffix lice (for example: having listened, overlooked).

Forms for lice have a colloquial character, forms for common use: I saw - it is commonly used. lit. in-t.; vidal - colloquial; notify, clog - talk. in. t.; notify, cork - books. in. t.

Mistakes related to the use of adjectives. It is the short forms of the superlative and comparative degrees of adjectives that are most "vulnerable" and are "tense" points in orthoepy.

Speech errors.

a) The girl was tall, beautiful and cheerful. In one genus, the full and short forms are used.

b) My brother is older than me, he studies well. Older - an expression that is a combination in one construction of simple and complex forms of a comparative degree. It should be said: My brother is older than me. Good me. From the words good, bad, suppletive forms of degrees are formed - better, worse. He is more capable and smarter than me.

Simple and complex forms of degrees of comparison cannot be used as homogeneous members of a sentence. It should have been said: Brother is smarter and smarter than me.

Short forms have a predominantly bookish stylistic coloring: The lecture is interesting and instructive.

Short adjectives sound more categorical in the text, they usually express an active and specific sign: Thoughts are clear, the girl is beautiful.

Full forms of adjectives are used normally in colloquial speech: The lecture is interesting and instructive.

The full form indicates a permanent feature, the short form indicates a temporary one: The girl is beautiful (in general) the girl is beautiful (at the moment).

Full and short forms of adjectives can form semantic variants, i.e. have different lexical meanings: the boy is deaf - the boy is deaf (to requests).

When forming short forms of adjectives with unstressed - enny(natural, solemn) fluctuations are observed. Artificial - artificial, artificial; solemn - solemn, solemn.

Currently, these options are equal, they are entrenched in all styles. But the truncated form is more common (on en). Possessive and relative adjectives in speech can be replaced by synonymous forms of indirect cases of nouns: mother's book - mother's book, stone wall - stone wall. But in some cases, such combinations differ in meaning: the gait of an old man - an old man's gait (figurative meaning), wall painting - wall painting (terminological meaning).

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