What is the sky in the broadest sense of the word? Extraterrestrial Heaven or Heaven.

Heaven is Here

Heaven is Here

Since 1991

The country


Song language

Russian English


The group, now known as "Sky Here", arose in 1991. According to the leader of the team, Igor "Tim" Timoshin, he simply dreamed of the name Team Ocean on the white cover of the CD.

The young group was immediately focused on Western standards, and Tim sang in English. The first of his hobbies, reflected in the music of Team Ocean, were Celtic themes and Scotch-Irish melodics. The debut album "Celts" became perhaps the first example of Celtic music in our country. Nevertheless, Timoshin's other hobbies soon began to appear - the sound became heavier and more eclectic. And in parallel with the desire for Western quality, Tim became interested in Eastern ideology, which later determined the main direction of Team Ocean's work, and later the Sky Here group.

In 1995, Team Ocean, unlike anyone else, attracted the close attention of the main “swimming teacher” Alexander F. Sklyar. Team Ocean become an active concert band, take part in various festivals and make their debut at one of the Learn to Swim rallies. In the spring of 2000, Sklyar admitted that Team Ocean was the best thing he had ever gotten to his festival in recent years. In the meantime, the group's joint project with Aria's guitarist Sergei Terentyev could well have taken place, but fell through - largely due to the fact that Team Ocean still sang exclusively in English. Tim begins to understand that it is time to "go back to the roots" and start singing in Russian. In one of the first Russian-language songs, the lines “This is the sky, the sky is here” were found - this is how the band got a new name.

Enthusiastic reviews of Zhenya "Ai-Ai-Ai" Fedorov, Sid and Chacha Ivanov appear in the media, comparisons with Korn and Rage Against The Machine (in terms of energy), The Doors (in terms of the mysteriousness of the texts) and Kula Shaker (in terms of mystical-oriental charm) . The apotheosis of the uproar around "Sky Here" was the phrase "Hari Krishna", thrown by Sklyar from the stage into the microphone after the group's set at the next alternative festival.

Sky Here signed a contract with the CD Land label, which has the best distribution network in the country, and the presentation of their debut CD Sky Here takes place first at the 16 Tons club, and then at the thousandth SDK MAI. The first Krishna-Kor group in Russia, Nebo Here, became, according to many, one of the main musical discoveries of 2000. And the following summer, the band performed on the same stage with the American luminaries from Deftones and received an invitation to the Invasion 2001 festival.

In 2010, the group released a new disc "20.10 Favorites". From the name of the album it is clear that this is a collection of the best (according to the group itself!) songs during the existence of the group.


Albums and songs

In 2000, the Sky Here group released their first album called Sky Here. It included 13 songs:

  • 1 - Blue sun
  • 2 - Bullet in the chest
  • 3 - Alien needle
  • 4 - Jaya Krishna Chaitanya
  • 5 - Man without a face
  • 6 - Don't trade yourself
  • 7 - The sky is here
  • 8 - Dead Heart
  • 10 - Song of Light
  • 11 - The taste of Separation
  • 12-Medicins Sans Frontieres
  • 13 - Ocean

Albums released from 2004 to 2006:

2004 - Dead season (11 songs)

  • 1 - no death
  • 2 - Dead season
  • 3 - Parallel world
  • 4 - The sky is here
  • 5 - Compracikos
  • 6 - Not a tenant
  • 8 - You won't leave
  • 9 - Lost in you
  • 10 - World on fire
  • 11 - East to West
  • 1 - All or nothing
  • 2 - Save my dreams
  • 3 - there will be no tomorrow
  • 4 - Does not shine
  • 5 - I know
  • 6 - Lucky Ticket
  • 7 - Empty sound
  • 8 - Bend and swing
  • 9 - Disappointed
  • 10 - Now but not here
  • 11 - For one spring
  • 12 - Don't cry, I'll give you my place in hell
  • 13 - Lid - Lel

In 2006, their album "On my wave" was released (17 songs)

  • 1 - Forever
  • 2 - I just had to
  • 3 - Killer City
  • 4 - Don't cry heaven
  • 5 - Freedom from freedom
  • 6 - Wait
  • 7 - Impossible
  • 8 - Made of pain
  • 9 - On my wave
  • 10 - Doomed to themselves
  • 11 - Smile at fate
  • 12 - Without yourself
  • 13 - Nobody believed the spring
  • 14 - Not a tenant
  • 15 - Your shadow
  • 16 - ---
  • 17 - Dead Heart
  • 18 - Empty sound

The release of the new album "20.10 Selected" 2010 (20 songs)

  • 01 - On My Wave
  • 02 - Dead Heart
  • 03 - Wait
  • 04 - Parallel World
  • 05 - Not a Resident
  • 06 - Lost in You
  • 07 - I'll burn out and I
  • 08 - Save my Dreams
  • 09 - Killer City
  • 10 - Forever
  • 11 - Black Raven
  • 12 - Dead Season
  • 13 - Don't Trade Yourself
  • 14 - Bullet in the chest
  • 15 - Bend and Swing
  • 16 - No Death
  • 17 - Empty Sound
  • 18 - Smile at Fate
  • 19 - Nobody Believed Spring
  • 20 - Sky Is Here


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Sky Here" is in other dictionaries:

    Ordinary daytime sky Sky: main meaning: see the sky (the space above the earth or the surface of any other astronomical object) Daytime sky is a layer of the atmosphere that is solar in the rays of light ... Wikipedia

    Wed heaven pl. the infinite, loftier space that surrounds our earth; the whole breadth and depth of the universe, sometimes with the inclusion of our world-column: Clouds, clouds across the sky; or beyond it: Stars in the sky, the moon. | An imaginary firmament above us, a visible hollow ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Sky, heaven. In the Bible Heb. the word shamayim, like the Greek. uranos, means visible and invisible N. I. N. and earth, when they are mentioned together, denote the integrity of the visible, God-CREATED WORLD (Gen. 1:1; Ps. 72:25; 120:2). N. in VZ ... ... Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

    - "SKY OF MOSCOW", USSR, MOSFILM, 1944, b/w, 88 min. Heroic drama. Based on the play of the same name by George Mdivani. The painting by Yuli Raizman "The Sky of Moscow", filmed in 1944, tells not so much about Moscow, but about the sky about the air space above ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    - “Sky, fall asleep (Birds)” Single MakSim from the album Lonely Released ... Wikipedia

    Here and now (here and now; lat. hic et nunc) is a characteristic of the relationship between the subject and space and time. Used in philosophy, psychology and the media. Contents 1 Buddhism 2 ... Wikipedia

    - (here and now; lat. hic et nunc) characterization of the relationship between the subject and space and time. Used in philosophy, psychology and the media. Contents 1 Buddhism 2 ... Wikipedia

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Production on the film began in early 2006, with the makers developing the script with Nebula nominee Johanna Sinisalo while doing research for the 2018 lunar and terrestrial technology design along with their online community. In May 2008, the production team traveled to the Cannes Film Festival from the film and entered into a co-production deal with 27 Films. On May 6, 2008, an updated version of the official website " iron sky».

On February 11, 2009, it was announced that German actress Julia Dietze would star in the film. Also in an interview with Mark Kermody, the film's director Timo Vuorensola announced that Lunar Nazi Fuhrer Wolfgang Kortzfleisch would be played by Udo Kier, and that the Slovenian band Laibach would record the film's soundtrack.

Filming began in October 2010 and lasted 37 days. The film was first filmed in Frankfurt, then the crew traveled to Australia to complete filming. Filming was followed by nearly a year of post-production. [ ]

The creation of computer graphics for the film (in "Iron Sky" there are more than 800 scenes with visual special effects, occupying half of the running time; a volume comparable to the film "Transformers") was carried out by the Finns themselves and a team of NewTek LightWave specialists assembled by them, including those invited from the USA. The result of their work was highly praised by critics, despite the budget, which is about 50 times inferior to the budget for CGI Hollywood productions.

Iron Sky is one of several films such as

From the surface of the Earth, a person sees the dome of the sky in different ways: during the day it can be blue and clear, foggy milky, gray from lead clouds. At night - impenetrable black or blue-violet, covered with a billion luminous dots-stars.

From the point of view of dry scientific formulations, the sky is the space above the planet, the panorama that opens up when looking from its surface upwards, towards space. The sky is not only above the Earth - if we could travel to different planets, we would see our own sky above each of them.

What determines the appearance of the sky?

How the sky looks in the eyes of a person depends on the season, the place from which the observation is made, the time of day and, of course, the weather. To characterize the sky at night, there is a special term - "starry sky", meaning the totality of all astronomical objects that are visible in the sky at this time of day.

We all know that at sunset or at dawn the skies can be painted in different shades of lilac, pink, yellow. If the sky is not covered with clouds, then at night the Moon is clearly visible on it, and during the day - the Sun. If you go up in an airplane and look at the sky as if “from the other side”, the cloud caps from below will look like multi-layered cotton wool or whipped cream.

The surface of the Earth from the plane may not be visible at all. Especially impressive is the difference between the views "from the ground" and "from the air" during a thunderstorm.

Why is the sky colorful?

Scientists explain this phenomenon by the refraction of the spectrum and the effect of light scattering. For example, during the day the sky due to the fact that the particles contained in the air refract and scatter different parts of the color spectrum differently.

Blue - short wavelength - is scattered to a lesser extent than long wavelength red. Therefore, our eyes see a large amount of purple and blue colors and practically do not capture the rest of the shades.

The situation is quite different at dawn or dusk. At this time of day, the angle of incidence of the sun's rays on the Earth's surface changes - they pass tangentially, and not vertically. Most of the blue and green waves of the spectrum go to the side, and the light of the Sun becomes reddish, often scarlet.

Sky and sunshine

The light from the Sun is blindingly white. Why do we see the sky not white, but blue during the day? From the course of physics it is known that a ray of light can be decomposed into a spectrum that will include all the colors of the rainbow. Parts of the spectrum, colliding with the smallest particles in the air, passing through layers of the atmosphere of different densities, behave differently, refracting and changing direction.

As a result, at the moment when the parts of the spectrum should have recombined into a single white beam, some of the colors are “lost”. So, we can conclude: in the process of the “path” to the Earth, something happens with parts of the spectrum, and only its blue and blue parts reach us.

The atmosphere surrounding the Earth is made up of many gases, including oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and many others. There are in these layers and ice crystals, and the smallest drops of water, and tiny particles of dust. It is these conditional "obstacles" that do not allow the rest of the spectrum, except for blue and blue, to break through to the Earth.

When the molecules of gases contained in the atmosphere absorb photons, the molecules receive an additional charge of energy, which they give off in the form of secondary photons with different wavelengths. And these secondary photons can be any color, from purple to orange. They spread in all directions.

At one time, scientists managed to establish that there are eight secondary blue quanta for one secondary red quantum. Blue practically pours into the atmosphere from all sides, which is facilitated by atmospheric gases.

Since ancient times, people have endowed the sky with a certain magic. The gods descended from heaven to Earth, the souls of the dead ascended to heaven. And even the sky and the earth itself in mythology were animated beings and were the progenitors of various elements.

So, in ancient Greek legends, the sky is the god Uranus, and the earth is the goddess Gaia. The Egyptians also gave their names to heaven and earth - Nub and Gaia. In Slavic mythology, the prophet Elijah rode across the sky in a roaring chariot, bringing heavy rains with thunderstorms.

Today, when people in their research - in theory or practice - can reach almost any corner of the solar system, this magic is almost lost. But it is being replaced by more and more new mysteries that mankind has yet to solve.

Children, even at preschool age, often ask the question: “What is the sky?” And sometimes adults simply cannot fully answer it, although they themselves understand the meaning and essence of this word. Well, let's try to understand this simple term from a scientific point of view, but still in an understandable language to characterize this substance.

What is the sky in the broadest sense of the word?

As every earthling knows, the sky is the same panorama that opens before us every day. It is the airspace, which consists of numerous layers of the atmosphere, different in their density. In this space, various physical phenomena can be observed. Among these, we single out the formation of clouds, thunder and snow clouds, lightning, rainbows, etc. It is worth noting that on Earth the sky can be night, morning, day and evening. Depending on the time of day, its color and illumination change, which is provided exclusively by the Sun (since the rest are either located too far from the Earth, or do not have sufficient brightness for the required illumination).

Physical and astronomical theory of the sky

Now consider what our sky is from a more scientific point of view. This space, in fact, is the visible part of space, which is observed from a certain astronomical body. In modern science, such concepts as the Earth sky, the Martian sky, the Moon sky, etc. are no longer new. In a word, being on the surface of every solid cosmic body (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Moon, Mars, Pluto), you can see the sky. Only on each of these planets it will be different, because the atmosphere that colors it in certain tones has significant differences. In turn, depending on the molecular composition of this or that atmosphere, various processes are also observed in this or that “sky”. filled with metal microscopic compounds, which is why it has a reddish color. On this planet, there are sharp temperature drops, frequent meteor showers, since the thickness of the atmosphere allows all this to pass from outer space.

The sky that we see on our planet

A completely different conversation is the sky and the Earth, that is, the atmospheric shell of our own planet. A large number of protective layers, the presence of oxygen molecules and sufficiently dense provide reliable protection against space adversity. All the phenomena that our sky presents us with are not as destructive as on Mars. That is why meteorites rarely pass through a dense one (if they do, it equates to a global catastrophe), interstellar dust does not reach us, the temperature of which goes off scale for thousands of kelvins, we are not afraid of sudden temperature changes, depending on solar activity.

Typical characteristics of the earth's sky

We have already talked about what the sky is from an astronomical point of view, now we will try to figure out how it is seen by the inhabitants of certain latitudes of our planet. As a rule, a cloudless and clear daytime sky in all regions of the world appears to us in blue colors. The sunnier the day, the more saturated our natural looks. White light clouds make the celestial tone paler, as if an artist has spilled white. This is already a regional difference, since all clouds are located purely locally and quite low above the surface. The color of the sky changes invariably in all parts of the world, depending on the time of day. In the morning, at sunrise, as well as at sunset, the sky is painted in pink, purple, yellow and even green tones. After that, the night sky acquires a dark blue tone and (if there is no cloud cover) is slightly illuminated by the distant light of the stars and the Moon.

Our closest satellite is the ever-changing Moon

An interesting fact, but the sky, the photo of which was taken at night in equatorial latitudes, differs from the panorama that unfolds over regions close to the poles. It depends on the proximity of all celestial bodies that can be seen with the naked eye to the surface of our planet. First of all, the Moon increases, its glow becomes brighter, all craters and oceans are visible much more clearly. It is also worth noting that it is at the equator that such a phenomenon as a blue or blue moon occurs much more often than in our latitudes. That is why astronomers prefer to track the movement of comic bodies from this position.

What is heaven and what is its essence?

With the advent of scientific terms, religious judgments based on exact knowledge also arose. Since the blue panorama that unfolds before us is endless and majestic, all representatives of the Christian religion began to call it heaven. Heaven is a haven of bliss, serenity, strength and inspiration. Angels live on them, all souls experiencing reincarnation reside on them.

People look at the sky from day to day, and it constantly appears in new shapes, shades and states. You can look at the sky endlessly, noticing various changes associated with the change of time of day, weather. So what is the sky?

The endless sky is

The sky is space. Moreover, one should not think that only above the surface of the Earth - the sky fills the space above the surfaces of all existing astronomical objects. In the usual view, the sky is a panorama that can be seen from the surface of the Earth, looking in the direction of space. Every person sees the daytime sky like this: blue infinity above the earth with the sun and clouds. This infinity is the layer of the atmosphere that can be seen from Earth between sunrise and sunset. The night sky appears to us in a dark blue color, but without special optical instruments it appears completely black with interspersed stars and a towering moon. The color of the sky is explained by optical laws. Air with its constituents (suspended particles and fluctuations) scatters light, and with a short wavelength. Blue light scatters more in the atmosphere because it is at the very end of the visible spectrum. If the light travels a longer distance in the atmosphere, such as at sunset, then reddish hues can be seen in the sky.

Extraterrestrial Heaven or Heaven

The question is not accidental: both spellings are acceptable, only with an amendment - for a specific case. What is heaven? This is also space, but only space, which can be viewed not from the Earth, but from the surface of other cosmic bodies. The appearance of such skies differs from our earthly sky for a number of reasons: the density and chemical composition of the atmosphere are different. Clouds may be visible or they may not be - it all depends on the surface of which cosmic body to view the heavens.

Let's return to the question, why is Heaven also written with a capital letter? From the point of view of some religions, Heaven is the place of residence of a righteous soul after death. The explanation of this concept leads to the idea that paradise (the abode of the righteous after earthly life) is just in Heaven.

Here, it turns out, how different the sky can be, which never ceases to please with blue tints - during the day, a thick black veil with a scattering of stars - at night.