What does a separate clarifying circumstance mean. Clarifying circumstance as a separate member of the sentence

Separate (highlighted by commas, less often by dashes) words and phrases that clarify the meaning of previous words (clarification is the transition from a broader concept to a narrower one). Most often, circumstances and definitions are clarified.

1. Clarifying circumstances of the place: There, below, skinny moss, gray shrub(P.); Below, in the shade, the Danube rustled (Tyutch.); Ilya Ilyich studied at Verkhlev, five versts from Oblomovka,at the local manager of the German Stolz(Gonch.); Directly opposite the cordon, on the other side, everything was empty (L.T.); In the suburbs, near the slaughterhouses, dogs howled (Ch.); Some away from the goose on the mattress, lay a white cat (Ch.); Up, over the tops of the oaks,where exactly the depth of the sky turned blue, clouds gathered(Boon.); Over the river in the rosy skythe evening star shone brightly(M. G.); In the Crimea, in Miskhor, I made an amazing discovery last summer(Cupr.); On the farm three miles from the village of Solomennaya,the scouts left their horses and went on foot(F.); Ten paces from the entrance to the tunnel, right next to the highway, there was a lonely house(BUT.); Near, in the direction of the village of Olginskaya,the usual sounds of gunfire(Prev.); On right, at the foot of the hills,spread out a large field(Chuck.); The road forks and you don't know where to go farther - straight or left.

Often places that clarify circumstances line up in a row, form a chain: Ahead, far away, on the other side of the misty sea,jutting wooded hills(L. T.); Around along the left bank, half a verst from the water, at a distance of seven or eight versts from one another,the villages are located(L. T.); All of a sudden at the bend of the river ahead, under the dark mountains, a light flashed (Kor.); Six steps from Chelkash, on the pavement, on the pavement,leaning back against the bedside table, sat a young guy(M. G.); In the wide valley to the right, to the very ridge,turned away and lost in the dull gray distance, one could see the forest(F.); Even here across the lake, per kilometer,along with hot air, there was a rumble and crackling(Guide.); Right, near the barn, right on the snow, undressed (Sh.).

Depending on the meaning, the same words may or may not be considered as a clarifying circumstance. Wed:

Ahead on the road crowded with people (i.e. in front of the road). - Ahead, on the road, people crowded (i.e., the road itself was in front);

far in the forest ax blows were heard(the listener is in the forest). Far away in the forest ax blows were heard(the listener is outside the forest);

Children settled downin the clearing between the bushes(the clearing is surrounded by bushes, but there are none on the clearing itself). — The children sat in the meadow between the bushes (the bushes are located on the clearing itself). -

Clarifying circumstances include the names of districts, regions, etc., indicating the location of towns, villages, etc., as well as indications in addresses: In the village of Uvarovka,Petrovsky district, Kaluga region,a harvest festival took place; The village of Novye Gorki,Shchelkovsky district, Moscow region,located near Bolshevo station; Moscow, Plyushchikha street, 38, apt. 2.

But: School No. 4 of the Taldomsky district of the Moscow region - non-separated inconsistent definition.

Usually, the qualifying member of the sentence limits the scope of the concept expressed by the specified member of the sentence: under the railroad air roads, in the dust and dirt of pavements,silently children play(M. G.) - clarifying terms are arranged in descending gradation, i.e., the next one clarifies the meaning of the previous one. But there are cases when the clarifying term is wider in terms of the concept it expresses than the specified one: I was lying on the bed, in an unfamiliar mountainand felt great weakness(P.); I have heard these stories near Akkerman, in Bessarabia, on the seashore(M. G.).

2. Clarifying circumstances of time: I woke up late, at five o'clock in the afternoon(Ax.); We went and wandered for a long time, until evening (T.); At noon, in clear, sunny weather,nothing can be imagined sadder than this ruin(T.); It was deep autumn, on a cold and gloomy day(Dost.); One time before evening Nogay-coachman pointed with a whip from behind the clouds to the mountains(L. T.); Now, after floods, it was a river of six fathoms(Ch.); All night long, before the cock's dawn,meryl chapaev card(Furm.); Now, in late autumn, when I live in Moscow, the box stands there alone in empty, unheated rooms(Paust.); In summer, evening dawns, a steppe golden eagle flies to the top of the mound from the undercloud(Sh.).

If, in the presence of two circumstances of time, the second of them does not serve to limit the concept expressed by the first, then it is not clarifying and a comma is not placed between the circumstances: The meeting of the department will take placetomorrow at six o'clock in the evening(cf.: 3 tomorrow, at six o'clock in the evening,department meeting will take place).

3. Clarifying circumstances of the course of action: He shook his curls and self-confidently, almost defiantly, looked up at the sky(T.); And cared about his soul solidly, lordly, and did good deeds not just, but with importance(Ch.); He is naive, childish, wiped eyes with fingers(L. T.); Quietly, fearfully she told him something strange(M. G.); She is mischievous, girlish, looked up at him(Fed.); On the crooked haystack sad, orphan perched a crow(F.); The women made a noise all at once, with one voice without letting Davydov say a word(Sh.); The only way, among the grass, flowers,wheat, and our river Vorsha could begin(Sol.); He was carefully to a pink gloss on the cheeks, shaved (Ant.); Like this, it seems the issue is not resolved.

4. Clarifying definitions with the meaning of color, size, age, etc.: One more, last, a legend - and my chronicle is over(P.); Looked out somewhere women, mostly old ladies heads (T.); Them accompanied by a small plump little man with phlegmatic almost sleepy face (T.); Only narrow three hundred fathoms,a strip of fertile land is the possession of the Cossacks(L. T.); Pierre, already tucked into awkward made him narrow,noble uniform, was in the halls(L. T.); Having passed some empty, without inhabitants, village, the squadron again climbed the mountain(L. T.); Hook-nosed stonebreaker smoothed his mustache and beard white, in lime, hands (M. G.); Dark red rose in the distance, raw meat color factory building (M. G.); On the the platform of the class car came out a man in black - to the closed gate- gymnast (A. T.); A minute later, three fighters, one after the other, climbed into bluish, as if pearly air (Cat.); The guardsmen walked to their full height, in a wide chain, along motley - crimson, purple, green- clover field (Cat); High, on the mast, the lantern helped Gleb to see it gray, unshaven, with hollow cheeks, face (Leon.); She looked with fear at her grandfather's hands in brown clay color,senile freckles(Sh.); He saw on the white cap of the mound not far away red-yellow, with fiery ebb, fox (Sh.); The boat was moving, moving all the time in black almost ink color shadows (Sim.); Eyes are no longer blind white, with sunset reflectionssnow; In the distance, at the Nikolsky Gate, one could see high - pipe - sable boyar hat(A. T.); BUT they are so fresh clean, spotless,on the ground, so that's how they lay?(Fed.); A young girl, about seventeen years old, entered (Kupr.); On the neck tanned from a yellow tan were going thick, finger-like folds (Lid.); thick, guard cloth,the pants did not fit either the artisan or the farm laborer(Cat.); Gavrik examined the little schoolboy from all sides long, to toe, overcoat (Cat.); On the tiptoeed into the room, undressed, carefully hung festive, with stripes, bloomers (Sh.); From under the steep wolf warehouse,balding forehead, he glanced around the room(Sh.); In the neighboring, without doors, the stained bright rooms rumbled, approaching, footsteps(Pan.); It was a village outside the city on naked, without a tree, without a bush, low place (Pan.); He was a young man of short stature, with an inconspicuous mustache, plain, striped, shirt with elasticated sleeves(Sol.); There is a special technical order,pause; The passenger entered original, under crocodile skina suitcase; Each of these phenomena has their, unique to him, peculiarities; With her still not shinyYou should take care of your health more.

Clarifying definitions can concretize the general meaning of pronouns this, that, such, each, one(in the meaning of a pronoun), etc.: I wanted to distinguish myself before this,dear to me man (M. G.); Then Dasha was surprised by the “home-grown” of everything this, so notorious boldness (A. T.); These, not always firm and slender,lines of poetry were written by a hand as hard as steel(Sim.); Between them have long been established thosepurely formal,the relationship that is so common between two relatives(M. G.); Chichikov was a little puzzled such, partly sharp, definition (G.); To each, who has come and who has come,they had to find and indicate a place to stay for the night(Ch.); No one, neither sledge, nor human, nor animal,there was no trace(L. T.); Something happened so unusual in the worldthat everything experienced, familiar seemed to waver in its power over life(Fed.).

But if the attributive phrase after the demonstrative pronoun is closely adjacent to it and does not have the meaning of clarification, then. it is not separated by a comma from this pronoun: These newly builtthe houses are already full[cm. § eighteen ].

Clarifying definitions can be joined through subordinating unions: Irresistible, although quiet, the power drew me(T.); Actual, even if not brand newthe topic deserves attention; Sacrifice the past for one, albeit an expensive one, he did not dare to meet; It should be noted that this interesting, because it has not yet been developed by anyone,the topic was chosen by the young researcher.

But if the definition attached by the subordinating conjunction is homogeneous in relation to the previous definition and does not have the character of a clarification (semantic and intonational), then a comma is not placed after it: Placed before usdifficult but interesting task [see § 12, item 6] . The distinction between these cases depends on the will of the writer.

Notes: 1. Classical writers sometimes singled out with commas as a clarifying definition the participial turnover standing after the homogeneous definition-adjective. For example, I. S. Turgenev: He arranged a big, linen covered, bath; A hundred paces from the mill was little , open on all sides, canopy; From the special I didn't notice at first, the stables brought Peacock out. Nowadays, such punctuation is rare [cf. § ten ​​].

2. A clarifying character is given to the statement of the word rather, more precisely, otherwise, rather etc. However, the members of the sentence following them are not isolated, since the indicated words, which have the meaning of introductory ( more precisely, rather, otherwise semantically equivalent to phrases to put it more precisely, to put it more precisely, to put it another way), are themselves separated by commas: His kindness, or rather , his generosity touched me- the predicate is agreed with the nearest preceding word, from which it cannot be separated by a comma; More recently, more specifically , in the last issue of the journal an article of similar content was published; arctic fox,otherwise polar fox, valued for its fur(here otherwise in the meaning of ‘that is’; but: The boy must be stopped in time, otherwise he will do this- here it acts differently in the function of an opposing union); It should be added quicker to clarify the data provided in the report.

A combination of words moreover can act as a clarifying: It would be stupid Furthermore , madness to miss such an opportunity; He deeply respected his friend, Furthermore - admired him.

3. Clarification without introductory words is possible: The plants were saved - watered.

In the section on the question What is a separate clarifying circumstance? given by the author I-beam the best answer is Separation of clarifying circumstances.
Clarification is understood as a narrowing of the scope of a concept, its concretization. You need to remember the following points:
a) if the proposal has one circumstance, it cannot be clarifying;
b) clarifying circumstances can be of three categories: place, time, mode of action;
c) the clarifying circumstance should be after the circumstance of the same category and narrow, concretize its meaning; then it is separated by commas.
For example, in the sentence Just yesterday, foliage rustled in the garden for two circumstances, but there are no clarifying ones among them, since these circumstances are of different categories: yesterday - time and in the garden - places. In the following sentences, isolations have all the signs of clarifying circumstances: Under the hillock, in a deep ravine, the river Vertushka muttered (K. Paustovsky); Quietly, with fear, she told him something strange (M. Gorky). He shook his curls and self-confidently, almost defiantly, looked up at the sky (I. Turgenev).

Answer from Daryana Dary[newbie]
Clarifying members of a sentence are used to concretize, clarify, supplement the meaning of the word to which they refer. Most often, the circumstances of the place, time, mode of action, degree act as clarifying terms. The clarifying members of the sentence are separated, distinguished in writing by commas or dashes.

May 8, 2013

The two branches of the science of language - syntax and punctuation - are always studied together. Simple cases of comma placement, for example, a mandatory comma before the coordinating conjunctions A and BUT, usually do not cause difficulties. But to isolate the secondary members of the sentence, knowledge of the basics of syntax is necessary.

Secondary members, under a number of conditions, can be separated from both sides by commas, including the circumstance.

The circumstance in the sentence answers the questions of adverbs, as it denotes a sign of an action or, much less often, a sign of a sign. Nevertheless, not only an adverb, but also any independent part of speech can act as a circumstance.

The isolation of circumstances expressed by a participial turnover or a single participle, although it has its own subtleties, is easily absorbed by schoolchildren. The presence of a gerund in a sentence is a kind of signal for setting a comma.

Another thing is a clarifying circumstance. Examples of this kind are harder to find: they are not so obvious.

What is a clarifying circumstance?

Clarifying members, as is already clear from the term itself, clarify the information contained in the sentence:

    All childhood friends, (who exactly?) Especially Mikhail, are very dear to me.

    Dark (what exactly?) almost jet-black eyes stood out against his pale face.

    A little girl ran into the room, (what exactly?) No older than our son.

The specification is always separated by either commas or dashes.

A separate clarifying circumstance in most cases specifies the time and place of the action.

If we have a clarifying circumstance of time, then the sentence, in addition to it, should contain generalized information about when the action is performed:

    We left late in the evening, (when exactly?) at eleven o'clock.

    At the end of August, (when exactly?) on the twenty-fifth, my only brother was born.

The specifying circumstance of the place details, narrows down the information about where the event described in the sentence takes place:

    Andrei lives very close to us, (where exactly?) A five-minute walk.

    Ahead, (where exactly?) in the very center of the road, we noticed a huge pit.

Geographical names and addresses are often specified:

    Last summer we returned from another city, (where exactly?) from Vladivostok.

    My friend moved to the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Samara, (where exactly?) to Michurin street.

Less common is a clarifying circumstance of the course of action:

    The soldiers tried to speak as quietly as possible, (how exactly?) Almost a whisper.

    Perepyolkin listened to me attentively, (how exactly?) With some special respect.

Clarifying circumstances with other meanings are also isolated.

For the correct punctuation, it is important to understand the context of the sentence:

    Artists performed on the square in the city center. (The area is located in the central part of the city)

    Artists performed on the square in the center of the city. (Artists perform on the square, located exactly in the center of the city).

A clue in isolating the clarifying members of a sentence is intonation. But it is not worth focusing only on semantic pauses in the speech flow, it is better to pay attention to the syntactic role of the construction and choose a question for it.

Source: fb.ru



Separate circumstance according to semantics can be divided into several types:

Semi-predicative circumstance:

Non-predicative or clarifying circumstance.

The semi-predicative circumstance is elevated to an independent sentence with an independent predicate. A typical way of expression is a participial turnover or a single circumstance.

Non-semi-predicative circumstances are an "unnecessary", secondary member of the sentence

Participial turnover is a gerund with a dependent word. Clarifying isolated circumstances are expressed by an adverb or a noun with a preposition:

The sailors of Columbus were waiting for the earth to appear on the horizon, suffering from scurvy, losing their last hope, trusting in the mercy of God.– there are 4 predicative centers.

She lived in Prague, under the bridge over the Vltava.

A lot of semantic and punctuation difficulties are associated with the isolation of the adverbial turnover. The adverbial turnover is isolated in the vast majority of cases. Not isolated it is under the following conditions:

1. when a phrase turns into an idiom: And day and night through the snowy desert I rush to you headlong.

2. the adverbial phrase is also not isolated when it is the semantic center of the statement, and the main predicate is somewhat weakened semantically (predicates with existential meaning, with the meaning of displacement, location are often weakened semantically): Anastasia lived (,) rejoicing in every minute. She sat with her head slightly thrown back, thoughtfully and sadly. This exercise is done standing on tiptoe.

3. semi-predicativeness is often lost in a single gerund, the extreme instance of the loss of semi-predicativeness is gerunds that have turned into adverbs. He liked to eat lying down.

4. The issue of morphological reshaping of some of them is also connected with the problem of separating gerunds: some gerunds turn into conjunctions - starting from, according to, based on etc. Their isolation is optional. They need to be isolated if the verbality of the semantics is preserved: We have to clean the apartment, starting with the largest room. From the first to the tenth of May we do not study.

5. you can often observe punctuation errors in cases where the relative pronoun depends on the gerund which acting as an allied word: I still remember the book, reading which I first thought about the meaning of life.

6. the adverbial turnover is not isolated, more precisely, it is not separated when it enters a composed row with an adverb: Light looked at him intently and narrowed her eyes.

In addition to punctuation complications, making sentences with adverbial phrases causes coordination plan difficulties. In a sentence with verbal turns, both the main predicate and the additional predicate must certainly refer to the same subject. Wrong sentences like: *Walking through the park, the thought came to me that it would be nice to come back here with her.

Clarifying circumstances are highlighted, which denote, as a rule, somewhat limitedly the same as the specified circumstance. If the word being specified is the setting of the place, then the specifying word is also: In Smolensk, in the central park, tug-of-war competitions were held.

In some cases, a circumstance with a narrower meaning makes up a certain single situation with a word that is broader in semantics: In the forest at the edge of the forest, the bear was eating raspberries. In this proposal, isolation is optional. It depends on the observer.

At the will of the author, non-specifying circumstances can also be isolated if they bear a special - more often psychological - burden. A.P. Chekhov: In the morning he woke up early, with a headache, awakened by a noise. It can be seen that the Chichikovs (,) turn into poets for a few minutes in their lives (,).

Particularly in the aspect of punctuation, phrases with words behave in spite of, thanks to, in spite of, in spite of, in spite of, in spite of. Circumstances with revolutions are stably isolated in spite of, in spite of, the rest are optional: As a result of this incident (.), Vasily no longer saw his parents (I.S. Turgenev)

The phenomenon of optional isolation expresses the process of transition of gerunds into derivative prepositions - this is a means of formalizing control, i.e. the connection becomes stronger and does not require isolation.


The object is associated with a verb or other word with a strong connection ( running from ..., red from frost), as a rule, which does not allow intonation and punctuation. However, there are exceptions here too. These exceptions can appear when a stand-alone object appears to be borrowed from another sentence with the same or a similar predicate: Katya invited the whole group to the housewarming + Katya did not invite Misha = Katya invited the whole group except Misha.