Day of rocket troops and artillery holding. Day of rocket troops and artillery in russia

Day of rocket troops and artillery of the Republic of Belarus. Artillerymen and rocketmen of the Soviet Union, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan annually celebrate their holiday on November 19th.

Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery

Artillerymen and rocketmen of the Soviet Union, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan annually celebrate their holiday on November 19th. For missilemen of the Strategic Forces, the holiday comes a month after this date - December 19th.

Due to the same numbers in memorable dates, civilians often confuse the latter with birthdays.

To avoid this confusion and to clarify the situation in this matter, I will tell you about the Artillery Day. That is how, until 1964, the holiday was called, which is celebrated on November 19.
Many people know that the date of honoring the artillerymen coincides with the start of the counteroffensive of the Red Army and the defeat of the Nazis near Stalingrad. And indeed it is.
It was on November 19, 1942, with the powerful artillery preparation of the Red Army, that the military operation code-named "Hurricane" began, which is known to everyone as the Battle of Stalingrad. During this battle, thanks to powerful artillery fire from all artillery systems and installations, a radical turning point occurred in the Great Patriotic War (hereinafter - the Second World War), and subsequently in the Second World War. Every day of hostilities, from 11/19/1942 until the complete victory over Nazi Germany, is marked by the unforgettable exploits of Soviet artillerymen.

However, few people know their heroes, and only a few will name their exploits.

So I remembered twice the hero of the Soviet Union Petrov Vasily Stepanovich, who, being the deputy commander of one of the artillery units, showed courage and heroism when crossing the Dnieper River, near the city of Kiev. For these qualities, shown by Petrov in the battle against the Nazis, the Soviet officer received in December 1943 the highest title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

On this, another fighter would have stopped, but not Petrov V.S. I want to draw your attention to the fact that Captain Petrov was seriously wounded during the attack and military doctors amputated both of his hands. However, despite these circumstances and the prohibition of doctors, the officer completed the treatment and returned to the army. Some time later, in April 1945, commanding an artillery regiment, our Hero again distinguished himself. For the heroism and courage shown, Vasily Stepanovich Petrov was presented to the second star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. And this hero is not the only one. Along with Petrov, another officer became twice Hero of the Soviet Union - Shilin Afanasy Petrovich, who showed heroism in battles with the Nazis when crossing the Dnieper and Oder rivers.
In total, according to official data, 1885 artillerymen, including 48 Belarusians, became Heroes of the Soviet Union.

50 generals, natives of modern Belarus, who led artillery units and formations located in the directions of the strike, deserved universal respect and Eternal Glory.

10 Belarusian artillerymen became full cavaliers of the Order of Glory.

The artillery of the Soviet Union was rightly called the "God of War".

For military merit in the Second World War, more than 2 thousand artillery units were awarded orders, 1200 received honorary titles, and over 500 Guards titles.
It is also interesting that the sons of Stalin and Chapaev, who served as officers in the artillery, took part in the liberation of the Belarusian lands from the fascist invaders.

November 19 is celebrated annually on the basis of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" as a memorable day established in recognition of the merits of military specialists in solving the problems of ensuring the defense and security of the state and called contribute to the revival and development of domestic military traditions, to enhance the prestige of military service.

It was the artillery that at the beginning of the operation with a powerful fire strike inflicted heavy losses on the enemy and disrupted the entire defense system, which allowed the Soviet troops, avoiding significant losses, to launch a counteroffensive, which ended with the encirclement and defeat of the enemy near Stalingrad.

In the post-war period, artillery continued to develop - new, more modern and powerful weapons were developed.

In 1961, on the basis of artillery and the missile formations available at that time in the Ground Forces,

Rocket troops and artillery, as a branch of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

Therefore, in 1964, the Artillery Day holiday was on the Day of the Rocket Forces and Artillery. Since 1988, it has been celebrated on the third Sunday of November, and since 2006, again on November 19.

Today, the Rocket Forces and Artillery is a branch of the Ground Forces, which is the main means of fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy in the course of combined arms operations (combat actions). They are designed to gain and maintain fire superiority over the enemy; destruction of its means of nuclear attack, manpower, weapons, military and special equipment; disorganization of command and control systems for troops and weapons, reconnaissance and electronic warfare; destruction of long-term defensive structures and other infrastructure facilities; violations of the operation of the operational and military rear; weakening and isolating the enemy's second echelons and reserves; destruction of tanks and other armored vehicles of the enemy that have broken through into the depths of the defense; covering open flanks and joints; participation in the destruction of enemy air and sea landings; remote mining of terrain and objects; lighting support for night operations of troops; smoke, blinding enemy objects; distribution of campaign materials and other tasks.

Organizationally, the Rocket Forces and Artillery consist of rocket, rocket, and artillery brigades, including mixed artillery battalions of high power, rocket artillery regiments, separate reconnaissance battalions, as well as artillery from combined arms brigades and military bases.

Thanks to intensive re-equipment with the latest and advanced types of weapons, an increase in the intensity of combat training and an integrated approach to personnel training, the Rocket Forces and Artillery continue to increase combat capabilities and determine the vector of development of the Ground Forces for the future.


November 19 - Russia. The holiday was established in 1964 and is celebrated to commemorate the merits of artillery in the defeat of the Nazi invaders near Stalingrad.

November 19 - the beginning of the counteroffensive of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad in 1942. At the beginning of the operation, on November 18, the artillery of the Southwestern and Don fronts inflicted heavy losses on the enemy with a powerful fire strike and disrupted its entire defense system, which allowed the Soviet troops to launch a counteroffensive, which ended with the encirclement and defeat of the German troops near Stalingrad. Until 1964, this holiday was called Artillery Day, because the Rocket Forces and Artillery as a branch of service were created in the early 60s on the basis of the artillery of the ground forces and the missile weapons introduced into the troops.
Along with infantry and cavalry, artillery is one of the oldest branches of the military.
The first mention of the combat use of artillery in Rus' dates back to 1382, when, defending themselves from the invasion of Tokhtamysh's troops, Muscovites "fired from large cannons."

Until the 16th century, carriages as such did not exist. The trunks were mounted on special oak decks.

Count Arakcheev played a huge role in the transformation of our artillery in the 19th century. He introduced a system of guns of the 1805 model. Of the many dozen types of guns that were under Catherine II, only 12-pounder guns of medium and smaller proportions, a 6-pounder gun of smaller proportions, and also unicorns should have remained in field artillery: 1 / 2-pound, 1/4-pound foot, 1/4-pound horse. All these guns were cast from the so-called "artillery metal", which contained 10 parts of copper and one part of tin. To aim the guns at the target, before each shot, a quadrant was installed on the barrel, along which the gun was pointed. Immediately before the shot itself, it was removed so that the shot would not knock down the tip, and then installed again.

On June 21, 1941, the Soviet government decided on the serial production of M-13 rockets, BM-13 launchers and the formation of missile military units. The Katyushas fired their first salvo at the enemy on July 14, 1941. Then the battery under the command of Captain IAFlerov struck at the concentration of German trains at the Orsha railway junction. The combat effectiveness of the weapon exceeded all expectations. Subsequently, rocket artillery was successfully used in all major operations of the Great Patriotic War. In terms of its power, it had no equal among other means of fire destruction of the enemy.

The heroic traditions are adequately continued by the modern generations of the military rocket and artillery troops of the RF Armed Forces. They fulfill their military duty with honor and nobility, master the latest weapons and equipment, improve combat skills, the high level of which guarantees the fulfillment of the necessary tasks in a variety of combat conditions.

Artillery still plays an important role as the main striking force in land battles to this day. By the way, for the first time, it was not Stalin who called artillery “the god of war”, but French General Jean-Baptiste Wackette de Gribeauval, who, with his military reform, laid the foundation for Napoleonic victories.

Happy holiday, gods of war!

This branch of the army was dubbed the “God of War” by Russian soldiers for good reason. It was artillery, like a celestial, that repeatedly decided the fate of the largest and fiercest battles in Russian history. Russian gunners have always shown mass heroism, often preferring to die near their guns, rather than retreat before the enemy. Artillery has always been famous for its technical excellence and the skill of the gunners themselves.

Over time, the power of artillery only increased, and after the advent of rocket weapons, the truly divine power, which the religions of many peoples attributed to their idols, became available to ordinary mortal people. Congratulating on the Day of the Rocket Forces and Artillery all the soldiers serving now or serving in the past, we thank them for the fact that they always stand guard over our peaceful life and freedom.


The Stalingrad victory, to which it was the artillery that made the main contribution, became the basis for the creation of this holiday. And it was then, in 1942, on November 19, the general offensive of the Soviet troops began. Artillerymen of the USSR began spontaneously celebrating this date during the Great Patriotic War itself. However, the official professional artillery holiday was established only in 1988, according to the Decree of the USSR PVS.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the traditions of Russian artillery, including festive ones, were not lost. The prestige of the Armed Forces in general and artillery in particular was constantly taken care of. And already in 2006, the Decree of the President of Russia No. 549 was issued, establishing the official status of the "Artilleryman's Day". It operates to this day. It should not be confused with the "Day of the Strategic Missile Forces", which is celebrated on December 17th.


Artillery Day traditions are rich and varied. It is celebrated not only by military personnel, former and present, but also by members of their families. On this day, many guests visit artillery units and formations to:

  • attend ceremonial constructions;
  • look at demonstration shooting;
  • get acquainted with the samples of gun systems in service with the troops.

On the same day, regular ranks are traditionally assigned to servicemen, state and commemorative awards are presented, congratulations and thanks are announced. And at home, everyone involved in the holiday is waiting for a laid table and congratulations from family members and friends.

Undoubtedly, today there are many holidays that are directly related to the whole country. The military, as a rule, celebrate all events related to any branch of the military. The Day of the Missile Forces in 2017, on what date and in what year they were created, is of interest to many.

Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery - a little history of the holiday

So, if we touch on our history, we can safely say that these troops found their name back in 1964. We can immediately say that such a day is not a red number of the calendar, on the basis of which it is not official. But in our country there are many professional holidays. These include the Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery, but on what date in 2017 such an event should be celebrated, you can immediately stipulate that it is on November 19 that the long-awaited and unusual day of rocketmen will come.

I would like to emphasize the facts that our country, thanks to the combat readiness of such troops, has reliable protection and strong support for the Russian Federation. Strong and courageous troops are able to protect the country from any onslaught of world powers. Every day, thousands of people salute their service in the army, and, of course, it would be unfair to forget about such a professional and honorable day for everyone, especially since the memorable date was born a long time ago and is proudly celebrated by the whole country, although it is not official.

Artillery is one of the oldest branches of the military. In 1382, artillery pieces were first used, which were used exclusively for enemies. If we touch on past years, we can safely say that such troops have experienced many changes, that is, they have been reformed, merged and divided with other branches of the military, but the tasks assigned to them have not changed.

Who celebrates the holiday of the rocket troops

The professional day is celebrated not only by military personnel, but also by everyone who is directly related to the development of technology, specialists and scientists in the production of technology, as well as many other workers who work for the good of their homeland, developing various types of weapons and much more.

The Day of Missile Forces and Artillery is celebrated in the third autumn month, the date is also known, namely November 19th. On this occasion, specially trained troops have their own history, which is passed on to a new generation from year to year. The history of the holiday can tell how a long time ago such an industry as rocket science appeared, and only then the rocket unit and artillery were formed.

Further, the state tried its best to build up and raise the missile potential with a combination of trained personnel. Which had to have the ability to manage their own forces, as well as solve tasks regardless of the location of the object. Moreover, these forces were reliable, strong and enduring, because it was simply impossible to do otherwise.

How can you celebrate a revered holiday

The solemn day of this holiday should certainly be celebrated with family and friends. Almost all military personnel spend this special day with their families. Indeed, due to their difficult chosen profession, such people are often not at home, so they want to be with their relatives for their professional celebration.

Of course, men usually decide for themselves how to spend such a day, and most often their choice falls on a gala dinner, which the hostess of the house is happy to cook, and her relatives help her with this. After all, the day of the Missile Forces in 2017 is already known what the date will be and you can slowly prepare for this celebration.

The festive atmosphere should satisfy all guests, so many often prepare various treats and entertainment. Although it is on such a holiday that men also like to relax in nature, while organizing music. After all, every person probably knows that you can’t find a better vacation than in nature. But here it is necessary to guess with the weather, because in a frosty blizzard it will not be very comfortable on the street.

The Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery is undoubtedly a men's holiday, so cooked dishes must be made from meat (for example), and treats cooked on the grill will clearly become crown masterpieces of culinary delights, baked potatoes are also suitable.

Such serious troops consist mainly of patriots, their own business, where there is a clear head and strong, reliable hands, so the holiday can be organized by inventing and playing sketches where humor will be present, and also, if desired, everyone can participate in pranks.

If the weather suddenly fails and leaving the house for nature does not work, then you can organize a festive party in a restaurant. You can invite your loved ones and relatives there, and for the strong half of the solemn holiday, in this way arrange a surprise. Surely they will gladly accept such an invitation.