The natural habitat for causative agents of saproposes are. For problem learning

General characteristics of skills

The activity will be performed skillfully if the person has mastered the skills. A skill is an established way of doing things. Skill as a component of human activity should not be confused with skill in animals, which is a form of their behavior. Skill in animals is formed as a mechanism for their adaptation to the environment through trial and error.

The development of a skill in a person is based on detailed, conscious actions. At the initial stage of mastering the activity, the actions and movements integrated in the skill act as unrelated ones. Thus, in teaching reading, the division of words into syllables and the synthesis of syllables into a meaningful word represent the content of two different actions. By practicing reading, the student develops the skill of fluent reading. This means that now he does not set himself the task of breaking the word into parts and synthesizing it. The action has turned into a skill to read words as a whole, relying on individual letters. Only when meeting with a new, unfamiliar word, the skill gives way to separate actions for the analysis and synthesis of the syllabic composition of the word.

The basis of any skill is the development and strengthening of conditioned reflex connections. The breaking of the nerve path and its consolidation as a result of constant repetition of actions lead to the exact localization of excitation processes in certain nervous structures. Differential inhibition concentrates the process of excitation to the limit, suppressing some foci and thereby activating others. Systems of conditioned reflex connections are formed with strengthened transitions from one system of neural connections to another.

The existing neural mechanisms cause a number of changes in the process of performing an action. First, as a result of developing a skill, the time for performing an action is sharply reduced. A novice typist types much more slowly than an experienced typist. As the writing skill improves, a person begins to write up to one hundred letters per minute, while at the beginning of training he barely manages to write 2-3 short words in the same time. Secondly, unnecessary movements disappear, the tension decreases when performing an action. A first-grader squeezes a pen with great force when writing. At the initial stage of the formation of this skill, he has a significant tension in the muscles of the arms and torso. With the skill of writing developed, excessive tension and additional movements disappear. Thirdly, separate independent movements are combined into a single action. When teaching children to write, the teacher practices writing individual elements of the letter. When writing fluently, letters are written quickly, with one stroke of the pen.

As a result of well-developed motor skills, labor productivity increases, work quality improves and human fatigue decreases.

Developed motor skills allow you to restructure the structure of activity. There is a change in the ratio of analyzer systems that control the execution of an action. Prior to the development of skills, the accuracy and correctness of objective actions are controlled by the joint activity of the visual and motor analyzers with the leading role of vision. When a motor skill is strengthened, the need for visual control of movements is greatly reduced. Kinesthetic (sensation of movements) mechanisms are developed that independently control the accuracy of movements. A professional pianist, performing a piece, does not look at the keyboard. A good typist types with a “blind” method.

These facts indicate that in the process of developing a skill, the interaction between analyzers is restructured. Visual-motor control is replaced by motor control. The visual analyzer, as well as consciousness, are freed to process other signals, which must be taken into account in the process of activity.

Control of one sensory kinesthetic system reduces the degree of confidence in the correct performance of an action, especially in certain activities. Tactile sensitivity also becomes a system that duplicates the control of movement during operation. Practice has shown that the provision of a linotype keyboard (typesetting machine) with tactilely distinguishable characters improves the quality of typing.

A feature of the formation of skills is their gradual automation. Developed skills do not require mind control when performing them. Of course, in the initial period, consciousness controls the movement, but as the skill is developed, the control of consciousness is gradually turned off. It has been noticed that at the stage of a well-developed skill, conscious control over the movement can make it difficult to perform it. For example, a person, analyzing every step of his gait, loses confidence in his movements.

From what has been said, it cannot be concluded that skills are unconsciously regulated actions. The peculiarity of the skill is not unconsciousness, but conscious control of the action as a whole. Consciousness establishes the correspondence of action to the tasks of activity.

Turning an action into a skill makes it possible to free up consciousness to solve more complex tasks of activity. Hence, the exceptional importance of skills in creative activity becomes clear: without mastering the skills of elementary actions, it is impossible to create conditions for creative activity. A novice artist who has not mastered the skills of building perspective should think not about how to draw objects, but about how to depict them in perspective. A student who does not have the skill of correctly constructing sentences is forced to think not about the content of the essay, but about the grammatical structure of sentences.

Thus, in any activity, mastering the correct methods of its use and developing skills is a prerequisite for its successful implementation.

In labor skills, individual personality traits are traced. Despite the same method of teaching, the integration of movements and actions in a skill is peculiar. It depends on the mental properties of the individual. In people with different types of nervous activity, a different ratio of the cognitive, orienting and performing aspects of activity is established. The type of nervous activity allows some people to develop in the process of labor a more accurate performance of an action, others - a faster one. Equally successful performance of activities is ensured by the methods of performing actions typical for a person.

01. Age features influenced by ethnic factors

a ) Yes

Correct answer: a) yes. Age features are influenced by ethnic factors

02. Role-playing game as the leading type of activity is characteristic

a) for primary school age

b) for infancy

c) early childhood

d) for preschool age

Correct answer: d) for preschool age
03. Mental neoplasm infancy is

b) speech and visual-effective thinking

c) subject-tool activity

d) the arbitrariness of mental phenomena, the internal plan of action, reflection;

e) awareness of one's "I"

Correct answer: a) the need to communicate with people and emotional attitude towards them
04. Activities of the intimate-personal communication is leading

a) at school age

b) in adolescence

c) in youth

d) early childhood

Correct answer: b) in adolescence
05. Neoplasms of adolescence are

a) changing the system of relations with the environment

b) self-esteem

c) transition to thinking in concepts

d) the formation of self-consciousness

Correct answer: a) change in the system of relations with the environment c) transition to thinking in concepts X
06. Leading activity of adolescence is an

a) teaching

b) socially useful activity

c) professional activity

G) educational and professional activities

e) emotional communication

Correct answer:

07. Adult verbal instructions begin to regulate the child's behavior

a) in the first year of life

b) in the second year of life

c) in the third year of life

Correct answer: c) in the third year of life
08. In young years color is the main feature that characterizes the object

Correct answer: b) no. At an early age, color is not the main feature that characterizes the subject.
09. In behavior, younger students are most often guided by moral judgments and evaluation of actions

a) parents

b) teachers

c) peers

Correct answer: b) teachers. In behavior, younger students are most often guided by moral judgments and evaluation of teachers' actions.
10. Leading mental cognitive process, on which the successful education of a younger student is most dependent, is

a) feeling

b) perception

c) memory

d) thinking

f) imagination

Correct answer: b) perception. The leading mental cognitive process, on which the successful education of a younger student is most dependent, is perception.
11. To the tasks of pedagogical psychology relate

b) identifying patterns of knowledge acquisition

c) learning the psychological foundations in the activities of a teacher

d) study of the psychological foundations of the student's activity

e) formation of principles of forms and methods of training and education

Correct answer: the tasks of educational psychology include b) identifying patterns of learning, c) learning the psychological foundations in the activities of the teacher, d) studying the psychological foundations of the student
12. Sections of educational psychology are

a) educational technology

b) didactic foundations of learning

c) psychology of educational activity

d) psychology of pedagogical activity

Correct answer: sections of pedagogical psychology are c) the psychology of educational activity, d) the psychology of pedagogical activity
13. Learning indicators are

a) learning motivation

b) initiative

c) ways of thinking

d) academic performance

e) susceptibility

Correct answer: b) initiative, e) susceptibility. Indicators of learning are b) initiative e) receptivity
14. Among the general actions, incoming in the activity of learning, include the ability

a) control

b) plan

c) model

d) evaluate

Correct answer: a) control b) plan c) model

d) evaluate. The ability to a) control b) plan c) model

d) evaluate.
15. The action parameters are

a) the measure of the action

b) measure of curtailment of action

c) a measure of independence

d) measure of mastering the action

e) measure of generalization of action

e) all of the above

Correct answer: The parameters of the action are: c) a measure of independence; d) measure of mastering the action; e) measure of generalization of action
16. Learnability characterizes

a) the degree of mastery of the trained knowledge, skills and abilities

b) the current level of development

c) zone of proximal development?

d) a set of intellectual properties of the student

Correct answer: Learning characterizes: c) the zone of proximal development
17. Zone of Proximal Development the student is determined on the basis of the formed skills and abilities in a certain field of knowledge

b) wrong

Correct answer: b) wrong - The zone of proximal development of the student is determined on the basis of the formed skills and abilities in a certain field of knowledge
18. What level of absorption Does the stage of formation of intrasystem and intrasubject associations correspond?

a) submissions

b) knowledge

c) skills

d) skills

Correct answer: The stage of formation of intra-system and intra-subject associations correlates with the level of assimilation b) knowledge
19. For emotional improvisational style characteristically

a) fast pace when questioning

b) informal questions

c) selection of the most interesting material

d) phased development of all educational material

e) collective discussions

f) systematic consolidation of the material

Correct answer: The emotional-improvisational style is characterized by: a) a fast pace during the survey; b) informal questions; c) selection of the most interesting material
20. The concept of "psychological age" includes indicators

a) mental development

b) social development

c) organic development

d) psychological neoplasms

e) development dynamics

Correct answer: The concept of "psychological age" includes indicators: d) psychological neoplasms; e) development dynamics
21. Leading activity of preschool age - This

a) role-playing game

b) subject-tool activity

c) emotional and personal communication with a close adult

d) learning activities

Correct answer: The leading activity of preschool age is: a) role-playing game
22. preschool age are

a) visual-effective thinking

b) the allocation of "I", the emergence of self-consciousness

c) the emergence of the ability to replace and use the mark

d) the emergence of a hierarchy of motives

e) the emergence of arbitrariness

Correct answer: The psychological neoplasms of preschool age include: d) the emergence of a hierarchy of motives; e) the emergence of arbitrariness
23. Leading activities of primary school age - This

a) object-tool activity

b) role-playing game

c) learning activities

d) emotional and personal communication with a close adult

e) intimate and personal communication with peers

Correct answer: The leading activity of primary school age is c) educational activity
24. Towards psychological transformation primary school age are

a) reflection

b) overcoming the egocentric position

c) the emergence of a learning motive

d) mastery of moral standards

e) the ability to plan one's own behavior

Correct answer: Psychological neoplasms of primary school age include: a) reflection; c) the emergence of a learning motive; d) mastery of moral standards
25. Leading adolescence activities - This

a) learning activities

b) intimate and personal communication with peers

c) role-playing game

d) object-tool activity

e) emotional and personal communication with a close adult

Correct answer: The leading activity of adolescence is b) intimate-personal communication with peers
26. To the psychological neoplasms of adolescence refer

a) gender identity

b) psychological readiness for personal and professional self-determination

c) the emergence of conceptual generalizations

d) a sense of maturity

e) the formation of a moral worldview

Correct answer: Psychological neoplasms of adolescence include: b) psychological readiness for personal and professional self-determination; d) a sense of maturity; e) the formation of a moral worldview
27. Leading activities of adolescence - This

a) role-playing game

b) emotional and personal communication with a close adult

c) psychologically intimate communication

with a significant peer of the opposite sex

d) educational and professional activities

e) object-tool activity

Correct answer: The leading activity of adolescence is: c) psychologically intimate communication with a significant peer of the opposite sex; d) educational and professional activities
28. Psychological neoplasms of adolescence include

a) professional self-determination

b) the formation of a time perspective

c) personal self-determination

d) the formation of one's own personal interests

Correct answer: Psychological neoplasms of adolescence include c) personal self-determination
29. The main tasks of early adulthood are

a) acquisition of autonomy from parents

b) assimilation of new knowledge

c) building an ideal family model

d) sensitivity to social assessments

e) the formation of a stable personality structure

in accordance with the accepted ideal model of the future

Correct answer: The main tasks of early adulthood are: a) acquisition of autonomy from parents; c) building an ideal family model; e) the formation of a stable personality structure
30. The main objectives of maturity are

a) intimate-personal communication

b) a clear awareness of their needs, desires, life goals, finite in time

c) building a new system of relationships with other people

d) the formation of self-consciousness

e) the implementation of the set life goals

Correct answer: The main tasks of maturity are: b) a clear awareness of their needs, desires, life goals, finite in time; c) building a new system of relations with other people; e) the implementation of the set life goals
31. The main tasks of old age are

a) preservation of the integrative structure of the personality

b) creating a stable structure of life relationships

c) realization of personal self-determination

d) revision of the life path

Correct answer: The main tasks of old age are : a) preservation of the integrative structure of the personality; d) revision of the life path; e) preparation for the end of life
32. The automated way of behavior developed during the exercise is

a) instinct

b) intellectual behavior

d) knowledge

e) skill

Correct answer: Automated Behavior , developed during the exercise is: c) a skill
33. The mental development of the student takes place

a) planned

b) spasmodically *.

c) sequentially

d) zigzag

d) in a spiral

Correct answer: The mental development of the student takes place : b) spasmodically
34. The ability to reflect and the internal dialogism of consciousness are generated

a) joint activities

b) self-observation

c) instinctive programs of behavior

d) learning

e) as a result of intellectual reflections

Correct answer: The ability to reflect and the internal dialogism of consciousness are generated by a) joint activity

35. Motivation for learning activities, related

to satisfy a particular need of the student, is called

a) installation

b) interest

d) feeling

Correct answer: The motivation for learning activities associated with the satisfaction of a particular need of the student is called d) motive
36. The educational orientation of a student is a set of stable motives of a student that guide his behavior

a) relatively independent of specific external conditions

b) in accordance with the surrounding situation

c) under the influence of teachers

d) under the influence of the study group

e) under the influence of parents

Correct answer: The student's educational orientation is a set of stable student motives that guide his behavior a) relatively regardless of specific external conditions
37. The state of discomfort caused by a contradiction in the educational information communicated to the student by different teachers is called

a) psychological barrier

b) cognitive dissonance

c) personal meaning

d) affect

e) frustration

Correct answer: State of discomfort , caused by a contradiction in the educational information communicated to the student by different teachers, is called b) cognitive dissonance
38. The level of the student's claims is expressed in the desire to achieve educational goals of the degree of complexity that he considers himself to be.

a) capable

b) incompetent

c) incapable

d) motivated

e) programmed

Correct answer: The level of a student's aspirations is expressed in the desire to achieve educational goals of the degree of complexity for which he considers himself a) capable
39. Motives for learning activities student may be

a) aware

b) unconscious

c) partially conscious and unconscious

d) superconscious

d) repressed into the subconscious

Correct answer: The motives of the student's learning activity can be: a) conscious; b) unconscious; c) partially conscious and unconscious

40. An action that is part of the learning activity determined

a) outside situation

b) the student's perception of external conditions

c) memory

d) the student's goal

e) thinking

Correct answer: The action that is part of the educational activity is determined by d) the goal that the student sets for himself
41. The operation that is part of the learning activity is determined

a) the conditions of the situation

b) perception

c) memory

e) thinking

Correct answer: The operation that is part of the educational activity is determined by a) the conditions of the situation
42. The transition from the mental plan of action to the external is called

a) behavior

b) instinct

c) learning

d) exteriorization

e) interiorization

Correct answer: The transition from the mental plan of action to the external is called d) exteriorization
43. The main distinguishing characteristic of a skill is its

a) complexity

b) ease

c) duration

d) non-automation

e) automation

Correct answer: The main distinguishing characteristic of a skill is its e) automation
44. The specificity of educational activity lies in the fact that the educational situation affects the student

a) directly

b) indirectly

c) directive

d) positive

e) negative

Correct answer: The specificity of learning activity lies in the fact that the learning situation affects the student b) indirectly
45. The roles of participants in the educational processes are regulated

a) social expectations

b) personal meanings

c) internal regulations

d) law

e) law

Correct answer: The roles of participants in the educational process are regulated by a) social expectations
46. An obstacle to understanding between teacher and student, caused by a mismatch between the meanings of the information expressed, is called

a) tactlessness

b) a semantic barrier

c) intrapsychic protection

d) perceptual defense

e) cognitive dissonance

Correct answer: An obstacle in mutual understanding between a teacher and a student, caused by a mismatch in the meanings of the information expressed, is called b) a semantic barrier
47. The way the teacher understands the student through likening himself to the student is called

a) identification

b) stereotyping

c) reflection

d) empathy

e) attraction

Correct answer: The way the teacher understands the student through likening himself to the student is called a) identification
48. Awareness by the teacher of how he is perceived by his students, called

a) identification

b) stereotyping

c) reflection

d) empathy

e) attraction

Correct answer: The teacher's awareness of how he is perceived by his students is called c) reflection.
49. Causal explanation by the teacher of the student's actions by attributing to him feelings, thoughts, motives of behavior is called

a) identification

b) causal attribution

c) empathy

d) halo effect

e) thinking

Correct answer: The teacher's causal explanation of the student's actions by attributing feelings, thoughts, motives of behavior to him is called b) causal attribution
50. The students' interpretation of the reasons for the teacher's behavior by referring this behavior to social patterns is called

a) identification

b) causal attribution

c) reflection

d) stereotyping

e) halo effect

Correct answer: The students' interpretation of the reasons for the teacher's behavior by referring this behavior to social patterns is called
51. group of students, which has fixed rights and obligations, a normative structure, appointed and elected leadership, is called

a) formal

b) informal

c) a party

d) public organization

e) company

Correct answer: A group of students that has fixed rights and obligations, a normative structure, appointed and elected leadership, is called a) formal
52. Student Conformity manifests itself in his external agreement with the opinion of his study group, while internally agreeing with him

Correct answer: The student's conformity is manifested in his external agreement with the opinion of his study group, with internal disagreement with him b) disagreement

Correct answer: In accordance with the theory of the phased formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Galperin), the third stage is b) external action, loud speech

Correct answer: Signs of students learning are: a) awareness of facts, rules, concepts; b) willingness to retell the material in your own words; c) formulating rules, concepts; d) willingness to give examples to specify the conclusions, generalizations; e) application of the material in practice

a) intimate-personal communication

b) a clear awareness of their needs, desires, life goals, finite in time

c) building a new system of relationships with other people

d) the formation of self-consciousness

e) the implementation of the set life goals

Correct answer: The main tasks of maturity are: b) a clear awareness of their needs, desires, life goals, finite in time; c) building a new system of relations with other people; e) the implementation of the set life goals

31. The main tasks of old age are

a) preservation of the integrative structure of the personality

b) creating a stable structure of life relationships

c) realization of personal self-determination

d) revision of the life path

e) preparation for the end of life

Correct answer: The main tasks of old age are : a) preservation of the integrative structure of the personality; d) revision of the life path; e) preparation for the end of life

32. The automated way of behavior developed during the exercise is

a) instinct

b) intellectual behavior

d) knowledge

e) skill

Correct answer: Automated Behavior , developed during the exercise is: c) a skill

33. The mental development of the student takes place

a) planned

b) spasmodically *.

c) sequentially

d) zigzag

d) in a spiral

Correct answer: The mental development of the student takes place : b) spasmodically

34. The ability to reflect and the internal dialogism of consciousness are generated

a) joint activities

b) self-observation

c) instinctive programs of behavior

d) learning

e) as a result of intellectual reflections

Correct answer: The ability to reflect and internal dialogism of consciousness are generated by a) joint activity

35. Motivation for learning activities, related

to satisfy a particular need of the student, is called

a) installation

b) interest

d) feeling

Correct answer: The motivation for learning activities associated with the satisfaction of a particular need of the student is called d) motive

36. The educational orientation of a student is a set of stable motives of a student that guide his behavior

a) relatively independent of specific external conditions

b) in accordance with the surrounding situation

c) under the influence of teachers

d) under the influence of the study group

e) under the influence of parents

Correct answer: The student's educational orientation is a set of stable student motives that guide his behavior a) relatively regardless of specific external conditions

37. The state of discomfort caused by a contradiction in the educational information communicated to the student by various teachers is called

a) psychological barrier

b) cognitive dissonance

c) personal meaning

d) affect

e) frustration

Correct answer: State of discomfort , caused by a contradiction in the educational information communicated to the student by different teachers, is called b) cognitive dissonance

38. The level of a student's aspirations is expressed in the desire to achieve educational goals of the degree of complexity that he considers himself

a) capable

b) incompetent

c) incapable

d) motivated

e) programmed

Correct answer: The level of a student's aspirations is expressed in the desire to achieve educational goals of the degree of complexity for which he considers himself a) capable

39. The motives of the student's learning activity can be

a) aware

b) unconscious

c) partially conscious and unconscious

d) superconscious

d) repressed into the subconscious

Correct answer: The motives of the student's learning activity can be: a) conscious; b) unconscious; c) partially conscious and unconscious

40. The action that is part of the learning activity is determined

a) outside situation

b) the student's perception of external conditions

c) memory

d) the student's goal

e) thinking

Correct answer: The action that is part of the educational activity is determined by d) the goal that the student sets for himself

41. The operation that is part of the learning activity is determined

a) the conditions of the situation

b) perception

c) memory

e) thinking

Correct answer: The operation that is part of the educational activity is determined by a) the conditions of the situation

42. The transition from the mental plan of action to the external is called

a) behavior

b) instinct

c) learning

d) exteriorization

e) interiorization

Correct answer: The transition from the mental plan of action to the external is called d) exteriorization

43. The main distinguishing characteristic of a skill is its

a) complexity

b) ease

c) duration

d) non-automation

e) automation

Correct answer: The main distinguishing characteristic of a skill is its e) automation

44. The specificity of educational activity lies in the fact that the educational situation affects the student

a) directly

b) indirectly

c) directive

d) positive

e) negative

Correct answer: The specificity of learning activity lies in the fact that the learning situation affects the student b) indirectly

45. The roles of participants in the educational process are regulated

a) social expectations

b) personal meanings

c) internal regulations

d) law

e) law

Correct answer: The roles of participants in the educational process are regulated by a) social expectations

46. ​​An obstacle in mutual understanding between a teacher and a student, caused by a mismatch in the meanings of the information expressed, is called

a) tactlessness

b) a semantic barrier

c) intrapsychic protection

d) perceptual defense

e) cognitive dissonance

Correct answer: An obstacle in mutual understanding between a teacher and a student, caused by a mismatch in the meanings of the information expressed, is called b) a semantic barrier

47. The way the teacher understands the student through likening himself to the student is called

a) identification

b) stereotyping

c) reflection

d) empathy

e) attraction

Correct answer: The way the teacher understands the student through likening himself to the student is called a) identification

48. Awareness by the teacher of how he is perceived by his students, called

a) identification

b) stereotyping

c) reflection

d) empathy

e) attraction

Correct answer: The teacher's awareness of how he is perceived by his students is called c) reflection.

49. A causal explanation by a teacher of a student's actions by attributing feelings, thoughts, motives of behavior to him is called

a) identification

b) causal attribution

c) empathy

d) halo effect

e) thinking

Correct answer: The teacher's causal explanation of the student's actions by attributing feelings, thoughts, motives of behavior to him is called b) causal attribution

50. The students' interpretation of the reasons for the teacher's behavior by referring this behavior to social patterns is called

a) identification

b) causal attribution

c) reflection

d) stereotyping

e) halo effect

Correct answer: The students' interpretation of the reasons for the teacher's behavior by referring this behavior to social patterns is called

51. group of students, which has fixed rights and obligations, a normative structure, appointed and elected leadership, is called

a) formal

b) informal

c) a party

d) public organization

e) company

Correct answer: A group of students that has fixed rights and obligations, a normative structure, appointed and elected leadership, is called a) formal

52. A student's conformity is manifested in his external agreement with the opinion of his study group, while internally agreeing with him

Correct answer: The student's conformity is manifested in his external agreement with the opinion of his study group, with internal disagreement with him b) disagreement

Correct answer: In accordance with the theory of the phased formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Galperin), the third stage is b) external action, loud speech

Correct answer: Signs of students learning are: a) awareness of facts, rules, concepts; b) willingness to retell the material in your own words; c) formulating rules, concepts; d) willingness to give examples to specify the conclusions, generalizations; e) application of the material in practice

Training in the process of physical education provides one of its sides - physical education, which is understood as “systemic mastering by a person of rational ways to control his movements, acquiring in this way the fund of motor skills, skills and related knowledge necessary in life” (L.P. Matveev , 1983).

In the process of physical education, students are taught various motor actions in order to develop the ability to control their movements, as well as to learn the laws of their body movements. They also teach the correct execution of movements used as general developmental exercises to control physical development. And finally, students are taught the technique of motor actions necessary in work, everyday life or in sports training.

When mastering the technique of any motor action, the ability to perform it first arises, then, as further deepening and improvement, the skill gradually turns into a skill.

Skill and skill differ from each other mainly in the degree of their mastery, i.e. methods of control from the side of human consciousness.

Motor skill- this is such a degree of mastery of a motor action, in which the control of movements occurs with the active role of thinking.

The ability to perform a new motor action arises on the basis of the following prerequisites: the necessary amount of knowledge about the technique of action; the presence of motor experience; a sufficient level of physical fitness, with creative thinking in the process of controlling movements.

Characteristic features of motor skills are:

– Movement control is non-automated.

– The student's mind is loaded with the control of every movement.

- Low speed of action.

- The action is performed uneconomically, with a significant degree of fatigue.

– Instability to the action of confounding factors.

– Instability of results of action.

The role of motor skills in physical education can be different. In some cases, skills are brought to skills, if it is necessary to achieve perfect mastery of the technique of motor action. In other cases, motor skills are developed without their subsequent translation into skills. In this case, they are, as it were, auxiliary. So, for example, in a number of cases, the material of the school program on physical culture can be assimilated precisely at the level of skill.

Motor skills are of great educational value, since the main thing in them is active creative thinking, aimed at the analysis and synthesis of movements.

Further improvement of the motor action with multiple repetition leads to its automated execution, i.e. skill becomes skill. This is achieved by constant refinement and correction of movement. As a result, there is a unity, stability of movement, and most importantly, an automated nature of traffic control.

motor skill- this is such a degree of mastery of a motor action, in which the control of movements occurs automatically (i.e. with minimal control from the side of consciousness).

With skill, consciousness is directed mainly to the key components of the action: the perception of a changing environment and the final results of the action. So, those involved focus their attention while running mainly on speed control; when moving on skis - on changing the terrain.

Rice. 2.4. Characteristic features of motor skills and skills and the transition of skill into skill (Maznichenko, 1984).

The effectiveness of the learning process, the duration of the transition from skill to skill level depend on:

1) motor talent (a complex of abilities for several types of activity) and motor experience of the student (the richer the motor experience, the faster new movements are formed);

2) the age of the student (children master movements faster than adults);

3) coordination complexity of a motor action (the more complex the technique of movement, the longer the learning process);

4) professional skills of the teacher;

5) the level of motivation, consciousness, activity of the student, etc.

Pedagogical and Developmental Psychology

001. To the concepts characterizing certain types of the age of the individual,
does not apply age:

  1. pedagogical
002. Psychological age" indicates the following characteristic
individual development:

  1. chronological age not a factor in mental development.:

  1. drinking water quality
004.The leading activity of preschool children is:

  1. role-playing game
005. Psychological neoplasms of preschool age include:

  1. the formation of a hierarchy of motives for activity
006.The leading activity of primary school age is:

  1. educational activity
007. The psychological neoplasms of primary school age include:

  1. ability to plan one's own behavior
008.The leading activity of adolescence is:

  1. intimate and personal communication with peers
009.Psychological neoplasms of adolescence include:

  1. self-consciousness of the individual
010. presenteractivityyouthfulage is:

  1. educational and professional activities
011.Psychological neoplasms of adolescence include all of the following, except:

  1. mastering the process of concept formation
012. The primary goals of early adulthood are all of the following except:

013.The main objectives of maturity are all of the following, except:

  1. formation of self-consciousness
014. The main goals of old age are all of the following, except:

  1. sensitivity to social assessments
015. Form of genetically determined behavior of a student:

  1. instinctive
016. The automated way of behavior developed in the process of
- This:

  1. skill
017. The mental development of the student takes place:

  1. spasmodically
018. The factors influencing the memorization of educational material are
all of the following except:

  1. reaction teacher
019. The ability to reflect and the internal dialogism of consciousness are generated
all of the following, except:

  1. instinctive programs of behavior
020.Motivation for learning activity associated with the satisfaction of that
or other needs of the student:

  1. motive
021. Problem solving includes all of the following except:

  1. reflections
022. A state of discomfort caused by a contradiction in educational information
tion communicated to the student by various teachers is called:

  1. cognitive dissonance
023. The level of student aspirations is expressed in the desire to achieve
learning objectives of the degree of difficulty on which he considers himself:

  1. capable
024.The action of the student, due to the previous reaction of the teacher, is:

  1. reactive
025. The action of the student, due to a personally significant goal for him,
is an:

  1. motivated
026.Understanding of information by the student proceeds more successfully if:

  1. information reflects the latest achievements of science
027. The level of a student's aspirations for a particular subject
is the degree of difficulty of the goal that sets

  1. student in front of himself
028.The purpose of their activities in an educational institution is the student:

  1. aware
029.Element educational activity aimed at solving one current task by students is called:

  1. action
030.The motivation for learning is:

  1. motive
031. The action included in the educational activity is determined by:

  1. goal set by the student
032. The operation that is part of the educational activity is determined by:

  1. conditions of the situation
033. The transition from the mental plan of action to the external is called:

  1. exteriorization
034.The main distinguishing characteristic of the skill is its:

  1. automation
035.Skill is the ability to perform certain actions:

  1. consciously
036. The specificity of educational activity lies in the fact that educational influenceseffects on the student:

  1. mediated by his attitude towards them
037.An activity driven by a conscious goal to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities is called:

  1. teaching
038. The purpose of "pedagogical communication" includes all of the following, except:

  1. management of informal relations between students
039.In order for communication between teacher and student to take place,a system for encoding and decoding information transmitted to each othertion should be:

  1. general
040.For better retention of educational material in memory, it is important tonumerical, except:

  1. emotional neutrality of the material
041. The development of the content side of thinking does not consist in:

  1. will development
042.Obstacle in mutual understanding between the teacher and the student,
caused by a semantic discrepancy in relation to the expressed information
mation is called:

  1. semantic barrier
043. The perception, understanding and assessment of the student by the teacher reflects
the next component of pedagogical communication:

  1. perceptual
044. The exchange of information in pedagogical communication reflects its component,
which is called:


045.The way the teacher understands the student through likening himself to the student is called:

  1. identification
046. Awareness by the teacher of how he is perceived by his student
mi, is called:

  1. reflection
047. Causal explanation by the teacher of the student's actions by
writing to him feelings, thoughts, motives of behavior is called:

  1. causal attribution
048. Interpretation by students of the reasons for the behavior of the teacher by rejecting
linking this behavior to social patterns is called:

  1. stereotyping
049. A group of students with fixed rights and obligations, a normative structure, appointed and elected leadership is called:

  1. formal
050.Conformity student is manifested in external agreement with the opinion of the study group with internal:

  1. disagreement
051. Process and the result of assimilation and active reproduction by students with
social experience is defined as:

  1. socialization
052. Teacher management of student activity will be successful if:

  1. motivate activity through positive feedback
053. All of the following stimulate creativity except:

  1. providing an algorithm for completing the task
054.To the psychological factors hindering creative thinking,
includes all of the following except:

  1. lack of fear of mistakes
055.Learning activities corresponding to the creative level of the learner

discovery of new knowledge, ways of action

056. Learning Latin after doing English homework
language, the student may experience:

  1. interference phenomenon
057.Two students are always prepared for classes, are not afraid to speak outtheir point of view, ask interesting questions, but among themselvestheir relationship is difficult. Teacher actions for normalizationinterpersonal relationships of these students:

  1. organize their joint activities
058.Once, in the presence of the whole group, the teacher said to the student:"You are mediocre, you have nothing to do in our medical school, find yourself something simpler." What communication error did the teacher make?

  1. extension of academic assessment to a public assessment of the student's personality!
059.The teacher has a strong relationship of trust with
student group. Students are not afraid to ask questions; if not
ready for work - can honestly admit it. About what skills
the submitter in question in this case?

  1. communicative
060.The teacher in the classroom makes a lot of comments to students, never
who is not praised. At the same time, he talks a lot, often digressing from the topic. Which
side of the process of communication with students is violated?

  1. communicative
061. To one of the second-year student groups from academic leave
came new. The girl keeps to herself, although in the previous
group (before academic leave) was the leader. What should be the tactics
dagogic communication of the teacher in this case?

  1. more often include the girl in joint activities with others
062.The student is inactive in the classroom, keeps to himself. However, on the back
the questions asked are answered fully and extensively. If the teacher
corrects or supplements it, the student begins to get very worried, old
It is necessary to explain what prevented him from preparing for the lesson. What mochi
Can you be the leader in this student's learning activities?

  1. failure avoidance
063.The student studies mainly at "3", often skips classes,
the dents of the group shun him. At recess, he is in contact with
dents from another group. What should be the tactics of pedagogical
communication between the teacher and the student?

  1. find a reference group among other student groups (offer to join it)
064. Educational psychology is the study of all of the following except:

  1. age dynamics of the human psyche
065. The external structure of educational activity includes everything except:

  1. motivation
066.All of the following affect learning motivation except:

  1. academic discipline programs
067.The internal motivations for learning activities include the following motivations:

1. Specificity of the subject

068. Motivation includes all of the following except:

  1. action
069.Teacher communication errors include:

  1. organization of rivalry between students
070.It is an integral part of training and has three main types - preliminary, current, final:

  1. the control
071. Expressive abilities of the teacher- This:

  1. the ability to externally express one's thoughts, knowledge, beliefs through speech and facial expressions
072. The group of pedagogical abilities, which include the ability to
communication with students, the ability to find the right approach, to establish with them
mutually expedient relationships from a pedagogical point of view, on
The presence of pedagogical tact:

  1. communicative
073. The ability to transfer learning material to students, making it available

1. didactic

074.1st year students of the FVSO talked about the motivation for entering the university
institution. Choose cognitive motives:

  1. I always wanted to study only medicine, learn something new about human health
075.Choose an internal cognitive motive:

  1. enjoyment of the process of learning
076.To the psychological factors that determine the success of training, from
wear all of the following except:

  1. information search
077.Learning motivation makes sustainable:

  1. personal significance of educational activities
078. The concentration of the teacher on the interests and needs of the student is called:

  1. altruistic
079. The author of the concept "orienting basis of activity" is:

  1. P.Ya. Galperin
080.Determine the leading type of activity in 2 years:

  1. subject-manipulative activity
081. The period of mental development according to D. B. Elkonin, the leading psychological neoplasm of which is the need for communication:

  1. infancy
082.E. Erickson, which corresponds to the crisis situation "hard work -ability for self-expression»:

  1. school age
083.The crisis in a child at the age of 3 is due to:

  1. restructuring of social relationships
084. A new mental ability that appears in a child at 1 month:

  1. complex "revitalization"
085. The development of cognitive processes, logical forms of thinking, production
free memory, attention, development of cognitive interests, arose
new electoral interests, the first signs of a professional
directions are typical for:

  1. teenagers
086. Relationships in the game in children at 3 years old:

  1. singles
087.Determine the leading type of activity at the age of 7 years:

  1. educational activity
whose neoplasm is the arbitrariness of mental
processes, self-control, self-assessment:

  1. primary school age
089. Age stage of mental development according to the epigenetic concept
E. Erickson, which corresponds to the crisis situation of "trust-underestimation

  1. infancy
090. The period of mental development according to D.B. Elkonin, leading psychologist
whose neoplasm is the need for social
significant activities:

  1. primary school age
091.Stage of mental development and age according to the epigenetic conceptE. Erickson, which corresponds to the crisis situation of independence:

  1. early childhood
092. Relationships in the game of children aged 5 years:

  1. short-term association
093. Determine the leading type of activity at the age of 15:

  1. studies
094.Stage of mental development and age according to the epigenetic conceptE. Erickson, which corresponds to the crisis situation of "identity -role uncertainty»:

  1. teenage years
095. Relationships in the game in children at 2 years:

  1. disorganized behavior
096. Age according to the classification of J. Piaget, which corresponds to a period of
chalk of practical intelligence:

  1. 2 years
097. The main categories of mental development according to L.S. Vygotsky:

  1. all of the above
098. The leading activity in early childhood is:

  1. object manipulation

099. A psychological neoplasm in the process of development, which isThe essence of each age stage is all of the following, except:

  1. mental development disorders
100.The basic concepts that describe the development process do not include:101. Patterns of mental development:

  1. lack of qualitative changes in the process of improving one or another mental function