Golitsyn Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (GPI FSB RF). Golitsyn Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

The Golitsyn Border Institute is one of the institutions of higher professional education under the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Officers with higher professional education are trained here. The security agencies recruit and send citizens for training at the State Institute of Civil Engineering, and in the future they go through contract service along with training at the institute. According to the rules of the GPI, only young men are allowed to enter, while there is also an age limit - it is twenty-two years for persons who have not completed military service and twenty-four years for those who have already served in the army. The selection here is strict - along with entrance tests, all candidates undergo a special test: an assessment of the level of physical readiness, psychological examination and selection, security checks, and the procedure for admitting to state secrets. Only candidates who successfully pass the screening are allowed to enter.

About the university

  • Type of educational institution: State
  • Founded in 1930
  • License for educational activities: No. 1073 dated 04/05/2011.
  • Certificate of state accreditation: No. 1436 dated February 10, 2012.
  • Form of study: Full-time, Correspondence
  • Type of training: Free

The Golitsyn Institute trains, first of all, officer cadres - and for this, an appropriate teaching staff is needed. Two-thirds of the teachers of the Institute have academic titles and degrees, and this says a lot about the quality of teaching and the rich experience and knowledge that is transferred to the cadets of the Institute. The technical support of the educational process is very developed in the State Institute of Education: there are display classes, special lecture halls, and language rooms. It also has its own printing base - on it the Institute produces its printed materials: methodological, educational and even entertaining and informational. Each group has its own classroom for the training period, which has all the necessary equipment. For the practical experience of cadets, the university has special gyms where you can learn how to drive special vehicles or aim from standard weapons. These skills can then be consolidated in practical exercises - they take place on training tactical fields. During the classes, cadets learn shooting, the use of military equipment, leadership and coordinated actions during military operations. The acquired knowledge and skills students can apply and improve during practice in the border agencies, which are organized annually by the SPI. The best cadets of the university are awarded scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, regional and other scholarships. The GPI FSB of the Russian Federation has a branch in the city of Stavropol, which trains ensigns.

Levels and directions of training

Program Specialist:

  • Border activity
  • Psychology of official activity
  • Legal support of national security

Bachelor's degree in the areas:

  • Jurisprudence
  • Border Management


Adjuncture on specialties: Theory and methodology of training and education; Theory and methodology of vocational education; Labor psychology, engineering psychology, ergonomics; Social Psychology.


Preparatory fees.

Hostel provided.

There is a military department

A higher educational institution - the Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of Russia - for admission in 2017 provides a clearly defined sequence of actions. The main base of the Institute is located in the city of Golitsino, and in the south of Russia, in Stavropol - its branch.

The Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of Russia at the main base in Golitsino prepares:

  • Officers under the higher education program (training period 5 years) with specialization in border work with the assignment of the rank - Lieutenant - after graduation.
  • Military specialists of the border service under the program of secondary specialized education (duration of study 2 years) with the assignment of the rank of Ensign.
  • The Institute also provides full-time and part-time training of highly qualified teachers for vocational training and education of the student body.
Male candidates are accepted for full-time training: citizens of the Russian Federation who have not completed military service from 16 to 22 years old and citizens of the Russian Federation up to 24 years old who have already served or are undergoing military service or contract service. The specified age threshold is determined by the date of enrollment for training. Indeed, in the period from 1997 to 2001, girls were admitted to the Institute.

To submit documents, documents on secondary general or secondary vocational education are required. Those who already have a higher education are not accepted for training.

According to the admission rules, candidates are first selected by the FSB agency according to the same rules that are used to select them for contract service in the FSB agencies. The candidate fills out a report (application for admission), which indicates the preparatory direction and the chosen specialty.

To study candidates, the FSB bodies carry out:

  • Psychological polygraph test (required),
  • Checking physical fitness, the level of which is determined by the standards in each individual physical exercise.
  • Medical examination by the military medical commission at the place of residence or service (preliminary). The results of analyzes and examinations and the data of the outpatient card of the candidate from childhood are taken into account. The final medical examination, which determines the "suitability" or "unfitness" of the candidate, is carried out directly at the Institute or its branch.
  • A number of other measures (including those related to the provision of their own security bodies) designed to determine the suitability of candidates and the expediency of sending them to study at the Golitsyn Border Institute.
On the basis of the inspection carried out, the FSB sends the candidate's personal file to the Institute, indicating the results of the Unified State Examination in general subjects. Not later than May 25 of the current year, the personal file must be in the educational institution.

To organize entrance examinations at the Institute, a selection committee is created, it is led by the head of the Institute. The commission examines the personal files of candidates for compliance and, based on the results, sends information on the admission of candidates to the exams:

* for full-time applicants - until June 12,
* for those entering the correspondence department - until July 17.

Examinations are held: for full-time education from July 3 to 21, for correspondence department from August 7 to 18.

If the candidate is already a member of the military at the time of admission, he is given leave to pass all exams for ten days.

All candidates arriving for the entrance examinations must bring with them:

  • Birth certificate,
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation,
  • Order from the FSB,
  • Military ID,
  • vaccination certificate,
  • Medical policy (CHI),
  • Certificate of education (original),
  • Sports uniform.
For military candidates, you additionally need:
  • Order from the military unit,
  • Certificates: money, food, clothing.
  • Documents for the return journey (for contract servicemen).
  • A set of military uniforms (and you will need to go to the exams in civilian clothes).
For admission, the results of the USE are important, depending on the specialty - in the Russian language, social studies, history, mathematics. The results of the exam are considered valid for four years from the date of receipt. In addition, the Institute has the right to conduct entrance written examinations for those who have a secondary vocational education and for those who received a general secondary education in the Crimea and Sevastopol. Also, the Institute conducts exams of increased complexity in history, social studies, biology, physical education for admission to full-time education under the programs "Borderline Activities", "Psychology of Service Activities", "Legal Support of National Security" and for admission to the correspondence department under the program "Jurisprudence" . Written exams in the Russian language and mathematics take 4 hours without a break, in history, social studies - 3 hours without a break.

The physical education exam includes:

  • Pull-ups on the bar (grip from above),
  • Running 100 m and 3 km from a high start.
According to the results of the Unified State Examination, the results of additional exams and tests, the candidate gains a sum of points, on the basis of which admission and enrollment are carried out on a competitive basis. Approximately 10% of the total number of enrolled is allocated as a quota for veterans - combatants, orphans, children left without parental care. Also, the priority for admission remains with the winners of the Olympiads in the relevant subjects.

For admission to secondary vocational training programs, entrance exams are not provided, if the submitted reports - applications exceed the number of places, a competition is held based on the results of the Unified State Examination (priority is the Russian language).

During all examinations, candidates are prohibited from using any technical means.

It is not allowed to retake entrance exams.

Based on the results of the entrance examinations, no later than the next day, the candidate may file an appeal, the decision of the appeal commission is no longer subject to revision.

Frequently asked Questions:

1. Is it possible for a girl to enter your educational institution? If so, what specialties do girls take?


The Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of Russia does not recruit females for training.

2. What documents need to be prepared for admission to the State Institute of the Federal Security Service of Russia?


According to the order of the FSB of Russia dated May 20, 2014 No. 277 “On approval of the Instruction on the procedure and conditions for the admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to educational organizations of the FSB of Russia”, applications (reports) for admission to study at educational organizations of the FSB of Russia are submitted no later than March 1 of the year receipts:

citizens of the Russian Federation, including those who have completed military service - to the security agency at the place of residence;

citizens of the Russian Federation residing on the territory of closed military camps, closed administrative-territorial formations - to the security body in the troops;

military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in security agencies - to the head, head of the security agency;

servicemen undergoing military service by conscription or under contract in other federal executive bodies - to the security body in the troops at the place of military service.

The application (report) indicates the names of the educational organization of the FSB of Russia and the training stream for which the candidate expressed a desire to enter.

Attached to the application (report) are:

a) a completed and signed application form;

b) an autobiography written by hand in free form;

c) duly certified copies of documents on the birth, marriage (dissolution of marriage), education of the candidate;

d) duly certified copies of documents on birth, marriage (dissolution of marriage), death of close relatives of the candidate;

e) certificate of current academic performance at the time of submission of documents (for students);

f) reference from the place of study (service or work), certified by the seal of the relevant institution or organization;

g) six photographs (without a headdress, 4.5 x 6 cm in size, on matte paper, without a corner);

h) a copy of the medical insurance policy;

i) copies of documents confirming the candidate's right to benefits upon admission to an educational institution;

j) a copy of the financial and personal account and an extract from the house book from the place of residence;

k) for those entering the training streams of medical specialists - a certified copy of the record book for seven semesters of study, a certificate of payment for tuition for eight semesters (for students on a paid basis).

3. Can I enter the Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of Russia with an incomplete higher education? Do I need to take the exam?


You have the right to enter the Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of Russia, because. do not have higher education.

You must take the exam if you do not belong to the following categories of candidates:

Having a secondary vocational education;

Having a secondary (complete) general education received in educational institutions of foreign states.

These citizens have the right to take entrance examinations instead of the USE at the Institute.

4. Do I need a certificate issued after graduating from the 11th grade of secondary school upon admission?


A certificate of secondary (complete) general education (original) must be submitted upon arrival to the selection committee as evidence of the level of education received.

5. Where can I find admission test tickets to prepare well?


Tickets for passing an additional profile test contain tasks of various levels of complexity for applicants for higher (more difficult level) and secondary (less difficult level) vocational education programs, they are drawn up in accordance with the volume of the school curriculum and cannot be obtained in advance.
Exam ticket structure

6. Is there a recruitment for a second higher education or master's degree?


The Institute does not recruit persons from among civilian youth for higher education educational programs if they have a higher education.

7. I will turn 24 this year, can I enter the educational organizations of the FSB of Russia?


For training in educational about the FSB of Russia are accepted:

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have not completed military service - aged 16 to 22 inclusive;

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have completed military service, and military personnel who are doing military service by conscription or under a contract - until they reach the age of 24 years. Age is calculated on the date of enrollment for training.

8. My son is in the 11th grade and is preparing to enter the GPI FSB of Russia. He has a slight vision problem. Please inform about the possibility of his admission to the Institute.


For issues of visual impairment, please read the Order of the Federal Security Service of Russia dated January 29, 2015 No. 39 “On approval of the requirements for the state of health of citizens entering military service under a contract with the federal security service, military personnel of the federal security service, undergoing military service under the contract, to the types of service activities, the requirements for the state of health of certain categories of citizens entering military service under a contract with federal security service bodies, military personnel of federal security service bodies undergoing military service under a contract, whose military service is associated with special conditions, and members their families, citizens and military personnel entering the educational organizations of the FSB of Russia, and lists of additional mandatory diagnostic tests, which are publicly available on the Internet.

9. When is the Open House held at the Institute?


An open day at the Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of Russia is held annually on the last Sunday of April.

The Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation, in New Peterhof, opened in 1930. Then in the USSR there was no such educational institution where professionals would be trained to work in the special services, and it was the Golitsyn Institute that laid the foundation for the creation of similar institutions in Moscow, Kharkov, Leningrad and other cities of the Soviet Union.

Institute specifics

Now future officers who plan to link their lives with service in the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the security agencies of the Russian Federation are undergoing intensive training at the institute. In addition to the military specialty, students here also receive one of the civilian ones; at the Golitsyn Institute, you can choose a course in psychology or jurisprudence. The term of study is five years, after defending a thesis and successfully passing state exams, each student receives a state diploma, which indicates the receipt of higher education and the assignment of a lieutenant rank.

Learning Restrictions

Only male students who are citizens of the Russian Federation and have received a complete secondary education can study at the Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation. For admission, the applicant must present all the necessary medical documents, which will reflect the applicant's suitability for military service and his moral stability. Only physically and mentally healthy men can apply for study at this Higher Educational Institution. In addition, there are some age restrictions. Young people over 16 and under 22 years of age are allowed to study, if they have not yet completed military service. If we are talking about applicants who have already completed conscription service, then here the age limits are shifted to 24 years old inclusive. This also applies to those who at the time of admission are in contract or conscription service.

Subjects in entrance exams

Each applicant who wants to enroll in the Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation must pass a series of entrance exams. This is the History of Russia, the Russian language and social science.

Benefits for admission

For applicants of the Golitsyn Border Institute, there are a number of benefits for admission. Thus, the simplified admission system is valid for sports medalists and medalists, as well as for school graduates who have received a gold medal for education. There are also social benefits that apply to orphans, children of a disabled parent, children whose parents served in combat conditions and for other privileged categories of citizens if they have a certificate of secondary education and positive grades. Such applicants become students of the institute out of competition.

Contact details of the Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation

Finding the Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation is quite simple. It is located at:

  • 143043 Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, Golitsino, Mozhayskoye highway, .75.

You can find out how to get there and other detailed information on the official website of the Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB. For clarification of any questions, you can call the numbers listed on the site.

Official website of the Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation:

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