Artist from Google: neural networks have learned to paint pictures.

The moon is the closest and most mysterious satellite of our planet at the present time. There is much about the Moon that modern science cannot explain. For example, the fact that the Moon is always turned to us on one side, that the relief of the invisible part of the Moon is radically different from the opposite, as if these are two completely different celestial bodies that formed at different times. But the Earth did not always have one moon, as it does now.
The Slavic-Aryan Vedas and other ancient sources say that the Earth originally had two moons. This is a small moon - Lelya and a large one - the Month. Lelya revolved around the Earth with a period of revolution of 7 days. The month had a circulation period of 29.5 days. The moons were gravitationally stabilizing satellites of our planet, allowing us to maintain the necessary eccentricity of the orbit, slowing down or accelerating its rotation. Thus, the length of the year and the number of days in a month were precisely regulated. But the moons were also the perfect springboard for invasion and takeover of the planet. Such events are narrated in the Vedas.

More than 150,000 years ago, another stellar battle was going on in our galaxy. It also touched our solar system. A grandiose battle broke out for the possession of the planet Phaethon. The planet Phaethon had two moons: Fatta and Letitia. Fatta was a larger satellite of Phaethon and border forces were stationed on it to repel a possible attack. However, the enemies managed to capture Letizia as a springboard for striking. It was decided to move (teleport) Phaethon through the other world to another star system along with the population. After that, a powerful blow was dealt to Letizia. There was a colossal explosion and Letitia was destroyed. However, the explosion was so powerful that it blew away most of the atmosphere from Mars and from several moons of Jupiter, which were located on the side of Phaethon. After these events, the moon Fatta became the third satellite of the Earth. Month and Lelya were in their orbits and Fatta was placed between them. Fatta rotated in the equatorial plane of the earth. Due to the fact that Fatta was not much smaller than the Moon, and had a high rotation speed, under the influence of Fatta and the Earth, Lelya acquired an egg-shaped shape. Due to the rotation of three moons around the Earth, its climate began to change, new species of plants and animals appeared. (In astrological calculations, in addition to the Moon, so-called "fictitious planets" are still used: the Black Moon - Lilith (Lelya) and the White Moon - Selena (Fatta)).

About 112,000 years ago, the moon Lelya was captured and significant forces were concentrated on it by enemies. (In the Vedas they are called "Koshchei - the rulers of the grays." Here the fantastic story of the Strugatsky brothers "It's hard to be a god" and the film of the same name by Alexei German come to mind). There is a real threat of the capture of the Earth. Then Tarkh Perunovich (Curator and patron of Russia) was forced to destroy the moon Lelya along with all the enemies on it. The blow was dealt at the moment when Lelya and Month were on one side of the earth, and Fatta on the other. Moreover, the Moon was already ahead of Lelya in its movement in orbit. Since it was the closest moon to us, unfortunately, disaster could not be avoided. The fragments of the destroyed moon, for the most part, flew into space beyond the orbit of the Moon, causing destruction on it and removing the atmosphere from it, and several large fragments fell to Earth. This caused the first global flood and, consequently, the first ice age in the history of the Earth. Because of this, the northern continent of Daaria (Arctida, Hyperborea), where the main population of the Earth lived at that time, sank into the depths of the ocean. Since there were 50 salty seas on Lela and it had its own atmosphere, the waters of the Arctic Ocean became salty (before that they were fresh). Not only the appearance of the Earth has changed, but also the temperature regime on the planet. The axis of the Earth began pendulum movement, its inclination changed. An intensive shift of continental plates began with the formation of new mountain ranges and land spaces. But people were warned in advance by a priest named Spas, who had a vision during the service, that such a catastrophe could happen. He began to calculate the movement of the moons and found that such an event could very well occur. It was decided to start the resettlement of human clans to the southern territories of the Earth, which by that time had already begun to be freed from water. Daaria was sinking gradually, so over the course of 15 years, people gradually moved along the narrow isthmus of the Ural Mountains to the territory of modern Trans-Urals and Siberia.

More than 13,000 years ago, a new threat of planetary catastrophe arose. She was associated with the highest caste of the priests of Atlantis. They decided to take over the rest of the world. Throughout the Earth, where possible, special psychotronic installations were built. They suppressed people's will, forcing them to obey the highest caste of Atlantis, to violate all the foundations and commandments by which people lived in those days. The response to such actions was the construction of anti-psychotronic installations that blocked the effects of negative radiation. As a result, many people began to free themselves from the influence of the installations of Atlantis, and life began to gradually return to normal. But foreign enemies did not calm down, but decided to destroy the moon Fatta and bring down its fragments on the territory of Russia. For this purpose, the construction of an installation under the GPP (gravitational-plasma gun) began, disguised as the "Temple of Great Power". When the elders of the families of Russia found out about this, at a general meeting it was decided to create a VKR (Great Kolo Rosiniya) system to repel a possible strike. And in Atlantis, in turn, they tried to complete the construction of the GPP as soon as possible. And they almost succeeded.

A simultaneous impact from several installations powered by the force fields of the Earth split Fatta into many fragments. These fragments hit the Earth. All defensive systems on Fatta were instantly destroyed, along with the personnel serving them. So, the system of the protective dome of Russia, put into operation, only partially saved the situation, because not all power plants were completed. And yet, most of the large fragments were destroyed, and some were redirected towards Atlantis. These fragments fell into the sea, causing a tsunami of great height, which swallowed Atlantis along with most of its population. The waves circled the globe three times, causing great destruction everywhere. Many large fragments fell into the waters of the current Pacific Ocean, causing the movement of tectonic plates and numerous volcanic eruptions. The fall of the largest fragment caused a change in the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit. Dust from the destroyed fragments, as well as numerous volcanic eruptions, led to a decrease in the Earth's temperature by several degrees, and to the subsequent glaciation of the polar regions. Thus began the second ice age in the history of the Earth. Civilization was thrown far back in its development. At the council of the priests of many peoples, it was decided to conceal technical information regarding all kinds of weapons in order to avoid a repetition of such a tragedy in the future. After the atmosphere began to gradually clear and nature restored, people who had escaped in the underground temple complexes began to come out of their shelters and gradually almost re-learn the Earth. For the rest of mankind, a new stage of life and spiritual development began on Earth.

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Looking at the night sky, we see one single moon - inspiring romantics and making wolves howl. But, in the solar system, it has already become a rule that the planet has several moons. For example, Jupiter has 67 of them. On Mars, it will pass for moons, a couple of asteroids. Why does the Earth have one moon? And has it always been like this?

Perhaps, billions of years ago, the Earth had more than one of them. Also, this is evidenced by the strange reverse side of our Moon, into which, perhaps, another moon crashed, raising the upper layer of the satellite for tens of kilometers. The multibillion-year history of our planet admits that the moons could appear and “leave”, just as it happens on Mars, which has, though not for long, two moons, the larger of which, Phobos, gradually spirals towards the planet that it can collide with over the next ten million years. And then, as on Earth, only one moon will remain on the Red Planet - Deimos.

There is a possibility that another moon will be “caught” by the Earth in the future, like Triton, which rotates in the opposite direction to Neptune. This indicates that he, having come close to the planet, was captured by it from the Kuiper belt.

The possible “capture” of the moons is also indicated by such an event as a five-meter asteroid, which approached our planet four times in the period from 2006 to 2007, until it finally flew away. Could such events have happened in the past?
It is possible that we still have satellites today, the small size of which does not yet allow us to discover them. Scientists have calculated that celestial bodies, the size of which does not exceed a meter in diameter, can orbit the Earth for hundreds of years until gravity pushes them out.
In addition, there are objects that intersect in a strange way with the Earth's orbit, which scientists do not attribute to the moons, but which are in our neighborhood. In orbital resonance, for example, with our planet is the asteroid 3753 Cruithne. It flies around the Sun in a year, and also its orbit has a fairly large eccentricity. There are other similar objects.

The Trojan asteroid, named 2010 TK7, is the only one known to orbit the Sun in the same orbit as the Earth, but occupies a stable point in space.

It is impossible to say exactly how many moons the Earth will have or had, but today we need to appreciate what we have.

The Ancestral Legacy says the following about the Moons:
Three Moons of Midgard-Earth - Lelya, Fatta, Month

In ancient times, our system of Midgard-Earth had at first two moons - Lelya and Month, then before the importation of black people there were three moons, now there is only one Moon Month. The memory of the three moons was preserved in the legends only in India and Russia.

Three Moons of Midgard-Earth

LELYA is the Moon closest to Midgard, with a period of revolution of 7 days. Ancient legends say that there were 50 seas on Lela, i.e. it was not just a cold stone, but it had its own atmosphere.

111 thousand years ago, the Forces of Darkness gathered on Lele to attack Midgard-Earth and capture it. Dazhdbog had to destroy Lelya with one blow. The elder and younger Edda, Vishnu Purana, Mahabharata and Santii of the Vedas of Perun write about this, we are told about the destruction of Leli and the first flood on Midgard-Earth.

The waters of the moon, that flood created,
they fell to Earth from heaven like a rainbow,
for the moon was shattered into pieces,
and an army of welders descended to Midgard.
Vedas of Perun, Santia 9.
FATTA - the period of circulation is 13 days. Fattu our Ancestors dragged from the Land of Dei. In Greek mythology, Fatta is called Phaeton.

The moon Fatta was destroyed 13,000 years ago. A large fragment of Fatta fell into the Pacific Ocean, and a giant wave circled the Earth three times along the equator. It is believed that Antlan (Atlantis) died at this time. At that time, many people died, so the number 13 became, as it were, terrible, and the name "Fatta" gave a new phrase - fatality, as inevitability, something predetermined.

On the fatal trail of Luna Fatta

Everyone knows the meaning of the words fat and fatal (fatal outcome), but we will talk about the origin of these words, about what connects them. In addition, we will talk about another single-root word - "Fatta" - Luna Fatta.

The moon has always haunted people. It personifies the unconscious perception of the World - the reflection of the Light of the Sun at night.
The moon is given to people so that we can discern the Light in the Darkness. Each of us at the level of feelings, emotions, at the level of irrational knowledge has the ability to distinguish Light from Darkness.

"...and the Light shines in the Darkness and the Darkness did not embrace it..."

Unconscious - means feminine. In women, the unconscious right hemisphere of the brain predominates. And in many cults, the beautiful half was and is the deity of the moon.
Some even have two or three people.
This can be attributed to a special relationship to the revered celestial body, but we can also conclude that there were several luminaries.

Having descended into the world of the past, one can find that two most powerful cataclysms have occurred on Earth, provoked by an external stimulus. These irritants were precisely the two fallen moons.

It's no secret that in Alexandria the Romans burned many dozens of volumes of works, in other countries a similar method of war was also waged - the memory and knowledge of generations were destroyed. And now, in the story presented to us, there is no mention of several satellites of the Earth, but there are descriptions of the fall of the Moon.

So what happened? Where are the other two moons? After all, there were three of them!

Of course, the influence of the three moons created a completely different climate on Earth and the world around us was different from ours. The amazing finds of archaeologists indirectly confirm this information, but now we will not discuss them.

We will look where the sisters of our Month used to live: Lelya and Fata.

Our stars can tell a lot, and there is no need to open books. You better open up to them and they will open up to you.

With a little hand in this wonderful heap of luminaries, you can scoop up such an interesting space object as the Trojan asteroid.

It is located near the Earth, in a stable orbit and revolves around the Sun along the same trajectory as the Earth.

"... These Kashchei, the rulers of the Grays, disappeared with the Moon overnight..."
Unfortunately, there were some disasters.

Our Ancestors lived for a long time in Daaria - a continent at the North Pole of Midgard-Earth.
The image of the outlines of the continent Daariyah is preserved on the wall of one of the pyramids in Giza. In 1595, this map was published by Rudolph, the son of Gerardus Mercator.

The northern country is also mentioned in Scandinavian sagas and Bulgarian legends.

After the destruction of Lely, Daaria was swallowed up by the waters of the Arctic Ocean.

The death of the mainland and the catastrophe were predicted by a sorcerer named Spas, so the Slavic-Aryan peoples began to move along the isthmus formed by the Riphean Mountains (Urals) at the beginning to the region of the Southern Urals, and then settled Buyan Island in the East Sea (West Siberian Upland).

"And when a great revolution approached in the expanses of the distant sky, when the Atlanteans were waiting for the fall of its three moons to the Earth and, as a result of such a fall, the flooding of the continent on which they lived, they prepared for a gigantic flood and built for themselves cities that were supposed to cover ocean with its own waters"
(Legend "DESIGNED")

After a 16-year transition from Daaria to Rasseniya and the flood that followed, the EASTER holiday was founded (an abbreviation of the letters - By the Way of Asa Hodyash This). The tradition that has arisen is to paint and beat eggs against each other, which symbolized: a broken egg is a symbol of the dead moon Lely, and a whole egg is Tarkha-Dazhdbog. He destroyed the Moon along with the Koshchei who were on it, who planned to destroy Midgard-Earth.

Our Trojan asteroid is not a remnant of those distant events, rotating today along the Earth's trajectory...

Here is a description of how it happened..

During the Great Migration after the death of the Moon Leli, the Kh'Aryan Family, led by the Great Leader Ant, reached the Western (Atlantic) Ocean and stopped on an island in this ocean, on which lived Beardless people with flame-colored skin. The island began to be called the Land of Ants or Antlan (in ancient Greek - Atlantis, i.e. Atlantis). On that land, the Great Leader built a Temple (temple) of the Trident of the God of the Seas and Oceans (God Niy), who patronized people, protecting them from the Forces of Evil.

But great wealth clouded the heads of the Leaders and Priests of Antlany. Laziness and desire for someone else's eclipsed their mind.

And they began to lie to the Gods and people, began to live according to their own laws, violating the Testaments of the Wise First Ancestors and the Laws of the One Creator God. And they began to use the power of the elements to achieve their goals. In the battle between the people of the White Race and the priests of Antlani, who, experimenting with the Crystals of Power (with which you can modify torsion fields, the cores of the Moons and Earths), accidentally destroyed the Moon Fatta.

When Fatta was destroyed, a huge fragment crashed into the Earth in the region of the western mainland (America), as a result of which the inclination of the earth's axis by 36 degrees and the continental outlines changed. Yarilo-Sun began to pass through other Heavenly Halls on the Svarog Circle. A giant wave went around the earth three times, which led to the death of Antlany and other islands. Increased volcanic activity led to atmospheric pollution, which was one of the causes of the Great Cooling and glaciation.

In the ancient Chinese treatise "Huainanzi" this is described as follows: "The sky tilted to the northwest, the Sun, Moon and stars moved."

On the wall of one of the Mayan pyramids in America there is an inscription "Small Moon crashed."

Wars and catastrophes are not just something in the order of things, but the natural order of things is the result of our common mistakes. A man becomes a man when he begins to separate himself from the chaos that surrounds him.

Mistakes are given to us in order to learn from them. Our Ancestors have already passed this stage. We just need to realize this and draw the right conclusions.

You need to live according to your conscience, not forgetting that the trace of your mistake goes much further than your life.

The moon is a familiar part of the night landscape. She lights the way for couples in love, controls the ebb and flow, and causes werewolves to appear in horror films. But what if our planet had two satellites? Scientists say: no good.

Take two

Let's start with the fact that our Moon was formed 4.5 billion years ago when a huge asteroid the size of Mars flew into the Earth. The debris from the impact flew into orbit and after some time turned into the familiar Moon. And people were very lucky that at that time they were not yet on the planet.

A second moon would also bring a lot of trouble. Firstly, in order for it to appear, a good block from space is also needed. But even if we skip the period of formation of the second satellite and go to the moment when two moons appear in the Earth's sky at once, there is little positive.

The new moon's gravitational pull would create tides eight times our current ones, with huge tidal waves larger than anything we've ever seen. This will lead to earthquakes and more volcanic activity that will continue for many years and eventually lead to the mass extinction of marine life, which will affect the overall ecological situation. In addition, coastal cities will cease to exist from destructive waves: New York, San Francisco, Sydney, St. Petersburg.

Lots of water and light

When the situation more or less improves, life on Earth will be completely different. At night it will be much brighter than during the day, thanks to the reflected light of two satellites at once. And the darkness of the night "at least gouge out your eye" will be much less common.

True, some researchers are sure that the Earth already has two or even more satellites. The fact is that the planet "picks up" small asteroids that fly by, and they begin to rotate in the earth's orbit for several weeks or months before they again go on a space journey.

Of course, such babies are unlikely to seriously affect what is happening on Earth. But such "colleagues" of the Moon are better than a full-fledged brother who is able to turn our lives around.