How to teach a child to speak the letter R without problems: we help to cope with speech defects and develop the articulatory apparatus. How to teach a child to pronounce sounds at home? Exercises for training complex sounds

Difficulties in mastering the sonar sounds "r" and "r'" are often found in preschool children. Along with reading and writing, many parents really want their child to learn how to pronounce this letter correctly before school. Learning to pronounce the letter P without a speech therapist will help special classes on the correct sound pronunciation.

Pronunciation difficulties: why the child does not pronounce "R"

In speech development, the sound "p" is considered one of the most difficult to pronounce, so speech therapists allocate a large time period for its study. So, a two-year-old child cannot yet speak the letter P clearly and clearly. But by the age of 5-6, it is time for productive results in sound pronunciation.

In what case is the pronunciation of R considered incorrect:

  • When voicing the word “r”, it falls out of pronunciation (caravan - “ka_avan”);
  • In words with the letter “r”, the child changes / swallows the ending;
  • The kid in his speech replaces “r” in words with simpler sounds “s”, “l” or “th” (rainbow - “laduga”, tree - “deyevo”, etc.);
  • The sound "p" the child pronounces with vibration or guttural, in the French manner.

Note! Incorrect pronunciation is permissible as the child's articular apparatus prepares for mastering the sounds of speech. But when 1.5-2 years of training do not lead to an improvement in speech, there is reason to be wary.

Video assistant: learning to say the sound “R” beautifully:

Body Factors Affecting Difficulty in Pronouncing R

The difficulty of pronouncing the sound "r" can be due to many reasons, including physiological ones, which cannot be ignored.

  • Tongue frenulum

An undeveloped frenulum can impede the formation of speech, including interfering with the correct pronunciation of sounds. The child simply cannot reach the upper palate with his tongue and reproduce the sound. The degree of underdevelopment of the frenulum is determined by the speech therapist, he also decides on the need for its correction.

On a note! The frenulum can be developed with the help of speech gymnastics exercises, in extreme cases, surgical intervention is used.

  • Sedentary speech apparatus

Weak mobility of the face and organs of speech can be the cause of poor speech quality in a child. His training is necessary to strengthen the facial muscles. Active movements of the mouth (big smile, lips with a tube, etc.), grimaces contribute to the preparation of the articular apparatus for the correct pronunciation of sounds. The better the speech organs are developed, the clearer the speech will be in the baby.

  • Incorrect phonemic perception

With this violation, the child incorrectly interprets the word he hears (pipe - “here”, pajamas - “bizyama”, etc.). Mispronounced sounds may seem funny to adults, but by repeating them over and over again, the child runs the risk of distorting them with increasing regularity.

  • Disturbed breathing

If air leaks while breathing in the wrong direction, the sounds may not be pronounced correctly by the child. This is especially noticeable in preschoolers, when R is pronounced “on the nose”. The cause (in addition to nasal congestion from a runny nose) may be enlarged adenoids, poor lung performance, problems with the cardiovascular system. In this case, speech breathing is corrected under the supervision of a doctor with the help of exercises that alternate physical and speech load.

Do you need help from a speech pathologist?

It is quite possible to teach your child to pronounce the sound R correctly on their own. But the initial consultation of a speech therapist will not be superfluous. The specialist will help to correctly determine the cause of pronunciation difficulties, as well as offer the best options for the formation of clear and intelligible speech.

How a speech therapist can help a child:

  • determine the specific cause of the child's speech disorder;
  • study the symptoms and structure of speech disorders;
  • will make an individual system of corrective influence on the speech apparatus.

The first visit to a speech therapist usually occurs at the age of 2-3 years, it is provided for in a planned examination before going to kindergarten. Almost always, in conjunction with a consultation with a speech therapist, a neuropathologist examines the child to exclude violations in the development of the brain (dysarthria, dyslalia, bradilalia, etc.).

Learning to say "R": speech gymnastics

Many parents are wondering how to quickly teach a child to say the letter R. At home, the speech apparatus can be developed using simple exercises. At the initial stage of work, speech gymnastics is used. It is she who, in conjunction with the phased production of sounds, will make the baby’s speech clearer.

Speech gymnastics is divided into three groups, each of which is important for the formation of the correct sound pronunciation. Here are a few examples of each type of gymnastics that can be used for difficulties in pronouncing the letter "P".

Breathing exercises

"Birthday". Try to imagine that you have a birthday cake with candles in front of you. Show your parents how you will blow out the candles. Get some air to blow it all out at once. And then try to blow on one of them.

"Snowflake Flight". Put a piece of fluffy cotton wool on your palm and imagine that it is a snowflake. Try blowing it off your hand. It turns out? Try to blow off two pieces at the same time. Inhalation should be through the nose, and exhalation should be smooth, long through the mouth.

Lip exercises

"Fence". Crush your teeth hard. Now open your lips (not your mouth!) and show your white picket fence. Hide it back. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

"Proboscis". Try to show what kind of proboscis the elephant has. To do this, stretch your lips forward as much as possible. What a trunk!

"Frog". Stretch your lips in a smile, show how wide the frog's mouth is.

Language exercises

"Needle". A sharp needle can be shown with the tongue. Open your mouth and stretch your narrow tongue forward.

"Horse". Try to show how the horse clicks. Open your mouth, lift and press your tongue to the palate, click it.

"Jam". Imagine that you have sweet jam on your lips. Open your mouth, try to lick your upper and lower lip with your tongue.

"Swing". Open your mouth, make a sharp tongue. Stretch the tongue first high to the nose, then lower it low to the chin. Repeat the exercise in the same sequence: up / down until the tongue gets tired.

We do “Drummer” and other useful exercises, as shown in the video:

Exercises for stretching the frenulum of the tongue

With a short frenulum of the tongue, speech therapists first of all recommend stretching it with massage and articulation exercises. They can be performed in a playful way, and with the proper approach, the bridle will cease to be an obstacle in the pronunciation of the sound “r”. It should be noted that the conservative method of lengthening the frenulum is effective in children under the age of 5 years.

  • Reaching for the nose

Reaching the tip of the nose is not a task for everyone, but you can hold a competition to see who can reach the strongest. The tip of the tongue should be pulled up as much as possible. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times a day.

  • like a kitten

Has the child seen how kittens lap up milk? Invite your child to try lapping something like a domestic cat. For example, condensed milk on a plate. This is an excellent action for stretching the frenulum.

  • Light massage

Massage of the hyoid frenulum in order to stretch it is carried out by an adult. This simple procedure can be carried out at home, after the speech therapist demonstrates the method of stretching the frenulum with a massage. The child opens his mouth and lifts the tip of his tongue up. With clean fingers (thumb and forefinger), the adult gently takes the bridle under the tongue and makes massaging movements. It is permissible to slightly pull the bridle up. Massage to do 2 times a day for 3 minutes.

Consolidation of the sound "P" in the child's speech

Teaching correct pronunciation at home should be done daily for 3-5 repetitions. Babies under 4-5 years old need to show the exercises by example. The child must clearly understand what is required of him and what the result should look like. Children after 5 years old can do some exercises in front of a mirror - according to speech therapists, this is how automation of the “p” sound works best.

  • Say the syllables
  • Clean tongues

RA-RA-RA (2 times) - I was with the guys yesterday.

Ro-ro-ro (2 times) - lost a rooster feather.

RU-RU-RU (2 times) - the hare hid in a hole.

RE-RE-RE (2 times) - we play in the yard.

UR-UR-UR (2 times) - with Katya we caught chickens.

  • Repeat sentences

- The cow has horns.

- Vera and Roma are playing hide and seek.

The tourists lit a fire.

Fedor is chopping wood with an axe.

Ira has red mittens.

The driver will check the engine.

  • repeat tongue twisters

– Large grapes grow on Mount Ararat.

- A mouse has a crust in its hole.

Three trumpeters were blowing their trumpets.

“After the dew roses grew.

- In the darkness, crayfish make noise in a fight.

  • repeat nursery rhymes

Rowan grew by the river,

And the river flowed - rippled.

middle depth,

There was a fish walking around.

This fish is the fish king,

It's called "minnow".

There is a hill in the yard

Under the hill is a mink.

There is a mole in this mink

Guards the mink.

Yegor walked through the yard,

He carried an ax to mend the fence.

You can also teach the pronunciation of "r" at home with the help of children's literature. For the exercise you will need books with illustrations. Ask the child to name the pictured object, the name of which contains the letter P. These can be: chamomile, cancer, shirt, rocket, robot, drum, brand, steam locomotive, pipe, map, pyramid, etc.

We teach a child to say the sound "R" at home - what to take note of

Exercises for classes with a child are very simple, but, nevertheless, at first they can be difficult. If you decide to practice on your own, be patient and persistent in the process of mastering the pronunciation of the letter R. Remember - even small but regular speech training can bring results.

Here are some helpful tips for learning to pronounce sounds:

  • in order not to lose the child's interest in the exercises, practice several sounds in sequence. From simple tasks, move on to more complex ones, sequentially. If one of the tasks is difficult for a child from time to time, offer an alternative;
  • use a variety of material to automate and reinforce sound in speech. Alternate in the classroom tongue twisters, poems, pictures with objects, sets of words that contain the sound being worked out;
  • for a progressive result, a positive emotional state of the child is important. If the baby is not in the mood to do it for some reason, then do the exercises a little later;
  • delivered sounds require constant consolidation in speech. Therefore, it is important to be systematic in conducting classes. Make time for the “problem” sound for at least 20 minutes daily.

Burr and lisp in children often cause sleepless nights for their parents. How to teach a child to say the letter r and l? Is it normal that he does not pronounce them? What if it's something serious?

First, immediately clarify for yourself: up to six years, speech defects are normal. The child may not pronounce certain letters of the alphabet (as a rule, these are the notorious r and l), distort words, and use them incorrectly. It's okay, the kid is learning.

But after six, this is definitely a problem. If your child already has school on his nose, and the sounds of speech still do not give in, it's time to take him to the doctor. You can’t do without medical advice, even if you think that you are able to solve children’s problems on your own. The doctor will first determine what the speech defects are associated with and prescribe treatment.

Problems with the correct pronunciation of sounds in children are of a psychological and biological nature.

The first is when the baby cannot pronounce this or that sound because of his own psyche. For example (and this is the most common case), parents all childhood lisped and cooed with the child, swallowing and mangling words. As a result, the baby believes that such a pronunciation is correct, which as a result is reflected in speech. The problem may also be related to the fact that the child either does not know the mechanism by which the sound is produced, or simply does not want to pronounce it.

The second is the biological features of the baby's oral cavity. Sometimes, in order for a child to be able to pronounce letters, it is enough to “cut” the frenulum of the tongue.

If the problem is psychological, it is better to seek treatment from a speech therapist. He will not only train with the baby, but also tell parents how to teach the child to say the letter r and l at home.

Most often, speech therapists, answering the question of how to teach a child to speak the letter r and l, recommend: “Say tongue twisters, rhymes and do gymnastics for the mouth.”

Tongue Twisters

A set of small chants, rhymes and tongue twisters is one of the main elements of the methodology.
As tongue twisters, you can use the well-known "Greek rode across the river ..." or "Karl stole corals from Clara." Or learn together with the baby and recite poems aloud to train the letter "p":

"Fish, saffron milk cap, lynx, fisherman,

Rainbow, rocket, cancer.
No, not cancer.
Then chamomile,
Fisherman, gun, shirt,
Maybe a frame or a handle?
No. Give up? It's a bug!
Under the table she sits and growls"

or "l":

“The milk ran away, ran away, ran away.

I had a hard time catching it
Being a hostess is not easy!


“Grandfather planted onions, grew onions forelock,

The grandson saw the bow, cut off the forelock.
Amazing thing:
Tears drip from the grandson!

funny exercises

One of the elements of learning is that children perform simple exercises to train the sounds r and l.
"Lion". Ask the child to sound out how the lion roars. Let it be loud and long.
"Singing". Let the baby imagine that he is singing before the performance, and sing out loud “La-le-lo-li-le-la-lu”. Repeat about 5-7 times.


Sometimes children simply do not know what the position of the lips and tongue should be in order for the sounds r and l to turn out. Gymnastics helps to understand this, and also trains the muscles of the tongue.

Here are some exercises:

"Snake". Place your tongue between your teeth, open your mouth and exhale air through it.

"Tooth". Open your mouth and run your tongue along the back wall of the upper row of teeth to the left and right.

"Teaser". Open your mouth, stick out your tongue and move it up and down and from side to side.

The lower jaw and head should not move during the exercises.

And most importantly: in any technique related to how to teach a child to say the letter r and l, systematic exercises are important. Only constant efforts can be crowned with success.

A born baby, growing up, growing up and developing, daily pleases and touches his parents with his successes, achievements, new sounds, and then words.

At first, the baby coos and babbles, funny confuses letters or pronounces sounds incorrectly. All this can be quite funny, but if time goes by, and the child still fails to master speech skills to the fullest, then this already becomes a problem, and not a reason for fun.

One of the most common disorders is a speech defect called burr, that is, when the baby does not pronounce the sound R at all or pronounce the sound R poorly. Why this happens and what to do to prevent or eliminate this problem - these are the questions asked by many parents.

Irresistible letter P: the main cases of the appearance of a speech defect, its causes and consequences

Being very small, the child first masters vowel sounds - they are heard in his screaming, crying, humming. Then gradually the time comes to get acquainted with other sounds, as a result of which the baby’s speech is replenished not only with vowels, but also with consonant sounds, and this makes it more diverse and richer.

Parents should understand that the formation of speech does not occur spontaneously - this process is subject to a certain schedule, so you will not be able to teach your baby to pronounce complex sounds if he has not yet mastered simple ones.

According to statistics, R is the most difficult sound to pronounce, which is why it comes last in the chain. Based on this, we can conclude that the child begins to confidently “growl” only at a more or less conscious age.

When Should You Be Worried?

Usually, the sound can erupt on its own at the age of five or six. Such an age limit is set for the sounds R and L. The rest of a healthy and normally developing baby masters by four to four and a half years.

Before this age, it is too early to panic - there is no need to demand anything from the child or take him to specialists.

However, do not forget to engage in the development of the crumbs, because articulation exercises and phonetic complexes, which help to quickly master pronunciation, contribute to the correct formation and improvement of the speech apparatus, give the tongue flexibility and mobility, train breathing and the muscles of the articulation block.

If the speech defect does not go away even at preschool age, then it is worth paying more attention to the problem, and first of all, to figure out why and how exactly the child does not pronounce the sound R.

How does a defect manifest itself in a child and why does this happen?

Speech therapy practice knows many examples of the distortion of the sound R by children:

  • the baby pronounces a sound, but only in some words - most often this is possible in the middle of words or at the beginning, but at the endings R is swallowed or it just sounds slurred;
  • P can also disappear in the middle of a word if it stands between two vowels, for example, in the words “frost” - it is pronounced “ma_oz” or garage - it sounds like “ga_azh”;
  • during pronunciation, it is replaced with another sound - as a rule, with L - the famous “lyba” instead of “fish” or “vines” instead of “rose”, also with Y or Y, and sometimes with a burry G - this phenomenon is called “pararotacism »;
  • instead of P, the child gets a guttural or throat sound - pronunciation with the help of the larynx, according to speech therapists, may be a cause for concern and further examination of the child, since most often this indicates some health problems;
  • in bilingual children, the sound P may turn out to be atypical for our hearing and speech, for example, the child will graze in the French manner or pronounce it with a strong vibration, as in English.

It was previously believed that the cause of difficulties with the sound R in the speech of children is a congenital shortening of the frenulum of the tongue or too short a hyoid ligament, which prevents the tongue from moving normally and fully, and also prevents it from rising high for the correct pronunciation of the sound.

Indeed, this speech therapy problem can be called the most common, but there are other disorders, as a result of which trouble with speech is also possible.

Possible problems and consequences

Let's remember how, according to all the rules, the sound R should be pronounced. Firstly, the tongue must be raised to the alveoli, and secondly, it is necessary to ensure that the passing air stream makes its tip tremble.

If we analyze the problem of burriness or, as doctors call it, rotacism, then you can find that the main snag is precisely in the absence of this very vibration.

Or rather, there is a vibration, but it is not the tip of the tongue that vibrates at all. For example:

  • with buccal rotacism, the cheeks will be involved;
  • with lateral pronunciation - the edges of the tongue, that is, the air exhaled by the child when pronouncing the sound goes sideways, and not forward, as it should;
  • if a coachman's sound is diagnosed, then this means that the lips are involved in the vibration;
  • with a nasal sound, when P is pronounced as if the baby has a constant runny nose, the air goes in the wrong direction due to the fact that the passage into the nasal cavity is not closed by a soft palate;
  • with a throat pronunciation, there is a vibration of the soft palate or a small tongue on it;
  • if a child speaks R in the English manner, this means that there is also no vibration of the tip of the tongue, but it only hits once on the hard palate, which is why speech therapists also call this sound one-hit.

Pathologies such as too large (macroglossia) or too small (microglossia) are also possible.

If the appearance of rotacism is associated with the physiological features of the structure of the child's speech apparatus, then they will have to be corrected with the help of doctors, for example, it is recommended to cut the frenulum at the dentist.

In addition, speech disorders occur for the following reasons:

  • weakness of the muscles of the tongue - this usually happens if the child sucked on the nipple for too long;
  • problems with phonemic hearing;
  • immobility of the articulatory apparatus;
  • problems with speech breathing.

As for the last point, special attention should be paid to it and its importance noted, since it is speech breathing that is a kind of basis for proper sound production. And many health problems, for example, chronic runny nose or diseases of the cardiovascular system, or enlarged adenoids, as well as immune diseases, can violate it and create various “malfunctions”.

Do I need to see a speech pathologist?

Sometimes parents prefer to cope with difficulties on their own, without the help of specialists and doctors. However, it is still worth visiting a speech therapist, especially with a protracted and worrying problem.

First, he will be able to determine why the baby has difficulty pronunciation. Secondly, the speech therapist will select a suitable set of exercises to solve your child’s speech problem, show you exactly how to perform them, so that later you can work with the baby on your own.

But most importantly, a visit to a specialist and an examination will allow you to detect serious deviations at the initial stage and avoid the risk of their further progression and development. Among such dangerous disorders, doctors distinguish dysarthria - a pathology affecting the brain, dyslalia or tongue-tied tongue.

Such serious causes will require additional examination, consultation and treatment by other doctors. If the development of speech is not hindered by diseases or pathologies, but simply by a child with a weak articulatory apparatus or muscles of the tongue, then the speech therapist will advise you to perform general gymnastics with the baby, select exercises for setting the sound P and help bring it to automation.

A set of correct exercises for self-study

If the child's articulatory apparatus is characterized by inactivity, then in the classroom you will need speech gymnastics in the form of a game. It is also relevant for young children for the overall development and prevention of speech disorders.

For example, with kids up to four years old, you can practice using funny rhymes and tongue twisters with the R sound:

  • the famous Greek who rode across the river;
  • about grass in the yard and firewood on it;
  • about Clara and Karl;
  • about piglets and crucians;
  • a cheerful song of friends - “tra-ta-ta, we are taking a cat with us ...” and many others.

Speak with your child simple words that he knows and uses every day: hand, river, motor, yard, game, pocket, cancer, rose, fish, barn, garage, etc.

Cleanliness also help, that is, rhyming lines, for example, “RO-RO-RO - the crow has a black feather” or “RA-RA-RA is an interesting game.” The sound can be sung in different combinations: first in the usual position - "RI-RE-RA-RO-RU", and then in the intervocalic position - "IRI-ERE-ARA-ORO-URU".

Children really like games using the R sound: you can growl like big tigers or lions, shoot at targets with a pistol (“tra-ta-ta”), ride a tractor chair (“hole-drr”). Your main task is to go from simple to complex.

  • You teach your child to pronounce the sound confidently on its own, that is, in isolation.
  • You help the baby to master it in syllables, and then in short words.
  • You try to train him in speech using sentences, poems, tongue twisters and songs.

Otherwise, the child will not be able to repeat a difficult tongue twister or rhyme after you, he will be frightened or closed even more because he does not succeed. As a result, you will be refused further classes. Therefore, you should be patient and try with your baby.

The video provides an example of how you can conduct classes with a child on setting the pronunciation of the letter R.

Exercises for the development and training of the articulatory apparatus, helping to teach the letter R

All exercises are best done while sitting in front of a mirror, and the baby can also hold a small mirror in his hands. Allocate some specific time for classes - it is best to practice in the morning or in the morning, when the child is not tired yet.

At first, each exercise can be repeated five times, and then the number of repetitions should be gradually increased to eight or ten. In total, the session should not last more than twenty minutes.

Do the exercises with your child - this will help him quickly learn what exactly they want from him, and give confidence in the correct execution.

First you need to knead and warm up the articulatory apparatus. Wash your hands thoroughly before exercising.

  • "Tube or proboscis."

We stretch our lips into a tube and hold them like that for about ten seconds. Then we imagine that we are elephants and try to suck in air through this tube.

  • "From a smile."

We spread our lips in a wide smile and hold them in tension for ten to fifteen seconds.

  • "We open the window."

We open our mouth wide and hold it like that, counting first from one to ten, and then increasing the count.

  • "Painter with a brush."

You smile and open your mouth, but not wide. With your tongue, you need to walk along the upper palate, like a brush, towards the throat from the upper teeth.

  • "Clock with a pendulum".

We smile again and open our mouths. We stick out the tongue forward, and then swing it from the right corner of the mouth to the left, that is, from side to side.

  • "Let's raise the sail."

The tip of the tongue must be raised by the upper front teeth on the palate. Its back should be slightly bent forward, and the edges should be pressed against the upper molars.

  • "Teeth cleaning".

The starting position will be the same as in the previous exercises. With the tip of the tongue, you need to walk along the entire inner surface of the upper dentition, as if cleaning or sweeping them, and then rest your tongue against each upper tooth in turn. The jaw in this exercise should not move.

  • "A mosquito has arrived."

We open our mouth, and put the tip of the tongue behind the front teeth. We try to pronounce the sound “Z-z” in this way, then return the tongue back, rest against the upper palate right at the base of the teeth and say “Z-z” again.

  • "Needle".

We stick out a narrow tongue forward. Hold it like that for at least ten seconds.

  • "Little Cup"

Opening your mouth, you need to reach the upper teeth with your tongue, but do not touch them. At the same time, the tongue bends and is shaped like a cup.

  • "We start the motor."

The thumb should be placed under the tongue and moved to the right and left, as if starting a car engine, pronouncing the sound “d-d-d”, which should eventually turn into “drrr”.

  • "The cat drinks milk."

We try to drink imaginary milk, like a kitten, bending our tongue.

  • "Who is next?"
  • "A moment of hooliganism."

We stick out our tongue and talk to them like we're teasing.

  • "Bite snake".

We stretch the tongue forward and lightly bite its tip.

  • "The horse runs, runs."

We open our mouth wide. First, the tongue must be stuck to the sky, and then strongly clicked. Make sure that the jaw does not move, but the whole tongue moves. Tsokaya, like a galloping horse, the child will stretch the hyoid ligament and train it. We stop the horse with the sound “tprr”, but make sure that this sound is deaf in the child, and the lips do not vibrate, but simply tremble.

  • "Blows on the drum or the sound of a woodpecker."

We strike with force with the tip of the tongue on the upper palate, right on the tubercles of the front teeth, while quickly pronouncing the sound “D-d”.

  • "Play, harmonica."

Raise the tongue and "suck" it to the sky. We try to open and close the mouth without tearing off the tongue.

  • "It's cold - I'm freezing!"

We pronounce "brrr", but do not strain our lips.

  • "Let's jump with you."

Alternately, we touch the tubercles with our tongue, which are located above the upper teeth, as if making jumps. Come up with a fairy tale with your child about how a cheerful tongue can jump high, so that it would be more interesting for him to perform the exercise.

  • "Important turkey".

We open our mouth and put the tongue with a wide front edge on the upper lip. Slowly drive them up and down, without taking it off the lip. Make sure that there is no movement to the left and right. Gradually try to increase the speed of movement and add a turkey sound “bl-bl”. Then it will be possible to complicate the exercise by sharply throwing out the tongue between the lips and hiding it back.

  • "The wind blows".

We strongly blow on a feather, a leaf, a fleece, smiling broadly and pressing the tip of the tongue to the tubercles behind the front upper teeth. The tongue should tremble so that a dull “trrr” sound appears. Come up with a game for the child in air races, who will blow harder, who will fly the leaf further, etc.

  • "We bake pancakes."

Place a relaxed wide tongue on your lower lip. Flap your lips to flatten your tongue and make it flat with a "hee-hee" sound.

  • "We play hide-and-seek or a curious tongue."

We smile and make the tongue wide at first. Then we slowly hide it in the house (mouth), pressing it against the tubercles behind the front upper teeth. You can call the tongue with the words “ku-ku, show us” or something curious so that it looks out again smoothly and touches the upper lip. We repeat the movements back and forth in a playful way.

  • "We crack like magpies."

We put a wide tongue on the tubercles and blow out the air, pronouncing "trrr". We start with a whisper and gradually move to a loud sound.

  • "My Favorite Drum"

The lips are parted in a smile, the lower jaw does not move. We drum with the tip of the tongue on the tubercles behind the upper teeth, pronouncing the sound "ddd".

When the child confidently masters the hard sound R, it will be possible to move on to training the soft R. Having taught the baby to pronounce these sounds separately on automatism, proceed to the stage of pronouncing them in words in different positions, and also train combinations with other sounds, fix pronunciation in syllables.

The author of the video shares tips on how to teach a child to pronounce the letter P and correct pronunciation mistakes.


Incorrect pronunciation is, of course, not a tragedy, but why let things take their course if you can help your child cope with this problem. Perhaps in the future he will want to become a TV presenter or actor, although a competent and beautiful speech will adorn a person of any profession.

Interesting activities and exercises in the form of a game, your diligence, positive mood and good emotions will certainly lead to an excellent result, so one day you and your baby will rejoice at his distinct growl and victory over this whimsical sound R.

R and L are the most difficult sounds, so children usually learn to pronounce them last. Experts believe that normally a child copes with them by the age of 5-6. By the age of 4, the baby should be able to pronounce all other sounds. How to teach a child to say the letter P: staging the sound P, how to learn to pronounce the letter P, articulatory gymnastics - let's look at all this in more detail.

Why should children be taught how to pronounce sounds correctly?

Many adults continue to pronounce R incorrectly, burr. Is it really important for a child to be able to pronounce all the sounds correctly? Incorrect pronunciation can lead to complexes, self-doubt, problems at school - both with reading and writing, and with relationships with classmates, and in the future - to the impossibility of mastering those professions where beautiful speech and clear diction are needed.

If the child already says P incorrectly, this will not go away on its own, because the correct way to form this sound is rather complicated for the articulatory apparatus. This is the only sound in the Russian language, during the pronunciation of which the tip of the tongue vibrates. If a child has found a more “economical” way of pronunciation, then he is unlikely to refuse it himself.

Variants of incorrect pronunciation

You can not pronounce R in different ways:

  • A common option is when the sound is simply thrown out, for example, the baby says “yba” instead of “fish”.
  • R can be replaced by sounds that are easier to pronounce: L, Y, V, S, G.
  • The child may pronounce R in a way that is not typical for the Russian language, for example, grazing (in a throaty way) or as in English. This happens especially often among bilinguals who have been speaking two languages ​​since childhood, in one of which the R sound is pronounced “not in Russian”.
  • Sometimes children normally pronounce this sound separately, but in the pronunciation of words or syllables there are difficulties.

Possible Causes of the Problem

  1. The main reason is the weakness of the articulatory apparatus. This problem is “cured” by various articulation exercises, movements of the lips, tongue, and not only special exercises for pronouncing a particular sound, but also simple grimacing. If the child actively grimaces and builds faces, in the process of such a game, the tongue, lips, and facial muscles will be trained.
  2. The individual characteristics of the frenulum of the tongue (hyoid ligament) can also interfere with the correct formation of sounds, for example, when it is too short. Only a doctor can determine how much the length of the frenulum corresponds to the norm. If it is short, in most cases it can be stretched with special exercises. Now speech therapists are leaning towards this option, gradually refusing to cut the frenulum, with the exception of individual cases.
  3. Another reason is undeveloped phonemic hearing: the ability to distinguish sounds (phonemes) of any language. This has nothing to do with physiological hearing, that is, with the very ability to hear sounds: the child cannot correctly determine what sound another person utters, and, therefore, then makes mistakes when pronouncing words.
  4. Phonemic hearing develops gradually, communication with parents, reading aloud to the child, and memorizing poems are especially helpful. But sometimes phonemic hearing is disturbed, so the child does not distinguish the sounds of the speech that he hears. In particular, lisping when parents imitate children's speech is harmful to the correct development of phonemic hearing. Children can confuse voiced and deaf sounds, hard and soft, R and L can also be confused with some others. Here, too, the exercises, which we will discuss below, will help.
  5. Improper speech breathing can also lead to the fact that the child does not pronounce R. It can be due to both habit and various pathologies, for example, chronic rhinitis, enlarged adenoids, cardiovascular diseases, immune system disorders. Accordingly, if there are such health problems, they need to be addressed.

Do I need to see a speech pathologist?

You need to contact a specialist if the child has not yet learned to pronounce any sounds by the age of 5, including R. Speech therapist will determine the cause of incorrect pronunciation, exclude serious pathologies.

At the age of 5, it is generally better to take the child to a speech therapist, even if you think that everything is in order - you need to evaluate the baby's speech development. Before the child goes to school, it also needs to be seen by a specialist.

Consultation with a speech therapist is also needed if there are other problems with speech:

  • at 2 years old, the baby communicates only with gestures;
  • at 3 years old, he speaks so slurredly that other people cannot make out his speech;
  • speaks slurred, too fast or too slow at age 5;
  • rearranges syllables, throws them out or adds extra ones;
  • speaks nasally (into the nose);
  • if at the age of 4-5 he pronounces softly all the sounds in speech.

Burr may be the result of some kind of brain disorders, diseases of the nervous system, although such cases, of course, are more rare than simple immaturity of the articulatory apparatus. It is in order to timely detect the symptoms of serious violations and take action, you need to consult a speech therapist.

Even if you want to deal with incorrect pronunciation on your own and are already armed with a list of recommendations and articulation exercises, it is better to go to a good speech therapist at least once. He will determine how serious the problem is, if there are any pathologies in the oral cavity that prevent the baby from pronouncing sounds correctly, and will give qualified advice depending on the individual characteristics of your child.

General principles

R and L are complex sounds, so you can teach them to a child only after he learns to pronounce all the others (hissing, whistling, V, F and others). Until this time, complex exercises will be useless: the child learns gradually, be patient. Particular difficulties arise precisely with the sound R - in Russian it is difficult to form, almost the entire articulatory apparatus is involved in this process, and precise movements of the tongue are needed for its formation.

Please note that saying "pronounce the letter R" is incorrect. What we pronounce are sounds, letters are signs when writing. Even if you just speak like this out of habit, the child needs to be explained how the letter differs from the sound, this will come in handy at school.

  1. Classes with a preschooler must be interesting, playful, even if they last only 10-15 minutes. If the child studies with pleasure, it will be easier for him to memorize and learn the correct pronunciation faster.
  2. First you need to teach the child to pronounce the sound R separately. And only when he is already “roaring” well, you can move on to exercises on syllables and words with a difficult sound. When the child speaks purely P in words and syllables, you can train P in speech, learn tongue twisters.
  3. Classes will take about half an hour a day, but the training itself can be quite long, from several months to a year. Be sure to praise your child for their progress! And the usual "Well done!" not enough - say specifically what the baby has learned today: “Today you learned to click like a horse” or “It’s already possible to make a wide tongue.”

Before offering an exercise to a child, learn how to do it correctly by controlling yourself with a mirror. By repeating after you, the baby will quickly remember the necessary actions.

Warm up

Every workout should start with a warm-up. It includes simple exercises for the lips and tongue.

  • "Brush". The exercise begins with the fact that you need to smile and open your mouth. Then the child should run the tongue across the palate from the upper teeth back (as far as possible to the throat) and back, like a brush. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.
  • "Pendulum". Again you need to smile and open your mouth. Then stick out your tongue slightly and shake it from side to side, like a pendulum. Also repeat 10-12 times.
  • "Harmonic". The child should press the tongue to the palate, as if he wants to pronounce the sound "НЬ". Without releasing your tongue, open and close your mouth.
  • "Brushing teeth with tongue" Again you need to smile and open your mouth. Let the child run the inside of the upper teeth from side to side, as if sweeping them. Then let him “clean” each tooth separately with his tongue. It is important that at the same time the lower jaw is motionless.
  • "Komarik". This is a fun exercise kids love. You need to say “z-z-z” and stick out your tongue slightly. Then again say “z-z-z” and put the tongue just behind the upper teeth. Repeat 10-12 times.

Articulation exercises

They include exercises for the development of the muscles of the tongue, mimic, throat muscles, lips. Exercises are listed in order of increasing difficulty.

  1. Wash your hands before doing this exercise. The way the child puts his thumb under the tongue and moves it to the right and left. This exercise will help stretch the bridle.
  2. "Horse". Invite the baby to click like a horse. To do this, stick the tongue to the hard palate and tear it off. Compete who clicks faster and louder - the competitive element will make classes more interesting for the child.
  3. "Inside out". Ask your child to stick out their tongue and try to say something.
  4. "Turkey". What does a turkey say? Show this to the child - quickly throw out the tongue between the lips to get the sound "bl-bl-bl". Let the child repeat several times. If it doesn’t work out quickly right away, let him try at a slow pace.
  5. Any grimaces with active movements of the mouth are useful: let the child roll his tongue into a tube, stick out, try to reach his nose or chin, bare his teeth, and so on. Children really like these games.
  6. "Coachman". How to stop a horse? You need to tell her "Prrr". At the same time, the lips vibrate, resulting in a labial, deaf sound R.
  7. "Pancake". Exercise is needed for the correct shape of the tip of the tongue when pronouncing the sound P - it should be wide, not sharp. Therefore, you need to learn how to make the language wide. Let the child put a wide, flat tongue on the lower lip, as if on a saucer.
  8. "Curious Tongue". It is better to do the exercise immediately after the previous one so that the child does not forget how to make a wide tongue. You need to smile and put a wide tongue on your lower lip - let the curious tongue see what is happening around. Then remove the wide tongue into the mouth - into the house - and put it on the tubercles (alveoli) behind the upper teeth. After the tongue has rested in the house, you can again take it out to “walk”. You need to extend and remove the tongue smoothly.
  9. "Drummer". Let the child tap the tubercles with his tongue - the sound “d-d-d” should be obtained. At the same time, the tongue is wide, the lips are in a smile, the lower jaw does not move.
  10. "Magpie". In this exercise, the child can already get a sound close to the correct R. How does the magpie crack? Let's try to show! The tongue should be wide, it is necessary to raise it to the alveoli and direct the stream of air as you exhale to the tip of the tongue. First, the child should try to pronounce the sound in a whisper, then louder.
  11. "Motor". The exercise already directly approaches the correct sound R. The child should say the sound “d-d-d”, as in the “drummer” exercise. Now we take the child's index finger (right - for right-handers, left - for left-handers, hands should be clean) and substitute it under the tip of the tongue, making frequent vibrating movements. You should get the sound "drrr". The motor started up, soon the baby will learn to make the tip of the tongue vibrate without the help of a finger!
  12. Ask your child to roar like a tiger: “Rrr!” At first, you can “wind up” the language with your finger, gradually moving on to independent pronunciation of the sound.

Of course, not all of these exercises are done in one session. First you need to master the first five, then the rest. Be sure to praise the child for his success, let him demonstrate them to the whole family!

Phonemic Hearing Exercises

Phonemic hearing disorders are determined by a speech therapist. The ability to correctly identify sounds in speech develops by about 5 years, errors before this age are normal. Of course, these terms depend on the degree of development of a particular child.

Phonemic hearing disorders require the constant attention of parents and a speech therapist, they must be corrected, otherwise in the future the child will have difficulty learning to read, write, he will lag behind in school. It often takes a long time to correct such errors. The following exercises will help to cope with such violations.

  • "Catch the sound." You ask your baby to clap his hands when he hears a certain sound, such as R, and then say a series of sounds, such as: A R T L B C D R Z, and so on with other sounds. When the child has successfully "caught" individual sounds, try a more complicated version of the same exercise, but say the words, for example: MOUTH HORSE SCHOOL MARK COW SPOON. Please note that the sound and the letter are different things, in the word "KNIFE", for example, there is a sound Ш, not Zh.
  • "Correct the word." You call the words right and wrong, and the child should clap his hands when the word is pronounced correctly. For example: FISH LYBA GIBA FISH.
  • "Name the words." In this exercise, you ask the child to name words with a given sound at the beginning, middle, end: R at the beginning - mouth, hand, fish; P in the middle - a cow, a ship, a carousel, P at the end - a yard, an ax.

R sound automation

Exercises for proper breathing

Proper speech breathing is an important component of the correct formation of sounds. Breathing exercises are aimed at increasing the volume of breathing, setting the correct rhythm.

  1. The game is useful for the development of breathing, when air is blown into a glass of water through a tube to make bubbles.
  2. Storm exercise. You will need a small piece of cotton wool, which must be placed on the table. The child should put the tip of the tongue on the alveoli (tubercles) and blow hard on the cotton wool, like the wind. The stronger it blows, the farther the fleece will fly. The goal is to make the tongue vibrate at the alveoli.
  3. Focus exercise. Develops not only breathing, but also language. For him, you need to put a cotton wool on the tip of the child's nose. Let him blow it off by sticking out his tongue and bending its tip up.

Do I need to cut the bridle?

A tongue tie can indeed be a problem:

  • in newborns, it causes problems with sucking;
  • secondly, during the development of speech, it interferes with correct articulation;
  • a short frenulum can interfere with the proper development of the lower jaw, displace the center of the tongue.

In most cases, a shortened bridle is noticed even in the maternity hospital and immediately cut off so that there are no problems with feeding the baby. If the length of the hyoid frenulum is not greatly reduced, you can increase it with the help of exercises. It is to this option that most speech therapists are now leaning.
Whether a child really has a short frenulum, how much it affects the pronunciation of sounds and whether an operation is needed, is decided by a speech therapist. The frenulum is cut under local anesthesia using special scissors or a laser. You should know that after the operation, diction disorders will not disappear on their own, so doctors often refuse to trim the frenulum for children over 4 years old.

It is important to regularly practice with the child the exercises that are presented in this article, this will help teach the child to pronounce the letter P without a speech therapist as soon as possible!


Games for the development of speech in children from 1 to 2 years

Speech therapist for fidgets: 5 games to start speech

Do I need to worry if a child at 2.5 - 3 years old did not speak. What to do?

How to teach a child to speak letters

How to teach a child to say letters without "swallowing" and to pronounce the letters R and L correctly? If your child finds it difficult to pronounce R or L, then a special a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, exercises for the correct pronunciation of letters in syllables and syllables , as well as - useful children's tongue twisters to improve diction help solve this problem.

One of the most common problems faced by parents of a preschooler is how to teach a child to pronounce letters correctly. . Children usually fail for a very long time. correctly pronounce the "tricky" letters R and L. And in this article we will teach you step by step conduct classes with the baby to improve diction and correct pronunciation of letters. After you have carefully studied the methods that will help you teach your child to pronounce the letter r and l, assistance of a pediatric speech therapist the child may not need it at all.

The "difficult" letter P for most kids remains unyielding in development longer than all other letters . As a rule, problems with the correct pronunciation of the letter P appear at a time when baby's speech is just beginning to develop , at the stage of basic formation. Don't miss this time and put it off teaching the correct pronunciation of letters on the back burner so that the child develops the skills to express their thoughts well delivered speech and so that burriness does not take hold.

Teaching the kid pronounce the letters R and L correctly, it is important to organize classes correctly: You can’t overwork the child, work with him for no more than 15 minutes daily;
Teaching the correct pronunciation of letters should be organized in a playful way. ;
The tone in the process of teaching a baby should not be intrusive and must be friendly.

So, with the help of the following 6 steps, you can teach your child to pronounce the letter r correctly:


Preparation for classes: facial massage

Before teaching a child to speak letters correctly Let's give him a massage that warms up the muscles of the face. The baby is facing you, his eyes are directly opposite yours.
massage and we voice all the actions: Slowly and gently stroke the superciliary region of the baby’s forehead with warm fingertips and at the same time say: “That's how much we love ourselves, that's how we tremblingly dove ourselves ...” Then we begin to gently massage the wings of the nose and move our fingers in the direction of the maxillary sinuses, while saying: “Oh, what a glorious nose we have, that’s what a cute little snub we have ...” After that, with massaging movements, smooth the baby's skin around the cheekbones, lips, cheeks and up to the ears, and then in the opposite direction. Speak while doing this: “Sponges, our lips, spread in a smile! Our mouth is a mouth, he is not silent at all! Ears are our ears, you are always on top!


Warm-up exercises

We have already done a warming massage for the facial muscles for the baby. Let's start with the first exercises.

The child is still facing you, the posture is straight and his eyes are at the level of yours.

These exercises will help to strengthen the muscles well. the tongue of the baby and will contribute to the development of forced vibration of the very tip of the tongue.

Ask the baby to alternately reach the lower teeth with the tip of the tongue. , then the upper ones (30-40 times).

Then the baby sharply slaps his tongue over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palate, where the upper row of teeth is located. while pronouncing the letter D. Be sure to demonstrate all the actions so that the baby did the exercises accurately.

Further. Ask the baby to stick out his tongue a little, while his lips are closed. The child strongly pushes air out of the mouth, while by inertia the tip of the tongue should vibrate. In subsequent exercises, the baby will independently learn to reproduce this sound without pushing air out of the mouth.


Basic exercises to improve the mobility of the tongue and consolidate the skills to pronounce the letter r correctly

* And now we will bring more elements of the game into the training . Ask the child to show his tongue - let him relax it a little and chat with it with a sound coming out between his teeth, as if teasing. Then arrange a competition with the baby - which of you will stick out your tongue further.

* An excellent activity that will help your baby learn to pronounce the letter P faster is to imitate the clatter of horse hooves, characteristically clattering with the tongue. Teach your child to click the tongue and ask him to repeat these sounds fifteen times.

* How to learn to pronounce the letter p in a playful way with a proven method? Great exercise - the baby moves his thumb in different directions by placing it under the tongue. At the same time, the child tries to pronounce the letter P (growl, like a running car engine).

* Another good exercise with which in a playful way you can learn the correct pronunciation of the letter P and strengthen the muscles of the tongue. Ask the baby to show a smile by stretching the lips wider and the tip of the tongue"brush" the teeth first from the outside, and then from the inside . It is advisable to repeat the exercise 20-25 times. The lower jaw should not move.


How to teach a child to pronounce all the letters, including R? We continue to strengthen the muscles of the tongue and develop its mobility.

- Ask the child to open his mouth wider and show his teeth . On the molars are the sides of the tongue, and the tip is on the surface of the front teeth. Ask the child to make the tongue "strong" for ten seconds, and then relax briefly. Repeat the exercise with the baby (6-7 times).

This exercise to strengthen the muscles of the tongue will be a little more difficult for the baby. But having mastered it, the child will quickly learn to pronounce the letter r and l correctly.
The exercise is as follows - the baby, as it were, "sticks" with the surface of the tongue to the palate, and then "tears" it from the palate with a characteristic click. Ten times we do this exercise at a slow pace, then we speed up and slow down again (30-35 repetitions at a different pace).

Now ask the child to slightly open the lips and lightly bite the tip of the tongue (15-20 repetitions)

The final exercise to strengthen the muscles of the tongue - the baby blows out the air with force, while the tongue is between the lips. It is desirable to ensure that the tongue vibrates.


And now we are moving from "physical" exercises for the language to mastering the skills of the correct pronunciation of the letter P in different syllables and short combinations.

First, rehearse with your child the skill of correctly pronouncing R in an open syllable - ro, ra.
Then try pronouncing R with hard consonants - etc., tr.
When the baby consolidates these skills, go
to learning the correct pronunciation of words (short, known to the child) with these syllables. These exercises are good. perfect the technique of correct speech and help to teach the child to pronounce the letter r.


Children's tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction in a child.

If the baby already knows how to pronounce the letter P quite well, but sometimes (during a conversation) he "chews" it or pronounces it incorrectly, then it's time to introduce the child to tongue twisters.

Popular tongue twisters remarkably eliminate speech defects , save the child from tongue-tied tongue, contribute to the development of skills in the correct pronunciation of letters and words and are considered the most effective method of "honing" the articulation of different sounds.

If the baby can already memorize short nursery rhymes , then you can proceed to getting to know the idioms . But you need to memorize tongue twisters in stages - first, baby repeats a tongue twister (following you) very slowly. At the same time, the child must understand the meaning of the memorized text. We gradually increase the pace of pronouncing the tongue twister, but you must correct the articulation and diction. Below you will find the most appropriate phrases , with which you can teach a child to pronounce letters, including the "complex" letter P:

Children's tongue twisters to improve diction, the correct pronunciation of the letter P and the development of speech


Before you teach your child to speak letters, do not forget that a preschooler learns the material more easily in a playful way of learning. Sometimes the baby does not pronounce the letter L correctly for quite a long time. There are effective exercises to solve this problem. The method is in many ways similar to practicing the skills of the correct pronunciation of the letter R.

It is desirable to perform each exercise for ten seconds 5-7 times. The whole complex - 3 times from start to finish step by step. (daily 2 times)

Exercise 1

We practice the skill of lifting the tongue up and strengthen the muscles of the tongue.
Ask your child to show you their teeth with a big smile. The child's tongue touches the palate and clicks like a horse's hooves on the pavement.

Exercise 2

We “hone” the baby’s skill to make the tongue wide, developing the ability to quickly strain and relax the muscles of the tongue.
Ask the child to open his mouth a little and stick his tongue out far, and then put it on the bottom lip with a wide edge. Ask the baby to hold the tongue in this position for 5 seconds.

Exercise 3

Now we teach the child to exhale air in thin streams along the edges of the tongue.
Having slightly opened his mouth, the child lightly bites the tip of the tongue with his front teeth and begins to blow, increasing the pace and strength. Control the strength and direction of the air jet with a light feather (do not forget about the game element in teaching a small child)

Exercise 4

We develop the skill of quickly changing the position of the tongue in the baby. This exercise is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the tongue so that the baby can easily and quickly combine the letter L with different vowels - U, A, O, S

the child opens his mouth, strongly rests with the tip of the tongue against the base of the upper teeth from the inside, and then quickly changes the position of the tongue, resting its tip against the base of the lower teeth. At first, the exercise is performed slowly, then we accelerate the pace.

Exercise 5

Now we turn to learning the correct pronunciation of the letter L in words and syllables. Words and syllables ( lu-lu-lu-lu, la-la-la-la, lo-lo-lo-lo, la-lo-lu-la-lo-lu) it's even better to sing rather than pronounce.
After that, open a children's picture book, the objects in which contain the letter in their name L in various combinations with other letters. Let the kid try to tell something about each object so that its name occurs in each sentence.

Now you know how to correctly and quickly teach a child to pronounce "complex" letters. , including the letters R and L. Let's highlight 3 key points that form the foundation in developing the child's pronunciation skills of different letters: exercises to strengthen the muscles of the tongue and its mobility, teaching the child correct pronunciation of a letter in different syllables, memorizing tongue twisters and their frequent repetition (slowly-quickly). If the child does not succeed, do not proceed to the next stage of training, but continue to develop skills in the exercises where you stopped.