How to learn to sharp? A practical guide for those who want to learn not to go into their pocket for a word in any situation. Scientifically proven tips for those who want to learn how to wake up on time Those who want to learn

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What is it like to be able to fly and know in practice what levitation is? Would you like to go beyond and learn this ability? Here you will learn how to do it!

The attitude towards this phenomenon is ambiguous. Why?

Levitation¹ is the ability of the human body to overcome the force of gravity and move in space through the air. It is believed that the ability to fly is something from the category of science fiction. Official science habitually denies the ancient legends about the craftsmen of the past, who were able to overcome the earth's gravity. Especially for skeptics, it should be pointed out that in most cases, old stories, fairy tales and legends are based on real experience. Directly or figuratively, people spoke about what their ancestors told them, or what they observed with their own eyes.

The fact that levitation is found in the legends of so many peoples all over the earth independently of each other can serve as evidence in favor of the reality of this phenomenon! There is also evidence that Indian yogis have repeatedly demonstrated the ability to rise into the air due to their power of thought.

Our consciousness has great potential. And the ability to levitate can also be developed!

How to prepare for training this superpower?

In the described technique, this is of key importance for obtaining the result! The most important thing for comprehending the state of antigravity is the ability to concentrate. For this, the constant practice of special meditation is perfect.


The practitioner needs to sit in a comfortable position, close his eyes and relax the body, every muscle, calm the mind. When he feels that he is almost dozing, in a state of half sleep, he needs to mentally say clearly:

“My World teaches me what I want!”

Thus, there is a request for knowledge from the information field of the Universe. People can access all the information that was, is and will be! These words should be spoken daily for 20-30 minutes until the answer comes. The author of this technique describes obtaining information as follows:

“Suddenly, muddy pictures began to appear in my head, they very quickly acquired more and more clear outlines. In the end, I could see only one picture: it was me, and a strange voice sounded in my head, which said: "Talk to me."

A few days after the “response” of the inner essence, you can start training levitation.

How to do it?

Levitation is a certain state of consciousness; in order to take off, you need to “catch” and hold this state. To do this, you need to be able to communicate with your body and mind, with your soul. In another way, it will not be possible to master levitation - a practitioner can receive secret knowledge only from the information field of the Universe. You need to start small - learn to raise your hands in the air.

Exercise technique

1. Take a comfortable position (sitting or lying down).

2. Close your eyes, relax and enter a meditative state.

3. Then you need to turn to your inner essence and ask her about the appearance of a feeling of levitation. It is necessary to repeat calls and strengthen their tonality until an intuitive answer is received. After that, you need to mentally give a command to your hands to rise up.

After some time of practice, after the hands begin to slowly rise up on command, the practitioner begins to increase the state of weightlessness in himself and tries to lift his entire body into the air. This is how the author of the methodology describes his own results:

“For the first time I felt what levitation was like when my right hand began to slowly rise.”

"It may seem surprising, but after two days of these 'talks', my hands really began to slowly rise and hover in the air."

“At the moment I have been using this technique for about a year and I can boast of good results. Of course, I still don’t know how to fly between the tops of trees, but I was able to get off the ground for a good half a meter!”

Learning to talk to yourself can help with more than just the practice of levitation. This helps to better understand yourself, your characteristics and achieve a variety of goals in life.

¹ Levitation is a mental or physical phenomenon in which an object without visible support soars in space (that is, levitates) without touching a solid or liquid surface.

A lot often depends on the speed of writing - in a few minutes, journalists from a competing media can steal sensational news, someone else's blog can quickly beat the topic with Pokemon GO, the client will choose a more efficient author. And this is not to mention freelance copywriters, whose speed of work largely determines earnings. Therefore, to help all writers, I decided to translate an article by the famous American journalist and writing coach Daphne Gray-Grant, which gives some tips for optimizing the time for writing texts.

Ask a few journalists how many words they can write per hour. In response, you will get something not entirely intelligible, based only on rough estimates. I know this because I recently asked journalists this question myself. Out of a dozen of my friends, whom I know to be exceptionally productive writers, none of them could clearly answer my question. The answers were very different: some claimed to write 200 words per hour, while others - 1500.

The amazing thing is that many of them said that editing the text takes them much more time than actually writing it. Some said that if you give them a hard deadline of 1 hour, then the number of characters no longer matters - they will write text of almost any length and complexity.

We all have our own reasons for wanting to write faster. For many freelancers, it's just a matter of money: the faster you write, the more you earn. Other employers expect you to get more work done in a shorter amount of time. For others, the main incentive will be a book that they want to write as soon as possible, using only their free time.

In all of these cases, as in many others, writers can benefit from my seven tips on how to write faster. Here they are:

1. Clearly Know Your Goal Before You Start Writing

If the customer does not give you a clear idea of ​​the required length of the text, set yourself a goal yourself. The difference between writing 500 words and 5000 words is about the same as between the scorching sun in the south and the chilling cold in the Arctic. Going on a trip, you should know what clothes to take with you? It is the same with texts - without knowing the goal, it is difficult to optimize the time to achieve it.

2. Don't start writing near the computer

Even if you are going to conduct a preliminary study of the topic. Start by thinking about the future text. It is better to do this by doing some simple physical activity - walking, running, and even cleaning the house. Do not wait for thoughts about the text to come on their own - this is not a miracle! Think of a few points that you would like to develop in the text, and start thinking about a possible structure. For example, I think over abstracts for texts on the way to the bank, bakery or post office.

3. Do your research

If you have thought about the structure of the text well, you will know exactly what information you need and how much. It should not be too much so that you do not drown in it, or too little - when you do not know what to write about.

4. Make a mental map

I am a true fan of mind maps. To make the mind map as effective as possible, I advise you to place in the center of the sheet not the topic, but the question that your future text answers. If you're writing about a client's new product and just put "Product X" in the middle, you'll quickly realize it's a dead end. Place the question “Why do you need product X so much?” in the center of the map. Our brain loves questions because they make it look for answers.

5. Group similar tasks

Don't make writing a messy mess of writing, researching, thinking, and editing. It will be most effective to do these types of work separately from each other, otherwise your head will be chaos and you will write text for ages. Thinking - researching - drafting - editing. And only so.

6. Stop editing while writing

This is a bad habit for many people. This is a big mistake, because you do not see the entire text, and besides, you are also distracted by secondary tasks. There are some helpful tips that I usually give to my clients who suffer from the temptation to constantly edit text as they write.

  • If you know how to type blindly, then just cover the monitor with paper . If you can't see what's written there and where, you won't be able to edit it.
  • Use a timer. Run it for 25 minutes and do one task. This will force you not to be distracted by secondary matters and complete everything as quickly as possible. Write for 25 minutes, then you can edit what you wrote. But don't do it at the same time.
  • When writing a text and in doubt about the correct spelling of a word, surname, or some fact, just make special notes in brackets. They will help you with further editing to immediately see the points that you would like to clarify, but at the same time not to break away from writing the text.
  • Use the Write or Die online service. Just set the time and the number of words you need to write and click "Try". If the program notices that you do not write anything for too long, then the screen starts to turn pink - if you do not continue to write anything, then very quickly the screen will turn completely red and the program will start making some kind of annoying sound - a crying baby or a yelling car alarm, For example. It helps a lot to be as productive as possible while writing material.
  • When your inner voice screams that something needs to be fixed, don't ignore it. - just tell yourself that you will listen to all the comments during editing.

Each of us probably thought more than once about how nice it would be to return to the past, but with our current mind and knowledge, and start all over again, rebuild our lives on a reliable foundation of our experience, knowing what you need to learn in life.

Now, of course, we are smarter than ourselves in our youth, and, assessing our opportunities that we had then and which we missed, we feel sorry for the lost time, lost prospects, and the wrong choice.

Childhood is a time when memory easily absorbs a lot of information, skills and habits are formed, and the foundation of our life is laid. If I knew then what I would need in later life, what would become really important for me later! Or at least my mom understood it.

But the past is in the past and we have become what we should have been. However, out of curiosity, I made my list of 20 things I wish I had learned before I was 20. With this, I expressed my vision of how to properly raise a girl, taking into account my experience and understanding of life. Perhaps someone will want to make their own list and start implementing it, since it is never too late to completely change your life.

1. Use the memory to the fullest.
Learning three foreign languages ​​- in childhood, everything is remembered by itself. My languages ​​are English, Spanish and Italian.

2. Do ballet or rhythmic gymnastics.
No, I don’t call for becoming a ballerina, but beautiful posture and smooth movements, as well as flexibility - this will remain with you forever. These women stand out. Already for the sake of this effect, you can spend three years of your childhood, instead of learning scales on the piano, at the risk of earning scoleosis.

3. Love for sports and a healthy lifestyle.
The habit of playing sports should be instilled from childhood, so that at the age of thirty you don’t have to exhaust yourself with diets and force yourself into the gym.

4. Learn as much as possible about a wide variety of professions in order to choose one to which you can devote your life.
When we leave school, we usually know only about the professions that we face - teachers, doctors, salesmen, as well as the professions of our parents. And on the basis of this, we have to make a choice, probably one of the most difficult in life, and the most important. And, what a shame, at such an immature age.

5. Do not stay too long at school and after the eighth grade master the first "basic" profession.
For example, a pharmacist - you will never be left without a job.

6. Start earning pocket money, learn to control your expenses.
The latter is especially important for women. Financial literacy is what should be taught in school.

7. Find your profession and become a real specialist in one thing that will always be in demand.

8. Leave to study or live abroad for a while.
The philosophy of global thinking is when you have the whole world in front of you, and not a miserable piece of not the best place to live on earth.

9. Communicate as much as possible, eradicate shyness and shyness.
Progress is driven by introverts, and extroverts move money. In society, it is not the mind that matters, but socialization! The ability to find your surroundings, to be an interesting conversationalist, to communicate with people who can teach you something is important for becoming yourself as a person and achieving success in this life.

10. Don't take the world seriously.
Some situation can kill, but it depends only on us - to try to see another, positive side in it, turn it into a joke or become angry at the whole world.

11. Learn to control your emotions
Tantrums are considered a female prerogative, but how do they look from the outside? And the ability to panic, over-dramatize simply destroys the nervous system. What seems terrible may soon seem trifling. Read, .

12. Get rid of illusions and naivety
Do not fill your head with romantic novels. Childhood, brought up on the works of Dumas father, was not in vain, and I entered the world, naive and far from the realities of life. Falling was painful. And illusions about the prince on a white horse can be completely fatal in later adult life.

13. Erudite
Learning new things is the most exciting thing in the world. Keep learning and expanding your horizons. It will also not be superfluous to learn how to analyze and systematize knowledge, to be able to isolate and use the main thing.

14. Study: psychology, the art of interpersonal, intersexual relations, gestures and facial expressions, oratory.

15. Discipline.
The ability to finish what you start. Without these properties, success in life is impossible. Any goal can be achieved only with the help of ardent desire and self-discipline.

16. Be flexible, but at the same time have your own life principles and your own opinion.
Being human. Find yours.

17. Learn to speed read and type blindly.
Very useful skills that, no doubt, will be useful in life.

18. Learn to cook.
And not only - the ability to serve oneself or economic self-sufficiency in life is not at all superfluous.

19. Learn calligraphy, write both right and left hand.
Just wondering. Although it is known that the latter develops the brain.

20. Diction.
A beautiful, delivered voice without a talker attracts attention. In addition, it can become a profession. Below is a cute rhyme - a tongue twister in Italian. You can not only work on diction, but also learn a foreign language

Italian tongue twister:
Sotto le frasche del capanno
quattro gatti grossi stanno;
sotto quattro grossi sassi
quattro gatti grossi e grassi

It reads like this: Sotto le Frache del Capanno / Quattro Gatti Grossi Stanno / Sotto Quattro Grossi Sassi / Quattro Gatti Grossi and Grassi.

It translates as follows: Under the branches of a hut / There are four big cats / Under four big stones / Four big and fat cats.

How to learn to sharp?

A practical guide for those who want to learn not to go into their pocket for a word in any situation

Gennady Feruzov

© Gennady Feruzov, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-1688-7

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero


There is no such person who is pleased to experience such negative feelings as shyness, inferiority in any area, infringement of his interests, a feeling of inferiority. And even if one of them is pointed out to him, everything indicated, yet, is not a guarantor of the truth. The negative qualities described above are very often imposed on us by our environment. And, sometimes we are so vulnerable to everything that we are ready to put up with such a position, and continue to go with the flow, and we are no longer able to get out of this cycle that pulls our self-esteem down. Therefore, only it affects all the achievements in our life. After all, everyone wants to be needed, valuable, respected, loved, so that his word is considered. And, unfortunately, not always everything turns out the way we want. Most of us are but pale shadows of ourselves. Because it was not possible to reveal talents, intelligence, resourcefulness due to fear, to be ridiculed, rejected, etc.

This book was just created to solve all these problems, resolving only one - to learn how to communicate with people. In it you will find how to learn how to express your thoughts intelligibly. How to protect yourself, in various everyday situations, from attacks or insults from the outside, without resorting to force. How to become the soul of the company, and learn to joke. And also to win respect and favor by showing yourself versatile and confident in all aspects of our modern life (in public, in a joke, etc.)

There are no psychological techniques in this book and no experiments on people. I will not drive you to the streets and force you to get acquainted with them. I'm not going to make a laughing stock out of you (as in some publications). The methods described in this book are absolutely accessible, easy and simple, which is fundamentally different from other manuals proposed in similar topics. This book will help you, as the author has helped all his experience set forth in it.

Chapter 1: Opening Monologue

Looking for an answer………

Hello dear reader. I am very glad that my book intrigued you, since you decided to buy it. Naturally, why shouldn't I be glad, you think, because of the money that suddenly fell into an electronic account, because for this reason no one has been sad yet. But the point is not only this, I will be, sincerely, happy if, thanks to my book, we call it “a guide to sharpening the tongue”, extracting useful moments from it, the thought will reach you, how simple everything is! And everything you dreamed about, namely: How to learn to behave well in society, how to feel brave, confident, how to gain independence of your views and judgments from outside pressure, and most importantly, how to feel your own significance? You will find here. And the faster the better. This book is just a guide that will open your eyes to many things that you usually do not notice in everyday life.

Well, now I propose to move on to cause and effect. Understand who this book was written for and why. And how to work with it, that is, to use it in practice?

In general, in my head, initially, philosophical thoughts arose that it would be useful to a certain circle of people, for example, those who experience discomfort in communication, as well as those who often and unreasonably inflict moral offense, taking advantage of the fact that a person is constantly lost and therefore he nothing to say in my defense. But after thinking about it, I thought that this circle could easily expand, since this “tongue sharpening guide” will not only help scare off your offenders, but is designed for those who just want to stand out from the crowd, showing originality, flash speech turns. It will also lightly load you with humorous baggage, and will accompany your intellectual development and finally make you become an interesting person with a certain twist. That's basically all the needs of people in such cases. As soon as you choose what exactly you lack and get it as long as you feel the need for it.

Well, I'll briefly tell you why I wrote it. Even in a very distant youth, I loved to analyze everything that was happening around. He paid special attention to relationships between people. Naturally, like many teenagers, I had a lot of complexes. I was not as strong as Ivan Ivanov, then my height did not suit me, since all the girls preferred tall ones (although I later overtook some in high school). Then, the teacher, in literature, she constantly annoyed me with the fact that, you see, in her purely personal opinion, I did not know how to express myself in beautiful words. In general, like most of us, I had a lot to get stuck in the so-called gray and inconspicuous mass.

Since I didn’t have any special physical virtues, putting my finger to my nose, I decided to look for them in my soul. But I didn't find it either. Although, wait, I was a kind boy, responsive to help, polite with old women, helping my parents with the housework. But then I thought it was all bullshit. My peers will not appreciate such positive qualities. And he was right, because when we are young, we are more impressed and excited by cool images. So I imagined myself as a cool dude dissecting on a motorcycle, with a girl behind his back, in short, a kind of highway knight. But as they say, all dreams sometimes come true. Then I came to the conclusion that I do not want to be, like many, ordinary. I longed to be popular. I wanted to be more appreciated, respected and taken seriously. To be honest, I envied the leaders. And I knew that I needed to become the same without fail. But he didn't know where to start. I ran around bookstores, swept books with such logos from the shelves: “Young authority”, “How to learn how to influence people”, “From tomorrow you are a strong personality” and the like. I read it all over several times, but never received an answer. Then he quit and started again. And he wondered how it happens, why some people manage to easily win favor with themselves, while others can only nervously smoke in a corner in gray slippers. And when I fell in love with a classmate, but was too shy to make any moves towards her. Lost her. Giving way to his cheerful and mischievous friend. In general, I lost myself, dropping my self-esteem below the water line. I felt like just a barely noticeable shadow of the image that I embodied in my dreams. So then my attempts to search for clues on how to become confident, cheerful, sociable and enjoy success with women did not find an answer. But I didn't give up. I decided to take a scientific approach to this sore point for me. Taking the mental dummy of his friend as a basis for his scientific experience and decomposing it into parts. I imagined myself as Jack the Ripper of his soul.

Spending with my friend, a lot of time in the same company. I began to look closely at him. How he carried himself, I must say, it came out great for him. He was a reference authority among us. Always amazed by his ingenuity, sharp mind, ability to carry on a conversation. To make us laugh, to colic in the stomach, was the main task of his program. And the girls just wrote with boiling water from his charisma. Once I asked him: “Listen Sanya, how do you manage to present yourself so beautifully to others?” To which he replied: "Yes, God knows." Maybe it's a gift of fate from birth. I'm just confident. I feel bold wherever I go. I say that the first one comes into my head and I don’t worry about it, so it’s possible that my sayings turn into masterpieces at the end.

Yes, of course, then it seemed to me so, it was all about confidence, but how he acquired it was a mystery to me. From all the textbooks on psychology, I subtracted, and everywhere everything was the same, that really, it's all about this notorious certainty. And almost all textbooks had exercises on how to comprehend it. From the simplest, that you need to relax, imagine yourself ala Gennady Vetrov and they say everything will go like clockwork. And then go out to people to throw out a trick, and if the hall did not burst into applause, then the number was pierced. But do not despair, it is worth trying again, you just didn’t relax enough and joined the image of Gennady Vetrov and so on and so forth. In short, everywhere, in my opinion, bullshit was described. And all because no one described these tricks in detail, how and what to do. I had a desire to throw their textbooks into the firebox. Because none of them gave me an answer.

But I continued to dig like a detective. And in the end, he found out the truth. But I realized for sure that such merry fellows as my friend, they themselves have no idea what the snag is. And I found. The only truth in his answer is confidence. But here's how to get to it, I'll tell you in detail in subsequent chapters. You and my friend will be taken aback by how simple it turns out.