How to rationally distribute household chores. Distribution of household duties

The basic principles of how to rationally distribute household chores between you and your husband are set out in the chapter "How to introduce your husband to household chores" . If you use these tips, your work will be much less. Now let's talk about your own routine.

After work, you have at least 4 hours (if you arrive at 7pm). During this time, a lot can be done.

If you can teach your husband to buy groceries, then you will not have to spend time on this. It is optimal to make basic purchases on weekends (the husband’s desire to lie in front of the TV for two days is not taken into account), and on weekdays only dairy products, bread, or what is over.

Don't spend a lot of time on dinner, don't start dishes that take a long time to cook and stand around to stir or turn. Minimum cooking time!

If you are not financially constrained, buy a microwave oven, which will greatly facilitate your cooking, and use convenience foods. Now they are in all cities, moreover, they are domestically produced, without preservatives and always fresh (just in case, look at the date on the package). Some women are against convenience foods. In vain. Spending an hour or more every day preparing dinner not only makes you tired, but also takes away time from your children and husband - you could spend this time communicating with them by putting the semi-finished product in the microwave. And the side dish in it is much easier to cook - pour the cereal with water in a ratio of one to two, salt and turn on the timer for 15-20 minutes, and during this time you will have time to cook the meat.

Modern technology has made the work of women so much easier that men have a lot of free time. (Vladislav Grzeszczyk)

A woman who has all the modern household appliances at home, after reading this advice, will smile: they say, this is elementary, now all civilized people use all the achievements of civilization. Alas, ladies, you are wrong. Everything that I write in this book is based on the experience of communicating with thousands of my patients, and most of them, by the way, live in Moscow, it would seem, an oasis of civilization, and they have material opportunities to purchase household appliances, but they still they live in the old fashioned way, everything is done by hand, spending a lot of time and effort on it.

It's just that some women don't know how to properly organize household chores. Sometimes they "look" for a job themselves, and then feel like martyrs. By the way, reveling in your suffering and feeling like a “victim” are features of masochism.

I have so many chores around the house that if something terrible happens to me tomorrow, I won't be able to get upset until two weeks later.

Women themselves create difficulties for themselves in order to heroically overcome them later.

Sometimes an exhausted woman with neurasthenia (now they began to call her chronic fatigue syndrome) comes in and it turns out that after work she spins at home like a squirrel in a wheel. At best, she has a washing machine. When I ask her why not get a microwave oven (her family's material resources allow it), because it speeds up the cooking process much, she shrugs her shoulders: "They say that some kind of harmful rays come from this microwave ...". “Both I and my girlfriends have been using it for ten years and so far have not found any harmful effects, moreover, the case is reliably protected,” I say. “Okay, I'll try,” my patient agrees without much enthusiasm.

Or it turns out that the old-fashioned woman keeps a large amount of meat in the freezer, then it is defrosted for a long time on its own, and all this time the woman is spinning in the kitchen - there will always be work there. And it turns out that it takes her at least 2-3 hours to prepare lunch and dinner. "Why are you doing this? I ask. “After all, there are now shops on every corner where chilled meat is sold in packages, everything is already cut, all that remains is to beat it off and throw it into the pan.” Another nod: “Okay, if you think it’s easier this way…”

Or it turns out that the woman still uses a conventional meat grinder, although she has an electric one. Why? “My electric meat grinder clogs up all the time. While you take it apart, clean it, then assemble it, and so on more than once, it takes more time, and I get angry when it clogs all the time. It's easier on a mechanical one. “No,” I object. - You just need to cut the meat smaller, and then it will not wind on the screw. And there are models of electric meat grinders that grind anything and do not clog. Do not buy advertised models, but rather consult knowledgeable people. “Yes, I'm already used to mechanical ... - says my patient. - It's not difficult for me. But how difficult is it if she has brought herself to a neurosis, because every day she goes to bed no earlier than one or two in the morning and chronically does not get enough sleep?! On weekdays, she does small laundry by hand (why?!!!), because there is not enough laundry to load the washing machine. Why not gather enough laundry for the weekend instead of messing around with laundry every day?! Why don't you want to buy a dishwasher? It's so easy - after dinner, put all the dishes in it and you are free. “Yes, because of this, my friend’s drain was clogged, the neighbors were flooded from below ...” And so on.

This is the kind of "educational program" I sometimes have to deal with, although the patient came to me with symptoms of neurosis, depression or other mental disorders. And many of them have a higher education and have lived in Moscow all their lives. What can we say about other women who believe that they cannot afford to master this technique ?! That is why I “chew” all these little things that seem elementary things to a woman accustomed to household appliances.

Many women know this. They also know that household appliances greatly facilitate work and reduce time for household chores, and they have money to purchase at least some kitchen units, and when asked why they don’t use them in their daily lives, they shrug their shoulders: “ Yes, somehow the hands did not reach ... "

Why bother with a meat grinder, because a fresh chop is both tastier and healthier than minced meat products ?! And it takes much less time. “The husband loves meatballs…” - the woman gives the “argument”. This is hardly, as everyone's favorite movie character said. It's just that his wife taught him to cutlets. And he probably never tasted meat with blood. Many people still live according to the stereotype of the Soviet era, although now they have the opportunity to live differently. Previously, we used only meat frozen into a stone, and you can’t cook a chop from it. In addition, cutlets are “more economical” - you mix bread, and you get much more products than when cooking pure meat. “It’s easier for me to grate vegetables than to mess around changing attachments in an electric meat grinder,” many say.

And so in everything. “It’s easier for me”, “I’m so used to it”, “It’s not difficult for me”, - but in the end the woman gets tired, overtired, doesn’t get enough sleep, and this is the result - I had to turn to a psychiatrist.

Foreigners, if the husband and wife work, generally spend a minimum of time preparing food. Although you can’t say that they don’t like delicious food. But they are rational people, and many of our compatriots are simply unorganized. For example, many foreigners are quietly surprised how much our women spend on manual labor, for example, on the preparation of vinaigrette salads. But it is quite possible to do without them or buy ready-made ones - now they are sold in all cities.

Many women themselves are looking for a “headache” by making all kinds of pies, pies, dumplings and other labor-intensive dishes, and then complain that cooking takes them a lot of time. As a rule, these are women who themselves are very fond of eating, although they say that children or their husbands love these dishes.

Gluttony, thank God, is not a secret vice. (Orson Welles)

You can devote weekends to culinary delights. And even then it is hardly advisable - for the weekend you have to wash your personal linen (if you heed my advice to use laundry services) and clean up. Yes, I also need to relax and be with the children, talk with my husband.

I assure you, for a normal family microclimate, communication is much more important than your culinary achievements or a perfectly clean apartment.

I always say that the way to a man's heart is by no means through his stomach (this is just someone's joke, which many people took literally; perhaps that is why books that promise happiness to spouses in the title are half eulinary recipes), but through listening, through communication.

The whole trouble is that the attitude towards food among our compatriots, especially among women, is overvalued (which, translated from psychiatric language, means that undeservedly great importance is attached to food). Our fellow citizens love to eat a lot and tasty. Of course, food is one of the human joys. But if we make it the main joy, then, excuse me, who are we after that? Man is still a rational being.

Behind everyday chores, communication fades into the background. “We have no time to talk,” some spouses say. Of course, there will be no time if you turn into slaves of the stomach. And a few years later it turns out that the spouses "did not agree on the characters" - a large number of dumplings eaten together, alas, does not help to find the way to each other's heart.

Eating too much is bad, but too little is boring. (A. Karabichevsky)

If funds allow and if you live in a large city, then you can go somewhere with the whole family on weekends (based on your financial capabilities) and have a delicious meal. Now there are many different places where you can eat fast, tasty and relatively cheap. You can take something with you and warm up at home for dinner. So you will kill two birds with one stone: get rid of the need to cook lunch and dinner on the day off and let the children have fun with a walk together.

A balanced diet in the representation of children: a hamburger in the right hand and a hamburger in the left.

On weekdays, give up washing and cleaning, postponing everything for the weekend. And on weekends, do everything with your husband.

Washing floors is an extremely nasty activity, and especially when the lower back hurts, it is difficult to bend over or “crawl on all fours”. This problem can also be easily solved. Now a very simple and inexpensive device is being sold from a light plastic container (about the size of a bucket), in which there is a special recess with slots on top, and a long stick with a fringed fabric at the end. You don't even have to get your hands wet and you don't have to bend over. We collected water in a container (you don’t even have to carry it with you if you can’t lift weights, and leave it in the toilet or bathroom), dipped the end of the stick with a cloth in water, made several rotational movements in the recess to wring out the cloth, and quickly wiped the floor . You can even reach hard-to-reach places (for example, behind the refrigerator, under the kitchen sofa), where it is difficult to reach with a hand with a rag. The whole procedure of mopping will take five to ten minutes on the strength, depending on the area of ​​​​the floor.

For heavy work (for example, washing windows, general cleaning, cleaning the bathroom), invite an assistant if the financial situation of the family allows it. Surely among your neighbors you can find a woman who does not mind earning a little money. if you know her well, you can leave the key to the apartment, and she will clean up your apartment when you are at work. Why do I recommend these common truths? Yes, because women who have enough money, for some reason, prefer to engage in domomasochism themselves. What for? This is sometimes hard to understand. And then, having lost her health, a woman spends a lot of money on doctors and medicines.

I worked in a commercial medical center, where all the doctors were high-class professionals, at least PhDs, with extensive experience. Consulting such a specialist was not cheap. Instead of spending this money on doctors, it would be easier for a woman to find an au pair. I assure you, it is much cheaper than being treated by expensive doctors (and cheap doctors are not good). So heed my advice before it's too late. Maybe the work of doctors will decrease, and it will become easier for you to live.

If lately you have begun to notice yourself that you have become irritable, tearful, react painfully to things that did not hurt you before, began to fall asleep badly, constantly feel lethargic, weak, tired, this means that you have manifestations of asthenic neurosis (other names - neurasthenia, irritable weakness). In this case, you all the more need to streamline the mode of work and rest. How to arrange? The answer suggests itself: less work and more rest. If possible, try to reduce the workload. If this is not possible, then at least free yourself from housekeeping.

To get your husband to do the dishes, start a conversation that it's time for you to update your wardrobe.

I have heard some scientists say that with age, a person needs less and less sleep; ostensibly in 30-40 years it is quite enough to sleep 7 hours. So, let gentlemen scientists sleep as much as they themselves recommend (by the way, men can sleep less, although, on average, the stronger sex spends much more time in the arms of Morpheus than the weaker sex). And in order for a woman to maintain her health and attractiveness, she needs to sleep at least 9 hours. Necessarily! So remember: you must sleep for at least 9 hours, and burn it all with fire, and even more so if you already have manifestations of neurasthenia.

Some women do not want to invite an au pair, fearing that the husband will begin to reproach: “You will do everything yourself, not a lady! Don't waste your money!" We have already discussed this topic in the chapter “How to solve problems with money”. Again, if you are a working woman and not a housewife, you do not have to do your homework! You can do it only if it is your own desire.

But if household chores are a burden for you, if you get tired at your main job, if you already have manifestations of asthenic neurosis, then your task is to make your husband earn money to pay an assistant in household chores. How to do it - you have already learned. And if your husband is a pathological lazy person (and this is evidence of an anomaly of personality - unstable psychopathy), then my advice to you is to drive him away. Do not make excuses that such a husband is better than none, and let the children have a father. Your children will not learn anything good from a loafer father, most likely they will grow up to be the same lazy people (psychopathy is inherited, moreover, the father’s lifestyle affects the child). Better no husband than a husband - an abnormal personality. And it is much easier to feed yourself and your child than this gluttonous creature called "drone husband".

Give up the habit of washing bed linens yourself. Now on every corner there are laundry collection points for every taste - you can turn it in for urgent (it's more expensive) or regular laundry. Many women, even with financial resources, do not use laundry services. “I have a good washing machine,” they say. - Linen gives out semi-dry. And hanging it, ironing it, isn't it work? In a family of four, that's four duvet covers, four sheets, four pillowcases, and a bunch of towels. And what good is it when the bathroom and kitchen are hung with linen and the whole family breathes in damp fumes?! Some women do not use the laundry out of disgust: “There, all the laundry is thrown into one boiler. Maybe someone passed out from under a sick person ... I'm disgusted that my towels will spin in the same drum with the linen of some tuberculosis patient. No, dear women, now each client's linen is washed separately (if you hand over not two towels, but a regular set) - laundries also do not want to mess around, then picking up linen according to the marks. You can also take a lot of clothes to the laundry - now there are laundromats where clothes will not be torn or deformed.

I have fantastic willpower: I can do absolutely nothing! (Khenrik Jagodzinsky)

Some women say, "But I can't put off washing for a whole week, the kids get their clothes dirty every day, I have to wash every day." This means that the woman failed to teach children to be neat. This should be taught to them from an early age.

Sometimes I see how children of different ages, from 3-4-year-olds to 10-12-year-olds, stomp through puddles, having splashed both trousers and a jacket, roll on the ground, throw clods of earth or something else at each other. Of course, when such a "pig" comes home, wet and dirty, his mother has to do the laundry every day. But there are other children and other mothers.

When a child has nothing to do with himself, he prefers primitive activities or indefatigable, meaningless physical activity. “But children are children,” some readers will object to me. "They have to move." Right. They should move, play, come up with something interesting, and not wallow on the ground, in a puddle, fight and throw dirt or objects at each other.

If a child does not know how to play normal children's games with peers, most likely, sooner or later he will have to consult a psychiatrist. This may be the result of a certain mental pathology, or it may be the result of improper upbringing, or rather, the lack of it.

It is noteworthy that women of low intellectual and social status most often complain that children are constantly fighting, soiling and tearing clothes. And their children grow up just as primitive, being unable to find an interesting occupation for themselves, unable to communicate normally with their peers.

Two brothers, 9 and 10 years old, live three houses from ours, with whom other children do not want to play - the brothers do not even know how to talk normally and yell all the time, shouting insults at each other and their peers, using profanity, fighting, waving a stick at others . One of the brothers hit one girl on the head, and she got a concussion, and the same 10-year-old hooligan almost knocked out the eye of an 8-year-old boy.

The mothers of other children have repeatedly turned to the mother of the tomboy brothers, so that she would enlighten them. But she herself is the same - she constantly quarrels with her husband, for some reason preferring to do it with the windows open, and the whole yard hears their obscenities and insults. It is not surprising that their sons adopted exactly the same stereotype of behavior. Their mother meets the complaints of other mothers about her sons with hostility: putting her hands on her hips, she pours a tub of insults on them.

No wonder she had to wash her tomboys' clothes every day. She does not work and the whole yard is hung with her linen. Of course, this does not decorate the yard, besides, it interferes with other neighbors and playing children, the children hit it with a ball, then with their heads when they run. Mom vigilantly watches from her balcony and periodically bursts into swearing at them.

Once the youngest of the brothers ran away from home, he was found by police officers in another city and sent to a special detention center for homeless children - the boy did not give his address. But even in the detention center, he was distinguished by uncontrollable, aggressive behavior, and he was transferred to a psychiatric hospital. In the end, he nevertheless said where he lived, he was transferred to a Moscow psychiatric hospital, and his parents were found. Now he behaves more quietly, but the older brother is still the same. Most likely, he will be hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital. Such behavior indicates a mental pathology.

In order not to do laundry every day, teach your children not to stain clothes. And if it gets dirty, then leave it at home tomorrow, not allowing it to walk on the street. Several times you will punish this way, and your child will quickly understand everything. Children are not at all as naughty as some parents think; It's the parents who don't know how to raise their children.

Children cannot come up with an interesting game on their own. "Hide and seek", "catch-up", "bouncer", "classics" and others - games are primitive and quickly get bored by children. Make an effort to keep your children interested by creating fun games and activities for them. Now books are being sold where you will find tips - how to arrange a game at home, play with the children yourself or let him invite peers. There are also many different games on the street.

The child is engaged in mindless motor activity on the street, because he is bored at home, his parents do not pay enough attention to him, being busy with household chores. Moms are too busy (more precisely, they come up with unnecessary activities for themselves), and the children are left to their own devices and have fun as they can.

If you still have a small child, keep in mind that children who do not know how to have fun, becoming teenagers, hang aimlessly down the street, start drinking, taking drugs, looking for "thrills" of a criminal nature. And this is a direct path to a psychiatrist or to places of deprivation of liberty. If you want to protect your child from such dramatic consequences, it is better to pay attention to him from an early age, and not to cooking and cleaning the apartment.

With all confidence I can say that those children and adolescents to whom their parents paid little time and attention get to a psychiatrist. The argument: "Full-dressed-shod, he has everything" - this is self-justification, and not caring for the child. If your child does not have fashionable clothes and expensive toys, but your family has warm relations, emotional and psychological contact with your son (daughter), then you will not have to cry in the psychiatrist's office: "Doctor, save my child" - that I have heard from thousands of mothers who used to do anything but their own child.

If you take some of these tips into service, then on weekday evenings you will free up a lot of time that you can spend much more interesting . The more free time you have, the less tired you will be and, accordingly, the less you will break loose on your husband and children.

Most importantly, remember that even an apartment cleaned to a shine and dinner every evening will not keep your husband close to you if there is no psychological comfort. The importance that men allegedly attach to food and cleanliness in the house is greatly exaggerated. Men need comfort, but to a greater extent, psychological comfort.

And if you can free up more time to pay attention to your husband, then I assure you, he will never run away from you for another woman. And husbands often run away from clean wives, moreover, to women who do not scrub the apartment so zealously, but they know what a man needs.

Perhaps one of the most painful questions of a young mother is where to find time for everything. Who would explain how to manage to do household chores when you have small children and by the evening everything falls out of your hands and it seems that you are the worst mother in the world ... Familiar? Then read on.

Before reading the article, take a sheet of paper from a notebook and write on it what you would like most in life, but so far your hands do not reach. Write and carefully place in a secluded place in the kitchen, under a jar of rice. Because…

The whole day you spin and turn: “Here, now I’ll cook dinner, then I’ll make an appointment with the doctor, then I also wanted to read about schools in the district, I’ll go to the shower if I’m very lucky, i.e. if the children are still sleeping, I will collect the toys for the hundredth time - and that's it! Oh, no, you still need to throw the laundry into the washing machine, pay for kindergarten and separate the wheat from the chaff, that is, pick out the plasticine from the cat's food bowl. And my mother called something already 2 times ... ”While washing powder was falling asleep, my son screamed in the bedroom - he wants me to lie down with him ... I probably need to turn off the stove, otherwise everything will burn out. When will it end?.. How to do it all?

How to do household chores for mom

Choose an answer:

  • A) Never and never.
  • b) We need to try to approach the problem in a different way.
  • C) Even if I can’t get it under control for the rest of my days, I will still try.

So, let's go in order. Before trying to embrace the immensity, I suggest seriously asking yourself:

Who told me that I have to do everything?

Perhaps you have some stereotypes or pictures about a super-woman replicated by the media? Or did your husband develop such expectations as a result of the same pictures replicated by the media? So, the husband of one of my girlfriends, coming home from work, was often disappointed: he was met by his wife in a tracksuit, tired. She spent the whole day with a baby who was screaming from pain in her tummy and did not sleep at all. Although the apartment was tidy, but not as good as he used to, dinner was, but, as they say, without soul and imagination: “Meat in French? How boring! Well, why does he need all this? He imagined it completely differently: he gets off the white horse, opens the door, and a beautiful wife comes out to meet him in a cute dress and with curled curls falling over her shoulders. Yes, and even neatly dressed, loudly laughing children run out to him, shouting: “Hurrah! Papa is here!" It is clear that you can not mention the cleanliness in the house and the set table.

No, don't misunderstand me: I don't mean to say that a husband has no right to expect something like this and that you shouldn't pay any attention to your appearance. It is important to understand what and to whom you are trying to prove. Maybe you yourself are a perfectionist, and in childhood you were always set as an example to everyone?

What am I paying for this?

Your self-esteem, mood and health suffer from this. You become irritable. And what happens if the mistress of the hearth becomes tired, dissatisfied with herself, feels crushed by circumstances? That's right - everyone gets it!

How to get everything done?

To realize that doing everything is a utopia. But it is quite possible to do a lot. However, you will inevitably have to sacrifice something. And you decide what will be done and what should be abandoned. Agree that ending the day with the understanding that you managed to do the most important thing, although you didn’t manage to watch “Fashionable Sentence”, is much more pleasant than falling asleep with the thought: “Oh, I didn’t have time to do anything again.”

We set priorities, cross out everything superfluous and let's go! Just? Let's say you need to feed a child, apply for a passport, make an appointment with a doctor, take a shower. You begin to weigh, and the answers do not come so easily and unambiguously ...

I do so. Write down all the things that need to be done. Firstly, so as not to forget them, and, secondly, to free your head (this will create a certain ease, if not of being, then of thoughts for sure).

Think about what really matters to you, what you really want. Imagine yourself the way you would like to see yourself. For example, important goals may be your health, beauty (physical or spiritual), career, well-groomed child, its comprehensive development, good relations with your husband, or a new husband, if he is not. Thinking about these questions is serious business, take your time. Have you written? Nothing else comes to mind? Put the paper aside and come back to it the next day, a couple more days later, until the picture is clear. It's worth it. You can peek at the leaf, which is under a jar of rice.

7 time management tricks from personal experience

1 Decide what one thing you could do for each important item you identified. Write it down.

2 Get a diary. For example, I just print out a template of a week or a month (fortunately, you can find different versions of calendars on the Internet and in the office package or do it yourself).

3 Write down one to two things for each day from this list. Few? Start low. The trick is that we often miss the most important things, of a strategic nature, behind the rapid kaleidoscope of everyday routine. She's all, usually urgent, and sucks on the top of her head. By doing one important thing every day, but regularly, you will move much further towards your goals than you will wait a long time for the right time to completely surrender to it. It's like exercising: 10 minutes each is better than 2 hours once a week. If over time you realize that you can easily cope with this volume, take weights.

4 Now go back to the to-do list from the first paragraph. Select regular ones from them (such as cleaning, cooking, etc.) Break them into parts, and scatter the parts according to the days of the week. For example, Monday: vacuum, Tuesday: mop the floors, etc. Or, if you prefer, like this: Monday: cleaning the kitchen, Tuesday: the hallway, etc. From my own experience I can say for sure: the find is simple and magnificent. Eating an elephant piece by piece, you've probably heard this metaphor. A small bite is more likely to be chewed, digested, and – importantly – enjoyed rather than indigestion (read: aversion to cleaning).

5 When I started a comprehensive cleaning once a week, I almost never could overpower, say, washing a chandelier or dusting the top shelves of a bookcase. With a new approach, this can be planned and carried out without undue stress. “Fractional” performance of affairs is also more natural in the presence of children, especially small ones, especially several. This makes it possible to quickly switch from one task to another, swap them, combine them - in short, it is easier to navigate the situation.

6 Now we have irregular cases. Attach them to different days of your calendar too.

7 And in the end, it remains to hang this calendar-daily in a prominent place and start the morning by reading it. Do not forget to periodically look into it during the day. Gradually, you will notice how unimportant things and the so-called "time wasters" fall away by themselves (or at least shrink to a manageable size).

Just try. I am sure that if you manage to implement at least 20% of the above, they will inspire you to do more! And you will no longer suffer from thoughts of how to manage to do household chores - you will have small clear goals and the pleasure of achieving them!

And the last, especially for perfectionists. If during the day it was not possible to carry out the planned, then ... it's okay! Do not reproach or scold yourself. Instead, look at the checkmarks or crossed out items (this is a matter of taste) and praise yourself for them. It also happens that you wake up and realize that, well, you have no desire to take apart the closet in the bedroom today. Instead, I will do tomorrow's task, for example, clean the windows, and the next morning, look, and the inspiration for the closet will come.

I used to make a daily to-do list every day. Of course, I did not manage to complete all of it, and the list grew like a snowball. And along with it, my dissatisfaction with myself and fatigue from the pursuit of the plan grew.

It would seem that housewives do not have so many household chores. However, I want to not only keep the house clean and tidy, but also to take care of my baby, make toys and teaching aids for him, and also do my hobbies - reading, knitting, dancing. And I set myself the task of organizing household chores in such a way that there would be time for everything planned.

To begin with, I made a list of all the tasks that I am going to complete during the week and month. After that, I divided the classes by day of the week. At the same time, each day received its conditional name, I borrowed this idea from Flylady. That's what I did.

Monday is cleaning day

  • Clean glass, mirrors, dust.
  • Change linen, towels.
  • To water flowers.
  • On the first Monday, change books in the children's library and educational posters on the wall.
  • Play logic games with your child.

Tuesday - love and pamper yourself

  • Knitting, reading, watching movies, beauty treatments for fun.
  • Wash the refrigerator.
  • Clean the microwave.
  • Play music games with your child.

Wednesday - Postponement Day

  • Fix clothes.
  • Iron linen.
  • Make a toy teaching aid for your son.
  • On the second Wednesday of the month, write out the family budget.
  • Play with the child in games on the theme of inanimate nature.

Thursday - errands in the city

  • Make a shopping list for the week.
  • Pay the bills.
  • Go to the library.
  • To water flowers.
  • Engage with the child in the development of speech.

Friday - date

  • Take a bath.
  • Spend a romantic evening with your husband.
  • Iron linen.
  • Play with the child in creativity.

Saturday is family fun day

  • Family cult.
  • Make purchases for the week.
  • Throw out old newspapers, magazines, unnecessary things.
  • Play games with the child on the theme "People's Life".

Sunday - guest day

  • Go visit or host them.
  • On the last Sunday, plan family activities for the next month.
  • Play with the child in games on the theme of wildlife.
  • Take a walk with the whole family in the park or along the promenade.

The question arose of when to wash, vacuum and mop the floors. Doing spring cleaning and laundry once a week is too tiring and time consuming for me.

Empirically, I came to this schedule: laundry - every day in small batches, cleaning - every day in one room. It turns out that I clean up every day, and I don’t have time to get tired of it, as I work in small steps.

One of the most effective methods of housekeeping, without spending a lot of time and effort, is method of dividing an apartment into zones. Today we will tell about it. After all, the topic of saving time on cleaning is very relevant, since modern housewives sometimes do not even have a couple of hours left for household chores. Women work, often even have their own business, raise children, and in their free time they just want to sit an extra hour on a social network.

The method that we will talk about today involves isolating individual areas of the apartment (kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room, hallway, etc.) and cleaning each of them daily for one week. Such a system is suitable for those people who are ready to change their apartment for the better gradually, not striving to restore perfect order everywhere in one day of housework.

Division of the apartment for quick cleaning into zones

I think no one will have questions about how to divide an apartment into zones. Usually one room is one zone. Therefore, it is important to talk in more detail about separation each zones into small "subzones» - places where cleaning will be carried out every specific day.

The complexity of this method lies in the fact that we simply forget about many places in the room: we do not pay attention to the upper shelves filled with various objects, we do not look behind cabinets and chests of drawers, we close our eyes to boxes overflowing with rubbish, etc.

This happens because of our constant haste. We usually strive to remove the entire visible space of the apartment at a time, and there is simply no time left for hard-to-reach and not very noticeable places. Therefore, we constantly postpone cleaning in such places for later, but in the end we just forget about it.

In order to efficiently divide each zone into "subzones", I suggest take a walk on each separate zone apartments with notepad.

Carefully inspect each area. Then write down in a notebook the name of the examined area and each “subzone”, including those in which the hostess for one reason or another forgets to clean. Then you need to highlight those very “blind” places and put a reminder on your phone (or mark it on your calendar) on which specific days of this week the hostess will clean there.

Scheduling house cleaning

Having completed the division of the apartment into zones, and the zones into “subzones”, proceed to the next step - scheduling cleaning. For this, a mobile phone or a large wall calendar is suitable, where you need to note which zone you will clean every week and which “subzones” you will pay attention to on each specific day.

Weekends should be left blank, as the zoning method involves freeing up days for your rest.

For records reminders I advise you to choose the big one. wall calendar or mobile telephone, not a notepad or a small pocket calendar. After all, spinning in daily habitual affairs, we can easily forget what we wrote down in a notebook or noted in a calendar lost in a bag.

A mobile phone, on the other hand, will remind us of the necessary tasks with a sound signal, and notes in the wall calendar will constantly catch our eye.

Smart home cleaning

Once you have a schedule for each specific area, start cleaning your home intelligently. To do this, take timer and expose On him 15 minutes. After starting the countdown, you can start cleaning in one (only one!) "subzone", the work in which is scheduled for today.

Let's analyze the process of housework in the "subzone" in more detail. Let's say our task for today is to clean up the cluttered top shelf in the kitchen. It will not be enough just to brush off the dust from there with a duster.

Pay attention to the things occupying our "subzone". Unnecessary should be ruthlessly discarded, and what, due to some misunderstanding, settled on the shelf, although it should not be there - put it in its place.

Wipe the shelf itself, preferably using a cleaning agent. And only then put the remaining things (of course, necessary and appropriate) back. As soon as the timer signal sounds, the work should be completed, even if you did not have time to do everything.

Time management for housewives

Most likely, seeing how clean and radiant the “subzone” has become after cleaning, you will want to immediately bring the entire room into line with it. This is where you need to use all your willpower in order not to start cleaning up the rest of the “subzones” right now.

Remember: your home a task at the initial stage - enter into a habit daily 15 minute cleaning rather than clean up the perfect order in one sitting!

And in general, why are housewives worse than businessmen who perfectly manage to run 5-7 different types of business at the same time? Let housewives begin to use some time management techniques, then they will have time for fitness, and for their husband, and for rest.

Actually, according to this principle, cleaning should continue throughout the week in other “subzones” of the selected room. If in one week you did not have time to put things in order in the entire zone, do not worry. Next week, just start cleaning the other room.

After some time, you will still return to the original zone and will be able to pay attention to the “subzones” that you did not have time to carefully remove the first time. Graduality and constancy, as in business and self-development, will do their job.

Home cleaning quickly and with a smile

The main advantage of this revolutionary method housekeeping, and the secret of how modern wise ladies manage to do all their homework quickly and with a smile is a thorough cleaning in all, even hard-to-reach places in your apartment, without taking all your time and energy.

After all, you are forbidden to do cleaning for more than 15 minutes a day, and during this time you will not get tired of cleaning, and every time you will do it with love and passion, and not with a sour face, start many hours of activities, like ordinary ones lagging behind modern housewife technology.

In addition, you will gradually get rid of unnecessary trash that settled in the "blind" zones or "pretend" to be something necessary, therefore, a lot of space will be freed up for the necessary and favorite things. You will no longer be ashamed to pull out a drawer, open a closet or pantry in front of friends or mother-in-law.

Plus, you will always be ready to receive guests, and before they arrive, you will not have to give up everything and urgently bring the apartment into at least relative order.

Follow the method of dividing the apartment into zones, using time management for "advanced" housewives, then in a month or two you will see for yourself how clean, radiant and comfortable your house has become.

And after a thorough cleaning has been carried out in each zone of your apartment, you will only have to, we will consider in the next article, in addition, and


L A. KARASEVA, Professor of Samara State Medical University of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, N.N. KOSAREVA, President of the Samara Regional Public Organization of Nurses

The senior nurse is the head of the first level in the health facility. Many aspects of head nurse planning can be specific, but generally accepted rules for the rational distribution of working time apply to the head of nursing at the department level. The working time of a senior nurse can be conditionally divided into productive and non-productive time.

Productive time includes:

  • main activity - control of the work of personnel, work with support services;

  • administrative work - exchange of information with various SOND services, the chief nurse, participation in complex and administrative rounds;

  • work with documents - drawing up plans, reports, requirements, schedules;

  • teaching and educational activities - preparation and holding of conferences, classes;

  • economic activity - quality control of repair work, the economic condition of the department;

  • official conversations - orders to medical personnel, exchange of information between departments, services.
Unproductive time is the time of eating, personal hygiene, short-term rest.

The head nurse should be able to plan her work for the year in accordance with the work plans of the department, the head nurse and SOND as a whole. The plan includes measures to improve the skills of nurses: conducting classes in the department, studying job descriptions, instructions on the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime, actions in emergency situations, identifying a patient with symptoms of especially dangerous infections, instructions on labor protection and fire safety. It is necessary to include the introduction of new technologies in narcology into the action plan to improve the quality of nursing care. To improve work efficiency and rational use of working time, it is necessary to draw up weekly and daily plans, in which planned activities are scheduled by the hour.

Planning the work of the head nurse of the department includes:

  • drawing up work schedules and timesheets;

  • the schedule of vacations of employees of the department for the next year;

  • accounting for patient movement.
The main work plans in the activities of the head nurse include: annual, quarterly monthly and daily work plans, as well as daily regulations. Additional work plans include: the work plan of the Council of Nurses, the plan for holding nursing conferences, the lesson plan with the reserve of the head nurse, the plan for the advanced training of medical personnel in advanced training institutions, the plan for training nursing staff on the prevention of nosocomial infections, HIV / AIDS, especially dangerous infections, compliance with the pharmaceutical order.

The initial beginning of planning is the structuring of time. Time planning includes the following steps:

  • the first stage is the preparation of tasks, a list of the main tasks of the day and a weekly (monthly) plan;

  • the second stage is an assessment of the duration of the actions (put down the approximate time for completion against each task, sum up and determine the approximate total time);

  • the third stage is the reservation of time in reserve, the plan should cover no more than 60% of the time and approximately 40% should be left as reserve time;

  • the fourth stage - making decisions on priorities, reductions and reassignment in order to reduce the time allotted for the implementation of tasks;

  • the fifth stage is the control and transfer of the undone.
Among the rules for effective planning of personal time of the head, the following can be distinguished:

  • planning should cover no more than 60% of the working time, since every day you have to deal with unforeseen business in advance;

  • all costs of working time must be documented and rechecked, how and for what they are used;

  • all outstanding planned tasks should become the basis for drawing up a plan for the next time period;

  • planning personal time of the head should be regular and systematic;

  • only the volume of tasks that can actually be performed should be planned;

  • plans are made not to calm conscience, but to achieve personal goals;

  • time losses should be replenished immediately, it is better to work longer than to catch up later;

  • personal time planning must be carried out in writing of your own sample;

  • plans should fix the desired results, and not some actions;

  • each item of the plan should have a clear time frame;

  • the plan should establish priorities (degree of importance) in the implementation of tasks;

  • when planning, it is necessary to note which tasks must be performed personally, and which are permissible and expedient to delegate to other persons;

  • all unforeseen business and visitors are "sinkers" of personal time;

  • planning should cover both working and free personal time of the manager;

  • when planning, it is necessary to take into account the time for preparatory and creative work;

  • when planning time for unproductive work, it is necessary to reduce as much as possible;

  • personal time planning must be correlated with the plans of the administration, the medical staff in the department, and colleagues at work.
Tips for Effective Time Management

  • Write yourself notes, memos that help you streamline and systematize everything that requires effort.

  • Keep calendars, business diaries to plan your activities.

  • Delegate work to your subordinates, freeing yourself from routine work to solve tasks that require high professional training.
To make the best use of personal time, the head nurse develops weekly, monthly, annual plans. We offer samples of such plans for review.
Weekly Nursing Plan

Time, h

Kind of activity



Checking the acceptance and delivery of the shift, checking the current disinfection at the nurses' station, treatment room, checking the dilution of disinfectants


morning meeting





Discharge of patients




Control over the correctness of documentation for newly admitted patients, maintaining documentation at the nurse's station, compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime in the department


Checking for general cleaning in the plasmapheresis room


Work with the documentation



Checking the acceptance and delivery of shifts


morning meeting



General bypass with head. department


Control of medical equipment


Discharge of patients


Control over the correctness of paperwork for newly admitted patients, maintaining documentation at the nurse's station, observing the sanitary and epidemiological regime in the treatment room


Control over the distribution of write to patients, storage of food in refrigerators


Conversation with medical staff on sanitary and epidemiological regime, comments on work


Checking for general cleaning in the treatment room


Work with the documentation



Checking the acceptance and delivery of shifts


morning meeting


Housekeeping tour of the department with the sister-hostess


General bypass with head. department (quality of patient care)


Discharge of medicines


Discharge of patients


Receipt of medicines from a pharmacist, their registration in journals, issuance to the department


Control over the distribution of write to patients, storage of food in refrigerators


Monitoring the correctness of paperwork for newly admitted patients, maintaining documentation and observing the sanitary and epidemiological regime in the plasmapheresis room


Inspection for general cleaning in the pantry


Work with the documentation



Checking the acceptance and delivery of shifts


morning meeting


Conferences of middle and junior staff according to the plan


General bypass with head. department


Discharge of patients


Control over the correctness of documentation for newly admitted patients, documentation by junior medical staff


Control over the distribution of write to patients, storage of food in refrigerators


Control over the accounting and write-off of medicines according to journals and case histories


Inspection of general cleaning by junior medical staff in the wards, sanitary room


Work with the documentation



Checking the acceptance-delivery of the shift


morning meeting


Housekeeping tour of the department with the sister-hostess


General detour from the head. department (quality of patient care)


Discharge of medicines


Discharge of patients


Receipt of medicines from a pharmacist, their registration in journals, issuance to the department


Control over the distribution of write to patients, storage of food in refrigerators


Control over the correctness of documentation for newly admitted patients, conversation with the medical staff on the sanitary and epidemiological regime, comments on the work for the week


Checking the accounting of storage of medicines subject to subject-quantitative accounting at the post of nurses


Work with the documentation

Monthly work plan for a senior nurse

Day of the week

Event name


Branch bypass. Checking the sanitary and epidemiological regime in the treatment room. Extract of medicines, dressings, alcohol from the SOND pharmacy, registration in journals and issuance to the post


Checking the work of a plasmapheresis room nurse: maintaining documentation, outpatient cards. Checking knowledge of regulatory orders.


Checking the work of a ward nurse - monitoring the storage and use of potent drugs and their accounting, checking the expiration dates of medicines, observing the sanitary and epidemiological regime. Checking knowledge of regulatory orders. Extract of medicines, dressings, alcohol from the SOND pharmacy, registration in journals and issuance to the post


Checking the work of the nurse-moyshitsy. Checking the sanitary and epidemiological regime in the department


2nd week

Day of the week

Event name



Elaboration of orders 408, 16/9, OST 42-2-21-85, 704, requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological regime with nurses


Control over the registration by nurses of case histories, outpatient cards, medical management. documentation according to the nomenclature of cases of nurses. Extract of medicines, dressings, alcohol from the SOND pharmacy, registration in journals and issuance to the post


Checking magazines, sanitary and epidemiological regime in the pantry. Study of order No. 330


Extract of medicines, dressings, alcohol from the SOND pharmacy. Issuance of medicines, dressings, alcohol for weekend work. Work with the documentation. Drawing up inspection reports

3rd week

Day of the week

Event name


Bypassing the treatment room, pantry, department chambers, checking the sanitary and epidemic regime. Extract of medicines, dressings, alcohol from the SOND pharmacy, registration in journals and issuance to the post


Control over the work of nurses-washers, carrying out general cleaning. Conducting a lesson on disinfection and anti-epidemic regime with nurses-washers


Extract of medicines, dressings, alcohol from the SOND pharmacy, registration in journals and issuance to the post. Checking the quality of pre-sterilization treatment of instruments in the treatment room, plasmapheresis room


Conducting classes on the sanitary and epidemiological regime with paramedical staff


Extract of medicines, dressings, alcohol from the SOND pharmacy. Issuance of medicines, dressings, alcohol for weekend work. Work with the documentation. Drafting inspection reports. Solution of organizational issues

4th week

Day of the week

Event name


Branch bypass. Checking the sanitary and epidemiological regime in the department. Extract of medicines, dressings, alcohol from the SOND pharmacy, registration in journals and issuance to the post


Checking the work of a plasmapheresis room nurse


Sister conference. Work with the documentation. Solving organizational issues. Extract of medicines, dressings, alcohol from the SOND pharmacy, registration in journals and issuance to the post


Checking the remnants of potent substances, alcohol, dressings, expiration dates of all medicines at the post


Bypassing the department with the sister-hostess. Taking material

For sterility, funds for the activity of chlorine. Extract

medicines, dressings,

Alcohol from the SOND pharmacy. dispensing of medicines,

dressing material,

Alcohol for weekend work.

Work with the documentation.

Drafting inspection reports.

Summing up the monthly work

Yearly Nursing Plan


Name of events

Period of execution

1. Organizational arrangements


Conducting safety briefings for middle and junior medical staff

January, July


Conducting classes to prepare nurses for certification



Participation in meetings held by the chief physician, deputy chief physician for medical affairs, chief nurse, bypassing the heads of health facilities



Drawing up an analytical report on the work of the department


II. Measures to improve the quality of nursing care


Collaboration with the Deputy Chief Physician, Chief Nurse on the purchase of special protective equipment for middle and junior medical staff

January June


Conducting classes with middle and junior medical staff on sanitary and epidemiological regime, taking tests based on the results of classes



Rounds together with the head of the department, deputy chief physician, chief nurse, assistant epidemiologist



Conducting classes on the pharmacological regimen



Carrying out control of pre-sterilization treatment of instruments


Drawing up a list of material and technical equipment for the plasmapheresis room and the nurses' station for purchase for a year


III. Personnel management


Scheduling holidays for next year



Drawing up a list of employees who will interfere with the main employee during the holidays



Drawing up a work schedule and time sheet

By the 23rd of every month


Drawing up lists of employees preparing for certification and obtaining a certificate in the specialty "Nursing"

1 time per year


Drawing up a list of employees subject to periodic inspection



Compilation of department staff lists

January, when new employees are hired


Making a list of children of department employees

Once a year, when new employees arrive


Familiarization of employees with job descriptions


IV. Methodical and pedagogical work


Case nomenclature update

Annually and upon receipt of new orders


Drawing up plans for training sessions with middle and junior staff



Analytical work with regulatory documents



Drawing up methodological materials for the work of nurses of the department on the basis of regulations

During a year


Analysis of the anti-epidemic state of the department based on the results of inspections and bakposev



Conducting seminars on the topics: prevention of nosocomial infections, hepatitis; prevention of HIV infection; especially dangerous infections; other topics, acceptance of credits based on the results of classes

1 time per quarter


A.A. KARASEVA, Professor of Samara State Medical University of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, N.N. KOSAREVA, President of the Samara Regional Public Organization of Nurses, T.A. REMAYANSKAYA, senior nurse at the Samara Regional Narcological Dispensary (SONA); O.A. BEAONOZHKINA, chief nurse of the Samara Regional Narcological Dispensary
The content of the work of the head of the middle medical link is specific and significantly different from the work of any ordinary specialist. It is determined by the fact that the head, in one way or another using the help of his team, manages, organizes and directs the activities of the employees of the unit to achieve the goals. He is personally responsible for the timely adoption and implementation of management decisions.

In the content of the work of the head of any unit of a medical institution, three key areas of activity can be distinguished:

  • organizational and managerial;

  • socio-psychological;

  • functional.
All of the listed professional areas of activity of the head of nursing services are accompanied by the execution of relevant documents. Paperwork takes up a fairly large amount of time each working day. In this regard, it is always relevant to consider issues related to the organization of work with the documents of the head sister (note that we do not mean the time limit for working with documents, but the form and content).

The Samara regional public organization of nurses held a competition for the best working folder of the head nurse and the best working folder of the head nurse. According to the results of the competition, the best works were noted, which we want to present in this issue of the magazine.

To compile working folders, the contestants were asked to formulate the main directions of their activities and show the documents accompanying them.

Your attention is presented to the contents of the working folders of the main and senior nurses of the Samara Regional Narcological Dispensary with the display of some documents.

1. Nursing staff management

  • Leadership of the Council of Nurses

  • Recruitment

  • Orientation and adaptation of new employees

  • Mentoring

  • Labor potential

  • On the job training

  • Material for the creation of an educational and methodical office

  • Preparation of the head nurse reserve

  • Preparation for the competition for the "Best Nurse"

  • Cooperation with SROOMS
2. Organization of nursing activities

      • Monitoring and expert evaluation of the professional activities of nursing staff

      • Implementation of the production control program

      • Analysis of the activities of the chief nurse for 2008

      • Organization of postgraduate professional training of specialists
3. Quality of work activity

      • Social guarantees

      • Workplace optimization level
4. Innovations in nursing and local documents to accompany the activities of nursing staff


As an appendix, we bring to your attention some of the listed documents.

Work Plan of the Council of Nurses Samara Regional Narcological Dispensary for 2009


Name of events

Responsible for execution**



1.1. 2009 Newly Introduced Documentation Inspection Raid

Manufacturing sector

1.2. A raid to check the sanitary condition of the catering unit, canteens

Diet food sector

1.3. Control of the organization of anti-pediculosis activities in the departments

1.4. Labor discipline of nursing staff, work schedules, time sheets

Manufacturing sector

1.5. Council of Nurses



2.1. A raid to check compliance with the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological regime in the departments

Sanitary and preventive sector

2.2. Control of storage and accounting of medicines subject to quantitative accounting, alcohol, dressings in departments

Pharmacy sector

2.3. Supervision of the work of housewives

Sector of housewives

2.4. Council of Nurses

President of the Council of Nurses



3.1. Monitoring the actions of medical staff in the treatment of medical waste

Sanitary and preventive sector

  1. Supervision of the transfer of duties in departments

  2. Aesthetic design of departments, appearance of employees

  3. The work of outpatient departments

Manufacturing sector

3.5. Council of Nurses

President of the Council of Nurses



4.1. Checking the completeness of first aid kits

Pharmacy sector

4.2. Raid to check the sanitary condition of the laundry, de-chamber departments, autoclave, X-ray room

Sanitary and preventive sector

4.3. Control of the organization of training of junior medical staff in the departments on issues of sanitary and epidemiological regime

Sector of housewives

4.4.-Control over transfers to patients, storage conditions for products of patients in refrigerators

Diet food sector

4.5. Council of Nurses

President of the Council of Nurses



5.1. Completeness, timeliness and quality of medical appointments, patient care

Manufacturing sector

5.2. Checking the availability of disinfectants, labeling and processing cleaning equipment

Sanitary and preventive sector

5.3. Monitoring the actions of a nurse in the handling of medicines

Pharmacy sector

5.4. Supervision of the work of the reception

Manufacturing sector

5.5. Council of Nurses

President of the Council of Nurses



6.1. Control of availability of tables of antidotes, knowledge of emergency personnel

Pharmacy sector

6.2. A raid to check the organization of the medical and protective regime in the departments

Manufacturing sector

6.3. Raid to check the sanitary condition of the storerooms of the hostesses, storage of linen

Sector of housewives

6.4. A raid to check the catering department (bookmarking products, a marriage journal, the presence of dishes, their labeling, processing)

Diet food sector

6.5. Council of Nurses

President of the Council of Nurses



7.1. Checking compliance with the rules for handling medical waste in departments

Sanitary and preventive sector

7.2. A raid to check the completeness of production control. Control over the production program (medical examinations of employees)

Manufacturing sector

7.3. Control of the organization of AEI prevention in departments

Sanitary and preventive sector

7.4. Raid to check the sanitary condition of the food warehouse. Food storage conditions

Diet food sector

7.5. Council of Nurses

President of the Council of Nurses



8.1. A raid to check the consumption and use of disinfectants and detergents

Sector of housewives

8.2. Monitoring the disinfection of medical devices

Sanitary and preventive sector

8.3. Infection Control Logging Control

Manufacturing sector

8.4. Control over compliance with the rules for prescribing, accounting, storage, write-off of medicines

Pharmacy sector

8.5. Council of Nurses

President of the Council of Nurses



9.1. Control over the work of the clinical diagnostic laboratory (sanitary condition, approved documentation)

9.2. Raid to check compliance with food supply and bread storage standards

Diet food sector

9.3. Checking the jobs of senior nurses

Manufacturing sector

9.4. Control of the state of sanitary rooms. Compliance with the linen regime in the department

Sector of housewives

9.5. Council of Nurses

President of the Council of Nurses



10.1. Control over the work of the expert department

Manufacturing sector

10.2. Monitoring the knowledge of nursing staff in the section: "Accounting, storage, write-off of medicines"

Pharmacy sector

10.3. Control over the sanitary condition of the catering unit, pantry

Diet food sector

10.4. General cleaning control

Sanitary and preventive sector

10.5. Council of Nurses

President of the Council of Nurses



11.1. Control of the organization of training of junior medical staff in the departments on issues of sanitary and epidemiological regime

Sector of housewives

11.2. Monitoring the status of nursing staff rooms

Sanitary and preventive sector

11.3. Raid to check the accounting of medicines in departments

Pharmacy sector

11.4. Monitoring the implementation of standards for the activities of ward, procedural nurses

Manufacturing sector

11.5. Council of Nurses

President of the Council of Nurses



12.1. A raid to check the timeliness of briefings on regulatory


Manufacturing sector

12.2. Control of the aesthetic design of departments, the appearance of employees

Manufacturing sector

12.3. Controlling the issuance of a range of products

Diet food sector

12.4. Control of the work of the autoclave, laundry, chamberless departments, X-ray room

Sanitary and preventive and industrial sectors

12.5. Council of Nurses

President of the Council of Nurses

Evaluation of the labor potential of head nurses

In practical activities in the field of personnel management, it becomes necessary to apply methods for assessing the work of various categories of workers. To determine the coefficient of professional prospects of a specialist and the level of his labor potential, the following formula can be used:

K \u003d Oob x (1 + C / 4 + B / 12) + Odlk + Okv, where

K is the coefficient of the employee's professional prospects;

Oob - assessment of the educational level of a specialist, taking into account the following indicators:

0.15 - incomplete secondary education;

0.30 - secondary education;

0.60 - secondary specialized education;

0.75 - incomplete higher education;

1.0 - higher education;

C - work experience in the specialty;

B - the age of the worker;

Odlk - an assessment of the business and personal characteristics of a specialist (a value that is determined individually for specialists from various departments, since the list of business and personal characteristics of a specialist may undergo correction depending on the position, work performed, the specifics of the medical services provided, etc.) D To obtain objective data, an assessment of the business and personal characteristics of a specialist should be carried out both in the form of a self-assessment by the specialist himself, colleagues at work, and by the immediate supervisor with the derivation of the arithmetic average. In our case, the assessment of business and personal characteristics was carried out according to a five-point system. The required characteristics were selected taking into account the work of a specialist in a narcological dispensary (this is the vision of the head nurse).
OKV - assessment of professional qualifications;

Okv \u003d Tr + 1.5 D + 1.0 Cs + 0.2 R, where

Tr - tariff category of a specialist; D - number of mastered additional professions;

Сс - number of mastered related specialties;

R - number of submitted rac. proposals for the last 5 years.

An example from the working folder of the head nurse SONA O L. BelonozhkinaEvaluation of the labor potential of the senior nurse M.Oob \u003d 0.60 D \u003d 0 C \u003d 8 Cs \u003d 0 B \u003d 52 P \u003d 0 Tr \u003d 12 Okv \u003d 12

Business characteristics: responsibility - 4 points; purposefulness - 5 points; discipline - 3 points; entrepreneurial spirit - 3 points; competence - 3 points; sociability - 3 points; decisiveness - 5 points; reliability - 3 points; independence - 3 points. Total: 36 points. hPersonal characteristics: learning ability - 4 points; emotional stability - 4 points; attentiveness - 3 points; performance - 4 points; tact - 4 points; optimism - 5 points; decency - 3 points; confidence - 5 points; erudition -1 point; accuracy - 3 points. Total: 26 points.

All indicators are entered into the above formulas, and the final result is calculated taking into account hundredths.

The labor potential of the tested specialist: K = 19.48

Indicators of labor potential will be informative in the case when, for example, the entire nursing staff of a unit is analyzed and the indicators obtained are compared - the higher the indicator obtained, the higher the labor potential of a specialist.
Innovations in the organization of anti-epidemic work

One of the most important issues in the implementation of innovative technologies is the protection of medical personnel from a pathogenic biological agent and the prevention of biological accidents. To this end, we purchase and constantly replenish the stock of personal protective equipment, disposable medical products, as well as vacuum devices for taking venous blood, which makes it possible to exclude infection of patients, speed up, shorten and simplify the workflow. Using a vacuum system has many advantages:

  • complete safety of medical personnel. contact of the patient's blood with the environment is excluded;

  • speed of blood sampling (5-10 s);

  • the presence of a large range of test tubes with color codes and a pre-measured amount of reagents for various analyses;

  • continuity of the blood sampling process in the absence of manual influence;

  • reduction of discomfort in the patient during the manipulation of blood sampling.
For the disposal of medical waste of different classes, disposable bags of the appropriate color range are used.

When choosing disinfectants, we pay attention to additional safety factors of the drug: the presence of a sensitizing effect, as well as the need to create special conditions for the preparation of working solutions. To simplify production control, indicators for monitoring the concentration of working solutions were purchased. We use decontact DHI (for chlorine-containing agents), decontact PV-01-P-100 (for hydrogen peroxide), which allows us to get away from the chemical-analytical method for determining the concentration of disinfectants.

A new automatic steam sterilizer was purchased that meets modern requirements for the sterilization of medical devices, has a set of ready-made sterilization programs and the ability to independently program the course of the sterilization process.

New chemical indicators for the control of steam and air sterilization were purchased - stericonts and steritests for laying outside and inside the package, respectively.

In the treatment rooms there are installations - "destructor" for the destruction of metal needles, which reduces the time for disinfection by the nurse.

The work of UCO nurses is facilitated by an ultrasonic bath, it allows for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning, sterilization of medical devices automatically.

Innovations in the work of outpatient nurses

The polyclinic carried out work on the organization of labor and workplaces of nursing staff. The registry is the main link in coordinating the activities of the polyclinic, and therefore the reorganization of the work of the registry was carried out:

  • computerized workplaces of medical registrars;

  • the program “Workstation of a psychiatrist-narcologist” has been installed and is functioning;

  • more rational storage of outpatient cards in a file cabinet in accordance with the territorial principle;

  • the number of registration windows has been increased, which reduced the queues for issuing outpatient cards;

  • Help Desk functions.
In the polyclinic, all workplaces of nursing staff were equipped with computers, local telephone communication for the timely exchange of information, stationery, and unified forms.

As a result of the reorganization and full computerization of workplaces, positive changes have been achieved:

  • the reliability of the data has increased and the efficiency of searching for the necessary information about the patient has increased;

  • the time of examination and issuance of research results was reduced;

  • increased the possibility of obtaining counseling assistance to a greater number of patients.


I. Management of nursing and junior medical staff
1. Participation in the work of the Council of Nurses

Regulations on the industrial sector of the Council of Nurses

Composition of the manufacturing sector

Production sector work plan

Manufacturing Sector Inspection Act

2. Functioning of the mentoring system

-Regulations on mentoring in SOND

- Agreement on labor mentoring

- Mentoring plan for working with a young specialist

-Protocol of mentor sessions with a young specialist

-The main tasks of the adaptation period

-Adaptation plan and process steps

3. Head Nurse Reserve Training

-Chief Nurse Reserve List

-Lesson plan with reserve head nurse

-Protocol of classes with a reserve of a senior nurse

II. Organization of nursing activities
1. Control and expert evaluation of the professional activities of nurses and junior medical staff

-The concept of monitoring and evaluating the quality of work

- Criteria for assessing the quality of the work of a head nurse

- Criteria for assessing the quality of the work of a procedural nurse

- Criteria for assessing the quality of work of a ward nurse

- Criteria for assessing the quality of the work of a cleaning lady (buffet)

- Criteria for assessing the quality of the work of a housewife

- Criteria for assessing the quality of the work of a cleaner

- Card for assessing the quality of the work of a procedural nurse

-Card for assessing the quality of work of a ward nurse

-Card for assessing the quality of the work of a cleaner

- Quality assessment card of the head nurse

-Card for assessing the quality of the work of the hostess sister

2. Organization and training in the workplace
-Plan for holding conferences with nursing staff

-Plan of conferences with junior medical staff

3.Organization of the sanitary and epidemiological regime in the department

-Instructions for current wet and general cleaning

-Instructions for compliance with the anti-epidemic regime of work in manipulation rooms

- Instructions for providing information on cases of infectious diseases

- Instructions for processing linen in SOND - Instructions for the prevention of occupational HIV infection for paramedical personnel in SOND

-Memo "HIV safety rules for medical personnel"

-Regulatory documentation on the prevention of nosocomial infections

- Plan for conducting classes with paramedical staff on the prevention of HIV infection

- Protocol for acceptance of the test for HIV infection

- Journal of preparation and attendance of classes

-Instruction on the rules for handling medical waste

- Instructions for handling the patient when pediculosis is detected

4. Analysis of activities for the year
III. Quality of work
1. Social guarantees - Provision of protective equipment -Organization of rest areas for nursing staff

IV. Innovations in nursing

1. Activities of nurses in mastering new technologies introduced into nursing practice - Alpha-Spa-capsule - Implementation of the scientific organization of labor in the department


1.Planning personal time -Memo to the senior nurse on drawing up plans

Stages of time management - Head nurse work schedule - Head nurse work plan for a month - Head nurse work plan for a year2. Long-term plan 3. Questions of self-preparation - Test questions for nurses on narcology - Test questions for nurses on the sanitary and anti-epidemiological regime - "Deo-chlor" in questions for junior medical staff - Self-training questions on narcology

We will start to acquaint you with the documents of the working folder of the head nurse in the next issue - do not miss it!